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^Vnira Ctmtg feistier. Prf •Iwi H.M a Tear la Knaw. I I l»A I! I AUTHOWT sometimes acquire sach a habit of observation that observation es after a while instictive, and is unconscious. They study charac rs closely and minutely, and when they come to write, reproduce the char acters without knowing how or whence they have got them. THK Protestant Episcopal Congress at Boston has won its highest claim to popu lar respect by the pastoral letter of the House of Bishops, exhorting the clergy "i to denounce sins specifically and by name." Practical preaching and not vague generalities are what the church ost needs. as follows: there arc 3,(K)0 people :-J& OFLP ASVRRFLRQIIOW. H—lgtJNlllT«w»tyn|aM »wM 1 94 Mnl MbM%SMSt IHWI III)! It MM •OW WW W xiiMMtte ,.... ww ttaes ssnatta ,.. 0n»ifa*rter salaam, one) rar sow *U inimlhi JO IhlW IQiHitlK li Oil Ome %aU»column, oneyear SB K alimcutha. 11 three moattwA 8 Of! OM*fUte, no* r**r ]g eg si* m- utlw 06 three uoutb* tW towl Hotter* 10 ocr.Bi per line wk loMrttaM. AH tnastent sdvcrtiai- t»w* be pat,! tnr Is MVtLM, lefvlir »Jw liij pifuMfi QUiKtrlf. VARIOUS TOPICS. i curled pine of Florida is in de ad by European cabinet-makers. It it* 1 to be difficult to work and must be |led by the best mechanics with the ^but that reaulta will repay the ill expended. the past year the consumption reached the highest point ever attained in this country, while the value of our cotton fabrics has, despite low prices, increased (7,000,000 within two years, or from $3,090,000 for the fiscal tended June 80, 187(L,tqjfl0,180,000 year ending j£ft*W7. UNEBAL FOBEIGN MOTES. ABOUT 300 Russian Mennoiiile* left Berlin on the 9th inst, for the United States. THE master builders of London, unani mously declnrc against a conference with the masons on the strike, ami decide to con tinue tlie importation of foreign labor. THK Pall Mall Oa trite urterts that (ierma ny is nrgiug Belgium to accept a (iennan protectorate and make her military system conform to Germany'*. DISTRESSING tidings of imprisonments, banishments and executions, increasing in number, have been received from Puerto Plata. Nearly 100 citisens were sent in chains on two schooners to the city of San Domingo. Among the prisoners was the Peruvian consul. Home were forcibly taken from consulates where tliey had taken ref agc. A ROMB sMpial of the 12th inst., says the Pope rasse^a restless night, but alwaya awakened in the full possession of his THE Russian war estimate for another year require the issue of *346,500,030 in paper roubles. There is already in cir »u.k» M7.WOOO ,»pe, depreciated 26 per cent, llusaia s pub-1 won bv Arbitrator, with White Ilait sec lie dept is now about #2,300,000,000, and llesper third ITwfTurks are using tons of counterfeit paper money manufacture^ by Qeiu man printing house. OEKEVA, Switzerland, has had a sen sation in the shit|ie of an earthquake. The interval between shakes was several hours. (Soon after midnight came the rattled, and peiplc rushed from their beda, screaming and praying as the tum bled into the streets. DOI'BTI.EHS you have seen the tooth powder peddler who suddenly seises some street Arab from amid a crowd on the curbstone, gets his head under his arm, uci|uia •uuhiiiucs nave arrested him for cruelty to children, on the ground that the proccao destroy* the enamel of T"8 THE French are providing various little comforts in Paris for the thousands foreigners who will undoubtedly be THK Banfc'r ll, V 'iv wh,u lL li l. e WAm 1 bnt his olumils ,ost the teeth." I forl'hcd position in San Krancisedloiie who live directly or ittf products ar^or© than eaten up by the gambling peculations which it stimulates." 4 THE late Joeq Rattell, of Brooklyn, gave $10,000 as ^rmanent fund for his rfolk, Conn., the in or paying the city fattell, his sister, has he finest dwellings in the place to le ui as a Congregational parsonage, and hikrother, Mr. Bobbins Battel!, has giveil,00, the interest on which is to be for repairing the roads leading frofye centre of the vil lage for a distanbf one mile. The family, first and lahave given almost $1,000 to Yale Coll native town terest to be u» debt. Miss An just bought one POLITICAL exciVnt seems to be a fruitful cause of in^ty in France. M. Ooyot Montpayroulditor of the CW rierde France, it s^to have become erased from that Vse. To politics were also attributed^ suicides of Pre vost Paradol, once Washington a receiainister of the in terior in Paris, and s*ai other minor officials of the govei„t of the Mth of May. The Frencrtist be sincere in their political convictt The instances in this country whti,en have been rendeml lunatics by ijic are 0j o«cnrrence, though thLf^ many in which the political^, held would seem to be the result ol acy. IF tbe «lver dollar ^nonetized its l*ftinage will have theU 0f adding singularly beautiful pty, in antici bill haa on I of Liberty, krn in place ixecution of our latlon. The new die pi pation of the passage the obverse a medallion with spriga of cotton of the traditional fillet. the head ia remarkably thoae trying points, the arraiLnt freedom. The reverse sict eagle dlspUyed. Tbe motto ouLoin will be" United States of AL. __J Pluriboa Cnum," wit. «''ich seem to point to his holding, OI,t H" "g indirectly frojthe purchase and sale of! ^"e the Turks'I ,,0*8I!,,,'' stocks, averajig jn their expenses'" $3,000 a year, icre are, then, #1,000,(KM) which the posers do not earn, but is earned by thci victims. Mining is no unproductive tnstry, but the value of iroin r.rxeroum. lne liussians were totally whatever. It lies over ten days under the i defested, the trenches being tilled with their rules. Pievnn will depend. The Porte has deter mined to fight to the bitter end. Mahmoud l)umah Pasha is ill. FIVB hundred deserters from Plevna are reported en route to the Russian headquar ters. It is believed from this and other i signs that Osman Pasha must shortly surren-! 'I?'1"* retreat from lcve-Boynn. It says some offi-. nER ral guns will be court-martialed. The several guns will be court-martialed The Secretary of the Treasury makes a statement, showing that after deducting all the out standing obligation, payable on demand, there is now in the treasury nearly $60,000,-1 ch minister to in gold coin, an increase of $41,.500,000 since July, 1876, when the last detailed state ment was made. THK old suggestion that Cabinet Ministers shall sit as responsible representatives of i lSth'inst"*'1*1' mmiw C. F. MAT.T.AHAW, Proprietor. NEWS IN BBIET. going on .round him. The physicians say ^^•iI^'[17^^-(^!:,for:hd, man, however, says that he contemplates a thorough revision of the tariff. THK President has urged upon the heads Of Departments a reduction of their esti mates of appropriations for the next fiscal year, and the War Department has set a good example by reducing its figures as originally prepared $10,000,000. TUB first step relating to the troubles upon the Mexican border was taken in the Senate on the 8th inst, by the adoption of a resolution of Senator Maxey calling upon the President for information relating to the capture of prisoners by Mexicans from a Texas jail. THK resolution oflered by Mr. Chaffee, re lating to the Union Pacific Railroad and branches, is a measure intended to compel compliance with the law under penalty of immediate forfeiture of all rights, privileges franchisss, and lands received from the United States, together with all property of every kind belonging to the companies. THB BAST. ft# Steamer Vienna has succeeded in I UP he cannot recover, though he may linger for "ow ready for the final Rphce., a week. The Italian government lias already 'x,r 18 ,4th lnst- to prevent any pillaging that might follow' Tim mniA k:ii:.—i. mm on the death of the Pope being made GERMANY and Italy have paid of their subsidy to Mt. (iothard spcctivciy 2,(00,000 and 2,700,000 AT a meeting of forty Constitutionaliataof fifty-third inning. the French senate, iucl-.iding the leaden of the Orlciuiists, the majority voted that the I g™nd jury indicted Michael Lahry and Pat-! partv Khoultl sanction a new dissolution o rick Conner for the murder of John itonic Camden N. J. were burned on the 9th the Chamber of Deputies, it demanded, nor in June last, at Kbervale also John Malia inst. Loss, fiio.5 000 insured for $xi 700. .. UN .,Ug ,'"'ir w" T1'T 1 Qrawn to t|e city next year by the Universal Kapositiou. A score of pub lic clocks hate lieen scattered through the city which, ly the aid of electricity, will give tlie cict time. Tlie letter boxes have also tt-n greatly improved. By means of aiimple apj^aratus the post man, when collects the letters, indi cates when collections were made. months. Works, on the ll'th inst. HAVARIA is exjiectcd to withdraw her THE most prominent merchants, manu-] wBJIBKAIi. nrst, and at o ,w ceiungs cracked, glaasea! diplomatic representation from the Vatiean facturers, and bankers of New York city,.' THKRE was a meeting of the Geneva com jingled, clocks stopped, l»clls rang, doors 48 a useless expense. reprcocnting a capital of $.500,000, have sent mittee of the Missionary Society of the M, jfoTES I l,e,'l'on 10 1 ,tus!iian of obliged to withdraw before u superior force in ordering ihe Philadelphia troops to fire carried ,V:» prisoners. The Russians lost on the mob during the July riot, and ignored killed and t!00 wounded. the bid. It WHS generally supposed that the ACCORDING to to-day's rumors from the case would not be considered until tlie de Russian camp, preparations are making for cision of the supreme court on the contempt a general asaault on Plevna. case of the governor aud other state officers, fire until 2 this morn inc. OSMAN PASHA'S losses at l'levna are Mti- ... rnncisoo (hrouicle says I niated at -'00 to 3(0 men daily, from the con- Wyomine, !•"°*wiU-: n-!-,8ro," out her gold Inex, and argues the point K""inn ,a husily coiixtructiii^ fre^h fortifies- j4 rears Bullia. A MIT LLM HVEN BEK ralher ,hlin to at"1 nK°IK'r8 RUl1 de*erlerB the administration upon the floor of the "*7 Pritchard a judgment of $1,000 against Honae during the sessions to be ready at any i time to answer questions, is being revived. BteWtaT7 lution, ]roviding for the final adjournment of Congress on the 22d inst, at 6 o'elock. JAS. T. LANK has been confirmed United States attorney for the district of Iowa. Geo. ti. Patterson is confirmed for the southern district of Florida. ci^u. Ta* Senate judiciary committee on the 12th inst, heard arguments from counsel of the Central Pacific and I'nion Pacific roads, in opposition to Thurman's sinking fund bill. It is understood that the two compan ies offer first, to reconvfcy to the government about C,000,000 acres of land, which they propose to be credited for at a rate of $1.25 per acre. Secondly, to pay into the treasury semi-annually $1,000,000 each per annum. Also, such amounts added to the foregoing and to the earnings, for government trans portation, as will create a sinking fnnd suffi cient, with ita accumulations of compound iatenet, to Uqaidbte the total amounts ad vanced by the government for interest on the bonds hy the year 1906, or about Ave yean antawqaeit to the average date of •atnrtty ef the bonds. o( the halt on the forehead, andUUpo()ition of the linea around the itn(j are treated with rfmarkaZril0e U(j dato Where the secondary raolto i»to c* ta Bot yatdei it will not be left ofl. A •f an engle torn Hfe for proved nnitkiaatery. a^d type fbMow^d. God we i, bat tat ii !M'% the dW- dadgaa Meet tetjr wggMlut rrifef ta« MM Mgraviaf ol thedW Tn tadiealions are that the Ways and Meaas CemasiUea will not attempt to ac complish anything until the regular session. The atroag protective dement on the Cwa mtttee will render a very effort Is revise the tariff* slew MM. Fernando Weed, ehatf y & v W* v i w i Uvv support the present ministers. for the murder of Michael Walsh last Sep- THK press in the powder mill at Platte- the house went into comtniltecof tlie whole on the A the Liverpool Autumn meeting, on the tember, at Dunmore. yille, Wis., was destroyed by explosion on appropriation Mil, the pending amendment waa IK the case of the ('ommoniFfalth of Penn- the 8th inst. The building was tiadlv '""'V* 8th itist., concluded the examination of the workmen are allowed the Turks to approach within a hun- their wages. York, 011 the mh inst. Hie amount she dred paces, when they received them with a THB WEST. claims is $1,0(10,000. heavy (ire. The Turks retreated to the en-: JHLT Cincinnati Exposition „B ,,V T)|F K Silver Mining Coin pan against Trcnor W 1 I'ark. Gen. Baxter and others to recover *i I'ark, Gen. Baxter and others to recover $5.- hw postponed ^_NIT*® oou»l.v' K.v" WASHINQTOK. of J. Hopper 4 Co., of Cincinnati, died very Oats—Steady rcceipU 35,d(K) bus sales I J?.° Jo"ef' of SChU" Iodge of Mrs. Pritchard was THK Ponca chiefs were each presented hilled by a ball 0n lbe 4*t* *4. ft-r AT Franklin, III., on the night of the 11th inst., a man named John Duncan, *ho had THE schooner Berlin of Buffalo, struck a reef at Grindstone City, Mich., during the recent gale. The captain and cook were drowned and the captain's son and a seaman died from exposure. HKKKY IIOISMAN shot himself and three children fatally, at Mew York, on the 12th. Cause, intemperate wife. 1 -—J ... TlIRsehaoner Magellan LAD^N With 20,000 iiiK Wadleigh eliairman of the com tuft tee on n-iyl faculties, and was conscious of all that waa PLCKL,MF *HE eaatern end of the broken I TIISHELN of corn, waa lost witli all hands oft Tw° Wis cf jt|, WalUstKIN, manufacturer of A SPKnA|. tothe taken the prcc»ution to station a strong or city, failed on the (J0ot Alexander (colored) murdered a white tiin in divorce priK'id'i'ht* Heuale tbeti guard around all approaches to the Vatican I labilities, $7",(X»0 assets, $.ri2,000. mall naDIOI{ tifML by a fanners runaway team aud instantly divisions* on amendoK-pt the reiuihlieann voted aol AT Wilkesbarre, ra., on the 13th inst., the i killed on the 0th inst i second svlvania, vs. the tiovernor and other state wrecked and the machinery damaged, but inUwvUse on tht^'ut 1"»t!" ruir£rmnhoffi'rvd 7n officials, which was argued before the Su-! no lives were lost. The operator was in* i ww'd^ufnt that the four cavalry rf^iment^ be rt^ which iurw of the Mexican ritierof Texas. Adopted—1M to 122 amended on mution of Mr. THE decision of Lord Moncriefl, referee, preme Court, a decision was given on the jured, but not seriously. Loss, $5,000. ih.i! i»- euij'loypVin'^hrXft'ns!''' in the arbitration between the Clyde opera-1 1-th inst., reversing the judgment of the A FAKMER named Ueorge Martin, living *nd l'"li«n h«t tive shipwrights and shipbuilders, waa lower court It absolves Gov. llartranft and in Delta, Ingham county, Mick, was buried a*n"r thu"* given on the ^tn inst., in favor of the mas- 'the other officers from the process issued, to in a fiand-pit in whieh he was dig^in^on the ters. The referee holds that the state of compel their attendance in court. 8th inst.. aud was in sometime before he 1.^* H^fc^'Vo trade on the Clyde docs not warrant an ad-1 JfDOMKNTS aggregating $111,000 were en- was cxhuuied. He was alive when rescued, prohibit the iw of irwiw'tosnppn'M 'irmurwUnii'iI vauce of wages. The lookout has lasted six I tered against the Rochester, N. Y., Iron but died shortly after. lie left a family. w pr"'" 'order in any M«te, e%i ept Congress asking for immediate Church, in New York, on the 14th inst, action in regard to the l'sris Kxposition. The receipts from the Eastern Conference fan Russians, on the 14th inst., Iffftned THE Carroll County Five Cent Savings for the year bad been $403,102, and from the (•etropal Pass, near Orcharie, but were re-j Bank, at Wolfboro, N. H., is to be placed in Western Conference,$1X1,086. The associa pulsed by a Turkish corps of observation,' the hands of a receiver. There is a large has a debt of $W,K24. The appropria with a loss of 4.r0 men. deficiency between the liabilities and assets, tions for the next year arc to be $tK»S,,*«H». A HI'KCIAL, dattd NlernkeWh, the 13th besides the shrinkage upon securities. The' SAN FKASCIHCO wishes a new postoffice 'inst., says: Sharp cannonade continues bank has been brought to its present condi-' and wants a government appropriation. i against Kars and an assault is imminent, tion through bad management upon the THE Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis nerv and polishes the youngster's rodents till Erzeroum has refused to surrender. part of John M. Brackett, the cashier, and Railroad has leased the Cumberland and they shine like ivory. Well, the Phila-! A KISSIAN official dispatch sUtcs that through the neglect of the trustees to per- Ohio Railroad. HSd"^heni'lie^d^*^'rei1i,^,^Ujouren^^i0", delpliia authorities have arrested him !tien- lle'naun advanced against Krexroum, form their duties. ON the 13th inst. the situation at Keeh's Houae. in the dark-1 THK grand jury at Pittsburg, Pa., on the mine, Deadwood, remained unchanged. The MONDAY, November 12. The army captured still Ar.tzie and altliougb case of (icn. Pearson, cliargeil with murder, the authorities. The she ritf has telegraphed A KI NSIAN official dispatch, dated Iiogot, i and the announcement that the bill had been 11th inst., says: The Turks last night at- ignored created universal surprise. tempted to surprise (Jen. Kkobelofl's posi- THE striking carpet-weavers of I'hiladel-1 voke the will of Cornelius Yandcrbilt, came tioas. The Russians were warned and phia have voted not to accept a reduction in to trial before Surrogate Cohin, at New Commission- on in possession fileJ on tl,c !,t1' n,8t- have six weeks provisions, qqqooo $130,270, in lands and cattle. The various cnmniittee on liankint and currency to inquire into A DIBI'ATCH from Krzeroum, dated the Jtth A F.SOLITTION was oflered on the Chicago hanks in Lexington, Frankfort, Paris, and inst., says the Ru^ians attacked the forti- board of trade on the I.Uh inst., which, in trough the ltlue Gnu. Region are niu"V'^ iicci positions at Azizie. The Turkiah troops, ncconlatice with the recent stipreme court creditors. The houw then went into committee «»f the wh(»i« fighting with great valor repulsed them, decision will, if adopted, prohibit member, T..« AW San Antonio special says that r,^tesv}« and jiursued tlie luismans four or n\c miles from dealing ia puts and calls in any form n ^',e l'-Hh of October a party of Mexi-. lrill to ri|e«l the mnmjition set came up for dls from Krxeroum. The Russians were totally whatever. It lies over ten days under the 1 eans 1 It!. „.ni, The re-union of the Army of the Cum- a party of Indians who had been depredat-1 WEDNESDAY, November 14.—The sen will h» «»t* it a o u i bcrlaud, which was to have been held at '"g in Mexico, near Chihuahua, killing six i ste bill to ennl.le Indian* to lweome eiii*en« of the *m*D*'enemet All,' Cincinnati, on the 12th and 13th of Decern- bucks, capturing six suuavs and sixty-eight I Sutra, »m retried fiom the committee and Chevket Pashas, upon which (he fate of ber „nti, tion of the statue at Washington dan, president card to that effect. ers of the animals A YOU HO man named August Seott, re- i M«di»on» '»•. der or attempt a sortie. the 12th inst., of paralysis, caused by the e*. AN official telegram from Mukbtar Pasha admits that the Russians compelled hiiu to died ceM,ve use EX STAT|!8 of Colorado, who eers who were panic-stricken and abandoned I penitentiary for the past eight m0Bths mol,Ml Ior rrobbing "tmng dispatch concludes: We are now occupy-! »«,000, was pardoned by the 10,000 bus at $1.31 for i a* «.- a 1V*aii*nt nn iK» lAth No. 2 spring »ell*r November. Rye—iirm ing the fortifications of traeroum, and pre- j"c 8^? a Corner business man of I 71»7 paring means of defense. ... fusman of Cr/0^IU bntJ»to,y I* renlv to a resolution in (be the I *«ddenly at the former place on the night of I 27,000 bus prices unchanged. Pork— abhorring it and the committee bound to icretanr of the Treaaurv makea."^.nt i the 8th inst., under circumstenccs that indi-1 "«»vf!.^^4^2lI^T-1!,ith'^ .tinn uk i ..._ «t ". mation, on the 0th inst, offering $200 for the apprehension of Charles Klusky, a tramp, who murdered a farmer in McLean (ounty Nov. 3. A JURY in the United States Court, at Mil- w*®^ee» Wis., on the 9th inst., gave Susan- 14th inst, and before the flames were ex tinguished the entire stock was damaged by fire, water and smoke. Mr. Field estimates the loss at $1,000,000 on the stock, while the building, which was the property of the Singer Manufacturing Company, and which cost over a half million ol dollars, ia a com plete wreck, the walls being irreparably damaged. The fire was attended with loss of life by falling debris. Chas. A. Dudley, of San Francisco, but formerly a member of a Chicago ire company which he was as sisting, and a watchman in the building, name unknown, were instantly killed. A number of firemen were seriously injured. By this disaster 850 persons are thrown out of employment-—LATaR.—The Are broke out afresh in the basement at 4:30 A. M., on the 15th inat, conjoining the first, second and third stories. This completed the ruin, nothing now remaining but the blackened walls of a once magnificent structure. county. The husband Firm, a shade higher 25%ti for cash 25c for food THE body of William F. Coolbeugh, presi dent of the Union National Bank of Chi eago, waa fennd on the steps of the Doug las monnment, abont 6 o'clock on the morn ing of the 14th inat A revolver with Mr. Coolbangh's name on it was lying near him. He had been ia eaeoilaat spirits up to the IMk iast, hat undoubtedly became depress ed, and ia a enddaa msatel a«atfoa eoas- •igjt-~ir ram. MtpotJcel li all Ilkp-ilMiil ltaklag. VOLUME VII. ELK POINT, tJNTON COUNTY, D. T„ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMIiEK 21, 1877. NUMBER 1. mitteed the deed. The aflfsirs of the bank have been examined and found to be in good oondition. in Tiik case of Mrs. 1^ Bon, who sues to re- LIBI T., with a small scouting ers held a meeting on the 14th inst., and re- psrty, who crossed the Rio Grande near the solved to hold an exposition in 1878. "1)u,h of the Pecos river, was attacked by a In the I'nited States District Court of! r,00 "t- -"j w.»- r«... i as Indians on the 12th inst., and 'be 14th inst Fonee Kines .compelled to reircut. Col. Young has left iilnJ referred urnroii. of Wistviikiu, iiiu-wlucvd 8iun wi*&">- -,*»••«, »,\ w- JXVth CONGRESi. Senate. THURSDAY, NovemDer 8.—A bill sup plementary t« the act In provide tor thernumptioo been refused liquor at adruK ttore, returned of^ie payment, Introduce and referred wncii the store was closed, entered ft win- ChilTtt Mibmitterf a long preamble regarding the dow, and Spreading the contents of a keg of Union Pacific railroad and it* brunches, with a ro» powder about the premises set the store on j"**'"1 Jhs I'rwrfrtent I* requested to inform lha snitato wlist liutd 1 it ..... i..«_ fire. An explosion occurred seriously in juring the drunken fiend. The buildings were destroyed. Loss $14,000 insurance $3,000. the senate wlintle^nl impediment, if any exists, pre vent** him from executing the laws in accordance with tlie agreement made nr the railroad company. Laid over at the request 01 Chalice, who save 110 th* that be w.mld call it up next week anu remark thereon Adjourned. Honae. THURSDAY, November 8.—Tlie army appropriation hill was delisted for two hours In committee of the whole, without action After the committee rose the house adjourned. Senate. FRIDAY, November 'J.—A bill was in trod uc and referred to tlie committee on finance, authorizing the f*afiueut of ft]L custom* dutiee in THE steamer Tom Morgan exploded her *e8"' 'coder notes Kirk wood waa appointed boiler at tireenville, Miss., 011 the 10th. The '"'V'' 'h«'f«mmittee on foreign relations, In- T. 1 g*l'" member of the committee on privileges and Cftptuiil and owner, Pr. Howell, of Coving-: election*, and Kaundem on the committee on raiJ ton, and the engineer, were killed. I tntuHoiiH th** death of rr.,„ u *1 11 it I Senator Mornm A resolution wasagrfM^i to mak- 'in the ou thc unfl r"* ni«ht! jD8tt railr«d to m^ure tlie nniKtruetion of the 1'urt- Nwhville American says dlMri.^««.rtk»"' Thomas Doughtv near Itcddv M«»rton, DECEAAED Kill* inU' "•""j"", when the doors The house the army ap» di»ruwioii, which Awn, I p"«iin«» niaracter, the cotn mittee roae without artion on the hill. In all the i,1]-v •fejainpt an7 THK carriage works of Charles 8. Caflreyr| and WilUaiua of MiehiKan Adjourned Houae. i rHuetion of the the army, and w e e e i n o e v e e a n i e i e a a n u e SATURDAY, November 10.—At 12:25 ,hi!" ji 'retl The operator was in- by Crittenden, limiting the re- HJnen'V'" nl lr (av,l'r.v IIien 1 'That the mrulting of enliMed "hall|i* limited to 2a.Wi, of whirh four in defiance of appropriation bill reported finm the of to the governor of the territory for soldiers to assist Itim in executing the law. A N engine with saloon and three empty freight csrs plunged through au open draw which tlie engineer did not see in time, into the 1 'iscntavuis river, at Portsmouth, N. II., 011 the loth inst. Mo one killed. tlie whol? tbc e&'Jiatendjournini. IIKKJAMIN GROOM, cattle-dealer of Clark Houae. |H«'»'»" bankruptcy TUESDAY, November 13.—Townsend, L»»'ilitie8,|17s.54.s: assets,! of Illinois ininniuced Texas near the (iuadaloupe mountains, with Senate. »nddenly on i *HB VABKXT8. "f tobacco. I" *"w *or* MARSHAILSHAFFKN- Cotton—Quiet ANDETUUCHADGED. Flour— has been in the pjrul fair demand receipts 16,000 bbls i sales 14,000 bbls $4.1*0(^,1.35, $5.4(^XiO.H5, for the I'nited States gov- #o.40feti.00. Wheat—Shade firmer receipts the I nited States gov- fo.40(at.00. W lieat—bhade farmer receipts lc for we#tern WiUlout "tite. Corn decided, change-. receipu. 10,300 "Panting the house b^T'^ri^bur^rley-^uXngcd.! re«i„»i«n ,H® jourllC(j eighty-seven in number, had a battle in and a eated opium poisoning. !i change at «. Whisky— the musical committee the organist has Gov. Cri.LOM, of Illinois, issued a procla- irSuied^C,°5iDg uu~ Wool—At 32e and 57c. ruumy. inenmsDanii rirm, a «naae nignert ZoMc for cash: zbc lor I employed by Jones, I seller November Kye-Uuchsnged. Bar- w u,c C1IXU Ain OABXTAX.TZXS. THK ways and meana committee aathoriie FIBLO, LKITKR 4 Co'A DRY goods atore at their chairman to report a concurreat reso- Chicago, caught fire on the evening of the Kilwulnt. MILWAITKU, November 14—3:00 P. M.- $1.00^^1.10 for No. 2 easl seller November $1.07}4 freely at$4.35^4.35 tor. visions—Unchanged," 7 $7.yfi. in6irue.inK the EXPEDIENCY of winding up national tank*, ""er a "hort lh« ',ouse sd- by the retilKii.-H.mj of Darin, and alwi to fill the vacancy on the enmotittee on IrausrHtrtation rnufc*, cauaed ty the resignation of iwuniWs Alter mu exacuUre aenion the aeoate adjearoed. Houae. WEDNESDAY, November 14.—The houae resumed ronsiderstiou of the bill for the re W'Sl of the reaumption art. Alter conaidersble de bate the matter went over without action Ad journed. Church Wrangle. Tbe pastor and committee on music of Cincinnati church are at loggerheads on the usei of the doxology, the pastor 111 all belonging to the i 61»V«c. Pork—Irregular a shade i tomterpolate it atthe end of the 6 hUltA..! *ioo: fA. «m uc ii 8U«?e#M"n, 8.U,£ ... *, demat.d of the l*giMaturi' or executive, gave ri* U animated diwuKftion, hut was njeet««d—ayeo 1 tT, nays :w. Atkins then »f1i'r*^l HU ainendiuent ai« an additional HHtion |»r.ividini? thai tht» oinrtrn aligned tantaft duty Hhould not he entitled to additional rank or P»f- Ajrm to. The i-ouiiuitlec theti roAi* and rc |H»rted the hill, hut it waa found the amendments *gn-ed to in the committee conflicted, and as it re quired time to straighten them out, the house ad journed. Banate. MONDAY, November 12.—Hon. D. W. Voorheea was sworn in a« senator from Indians Booth waa appointed chairman of the committee on fiateots in |»#re of Wadl«i^ht fro"' recently a|poiutel chairman of the committee on privilrgm and elec tions Iavj8, of Illinois, wa*cv( us*d from further on the committee on pensions, and Saunders the committee on transportation route* to the eommituc (.11 Saturday, raine up for *onsldera- tioti as the tlie regular order, and after dittcukaion |amed without diii«»n Bill* Introduced: to am (Hid the law in relation to uiailahk* matter of the third da« for the payment of all mtton seized af t4*r the 2!«th of Mav, JMTM to refund the tax on raw eotton eolltfted Iroi»i l.vWUo 17«»» to prohlhit hy eon(titu!i«* miM ntluient the jKiymeut ot cUium arising out of the hite ICIM lliou for the |ayinent of import duties in le^wl tender note* as soon a» thwv are quoted at par with the legal tender coin of the United SUtee Adjourned. Senate. TUESDAY, November 13^—A bill was introduced to authorise the election of a t1elej aio io congress from the Indian territory At the expi ration of the morning hour ChaJh-e called up a reso lution submitted hy hfm last week, in regard to the management the l*aeitie railroad, aud pfnike at length on the subject }tooth, at bin own request, waa excuaed froiu further service on the comniiltet* on niannfat turep The houfc army hill was read ble pwer of irony, and his inveterate pugnacity. Nor did extempore debate ever betray him inio flying over, or de scending below, his subject. Sometimes he was ininetuously indignant, and ex ceedingly bitter in his retorts but he rarely made use of his temper to lend the iinpressiveness of wrath to his eloquence. He was most dextrous in speech there were tact and finesse in the wit that once in a while sparkled forth, and he waa al most finically precise in the accuracy of his. figures ana statement of facta *but was not master of the art, in which Olad stone is /finite princrpt among recent statesmen, of making figures eloquent.— Scribner for November. TX&&IBLE COUST aOXML Hew Winners and Hia Father and Meter fteoeived the Verdict that Dooma Elai to Die. The closing scene of the trial of William Wieners in St. Louis for the killing of Amcricus Vespucius Lawrence is thus described in the Ulobe-Democrat: For an hour the assemblage in the court room waited anxiously for some intimation from the jury room. Three minutes longer waiting, and then at thirty-eight minutes past three o'clock a tapping on the the jury room door brought Marshal Hohon to his feet and caused a deathlike silence to reign in the room. Tlie Marshal opened the door, looked in and closed it again immedi acy. A sigh of relief passed around, and the words fal*e alarm fell from the lips of several. It was not a false alarm, however, and as Judge Jones re sumed his seat upon the bench the jury room door was again opened and the twelve men filed slowly and solemnly into court. Not a word broke the omin ous silence which pervaded the* piace, and yet before the jurors had got to their seats there was not a person in the room who had not read the terrible verdict from the fates of the jurors. The pris oner maintained his composure wonder fully, the nervously rapid working of his fingers alone evidencing the excitement under which he was laboring. His sister turned pale, grasped the back of her brother's chair and cast a piteous glance along the line of jurors, whose foreman handed a slip of paper to Mr. Clabby, C'ierk of the Court, who read out in a clear, ringing voice, the verdict—" We, the jury, find the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree." A sensational scene such as is seldom witnessed in court ensued. The pris oner's face blanched. His sister sat still for a moment, gazing into vacancy and clutching the chair in front of tier. Then she flung her arms around the con victed felon's neck and broke into hysterical sol*, which he tried in vain to check. Over and over again she kiss ed him on the face and neck and hands, only stopping now and then to crv to him_ in a tone of most nitesus endear ment, "Oh, Billy!" "My own brother Hilly! "My only brother!" Then she would stop for a moment, and look wild ly round, and say defiantly, They shall not do anything to you!" At last the stolidity of the prisoner melted away, and, with tears streaming from his eyes, lie leaned back over his cnair, and broth er and sister were enfolded in one an other's arms. The»* was hardly a drv eye in the court room, aud the judge's voice trembled as he ordered the mar shal to remove the prisoner into the jury room. Here he was followed by his father, whose meeting with his convicted son was a scene of terrible patbos. Ut terly crushed by the woe that waa upon them, father and son rushed into on another's arms, and broke into hysterical sobbing, which was heard in distant parts of the building. It was a terrible sight to see the old man, in his hysterical emotion, clasp his mighty son to his breast and kiss him, with such fondness as a parent bestows upon a little child he loves, and even more terrible when, overcome by excess of feeling, the ago nised parent suddenly relaxed his grasp round the prisoner's neck, and fell baca senseless upon the floor. Restoratives were applied, and in a few moments he recovered consciousness. 8o (tainful a scene had never before been witnessed in the court, and it was only an act of mcrcy to remove Wieners to the jail, whither he was followed by his sorrowing relatives. The crowds "in the court rooms collected togetderand waited anx iously at the foof of the Four Courts staircase tocatch a glimpse of the prison er a s he parsed by. They were disap pointed, however, as Wieners was re moved to the jail by the back way, where, after undergoing a specially close search by the guards, he was consigned TO UA cell. The Beat of XvideQMk The late Mrs. Jane W., was equally remarkable for kindness of heart and ab sence of mind. One day she was ac costed by a beggar, whose stout and healthy appearance startled her into a momentary doubt of the needfulness of charity in this instance. of eachbundav with the disputed measnrc. each Sunday with the disputed measure, and the worthy parson of late has cir- "hirtam V- cumveuted the wicked designs of tlie CHICAGO, November 1*—l committee by announcing witn thenum Wheat—Weak and lower $1.08 for cash ber of the closing hymn the direction, and seller November $1.U7(&1.07^ for Without the doxology." On lastHun seller December. Corn—Easier 45Xc for day, however, the musical committee cash 44/£c for seller November. Oats pleaded so eloquently with the organist belialf of the ^oxology that he con- higher at $12.25 for easb $12.85 for seller closing hymn. Accordingly, as the the year $12.35 for seller January. Lard choir had finished the third verse, he —Firmer $7.!»5 for cash $7.85 for modulated the key of the hymn up to seller the year for seller the doxological pitch, opened the full I^cefpU, 30, (XW head veateH.y i W nvmn A^tnltnirlv a« tVija and to lower prices bid quotations unchanged I musical steam for the change, when the mixed packing st $4.30^^4.40 common to pastor sharply called out "Stop! But do at $4.35(44.50 heavy »hipp»g at the organist put on more stops, with a 4.45@4.S5. i full swell toward the keynote, when the I to prinM. Pro tea prima Mat Veraaa. IiONDOM, November 14—12:30 r. If.—Liver pool wheat market opeaa firmer. Float Ing cargoes strong on paesage, white wheat depressed, while then la a good de mand for reds Mark Lane quiet Good cargoes mixed American MM*, at ooost, 31s fair average California whaat, jnst shipped, &7s nearly dne, His. Iniiorta uf wnaat Into the United Klngdom the paat WMI put on all pastor rapped emphatically on his pulpit I ana commanded "Stop that We don't want the doxology! JidhVtrIl""\tIve' aud sales were confined to organist quickly and meekly subsided 300 bbls choice superfine at $4.25. W heat— •},£ nronounrwl th* benediction Kasier, sales aggregate about 1,425,000 bus. at ?T pronounced tne benediction, $1.14« for No 1 spring $1.16^ for hard JndJh®JconKr^Jion lel*rted with^con lah $l.i Mbhy," exclaimed the good old lady, you look well able to work." "Yes," replied the supplicant, "butI have been deaf and dumb these seven years." hymn Poor man, what a heavy affliction!" exclaimed Mrs. W., at the same time giving him relief with a liberal hand. On returning home she mentioned the act, remarking: What a dreadful thing it is to be de prived of such precious faculties." "But how," asked the sister, "did vou know that the poor man had been ncaf and dumb for seven years'" Why," was the ouiet and uncon scious answer, he tola me so," thing: and the o«j@i.0i»? fuwd ideaa of the propriety or impro December proprety of that "awful doxology." The $1.08% January and $1.05gil.054 for No. 3.' little afbir created ^uite a commotion Oats—higher, at 25^c for No. 2. Corn— and a somewhat embarrassing tangle be i rtV010? tween the parson and the committee, Barley—Advanced j^tes of No.°2 at not baen solved ^uite «3(#rt4Wc cash and 46Xc December and Ito Mtisfaction of all concerned, No. 3 st 46$4tiKc. Hags Steady, and sold i i"11'1111' TMa»ip:«.:'aBb»Ur. M. Thiers, it ia known, «lways took great ptins with hia speeches, which were studied even to the met refineanent of phrase and verbal coloring. They were long ncepared, and after they were delivered, be uaed often to spend entire nights in the oloe of the Jfcsftwr eor recting and amending then for oAcial £e Fair Divtr. In the vicinity of New York there is a famous professional woman diver. Her husband was a diver in the Santa Bar bara pearl fisheries, and from him his wife learned his dangerous trade. In 1H74 her kusband was suffocated in his diving armor, and then his wife took his place in the peajrl fisheries. She says there is a fascination about the diving business which is stronger than all its terrible dangers, and and this fascina tion acted powerfully upon herself. She to remain do was able of the men. Et nblicatim». Yet in exteaspora dabata had no wwiisr, perhapa no eqaal, nntil GambeUa aroae. A HMM 4H tumhm aiwava fnnnd hi* mady with his facta aad Ua flcWM) hia avair aTailai Ml wn as long as any Once she was almoat Mtflo- cated through a break ia tbe air supply, and when she was dragged to the surface her face waa black andstained with tbe blood which bad started even from ber ajw-eocketa. She waa aaable to go down ia for two days, bat at Che ead of tiae she resumed her pefUoaa trade. exemsed over Ote apparitio* of a man, who, with hah: bis knees, has beea rt woods aear the place, brash, aad otherwise ti. TEKKB-ilDO a Tetr. LATS TORSION K0TX8. BKAJRAOK, November 14.—Serviahas replied to the porte's demand for the withdrawal of Servian troops from the frontier, that it is impossible to leave the inhabitants of the frontier without military protection. CETTnrjE, November 14.—Besides the capture of the fort at Surturman, com manding the town of Antivari, as re ported yesterday, the Montenegrins have taken four block-houses, towards Spuz is sutfering greatly from the bombardment. Telegraphic and road communication between Sojonnitaa and Scutari is interrupted. The total Turkish force in Albania is only eighteen battalions. There is no force at Antivari or Scutari sufficient to oppose the Montenegrins. LONDOV, November 14.—The master builders unanimously dcclare against a conference with tbe masons who Are on The gorilla which has recently been ex* hibitedin London is dead. Bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to-day, £100,000. Tbe steamer Nankin, New York for Liverpool, arrived at St. Michael's on the 2d inst. She had lost her boats, bulworks and stanchions, jettisoned one hundred tons of her cargo and had her pumps choked and cargo shifted. Tlie Nankin refitted and proceeded on the9th. and declared she wouldn't stay in it if .y? they'd give her the whole town. W»if»f is opposed in China on the ground that they would deprive poor people of tbe ed subsistence they now earn as carriers by 1 pa' land and water. '"-'A Burglarious Trea»p ClIUiMh Cgirapnilninv j.. naughty—" 'tis aaugbty, bat For wbea discovered aad pua privatkm of ita loxarSiMia cri _. every leaf betrayed sorrow and repeat* ance. THK crast at the Port Bald nwath of tbe Snca/Oaaal is advancing oatward a rapid wate, rstimatod at Ii aannm a tnrtjr alanaiai which, U,aal extoasiw^ 4 WAJtt IBB mmmm I? -mmimem*** liWMiaa VMM UM| 7 •rt rawMBiAWj, KMSmm Pf not Eyed her EKZEROI'M, November 14.—All is going well here, Reinforcements are constantly arriving. The Turkish troops are in excellent spirits and con-1 much shirt collar and two little yaSHM fident of their ability to hold the town. man in the present fssfekms tofcrtt fMr i taste. Superatition of Showman. Well, now, there's no showman on the & per not know why it is, but there's a sort of a feeling among them that it brings bad luck. I wouldn't allow one to be the first to come into one of my entertain ments. I'd parley with her at the door, or call her attention to something else until a man went in. If a woman should chance to get iu first I'd expect to have a bad show and so would al most any other manager I know of. Then there are cross-eyed people many i hardly, but it's so and a cross-eyed per- swear to it." former would be a regular Jonah. By! AH extensive laityi-owaer placed a tne way, there are some people in the notice-board at the entrance of a wrivate profession who have the reputation road, on which was written: of leing Jonahs, and they are not cross- —No carta, horses or paaesasers aH*Wal eyed neither. The companies they go to use this road until the gravel la trod* into always seem to break up and altera i den down." while they get the reputation of bring- AK article is going the tortads of Ito injr bad luck, ana then nobody want* to prew under the fctri of **Wk* 4BAM play with them. With circuses there is People are Poor." We haven't let* it, a superstition that a man with a yellow but suspect it ia bnanss they hma't clarionet brings dead bad luck. If the got any money or governssent boadsxn season goes wron# you'll see them begin i y, Y. Herald. FIN n0 OR?HE.STR» °™R- »N.^, IF numbered thirteen. 1 know one young him lady who was put into such a room in a tee ma itowg, Asj Hand hi ham to* bwuly. Aafl ae her autaam «SSMMS NUM. ^||Vtd up her llle tmm&y. Scutari. lUIUlWH. NAIVKTS of a little ndss of S: in men, there arc superstitious about going *}.J on the stage from the wrong side, and ^ro!lr8'- i?1* beginning study or rehearsal on Friday, i cu' and dozens of other things. Why, Fanny OMAK, said an Davenport thinks a canary bird in a house is a snre sign of death, and so do be a death in the bouse. Well, the bird I T» Loadoa JfWH tih aakey want, but there was a death just the speaks for itself. WhihW«|^4MM' same.— Tony Potior. to sing with Maiioran ia/WMMmiNMKrt^ the maestro said to bias, hfx.Wti*m j*ti The Chinoae Opposed to ProgTsaa. m««t Ujfow a»orepn«4oa iatojfewt i ner. Remember, sir, jm mm The Chinese idea of progress seems to I r/„* be different in all things from the Amer- ,, ican. Ihe first railroad ex)wriment in China has come to grief. A nine mile railroad owned by Englishmen was con- i uMa, ia come and make EHTM stem. HA n't kissing aoe.' J'.MT lord," said tbe foreman oj^a Welsh jory, when giving fat tbe verd we tad the man wtm stole tbe ant not guilty." WHOT foar women are oatbanevMMatMiey will a strike, and decide to continne tbe in-1 •lUDft a portatiou of foreign labor. A correspondent in Belgrade tele graphs that the signs of activity in Ser via arc multiplying fresh troops are daily marching to the frontier ambu lance corps are forming, and in the arsenal at Krogujevatz work is going on night and day. He marmtired, I am a i tastes then went Itehiad the took a flask from hia pocket, aad something. Mr dear," said a bashaad, taatai*. ling tones, after awakening hia wife la the night I have swallowed a dow *f strychnine!" Well, then, do Iwsui ness sake lie still or it atay ctuae np?' Two great discoveries have hoes a»de ia social science. The wonan whodaaa not know how to hold a baby daea aot And the deserve to have one. true of her tongae. WHK* Cleopatra's ha gray, she used to staad before th# took* ing gfaus, with a bottle ia oae h«M wk a hair brush ia the other, aad atajfc am dyeing, Egypt, dyeiaf."—Ifcrie*. 3 totam OIKLS whose odintoo about saeh thkva is always valuable ay that then la tea WHY do the MWUMBMI sp*k at "bouncing babies?" WefveaMa a ftfad bailee tell and aot oae «f many road who would think of letting a lady .T be the first to pass through his doors: Joo wftT^ epeak iMlf^lV who has •nflfewwl Anfli eovered~with flan^lthia season, haviag beard that laaBci la a good rhwt pie tector. IT is a bad piaa to divide a senate into too many beads, for Ma rssana, that there be considerable jiimlto on the part of tbe congregation ia i inst ears for ail of tbe«L la wouldn't sweat to H.—A witness a veteran ticket seller of my acquaint- on entering the box, had a Ifctfaapat an££ loses all heart when one presents presented to him, bat be dectbmLto himself at the ticket office. A cross- sworn. Beiac asked his MMMM eyed patron and a bad house generally fusing, he naively replied: I'll go together. It doesn't seem possible,' ,ie *P ony mon if England, hat I'll ,L,HE-V "IT'S loobad," said Brother Toaioa# find a yellow clarionet there it's all up momin- brnkfa*. be «tha^a with the man who blows it. Amo,.^ replied tfce MU for lha. iatea aiai iKsstea IVmttfift, plat* where we were playing, and as I. .y°" soon as she discovered it she bounded out sf»me people in the profession there's wet." Very troe." great dread of being put into a room cultured Lanra ft n PJ*Jer s- ii Vk to jr,Tln Putt,*,8 V® *boat foar u®^*neT^' 1 become an MM." lM%a- probably never seea a I. One day i came Home and heard a of the asoottd i bird, and 1 said: "What is that, a ....... canary birti, and they said it was sol I0"*ko®»W«ka«lid ^f|*. just told them to take it out or there'd ,n answered,"Man I Mi amniod." HALT an hoar's M.n eYef7 strut ted between Shanghai and Woosu^r, which it was hoped would hasten the building of other lines, for which the eounty is well adapted. Under the con ditions of the contract for building the rond the government could take ing it the widcet el people will neither i to reward the gsaw aa tive which ptomptathe take posses sion of it as soon as tbe last installment price was paid. In order to familiarize tne natives with tbe fire dragon," as they call the locomotive, tbe contractors were to operate the incom plete sections of the road at their own cost. As soon as the Chinese authorities got possession of the railroad they stop ped all traffic, intending to allow it to go T" ci*"V to owa poiaaits, to wife aeeds, MM 1 bly have, were i lAfWMe Jm*. Ay exquisite, to decay. The introduction of railways i string, lounged tf wimfow of a railrsad stotisa Must I Be waa and annoyed whan aaaweml, ia rf" tone, after a moaMsnia yoa can travel aaaa Iter wen whattito gM*d" tl*r mum ot her relatisM tant. Mr. Slcae, of Van Ness avenue, has some eucalyptus trees. One outgrew the rest. An earthen drain pipe became obstructed, so that they bad to unearth it to find the cause. Beheld the thirsty the latter, eucalyptus roote, prospecting for water, which otto to in obeerved a weak spot at one of the joints i dark MMfl and attacked it. A small root was first apftly corkscrewed in. Nourished by tbe fertilizing waste-water, it took a great muscular enlargement, shattering the joint. And now that tree has stuffed ten feet of the drain with a spongy mass of interwoven roots of capillary nneaeai best calculated to mb the drain. No modern official finger-smith eVar die-