Newspaper Page Text
; -irr* : . ..,',/■ v •*> ■*■ fi- * W bEUI l3t*XO I r i [ .a.! ■ ■ « ' ; ■ • /f„t \%ni l^rOL-1 PITY, FR IDAY. DBOEMBBR, 24, Ï879 1 - ■ Una'. timmm » jîliàM I Ik ii' ! * H nr ! J if* NQ.09 j£fogmi-M»rMg »otU Published fuoadrty» «*» BT TOI flu Idaho World Printing Company gggjtf ION ES BUSINESS MANAGER. fr à Itirk BoUwt Mj**** M, V«B tea*. 10ft INVARIABLY nr ADVANCE. Ka lcs of S u b « e r I p « I o « t [ M v«tf.........$S OO I Three Months.. ,f3 oo KXMihs....... 500 I Single Copies..... M3 1 By Carrier, $3 per quarter. Uatrs ot Adrertisinin I a, m tare te:i liars «** leas, one inaertion... $ 3 go I..... «sch subsequent insertion, 1 OU fcHigfcti of • column, per quarter,......... 13 OO fourth...... M ......... 90 00 third ** ** " - ......... 36 00 half •* " ** M ........ 30 00 llrtcoisna. per quarter..................... j| uq mm esnis, lu Unes or ieea. three Bontha. 1 00 professional Cards. G BO. AI19LQC, 1 TTOBNEY ant. COUNSELOR AT LAW. IDAHO \ Oft. L r. on Montgomery street, secoud Ibttfomtuc Pv»todice. JONAS W. BROWS, 11 rroBNïv asb counselor at law. and IA Snary Public. Idaho City. I. T. Will practice I ill the t'onrte of the Territory. Omc* on Com* I areal time, two door above Court House. U ». J. KOTii WELL, 91. D., ||)ffT5M\N. *ültO*OX. AC., graduate of Jeflfer* jl »a Medical Cottage, Philadelphia, Office on pf<*lo( tirutie street, P lacer vi U#, Boise Co.. i 11 - [dec 4—tl Sorirtti Rotirrs. lOIAR LOOGK, No. 3. I. O. O. T.. I kokts iu rvniiar meetings at its hall, on rhj even ings of each week, at 7 'i o'clock, "■ho in g-iod standing are Invited to * By orderthe W. C. T. lialLUwia, Secretary. Jan 13 74-tf t C. SILSBY, Rwb,|tationrrs aa* potions. fwocuso* mi« HURT ■•Ml«»*. TO MAß. A. PtltVST a CO.) AND VARIETY STORE. dealer in 18 & 8 TATI 0 ÜBÏ, news rbaîM Ï0B. hl '6G00 AND RfilW Ml of which will ho fcö CUBA* FOB CASH. k< *t* yj*re. —I ' os preuaied in [ffiM--mfMittaHfDiri MY b, ■WidSôSB will BE iwo P. M. January 3d, °?°*«" P t0 pair the roodslntheiii«uS keeping in re l * ct <* the Legist . oPPfo^jd Jauuarv 10. lffa uu end As. 1 Commencing .t *»j 8 Warm 8pring# mouth of Illinois - ----- So I summit bet we **"»<*»ÄiSSTÄ" CM * ** îio - i ~ Co ® , o*ncing at Qnartsburg, inis een U luano Utiy and Boston. 9 arsfa Sty* * AlïfüSr? Centerville and Idaho to the SU? luïîh! i<Uh ^ ty - " d from Boston J««ction of the *'* ■* Placervillejthence Mcfcid«^s P ^£l y * ll ^ 7 *l!äÖ l,,d Up •«'«ttralley to b^lVut. 1 U ^o'.< 1 h ® V* d ^ r lhi * ^strict will no* otto riser** ^building oi the bridges across the Pay. District As. 6 .- Commencing at Horseshoe Bend and running to Jerusalem. Digiritt As. 6 :—Commencing at the mouth of Car* m southerly toward Bolas City to Na, T:-ÇQ*tmenei«g, at the month of m °°^ OdWi ond ruAaiog to Banner city. ' »+* commencing st Pioneer Cfty, thence to the Placer ville road, on the divide, between Boyle's Hutch and Ophtr creek. Each proposal or bid so submitted to the Board •»hall be accompanied with a bund conditioned for the ntithfid performance and duties of the contract which may be made and entered Into by aud between the person making the proposai or Isd. and the Board of Commissioners, in a sum uot less than doable the smouut bid and stated iu said proposal, for the im provenant and keeping i-i repair the Roads aud Highways within the district proposed, the said bond to be secured by two or more sureties, who shall justify in the same form 'and manner as is required on bonds of county officers. James Mobiabtt. , Clerk Board Co. Com. XrOTZCB. S EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE received by the Board of County Commiiaiou era of Boise county, at the Court House in Idaho City , on t* Monday, January 3, 1810, at 2 o'clock, P. M . of a id day. for the purpose of taking care of the indigent sick, county poor, idiotic and insane of Boise county tor the ensuing year. Bids to ha aa follows, to-wtt: One Md for the board, lodging, nursing, clothing and washing for the indigent sick, county poor, idiot ic and i banne of Boise county. Including the burial expeuse» of all iodtgaat rick, county poor, idiotie and Insane who may die in said Boise county, for one year from January 3,1*76. One bid for rued teal attendance and farnishltm medicine» for the indigent skk, county poor, idtouff and insane of Boise county, and for bolding post mortem examinations on all who may die in the coun ty Hospital of said county, and tor all post mor tem examinations made at the county «eat of said Boies county where the name would be chargeable to the county, for . 01 « year from.January II. 1*7«. Bidders may include the above two subditiah«» in one bid if s» desired. Parties receiving the coo tracts will be required to enter tbe same in writing, and Ale bonds with ap proved security in the sum of doubts the amount of the«r Md. James Momabtv. Clerk of Board County Commissioner s. Idaho Cm, Nov. 30,1876. BsUts of John Woonan, Deceased. N one* 18 HEBEBT GIVEN BT THE UNDER signeu administrator of the aiiore named es« tats, to the creditors of. and all )«r.««<na having clstm« against mid deceased, to exhibit tbe same with the necessary voucbeie, within ten mouths from the first publication of this notice to the un dersigned at bis place of bosiuea# in Idaho City, Boise county, L T. J 4 MES Mcnrvrrr,. Idaho Cut. Soy. «. 1876. 1» Admlulfiiratrf. Sfotiee to Creditors, Estate of Alfred D. Saunders, deceased. One* 18 HEREBY GIVEN BY THE UNDER signed. Administratrix And Adrotnlstrstor of m above- aamèd estate, to the creditors uf and all prions haring claims against said deceased, to ex« E t the same, with the necessary vouchers, within months from the first publication of this notice, is undersigned, at the office of J»nas W. Brown, f Idaho City, Boise county, Idaho Territory. MARGARET SAUNDERS. Administratrix. 1 Idaho City, Jons Mb, 1876. JONAS W.W>WS. Administrator. nxss mvsxox arorxen. N otice is hereby given that the oo>partnership heretofore existing between Beverly Willis and Cob DrieroL to water a æî g » SSSkassss mm I* ü> bui.^ft'tÄÄLHrauB. CON DBISCOL. Idaho Citt, Aognst 10,187*. éw * Watts«. Mo C. COMSTOCK AND ALL A- whom It may eonosra. Yon are hereby notlto un, on ffio William Tell lodo or lodge, si toated on tha EMfo of the Ltofct Gnleh. Atlaata Mining Dis SSfegfeMjam sg 1*** mins or lode will b, ausdiM tr*" « "J: raun, amt Bia, W W* • SI ' it a on bis of kot rn for Dr. in T ia to, mm __.B1 r itt—General ' Twchanjlte. Plag«. Weiler & Smith—General Merchandise. Plaça. James Eagan—-Justice of the Peacè. Epbèrt K. : Irvin—Constable. John My er— Postmaster. Granite itreet. Myer & Smith—Drugs & Medicines and Fancy Goods. Granite street. Myer & Smith—Wells, Fargo A Co.'s Agents. Granite street. W. J. Rnthwell—Physician and Surgeon. Granite street. J. W. Davison—International Hotel. Plaza Mrs. Margaret Buckley—Idaho Hotel. Granite street. Mrs. D. Steckles—Phoenix Restaurant Plaza. Garrett. Hayes A Co.—Empire Meat Mar* et Pluza. Ö. Donnell A Co.—City Meat Market Jas. McKay—Magnolia Saloon. Plaza. D. Donovan—International Saloon. Plaza. Gris. Anderson—Miner's Saloon. Pinza. Charles Kohney—Brewery and Saloon. Plaza. Diehl A Martin—Blacksmith Shop. Plaza. Martin Cathcart—Shoe Shop. Plaza. Alex. Orchard—Livery Stable. Plaza. Langrie—Cabinet Maker. Idaho street 4- J. Boreland—Cabinet MAef. Broad wa). -.'Z' -Ï ^ ! John Merrill—Tin Ware. Plaza. » Andrew Car van— Barbet Shop. Idaho street. D. . C. Holden—Carpenter Shop. Idaho street. John E. Sauuders—Carpenter Shop Gran street. W. A. Hutchinson—Carpenter Sh»*p. Gran' 1 to street. Andrew FVilson—Carpenter Shop. Plaza. Mike Halley—Milk Dealer. Pine street J. W. Davison—Agent Northwestern Stage Company. Office—International Hotel. J. C. Shepherd— Payait# Express. Gnmite streut. Fred Campbell—Jeweler snd Watchmaker. I. W. da NU* John Ellis, Philip Ctoodss—elected School Trustes# for tha year tor District No. 4 . A FAMOUS MEDICAL IK8TITUTI0H. a , t, 1 \ Tor the Farm * ana Fireside. From the Chicago Timrt. ' "Tbe name of Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.T,. has become aa famtljar to the peopfo dl over th« country aa paAphjfcu aid'book#, and hts large med ical experience b ve brought him lu*o prominence and given him a solid reputation. Tbe Tirntt, in tbe prescut issue, presents a hrlmle-page communies« Uon from Dr. Pierce, and our readers may gain from it some Lies of the Vast proportions of his Justness and the merits of his medicines. He 1 ms at Bufhlo a mammoth establishment, appropriately named tbs ••World's Dispensary," where patieuu are treated, aud the remedies compounded. Here uearly a hundred persons are employed in th« several de partments, and a corps of able and skilled physi cians stand ready to alleviate Gap sufferings ot hn« inanity by the most approved methods. These phy sicians are in freqUt-nt consultation with Dr. Pieroe, and their combined experience is brought to bear on the successful treatment of obstinate cases. Tbs Doctor is s man of a Urge medical experience, and bis extensive knowledge of materia medics has been acknowledged by presentations of degrees from two of the first Medical Colleges in the land." If pun would palrbnlre Uedldacs, scientifically prepared by-a skilled Physicist* an t Chemist, Use Dr. Pierce s Family Medicines. Gulden Medical Discovery la fifitrittaK tonic, alterative, and blood cleansing, and»» uuequaled Gough rsipsdy ; Pleas* kot Purg G vs Pellets, scarcely larger than mustard Deeds, constitute an agreeable and relyable physic; Favorite Prescription, s remedy for debilitated lo rn alee; Extract of Smart-Weed, a magical remedy for Pain, Bowel Complaints, and an uneqnalsd Li» iment for both tinman and horae-fleeh ; while hU Dr. 8 go's Catarrh Remedy ia known tho world over aa tbe greatest specific for Catarrh and "Cold in the Head" over given to the public. They are aetd by DrnggUts. * • V - , '"t £ V -V' AwsdMÉS THE VAVOritTE MONrtLY A I Jt. j Each Number Contain« OVER rtRlY ADWIRIDWD VÙTtER. i S — Only 75 j0*ptj a^sfrï, Postage prepaid by the publiihere. T HIS is tbe Urgeat and beat monthly paper for thé price published in America. It ia live, well edited, and lull,of FUN apdôNAP. Enelotl jV5 eW »S« f «««»•[ tfoè pt*nj monthly a y eat. Or, send two 3-oeut «tarn to, 'W 4 Bridgeton, N. «4 to srrois and India, ____ èe.. I jrUl tend a yon, FEE* OF CHAIM*, was diaoovfNdbf a ^ Bt^ ___________ K bas m tel BANKING HOUSE ...or..«. €. W. MOORE & CO. IDAHO CET V, Do a general banking bnaineas. Sell exchange on Haw York, Ban Francisco, Portland (Ogn.), And the principal BUI The highest price paid for GOLD DUST,SOLD ANDSILVER BULLION In coin or currency. AST* Buy and sell Greenbacks. Territory ot Idaho, County of Boise. Garrett, Hayes A Co. vs. John Muirhead In Justice's Court, before James Egan. A P, T O JOHN MU I RHEAD ; Whereas, a complaint has been made before me, a Justice of the Peace in and for Boise county, by Isaac Garrett, one of the partners in the above-named firm, that you are in debted to them in the sum of n nety-tonr and ten one hundredths dollars (t94.10)oua contract for the di« rect payment of mon y; and that said contract was for money leaned and meat tarnished yonatyonr special instance and request, snd fur your behoof as shown by bill on file in my offlw. Therefore, in the aune of the people of the United 8 tatos in the Territory of Idslio, you are bereb- sum moned to be and appear before me, at my office, in Placervilla, in said county, on 27th day of November. A. D. 1876, at two o'clock P. M. of said day, 10 an swer said complaint, or judgment will I* taken against yon for the sum of ninety.tour and ten uue hundredths dollars sud costs of su.i. Given under my hand „aieu at Plaorville. In tbe county of Boise, on the 2Uth day of November. A. D. 1*76. JAMES EGAN. Nov. 33, 1876. 3t Justice of the Peace. and 6,59ä in 18#0 ' being an in creM Sir Waiter Scott was a great lover of dogs, and always had many line ones around him. One day, in conversing with a friend, lie Haid: "Those dogs," pointing to two fine hounds lying on the hearth, "understand every word I say." The friend expressed his doubts of this statement. Sir Walter, to prove it, took up a book and began to read aloud: "1 have two lazy, good for nothing dogs, who lie hy the fire and sleep, and let the cattle ruin niy garden." Both dogs instantly sprang up, and rati out of the room and finding no cattle in tiie garden returned and lay down by the fire The baronet again read from the book the same story. Again the dogs ran out and again returned disappoints aud lay down. The third time their master told the story, when instead o going out, the dogs came up to him looked in his fact», whined and waggfet their tails, as much as to say, "You have made game of us twice, you cau not do it the third time" The number and increase of lawyers are somewhat surprising. At the las ; j meeting of the Bar Association^ Mr Delafield said that in 1870, there were 40,736 lawyers in the United States against 83,706 in 1860, showing an increase of 8,080; in the State of New York there were '5,913 lawyers in crease of 321 in ten years. In Massar chusetts the number only increased in thp same period 1,186 to 1,270, and in ftttio from 2,537 to 2,563. The num ber of lawyers iu this city was 3, against 3,420 last year. From I860 to 1870 Columbia College had admit ted 520 students to fhe Jkyr, and from to 1875 there were 600 admitted, this yearthe be •ri this year tlie number ttl. Out«i&' irfthe' äjsjM® ber riuiittéd »Otbo Bw ta «!» cio from^TS tp I8t5 w« K ObsBFOfir* ■ ili 'iit< »»>'. G.vsJa À *m6Êàr tf I bas dey<»red m tel r ter i» W'i The Paradox op a , Sunbeam.— -It ia related that the * greatest of physical It laihe paradoxes is the sunbeam, most potent and versatile force we have, and yet it behaves itself like the gentlest and most açcomnk Noth hg can fait more softly or more silently upon the earth than the rays of our great luminary—not even the feathery flakes of snow which thread their way through the atmosphere, as if they were too flimsy to yield to the demands of gravity, like grosser things. The most delicate slip of gold leaf, exposed as a target to the sun's shaft, is not stirred to the extent of a hair, though an infant's faintest breath would set it into tremulous motion. The tenderest of human organs—the apple of the eye—though pierced and buffeted each day by thousands of son* beams, suffers no pain during the pro cess, but rejoiees in their sweetness, blesses the useful light. Yet a few of those rays, insinuating themselves in* to a mass of iron, like the Brittania tubular bride, will compel the closely knit particles to separate, and will move the* whole enormous fabric with as much ease as a giant would stir a straw. The play of those beams up on our sheets of water lifts up layer after layer into the atmosphere and hoists whole rivers from their beds only to drop them, again in snows up on the hills, or in fattening showers upon the plains. Let but tbe air drink in a little more sunshine at one place than at another, and out of it springs the tempest or the hurricane, which desolates a whole region in its lunatic wrath. The marvel is that a power which is capable of assuming such a diversity of forms, and of pro ducing such stupendous results, should come to us in so gentle, so peaceful, and so unpretentious a man ner .—British Quarterly Review. The other day, when a Detroit gro cer spelled sugar "s-h-u-g-e r," a friend pointed out the word and remarked, "That word isn't spelled quite right." "Ha! I see," laughed the grocer; "one would think I had no education!" And he crossed it out and wrote, "S-h-n g-o-r." _ _ Prose. —Laura (who is still a trifle romantic) : "Don't yon think thete is something very solemn about the fall of the dead leaves, Reginald?" Regi nald, her husband (who has outgrown bis romance): "Very." (Pause). "Talking of dead leaves, what the deuce and all have I ddne with my to bacco?"' ! Prof. Tyndall, in reply to his Belfast critics* names the cause of things, matter, and then draWs the easy con* ion that matter is the cause Of things. :< Whatever comes out, he con cludes» must have been in ; and, hence* we must determine the powers of the' matten, by observing what it doe* That's all right; nobody ever disputed ■ . ■ ! V-VxU »-.'.(l .. I "J • ,!"> It was the night pn which John Todd ^ made hU great speech to. the colored „ pdpnl&tiçn on Mutyoy HilL Capt. * -.lit (Mm Morrill lirom time ,to time swohe . - fits' ft#echoes with csqnon. À map re«bi - ..,: . WH, «RR..M t^Uar > it# ..... •ia