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*^vV 4SS2 j. 7X gtfss and JPaKotaian Sundajr 1ijA T\* -J |vj -M- 7. .'(.SCw. DAILY. ,# .'• VAN TOt*. OT A. ,, Morning,"'April- 16, 1876. Meteorological Recojrl "SATVUIMv. AI'IUI. i.v 1st), YANKT«»N. J. [ATh W]J lt.£ :S y. 6 VI* Jrij W'611) 17j 77-{'tw^ a is p. t«%8ia «ij%5u 12 l_ P'-Iti- Cl'dy kli'l ».»*». ml 1 -if I tri'iifta i-Fj-ct'dy "u:»: SHAW, •rgenii'.V The Weather Tu-l t\ AVASHiNi'ToN, April 15 Probabilities for upper'Mississippi and lower Missouri vn 1 leys rising, northwest to southwest winds, parti}' cloudy and clear weatljcr. ..v1•• LOCd L.VCO.Mt Si. Turkey Hidgc creek is on beilder. Pier & Luebke are making iiuprovenffiite .on the interior of their store. A few of the noble red men and women were on the streets yesterday. KSfc ^'5 An exodus ..from Canton Jands on the Niobrara is threatened. Wallbaum A Becker are putting in a first class garden on the Gerwania house grounds.. Wait, the fire bug, was photographed by Morrow yesterday. The officers want his picture to remember him by. Every man you meet says, "Oh, pshaw, .* S I knew all the time Coojier was a detective, ,but I knew, .enough- to keep my mouth shut." It cost the properly ojvnersi. of Ymvkton —«tv-h»ndreui—ilollars Ti-ir Popper's work in fnr» lliiii /tiltt A Inrnit tim/Minl j\f dise for-this city, A large amount of gov ernment is expected during _the coming week Dakota Republican, April 13: !Jim Me Henry and some parties from Fort Dodge are to put on a stage line from Brule City to Custer City in the Hills. They claim a shorter distance and a better route than by Ft. Pierre. Certainly the distnncc jssd er. At a caucus bf the city couucll held last "evenlngTiiio question of elly jUaUce was discussed, and the sentiment of "(he mem bers was divided between E. T. White, C. F.-RoSsteuschcr and Oliver Shannon. Ow ing- to lack of information regarding the candidacy of parties mentioned, no deter mination was reached. rEHSONAI,. Oliver Shannon has gone to Siotlx Falls a Territorial Auditor Jo Lieu is in town serv. ing on the United Stales grand jury. W. P. Ellison, the new proprietor of the Merchants, arrived last night. He brought car load of horses. Ilenry Wood, of Janesville, Wisconsin, is at the Merchants. He is looking up a business location in Yankton.' Moses Sweetser, .of Boston, brother of A. J. Sweetser, airived last night. He will remain a day oa two at the Merchants. J. C. Barr, clerk of-Hie steamer Beniou, arrived last night on-the Dakota, Southern traliT Tie left his boat oil' Vermillion com mgnp. L. E. Skinner, of Sioux City, came upto Yankton day before yesterday and took -back ~witl him Mr, Roberts,—the—atUrance ^ugent of the Massachusetts Black llillers Yankton jtands a good chance to lose the trade of this party now that Sioux City has got after them'. —. 1 Hallroad lv ItloMT Palla, The Pantagraph of the ,12th says that Rock county, Minnesota, has voted in fayoi or giving a bonus of 450,000 to thebiancli road from Worthlngton by 180 majority, with one town to' hear from. "This guar antees SiouxjFalls a lailroad iu a very or Opening ornilllficrjrUuodi. Mrs. Xyon^ has received a magnificent stock of millinery goods, and will open them for the insjiection of the la'dies of 1 ankton and vicinity on Monday and Tues day. Her goods cannot fail to suit the tastes of all, and she cordially inntes the ladies-to cull and examine the grand dis p'«y. Ulver Bxcirttou. new ferry ,. Captain Marsh'*) new ferry boat, the "Doctor,".* ill makfe a trip at STo'clock this and return, then be taken to morning to the Nebraska side An excursion trip ~wiil~ Frankfort, Nebraska) ' 4 g. when another trip'will ^made across the river for the accommodation of parties -wishing .to cross from either side, Evermore! been" ferretinp ont the imlivulual trying all winter to burn ouijlproperty. Samuel Vance's horse rata way yester day with the delivery wagon." lie ran from .«• the depot'to Mr.fVunce's store, where he was Btopped without any.- damage to the iw vehicle. When Cooper was put in jail with Wait, Johnson made preparations to leave town, saying lie was afraid he might be- suspect .« ed as being a partner of Cooper in the New York burglary, The most exciting excitement on Broad way yesterday was the running away of Jncle" Sam Vance's horse, attached' to a ery wagon. Fortunately the naughty steeihwos arrested iu his (light-before any serious aamage occurred. Our book .bindery and blutik book man ufactory is now in the most perfect run ning order. We are prepared to do any work in this line with promptness, and in as good style as in any establishment in the west. Call and see us. Six lull mi loads-of—freig4rt—ar-iivtui-ou. yeUerday-»fteruoou's train, for Yankton. Very little of it was government freiubt, ,-J^vj f'jw Church BUIIR. hl lTl.KMKNTAUT TO TOK tt HELLS. to he It \—incompl*Ue.)- -.t-,-, Hear U».ho\y Sabbuth- ChrUtian balls! Vt*!JHt a world ofl/coniolatlou in their utieruriceA 'flwelUr •, —. —I TfTey.ppmmcfhoi'atc the Day w&« A^hen.4' ibe-itouu wn~ rolled away I'TOm Iho*,'''where lay UiV/r Th* Tttrti of 'Cil'Ty -Main |Tr*nHMM*t-lii!* o\% IhfriHie burnt iIK* bond* of iv*«ih •v. N\ lib Omnipotence,V brea:h, —L_ Vuil jjLi.Uyj ucaJ Jy.. rot*^» I I I l:i»' li sii«l of (Jiv!•• Thrin in On* IHT« llemnke.h iuieu:e.-Hon l\ our uiJiuiljjJd trui.pgrccsion, Now ihe b«:lls are loudly calli»^t biddt^ oncrcpilr To tliChincJu:iry, Nv.hrrf 1 Wc tnnv oiler jtf'til?fi'Vinil1}»ru\1 V,^ Thdr-n-vc! beVaiin-i i-ch-K^ Itrou^tu^i^ «tr. s^Xtt,rr»llinir. ndlini. Ttu*\ ur«» Viji ingji U!'i^ lu iiir eon^idiit^j And jn t'iicr •a »i»allihjj—. v'N To br-ii!\rcnii.-ol.ili»4 -W"lii'rL To !I ?i-trn r*. ^'luu-iniutioir, V.v: iivcrmorc! Still tho-bell* nrc K)lliii2, InlluiE. j. Ami ili.'vi.ccholni HDK't ure rolling'' Jfe Over ralo and iilmn ami liioniliatii, t'ajliii^ al,l then to the l-'oiHiiitin iI if niiij inni in'arrrrrr-fo-'^Hr.f "r^ Hvrrnn TC Now their fmi'M jrow'lopder, deper, Tlu'V mijiht wnk« lilt'dullc^f feleuprr* tn 'li« l»jl Subbutli With thijir Svorl of solemn warniiiK -^'Time'. time!'lime!" TVmo! tltut! to tijc fcr'tilu Ppn(V«rou» tun^um n.'ii»*ra(v, iminotoiioiifly, Time! limol tumr! Time! iltne! trine!" Til) the I'udlng of the boar etuU ijic chlmc. Thus each twinging Titan knell*,' :. AP HI- MTI*IO*POALS AND «WTDU Kroin ihe lower wherein hv'..«l.w«ll^.. -r 1 lis tlual tnouoirylUble of ••Ttui\ Who?t».rad«nriks fautttJ»ticaUy rhyme To th«* rolling and the tollh'p of |he b« ll!*! .„ Jill tea nl .s. uoultl. JJKOWNKD. Joaopli Coatawnrlli, ol' the Roy Weil, Driiwnrd III the HII«i»o«irl »l Yank ton Ac»'llry [Spocial telegram to the Press rmii Dakotulnn. YAXKTON A(IEN?N', lak., Aprri^ A deck hand nntned Joseph Coatsworth who lived with Mr. Wheelotvat Yanktonj all winter, fell from the steamer Key West at three o'clock this morning, fand was drowned before assistance could reach him. Dlmrli't Court. The district court was 'busy nearly.all of yesterday on the case of A. J'. Sweetser against J. W. Evans. At three o'clock a decision was reached in "favor of the plain tiff, the court holding that- a verbal agree ment for an extension of a lease A'as blend, ed with the written lease, and not a new contract, and thnt a parole lease for more than one year is void. Au A'rtlehokc l'e»llval. The night force of the Press and DdkOi taian iajundor obligations to Dr. Dix for a table full of good things contributed last night during" the hungry hours. The doc tor was demonstrating/ to an appreciative audience that artichokes, are good for hu mtra-beings, and his succcas ia beyond ques tlon. He served up boiled artichokes, baked artichokes, pickled artichokes, fried confession of surprise ran.aroundJhe table as the boys were eating, and on(j and all agreed-that the artichoke is the'most .versa tile vegetable extant. ~"v ICiver The steamer Ctirroll will probably reach here to morrow afternoon. The river continues-to fail, but, not,so a pi a id a The steamer. Key We.-t passed Fort Ran dall at ten o'clock yesKTrdny moruing— The steamer Benton passed Vermillion at eleven o'clock yesterday morning,, and j. will probably reach here at an early hour this moruing. The trial trip of the ferry Burleigh" was made, yeste lday afternoon, about three o'clock. EverythingWorked like a charm. She is no doubt one of the b6st ferry boats that ever plied the river at any point. A large crowd of/-ladies and gentlemen assembled on the levee to wit ness the maueuvers of the little steamer, and quite a number accepted the kind in vitation of. Capt. Grant Marsh lo take a ride on the water. May all of her future trips be as successful and pleasant as the one yesterday. The steamer Benton will arrive this moruing early from below, and for up river this forenoou. lectii succi Til "f .Tflr, .-kl will leave The steamer Carroll left Sioux City yes terday on her way up. The new ferry boat Was steamed up yes Lerday. and made several trips across the river. She worked perfectly. Two trips will be made to day—one at 'J o'clock a", in. and one at 4 o'clock n. in. -•'•'/a '-Fireman llall,' $1.50 in a ball ticket and help them iu their endeavors to uniform thcmsul'ves. The company numbers sonic of our best yoing men, and a slight recognition of this kitid ^9". as a return for the services which they at jlook any tiuie may be, called upon to render is no piore than just and right. "Citizens j"®1 t° and citi/.enesse8 of Yankton," just imagine I P'1*', aU( Some quotation here about "ashes" :'i very well in such mild weather. Yours occasionally, CAP. •a^ Od«k Fellow® B»lli The Odd bellows of Yiinkton wHl give ii buU'iit Stone's lmll on Wednesday, April •01 li. Music b}~tb'« Bojicmfan string bund of, Niobrara." Specikl invitation.* this w'dek. I ii|rl d:td 1 lo 'Flic Democratic Comuilttc». .The territorial democratic committee met in Yankton Friday,ttiu| fixed upon Thurs dayrtTTb 'ith of" July, asrlihe time for bold, in^ the di'lo.naie convention, to put in untn inalion a dfiejjHtc to coti^rcsK and other ten.itoriti! ollieors tol i. vouil for at the Vmeral November [nt'Xl.. he committee also iippoint'ed tvo reuuliir ®nnd 'twO aiTernnte ilele^ntes to represent DaUota at the national convention to be be!d in the city of St. Louis, .Inne »'7tlj. L. I) far mer, of, Yankton, and M. V\nSbeafe, .lr„ of JIIU Point, \v(.io selected as regular, and .111 H. .Hoiie^teel and Mans'l^ylof ar, the aUej' nates. I 1**1 it* Wlllet. Hint l.ii«i"r«. '-.iin: The following brands can be at _\V..iY.'l A- KWs WIiqI'-.SHIc lifinor dealers: ."Otnrd Dupuy's Cognac .^pld CaliforniilTiratidy Pure Peach Brandy, Pure Apple Mrandv Los Angelas Wine Catawba Wine St. Julian Claret Old Port .... Cedar Huu Copper DUtijled Whisky -Pure White Rye Whisky mumifactiirt'd by A. tiugenheimcr A Co ig Cook's Old Bourbon Premjuui Whisky, etc!., etc All of which will be sold at reasonable tiuures.' Hotel Arrlviil*. ST. CIIAHI.KS. I.) Woods.-Davenport 11 Hrny, Bur Dyeball, A la„i, van Lake S Gardner, A Harris, Geo Bates, S Dow, II Kice, N llCarburn, iPhihidelphiu Lu ther Austin, Chas Cheever, Moses Sweetser,. Boston II Onpubstenfer, St Charles W Randall, Chicago W 15 Vance, Black Hills Mrs Whitcom\, I/mcastcr, 0 (^:A Smith He lleve* it KSINIH in I'aj- liijf ltiaiilllit'«(. think now that winter is over Write and tell me how the weatfier was from the 10th to the 18th, in Yankton. lo 1 On Tuesday evening next the }Io"katnl Ladder Compntiv piopose a ball at Stone's Tliill for thy purpose of raising funds to re if or or an A .should take an interest in this Ulalter, as the organizatiotris out*, formed for the pro lion of property, and the endeavors and success of the boys who ran with th'e "ina ''"r *«*}. sheen" at the fire last Monday should be ll mt u,u ,uil)us m"'Ul ul)ou Iie,u|y ollc ^'al xYou'1' eee the streets of our city "un-uuifbrmcd." story can never be found afterwards, but What would outsiders say Jjchttl^of' lllt! lh"1 the company let me say that it stands ready T"^,? '"1", I a to do unto you as you do unto them., i.e, turn back and he will find the old place if you- will be in attendance at our dance that he left paying some one else big, aud we will be iu "dancing attendance upon j,llun 1 be appropriate^ but ashes don't pan out to idVatnl hoping tor the best, am iYour i/fleciionate husband, S~j- •o a lington Mrs Dyeball, 1 Javenpf.i ^Uuifty. .M ilUnstcad, Cedar R-ipids A Me(..ure, Jeo. Bcrch's residence in the western Sinrrt'CU} of Lincoln county was burned on the MKKCHAXT3 I last day of March. Wm Hazy, A Hoskins, A Snodgrass,, see^his mot her. S Wel.ley, Sioiix City S Browning, Ft Atkinson, Wis \y Chapman, Chicago II Wood, W Ellison, Jauesville Jno Atliey, Ft Sully S Johnson, St Helena Barr, steanv:r Benton S Gamble, llariuan, N W Stage Co. K.KOM TilK MINKS. Letter from "George Smith to His "Wife. lilt* Countl 4*tltl and ISv- FAHMEU, D. T., ircli HI, '7ii." My Jintr li'i,/ .'—11 has been snowing nearly all the time for two weeks, ami has been the coldest weather,I ticie George .j «and dollars for the purpose of erecting says, they have had this winter but 1 We are slopping at present in the cabin with I'ncle George, and have secured claims which are considered as good as any in the" jitijcb. I have been getting some little gold all the time for the last ten days. but— not-enough to pay,' I think when 1 can make something. Un- boat Dr. spring opens ele George and one other man took out *iixly dollars-in about four days, and carried _Llie dirt in sacks to the water and rocked it out. They did not work more than six hours each dav, but they slluck what is called a streak. It may not last two days longer, aii'd It may run for some time. It is in a little dry sag, on the luaiu gulch. The old miners ail,think, (and so do the new ones,) that in the main gulch the pay wjll be big. But it cannot be worked until spring. We have claims in the gulch that men here think will pay'well. We have P10V0 -vel' have seen enough to sat isfy "myself that there is gold iu the Hills in large, quantities, and some one will have lo find it. and I think I stand just as good a chance as any one. __ Now, Lina, when you tell this to our friends, tell them the whole of it, so that they will not) accuse me of 1} ing, when they get here and find l.'ucle George not ma lung~a cent, alt.nougii I saw linn and his partner take out over an ounce of gold In one day, and they carried, the dirt, on their backs to I'lie creek and vas lied it out. I carried more llian both of llitSm the same day, aud did not gel but about 'it) cents, but I have not found Jhe streak yet. Most Of the'men are runuing after better iliggiugsall the time, and.some are leaving bul 1 am 1 lUinH couu 8«"jng to stay as long as ll ru j* l,u' recognized nml aiipreciatiiij. We .kno w.-of J?'?.?.®!' .. .1 !ier® .is_.Jir.l!at--excilement:-herc uo better way to do this t'hau to lay outi chance for ,me to make ty building. °.f "-V btit its too cold there now. Part of our company are going as si»on/as \ye can, and. part'will stay lu re and represent our claims for fear we niay not litid any belter than we have. I every man in the Hills as stretch the trulh a little a man jump aud lun. Avery blor-v -K,ow's V' ,)c Company parading ,'iD Uiis country, and the man that tells- the 'n'ul,!1|sely ',l' large by the time it travelsa verv tew tniles lli( »'t find Hit gold can be 11,5 sees l,is you- wbenever—our—services-«re—needetl-'-'-^—OiiJ^prospeCitti here are very good, and weTlIall hang on until we know where we would "'istake too late, cin get a better ('show. With kind regards GEOltuit. /. I '..V Hook, and LadderCompanr. 1 hfire will be a meeting of tfi'e'Hook and jiituiier Company, Mnday evpuing, at 7:!iO o'clock. A (nil attendance orthc members is requested. By order.of the president. F. J. W-Asii'Aii.v'uon,'Sec'y. TXEATS. The Fnoiix Kalls-«nd Flandreau staee jine has ('hanged hands. 8. A. Lee, of Jim flvor'.'Ss'lbc new proprietor. Some line specimens of iron ore were fouul while digging a well in Sioux Falls last week. The Sioux Falls- &• St. Paul railroad, pre liminary survey has been .completed. .1: l'lirncst's-stablt', near Sioux Fulls, was burned on the 7th. Cv-— -sV J. l)f Cameron^ Tlie Siou'x Falls banker came within six inches of making a wid •owur of himself. Me was examining a re volver, and Mrs. J. I). stood just six inches' from the bullet when it whuzed past ber head. Shot, guns and watches can be exchanged lor Sioux Falla-real estate. 7 I The Lake county commissioners have re pealed tile resolution fixing the price of county warrants at 75 cents on the dollar. V': Thc^'.imes reports that the Missouri riv er rose fifteen feet on Monday night and Tuesday at Springfield. A public dance will be held in Spring field on the 20th, Springfield is to lie made "a money order dllee. !•:. W. Willi 1, J. II. Barker, R. M/.Jolin son, J. M. ,!oie»-«»d. Tom Tate, of Spring field, with their families, will start for the Black Ijittsi May i. Swan Luke is free of ice. Turner county farmers are bfisy with their spring work. February wheat in Turner is looking T1)c Swan Lake Era has detected the Sioux Falls Pantaeraph iu pluglariziug. W ha it Clay county warrants are worth' 9i5 cents The Missouri' ryer is a qundruped. It raised four feet at Vermillion the other day. General Da\vson, of Vermilltnn" has gone Another hotel will go up at Vermillion this summer J. L. Fisher, one of the popular and en ergetic draytnau of Vermillion has sold oat and removed to Yankton., W. P. Brandon and Eliza J. Brady were married at Vermillion on the 9th. The Dakota Republican tells what hap pened during one day in Vermillion, thus I}': "Monday was a-lively day in town, a team of horses fell into a ten foot well, pair of mules ran away, a smoke house bnrncd lip, mid llm ly closed with_a noisy quarrel and no damage d"ne. Clay couuty should have a court house The Republican shows how oyer |l,5o0'a ye ir e-u!d- be made or saved to the county "by havingltir etlirice of tUfe chanicter.—Tbe x'otuiuissioners of the county have called an .election for the eigiitii day of May, for the purpose (if v»jting upon the question of issuing bonds to the amount of ten thou LINCOLN COUNTY. A correspondent of the Swan Lake Era writing from Canton, in Lincoln county gives a very encouraging account of nint ters generally among the farmers. He •says: ^Nevenheforc -has spring opened in Lin coin county under "as favorable circura stances as the present. Our crops of last year being good, the farmers are in much better circumstances than* any previous year, having plenty of all kinds of necessa ry grain for seed, also plenty of grain an hay for their teams and it always is the case thnt when farmers are prosperous all other kinds of buaitless are prosperous. There will be by far more acres cultivat ed in this county than any previous_.y.isarr and the crops more diversified and judg ing from the number of immigrants now arriving we shall have a very heavy immi gration. There are now only about seven ty quarter sections of government land aside fromthe-sclionl sections, in the coun ty. We expect that these will all'be taken during the summer, besides thickening up the settlement- by buying.and improving unimproved,deeded land. Manyof the peo ple coming here from other states express their surprise that they can buy almost ev" ery thing needed by a family as cheap even cheaper than in the states." "From our own observation and conversa tion with.parties from other portions of the territory we are satisfied .that the foregoffifr from Lincoln represents very fairly the the territory Concerning the railroad feeling in the Sioux, Valley the Em, at Swan Lake, has a '-Canton correspondent.who writes that the "infatuhtion to bond the coufaty for a north and south road appears to have passed away, and our prospects (for a road seem better than ever. An east-apd-westi rond is what we waiit, then ., Lincolin -and- Turner counties would' -,be '"more closely united than ever." Tills correspondent 1'"" i,/.arl_|iL^-a statesnian. No Sioux City & Pembina in hi»'n.: The Dakota Republican, uuder Mrs. True's management,-iet improving, and 'al. reiidy ranks among the best of our territo rial exchanges. Clay county should be proud of it. I We tak« pleimure in notifying tli 1 in J. WEIXEL. 4 Broadway, ORDERS npiTd&wt "V April -1 1 Mlka and Circnadtuea. L. D. offering to the ladies a full line of dress silks and silk grenadines, summer silks, a^ 85 cents to $1.25 per yard. Black silks at $1.75 to $3.50 per yaid. Silk irou frame grenadines at 80 cents to $2.25 yard. Tturse-g1ods are offered at prices that will defy competition. {Give him a call. aprl5d4d 1 Rough and ready plug- tobacco, anew brahd apd tbe very best, and a large assort ment of pities just received at Cutting & Cloudas. aprlCd2d 1 public thai wehavobeen exhibit at »ur 1 5 4~ Pure /.v- TIKC N«W Jewtiry Firm* Peterson & Bitterly, the new jewelers in Schoregge's block, have received a portion of their stock of goods, and have spread them in their cases for exhibition. It is an elegant assortment, and from it the peo-, pie-of-Soutbern-Ehikota-cair-Belectnnosr everything that is. rich and rare in the line of jewelry and silver plated warcT" Messrs. Peterson-A-IJitt^rly.. are competent work men, and announce themselves ready to do ItTRinflii of work jn theii «|)et:ialty.—Frtrt engraving will be .an important (tart of their business. Horses find oxen. d-tf AT" good gfrT to' go up country to work. Good work and steady employment will be given., -Inquire at thi residence of II. O. uVndereon, corner 5th and Walnut streets. aprl3d5d ^'. All the best brands of tobacco ana cigars at' Tommy Ziebach's, Third street, three doors west of the postolliee. aprl4dlw S *T t* Ladles mo. button ohoe*..'2 50 worth 3 M1?gcyTPorbuttt?n fhocg, *Jbr -0- WEIXEL FC BAER, l„ •'•ri' i, Js-M •|P-*V- \L WHOLESALE -WWV/'I Vs DEALERS IN LHM 0R.S AND CKiAUS. 1 ^... VALENTINE'S BLOCK,v iit the only exclunive whoie^.'.le liquor IIOUBC in ThiV cltv._ Great Reduction in —AT,-TIIE- ChioagoBpot& Shoe Store SEE TRICES. Lfldicn pewed mo. shoon, $2 00 worth 00 ChildrenN mo. bnttnn Mioe?.... 1 50 worth Ladies eerge nlde lace choei.... 2 00 worth 3 UU (JbtldrenV peg mo. *hoen 1.00 worth Ladles ier^'e goat foxed shoeH.. 2 25 worth 3 ir MCMIN kip bo »is vftO yrorih Lidten kid niue lace tfhoe^u 3 UU worth 4 6) Men's brognfi Knbber BootV^BUflalo and ^"oolcn Blnnketa »ni flH oi)jer ,(4ooda eiiitable for Black Hiller*-'-- $ at extra low pilcc*. ,/r TlvtJ'il Street, Near Broadway^ ~f vet -cp-** -n.' YANKTON, DAKOTA.* A. SCH AND IN, "Wb.olesale a,nsd__E.©tail IDealers in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, W a W W a re FRENCH CHINA PLATED WARE and CUTLERY, Cor, Broadway and 3d St., Merchants Hotel Building, YANKTON, D. T« aprl5d4d Fresh roasted coffee every- day at Lavendir's Broadway grocery. -'"yi POK SALE. 1 FOB tALK Two desirable iotB 'for residences oppo site tbe court house .on Douglas avenue aud adjoining A. W. iUpward's midence. Enquire of T. Ni Bray,-Capital or Central marknt. '/y tf Mills till Purdy desire to guaUon that addition to their very tine stock of wall paper (in which there is something to^uit the taste aiid ppcket .of every purchaser) they, have a fine line pf curtains, in cloth and paper, with hangings, cord, tassels, etc. X' til Hcleclcd and brought with us and •4 EXTENSIVE OPENING! 4 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,- April 19th, 20th aad 2lst. The Largest, Finest and Most Complete Stock of 1 ^lillineryj Ever Urou^ht to Yankton iS4¥?^O'':M'0v- 1 Aixl 'WL'-IIIV pre pi red lo furniuh I he FINKRT as well a«'I'I,\IN lint (•. OKI F!I r, liteurlied, (i Vfil, an on or an A BURNHAM S—maraud 1th ptifeo .... .., A. W. OARDliKH BKOS. Ciilrl Waated. Ready fur SprliiK. S. Eiseman & Co. are now ready to man-: ufacture clothing for the people of Yank ton and other localities. They have just received a large stock of spring and sum mer cloths and caasimeres—all new designs —which they will-make-up-te-fasltionable shapes. Tbe Eisqmans want to show these choicc goods to everybody. I. Piles & Co., lin-v«i J««f rtwetved «. large tiiKi coniplete stock or uootir ^lioes and llublterM, l»r Kcntlemeu's, Indies and children's wear. Finn IfoodM and lieavy |food«~ all styles and sizes—ar«.» wluit Pllcs & Co., oilV'i* to theirl cuMomers tills sprinip. Proposals for the Erection of Agency ttnlldlnca at tbe Lower Brule -territory—of emu Dakota. •\TOTIOE 1B hereby given, that FOALED PROPOSALK X^l will bcreceived^v nndura' more of J. R-. Banfiorn". the city will be r«ctilvel~bY the UDdurnlgned at tbe of Yankton, nnttl ltio'clock m., April SStb, 1K76, at whirh time and |lac«.they will bo opened in the pres ence or bidders, foi the erection of »lx building lor agency purpoaex at tbe Lower Brule indiair 'Agency, in the riltory or Dakont. Eacli proposal nuinl be in dupllcaic and be ac companied by a-guarantee aigned by two reopon aible parttev, certified aa fully respont-lbltf by a judge or clerk of the United States district court. guarauiceing that in case the contract IK awarded to tlie peraon propoaiuj it will be accepied and eulered into,anrfgood and BUllicient acctirity iur nUbud.immediately by hitn- in the turn of leu tliousand (flO.OOU) dollars tor the faitutul rutfi]) ment of the contfMt. The plana and sped deal intit for aald biiildingi may bc*seen at the aforeaaidfatore. The uovern mant reaervqa the right to reject any or all b[d». Klddem are invited to be present fn pcreon. ai the opening or their profioaala. -Bid* to be dis lincily marked on jhe envelo|e, "Pro|io»al8 in erect Aw" nrji'-Bioldlngi* at ihe Ixiwer Brule lgency^X-iitory of Dakota, and addreaaed.. 'T. A.'UllJCT, 1 1 &co., Tlilrd-dtiect, near Walnut Kentucky Whisky a Specialty BEN. BAER, is 1? to."s v, ,.y,'f,.-• VALENTINE'S BLOCK,t 1 -*"1 tf" Tankton, Dakota. 6 3 E I thoe!*vV r,.» Cueiom jneitfi AlexiB^hoer*, full Uoe of Ladles and C:eiiiBtV^l* oo 1 35 1 75 %vrth '4 '2ro _.... rth 2 2b 5 00 00- 7 le it \. J. ." 1 1 U. 8. Indian Agent. Yatrkton, D. T. apltldiw .. [_ VTK.t ItlHOAT WOOD. Plenty of goodj etcambeat wood for Fate at Steamboat laiidtngi SUndlni Ruck Agency, l. T, *prU.d2w. E a .b "J ,:F 'I 1