Newspaper Page Text
VO L. 10 Semi-Weekly World. I • » ÜEPT. 29,1885 NO 56 Semi-Weekly World. Published Tuesday m «* s Friday* —DY HEMAN and CHAS. E. JONES beman jonks. business manager. Office I'ok. Main and CommkrcialSt*. (Bmcg BciiJung) Rale, of Subscription! gut lour.........ffi 50 I Three Vtilths.. .9 J 75 6ii Heath?......3 5 « I Siliyle Copies..... jo lly Can 1er, $2 00 per quarter. Kntp« ol Adirertiaine: (m square tea line« ot lets, one insertion. $ n on ...... each subsequent insertion. 1 1 0 (M-elghth ut a column, pur quarter....... 1.2 mi " (earth " •* " " 20 00 tliul " 1 ............ 26 ( 0 •< Iia'f •• •• •' " 20 00 Oae felt u a. per q narter............... 50 t o KmiLfss raids. 10 lilies or leas, three months. 7 (A) uns CF SUBSCRIPTION TO WEEKLY WORLD Ooe j««r inierritory.............................$4 00 tit UK lilbd ............... .............. U UO Ose \cms out tue Territory................. 3^ What reason, asks the New York Sun, is there for believing that the silver coinage law will be suspended when Congress meets? No reason ex cept the desire of those who entertain the belief. Wise men who take a dis passionate view of the facts will adopt 4 different belief altogether. There is but little doubt that the Chinese government will levy a heavy indemnity against the United States for the unlawful killing of the Chinese miners at Rock Springs. The circum stances are fully covered by the trea „ . KV „ , , , , ty of 18S0, and the bill, whatever the sise of it, will have to be footed byi Uncle Sain. A S.\nda v-.-cuo i, teacher asked 1 her < *, I a »er scholars to learn a verse to recite when they dropped in their pennies at tue next missionary meeting, ap ---------- „p propriate for the occasion. They all | ctme prepared the next Sunday, and i •he first little fellow, as he dropped in his oflerin-r. said: "Blessed is he that co "sidereth the poor." The sec ond repeated : "He that giveth to ^ poor lendeth to the Lord." The teacher was delighted-, and as the 'H a very little boy, went forward, sbe "inhered in his ear: ' "Now 'Peak out loudly, Johnnie." Johnny, «luctantly dropping his monôy-in the ox i hsped: "1 he fool and hitli mon Work' th0 ° n parted *~Christian at A Dublin special to the New York 1 is.iis. On I uesday the Nation CQ itb - meetings throughout the n m' tr '' ^ 0t even in Damai O'Con e ' s u ™e was such an amobnt of Irish •' i.iMii known, nor has such a gen M ;.:: r,,usi '*g°f NatidDalist feeling in part of the country, excepot in "naught, exhibited itself within the ent l ,nan ' W hile the general 'asm is frightening large num ; o1 "»oderate Home Rule voters, ls annealin *ith the the new class. "Down Victors and rack-renters!" is popular cr yatallof these gather . daT's 10 m0St noticeabl e of Wednes JTTT Was l * el , d at Glengarifl - , Count,, n ,,rtS »eiaatisiengantt, *i th ° rk > wh ere Ilealy, flushed " s ""expected triumphs in Lon *!th donde; ms s s P°kc. I» tho course of I , '' e i Said; "Althougl, tho »WL 1 " s > s ' a "d is small, far 4ru in '°l'n d,e ^-Uantic Ocean there T ; w «,000,000 descendants of our belaud.» ,)lan,m 'g for the rood of We ho d oar regular meeting on Ti**_ fl»\Uf*enli»g,«>f euch week, at «he I, O. O F Hull. All brutlu-rs are invited to meet with us \i hen convenient. -, „ * J y of Ibe M. W. Chas. MAlices, Recorder. Idaho Encan» moat No 6, I. C. R n ll.n o"'(T eKU *' , n,ee,J tiK»iti Temi erance Ifa" the first sud third Saturdi v even. liiKH In eiuh on nth. Mi 11 «nii.toua 1 *. (1"<h 1 Standing are invited n „tend iv v r<1e r .1. " ,e E - c - ü.J» si», r. s . y Jan 2- 7« —tl. ïTofffjionai Cards. C. S. KINGSLEY, A ttorney and i o nselok at law, wi; j lit! .ml to business i it,lisa comity auk. 21, '77-11 1 W- J, Eothwell M. I) I JHlStClAX, 8UI11 EON. graduate of Ji-Ucr son Medical C< 1 eg*. PhiUtfiluhia. <«h e on U l er end ol Granite street, P' Boise (.* • X ' 'déc— 4. tl. Z1TF. M. XX, plIYsniiN A Nil MM to EON. OFFU E nil« ' ill oi abovf M u. .Marcus* store, auU opuutiiuj ibe Wohll, olhcc. A,mu .fleet. * ^ " , i JA6. U. UATYI.BY, NORMAS M. RUK3K. j ATTCÄMEys-AT-i,A w : j I1AI LEY, IDAHO. Will practice mall the Cmiris'of the Ta ritory. (April h'O, tf. Ilawley &,Kuiek, I I Herbert Vt r . Dun ton , _ „ _ Jitto; ne y and Counsellor at Ztaw Uistrict Attorney for Holer Co. Legal business not interfering with Boise Conn, 3 promptly attended to Collections a s P ecial, - v - Hdice in the Court House, Idaho City, Idaho, J. A. Richardson, U. S, tad Snrveyor. ' V ' W II OUK A SPECIALTY. Adre6s, Boisr City', Idaho. I j I THIS PAPER may be found on file at Geo. 1*. Howell -IS Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau I (10 Spruce Street), where advertising con-1 tracts maybe made for it in New^orli, Treasurer's Notice. The following Warrants will be paid out of I lie County General Fund on pres entation at my office: No. 62 in favorof W. Coughanour $ 87 75 " .01 " " " B. T. Davis Gt> 001 .. gy a « .< q- h Smidi 75 00 " 68 " " " 8. C. Silsby 200 00 Tlie following out of the Road Fund : No. 104 in favor of Alex Orchard $52 20 , P1 , ,, . r.i 11 - , , 1 he following out of the Hospital Fund : 1 No. Ill in favor of Frank Cooper $200 00 JOHN GARRE' TIT, Co. Treas. By Isidor Smith, Deputy. Idaho City, Idaho, Sopt. 16, 1885. TCTotico. 1 HIE TERRITORIAL AND COUNTY . Taxes are due and payable, and the laws in regard to their collection will be strictly enforced. Ben. T. Davis, Assessor ami Tax Col ector, Boise Co., I. T. August ?8, 18S5—4w. Cqveruo "■ SHOP. A. P. Jones lias rented Cav > 8 blacksmith shop, at the corner of Main and Com mercial streets, and is prepared to do all kinds of blacksmith mg ,<>n short notice. Horse-Shoeing Small slioes | er span Large .$5.00 . $0.00 OS^All work warranted to give satis faction or money refunded. A. P. JONES. City, July 14 1185 if. ED R l OF 1C It' DIRECTOR". OF Idaho Tçrriîory. ir... Attorney-GeneraL............... " 88* tsr? é /..a '' ■-............,Ca#e Broderick ' £• ' hIh'^wU-v O.t*. MiirafnU, ^ . l* T ' r . . S..p*t V S. t.ëiiv t>ET''.......... h- ** He > t.,..r i .... . ' ........... niannen ■ Miureine Conrt. '*«tr ci Attorney. Receiver L .....V.VV^Har en ' Pefly. ....... * ............ '•«.•B. C. Braustet' t*r. TEliRllOHlAX. DIKEoT. \Y: j^Ô^rî 0 .. C ? e r 88 -; .............. s°\v T e , ......-..... ::£. w pÄ BOISE COUNTY BU-MCEOR5: < Äv::;;;;;:; *■•••• -, Auditor ami R,"eordSr ««?£* ■■'■».ey.............Herbert V Du .non !*«•■*'« *n.i t.xc„ 1 e«,nr.. .'..V.'.'." r„ m, °....... ' Kellf«,l Superintendent......... t'-' ifuty f.'t,uiu)i.'Ki<iii c rs, O S une ami . a. ciark.-uu. J. i othweli. A Eiuquette, %r. E. OLD TYPE! OLD TYPE! -roa !| i*. We have on hantj at thi^ Office I a 'arge quantity of Old Type for j sale. It is good in all cases where I Babbit metal is used, and iu s me cases better. Treasurer's Notice. The following warrants wit. he paid out of the Coun y General Fund on presen tation a i my ufiiae: No. 7 in faVor of John Gorman $245 00 " 23 " • VV J. Both well 75 00 " 10" *" A. Orchard 429 20 " 4 " " NV-A. Ciiughanour 128 00 50 " « C. S Kingsley . 153 /»0 " 338 " " P. I on nan »hi on " 32 " " J. J. Marsk " 16 " " C. C. Havird ö 00 Also the following Hospital warrants: No. 347 in favor of A. t rchard $21S 7(i » 350 " " F. Cooper 173 00 " 110 " 1 A. Orchard 94 37 Also the following Road Warrants: No. 188 in favor of"Chas. Magee $100 00 " 1~8...... Marsh A Ireton 77 50 " 355 " " » Geo. Tucker 220 00 " 360 " " " I.ick Bros. 100 00 JOHN GARRECHT, Co. Treas. By Tsidok Smith, Deputy. Idaho City, l. T., Aug. 7, 1885. — ___ __ — — , an ^ al 1 kinds of LAND SCR1P nought and sold. " --------- p - _ .0 10 *° LAND! Chi ms a speciahv. W ar :in;s, and ADDITION AL il O MESTE AD ................. .... SUSPENSION ENTRIES. LAND PATENT and PEN SION cases attended to. Correspondence solicited. A. A.Thomas, Attorney nt Room t.'i St, t'loutl illil'j;, Washington, 1). tl. COSSET DOWNS' ?ATENTSE ^ Bu Diiu AÜJUSTING [IMPROVED] I« tlie only perfect fittiiiK, truly comforlabl« *nd heilih-prmervmii Corset nixde. lias nn Elastic Se, tioii nbu, and r,tn« a Lor<ied ( cnterpiece i.a- j lirely diHerent fmm any oilier Every (.tract is j snooped and absolutely Guarani.«,! In every oar licolar. Ile «nr* to pet the Downs' Patent, Man- I ufaclured ouly b) the o*i.,-I)< w.\» Cojiskt C p. I'm- . eaoo. and lor sale b< fiiat-clasa dry-goods atoms , everywherw i'rioe St 50. July 3. ltiS5-12m, 1 I NAVE JUST RECEIVED ' : 4-* tr:<j From 8an Francisco and the East, line of DRY-GOODS, Fancy Ooods, Lndies* Underwear, r I'oilet Goods, Rushings, Embroideries, Etc A full line of , BockiEjrliai & HecM's Boots anfl SHOES, For men women and children. ARCTIC 0VER8H0E8, Overalls of all kinds; Hats, and a ful line of Holiday Goals. MUS. C MAKCUS October II, 1881. •INO. M. LAMB& Co. —MANUFACTUliEKS OF— Marble Tombstones, Monsients, MANTLES, HEARTHS, CLOCK SHELVES, TAB.E TOPS AND —Agents fur— Iron and wire Fences C3T*Factory opposite Central Hotel, Boise City, Idaho. James Dymolie Superintendent and manager. October 1C. 1883.—ly. ODS. iff— a hill 1 The Buyers' Guide is issued March and Sept., each year: 224 pages, 8ixllj inches, with over 3,300 illustrations — ,R whole picture gallery. Gives wholesalo prices direct to consumer t on all goods for K nal or family use. howto order, and gives exact fB H cost of ev ervthingyoa H W use, drink, eat, wear, or have fun with. Theee invaluablo lxioks contain information gieaned from the markets of Lib worl i. IVc wiil mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage—8 cents. Let us Lear fmm you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 6 ttktf W i ha th ArcmiCk Uuloa^o, UJL Bemingtcn Standard 'YPE-WRI PER, (Block Type) nsurpassed for speed, du ability anil ease ot man H-. v .n ... .. child can opérât, it. Found generally in counting rooms, doctor's and law;\ers'offices and the minister's study Sei c] for new pamphlet giving f dl dc scription of latest and very invportant im provements. \N Y K1 »FF. SE \ M A NS & BENEDICT. Madison Street, near Waliash Ave. Chicago, Ills. July 21, 1885—6111 WATCH ANS CLOCK RIRA1EIN6. ¥ \ BALLOT IS NOW PREPARED /a* at Kimmel's old siand. iu Captain Hatch's furniture store, to do all kind> of Watch und Clock repairing at reas onable rates and ou short notice. All work from Boise county promptly attend ed to. Boisf. City. March 24. 18S5. j , n , K c--n»-. ,u„ m*n pm in wurz tlixe will at j once briue you iu more money hater t|,»u anyltilue el-e in America. All about thé fîvyXM) i 1, m " I with each box. Agent, wanted everywhere of eni"," . »ex. of ail apes, lor all the tune, or spare lima och , In work for n« «t their own home«. Fortune* for all workers absolutely assured. Doa'f dotay. i, 1 u JWrrrl Co, PorUand, Maine. 'NPRF.SÏÎITS GIVEN AWAY. Pend us Soetts Hostage, and by uia.l yi n t---j - - - »ill get FREE & package of good« 01 large vain», that will start yon In work Ibxc w ill st W-OkWetY ÀJI BWOÄMCY. ~ &U2 KEARNY ST SF.Cau Efltablisbrd for the Scientific an<l Speeuy Cure of Chronic, Nervous & Special Dis. eases. THE EXPERT 8PECIAU8T. D uiSii JCfii. JZü rfiHeae »nd Univer-iiv of »i,rhi**n. H.^bwXvaU eds lifetime to the *«udy orthe treatment and mu* Ol difteases wi hin Ii|n ° Uft Young Mon And MIDDLE. «GEII ME . who are anflerine fern* the i fffct. of Y'-ulhfiil indiivr-iion* oi Ez- cfae. in matnrrr yea,a. Nerton, aod Fbxii-at tVIdlin |m. p-lenee, Lo.t Manhood, eonfunion of idea, 'dull eye. .ver.ion to ... c t.ty. Deepondency, W unU. cm *4î of »nd memory, frequency of BrtB.fiiii!. etc Remember, t .t bv a o enbim don of rented leg of (,-real e.ira ive powe -, tf, . , , r baa •o arraiiKed h g ireatmenr rbat It will not only ml? lord lmmt-diaie relief bu pernunent cure. My Hospital Bxpsrieaes '.T 1 charge .if *wo lea-iin* hoa « >ne |o trea all private trout) eg triih tlL rton U m '««""'irtn.-tiy n.,derg^5 b«e m r»^mi m ^ rfuriu "« "»«ibiliiiea. .«-to rîT® a B1 L BCn *??î »ojKfuaMir*! p*»wer. I dim only to he a ggiihnl nd encitegxfni p:ngirt a „ bnrgeon. tSorrmaHg informed in my a|S,j-_ »IHKAHKa OK SIAM All apply flip lo me »ill receive my hottest opin 1 - -*Pe «ntenttn«. I w,l| guaraniee a po.iuve eure in "y,'ry ta*e I uuderuka or lorteit 1 1 no»: Uongi.luttou i-i office o?bv !e SJ raKe. and rtrn-ily p„ VB ,e , h»r„eT r^gouIb,m 1 boroiqih examina iou. includiug ehe nues. 1 and ïïsraK r' 1 - - u-srVffli DXL. AILEN 26« Keaniey n • eet, -au Francisco, Cal. Offic» November 2. ' nc8 toiTôuly.' 3 ' Ull ' V ' * l ° Heven ' u 8- Sunday from » f:.*]; ,,f * VPCMablr compound th* ". . . VMUS 14 Epee; ai p.sso ice and harp nd>, »hieb nn.ier my special a,1vne n a s ,, e , r ? false« Oi eot-cose in ibe cure of Lout Manhood! Prorttaforrlipa. etc CD , LU .VN a UR. LIEBIG'S W0NDEBFUL Geraan Iwiioratsf Æsa»"i Vi.sVv", 'foiiitv, O ViI » 1 Lxbanstioii Weakoeas. Lom LJ o' i' J' i'"" 1 ,' [ a,!iDy M-mory and cr R , t .'! ' a Oondit ona X-U ol (he GenWii Urinary urirau« O I'lPulEN, I . Farlv f Weakness, «„d al, the sad r ft els of yon.l.f,,] fo f. mruT * '* C * UJ ut »a XI permanenllv prevent* al m.naui al h.s 3 fmm ;h,- »,»tei* •a *huuï&ituê can arrant wbu hav« used the remedy in the jus qu.ol erol a cennir, w hich it has • eeo le-fore ibe public. r J . t À n «tuieed a M onder, fai Reine,,} - toil! g the nerve« st.-ei gibemiip (Le muscles, check» , ,lle wane, invigorating *hb f"Y and ,e.wring the O -st"s il ° J:AL1H au 1 ÜAPPfc I7Z Tire X'fietcr »ii agree t« * t ' : 1 >1.00') it-r a case under» " J' 1,1 '"' '"d en r. d. The reason $« ^ mauy eau nui cet cured ot w.-ak a»e hess aod th ■ ab >w> diseases js ow - <c! »I F io a diuplicaiioo. called Pris». T., t. o.I,HKa, which requires special i tiillUtr t. VARICOCELE or M'orinj Veins of the Scrotum. Often the uiisusp té, can-e ot l 0 t Manhood. Debilitv, is. ■Jr. R f l' I e l r , ' S l T,G01 ' 'TOB No 2, is the only curt I r 1 n sTATOURHla. u. it V|,\ H 1,0 is rZ. m">em h! 1 * Ue haUd * me mov ' J back from age 1 r re of either J nvijjorator. *2 fee-, s x bottl. s iKI. Sent U, MV addrvVs love., 6H4 iir»l> irt)in observation. ' • • l»r I'iehiz A f'O ireat snceessfnllv !>v tfonx caopaihy ev, ry toriu «>> SPEi'i V! i 1 lV , 1 J » eiiho.Nr I>I>E ,SE wi lmu, meV^rv or ilrngs. I vitality i- drame , tro, u . f,„ b-u. u * meems d.seases fnlb.w that baffle ordinal y ■ »».a. 11. 11 allow, d to c, niinue ibe uui. uurwl 10 causes eonstimpli ot. Diabetes, b Ihbt'.s lbs. If. saint .etc litres giarau eed. > >iaeaw <ot ill. e:.,t. mar, organs, kidneys liver an 1 blai -p.'< lally .nated. I-ispasps or warts sa epe ut cuu:i). 1 «{ualiiied ami IleA{inmsjblr —Dr. Liebig irj-rn Ell»,ire. are orgain/.csl iu couipiian -•« ■»I h , aliioroia Medici Law. D:,p, r d »oleg. »■ ,Ii■ c»t,o and are now iu their utu^ let-nth \ eu- i S[ erui ITAi-u C M. **t p W4*rhii t-1 t-iriob^lta free to puiur*»* rktflV,^ VK d»ï HK WoKl,,tBKÜÏ Büwck ni the IN VIO- * U^AIO.S 4 fciBoTTLK WVrJI OR 8KM FELL Ct'Ä öUlratio! it »*t «a lui private DK I II Ill's AfiNDEREUi. 4EUVAX lNVtG m,'''r C •T 1 '" ,l1 l, y copy right from !' .ih,e of lulled Males Gov.u.incut lea are of • mutât laiobiij'si Dispeu»ar] , . Or i.iobix'n XYumlerfal 3Iague,ie II EAliEIIN. vl R n r V \V? N ' AT1ZE V 'be g.-eatest curative ine vn ttan ot the age E.-eiv tnju ,, r Wot au cm now , e their o„u Magnetic H.aler—!t can be used ■ wxtbeut rbe aid of a ,0 ss.onal h mb-.b "ÎSÎ s.quentlv >*" bi*l»es to pay,- Prie. îô - complété a woid only at lb.. LIEBIG S DLsp, \ m hv 4,10 bearj et-eet. >an Erat.ciso), Tal. Pri'ate Entia -ce. 4UA Masou Street, lour blo.k* J'J' tr ' Tv,.bwe.d fron Keit-iev. suiu Entrauo* throu^fi Dis enstry Drihj s-Lore Dec isS —i: ONLY $850 REQUIRED " Jl complete mill FOR WHEAT DtODBIK Sk Corn Meal reel Will more than for itself every year. . Send for Circular ix> THE , .Simpson & Gar,it MFO-. co. CINCINNA«. o. -=• r*HS Established 1844.