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DECEMBER 84, 1875. m Tj—3 S— T» * L? #week days, until farther notice, JÜfice will be kept open from seven twelve t6 one, ! 'Jjfoiir until six P. M. jlON'KY 0 RDÏ 1 BUSINESS. Honey Order office will not be .J a |i on Sundays ; and no Money k!Line$$ will be transacted on 8at rb Ser four o'clock P. M. •" 8. C. SILSBi1 MTXcMW ggSTMAS Lg Christmas Tree will be erected LjChurcUHall and be ready on lV for the use of all who dçstfc to it as the medium of transmitting nts to their friends. The ladies L Snndav school, assisted by such ;ts they may call upon, will act i committee to receive aud arrange* tgifts. As no committee will call 1 ,tke citizens for a general eontri I this year it is to be hoped that |nll try,and thiuk yf some poor [ V bo will be likety' to t>c *ove/> fed and see that there is some gift {that one. Should any kind friend ûto place any funds at the dispo joftbe ladies of the Sunday school, trill be glad to make such dispo s'd of them as may seem best. The Nation of gifts will be preceded {tome exercises of tlic school, to all are invited. , for exercises will begin promptly ll o'clock P. M S B All gifts should l»e handed lit rarly as |>o*sibl«' on Friday. » TIm* will lie in attendance from ten lII. to ft»ir I*. M. * sweetlicart has seen something iKimmcTs that site would like for a iy present. Hinixc Logs.— Teamsters are now lying saw-logs to Morrell At Co's lit mill. Joke Clark, holding court at Boise Ifey, has been invited by Hon. George hinslie to a Christmas dinner at the J i residence, and avili probably liere by stage this evening. Chixahav Killed. —A Chinaman .... . _, .... tip near Plowm.n ^ m.ll onj^ |I<èirsdsy. In company with two be was working in a cat when hhnk of earth came tumbling down [admasbed the life out of him. Goto Feed.—M r. 5. Pierce chi ie. up p* Horseshoe Bend on Tuesday, and |b«yg that grass is juat as green and |k »bring, and cattle ànd other stock îm Hing fht r f KoncE.— Those intending to place KPffients upon tlie Christmas tree paid hand them in early this n»orn r& ** the committee will not be at iftwch after four M.j ; I » early so that they can be ar | I|, ged in time. Hiu>.—The weahter during the past Has been more like March than [heember. P5urt>r five "infchfe of HH^M| ;• w a slushy 8® creeks are running fuU. ibis sort of tttég knows. It seems, thofcgh, as latto have a very mild, Cömtmt— Thé inc brick , Non the Payette as it **• «4 ^1 ttreeta, knou^ Aif Keegatf * COT * n<1 owntd fcy John C. Murruon, 7 rsociRoo, ii, «oder the diree '•IGeorge Aineli npdergoiAj L ' " wnifc on tlie corner of Mein and This i rK»p»leÿ'H which it would Üc weR worth your while to examine. Henry Freidinckr has his large es tablishment piled full of good things for the holidays. His windows and show cases make appearance. Otta's Mmmot K.SO.W has the beat butter to be found in town. 1 06 Rn " ou S tho «e who are fortunate enough to secure one. a very attractive Messrs. Jib White aud George Bid well arrived from their diggings on the Upper Payette on Wednesday, and will not return until March. lien White and Tom Sutton will get in probably today. The boys had good weather for the prosecution of work, ^ it th.t. few days in the spring will put things in readiness to go to mining. Restaurant.— F or a good square old-fashioned Christmas dinner UHuofwrir, call at Otta's restaurant, on Main street. He will spread von •ometfiing nice. * ---- - — - — . .. Twenty one pack animals arrived on Wednesday from Rattlesnake sta tion loaded with freight for Mr. G. W. Crafts. The roads are said to be in a horrible condition. ~t — Christmas Toys.-—S ilsby, attho post office, has just received a lot of nice Christmas toys suitable for the little folks. Get something ready for the little stockings that will hang by the fire-place to-night. Dr Zipf, of the City Drugstore, has some of the most delicate and rare pcrftunorj mauitfacturcd, as well as the nicest of toilet soaps. The Dtictor also lias many otlier fancy articles any of which would make a desirable holi day present. Qs ; a Dos Sled.— The Chinaman who was killed by the cave of earth on Wednesday was buried on Thurs day. Slieriff Sam Stewart spun him out home on a two-horse hob-sled fol lowed l>y a large crowd of delighted mourners. Christmas Tree. —A large and hand some fir tree has been transplanted from the forest into tlie Methodist Church and grafted with buds, which, touches of the magic S' * . ? „ Wand of Old Santa Claus, will spring forth to-night into tlic.ripc fruit of love and friendship. Don't forget to hang on its graceful boughs some token of remembrance for the little folks. his almost the timo^or country editors to cdririxaence a paragraph tHth: *' v * : Another y rows, has beeil' biroad wings o|| past A new of life lias jts joys and sor |Tt back by the «T into the misty thé great book turned—and—and but watch the : pfpdrs dose end you dad tha t itywc* out >1 1 right Crown Laoeh*—L eet May Stove Piere^ lwt a pocket book ou Rinxel creek^u tl»' Payette valley. It*contained about twenty dollan*. çe searched for tlio lost money. A-failing tofijid it, be gave it up as gMie; Almut a month ego Mr. Ad. Seytmfeond tlie pocket-book and the money, and twv or throe days aWC# ro tor oodthe fame totbe rigbtfhl owner. Just tliink ufîtl a man (notcraay elr ther, i actually returns to its owner, a [ money which was picked np on '^ily, the action cavort MfTMAef the goodoid timeaof yo«. Ml ma While Boise bod ver cities have en interchanging sentiment with the outside world upon the establish ofy telegraphic, communication; with tlie same, solid enterprise nas been quietly at work in Boise county and the result is that bull-train con neot'W has iwen.efccted between Ida ho City and the other towns of the Ba sin. It was completed yesterday and the following messages were trans mitted over the line: IDAHO CITY SENDS GREETING TO HOG EM. We have put a girdle around the Basin in forty days! What a triumph of science—jot* mind over matter. How does it feel to be kicked in the stomach by a five-year old steer? Our com merce will now float on a thousand Hills; and the breeze that flaps the Bail on 'Frisco's Bay will waft the cyclone of progression from the Orient to the Occident, from the hyperborean north to the baliny south. We don't go backward, We arc now near neigh bors, and eaüh borrowthoiiey from each bther with greater facility. Let us clasp hands across "Old Muley's" back and be happy. Yours, &c., JIM BANGS, Mayor. IIOGEM GREETS IDAHO CITY". The great work is at last consum mated, and Hogem is in a blaze of fflery <4 We have all been blind drunk over the évent for forty-eight hours and the end is not yet. Sam Weiler is now addressing eighteen thousand "T. Tfo" at the Chamber of Commerce, and the wildest enthusiasm prevails. "Sieh a gittin' hp stairs yon never did see." They have just hung a hoodlum to a lamp-post for telling Sam to "pull down his vest." We live in an age of progress, aud the bellowing of oxen is music in our ears Who'd have thought three centuries ago that the revolving cycles of time would have produced such stupendous results! It is a proud day in this epoch of our country's his tory to be called a citizen of Ilogem. In contemplating the mighty victory of science how abject, how insignifi cant, how pusillanimous, does weak man appear, and how wonderfully con structed is the frisky bovine quadru ped! On the wings of the wind the Arcan desert you can pierce, but how patiently the noble ox skims o'er the plain bearing tidings of joy from your own true love ten thousand miles away, and likewise cases of Umts aud canned fruits! Let us shake hands over the Moody chasm bridged and unite in remembering the days of our voiitli. G. IZZAKD, Mayor. n.ACERM!J.E TO IDAHO CITY. Placerville sends greeting to her sis ter city: We hail with joy the comple tion of the great project. Time and space are completely annihilât«*«! and the heretofore «Jistressed man will not now have to go so long between drinks. The dream of the past is finally realized; and although its realization is not quite so bright as was its antici pation, still «lie's a big thing. We are in commiinicat on with our own coun try as well as lands beyond the seas, and suppressed sobs arc borne hither on every passing breeze. The glorious event in the progress of our country iB being celebrated with great eclat by the citizens of tliis pla*e. It should be embalmed in poesy; and in the lan guage of Ileroflotus— [Here one of the wheel steers got his hind insulator over the wagon tongue, and the line ceased to work.} Happy Fireside. —Home is the resi dence not merely of the body but of the heart; it is the place for the af fections to unfold and develop them selves; fur children to play in; for husband and wife to toil smiling to gether, and make life a blessing. The object of all ambition should bé to be happy at home; 11 is the best 'proof of the virtues of a family circle, to sec a happy famity. ; McDevitt & Garrecht two or three days ago bought of S. h. Goldtrop, of Oentcrville, one hundred" and fifty head of beef cattle. The catUc range over on Squaw creek, To Farmers-t-TIic Woru»' office will \ Ranchmen *-*-*=*' along B in Stib; who are in arrears;; square accounts by 11 '"-'hilfë thel SÄ*.*-: ta ■mm >,-1 —: 0 : D. B. KTMMETi, JM W WTT iUrM j Main Street, Idaho City, HAS JUST RECEIVED A FINE INVOICE JEWELRY ! In addition to that already on hand, conaiating of FINE ëctd At*atflie js LADIES' SETS, PINS AND EARRINGS, NECK CHAINS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, L0CKET8, CROSSES,CHARMS FINE STONE-SET FINGERRING», TOOTH PICKS. PENS AND PENCILS, NAPKIN RINGS, cfco., dbo. f cfco. The ahnvw r»n.«lat of nrticUw of In own awonfao tare as well as that Dom San Fnaciseo. Gall around and Select Present for Sweetheart, Friend orBelative. December 17th, 107À 1m Board of County Commissioners Of Boise county. Idaho Territory, will meet In reg ular Session, at the Court-bonne, in Idaho City, on Msaday, the 3rd 4*jr of Jaaaary, lift, that being the first Mondsv in said month. All ac counts or other matters r noting before said Bonrd should be filed prior to that time. All account* ami palters must be legally verüb d to Insure action thereon, and no hill will be presen ted unless all the fees are paid. JAMES MORIARTY, Çlerk. Idaho City, Dec. II, ; The Batata of Mas Bulionx, De ceased. In the matter of the Estate of Jules Dalioux, de qeea e d. . * ' /, i' i In Probate Court of Boise County—88. T he people op idaho territory send greeting: In pursuance of en order of thin Court, duly made and entered on the sixteenth day *•«] De camber, lS7«t r «M>SSi ! thereby given that Monday the twenty seventh day of December, 1875, et ten prat ing that a document now on file In this Court, IMirporUng to be the last will end testament of Julee Dalioux, deceased, be admitted to probate, and that letters testamentary be toned thereon to said John Hrudbeck. who Is named therein es exeeutör, at whteb time and plape all permus interested atay appear and contest the »ame. t „ . X. B. MOORE, Probate Jndgaaod es-eOMoCMk. Idaho City, Dec. 16th, 1875. lOdays. 'j STotiea of, 1KT0TICE IS H^iitit^^^rAT the üfe^SSÄSK SS MM. Idaho City, I* ft-, under the Arm name of Cow mA Doftôhiie. is this day dissolved by mutual coo sent, Mr. Donnhue withdrawing from the name. ~kes snawr" selves fettle the —-------- --- -- uw. îa» 19 a , y # The bMteeee at tte old etond will n t? f E ■ — ; m o of js on ac d de i ; ten iNf# AiJ/ ÄOV.r'f Wjb J<> obi» «'J a ■dr! U i btX *T 8-i i>1 — mm di.i' xivrit BALL will be given by iJl' s. * f GI New Year's Ere, M 31, . •« •'SJ- ' . .ai.'Oilfit*' i'fi ' tk't'JU ■ ,Vi ti- .*■ AT ANDERSOH'S HALL PLACERVILLE, L T. I W Tobe conducted by Gents until i£r o'clock, night; and after 12o'clock for the remainder of the night by the Ladies— It Being Leap .1' . . !» I';; : *,* • I'W ' 1 it-), • ''S' 1 ; I ' COMMITTEE 0 F_ INVITATION t IDAHO CUT. JOHN GORMAN, GEO. AINSME r . G. W. RICHARD^, JA8. MORIARTY. ' . CEKTZBVILLE. C.GMEFFERT, STEVE DEMPSEY^. PAT DOYLE .8. K. GOLDTRAPL PIO^EBCITY. J. M. CANNADyT JOHN VEBEY^ HENRY WHITNEY. PLACESVILL& JOHN O'DONNELL, I. W. GARRETT,. J. V. R. WITT, L. FULD. GEABTTE CHEEK. J M. DANSKIN, CON HEALEY^ MARTIN CONNOUGHTON. QUAHTZBUEG. GEO. BEKLE, H. BENNETT,, G. COUGHANÖUR. FLOOR 1 MANA 8 ER 8 : BEN HAYES, l. 8. WEILER,. S.W. WULFF. Mrs« Gorman, Miss Rom Wottar» Misa Mary Btcckloy 9 Miss Kato Hailoy*. Mets, inclBliif äipper, $5.ü A cordial invitation is extended to> alL C^"Good music will be in attendance.^!; Placerville, Dec. 7th, 1875. BATIK AND WARM {i ATM SPRINGS. , v ,1 ; .* .. f * FRANK COOPER, HOPRlFTOh l H aving taken charge of this popular ceive KWMHT I8UKM WkTIAWIQftMU». HOT AMD COLD HATHA ready at atttÉnea, and' eWp y tb lng abonhtbahMee» * ' The lADlES- DSlRtTkOT i^«^Aed hBf ^ h » everything wiä ' L of guesta. ««I '*> " v > mH aivitS ?» M «•>:. v.T,:. îiilWM«;* «0 U M ,1| ■ n aêi i ..»>. f 18 - HERRä¥ ■ahin I Yep and w f ' , -r r »t ,-**? i ** , i ■J A Li :Ut« 4lilO M W I K -8 ou . 1 PUB.* l»lA—WWta'tav