«BXHMCX-'' :iiY OL. 10. IDAHO CITY. FRIDAY, OCT. 2,1885 Friday* emi-Weekly World. Published Tuesday « dks * — BY'— HEMAN and CHAS. E. JONES qehan jones, business manager. Ornes; Cor. Main ani> Commkrciai.Stb. (Brick Buh.di.vg) Jlatef of Subscription! «m îftr.........#G 60 j Three Vcnths.. .$ J 75 Kl Moutli!..... . 3 5» I -Single Copies..... ju Dr Csrrler, $2 Ou per quarter. Haies o 1 AdrertininK> iqmre. ten Unes nt less, one Insertion. $ 3 00 " •• each subsequent Inseitlon, 1 < 0 igbtbof s column, per quarter,...... 13 UO « fourth " •• •• 20 (Hi third « • 25 00 « half " •• " •• SO 00 column, per quarter............... 60 uu sen t side. 10 lilies or leas, three months. T OU HS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO WEEKLY WORLD e yeer in Terri lory.............................$4 uo monibe ............... .............. a uo turn out tue territory................... 3 25 A. Hit Below the Belt. The Enterprise thus libels one of euo's clothing merchants: "One of e proprietors of a clothing store at I lias a dummy standing out in Rt, by the sidewalk, dresseil up in "d style, as an advertisement of lr goods. Many people see a great emblance between the dummy and e proprietor, and there is a very rightly young miss in town who he soit on, but who hates and despises roso bad that she can't help hitting i dummy impersonation asl\ r slap rpoke whenever she passes it. The «1er evening, in company with anoth Moung miss, she was going past d seeing what she supposed was at miserable dummy standing in nt of the store, she gave it a severe all in the abdomen with her parasol. 0 her horrer, he doubled up like a aeh-knife, with both hands clasped f oss his belly, as he roared out: Sheesus christ! Ach, Gott in Him e • Vot der tuyfel you do dot for?" 6 anc ^ ^ er companion gave a scream rtW0 ' ai 'd were hurrying around the ner that time never stopping oath their breath until they reach 0,ne ' She passes that clothing P uo more, and the proprietor has a^d admiring her. He wants no 0re dummy j n his. mother Transcontinental Link. 1 another railway between the a°uri River and the Pacific Ocean k e y to be added to the list within 6X t * Uo years. It has long been j r j^ Crot P ur pose of the controlling l be Chicago and North ern Railway to push that great nti™ " estwar< ^> entirely across the e nt, and that intention seems to a ' ln g tangible shape. It is now understood that the company is •'ssn ng x' tS Fremont > Elkhorn and to\v' al!e ' V line across Nebraska «inn . y0min £' but its further desti r!nise! aS T been mainly " matter ° f r es Railway age now ven e n , Ur ' n ' se that a connection with ■f , hi ; ra * acific is not the object an ^ difficult work of yomin l0, |' across t i 10 mountains of «tenh"* t,lat the bold idea is Toss th ed ° f P Usbi 'ig still farther on • of I,i e , greater Part of the Territo ^unti! Boise City is reach Ulni <* Review f ofUty gotiffs, Banner Xiodvre Mo. lO. A- O. V. W. Idaho City. We hold our regular meeting on Tues clay evening of each week, at the I. O. O. F Hall. All brothers are invited to meet witli us when convenient. By order of lhe M. W. Ciias. Marcus, Recorder. Idaho Encam- mont Ho 5, I. C. R r. ' meeting. In Tp,ni>er*nce Hall Ibe flist mid third Saturdi v even in«« In «mb nmuili. All Champion* !.. K<»od standing are invited »o attend. By order of the E. C. C. E.Jokes, li. 8. Jen 3-77—tf. g£roffissjiifti< fin. e^ucarid si Bowdoia College Hod University of Michigan. He has dwot* ed a lifetime to the ntudy of the treatment aud care ot diaeasev wir hin hi« »i.eciaity. Toung Men And MIDDLE-IGED ME , who are suffering from the effects of Youthful Indiscretions oi Ex esses la matnrer years. Nervous aud Phi steal Debility, fra p< fence. Lost Maubood, contuaion of Ideas, dull aversion to society, Despondency, pimples oa the fi ce. loss of energy and memory, frequency of urinating, etc. Remember, t at by a cuiubiui tioa of remedies of great curaive pow»-, the Doc or has so arranged h a treatment that it will uot only af ford immediate relief lm permanent cure. BZy Hospital Bzpsrienee H > g been surgeon in charge of «.wo leading tins pitalsl enables me to trea all private trouli es with ex, ellent resn ts. I wish it disilnctly understood tha« I do not claim to perform im ossibililica. or to bare miraculous o sup- rnalural power. I di m only to be s skiiliul ltd successful Phisician and Surgeon, thoroughly informed in my speciality_ DINI.ANKN or MAX All applying to me will receive my honest opin i n of tbelr complstntr—No experimenting. I wiB guarantee a positive cure iu every case I uudertaka or torfeit $1 Otfii: Consultation iu office or by letter fkkk aud strictly pnvate. i barges reasonable. Thorough examina Ion, including chemical aud microscopical analysis or ur.ne aud advice lä.uj. Call or address OR. ALLEN 26>s Kearney street, Sau Francisco, Cal. Office November 2. 18A3—It. hours, a to 3 daily. 6 to 8 evening. Sunday from» to 12 only. P. S. I have a vegetable compound the emit 01 many years of special prie. ice and harp study, w hich miller my special advise has never failed ol nice me in the cure of Lost Manhood. ProMtatorrhea. etc. UR. LIEBIG'S WONDERFUL Genau Inviprattr THE OLDEST, GREATEST and HE T REMEDY for the cure of . N rvons and Physical 1 cl.ility Vi( al Exhaustion. Weakness, Loss r . I of .Manhood, lailluv Memory aud -,im Relaxed and Enleebled enndit one LL. ol tue Geiiito.Urinary organs. O IMPOTENCE, Early Decav, Loss OÎ Y'igur. Seminal Weakness, and (f) j 1 * 1 11 '** »-a'l rfficts of youthful fol lie- au abuse and EXCESS of .da , LU unity. fiOC It permanently prevents «*1 UHLAlll ; Ml i(.£8 from the SVrttflU, «s !housands can attest who hav* used the remedy in the pas' quar ter of a ceulnri which it has neea before the public. It is indeed a lYonder. Till ni'llifily—toni* utile nerves stiengtbeiiiUK tLe lnuecJes. check* n 11, 1 ? "ante, invigorating ths ^ no]« 8 >hU'Hi and leattoriug ths SmJ i fflirtedfco HEALTH an i HAPPI Q NE4W. ■p The Doctor will agree to „ _ ®1,000 for a ca»p uuder* 21 taken, noi cured. The reason so ^ many can not get cured of wcak •T ne^s a»id thi 1 above diseases if* ow U k to a complication, called Phos tatokrhf.a, which requires special t.tatme t. VARICOCELE °t Wormy Veins of the Scrotum. Often thrt unsusp-cied cause ofLoit Manhood, DebiUty, &o. Dr. Liebig's I.wigohator No. 2 . is the only cure f r Eiv 'statouuhea. Bv it Mabhood is re stored and the hand oi t,me moved back from age to youth. * i*ric«- of Pithrr Invisorator. 383. Cam of mx Duttirs. |ll). Sent to auy addres.s, covered securely from observation. Dr lairbiKT 4L Vo- treat successfully bv Horn* OBopitrhy every form o ? SPECIAU PKIVaTE o# CHUONIO DISEASE without mercury or uaseou* drugs. I. vitality is drained from the body, mi merons diseases follow that bailie ordinary medical ebbtitunt. It allowed to continue, the unnatural lo causes consumption. Diabetes. Blight's Di* ease, luNauitv, etc. l ures guaranteed. Diseases of the ceuiti'-niinarv organs, kidneys, liver and blad der specially treated. Diseases or women stt ki> ILY CUBED. Qualified and Ite^poiisilde.— Dr. Liebig « Co. from Eujiofe. are organized iu coiupliaDcti with Caltfordia Medical Law. Diploma procured ijjg regular i ol egr* educatio<> and are now in their nia* leeuth year »special practice. Most powerful electric belts free to patien»« Tu Pk vk the Woedkrfui Power of the INVIO ORxVl ()U a $'2 BOTTLE GIVES OB SENT F£EE. C'oB sultation fiee and private. DK LILl lli'S WONDERFUL GERMAN INVIG OR.vrOR is proteted by copyright from Patent Office of United btates Government, beware o£ imitations. Liebig's Dispensary, Dr Liebig*« Wonderful Maguetic IIEALEB». SELF MAQNATIZER* the greatest curative ix> vt-ntion of the age E"ety man or Won an can now I e their own Magnetic Healer—It can be used witbeut the aid of a professional h ndrubbe , con sequentlv uo bi^fees to pay. —Prie# $â -complete**. 8oid only at Db. LIEBIG'S DISPENSARY 4«H) G eery street. San Francisco, Cel. Private Entrance, 4u5 Mason Street, four blocke up Geary street fn-m Kearnev. Maiu Entrance through Dis ensary Drug Store Dec -M —i>. ONLY $850 REQUIRED abliahod 1B44. =A COMPLETE MILL FOR WHEAT F LOPMS, Cora Meal and Feet Will more than pay for itself every year. Bend for Circular to thk .Simpson & Gault MFG. CO. CINOtNNAIK, O,