Newspaper Page Text
V'--' BANKS. Til* «K8T NATIONAL A CKA*. tiat». OF YANKTON. *. FINANCIAL AGENT or TUM BSITID STATUS ApirfwVtfd Depositary for DUbarnlag Pfllrar* A JAS. C. MoVAY, E. HAKSOBS, Cashier. •I Vv frrtldtnt. .. ... .. .1 f' tw Ir*fts bought and ••14. Collections made and promptly rsialttad for. 1-tf. K8T ABLI SK 1N«». BANKING HQ.USK —o MASK Jf.PABMXS.' Inu" The Pioneer Bankar of ®»kot« Territory,—"" *5—ajiJ Yankton,p*kota -'r •epoalts received subject to check at night, and e*e,taU*w»don Ult lor spedfled time. 'Oolii UKr* Cjiltetl States Secllrttta*, bouKht-aadtold it entrant rnt.* Psy ttUmni »nd Final Statements caxhed at a reasonable die count. Foreign I pal cities of Agent for the-Inmaa-tini era. *Col!*ctlona made on al' count. Foreign Exchange aold on all the 'princi pal cities of Karoue .i<p></p>Europe., KlfJHET, DIX 4 €0., Dealer* in HARDWARE, 7 STOVES, Aut Maunfeeturerft of Tinware, Mining Goods! Of_erery description. Aa extensive repairing department la connecte with our establishment. '•%, Iffli' .'ji' £. iW ,4 Agents f#r the Celebrated OlM |t« F»rk«u RICHEY & DIX\ Sawyer's block, Third St.. Yankton, Dakota. maratfijt DRUGS. EXCELSIOR OK BOOK STORE TOM rife HP&D Y. tmi Rim. TAvxrex. .Hi" "U „',r "V All the aopitlar medlelaes-of the day? Presd tlons compauadttd by experienced pltaracar rlnept aatorlment of And Fancy Articles In the VIeat. Headlight Oil-Th* Bwt la Sfaxktt LIQUOR I Adjer & Ohlmaa, N ItfPOKTJBUt AND 0JFAl*RKB Ul Kentucky WMs^ies Brandl#a, Ota. Aloobol, FORKION AND DOMBSTIC WIbm, Cigars and Tobaccos, BROADWAY, ini I MPWoiTmui. T. TA ATTORMCrS. G. J. B. HARRIS, IttarieHt-Law I Real Estate lit. VAKKT*)f, ,.»AKf«A. Has the only admplate abstract• of title In Yank tv« county. tttcf -Stois'i Ustk, Capita) street, corner of Thlnl. fsbtt GARDNEB BROTHERS, Wbolawie u4 ttotaU FARH MACHINERY DAKOTA CENTRAL STAGE COMPANy Stages Loftve Every lia *»C 'FOR }'J Odessa, 'l-: Scotland, 2fin-tf Agent for the Iniaan Lin* of ilmMri' 'Collections made on all .part* Mala. Taxes paid for non-r*sldents. l ^OMCL HOURS from Tazea paid for. non-rtfidenM. 9 a to4 p.m. _, Bltl 1- I OllVCt I .* ~K,~ J?.ireste€l Every JNV^ecLnesday FOR C. T. CAXPBE&t & CO.y Proprietors, if .r^. -r rxmrnwiatr. SIM HILLERS ATTIKTION O-EOBOE WAGNER PBOFR1KTOB OP T1)B Yankton Gunsmith Shop. •aareceWea a aew and complete stock of Slot Sin, Biles, RtTOliert, Bane Bags, And all klnda ol Ammunition. PMkcl and Tahl* Callwf, PlahlBl Tackle, See. Agent for the LAFL1N ARAND POWOKK Co tttore and Repair Shop on BiMdmjr, aear Third Street, VANKTON. D. T. AUCTIONEECR. X. M. KEE, 8y 7±Jf -AND- C0M1CSSI0N MBBCHANT. THIRD STREET, YANKTON FOB CUSTER CITY I will leave here April 15th Next, Wlth Twenty Four-Mule Teams, And will tak« THIRTY TONS OF FREIGHT At "cents par pound. Will also take a limited number of FA sszxr CS BRAMBLE & MINER JOSBPH VOLIU, Terma moderate. Cases gnaraateed. Orders tiled fcy ^nalt:—Kzamlnstioa tree The nsnal discount to catrons. Bend 10 cents for desertp Ux« book to Prof. W. H. BURNIIAM. M. I. apl#d**tlj Chief Surgeon. YANKTON S I O to a mtwipn |(M, M, #•., Third ttiwti opp. Uis P*«t Offiesl TAMCKM. 't I .1, 4 S J. A Tm:^ CurrentItem*. 1 MliltOWn, ^Charleston, S. C., .is now shipping Rnflrnnrt north over 1,000 quarts of strawher- 1 Rosedale & tor theCusterClty -c TbtiBtfpoTnts are all oo the Koad, or are reached by thin Vil mfl Changes of Can than by any olher -AT- -j~. SmCXD RATES, CWForFreljtkt or Passage, apply to -JfANKTON, 11. T. on marUlddAw roRT RANDAI.LMQakota. Triumph Truss {Do. WBBY, ».V. To whom was awarded the pr« mlnm medal for the beat Blaetic Trail and Supporter at the last session ol the GKBAT AMERICAN INSTITUTE FAIR, (lure* (upt,ti •l.tfilbr a upt,ura in from 30 to so days.- am otrer case they cannot cure. Xney employ \U fir, tint Clay LADY SUBGEOX A S DA II S A I N The Taaktan and Slunx Kalla stag* line will qtaksrrfgalartzisa-with mall between YANKTON AND SiOUX FALLS. Passenger coaches will leave Tankloa avory day at 4 a. m., urrlvlng ^at Hloux Falls at i.p. aid ]e*ve.8iwu Fall* at 4 m., arriving atL .Yank |Wi*hia reuts offers good accommodations to travelers, and quick transit between the different points oath* VUte. Office at the St. GbsrlM hotel.a^d Dakota Cental jit'^a oilce toO.P O^ELLA OO., Mew Terk ,taK lists ^^M^isapUal «f MB pataaa.:coaiataiaK lists «f I- x" Florida magnolias are in Mcseom. Peach trees are in blossom 'aroiitiei Washington. The first governor of 1OW.B, Ansel Briggs, is still alive, hut iti limited circumstances. Murat Halstead is taking ill presi dential prospects and other mixed drinks in Washingtou. .. It isn't often that a granger gets philppena, but two goslings were rr» hatched from one goose i.-gg in' Cieor igtajtbe other day. ries daily, and by,'May will be ship- P'»g 3°.00 t° 4O,0°° quarts a day. -J-!. The new shades for evening silks are "frozen blue," "sourire," a smile rosy tinted lavender, eca foam, and every imagiliable shade-r-cream, flesh, Straw^'cinary c^or and buff. ||M 'a'— I No surer sign ia: wautiiig .that the. fw« Thompson & £121110X62111. South means to rule this (iuuntry with an unsparing hand than that the ma jority in congress no longer whittle pine wood, but eat peanuts. Norristown Herald: A mountain of superior white chalk hasjbeen dis covered'in Idaho, and now, if a never failing spring, is in close proximity, an enterprising man might start a dairy there without investing in a sin gle cow. Judge Poland is reported as saying in conversation, on the morning of the Vermont republican convention, that he had'no preference himself be tween Blaine and Bristow, but' that he thought the republican sentiment of Vermont was in favor of Mr. Blaine and that he could vote for him with pleasure. RAILROADS. N-W F\ A W A FOB PAH8BNUBR8 I O A O Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, BufTulo. Niagara Falls Pltt*bargb, Uiucinnati, Uocheatur, Allmny, To ronto, Montreal, Qnehuc, Portland, Boaton,'New York, Phtladulphla, yulrlmore., '-Wafhint'ton, ,,Whi uUng—Culujnban, Dayton, Indlanupolia Terre ll.iute, ChainpalilU, 111., lll.xuuuuUIir Springfield, Jackaouvillx. Qulucy, St. Loail Cairo, Should Buy their Tickets via OH I O A O-O 4 AXn T» Chicap Nortbv esters Bailiaj it Close Connt-ctl 'un raadf. wlib-all-HnUroadtt ran ning Edst nr south from Chictt^o. TIIIH LM tHe Direct Route KorUub'uqa«, Cedar Ripidn, Prilrlc* du Oliien* Uhpemfng, Kseanahti, MetiHHha, She bov^nn. Wtttcrtown, M.ndirton, (ijcin Uuj, 9t«ven* Point, Ofthkbitb, Fond du Lac, AND MILWAUKEE. JD^LJLaV JtjBy Amonj the }n,duccinenta otTcred by Junction Points Less Transfers than any other From S to lO F«at Express Trains rtin each way Daily ovcrthe various Lines of this road, thus securing to the Traveler selecting this lionte sure and certain connections In any direction he may wish t« eo. (ST'See that your tickets ROUTE, and take none other. UAITOI iWBitT, •. i. RmiTT, Oea'lPap't. Oen'l Pass'r Agt. Chicago & Northwestern Railway. TRAINS AT MISSODRJ VALLEY JCNCTION. Ooing Wttl Arrive Depart. Day Express Night Express S. 0. A Pacitic Passenger tu. Night Express ui. i.C. tnellc Passenger tu. ..."...JiAPassenger". tn. Bxpress Freight m. tortngHatt. Arrive. vDay Kxprefs ..m. Nrght Express m. H. C.'xA PaclOc Passenger m. /K...... Passenger ni. Express Ptytght .. .m. n4 Wholesale and Retail DEAI.EB8 IN I Hlaplc ,t Fancy GROCERIESr nl-tf Proprietors. M. GRZGSBT, Lawj er, Real Eatato A|(t i~ AND WHOLESALE Kt ^pc-M' ^tnritIv on tiutid a we'i -d •'took Staple and Fanfcy- O E I E S JlH ftn Sugar, Coffee, Ted, Syrup*. Hacou, Hams SHOULDERS, DRIED BEEFi --d==SSv'"Ma.lls.*re), nalllrat, Hlce, TTX iCazinod Goo&s! Dried Kruits, Tobacco, Clears, Splccs, Ac..'* We re«pcctfUlly calltheaOlentlanor all Mcrrhnnti" otllcc, Thlr.i ,in.e, «,,, to our xtoclc and prices we alfo liavn Imve Mi rtlinma In connection with (Irocerle^ gtnMl I supply H. T.-nt-, WH-OII tjoycrs, Itowi* and Best Wagons in the Territory,1 Which Black Hlllrrs wouiti do well eiumine. We are apeiita for the Dupont Powder Co.,' Svliiiltler Wagnnii, *»lU(1ebaker--Wm(nii«, tVood'n llitr%«it*r, auS-'a-W Fire and Burglar-Proof safeS| :./ this Itoute, ALL THE MODERN IMPROVEMENTS Rock and Gravel Ballasted Track Steel itock and Iron Bridges Pullman Palatial Cart: and Coaches Parlor and Drawing-room Day .VAULT DOORS 1 TTr -Houte -Unlon-Oepot»—no-ear -Jforry-Transtferfr A IM I .1 if I S4 Speed. Safety and Absolute Comfort. fl JX JJWAXU 1 M. JRBAD VIA THIS Minnesota Depart. 9:3m p. m. 9:»U 8:18 a. Dtpart. i:M a. m. 5:12 ]. m. S:S0 p. m. m. l'OS p. m. W. H. 8BNMKTT, Qtrural Patftngtr Attn firs BMrf 1 McCormi^k llnrvcater. And W UIHI & IHc j_ Corinlck M«w«r«.. YANKTON, DAKOTA ...| ......j... -I AU.S.S ALOC^CO BRA-MBLE & MINER SMOKING ANLCHEWING TOBACCO SAFES. STANDARD I f, Alwny* In fttock, A. B1GF0RD, General Agent. Dakota, and 1 11:00 a. ....m. 10:06 a. O British Possessions- Office & WareroomH 46 Jacksol St., ST. PAUL, —*i Jll« dne lar •19. CLOTHI^Q I Black Hills Outfits BLANKETS UNITED STATES DEI'UtY SURVEYOR, I Will pay taxes, give prompt attention to coir' Stf TTftlllStCIl prompt lections, aud negotlala loans on' (lrit-class Ken Estate Security. •, DAKOTA. •St-lf SHIRTS -AND- Mlier Goods -AT--. H.KATZ' Hats Oaps,Trunks and Valises and bents Fur nlsklng voads. I«W I 'r, F. IIIHSHSTKIN ... 7 MANUFACTURER uf, and Dealer In, all klndf' ul CIGARS STAGE AND EXPRESS LINE. And .lollie?*, ESSENCES AND PICKLES Missouri River Staged Express Line" Uarr.vtjig th« MaM^lrom YANK -o. "Fort PierrejbS Interinefiiate Points. v,rrr-":-'r--r good aetfortiucut «f all Kinds of Smoker* Article*. Manufacturing: to Order, a Specialty Third Street, —Xnu 7t~ Hrondtcay o.'rf fed tr Sir ret, YiuiKtbn. Unlotn. A. W. LAVENDER, '.'V SucrepHor*to (iri'R«»ry Hn(*. WHOLESALE Hetall Dealer* In ~An«l Provision-.— BROADWAY ... YANKTON Wtil.keep hi -tuck, tor ihrt lr.uh uniLf^tr'TaTinly SUGARS COFI-'EK^, T- SYKUI'S. ..SOAI'S. FI.OKU. HIJITKR. JOOOS. DHIKI). AX Xil) Ro^ted COFFEE A Complete Mock ol Staple and-Fancy-Goods. Prices alwav rennoiianie. Jnn'JK i' "f PUN to lU.AiiWOJIUiS ,vl'It 1 ujlw nuU-4}r«»oi lln«- Yankton to the Black Hills Thm injikc" regular tripi to fhr ItlarV H\Uc vin Coat'hr- li'ijvt- Yrttik'lnn for Plrrro *ljy ami tho Hlnrk, IIill» dullv. liornoa .-^vt-ry i«n to twruty* tlmr from Yuukiou 10 i. ,[?• PUTC JO bourn. ComforiahUi acoinuiodfltloiiH nil 'j .. .':l J:/. ". Mtfi^uurl rtvor. EIM3AM, I tsup't «r EaMcrn nivUloii, 1i-..or 1)f v- .r II. TANSFI., '11. I'HUM'IIBt'r Afft'lll. CIGARS. the line, and pnm all the town* on .r1, ..i /,r "H- I A For Sale! Acrci.on Benver creek, in Yankton coun. |yt VOtteft'f t»U'ler eulti^aiinn gimd hm»ej Unt larj^c barn 40x7.,i ft., al1 pine: water abund ant and couvuntent, and plenty of ^raHU for jm* tiiraue and hav, neven mtlert from iho city of Yankton. Will «ell or rent ou favorublc tcnns. KUK SALE. |/%A Acreo of land two and a half mile* north IOU of Yankton :.Rood well ot llvtnc water, but no other Improvements. Price, $1,000. 1/*A Acrert of land four and one half nitlei» 11)11 west of YankM^n. near* the Bon llomnii* r.»ad, wlih living w»ter pul it the greater part-of the year. Price, $«V)0. -.^A. Kon'n'^NT. I OA AcreP' one an:5 a tnll* went of.Vank ton,on thu Hon Hointne read moat of it ander fcncc. rtnd Hflacre* underctiltlvution tro(Kl houi-e, cuod wcl\ of'wa'cr, aiuph oaj huildinga, and ev«ry conver.jicnre for a itnrm tins* been oc cupied by the owner alnce 1W7. Will rent tn a a good tenant.' Apply to or b»1(1m«p, T. W. BRTSMNE, J. P. IIROADWAV. YANKTON, mar 3) Urn Dakota HOUSE I-- a My premii«ua corner4th and I'lwe ilreetH, con ai^ting »f-a hoti^e twelve rootuw, be- -ting fidex several clO""" wlth taclied: also-p'*"'" a uooil wood slied at- ,r,x-•, r,-e' wllh '••"'V* for two horsea and All l«' buildings are n«w, WEIX BCILT/V And.central'y located: aUo lots 1?, I" and\lx, block 26 und lot 1, block 4'.t, all of lowet"Yaiikton. The above |ir.iperty will cold al a treat SACRIFICE larAddnM, aplSdlf I I JOHN R. DIIXOK, Kup'l «r Wenlern Dlvlaloii, Urtlre ut Fori lMrrre and Rapid City. Otllre, 1». II. nojiol DRUGS Jo An Bremner, "Wlu»U-i«alc autl Retail And Dealer in Paints, Oils, Varuishes, Window Glass. Wall Paper, Blank Books, School Books, N 5»e\l ioor liWMI Pronri«tor§. llltOADWAT S A O O N l.ocatcd on the corner of Mro iU\vay and Third Htrecii. AV.inu.J3ci:r and.Llquor-tif-tke quality-at- tl»e Biir. apl-tidf PKIH &T> LUKBKK Dcalerr In Hill is, Furs, Leather AND FINDINGS. TSX1V BTSSCT. fAMOH. 8. laier'tet! filer! I.i:MTeyuur urdrr" lur wal'-T llltOWN'e fruit store, a«tt aeiiltiat. yotir ordura *re written doivn «II the slate. The steam fcrry.xouipaay pttipp thu waier in any [inntliy, _aii'| tliewaKr will lie settled and clear that you buy from the Setuiinc city line company•. Hp I HI O. P. HAGE, DKAl.Ult IN Staple & Fancy Groceries CROCKERY A x: WM. 4. L1 Wi Stationery. Good Goods. Satisfactory Prices. Third Stroot. to I'oftufllce Yauktou, Dskot* E [itopltt Hills HTAGK COMPANY Will |»t«t on iiiic of StiiircH from Yiiiikton to Hlitck HilluT Cotjtjfcting with Steamboat di Railroad Lines, Comm-Mie-tiitf on the dnv of March, 1H?6, and W\M or. utile lu tr in-p »rtKl1 who apply.. «..TrrxyrpnvrTT, j, DiM.nN. 1 (i J—^ ... -'Hi1'! 1 HA Till FRED LEROH, Prop'r.~ ic GLASSWARE, THIRD STREET, SA SALE YANK.TO.H, \T sif, -1 MrrtlLl.Y, D. INVEST! INVEST BARGAINT I offer my Resiliency with lorty acres of Im proved Land Itithin city, lor sale at a ... VERY LOW PRICE. Only a part of the maney reqnirsd dewu. mediate possesslou riven. V. H. VAI.KNTISIB. J. Gh A 9i*. W»WT*. Batllngioa, vt. Tsae & Co., YANKTON, ». T. comtilete asuortnent ol (Jrocerlos kept coo Vtantly on hand ftud nd«red for sale at wholesale and retail. MMIsf KTsrythlnc »l the kowaa* •ft Vrteoa' ~-5M? ,s