Newspaper Page Text
"BANKS. THE KI1SST NATIONAL FINANCIAL VITRO STATICS /Appf-tv.'.! Depositary lor Disbursing. Ofllcers JAS, C. MoVAY. CHA». K. hA.N»(»HN, Cashier. PrAitiwtt. v^^Drafts honght'and f-old. Collections made and promutly remitted for. l«tf. \r is a: iwcm. BANKING- HOUSE or •.\ MARK PAiniEIi, The PioTeer Banker of Dakota Territory, Yaniktin, Dikota received nuh)eel to check at sigh*. and luterefKallowed on deposit* loft lor a specltled time. Gold, silver and United State* Securities, bought amksold at current rate?. Pay accountt and Final Statements cashed at a reasonable dis count. Foreign Exchange sold on all the priori pal cities of batone. Agent for the Imnan Line of steamer*. Colltcttone made on all parts of Dakota. Taxes'paut.for uon-resldente. ^T*Orric* Uouits from a. m. to4 p. m. Dill ITI A UK I?I. 1M KiUKll. KICIIEY, 1)1 & CO., Dealers in HARDWARE. STOVES, And Maimfactiiroirs of'Tniwaro, Mining' Goods Of every description. An e\icn-iv' repairing deptirlnn-nt ronnecie \vith t)ur Chlabli^hniffiit.. AgenU lor Oie Ce.lcbcaled'Olxe- litGJIEY- & I)IX, •. {.• Sawver'rt block, Tliiril St., Yankton7l)iikotii. mar dlf ipg DRUGS.. EXCELSIOR DRUGIBOOK STORE PUli -TKK)' CTEEEI,' TiltETOH. All the popular\uivlicines of th« day. Pre«d coinpoundffd l^y experienced pharmcac tistp. Finest a^ortment of BOOKS And Fancy A rtlcles in the Wept. Headlight Oil- -The Best in Market davrc'J LIQUOR 1 C' ... "--IMPORTKH3 AND DKALEliS IN 4 Adler & Ohlman, Kentucky Whiskies IffltOlt) Brandies, Gin. Alcoliol, FOREIGN AND' DOrfKSTIC Wines, Cigars and Tobaccos, BROADWAY, lrad YASKT T. -ATTORNEYS. 't .• C. J. B. jETARRIS, Uttomev-at-Law & Real Estate Agt. YANKTOX, DAKOTA. Has the only compleJe abstracts of title In Yank ,' ton c'oiin'y. Dillcti —Slo'ne's blwck, Capital^Vtrcet. corner of Third.. fclna" —j AGRICULTURAL I GARDNER BROTHERS, Wlinlessile and IteUill pculcra In FARM MACHINERY Tlour, Cera,L0»t», r«d, *«., Thirql Streot, opp. tho Past Office," YANKTON. .... Tm DAKOTA CENTRAL I STAGE COMPANY "Stages Leave 'Every. Hay FOH •Oiles&i, Se!hind, 3Iilllo\Vll. liockpoit. Olivet.j RosccUile -1 Firoslool. Every We d. a FOK Ft. Thompson & Flaridreau.. C. T. OAMl'lJELIi & CO I'roiiriclors. •Jfui-tf BLACK HILLERS ATTENTION GEORG-E WAGNER PHOrUtKTOIl OF THK Yankton Gimsinitli Shop. Ua.H recelvca a now and complete stock of ^jpns, Rifles, Revolvers, Game Bags, ^nd all kinds ol Ammunition. Focllcl U)id Tiible Cutlery, AgtJEl for lilt! LAPUS.fc HA N L. M. KEE, —AND COMMISSION. MERCHANT, THIRD SI'liKKT. YAXKTdX IOU 1 will lei.v»- lier« April 15tli Next, l-i»r thoCuster City GOLD MINES With Twenty Four-Mule' Teams, And will takrt THIRTY TONS OF FREIGHT At Tccnts p*r pound. Will also lakea limited number of A S S E N E E •I DHAI.EIt IN CROCKERY & Til lit I STItB^F/r, 7 I My. Jircnii^i'!i coiih*r 4ili nnJ 1-iiif ^Ir.M't-, con Vlll.' iT~ jy|liii .»f it lii'H-r conialnhiti iwrlvt' romn^,'l)i.' TUnf'.ftwnuinQ I jTVClJll I'.IO'-.'If. 11 tl ITOOd \VOO(l J*lu'(l III* linru,ntl*13 tiirhiMl: nlo liix-il feel with Moll- lortvvo •trr: ,..rrr^r'| Imrs. und cow. All ilic luiildioi tint ccw. WKLL IXlIT/r 1 c« AT-- REDUCED RATES, t^.r"FtfrFreight or Passage, apply to BRAMBLE & MIX ER, YANKTON. D.T. Oil JOSEPH VOLIN, POKT KANUAI.L. Dukotn. Triumph Truss Co., 334 BClWEBY, TT.^r. To whom wat» awarded the pre mium medal for the byst Elastic Truss and Supporter at the la«l aession'ol tho «REATSAMERICAN INSTITUTE FAIH, (Jure* ruptureMn from 30 to HO davs, nnd oiler $1.0 0 for a cuMHhcy cannot cure. They employ a Firxt Ch'*i LAIY SI'RUKOX, Term# moderate \Cas,*s guaranteed. Orders filled by mall. Examination tree. The usual discount to patrons. \Send lo cents for descilp live book to Ptofr-\V* li. litJItNIIAM. M^I). aplOd&wly a^ef Surgeon. O. P. RAGE, And central'y locot' Jil-S^ l«»ts 1(5. 1. and 1. block 'jr. »d bd .1. block 4'.*, all t»f ltiw«T Yankton. 1 I 1 The nlxtve j.r ipi-rty will/lie sold a yrettj.' SACRIFICE t5yAd^l^,^*l,,. »pi%itr RAILROADS FOK* PA^SKNCKBS O I A 1 Detroit. Toledo. CJevpland, BntValo,,Ci.fVja{-ft Fal|* 4-- Staple & Fancy Groceries,-Wliolesale and Retail GLASSWARE, YANKTON, O. HOUSE O SAT.E N. K. MiOW.V I .jliirlii'iirl'oli, I. I Pittsburgh, Ciaclnn iti, Rochester. Albany. To ron»o. MoutreaJ..f£uebccl- PutNl.iud. Boston, Nr\t York, Philadelphia. Bultltnoro, Wa-hjugton. Wheeling, Columbus, Daylong DulianapolU *l'erre Haute', Champaign, III., Blooming!on. Springfield, Jacksonville. Quincy, St. Louis Cairo, Should Buy their Ticket* via O I A 3- O .. ASM T1IK From 2 to lO FIhIiIux Tackle, Ac. POWDEIt 'c Store Hndjlcpuir Shop on Broadway, near Third Street, v»NKTON.V AUCTIONEEER. •.. Cliicap & Northwestefn Railuaj J, Close Connections made with all Hailrouds ruu nln£ KnM or outh from Chicago. Tliis is the Jiroet Koiite For Dubuque, Cedar Napid?, Prairie du Chlen, St. Paul, La Crosse,AVuiona, Marquette, Duluth, Ishpeming, Ksca-naba, Negaunee, alenasha, She Ooygan. Watertown, Madison, Oreen Bay. Steven* Point. Or-hkosh, Fond du Lac, X\D Iti 1 MAX These points are all on the line of t*^Jreat Road, or are reached by this Route with lest Chanj£e«_of Cars than by "any other. Among tlie Inducements oft'ered by tliii ltoute, are .ALL THE MODERN IMPROVEMENTS Hock and travel Ballasted Track: Steel HM1 Hock and Iron Bridge* Pullman Palatial Cur* and Coaches Parlor and Drawing-room Day Coaches Smoking ami Lounging Cart* "WeMingr house Safety Air Brakes Miller's Patent SalV-tj Coupling and Platforms Close Connection? ar Junction Points Lens Transfer- than any other It mr 4 7 it SjK'Uil, Safely and Absolute Comfori." FASI HOI TK, TUAINS T.. AT Express Trnln* rim each way Daily over the various Lines of this road, tints' securing tu the Traveler selecting this Houte sure, and certain connections in'any direction 'he may wish t« go. f3&~.See that your tickets HEAD YIA Tim and take none other. ItAityiH HUGUXTT, W..H. CTEtUIETT, Gen'l Sup't. -—fien'l Pass'r Agt. Chicago & Nortliwestern Eailwajv Missoum Eypresn Freight. in. .(ioing Kiittt. A rrirr. Day Kxpres?.: ^.m. Night Kxpre^s "jm. S.'. A Pacific Pnsr-eu cr !m._ I UNCTION. Depart. ti ir. VAI.I.KY Uoiuy Wr*t Arrive Day Kxpiess in. Night Kxpresi* m.. S.C. A Pacilic i'assen^er m-- S.'iS a. tn 11:UU a. in Passenger n:. ... .m 10:08 a. Depart. 7 a p. in. a:S(i p. in. Passenger m. Express Freight.. .in 1*05 p.m.. \v. u. su NNfirr, rt'-i'l (Jrttrtal Paw'tHUt-r AVf'Ti Illinois Central Railr'd a ml HV I ICoiih1 to I'lilcjiiiO. 'S10UX01T !•.( I1K AiJil itlioul of ("ar^! Comnienc.inir Dec. lilh, 1H7L'"\ _J A Kxpr^r" t^co^er Train wbi leave .Sioui 'Clryv.Mindrt. uii. tlie arrival of *-«in FKOM VAA'IITOJV. Leave Sionx Cliy at LP' in., and arrive nt Chi cago ai p. in. ftleeping Cars rim ihrongh from Sioux City tn Freepor.t. PasKt-ngers lravin'_' Chicago, hound w»fst at 5J.25 I p. invia the lllinoint.'entral railroad, wili ariive at Sioux CUy the at 4.10 a. in An accommodation train will leave Sioux Ity daily, except Saturdays, at 5 3U p. in., connecting with through passenger trams at Fort Dodge. Passenger-- leaving Chicago at ,i!(I p, in., arrive at Sioux City at 7.00 a. in. Traina goiiig east connect at Chicago with all trains .fur Detroit, Cleveland, Uufialo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington, New York, Boston and all parts of the East. This train connects at Waterloo with trains tin the Cedar Falls and Minnesota Branch leaving \y»uerloo at pi.20 a. m„ and arriving at Mona at t».*2tl a. in., connecting with Milwaukee A St. Paul railroad trains, and arriving at St. Paul at p. m., and Minneapolis at 8.10 p. m. Connections are made at Freeport with trains on the Illinois Central railroad main line, leaving 'Freeport at U.47 p. arriving at UalesLurg at 445.,p.m Peoria tipm Burlington at 7pm Hock Island at ti.30 pin Qtuncy ai^ ."iU St Louis at 7.15 a m, and Cairo at 4.1.1 am connecting s\ Cairo with trains for Memphis, Nashville, Vicks burg. Mobile. New Orleans, and All Parts of the Soutli Connections are also made at Freeporl with Western Union trains, leaving Freeport at 1.-10 tu, and arriving at Uacine ai. ti.55 and Mil waukeeat 7.55pm. Connections are also made at DuhttqueloSt Louis, Cairo, and all points south. Baggage Checked Through To all important tmints. For through ticKcts and information apply at the Illinois Centra) depot. Trains run by Duhutpie time, which Is twenty minutes I'atiter thru Moux Cit-v. Jos. F. W. P. TTCKI:K,Chicago, JOHNSON. 1IA.MII.TON, DEAI.ERIS IIV 'SiHpleit Fancy I GROCERIES. I-II J. Trae & Co., Gr. YANKTON, D. T. A complete a^ilrime of Crocerles kept con stantly on hand and offered for aale al wholesale ami retail. -|jrii5 Kentuf Everytliltia at the ILowcat *f(- Vrtccs* •J WHOLESALEr GROCERS Keep constantly on hnnd.a ?IL *ole,ct m1 •?turk ot Staple and Fancy IV GROCERIES' l' tSr.rii ss ,1 S a Sru|)t. Btii m. TTaiti", I SHOULDERS, DRIED BEEF., llalltmt. Hie-, fj axizxod Dried Fruit-, Tobacco, .t:j^ar*, Spice* I We respect fully call ihe'antentlsn of all Merchants to tiir Mtock and pnees we also have-have in conneciion with Orocerh-s a good —--4 a on (.•over^/Bows and Best Wagons in the Territory^! WItU'h ltla( HiHrrti wnuhl (lit Svcil lo ovfunih^. tSff-VVeari-a^ent- for III. 1 11 1 l'owilcr Co., I Sfluilllt-r Wn^onx, Siiulebiikcr Wa^oiis, Wood'* Harvt-Mcr, ... .11 «'Coriiil«-k llarvotder. --Aml—'IVtwill A-. !Wi- C(»rmU-k Mower*. BRAMBLE & MINER levee YANKTON, ])AKOTA SAFES. ~i ''•vU.rU/7 ALLS SAFE &' LOCK CO Fire and Burglar-Proof safes! imoAinvAY VAULT DOORS BANK LOCKS Always In Piock, M. A. BIQF0RD, Geueral Ageut, Minnesota (ieu'l tiupt. ieneral Passenger Agent, Chicago. II. A. Ag't Sioux City. JairJOd&wi Blatt & Buerdorf, Dakota, and .. BritiKh Possessions Office tt Ware rooms 46 Jacksor St., ST. MINN CLOTHING Black Hills Outfits BLANKETS SHIRTS AND Mlier doods .- AT H.KATZ' doing House, -'jI'j| Th.ird St., Tanttcii. llu\ I /. I TFti l/ I) I UiYttn/ Pnllnr V'J«/A V- 1 ^r \ClGfARS. Press arid Dakotaian. ,Ml.Y A N'D WEE W iLV "NV-vot-M to Politic-f'and N«a« uf the Day, Particular aifenllon given Vwniturlu F. 1IIUSHSTE1N, A.N FACTUHE j_ )f, and Dealer Iti.'<p></p>CIGARS The Largest Newsier Published in Dakota,-: IV/C A' And ProvlfionH,— YANKTON trade. aniL for family Will kiu'.p In Htor.k, for iln' UHr. SUGARS. •... OOFKKES, --v. SYUUI'S, v.. SO ACS. FLOL'H. Hl'TTKH. EGGS, Kl, )*. T'*o w. a Willi-uhc l*Irrl anil li««t umkrUI for I'lrciillnil ull dp*crt|^tlou of woik. THREE FAST PRESSES iiiiI a large supply of type, give* tacillllei* nnexecJl.-d by unj printing i% Those who urn In wuut of ID'SINKSS ,C.MrS. BILLS OF I.M)IN»L PHOOKAMMKS. POSTER* DOUOHUs, BLANKS^ ClHi'l' LARS. K.NY KLO PKS. S AT N TS, LKl-TKH UKADS. AUDUKSS AltDH A:o. un.vihhtg vvhichicati be pnidneed in a well selected ami well conducted .lob Prtotln^ tabllshinrnt aro reijueMed to call aL the Press and Dakotaian Office, Walnut street, between -jd and 'hi, Y^lSTKTOlSr, c? DAKOTA. .) BINDERY. I W, 'liuf.-a.l.l.'.l lu our prinili: i-nl»l.H-i.m. iit lh*' machinery, niu\ for B.ok nnrl 1'upor Itnting. BLANK BOOKS Ui'HBrijiiioil mink- to ortUr imi^azlin's ami nnwr)m]tfr a In* bouml. old Imokf lA .Tyihln.^ pi'rtiiintm lo llo* bn^lhrwt, e\ci:tiiel in tirttli*f»«'iory r*t I«- all kinds tif^ SM0K1KG AND CHEWING TOBACCO A good a-sortment of all kl»)dn *jf Smokers t. Article-. Manufacturing to Order, a Specialty TltirU Sirwl, tlf.tirifi llrnniltvot 1 /1 Sir*?!, VmiUlon. l:iUotn. A. W. LAVENDER. Su *rffror tu Liru^ory I'.ro^ WHOLESALE And Hel^l Dealers in- ——, GROCERIES IJUIEI) MKATH ANN Kl) FRUIT Anil .It'llici', ESSENCES AND PICKLES \.r. Fresh Roasted 0 E E A A Complete ^tonjc of Staple aild Fancy Goods. Prices alwavs reasonable. janSM For Sale! To Rent! A Acre* on Beaver creek. In Yankton conn. ty, 80acrcHund»?r cultivation good houte. KJ line la«'ge barn-J0x7.ri ft., al» plnn water 8h"»d ant and convenU-ni, and plenty of gra*s turageand hay, seven mile* fiom city of -T mkton. t*ii Will sell or rent on favor»»Mw terms FOR SALE. Acres of land, two an*' 1 li^.U ol inkton good »»'«U Hvllit water, but no other improvement- i*ri«'o. I A Acre" of lai") four anil one h^irmlle^ l)U went of YWi JI"^'0r"'"»,1,,ir,b'' nd, with lhl"^ ,.V /W/rJ -l»- is I** Its HOOK AM) JOB DEPARTMENT e§fabllehment In the west BOWKX & ivINGSBUKV, 1'roprictors UHCOS. JoTin Bremneir, Who)ef»nle and Retail* And Dealer In Paints, Oils, Varnishes,.' Window G-lass. Wall Paper, Blank Books,' Scliool Books, TlrlE •STAGE COMPANY Will put on a line of Stftfjrcs from Yankton to Hlack Hilly, Connecting with Steamboat di Railroad Lines, Commencing on tbe 1M day of March, 1871, and will ou able tt transportall who apply. O. T. (?AMPBRLI7, FRED LEROH, Proper. Located nn the corner of Broadway andTblrd street®.. Wine, Be. apl r.df THIED •ond Liquor of the be«t iuallty al the Bur. PEIR Sc. LUEBKE, Dealurr In Hides, Firs, Leather AND FINDINGS, ST1ZIT. Kenulnc city li»' couipuuy pill I '^,,nia,! ix «^ater part of the year. pii e, ^-VK. FOR HKNT. j-xJ Acres, one and ah ill-ddles wc *t of Yaiik. I J*' ton.on the Boo liomme ro id ino*» of it ander fence, and Hrt.acres ttndvrcultivation good fio«d well .,r wa er, ample oil bniUlingfl, autl every eonvenlenc^ for a larm h.tF been cipiejl by the owner since 1S»T. Will rent to gootl tenant.. y^Apply to or aidre«s, T. W: BBISBtN-E, J. PJ. Oup?,Trunks and Valises and CeD'a Ftir^. BUOADWAT. *J' "VANKTOX, uifcliiusr goods. TttbT niaf W ntr\ Dnlcota ... i. 5/ .! J_ A:7n!.-n. 'i- -M f- 1 'A' 'lioillld, A (111 3 Stationery. .... Good Gills. Satisfactory Prices. Third Htrrot.. vt door lo Poptotllcc, Ynnklon, lykota A, J. U. DILLON, nW»-tf ProDrlctera. BlKMUWAT S A-L O O N INI) BIZiZ.ZAKD TAtfMH. D. WaterlWater! Water! I.!iWeyo?r order* for water nt H. I. liHOWN'H frilll utorp.antl «t?* "fi1.! Jour 0rdi'r« *re down Wu (lie "*a ,c, .,*,r •pump ih« wBi«r In anj qimntlty. mid tbe will tie.ettlei' rttici cli-nr Hint jou buy ITOBI tliu V. ,-n.McCVI.I.Y. INVEST INVEST ji A BARGAIN! offer my Uefidence, with forty acres ot Im provL-d I.and iu iliU.cliy, TOT «alu nt & VERY LOW PRICE. Only part of the money required dewn. mirdiate potM**fli'lon slven. \V. R. VAtBIfTIKK. M. GRIGSBY, LttvTj oi". ltoill Esftute A|ft AND -i 1 NITK I) STATES DEPLVJV »CKVE*OB, win pay tMeovtrt*® lectlojif^indjn^golUt* 'oan* on flr»t-cli»a fc»»tc 3ccnrli7,. .J-M llOC^ViLLR, WKflTA. n"'--