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_^v days.until further« —be kept open from nine P' M. it»* « ft®"JiflWiT*'* to °" B ' four until 4«* * • ■"• ]|0>'ET ORDER BU8INESB. J* nPV Order office will not be Woo Sundays; and no Honey Alness Will be transacted on Sat. ^ four o'clock P. M. S. C. 8 ILS BY, City, Dec. 3,18W. Postmaster. i's school, Father Archam teacher, has closed until the TJof Januaiy next, during the hoi \W ______ ^ jjss Bradford has been seri y sick with we are something like the l^pgrwea.v iuformed. She was C better at last accounts. t BrsiN'ESs was unusually brisk in jtn last week, and the merchants m correspondingly happy. Satur er iras very lively, and many pro i logons were on the streets. Sealed Proposals. —Read notices of jfjled proposals for keeping county „#18 in repair, and for taking care of jbe indigent sick, county poor, idiotic ,od insane of Boise county, for the en «fflgvear. Married.— Mr. Tom Elliott, of Idaho Cut, and Miss Jennie Star, of Boise, itre married last week at the latter place. Tom's many friends in the Ba sa wish him and his bride long life iod unbounded happiness. Jcdgc Moore still carries his right inn iu a sling. It was discovered the other day that the collar bone was koken, which accouuts for the pain wà tardiness of recovery.' Hels im proving slowly. Corn Meal —Kingsley has for sate com meal that the sight of which would bring into play the salivary glands of ''Old Ken tuck" or any other Corn bread, rightly made, is a roan. palatable and healthful food. The boys brought into use the ser rices of the Idaho dromedary again last Sunday. They harnessed the donkey up in gorgeous array and tinkling bells, and attaching a string of sleds sped him along the streets at a fearful rate. 0, such lots of fun. Big Red Apples. — Lauer A Swinn on Sunday received a hundred boxes of nice apples direct from the Willam ette valley. Tliey arrived here in iplendid condition. You had better fet a box or two to crunch daring the holidays. Nelly School Rewards. —Misses Davis and Anna Galbreaith stood head of all others for <0brref& (Hftortmant *nd perfect lessons at the c!ote of the fall term of the District school at this place. They were a tie in everything, and to meet the emergency Mr. Geo. W. Richards, the teacher, took great pleasure in granting each of the young ladies a finely engraved School Re- ward, precisely alike, which r^ads as follow*; In the left-hand corner are the words, "School Reward then comes the prominent line of "National Bank of Merit,* followed by another curved line of "15 phares of stock," following which are these words: "By (his know that at Idaho City on the 26tli day ôf November, 1875, --- (tills blank is tilled in each by the name of the recipient) rece ved this certificate, having by good conduct End lessons worthily obtained the nbove number of shares during three mouths of school, kept in Idaho City. Geo. W. Richards, Teacher." Mr. Richards also nicely framed the rooms éfWN* The Wilntei, which now «dorn tb# ihrl Wmm & Hall & Co* last week ordered 0 *h Mr. T. Barry another tunnel cw and four hundred feet of iron ^ack. This makes the third car or dered by this company the past sea son. They are in good pay dirt and Rre Siti ng ready for activ e business. The Holidays are coming on apace, and the little folks daily talk and nightly dream of Santa Claus and Christmas trees. What visions of ?ood things in store crowd their little heads! A large Christmas Tree must shed its fruit for the young people, and it is almost time to begin to work the matter up. Let it be a magnificent one. ÄL* The Flag That Rules the World._ Some one hung the flag hêü9d ■* «*»• twilight'. lMt and the one that rules the world, at the post office corner last Sun- day, where it waved in triumph early morn till dewy eve. from Whether Silsby has served, is now serving, or intends to serve under the inspiriting banner, is nobody's busi- ness; but many a battle has been fought under that flag. The boys ac- cused Silsby of hoisting it the night before, but they derived no satisfacto- ry information on that point John Frank, night watching, is kept quite busy these nights, taking stolen wood from thieving Chinamen. Not a night passes that he does not catch one with a load or in the act of taking it. One night he overhauled a celes- tial near the footbridge with an arm ful of wood, and he ordered him to halt, but the thief dropped his load and commenced running across the saud to Buena Vista Bar. In order to accelerate his pace, Frank fired off his revolver, pointing upward. Having no stop-watch, Frank didn't get the time made, but he said it was quite miraculous the way that Chinaman skipped out. Dr. B. Simpson, dentist, did a nice and difficult job not long since. He was called upon by a gentleman wishing a molar drawn, but through some malformation of jaw, however, he was unable to open his mouth wide enough for the Doctor to introduce the forceps; in fact he could not operate at all, thére being only a spaoe of a finger's width between the teeth. Like cases are extremely rare, and what would have proven a serious detriment to the majority of dentists, only interested Dr. Simpson, who, be- ing a skilled mechanician as well as a thorough professional, went to work and soon manufactured of steel just the instrument wanted, and the troub- lesome tooth was removed. The neat operation so pleased the patient that he insisted upon the Doctor re- ceiving a double fee. Grand Ball at Pi.ackrvii.le— By reference to advertisement it will be seen that Mr. J. W. Davison, the pop ular hotel man, at Plaoerville, will give a ball at Anderson's Hall, at that place, on New Year's eve, 31st, 1875. An attractive feature of the occasion Will be the introduction of lady mana gers during the after part of the night, 1876 being le»[>y*«r: M Davison baa shown himself nia ter ot the situation by tbW (frfectiqn of splen did committees i& 5fd him in his man agement auKffijf names of *étm\ ladies. The dan cing partito and elqgaut suppers here tofore gton by Mr, Davison have ser oa»#f tKm the reputation of being an conductor of parties; in admirable cunuuutw yn jw **«*?» feet lie stands pteiinfhtmt in affairs o that Kind, awTl H V alb*#«* >»** tS! y to Mjr what may be KMfÇted r m £*85** m 5 1 * ti ■ ■"*> tat Ä Äwo* ceased at' nine o'clock to Saturday That Raffle.—W e have not heard low friend Beard id getting on in the disposing of tickets in the raffle for iis ranch in the Upper Payette valley. M us know so that it may be pub- ished. Five dollars is a small sum to risk in the chance for a good farm. Insane.— Mr Harry Harrison, of the diddle Payette, was taken before Judge Moore yesterday and adjudged insane by the examining physicians. The unfortunate man was placed in the hospital. His insanity is of mild form, and there are strong hopes that his mind will shortly be restored. Closed. fei As per agreement the merchants closed their places of busi ness last Sunday. This : new depart ure from the old order of things may ye a little inconvenient for awhile to some people, but they will soon be come used to it and like it better than the old way of conducting business on Sunday. Roll of Honor of St. Joseph's School.—T homas Barry, 13; William Bullock, 5; Maggie McGenniss, 4; Peter Zapp, 4; John Garrccht, 4; Lou is Garrecht, 4; Matt Zapp, 4; Julius Mautz, 4j Ella Bright, 4; Emma Bright, 3; Dalai! Ainslie, 3; Clara Garrecht, 2; John Barry 2; Francis Maloy, 1; James Rian, 1; Frederic Garrecht, 1; Mary McGenniss, 1; Lawrence Garrecht, 1 ; Cross*of Hon or, Thomas Barry. A. J. A* Archambault. Christmas Ball.— Davison, of Pla ccrville, opens the holiday festivities by the aunonncenienl of a grand ball given by him at that place on New Year's Eve. Now it remains for Ida ho City to announce one for Christmas Eve. Shall we have one? If we are to have a dance ri«*w is the time to make it known. Tltc Warm Springs are famous fur the character of dances given there. What say, Frank, can't you give the buys and girls a "shake up" tliese centennial times? Every body wants to dance, and everybody ought to dance in some manner, from the coming holidays until tlie fifth ot next July, fur^tlm reason that 1876 scores the first hundred years in the history of our country; and at the close of the next century some utf may opt be here. Everybody dance. To Farmers —The World office will take on old or new subscriptions, wheat oats and barley. Ranchmen who are in arrears can now easily square accounts by bringing along the amount *of their indebtedness in graia, while those who wish to sub scribe have the same privilege. Bring it in, gentlemen. » N. B:— Eggs and blitter will also be taken on the same terms. T. T's 2 A MEETING OF THE MEMBER8 OF THE A. A I. O. T. Te will lm held at Headquarters i»n * lifter,. paorptor 11th* 1H7*. at «»'clock P, for the IninmictloTi oftmiiorUbt bimineftr. All X: ■f here in guod atandlng. or who arc able to staad, ar« Ordered Id attend.- 1 ^ * By order of the GRAND CYCLOP8. L Suor*. Secretary. Idaho City, Dec. 7, 187». AdmlelstPaior , s Sale of AmIBi tat« and Venoaal Property. The Estate of Jacob Pctewon, deeeaâed. IOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN PUB m ananw <<f the «»rderof the Probah» Ceuit of Boi.«* conntv. In the Térritory of Idaho, made on the Drat day of Decentlter, A. D. l*ff A, lu the matter of the eatate of Jacob Peterm*. deceaaed, the undersigned *—a«BBSSB# 3 SSS aecurlty and ' In'mtet ak on« per cent pwr ^ 4 " noa parcel, and 1 cbAfaaA » eonSnoattou by bate Court, on 1 bate Court, »»i«VÉ»^taé*ffatoy«fDtenteNav,i?ta testate at the time of and interest that the other than ôr to atldlttoMo Upt oil the said B^hbeûging'n» aaM isœ .bla death, and all th* right, Iß»« «m death, la and to that lot Peteraoo's Baaeh; ah»« 0ßk, In aaid county; al woperty: Twenty y>* I ■ vy-? - l i s jïyMM 3 A Grnu&d BALL will be given by J. W. 13AVISOX New Year's Etb, Dec. 31,1875, AT ANDER 80 N 8 HALL PLACERVILLE, I. T. tW To be conducted by Gents until 12 o'clock, night; and after 12o'clock for the remainder of the night by the Ladies— It Being Leap Tear, COMMITTEE OF INVITATIONS IDAHO CITY. JOHN GORMAN, GEO. AINSLIE, G. W. RICHARDS, JA8. MORIARTY. CENTERVILLE. C. C. MEFFERT, STEVE DEMPSEY, PAT DOYLE ' S. K. GÖLDTRAP. PIONEER CITY. J. M. CAN NADY, JOHN YEÖEY, HENRY WHITNEY. PLACERVILLE. JOHN O'DONNELL, I. WV GARRETT, J. V. R WITT, L. FULD. GRANITE CREEE. . J M. DANSK1N, « ÇON HEALEY, MARTIN CONNOUGHTON. dUARTZBWRG. GEO. BEKLE, II. BENNETT, G. COUGH ANOUR FLOOR MANAGERS! BEN HAYES, I. 8. WEILER, S.W. WULFF. ii Mrs. Gormtit, Mint Row WgUgp# Ritss Mar| Buckley» Miss Kite Hatley. Tictffi, including Smer, $5.00 A cordial invilâtion is extended'to all r fy Good music will be in attendance.. Placervllle, Dec. 7th, 1873. » 1 '' : U> WARM SPRINGS. « it J. Ski hi s : FRANK C00PER, PR0PRIET0R. Uf AVfNO TAKEN«OHAROK 09 THIS POPULAR 1J. place of public reaort, I have thoroughly ren ovated the eatabll ahmest «sd am prepared to re. ccive PEMNAimT BfiARKM MTiMWIINT MUSTS. HOT AND COLD BATHS l ready at all times, and everything about the honae kept clean and neat. The LADIES' DEPARTMENT will be oontrolled by And everything will Iwdon« to oontribute to t)it oomfort of guests. [deelAU w ram \ ! t nr, ( r * vj \ h-1. i ,* tau j i »■ At lit iftfb*' f« I«-« 18 -'-HER8BY GIVEN Jîv.'Ui Ÿëm, Yep and Woeg Obtmgfn can tile boaluees in Idaho City lathis . by mutual oonaent, Pon Yam having pnrehaaed lutereatofWong Chong. The bosteean will be oar ton« or an m * frl tm .11 -i irvt v/U Î t(t irr it 1 LAUER * SWINN -Have Just received a aplendidtatock of diOTHINa, Mining BLACK SILK VELVET VESTS,« FANCY 8ILK VELVET VESTS, LINEN COATS AND^DU8TEB8, CASHMERE AND DOE SKIN PAl A fine lot of FA 8 HIONABLÉ HATS. A large variety of Gents famishing Goods, Ac. Their ibek of fhney «nd staple Groceries cannot: bo excelled In quality Mid price« by may house its the Territory. Oar motto is, QUICK SALES AND PROFITS. SMALL P. R—Special inducements offered to cash buyers. Please give os a call before purchasing elsewhere. LAUER k SWINN. —'--«a * BANNING HOUSE »#••07« C. W. MOORE A COk > • • ; : ' -I.:. ' i " IDAHO CITY, 1 ' , ' , ' f* ; - * :?■ ,1 . Do a generaj banking business. 8ell exchange oa New York, Ban Fraaduoo, Portlund (Ogn.1, And the principal .. SlUROPmAJiGXTXIMl The highest pilcè pèld for '• 80L0 DUST,lOLBANBSILVtR BULLION In coin or nnmney. > J Buy and eell Graeohacka^ > .... ; ,■!{; f.f*:». ,a % Territory ot Idaho, County of Btdaa.. > insuffler Boiaacotety.'hy IabaoGarmt,on^6fth» partners in the abova-nameil Sn», that you are iu debteil to them In the eunrof niuA^fcufoanrt so#» «SSâSœæ •n*» «sr* "ÿ 's'zf'js?*'** **■ shown by bill on flla-tn my office. Therefore, Wtte Territ Statoe in the mooed b he and Placervlm, in A. D. 1876. at the peep* ofthe twte* in. m m 'Mm Given nndermy county of BoiNy Otetw WBMkNf 1876. .'v.h Nov. 88.1876. St Mn thm JA. D.. "FT h 'h a# J t , j >• il î • /' w>y* loncEisi ■ini. mid d eo eaeaff ** Ut ui SSTpuSksation of tMa i J} 1 ■ ,T mm