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o k Smoke Pleasure and other Pleasures #wp the Man Who Smokes There utmLe- pleasure in thiu pure ui«l Virginia and North Carolina bright leaf. Thousands prefer it to all others. Thoroughly aged and stemmed and then grann« plated—there is no better. One and a half ttaly te, and with each sack you get Make For the Bowelf If you only knew as much as we and those who have used them know about Rexall Ordf-riies, you would be arc enthusiastic about recommend ing theru we are. They taste just like candy. They art so easily aud mo pleasantly that the of them is a pleasure. Even children like Rexall Order lies and you know that if a medi cine appeals to a child, it will appeal to grown-ups. help chase gloom, dispel blues and make you feel happy by their splen did tonic, cleansing and strengthen ing cffect upon the bowels.—They act to free the system—and keep it free—from the distress and ill feeling that naturally results from irregular and inactive bowels. Rexall Orderlies do this Quietly, without griping or causing nausea, purging or excessive looseness. They act to overcome and remove the cause You am buy Mlk point I '•Hi ouneei of Ibis choice tobacco es0| A Free Present Coupon The other pleasures are the presents that are secured the coupons in each sack of Liggett 4* As a special offer, during February and March only I I Myers Mixture. These presents delight old and young. Think of the pleasure that you and your friends can get from a talking machine, free, or such articles as—fountain pens, balls, skates, cut glass, china, silverware, tennis racquets, fishing rods, furniture, etc. Duke's im will you our new illustrated cata~ tog of present*, FREE, Just send us your name and address on a postal. Coupons from Oukt't Mixture maf 4* assor(f4 with tags from HORSE 5HOC, J.T. .TINSLEY'S NATURAL L£ Af. GRANGER TWIST, em pom from FOUR ROSES dmtblf roup* PICK PLUG CUT. PI EDM OUT CIGARETTES. CUX CIGARETTM, and other taxi and coupons tuue/i ity «*, Address—Premium Dept. ST. LOUIS, MO. Us Prove It We dare not exaggerate to you. We are dependent upoai your patronage. To get it we must have your trust and confi dence. We make the following statements with a full under* standing of what they mean to us. You are safe when you teciwye in these statement#* bowel ills and in a short time ally make unnecessary the con tinued use of physics and purgatives, thus tending to stop such unhealthy habits as may have been formed Make Us Prove This We do not ask you to take ous* word for this. We want you to make as prove it, and at no cost to you. CAUTION IVw beir in mind th&t Rexall Orderlies are not sold tqr all 4MB •gists. You can bay Rexall Orderlies only at The Rexall Stores*. M«mU- Orderlies ia ti» pMtWHtla.' iil for wUek it ia The Rexall Store* are 's Oreeteet Drug Buy a box of Rexall Orderlies afi our store. Use therr. once, or use up, the whole box. Then, if you ar« sot thoroughly satisfied, just com a' back empty handed and tell us^ Without obligating you or question* °.i." ing you we will return the money! you paid us for them. V, Doesn't that indicate that RexaOj^ Orderlies are at least worthy of trial# Doesn't it prove our faith in themf Doesn't it merit your confidences Could any offer be more fair to youlE.j»fe We particularly recommend Hex»l|-r*, Orderlies for children, delicate anf tin® community only THE PIONEER DRUG CO The Store Then s Rexall Store ia neufar e\ «-v town and city in the UaHed States, Ctnidiisl different Tt«xaU Remedy for nearly ev#ry ordtearr human B""" OnaX Britain. There is a different K-emedy lor w Mk nr»M-"r de«i*n«d Urn f.~K\ *. y« 'v -,'t- -r i ~V "4 siAi*y •f ELK POINT, S. D. •4t&yk H' Ib a Business wlilcb 0116 can te&tti only by experience. I liave had thirty years experi ence. Will cry Stock and Farm Sales, which are my specialty. We will cry four s&le and take your notes, our terms are an tow as anyone who guarantees first.class work, write or phone before ad vertising your sale. BOVEE& MURRY 1 aged persons. Rexall Orderlie* coan^'' In convenient vest-pocket size tiot 'j boxes. 12 tablets, 10c 30 tablet*!' 36c 80 tablets, 60c. at aur itont -... SOUTH DAKOTA i v s4C-- r(^, 'hy 'Wi v 1' i "A 4 ,S-' i SOUTHERN DEATH LIST INCREASES Qnr Wnety Piopfo Killed and Scores Hurt io. Sim timm RETURNS STILL INuWLETE Oaum*9« «e Itoperty Canwe* letl» mated, but Will Have to Be Computed in MiHlisfc New Orleans, March 15.—Indications from late reports are that more that ninety people were killed, scores se verely injured and great property loss sustained in the disastrous electrical storm which swept parts of Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, IjouUiaaa, Mia aieslppi and Texas. Eighty odd deaths have been report ed and the total loss of life probably will be Increased when wire communi cation is restored in remote sections devastated by the cyclone. The dam age to property oannot be estimated, but will have to be computed In mil lions. Twenty-nine persons are reported to have perished in Georgia and dam age to property Is roughly estimated at $1,000,000. Calhoun, Gordon county, Georgia, and vicinity bore the brunt of the storm in that state, where eleven persons are reported to have been killed. The other fatalities in Georgia were nine at Tucker, four at Eaglesvllle, three at Clarkston and two at Columiius. Late reports from Tennessee have Increased the death toll in that state to twenty-three persons. The loss of life in Alabama is esti mated at thirteen, although several persons still are reported missing. Five negroes were killed near New Decatur, three persons perished at Calera and two each at Hokes Bluffi Gayesville and Duke. One death has been reported in Te* as. Late reports from Northern Missis sippi raised the death list from seven, as first reported, to thirteen. These fatalities occurred in seven counties. Wire communication with a number of towns struck by the storm still la interrupt**!. No more deaths have been reported from Louisiana. FIFTY-MILE WIND BLOWING Mitfieit Deltars' Damage Is Chicago and Illinois. Chicago, March 15.—It is estimated that the damage done by the severe wind and rain storm which swept Chi cago and Illinois will aggregate near ly $1,000,000. In Chicago the wind attained a velocity of fifty miles an hour for several hours and thousands of plate glass windows and doors in all parts of the city ward demolished. Electric light wires were blown down in many Sections of the city and as a result many miles of streets were in darkness. Telegraph wires south and west were down and ser vice impaired for a number of hours. STRIKERS SECURE DEMANDS Tweety Thousand Resume Werfc at increased Pay. New York, March 14.—The big strike of 20,000 members of the wom en and children's garment makers' anion, which went into effect last Monday, has ended. All workers went back to work on a compromise agreement, which pro vided for a fifty-hour working week, the "preferential" union shop, ad vances In wages averaging about 16 per cent, a permanent board of arbi tration to adjust disputes and sani tary workshops. The subcontractor and tenement work plans are to he abolished as quickly as possibfe STRIKE VOTE BEING TAKEN Chicago Trainman May Go Out to En force Demands. Chicago, March 16.—A strike vote by 6,000 local members of the Brother hood of Railway Trainmen has start ed at the yards of nineteen railroads affected. A. F. Whitney, vice president of the Brotherhood, said that he was confi dent the vote would be in favor of making a demand on the roads for ihe terms which have been refused the committee on negotiations. The demands do not involve more pay ex cept for overtime and night and Sun clay work. 0LHEY DECLINES POSITION Cannot Aecapt Ambassadorship to Great Britain. Washington, March it.—Richard Olney of Boston, to whdm President Wilson offered the post of ambassador to Great Br ain, has declined, Mr. Oine. s letter was said to be of a confidential nature and was not made public. Secretary Tumulty, however, announced that Mr. Olney had decline*, "for family reasons." It Is understood that Mrs. Olney has been in po health and that Mr- Ol ney was loath to change ft* his a4va&ced aft. IJ k Hikuliisft, WILLIAM F. ITCOMBS. Democratic Chairman De clines Diplomatic Post. M'COMBS DECLINES POST Prefers Private Life to Ambassad at Paris. Washington, March 14.—Chalrau n William F. McCombs of the Democn lc national committee told Preside Wilson he preferred not to acce the post of ambassador to France, th he might remain in private life ai probably retain the chairmanship the national committee. Preside Wilson urged Chairman McCombs n definitely to decline thf offer until had considered it further, and Mr. Combs agreed to do so. ASK BRYAN TO LEAD GREAT BIBLE CLASS Fifty Gaff on Sacre Cfergymen tafy of Stats. Washington, March 16.—Fifty cl fymen of every denomination, head* by Rev. Herman S. Plnkham of tl Emmanuel Baptist church, called the state department and urged St retary Bryan to take the leadersh of what they hope will prove tl greatest Interdenominational Bib claaa in the world. If Mr. Bryan a cepts it will immediately be knot n aa the Bryan Bible class. The plan is to engage some gre." hail in the center of the capital ai hold services for men there on ever Sunday afternoon. It is part of a gen eral movement to get men, and es pecially the young men, into tl church. Secretary Bryan has been much demand by the religious organization since he took office. He has be asked to lead a Bible class in least one church and he has be pressed tc deliver two or three le tures on Christianity in aid of tl church recruiting movement So tut ha has made no promisee. GRAIN AND PROVISION PRICES South St. Paul Live 8tock. South St. Paul, March 17,—Cattle Steers, $5.75g8.75 cows and heifers, $4.50@7.00 calves, $4.25@9.B0 feed ers, $4.60@7.35. Hogs—$8.50@8.60, Sheep—Lambs, $4.50@8.&O wether^ $4.50®6.25 ewes, $2.25®5.?B. Duluth Wheat and Flax. Duluth, March 17.—Wheat—T© ar rive and on track—No. 1 hard, §4# •4%c No. 1 Northern, 83 @83 Vic No. 2 Northern* 79%@81%c May, 85c 'July, 86%c. Flax—On track, $L26%@1.26 to arrive, $1.25% May, $1.27% July, $1.28%. Chicago Grain ami Provision*. Chicago, March 17.—Wheat—May, 88%c July, 88%o Sept., 88%c. Corn —May, 51i4c July, 52%c Sept, 54fcc. Oats—May, 3l%c July, 32HC Sept., 32%e. Pork—May, $20.67 July, $20.22. Butter—Creameries, 28 ®35%c. Eggs—17H@18%c. Poul try—Turkeys, 21c chickens, 16%c springs, 16c. ,4y 1 *a% Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, March 17.—Wheat May, 84%c July, 86%c. Cash close on track:' No. 1 hard, 85%c Mo. 1 Northern, 83^4®84%e to arrive, §S*4 ®84%c No. 2 Northern, 81@82%u No. 8 Northern, 79@80%c No. 3 yel low oern. 45®46c No. 4 corn, 44® 4*c No. S white oats, 27@28e to ar rive. 27c barley, 41®5ki flax, $1.36 to *4vs. *1.26* Cfcieago Live Stook. ClWhssSp#, March 17, --Cattte—4&$fcs, $7.15®1,16 Texas steers, $«.2 Waatsrrn steers, $6.75®8.06 stackers aad fee&vrg, $6.09ft 8.1& cows and heifers* $«.60#8.00 calves. $7.50©12. 06. Hog*—Usfet, $8.75®t.«5 mixed, $M*#9M heavy, $8.40®8.»5. rough. pigs, $7.00®8.9fl. Shsep— 9tl^#7.90, yeerangs, $? ,4. 'J- DEBTS t»jiete*.e\efexe ese 1 rr- .*#' '*v File up at an amazing rat#. Haven't $ou noticed \t( At the of the mouth when you get settled up you won der where all youi* money ban gone. In just the name manner that debts foil up. so will a bank account grow in •ize. But there is a feeling of watisfac lion from having money in the bank that you never experienced from a long tint of debts. Have you any debts? Then you need bank account. It will teach youecon- '•$ ©my and In time the debts will be Wiped out. Come in today. Start with OLLAR if you like— but have the bank. It help*, First National Bank Spring Time .• 1 "H^nii M)inijiin^p»^|i itiuin Herman C* Kook'*^. A 4*, John Havean Contractors and Builders .. ,. -Vi ,4 Let us Save you Mooey» Repairing a Specially* Estsraales Furnished on Short Notice i KOOK Wl HAVE MAN VanHM«HHMMnaHB«aaasMaMasv INSURANCE0-** 'firiKCV. #•, 'nv i# -•!$$''8n^ ,. --4 All Old Line Companies S. RYAN & SON ONE i \v* ELK POINT, S. D. f-\ *T .j... is Clip Tinire "T-: v. t"4-'' 'v K A ir It 1 "T It# liuy a Stewart 4 Clipping Machine and have your horses trimmed up for the Spring "work A 7' 'Is' rv •s V V We have a fine stock of Ranges, Carpenter Tools, Builders Hard ware, Garden Tools and Seeds, Iron and Wood Pumps. Plumbing a Specialty, ... i s..# stew Halverson & McCoy W 'i •"--•I i CYCLONE, r? lt '1 Vf: