Newspaper Page Text
Semi- W ce k |y VY or kl FRIDAY :::::::::::::::::OCT. 2, 188$ A minister of New York saw a mari wrap a ten dollar note in one of three cakes of soap und then offer the soap and money for the reasonable price of five dollars. The clergyman, thinking he might ns well make the five dollurs and soap as somebody else, bought the whole lot. He got the soap but no money, and the mem bers of his (lock attempted to secure him a position in some other church. Sonp is a. very poor article to specu late much on. The New York Star has the fol lowing: Paper-money newspapers say the people do not like tho silver dollar, but tho Star knows better. Plain people like the dollars, market women like them, hack-drivers like them, newsboys dote on them, and bar-tenders receive them with do light. The mechanic likes the eigh teen silver dollars which he gets Sat urday afternoon. He is not distress- 1 ed by the weight of them. Newspa per publishers like them. Tho star would sell its whole edition, includ ing its cat, for silver dollars. Gen. Rosecrans has declined tho invitation of tho Ohio Democrats, who wanted him to take part in the present campaign. As soon as the President returned from his vacation, Rosecrans called upon him to ask him if public officers were to be allowed to take part in political campaigns. In other words, could he have per mission to go to Ohio to help his po litical brethren? It is understood the President set his foot down and forbade any such proceedings on the part of any one holding office under his administration, because he want ed to try the neutral policy. Rose craus accordingly sent his declina tion to Ohio. Dorman II Eaton, Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, had a long interview by •appointment with the President Tuesday, about a number of miscellaneous matters, the precise nature of which, however, Mr. Eaton does not feel at liberty to disclose, lie said the Commission will be readV to proceed with the argument in the Hinckley suit in New York next Fri day, and lie earnestly hopes that nothing will intervene to prevent a speedy conclusion. The District At torney will by direction of the Presi dent, conduct the defense. The at titude of the President, Mr. Eaton said, in reply to an inquiry, was in every way satisfactory to tho Com mission.— [Ex. The New York Republican Con vention was called to order by Chair man Warren of the State Central Committee. The roll having been called, tho Chairman announced that the State Central Committee lmd agreed upon Senator Warner Miller for temporary chairman. In his ad dress Miller called attention to the fact that the Republican party of the State, for the first time in twenty-five years, was confronted by both Fed eral and State Government in the hands of the Democracy. lie advo cated a rigid adherence to the pro tection of American industries, and American labor. He said: "When we turned over to the opposition the Civil Service of the Government, no better Civil Service existed under the sun." Referring to the pcditical com plexion of the Southern States, the speaker maintained that throughout the length and breadth of that land there was not to be found a single Government which holds the reins of the Government by thé will of the people. The "Cl.unipion Huns" Among the spectators at the San Francisco pàrk recently, was a China man who, not Content with the excite ment of dominoes, dice and tan, de sired to follow the white man's meth ods and enjoy the glorious uncertainty of horse racing. Some one had post ed him as to the champion horse, which was sure to w in, and he accord ingly blew in every $5 piece he had on that horse. He returned home, and tho paper the next morning had his story of the race as follows: "D—ii Saclaipento! Nogood place for hoss-lace. White man he tell me that hoss ho champion boss. Me sab bee. Me bet ten, twenty, fifty dollar. Champion boss ho fun quick two, tlce time; evly time he go back. Then all lun. Champion boss he lun plitty good. I think catchee much tnonee. Birne-by all bosses come in—cham pion hoss him last. D—n champion hoss!" An enormous Socialist meeting was held at Lime House, London. The crowd prevented many attempts of the police to arrest the speakers, but the officers finally succeeded in ar resting Mahon, the Secretary of the Socialist League, the steward of a German club and six spectators. The police encountered the greatest diffi culty in preventing the mob from res cuing their prisoners. As they were being marched to the police station, the crowd followed the police, hoot ing at them, and at times making rushes to liberate tlieir companions; but the police bold their ground well and beat them hack with tlieir clubs. The prisoners were brought before a magistrate and fined and imprisoned lor short periods for obstructing the police in the discharge of their duty. During the hearing the police arrest ed William Morris for ussaulting them. Morris declared that the po lice had hustled and assaulted sever al lady witnesses. Hennett Burleigh, journalist, corroborated tho evidence of Morris, and said the police kicked his leg. Further hearing of tne case was adjourned Never in the history of the country east of the mountains has such a crop been harvested as during the present year. A larger acreage was sown and the yield has been far above an aver age. The O. R. & N. Co.'s trains are bringing to Portland daily about 2000 tons from Eastern Oregon and Wash ington, und the crop has barely com menced being shipped. No question will over again ba entertained of the capabilities of this section for cereals, and the Willamette valley will no longer bo considered as the granary of the northwest.-^—[Times mountain eer. Cholera failed to strike a single one of the 4,000 women employed in the national tobacco factory at Valencia, Spain, though the disease raged vio lently in that city, and tho Mqdical World recalls that tobaoco workers were also noticed to enjoy exemption from attuck during an epidemic at Amsterdam. The Swiss army now numbers 47? commissioned officers, and its effective strength is 200,754 men. Tho high est rank recognized in tho Swiss army during peace is that of Colonel. ESTKAY NOTICE, Broke into my enclosure on or about the 15th of August a Daiik Bay Hoksk. black main and tail, four white feet, two small sadille marks, branded JT on the left shoulder, five years old, weight about 1000 pounds. The owner is requested to prove property, pay for this notice and take the animal away. Ckaio Baird. Ola, Boise County. Idaho. Sept. 22, 1885. 8w&w30d. A. STRAUS la selling Brodbeck's Bottle Beer —AT 82 Ter Dosen Bottles. THREE BOTTLES FOR50 CENTS. LUNA HOUSE > ' > ' - A FIRST-CLASS HDTSai., : b ■ Corner Montgomery and Commercial Streets, IDAHO OITY, X, T. M. Gr. L un ev, Prop'll stags ornes iar thj hotel. STAGES LEAVE DVlLY FOR t6f"B.')ise City, Centerville, Placervillc, Quartz burg and Banner. "®8 He is prepared to furnish anything in the ai rummisiy low figures, föarAT THE HOTEL.-®» Idaho City, January 1, 1884. . IF YOU WANT ANY Cards, Flyers, Labels, Posters, Tickets, Blanks of all kinds. Bill Heads, Letter Heads. Invitations, &c., Plain or in Colors, Executed in the Finest * Style, Call around to the WORLD OFFICE — Corner IMX&in and Commercial Streets,— The World is the Official Paper of BOISE COUNTY IIIAIIO I'lTV i da no J. Cayk. J. Hili.. (Successors to 11. Rulil.) Dealers In Groceries & Provisions CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, WAtlOSI T1JIBCK. ETC. ETC. 5"All Goods at Lowest Rates."®» Main Street, Idaho City, Idaho. CAVE & HILL. D. MCBRIDE'S Ranch For Sale. WITH ALL IMPROVEMENTS. —With or Without Crop Situated in UPPER GARDEN VALLEY Garden Valley June 5, '86. tf. For Sale at Horseshoe Bend M Y FARM, COMPRISING 135 acres of land, well watered, good house and barn and other buildings, an orchard and small fruit—40 acres under fence some 30 acres under ditch; considerable upand good for winter grain. Will sell cheap for cash. THOS. ROWLAND. I Horseshoe Bend Apiil 1(1, 1885.—tf. at E. John II. Myuii, Piacerville. Isidok Smith, Idaho City Î Wholesale nurt Retail Dealers In GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Drugs, Medicines, &c. Idaho City and Placeville, Idaho. WING SING KEE, .Corner or Main anil Walluia Street« Idaho City, Idaho. Dealer in FINE LIQUORS, CÄNNEDG00DS And a Full Eine of GROCERIES. IcUbo City. Aug. 11, I8SS. Penmanship Taught. C. H. Thompson opened a WRXTIxiG SCHOOL at this place, on Monday, September 7th, School in the building first doer above E. W. Barry & Co.'s store on Commercial street. No Tuition fee will be received in advance. Tor ms-* 5 f or a C0Ur3C of u lessons, or in installments. Hours of in structions from 8 a m. to 0 p. u . every day except Sunday. • ---Dealer in 9 % M A X U K ACTl J ft K ft rpxm oxaciaxisT« ihojt —and— COPPER WARE. Particular attention given to Repair^ Tinware and pumps. Also, dealer in Cooking and Heating S T 0 TES, LEAD AND IRON PIPES, PUMPS, HOSE, NAIL , CLASS, ROPE, SHOVELS. SPORTING & BLASTING POWDER BUTLERY, SHOT, GA RT R 11 Hî ES. R EVO EVERS, BAY AND BARLEY FORKS, FORK HANDLES, SCYTHES, SNATHS AND CRAIN CRADLES, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FAN MILLS, MACHINE EXTRAS AND SCHÜTTLER WAGONS. her ihr. Celebrated BUCKEYE II nun fWAGHmERY, AND SULKY HAY RAXES. I now carry a large etock of IRON AND STEEL, WAGON WOOD Horse Shoes and Horse Nails. Idaho OitvM». 1ft, 1X77. Board of County Commis*, ionen Of Boise county, Idaho Territory, will meet in regular session at the clerk's office in Tdaho City, bn Monda}-, October IS, 1885. All accounts or other matters cominf before said Board should be filed two days prior to that lime. All accounts and papers must be legally verified to insure action thereon, and do hill will be presented unless all the fee» are paid. TIM CARROLL, June 5 1885. Clerk Board Co. Com T3SÏ CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. , ^ It contains every improvement that inten genius, skill and money can produce. These excellent Organs are volume, qunlity of tone, quick response- , nisn> of combination, artistic design, bc*uiy "V I1]0( ; perfect construction, making .them s ^ attractive, ornamental and desirable off eW> homes, schools, churches, lodges, soca■ • F-TABLISHED «EPtTATMWt ï xtqiAu:» facilities. SKILLED ■WOBKÄES. , BEST MATEBIA1» COMBINED, MAKE THIS THE POPULAR OBSA" Instruction B ooks & Piano Stools Catalogues & Price Lists, on application, ra** The Chicago Cottage Organ Co* Corner Randolph and Ann Street*. CHICAGO, ILL