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Æ H * % • K%f t sæs OCJFX«» .ÖJÜ1 > 51 *, m* ■':•! » . /■ 4 jè * ■;.- ; :î f/; 3* I 1 !'/; : ,.;•• '.î ;fj> ,v ' 'H ' il ■ .4' . '<y7' *• i&'.•< <-* i *. r. >Wdiqttï'. -i TJ-Î . .•/• crrr. j ' I , > :V f " Æ&BBÊi VOL-1 XJDJLXïQ OITY, TUElSDAYy DBGSB^ufnRlijTFL 'VVlQTIp.! 1 STO 1* ?*> fs 'it?'. îf t * ' gkhi gfpddÂwj Published Tuesdays db Frida; BY THE The Idaho World Printing Company HEMAN JONES. BUSINESS MANAGER. «fri ii Bnrk BnMug M M, VaU Stmt -----. ........ tSEMS, :::::: INVARIABLY IK ADVANCE. Hates of Subscription! OneTfar.........38 00 j Three Months.. .$3 00 Kj Mouths....... 5 00 j Single Copies..... tA By Carrier.* $5 per yusgter. >•-*- $♦%»$ I r Rat«*« ol Adeertisingi One «]asre, ten lines or less, one insertion,.. $ 3 OQ « - each subsequent insertion, 1 OU 0 ^eighth of s column, per quarter.......... 13 OO " iotirtb ** ** ** •• ......... 90 OO - tlurd ** " *• " ......... 35 00 " ^ ** " " " v.. ar«» fat ceiamu, pef <jnsiy>r*. . -t — PttieM cards, lu luit» or JT lesa. three pitujlhs, ■_. / X : . 50 UO 7 00 ïroffssional (Sards. os*. VMH!. ^TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, IDAHO City. I. T. office on Montgomery street, sesond ioortbore the Fostoffice. ?°*M W. BÇ9H3U 4T00RKET AKI> OW SbEtOR At LAW, AND A N ' >Ur t r Poblie, Idaho City. L T. Will practice StU the Coarts of th« Territory, uvtick on Com* Mrad Street, two door above Court House. WM. J. ROTHWELL, M. D. f )ST8ICIATC. SURGEON, AÖ., graduate of Jeffer Jon Medical College, Philadelphia. Office on — ---------- ---- •*' » • MMUUwptlWi VUILV UM «?per eel of Grämt« street, PlacerviUe, Boise Co., LT - [deed—tf DR. THORlflB, R esident dentist, placernille. I. i. aassel^s UU >ln * > ' «esrll opposite Dr. * B.-Fmeg»ld fillings s specially. £orirt» Rotirrs, ß °'* B LOOOF., No. 3. I. O. O. T. t J ,u " IU regular meetings at its ball, on HBfliy — 13 *7 «»«oings of each week, at T X o'clock. m TOAD^ff - m good standing are Invited to T* 4 - B f °rder of the W. C. T. • *r? t ' ***&-. * « 4 l C.SILSBY l^b, ItaticBtrj sad Retiens. IWCCESSOS to SAß. a. ranrrr a i 1 in AND VJMftETY STORE. ««» éë& 'Wtt atuMK............. ipAfio .CETT^ *>KALKU IX iS & 8 TATKM,,. u n h i |P-EN'S. TO'Vl ! ' 3 «'*av«N»ae»«îg CtrgAP FOR CA ,proe«r«di Is m la mr •7 Hue. not Bunffi 1* ?*> fs innm . •* V i ? H > .» t FOR FIVE DOLLARS ^chance to make FORTUNE ! ■ C*l _ fi*r ïrl fence end cultivation, with plenty of good stock adjoining. The Ranch is well watered, has a range good FRAME HOUSE, BARN, CELLAR, AND ALL NECESSARY OUTBUILDINSS! Is situated oaths main rood, and only ten miles from Placer ville. Froi Fifes u tiiüts Toi Intilij Hay an PnM on this Ranch every season. U is s very desirable piece of property—worth at least fSOOO— But will be Sold for $1750. t .* 1 The number of tickets U^l lo 350, sod will FIVE DOLLARS EACH ! The drawing will taka place at Placerville, tinder it of STessiS. t. w. Osrrctt. 1. MeKey tbs msosgemeat god 8 am Wetter, a* soon as the tichats can be dis posed of. Due notice will be given. A. BEARD Idaho City, Nov. 3d, 1875. OITA'S Ï 5 rn.iMo RESTAUR (known as Foster's, and lately kept by DunnigsnV 1 < , mmfVttt ioA»f m AoâlB IB T.ihs-OTlFY TliaPUlAJC Jc 1 that I have this day re-opened the ^ old « oster ResUiirsnt. en Main street, amt am fully prepared to keep boarders by Uie day or week. I re peef fully ask a share of pnblic patrouage. and My tables will be supplied wllh tbs best the uffr» ket affords. 4 fjf Give me a trial. *(£• HENRY OTTA. Nov. 1«, 1875. FOK SALE. . f HE UNDfil oflhMbfgr gv'-Û-l OUR SR FOIL SALE AT A r 73wCSrt»« Ybe b __ _________ East Side PIsra^itT Plscervllle, Boise roimiy, L » •• ^riböp i" 'be place. W. have two forges. Erv. f r. 1 *, tt r as--t5îi«r PutcmviixK, September 35, 1875. ff. P«' »• iw^j<^*s^ regran ' mattarof the «stale of John Brogan, da aMffih In the In Probate Court Bolff County, The people of the Te ImvoMW IW« and entered on MWiWi V» —--- I Von to Frol •^^ÊÊÊÊÊÊIÊÆÊ': MR to* w V . t i'.ir ' .LV-fc. 'it?'. fc If BE received at the County Auditor's office up to two P. M. January 3d, A. D. 1876, for keèping in ré P»lr the roads In theseveial districts of Boise conqty in accordance with an act of the Legislature of Idaho Territory, approved January 10.1873—vis: " ' ' No. 1 Commencing at the Vyarm -Springs, Idaho ;Ciiy,H^encq ^ 0 ' die mouth of Illinois . and froni Idaho City to '(bésùmmit between Idaho City and Centerville; also from Idaho City to the summit between Idaho City and Boston. Aemiory, • Bistrict tlence %> 1 Gulch; an District No, 3 :—Commencing at Quartzbnrg, thence, via Granite creek, Placervllle and Center vill^ to tJkè suinsit between Centerville and Idaho City, Abo from Centerville, via Bpston, to the sum mit between Btwtdn and Idaho City, and from Boston to the Star R*ncb. District No. 3:—Commencing at the junction of the Placerville and Pioneer City roads in Centerville, then *e to one faille above Pioneer City. District No. 4:—Commencing at Placerville, thence to tiie Upper Payette Valley, and up said valley to McBride's Ranch. I he bid for this district will not Include the rebuilding ot the bridges across the Pay ette river. District No. 5.— Commencing at Horseshoe Bend and rupuiug tp Jerusalem. District Ko. tt—Commencing at the mouth of Car tel creek and running southerly toward Boise City to the county line. District No. 7:—Commencing at the mouth of Illi nois Gulch and runniug to Banuer city. Also, the mad Commencing at Pioneer City, thence to the Placerville road, on the divide between Boyle's Gulch and Opbir creek. Each proposal or bid so submitted to the Board shall be'accompanied with a bond conditioned for the faithful periorqiance an<J duties of the contract, which may (jp mage aad e&terad Into by and between the pertoft making th<r proposal of hid. and the Board of Commissioners, in a sum not less thmn doubts tbs amount hid and stated in said proposal, for the ira jU'ovement and keeping in repair the Roads and ighways within the district proposed, the said bond to be«e$ured by two or more sureties, who shall justify .hi U|C Sgme form agd manner as |i required on houdl <g céfiufy officers. ' , r ; LumMoiuitt. Clwk Board (pot Com. 1 ----- j » -- TO sroTzozx. gEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE fUceivod by the Board of County Commission ers or Boise county, at the Court House in Idaho City, on Monday, January 3, 1876, at 3 o'clock, p. M., of aspl dnjr, for |hu puçpase of taking ear« of the indigent sieh, eaanty pôor, Idiotic CLtïïÂfâï ». ^ One bid for the board, lodging, nursing, clothing and washing for the indigent sick, county poor, idiot ic and insane of Boise county. including the burial expenses of all indigent sick, contitycpoor, idiotic and insane who may die in said Boise county, for one year from January 3,1876. One bid foerrmedteal attendance «ad fnraisbing medicines for the hrafgemetek, tos«; poorridioUc », and,insane of Rosse county, end fqc holding post rooffiffifcAxahiiadUW**} a& tPP mag die in the ooun of said eounty, and tor all |>ost mor ns made at the county seat of said tÿ'Ahere the same would be tfhargeable to the county, for one year from January 11,1876. Bidders may include the abovo two subdivisions in one bid if so desired. Parties receiving the contracts will 'be required to tener the same in writing, and file bonds ; with ap proved security in the sum of double the amount of their bid. ' JaBks moeAbtt, Clerk of Board County Commissioners. Idaho City, Nov, 3Ç, 1875. G. MARRE \ 5 V TV M PI MPS, SHEET IKON, ZINC, COPPER, BRASS, SHELF HARDWARE, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. .v: .1 \:V^ .. , v Maunf»ctorcf of tin, copper, and »licet iron ware, Idaho City. ARÔDA' ti ii; fcltÄ faff 4 ei ■i ? i iQGil 1 / ,25150# h Notice of pieno^ffion. rar ones is' hereby giveh that the oo jV partnership heretofore exisUngJwtween G W. Onfts and m, F. Waldron, under the Arm nan* Waldron, ---mo, at Centerville. isthie eonaeui phaeedthe ent »re tofi reei bualneas, la auihoniMitt...., . - . ... . «mh. ». W. CRAY To. "** *"*• M. F WALDROH. iffifoo cuf, * 0 ^.* hm* SAj - ' ■ w' ; K FALL * WINTER SUPPLIES, Very low, for eash, at b Barn's! General Merchandise, Groceries and Provisions, Miners' Supplies, Mining Tools, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOYS' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S SHOES. ALL SIKES LADIES' AND MISSES SHOES. -Large 8 tock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Hats, HARDWIRE, IRON i STEEL PATENT MEDICINES, (a full supply) PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, LAMP STOCK, &c., CENTRE'FIRE CARTRIDGES, AND A GREAT VARIETY OF YANKEE NOTIONS, tffiOay tffiO.f tffiOa Arctic Overshoes all sizes. Idaho City, Oct. 19th, 1875. Paul Boynton will next attempt s, trip of three hundred miles down the Rltitii* which he exocets to make with Rhine, which he expects to ijnake with out leaving the water, , Isn't it a slight misnomer to crI^ tlie inventor of the sewiijg macliine M the sewing-women's friend,when he charges them ; fifty dollars fur a, ma chine that can he made for $10f be ... :f, A young lady from St. Ijouis writes as tollows to a friend i^id ere while schoolmate St Dearborn seminary: "Murnio Stehbins is hor;M3 again and putting oil no end of stÿh?, though you, know as well as I do" Ihiit her father di'dh't fftil lor more than $76,000." Chicago Times." There is jiow living in Ottawa county, k ansas, u boy oftlwcteen yeftrs of age who was Iniriif further north than ony other child borri of' bivilizefi parents'on earth. He was born at tliè northern extremity of Ôi^hiost notth* erti fishing settlement orf the coast ol Noi'wa)v. ; v; - Thtoe are betweeii 'IWI >hd ;4twf Yotihg ÎCÜÔiàitiëii' ' itt i4 S»n *7 oiscö— i^A merican^ 1 tiorl^—wb6' Wl ïù v ^ îf w j , t f ; , ?t . . * ' . 1 He who Is evil is also in the punish u- ' y* :,.<p .7 ■ ■ r ment of evil. ;Yp^..widpw of Dr, ' Y/ôrk, who was murdered by tb^ Sender'family in Kansa^i, has written a history of that interesting family. M ; ; Four thousand five hundred Aus traliaq? are g<B*ng to exhibit the,pro ducts of their islai^d continent at the Centennial. There is a man in Buena Vista, Ala bama/ who has eleven daughters at home.- It takes one hpndred and ninc tyneight yards of calicp to go round. A Kansas' girl Bays that nothing makes her so mad as to have à grass hopper crawl up and down her back juntas her lover has come to the pro posing point .< > Let no young man ever permit it to enter his mind that economy is mean ness, or that it is to be despised. It is he Who saves who can afford to give; and nothing is mean which is honest, and which goes tö establish one's in dependence. The Washington Star says goven • ment subsidies in the shape of money or lands to steamship and railroad companies have become. exceedingly unpopular, and it is doubtful whether Congress will ever again hold out such, inducements to private corpora tions, Very likely, as. the government will probably be democratic iu the fu tures ! , Says Samuel Leavitt, in the Work ingman's Advocate: The day will sun - ly come, though not booiv When terest on money will be abolished as a fraud. The original meaning of that "usury" which is so much denounced by old law-givers and 'prophets was simply "any price at all" 1 for the use of mosey. The time will come again when people will no more ask a profit on their loaned dollans. than they do now on their loaned loaves of bread, and will he content to get back à full equivalent for whatever -they lend, whether goods or the "solidified labor of the past.? . S'Pobt Df Chujv—W air {writes: During the lime when, ßlayton was ; ruler of Arkansas, elf, justices of the peace had ta be appointed by Hie Ex oeUency- pne old negro, who thought he knew eaaugh te discharge? the duties, called i oth the Governor to be examined and receivable appointment. .Several questions were given him, all of which hCKHMyiaged very weM- . But when ho was asked, "what would:yon do, in a case where, a man bad commit ted suicide?" "What would , I îdo?" raid, tim negro. "VüelJ, sah, -in a case like dat, de very leaat-1. could dpi ä sah, Wpuld be ; to make him e'port de child." He was appointed. , : - / . Paul Morphy, the famous chess flay er, is in a New Orleans asylum, hop - leesly iiijsaçe. He was borp ip^that pity iu 1840, of wealthy Gre<de paren tage, SiUdhis ^djptiqn. of dm gaifip of ches^as a nçt.CA^ '«^ded. hie relatives, but occupied, the years in which he might have aehievedlsui cess \n- , 'Wm~mm»r*!r. .Here . i .. v ..... against it thM|,jito Pftver * tâmi'*** ,'7i OftSt q»a '3 m'