Newspaper Page Text
I it •p ill* 1 "7 ,. 3if| C3 x. WvJt A I I TAMKTON, DAKOTA, '1^' Friday Morning, March 31, 1876. "Y* "I1 L- _!L^- ..TheJDaily Press and Dafeotaian, I ls lullili.'bi'd: .',~ Ollioe* oir/WAlnut stri'el, Iw-Mvr'eli Second Third cy^'ei^. '/. HOWEN & KINtSMtlJKV, PiiMloticrf. by v:- 1f y®. a 1 g-vrss anil jftiifeotaian £\T-TiY MORVl^ii, qCSmXO 'MUh)AYS. ^KiWls^lP ^t'BSCIUTTIflK: Tut week, 5i cuuti-: |er liwnlL, |ier j-ei r,?r- -liiloit Kcjtiililicnii XalimlHl t'ouv.'ii I ion...' I 'Thi-iif\t Union' rc!n!)lH.'!n rt»tIoiim 1 cinv n-J r*'ptv««cnl:iiivO in and ot twv del from rrtch Columbia vixch from H', .11 for tin' nominal toil of "tfinili-liiH-fTiir rivtl-'j Ttenr npi vIce-l'jvuidiMil .if the t'uiu-d si.iti.i-r will jjJ |j|j,,,r SiltillU Jillll/iilto-the tort -bt-Oea-jH-Hw-oUv ol-Clmdumui. ml vS iMlnrnlajL^—_ _H r, OfjrWuirei Territory uiul t^e In cHlhnt! c'mvoutiQns for tin- cJ'.t'iIkh of di-k-* £A\vs. Ju- eoti} hi. I tees t»f h«' pt.-v* rnl :ii ive'»mirirnl'j to Jnvitt» all r« jmi»h«-an and all fthcr voior- wiilunU r«'nul to pa-: ]i jtlcal diHerfDCCf1 or |)ivv,niii HtVklMion*. who lire opp»6t' reviving rt,Cii«,ni»l ai.»i Ut^lro prv»iiiof»* friendly IVrluii! nnd tmi ihmh harmony iliron^lirtut co irirv"l) main tulnin^ and nforcmi- afi' ciii»emmloj»u) r^i.^ or cvvrrt ci l/ei», liiclU'ini'4 tht» loll uhd tic« rl-i- of the rifflst »f hiiniugr, ul hour iaiinndurioii "aud without fnnul who arc in lavor ol tltr* coiHin ut'd pro?i-cution-uiu p'wuWimivW'ol a'U ort\ fi:8hntH*stv ntni-of iin_«T6Tn'?ir^ni-ndminiT,ttttM«jr of iin* v'ONenum.'itt iioucrt. »ui v«i hie oi»Ci r» wtio ar»^ iu Tivbr ol m:iktn^ r in »hc jjoverhment ns fxpi ri«*iic«! u«»n» Mu.eloilim' who arc opp'.fi'd 10 im ttirmc CP'dtl thtf nation d--ju-«.,cintl5{j atiy of ll* ohliirtitHin*, and in lavor rumasnin^' io tvery way the n»t on 1 laitlirtud ilnancial htm or who hold tiul'lh« conmninx ho »1 if lL* hVt'r*rry of .American Hi mty. m.d ?«lioi l\l bv lralnluiiM-d Hhfoltt.ely ln*e I'rom M'p.iar.:iTi con I ro 1 who UWicve that 'lor pioiuotlm oJ 'ht-e t»i d* ihr directi«n 11 liquid ton liutlr to 1»«- ccnlUitrd to ihos*'! wtio n-ilicft! *o th« jvrti.cvlva ol' ITTii, who *uppo'rt ilu tn us rated In the con^-iinition und l»w. Mid-"'ho "re in a a in ii I I land uuiMitiil princlpie »l n-ifonat unity iu ilil ceiiivtxtiiu!.autilvi:reary ot th«* iejuhlu'.. K. I). MtiiMJAN', (•hainiuui Rfpuldinin National CII.aNDLKK, ftecieiiu-y. .Jlcjmblitiin Territorial C'oiivciilion. A Kf'puhllran Territorial Convention )n rv^ call'Xl to inct In the cit VanKiyii. on Vri»NEfi»AT. MAV iVrn. 1-Th fort purpo^* of M-lectini? two ri'gMlar. und .tno alternate de ej:Rtes tO \\w Nuiloiiui ai LonviTition.-to be hf'id in of nicihiiatt, i-rVJune ll. lt-TU. r. II.e ra lool reptr-eiration for cadi countrlu iiV tho'1 crnioiy will be at» IoMowh: ^i^rmHrong I flahsoii...-. i.. -.. 1 ~'^lton Uomiuo -i Huiclini*on.. "•••—BrookInsjnT 1 L'.*ku 1 Uutiato 1 ncoln.. in liHiiit.-H Alinu h.tha S ltruk' ./V. 1 e:iitdna........»V.-s ..l4 1»1 ack Hti. ^"."Tr.T.Tv-^-iiichiattd. v-rrr.-rrrr/"'#" irit-fl Mix^...\... 1 .MiitMiiifu .1 to.'Vaee r^ ... Sully. 1 II I Dnvl-on ,\. I' I «r.n»'l Kurk^ .\a nion •....... 11 Vaiiktoti jv-(jran- Yankton ..T." lj All who love thopi* yrhod prinoiol«»H of oqnaf _i.and exact Justice to nl). oPttdclity ion union ot mat*, out and inreparat)ie\\\ lio recot'ii.zi thi paiamount ect'!-rtity that tlie^'ople who **avfd the country iu thu« i«'e war. eht»iild. in prt'ler*nco lo .thoRc who rill?ei the hand ovtr'-arTot tt» dt? *trov It. be cutnified wi'h 11r- umninfiraiion. who iii'|dore scctK'iml niile and coadetnit-tn a ^:?onabie utterances nonU and Mu.h wiio would wherever to be 1'outid, ami encourage an ft\o:iii il und honuat ndu.lustration ot putiib- a ihroujrtfout the whotr country aixl all, whoN^'- ^iri to aid in the perpetuity of th«irr viial t'rim\ Viiwi e» of lilxMty amt loyalty, a* oiuu^.tr.,-d I'fo 11", ttie republican party., we cordtnTly ro iiiuh throughout the tevVral cotinticf? of tiie territory in lectlni dele^at\ t» to represent Hteui in h)n ^cr^ijveunon. Gsso. fl. Hnd. (VhnirniMn. 1,. I). K. 1'ooitK. Secreiarv. ALEI. UrGtiK' .1. IJ. SlU HTI.J.rF. N KjiML* •lolIN L. loi.l.HY i:i.i:« tios I'HortAJi.ti iox. V\T\' Iol 31 AVOIl*» Of KICK, ok YANKTON, March, ll, 187'i. N couiploincc witli the charter add ordhmnr*^ Utf of jinkioii. the »MiuuttL.iiii:i,tLiu_ f»»r cit oltlr^r?- will. be lie Id in »ud eity ou I fi lie-'t Monday, biting the ibird day ol April, A. I).. at which tiiue will bu nec»'P«ary t» eit-ct a vMayor. c.'ltv Cl»?rk. City Treasurer, City Marvb i!. a to he a :tor tlic second ward, two aldernen lor th«» ihin •wtird, ami two aldermen lor the fourth ward. Kacl ol the above named ollicet will-be elected for the term of one year, contineuctnir tbir term* Oil the second Monday lu Apill, IsTO. and will .hold their renpecvive ntUcefl uutil their eiicie or« are eU^cted aud qualltled. tvery le^al voter of the Territory of Dakota, ha ha be a re id of he it of A imktou for thirty daya next precediy^.the day \l election, will be entitled to vote in the ward ."Vv^which he retddei*. :ie placc of holding the aforesaid clecttou in .• eacftsward will-be an follows Kirsv ward —Krnnk HefnerV otllc Secoml ward—T W Bri^bine^ otlice. Tuird w(irU—Phil. K. Faulk's olllee. fourth w'urd—J. Stone'f block. The lollow^t,)^ appolutmcntK were made by the Mftyor: Ut ward—Chan. Walbaum and J. 1). Flirk. judgcH ofclecllon\ 2nd ward—II, 11.d^iih and (Mia". Ibodereon, judye« of election. 3rd ward—«J, K. San.Wrn .aiid (Miar!c« Kulherji* 5 fudacH of election. j-. 4tl» ward—J \V. C. Morrison aud (Jraut Mainh, Jud«e» of election. 'Hie polls will be opened nt niue o'clock atulbe kept open until four o'clock p.m., and no longer By the Mayor: J.-ii. PjTTKK, MAHib Tatloii, Mayor. CityCMerkI ^tdmar"l5 O-* The winter, wheat in Nebraska is in an encouraging condition. The Omaha Herald, intense democratic organ, calls Mr. Ciymer "Ileister, the llouud." An ancient Californian writes-'to a' friend lu Blair, 'Nebraska, from the Black •IIllls, telling liim "there is good farming country here, and plenty of room for all." The 'l/ minority of the'house qonimit olt Indians affairs oppose the transfer of the In,liau bureau, to the war department and fflpor establishing, an IniUrtu depart ment that shall take rank ynth the o^her departments of the government being presided over by a calmjet ofllcinl.' It is stated^j*tf the authority of a well 'known ^x-mptuber of congress from Lou isiana, tlrft the negroes throughout the south arte organizing for a grjind move meaty en masse, jit favor of 'Mortou .for. republican nominee for tho- presid ency. Delegates will be sent to thpeon ,. vention-, not alone pledged to supjiort *. Morton, but who are1 known to be out and out Morton uieu. T-hp gcntlentan preferred to asserts positively. th»t the .southern colored vote will be cast solidly (oy Morton. Sitting Dull. A. dispatch from BUninrek tlatt-il.Ujc £!)l, |ublis!ii.'il in St. Paul Piiim.'or Press j-i.ittt:? 'that an-Indian arrilvo«l »t Fort ISorthold a iow days sisjo, directly Trura river. Toijyire Sittjng Bull's^cnnij) on Hull tin* III"I 2,00(1 He stated that Sitting w.-.rriors with him. •It-i-. at "lieithiild that Sitting Bull, wlitii his are not Jiajipv. warriors, will go-into the, streaiiis iu suflicient quantity.— ini]re*siiwi~0.K, aim, Wednesday morning, jind wimM in teri-ept fitting Bull en route northward. A of Kurt Peck has olTered live hundred TIOIIHIS Ihe.ll'li d:i» nl -1 ui.e. l.-n. nl'l.1 u'cTiU-k. iimm. oli)L'Ct -utiinif to lliuko. pi'iioi* wtlli liim nnd will'cuu:l"t ol ileie^uu'e Hum-oocii .-Ia. .. '. .... --. e.^niil igni'i^e tru-. hiuulwr ol' iit- ^e'llli^^r-u-idjc.l^e ot* tlui^liull ^roes intii.-.lhc river MUiihir to tlu^VTmlT»c war would necessarily, follow litforo,tha',' hiind could Iwi subdued. -Active prepar-• al ions are going on at Fort Lincoln lor--the Sitting Hull's ciinipfiign. An liiteliigent Opinion. Judge Hascall an intulligiMit on-i-i\v| and a ninn of-some scientitio knowledge •tntl -fieitee-hes—Itten-extrlrTring—t-lrc Black 1Jills and furnishes-the Omaha ik'rald with h2s_£ri'nclusi(iijs a-s follows: 1. Tlic ack llills country i, a min eral country. 2. The soils are good for grasses nnd grains, but not, as lie believes, j'or the successful cultivation of corn. 3 The discovery of placer gold is a fact about which there can be no doubt, but it is not yet^dntermined by acnutl results that the yield in any .of the dig gings has been what a Moiitanian would call "rich." Only a few thousands of doliai's have been actually produced, bat t'ucuniber-palch destroyed great allowance is made for the ditli-j Fencesdestroyed(cucuiiiber patch) cuities encountered by miners, cold wen-! Other fencinir, posts, etc '. titer, Ac., «fco. 7,(KK» heads rif rabtmge........... 4. There is a large influx of miners to X^w° acres in gat dm. the New Fl Doradotroin .Montar.a, Neva da, and othur parts, as well of ^dveufur ars who are iiiit^ntiuers. 5. rTimber is plentijul and*valuable— pine in abundance, spruce,and the harder woods—-and seven. 1 saw miils are now in operation 6. Xlie UivkviiN Chtltlreii. Amikjy, til., Mil*oli ^20.—Tlicre ap .poared a letter1 in iho New Vurk Sun a lew (Javsagp, signed "Eli Perkins/' a ii it in to tjiiiie a fennent. Tlic purport of the. letter was that the children of A. N" l)iekenst brother of Chmles ilie great author, were near hen aiid -iu a vury destitute condi -tuul—QiiIy__iu:pi_fi:oiiL_j.lic.^.puu Niotise by public-eharity. The whole letter is as lar from the truth as can be.\fhe facts of the ease are these W heii\\. N. Dickens died there was, some property left, which was mining ed by hiSs^widow until her. death, —. when there jvas a tjuardian appointed lor the three^hildien. .Mr. Charles in a a is a A a a id a is to a I Jent-y- Keel itigy oiie-1 ii' ior ulilest nurl most esteemed citizens, was appoint, a a ii ii by the Circuit Court, and the' eldest re to it 1 1 1 in yet living here are intending f-ohool, and seem to be as tiappy as can be an so lar removed Iroin the poor house a 0 a a a a to in Tin: SEW An I-'.xpcrl_31iwer on iliv Ri'nuui v.v* «r the Ulat Hills. Washington, t&»»„'1%—j ions or tlie.^Vind-•••fivvr country l/efore thi nirtjj in the hill: cutting- out Itimlier as United States troops reach the suction ofj fiood as can he got in the Chicago country he now occupies. PrqlmlJly the Imarket. latter country will he his feturt, aslO'en.j The Indians have jiomnicnced (iiidijn, and command left I%niv Moot-1 hrnkld' stock fur Gulmu'l Police .lit: .uinmjr, tocik oat ot iji ar Creek oilr ruifl (m S, sr 41 1 From the a'titude of the mountain I Foifiuterruption to business...... 1,817.50 ranges, mining operations will be intlu-1 T| 1 .March 2S.— Gillycuddy, of tiie Jt:nnoy tui veying party that explored the Black IJills last season, has received the following letter from William O. Hnldwin, who accompanied the .lenneyexpedition as an exj)ert miner Iltt.i. City, Black HM.U«, I). T.," March o, 18. 0, Dkau We have hud btit littlc-snow1 at~ this point, at no time exceeding five inches Oii the ground./ 'l'be Montana company located on the "Staii'd-otf Uar" oti claims iiO mid 2b above disdtvery on Spring Creek, and have b(/en working throug-li a pay streak jtf sixteen leet 011 the bar. '1 lie pay is/t.te bed-rofk, averiginnf over one quncc to the hand per day, with the ground frozen so '.that they ba-ve had to^ wash in 1.ot water. Others-havv?^bne ecpia,lly well: I ha«Uiive-*frttsfi«ft myatjf "as to the richness of this country. Frank George, a pan eoi.ttfiDinir *3-L-o,te o,.^et alone AttOmeVS being worth*j S. Lorn Ahtllory,-one fif Pic)(essoF.loT7tie\-'s tried and ,\ vrTnv took out 5=12 in cine pan on Iron !'.Crocks 1 SViid-wood and White-wood I creoks average from twelve cents to dollar a. pan,,and a,till, doctor we British possess-, There ,-Hre now four saw-mills run fireil at w:hcn o?K' (\n the font-ln lis hind two a,r.! ij'rissiVvc'. -Quiie a imin .Iter ol horsr's h»vc recn stolen and ii ii a toMtny p(®ty wlio eih'0fi,?l','.i!nnH* one will petShij,rt -t-te Wriie nie in i*: of llici-nVtirdi-r a_l nstcr tl v. 'W lt your Irlend tiIn 1 servant, W.M. (Mi' A Miitim War t'laiiu.. Among- the other claims to wlnuli the hope o! "justice" "iVout an Ci-'rdii ledeiate (-ongieS-s Inis been tiie fatlii tsimetjfa man named .Montgomery, a a an el a Virjfinia end of the long bridge 4iwo^S-tlie.I?iitoi!mi,-.-.-Thi--plax'—w i-s oeeupied as harrauks for soldiers for about live months, for which .Mr. Montsotniuy sends in a bill amtuuit inffjjj.over ^o0,0U0, of which the lol lou'itig- ijtre a few items: For use and occupation of fifty acres of grass for cattle, in con .occinence of which the Imy crop was lost, etc ^1,200.00 j: Damage to a field'of oats by opeu ing a road through it "800.00 S.HOO ci\Uli»t i:s de«troy(!(l -1 l"se of .kitchen destroyed........ oOO 0(1 L-"ss of land used for intrechnienls 1.000 00 KKi.OO 10000 :!,-o.oo 200.00 The crops of grass, water-melons, etc 3,.50.0.00 Twelve beds and| .eddine taken... 2-10 00 DHiiiageu to house TiOO.OO liiinia^Cs to furuinu'e IT.... 41)0.00 For occupation .of—grounds—by- troops. •. ... 1,000 00 Occupation of slaughter house. .. ""'100.00 le euceu by the ruiulull it is douijlful if ery'a chur^ will be iutcre&ting to farmurs rhn •perpernnl-snow-tvill -gnpi^y -ir •rrrt hP't iirtli-- rimmwfiut— modest character of Mr. Moritgom~ L111 have tlic Goods. Will RETAIL all Grorf-ries at *rirp?rforTl Nvxt 3l diiA's as follows 4p.s. Good CoHt'n for....$1.00. -j 2 2 0 Slit: 1 rcturiK'U to tho hills last December in eotrfpany with'ten others. As near as 1/could learn there were not forty liere at that time. It is safe to estimate iS,0p0 men at this date scattered ovei^the hills. At. the junction of Newton's Fotk and Spiing Cj^ek, Judge Holliiis, in com pany with a few others, started what is known as Mill City, for winter qin»rters aud protection,should it be j/H-'ded. Then are now IliO houses i'^process of construction and eighty live occupied. BeapV & Boughton, of Cheyenne, have a thirty-five horse .power sawmill running in the town. iVlullnTrgging tlie wcil to supply the mill with wateti they struck a bed which yielded 7() cents to ibe pan, \vhitffi created t)te usual excitement, l,teuder-f6ot" tlut Best Rio CoflV't'.... l.oo Best Ground Colt'ee 1.00 AVhite Sugar l.ut) ]Se\v Orleans Sugar 1.00 A O iJlidice JN'ew Prunes 1.00 Cliuice new Cut nmts 1.00 Ol'T lIysuu Toa.... 1.00 Vounjr ITvson Tea, 1.00 1 ijak.Pitwdci 4» 1 •2 *2 0 OOLD C'OL'.VE'RY On 11 Peaelit s. ^0 cts. eacli, 2 i'01 Can Pe.iclies. can Sugar Corn. "Z Can Tomatoes Can To-matoes". Can Pineapple ?... a r) 2 -'i Can Strawberries.. Can Raspberries .. Green Gages. ^Rartl 4t-Pea rs ---. 4J_- •0 White Oxliart Cher ries.... Strawberries Yarmouth Corn..... Box Silver Gloss Starch Corn Starch Choice Rice Macaroni Vermicelli. Beans. ii Ponieroy's Excelsi or Soap •2?) Thirs Kirk's Soap. l'.OO •20 /-Bars KlrVs Prairie Queen Soap 1.00 'ii Good Broomfe '"lazer's Axle Gretise, per Box 3 P.ijiers Soda. Plug Tobacco, per pound, 50 to 7ft cents.' 12(A) Matches 25 Eircry other article not down on our list at Wholesale prices. We are selling^ our Dry Goods cheaper _-than any other house in Dakota. Call arid see 11s and save money.-: Ketcuum & Ackley, Cor. Third and fcbMtJ #Wal nut streets, YANKTON.^ ytVtrto Sit LaW H. E. (JUTTINO. J.B, OXiOUDAS E A A O I A S ealcrp in TOEACCO iCIGAES, TjE-I-X^XD street,, \v I*o*t rfiirr, did v»«rt'd. lr- ,k to any p:vt »f tin* city, and flfttp^pt-nhv.iVh on hand dfTTTM'13 CtO^B^S (Si O \ib: i:K/X lioots&Miocs Buffalo Bootlcl: Shoe Store, THIRD STREET, YANKTON. Ci:h Paid f:r ill Mcdi tf rura. fetl6 T^\ If FRANK J. WASHABAUfJH, Attprney--at--Law, A. YANKTON, Special attention fclven to cotleotloot. Offlce on.1 wWif C«dar .truet, betwaoa 3d and 4*It I 01 Every Dep:ription, (j0.. Agricultural Implcmeiits. A fffinine of Always In ttork. I N W A E Of every det-crlytfion inanulacturcd and ordor^t'or Tin lioofin(j And Solicited, mam TREET Cor. Douglas, TON, DAKOTA. REAL Near tlic city of YANKTON FOR SALE OR. TO RENT. 8end for map of Yankton county. tlon of farm®.' &}? The Hei with theloca A. F. HAYWAUD, WANTED Colony, Eilaii JZ (Which slfO, embrace? Northern New York and Canada) for the puruhaee aud Buttlemei.t of land*in Yankton Comity, Dakota. ThA underpinned Ajjenti* for the above colony, will receive for hale ail land* in .Yankton or al):ioent counties which areln the market. It in the -mention oftheahove colony to einlgrafc'lu Dakota the coming 8eu(t»n and t» puichaee through n* a* ihi'lr a^eiUf, furuia convenient to railrimd. The under«i!:ned have mode arranj»e meuta with nearly all the Railroad Companies In New England, through our sub-agent in Boston, to anklet .uain carrylni: out tnlHeiitcrprlae. We are confident that it will prove a perf« ct »uccee». Thotuandu are leaving New Rn^lind for the weft, and if Yank ton and adjacent countie" can. offer better Induce ments at thin time ihnn other locations, we feel coninienl that we can nettle up this viclnliy by an Intelligent and well to-do claea of people withoat oelny. All pervoni having landloreale will do we^l tofflvb.uu an early call, this week. It poHHible. Akwt have been to considerable ex penae in working up this enterorlaeand expect to be obliged to expend considerable yet fuadvertle Ingvwe i»hall' require all pcreonii leaving landn with us to p'Ve uh the exclusive agency for TAMkl'ON AND 10 F.A S DA 11 8 1 A E I N The Yankton *ud slum Kail- u„-« line will inaSc regulor trips wtthinall b«tw#«n VANKTON- AND SIOL'X FALLS. J-asPcnt frcoach.? will "leave Yaukton every lay nt4 «. in. nnivlns Slam Fnlln »1 p. und leave Sioux Full* it 4 in., arriving «t Yank o.n fit p. in. ibis rou!« onTH good accommodation* (o travelers, and quick transit, between tt'ic dliTeri-nt puiuld on tlm route. OUlce at tlic Si. cbarl.n hotel and Oalrula CenlratiMaiie oIHce luau in II C. ,L. III!KTMCKr i'.KOft. i'ropri^tori*. STORE.: (2 vea Induce men ts To Ca-h ltuyers. NEW TORE, KEW PRICES, NEW GOODS, Bbots and Shoes Ladles and (ienfti BELOW SEE PRICES sl -iV ciiHtoih maile brot'aii Bhoct, 1 75, 4cn'ii II ft Mill mnde calf j£nlier». tl So •Mi-nV ci.ntcm Hindu kip boom, 3 SO Alen'n cii«lom made kip hniili.,3 7S Mt'll'H good kip Ixiolv. 2 50 5 Hoyw' cugiom made ktp boo*«,l 7» Boys' ptood kip lmnl«. SS Youth.' ciiHtum made kip b«otf.l 75 Ladies kid elde-lacc »h«e«, 4 SO I.adlc* post morruco (do-lnre sbo». 8 00 LiwIich' if(i«I miirroco pldu-lact' ihoev, 2 SO Li'diet. eiiKiom made pt'pired mo. Khoe?, 1 90 LadieS* custom made pegged calf •hoc»,l !H) -H- Lndicp calf flliieH, 1 25 w,.... •».- I.ailiec cuaiiim made icailcrn. 2 So itlfKB mia. mo. i-lde !acu Hhoeo. 2 55 Sli»«e*' enstom-madu petfgi-d liio Klitx-ft, hildmu'.»cu»Um-ii-«l^iH^rilmo,-^hor«rl'25- VjtlldreiiV kid billion tlioem 1 IK) Ililrirrli's-kiJ -lnww im ^idies* carpet slippers. W) utV c/irpet. slippers, ,75 \idyV rtn ber ov»rHho«.'H. SO Nent'b rubber ovorifhoes» .74 Ladie.-* Alaska overshoes. 1 Gent's Alaska •vcrshoes, 1?J,% Misses' Arctic overshoea. 1 25 L*idle«' arctic-ovefstioe*, 1 fto (tenfa o.-nr.h.^ -t-7f5 Ucnt a pegged cah boots 4 00 l«entV custom in«de calf boots rubber-tipped lend pencils, 10 3 plain lead tenclls, A pass hooks, 6 »1«Mal back readinn comb, 15 Hny«^r readuiLf con^b, 15 papern |)lns a Yaukton, D. 'L. s% the »ale of the same for three moutbe, and shall also require an advance fee of three dollare for each quarter eection'ofland left in our hand« onvale •aid tHrpe dollar* tto he deduciea from the com mitpionwben the land is sold and the entire pro ceetie from said advanced fee* to bo expended in adveriifinj Call onoraddreSKeitherof the undersigned. C. J., 11. Harr is? A.F. Hay ward, YANKTON, 3 deod2w£c martl DAKOTA. A INVEST! INVEST A BARGAIN! I offer my Residence, with lorly acres' of Im proved Laud in lhiH,ciiy, for a VERY LOW PRICE., Only a part of the money required dowu. Im m^dFuir php,ewpton ntvrn. W. B. VALENTINE. M. GRIGSBY, Liiwj cr.Real Ewtute-AK-t AJ»D UNITED STATES DEPUTY SJUKVEYOlt, Will pay taxer, give prompt attention to co Icctlonf. ind negotiate loana on firat-claaa- Kea Eetate Security. .: 1 IIOIJX FILM, DAKOTA. Hip ^ore corset. 75 Gent's pa|H*r c^dlars, latest ityleP per bt?*. 20 Gent's stnndln^ paper cMlars. prr lox, 55 Genl's coitun socks, per pair, lo (»eit's half wool surks. per pair, 3 J- Furnishing GoodsV 4 50 tViit*8 ruMtom made sewed rnirboots, 900 THTf»h Uiilct f'uap. 5 heetb letter paper, 5 25 envehipi, 10 15 t«» n» all wool sticks, per pair, 25 111* Ladit s'uurino ho^c, per pair, 12«4 Ladb ts nil wool balmoral hose, per Dftlr. 40 Children's merino hosr, per pair, Lafiie*' handkerchiefs, 5 Ladies* hem stl!rh«*d h^ndki-rchiefs, lo Ladies* lace huudk'Tohlefs, 24 ^r~:. Rubber boots of all kind*. Call and examine the above Goods before pur cha-dns elsewhere, aud convince youraelf that you bare found the Cheap Cash Store. GEORGE WATKIS8, 3d-St .3 doors east of Broadway mar4dAwtf VAN K1 l, DAKOIA A. "W*. LAVENDER, 'I Siicci-BHor to Gregory Ilioa. "WHOLESALE -And Retail Dealers in- GROCERIES -And Provisions,— BROADWAY "ANKTOIf Will keep In Blw-k, for tha trade aud for fimily line, SUGARS, COFFEES, HYKUPS. -SOAPS, FLOUR. BU TTER, EOGS, '-i .-x-'.'- -'-. vk DRIED MEA.T3 CANNED FRUIT 1 4 a A el ESSENCES AND PICKLES 1 ,. Tlic beat brand* of I TTTTTTTTTTTTTI' TTTTTTTTTTTTT "TTITTTTTTTTTTTT!TI'TTTTTT TTTTTT TTTTTTT TTTTTT TTTTTT —TTTTTTT TTTTTT TTTTTT TTITTTT TTTTTT TTTTT, TTTTTTT TTTTT TTTTTTT •, ,t TTTTTTT ,TTTTTTT I .. TTTTTTT 'TtttttT ', T-TttttT J.TTETLTT TtTTTTT TTTTTT 1 TTTTTT I TTTTTT l,v TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT '. *'.'-'K'w .V,.-, A Complito stock of Staple and Fancy Goods. Pricei alwaya reaao'nable. JanSf