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Ll I# 3T BANKS. I THE I'lltST NATIONAL |b A.1:N||R i"'-" OK YANK TON. -..••ivTlie I'uisuicr lia:ikorol DiUota Ti-rrjtory, Ya:ikt »n. ikotu D.-p.,,,t-n-celvud anlj«ci Ut Third St. Yankton, Dakota. DRUGS. -EXCELSIOR MMM STORE MILLS «& IH:rbt, THISD STBIET, TAHXTOH. All the popular medicine* o! the dar. Prcad tbnifi compounded by experienced plurnvac tiitd. /, Fluent 4HMortment of BOOKS And Fancy Arlicica in tbu We»t. ifeS Headlight Oil—The Best in Market Kentucky Whiskies Brandies, Gin, Alcohol, FOREIGN AND DOM 5DTJG *. IT 1 Wines, Cigars and Tobaccos, I BROADWAY, 173d TANKX 1» T. attorneys. C. J. B. HARRIS, 'Attomey-at-Laf Real Estate Agt. YANKTOX, DAKOTA. Hax tbi! onij complete abftrsrtj of title in Yank Ion county. Offlce—St»ne'« block Capital •txoct, corner of f*b« :i&7 :-rK:s':: fruits have FINANCIAL AOKifr of tu*.0N*lT«0_XATE8 '"'duti ltim. Approved Depositary lor blaburaltig Officere' *1 •TAS. C. tvX~kY.~ir„ldrit. (IllAK K. bANHIIKN. (.'MA/fr. and promptly rfinlttod lor. t-tl. S A S I BANKING HOUSE OK VA/i'h' M. I'AHMEH, S The s-f ... ., to ch.Tk »t MslK. and tHhorr/cx lloctm frotn 1* a. in. to 1 p. m. Dl-tt IHAIjtK yi. PAII.nKK. RICHEY & DIX: itealurs In' HARDWARE, STOVES, And Muniifactitrcrs of Tiinvaro, Mining- Goods Of tvery dt-Hcrijuion An exieo^ive repairing d^])artmrnt Is cuin'-cto wiih our «ctMbUehnet:t. Agent* for Hit Celebrated Ol«c go K'ork«. 111CHEY & T)IX, PftSii The early crops of vegetnMes and jits in Sbut.b Carolina oud Ucorgtii U. have been destroyed by Host. Cong :i It is ikaid that there \vi jori |L»n,n.s ha.s agreed ta oiler an amend- mi inunt 'to the army reduction: biH i^r-UrAfle bought and -old. Ool made inch, ll'it be adopted, Will repeul ^'r.'s ^,r"b!.!i'ar-', riwrK^'vahie'.0^..'.1.311.420.r'« tne law authorizing the ofDistineiil of colored legiinents and do away with those tl.c s-eiviee 1 The California Slate Senate has passed a bill peinultiny an\ citizen,. charge, or, if it- im incapable of in oof, itl Inte.rert tlloweU on ..•• l«*ri 'or a upt-cilicii 1 i'^u. .The iireateel amuuiit iiiMirod in any out' il?k— Ooht. bilver and rniirdMuivf* Svriirfttei a #.^,twll.t pal cltici* of buroue. A juui for th« Imnan Line Hiiit Cliy iie UliCaJUO uctjUiilllK'll Willi 'pjn* jrn »itf*i amount allowed to be innnrrd iu ?UotV T»xuM!^ P""" ail Oltatvu genl leillali, ,IO whom if CUSTOM WORK, P,CAVALIEPv, T/mrnflTTATTT THIRD STREET, Between PonirlaH Avenue and Capital Street A Full Supply of ftn dauic9 LIQUOR Adler & Ohlman, IMi'ORl'KKS AND DhALEHK IN AA AI riieif* by nutil pnmpil\- mtend-d to. P. ('AVALIK't. nnrdlm 1 Statement of ths Condition OF T.IK XTorth.western The AkNetR of the Company are an Follow*: Cash on hand and in bank .Total Assets 4 Paragraphs. Statsment of the Condition irress will urnl-mlily take a re-%?' ^H jirnh'iiily "Y during the sccoiui week Mijy to enable CuiiiiN's&inon to a" to I'lulu- dclp'hiii ami see the Onieiiniiil open- Mercantile Ins Co., be a ma-! ot' thirteen the Senate oppos- 13* etj totlio confirmation of Dulut as' The name of the comt»iii.v-Is tin-North Rritlsh i'i Minister to iMi'gluud, and it is hinted av.j Mei-can.! »insurance Ctjmpmy. ol Londoir ., .it !_• t- ul house committee on military •,-®r*'-00"-00- into coOrt and compel iiin aaaadant 10 l.ofneKuii-.iijus'u'd —......... I I.O!--*r- in iii8pi'iii*u w»i Inn lor furintrr prove the trvith ol tue obnoxious proof &.%».»! t,, nl .) rfl..l ni"«U rale. bought -and mld at ciirrt*ni ratef. I'ay acrounti1 ifjiuit cuiiitb iu .uouutiu hi Tht* aniouni allowed by I hi* rulf* of tnd Kiual StiitviuuulH r.Ufhed at a ruahouab.e din-j t'ileCl that when Mui&h lii'8t Went lr thy company ti Ik* iiiaured in any one city, lowii count. Koruiijn Exchange nolil oft all tho princi !.. -11 I Alkx MfTciiKLt.. President. .Toii^ P. McGukoou, ec'y. Subscribed and swori^Jjiforc me this7tb day of (*kalJ Fiunch B»ooi»oo»n, A' V.. Comtuirsioner in Wiscons'n.! I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and coriect exlilbit of the financial condition of the Norihwefctcm National Insprance coinpauy, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as shown iuits sworn ^sateuicnt now in this ofQce. In whereot have1 heretini* set my [scai.1 hand aud altlxed the seal of my otMce ...,at. Olivet, D. T. this loth day of March, A. D. 187l?. .... K-v A. SiiKitioA Jokes, Ttierefore I, A. Sht-rldan .Tonc«. Auditorof Da- kotitUTrlt'Ty, do hereby c'riify tuat «aid inxiir anctrcompany \a duly authorized to ir.insac.t the business of rfre insurance iu said terri tory, for the year ending December 31st, A.I D. 1*76 by agents properly appointed. mar59 or xnE NORTH BRITISH Kdmhurirli. 'that 111. W. oioUfillton, ot Air-W OIK,: I I-. located in 1' S. Urancli in New York city. i] 1 ,i.„ .... *j be amount o! its* t'aplt il Stock is Sin^ouo.o.v t»0 ill he tllC tlcX.1 IIUUMllW.- 1 *|-|ie amount ol ilti 1'iipiial Mock p.-tld up Is -1- TSfxmno*-^"''''m Ailio of ilriCondlth»n:on the 31st day of December, A &DQ JJ0IB€SblC VjiOtDS. I) |S7r», ill accordance wjlh the provision!* of an 1 act of the lejrtrWiivc Uf*embly of the Territory Tbey will be cut and Made to Order by K\per- of Dakota, reining to, Innin'ancc Compauie*, ienc'd and tborouuh workmen.* proved «Ianuary 61 CHI'?, 31st Day of December, 1875. Pb»' of the Company in The Northwc*^ rn N.»tn»nal 1 -t^urance on»patiy. **T it It* inia'ed in Milwaukee. SKt'e. of WlMConrin. The am unt of iln t'aoltal Stock i?* '.00. The atnmtui it?-Oapi al stock pdi.l up Is INM'.OO. 12t,l?l.H,r» Real estate unincumbered, none. Bonds owned by the Company, to-wit: per pcbednle market value, ."Ol.iUS.aa I«oant*ou Bond and Mortgage, being first llenon unincumljeieu Heal Es tate, worth double the amount loaned lM)j)00.on Debt» otbcrwiBe secured (acc. iut.) .. 2.CXXMXJ i)cb!« for prctninmfit due from agents and ptheM All other''veenrities L'7,0.s3.:j0 Iilabllltleu. Amount due or not due to Bankg or other creditors I Lo-ses adliifted and dnc None. Losbch adjusted and -not due Losses unadjusted I/)f*ees in iuepetiftc watitmg for fttr- 33,7)2.2? tHer proof proof. All other claim* agalnet the Company, 1,405.00 Total ilabilitltfn tsii.:l3 .18 The greatest amount itis jrcd in any one rink, ordinarily, $10.(KH.0o. -^lireatest amount allowed-by the rule? of the company to be inimred in any one city, town or viliage-Mio rule. The gresteat amount allowed to be Insured in any one block 4M0 000.00, h'TATK OF WlPCOKPtN, County ot Milwaukee, Afe\a»ub'r Mitclwll. prenid* nt» and John P. McWreyor, secritary of the Northweulern National ln«uance —company, ot Milwaukee, WU^belni duiv pworn, depone and say that the foregoluc i« a full true and cor rect statement of the alMr* of paid company, that the said In-uraucc company the bo:ia fldo, owu* of at least oTnThilndrcd thousand dollarsi. of actu.'il cash,capitalv invested in the »t:itband rnited State At »c|«s and' bond t», or in bonds and tnort?a»efi of real estate,' unincumbered and Worth double the amount tor which the tame V* mortgaged: and.tkey are the abdve described offi cer- of said Insftrancec^mpany. "ST.V'-' A NO OK TH£ •7 31st Day of December, 1875. The Aaaet* of the Company are a« follow*: on hnu tII0 0 A*eni«orotin-riHTfoni*.... o.ia.Sit IMli o|n arxot*, Ainhami Yirtilmii Gh «nd d«'l^rr,U cerifAca(t, Suu Carolina -1 rIVnn«*»'tc 1 1 i! TualaMula who leels him&elt aggrieved by asaer- |,i»tillltln. lions puljliaheu III a newspaper, lo go [.„^ lKT'JU.^U 2.K0CUKI iuiuKmI N. V. city and c-uiniy ^ven* for premutiw* billu receivable. eg K,iju«t-d««0 .. $ it.rciii.'.n mid tie due.. T„,„..Liabilities or villa nmdfiate. IC tl"ck-m .derate. liom any ol' ilis blitlcllieilts before' Chas. K. Wlillt*. All ft*eoc.iat« manaser Of tilt 1 COn^lcaal MJii 1 CUiUjinUeta. i^ctcctn tb Mrrcaniiitf In.urance coinpany t»f f^ndti\i and at-Kdiuburgb.-buinxjluly »w »rn, it*--p and tyi* tbat the forciroin^ In a full, triic'and correci Htate ni nit-ill of the allairs of tbu caid Compiny, that the liavc gone To- Ottawa—to -get the facts in the case, to be used ill!* iiiiiif-uclniiciit Vrtiil Til' H,-lUiian S: i-alii Itifiirnnct «:om|mny l» the lM)iia tide owtiur ol inc lllipLacumeni. tlialOI UelKliap... la ?I11 ei( jucki TAILORINC.'v— ira^uH of Unal Khtatc, .nnincnmbi-rad and wor'h dinible .tlie u'nuitint for which tlie wme in morl jjnjed: and hu la the above dvitcrilud ofllcer nTTrimAi ttt/—\-r—t tt of ^uid lnRttiance L'otnp.iny. m•••" JIJ rotal •Km- I'niied 8:atc« Br.-tnrh of tl»« Norih British and un«linndrud, of actual capl al, tnviiftcd In Hie State and L'i»i:«d and Itmidp, or in Bonos and Murt- ciA»t*ocia:ei!7r A8 ,E Manager. Subscribed and sworn before me, thin '.81 day i?briu»ry, 1S«C. Geo. NICHLH. Notary Public. New York,*\o. 0*2. do hereby certify that the foregoing in n.true and correcUHtateinent of the financial condition of-i hi»--U. S.iBranch oftlce of the Nt/ri ril inh^and Mercantile insurance' comoany or Loiidon'and Kdinburgb, as shown In itn rwuni Rtaietneiii uuw on fl.!e in thin utllee. li~wlTiuTffirwhrrcnf ~I-have-h^rennto-a«l- roy [-evl.j hand and afllxed the of my ofttec at OlivetI). 9.h day of March A. 1). lsVti r.'.f-.v A. Sirr.RIDAW .JoNKH, Auditorof !ukota. J-' TIIR TKRHITOHT OP DAKOTA, r^^Anditor'i* olivet, I), Tv, Mart:h.-tt,-^tt-\ Wlivroa**, the U. 8. Hranch of the North rtritl^h and Mercan ile tncutance company, locatet In 'the c»ty of Sew. York, and ftute of New York, hit* tilrd iu thU (»fllce a -worn ftiarcmeni I'i, And, wherva*, tb» *x- aniination of the Mvarn statement of eaid .'Votn ... ... panv tiled in till* ftiee, I lind that the paid In^ti AlIlUliC_StyleS Ofl«OOaM-JUHtJl.e- ranee Company in poMepnud ol the Decenary AGRICULTURAI- IMPLEMENTS 7— *—r-attH^tnl^foipitnl invented aM required by law. tU» ThttrefcTrc,-i,_V. hhcriiifln^ytict. Auditor.of Da kota T'-rritory, do hereby c»?rfnyrhiH- wuifl lnt*n« lance Coiupan\ Ynnkto i. Dakota, in duly authorized to trauenct tluij btt»inet*K of Fire insurance iu territory, lor the year ending December 3Ut. A. D. by Agent»» projH-rly appointed. M.M. PAKMF.H. Agent. —lTmn«rtmnnT-^vh«*nrofr-l-hHv*-h*rcuuto_iii:umy. [skau] hand 'aiid cea), this tflh day of March, A. D. 187C. nnir'jt) A. Sheiudan Jone!'. Auditor. I M. M. PARMER. Agent. The MamM Harflvare Store. Wi/iui, Buckwaltcr & Co., Cor. 3d St., and Broadway, Yanktoji, ^Dakota. Biiirss a: A W A E 3 .• STOVES, I N W A E -AND-- A5EICULTUEAL IMPLEMENTS BLACK HILLS Mining Tools Always on Hand. WoiilMiacii the Ocl«br:tti:d Co ))er Wajjonand: iorbatu Seeder mar21 |f.4p Auditor of Dakota. Tmniroiiv or IakoTA, 70. Auditor's oBicc Oil Yet fakuia, March II Whcreaa,the"Norihwestern National ineurance company^-lucated in the city of Milwaukee and Mate .of to Uconsin. hax died In IblD olllce aworn atatement or* ita conditio# on tlie iilat day or December, A. I). lsTSwi accordance with the provlaionf of an noi ol thi' legiaiative assetrfbly of the territory of Dakota,relating to insurance conip.inlc,approved .Ian. titli. IhM And. whereas op examination 'of sworn atatement of t-ald company filed 'In this otflec. 1. find that »a!d InruMiice coinnanv ix pox searcdol th» necessary amount ol capital Invented ac rcqired by liiw. 4 KDMUXPX* l.VA, Agent*. In''.testimony whereof I have here.unt set my [skalI hand and seal this 10th day of March, A. 1). 187b. A. 8iibkii»A* JOKES, Auditor of Dakota. EDMUNDS & WYNN, Ag'ta. J.- CIGARS. F. HIKSHSTELN M\NUFACTUBER I and Dealer in, all kinds of Of. CIGARS 1 ~Y rv -f SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. A (good ••Hortment «f all kind* of Hmokcrn Artlclea. Manufacturing to Order/a Specialty ^v'© Thlrd" Street, Bttween Jiroaduwif e.uf Ctdtt 8tr*et% Yanlcton, Dakota. J. G-. True & Co., YAXKyON, D. T, A compicle a-torfneni of (Jrocerien kept con stantly on baud anil oflVred for sale at wholesale and retail. Tbe Beitof BrerflhlUK tke l»w«' Vtim 1 1! 1 S. BRAMBLE & MINER Dried Fruit Tobacc», ('iu'arti, Spic 1 WHOLESALE Ktcpco i'rtn'ly i»u l^and ^c4l «elecf"il sfcyk of 1 1 Staiplei and Fancy O E E I E S Sttyar, Coffee, Tea. __ Syrup-. Hiu'on, llatnV/ ,lXi -,v -w..- Madkerely llalibut, Hice, SHOULDERS, DRIED BEEF, "'i'l'iv'oV. ni.L-An.-uiii Canned Goods! At. We respect fu.lly cull tb* a«i«*nti-n of a'l Mrrohjmt» to our ^tocli and prin'- we al-«» hav.i- Lhtc In conii'T'ion wi'li tirocerlr- a i*ood Mipptv .,f T»*nt". VSa.rou ('overs, B*»w.- and i. Best Wagons in. the Territory, Which Black Hiller* would do w«?ll lo ovatnlu** CBr,w v-are a^en'H for the Iii|»onl PowdcMJo., Kcliiilllfr Whiioiim, Nlutlisbnker %Vuboiim, WiiimI'i llarvvMvr, ncCormlvk llurvculcr, An»l WiiimI A. Tl —v,-— CurinU'k JloH tm, y, BRAMBLE & MINER LEVES, YANKTON, DAKOTA SEEDS! SEEPS J08K!*TI KMVKIiSON bci»n leave to anutnuiire that he in Agent for '2— B.Boat's Cslelratei Gariei SEEDS. All t»eiMonn wanting j*ueh garden :e«-d»* can be uppliod by applying to bin at YANKTON. D»T.. I. O. BOX'«««• l» Vli HO I US: S WholwsTiT** and lictail DeaUrrn In :j FARM MACHINERY riosr. Cora, Oiti, TmI, te., Third Street, opp. tlie Post Oflice, Yan'K TON. "—Clothing I Black HillsOutflts! BLANKETS SHIRTS -AND— Rjfcr Goods -AT H.KATZ' CloiliJl Hiuse, Tliird St^ 'Tanktcn. .Hats Oups,Trunks and Valises and («en»s Fur nishine uooda. feb27 Boots, Stationery and Nevs. The Latest and the Freshest. THE P. 0. SEWS COMPANY ir prepared to furnish the IX'OJile of Dakotao with everything pertaluing. to the-Book, Haiiouery and Newc trade. Tbe Latctl Chicago and New York Dulllca Received Ever* Dttjr. Magazines, Bound Books, Paper, Pencils, &c., &c., Always on baud. Pr.ntand Flat Papers a Bliss, Fes, tJM U» I'o'.iUC Ulld A or I STANDARD HALLS SAFE &L0CK Fire and Burglar-Proof sally THB YANKTON VAULT DOORS Press and Dakotaian. DAII.Y'ANil W tlU. ,v- 1 t. a l.l.tUr r, t* W. I .»• di. BANK LOCKS Always In •fork,". M. A. BldFORD. Minnesota' Blatt & fpeciiiUy. PEIR & LUEBKE, /. Dcalerr In *1" AND FINDINGS, tsixs ttttir. Tijrnos. s. I'M inj»«»• Ak Larid Nawijip atif.'iruu 1 1 1 mi \t General Agent. Dakota, and P,o ssessions Office & Warerooms 46 Jacksoi St., -r-r hmn\ in DakoJo. irH. '1 A A /, Jhilt-tj-fi I*. 1 0 1 lis ItOtMi AMI J'0» I!•:I* !l TM K\T. cd( \vi'h !i(» 1/itc? 1 and bi-tf 111 r» y\H, !\y* ox-n'M1invf vil |jln»n THREE FAST .PRESSES rtx -K.-ISKSS CAIC.1S. im.l.SOK |.\l s«. ri» tit Mi.S ,, lo»MiKU-. l.ibli%iim i'Ii'-mmI u» ali ib»' Press and Dakotaian-Office, Wahii^ rivivt. Wa. .' I ,\n.i .t I, YANKTON, DAKOTA.': I N I I Wc have added lo utir priming rfinlili-Iitni'iit Jlu- tnar'ilni'ry. mul .*»|jI ancr?^ torjt •..! :ud l'.i|uti K'.l I tllLT. BLANK BOOK'S- Of every ib rip' oti made to order mav':l/i«d,- u.ud "-v-p ip tlli-- b«)jnd. uld btiolc^ eryibltr^ pertaintn'J t» thf In tf-1 -tvl" safes. .• ST. IMTL, MINN Wholesale and Retail DEAI.HHS ITN SfnpirA- Fancy .i rrr.'rr: uiu-ntH) *«l bv a' \N jtIm'vh' v^ ab hi t!i-r vv. M' wlntnivlii.wiiii' "I 1 kn\ ki.oi'ks, a rs, •••,. i.kttkk- iii:\hs, -rti»inu:ss tir »uv, wi,! ^b *an.b«- i« a h«'-U mix] uHi j^»b I IJI.ANKv ll.'i'l I. II .% jiU'U iVrrtl •jut a-:r! I. A Nl'KAi"! IMtlCUS O Corn Meal, I Braa. -1 1 bowkn KiNi si:ri v, 1 fnjM'it'lors. l. P. Mkvmmi.K. I'I••• !. 1. Van T\* •boiiTid. ami •FLOUR S. FEED. Tncorporatod Jan... 1. 18' ..V"v .V 1 r.t ?*m liOvtE fuul crs in all tiiiiis ol Fccil vsii a Wlieal.Com.Oaib.etc. —Wi charge. Ittfelf. f^urib'llvi'r-'d •d tn all pirl- of tin* cltv Irf 1'all and-i*e a-*. jr \\r\i *p.»-ikf CAPITAL JiTltKirr, YANKTON. DAKOTA Tlie Black Hills GOLD MINES A lOO I'limpliU'l. I'.ibli-li-l Iv TAYLOR BROTHERS..:. fontaln- Pn»f,.IIaybvn"» AM 7 l-i.« GROCERIES i: YANKTON. DAKOTA. Hlack III 1 if Import. !\-ii?r'- lUnck Hilts H«'p6rt? Scouts and-Miners wh/ Im^- ••V/.-vVn' pb»r-d(h«' Hiack llllls. Al'-o »h*- niiii-A inglau^^f the I tiu» States and the tu-inln^ law*. o/#Ha kola t»'rnn»ry. Two relhbb- !i» »p-of thf «»ld'»ui'ne^ wJth route" thvreto. lllustralt-d Willi Vi»Mvs of tlie (Joiil KH'IiIn. The m«"-t compile And„ -feliablc work on tb«» .) HIacrk Ijlllrr yei publislud, S I E O E N S I Sent,to anv address, postpaid, on reet Jpt of price,, 1 Address, TA Un.s Proprietors. Dakota H»*rald, )'tniklon- Dakota. AUCTIONEER. L. M. AUCTIONEER A'Vli- COMMISSION MERCHANT., THIRD STT?EKT, ,r ~r •9 YANKTON v. "i