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MX "3 T/1 1 £&(• oH I tU* & -m r*(- l*r A fei. N -i\\ A BANKS' THE FIRST NATIONAL OF YANKTON- A.MEa C, Mo AY,, President, CHAb E. SAN BOB M, C»«hlor A fOrafta bought aad ••!!. Collection" and* Ifto'rauti? remitted for l-t(. BL I aH XHttM. BANKINO HOUSE ^vv: or :**MA*r M. FA It MS K, The Pioneer Btaktr of H1V0U Territory, s Yankton, Dakota )ep «it« d, subject to check at Klghf,aid re-t *«U»\ved A«tH4t Uft -W a apectfied »e. Gold, bltver and Halted iittte* 9*€ftrUI«a, tfht awl told at correal raU*. Pajjaocoant* Pt«*! tttatvaMot* *a#fce4 at a raaeimafcte di»-. nt. Korrien Exchange w4d oft ail ike prlocl clHea of Karope. Agent for tke Ium*n L4n# ieam«r«. CoMecilon* made on all purfu of koia. Taxea paid for tion-re*ld«ntt. WOrptrm Rfloii frort t», m. to4 X-U m. rAi fankton DMUND3 6 WYNN, Bankers, YANKTON. DAKOTA, 1 {^'^k J§ UQ A IIKHKRAI. nkiof, ColMoi ail Loai Business The iimc Natlontl Bankp. iuy and^Atlesfih&Aff* Stiinin^ Goods Of every d*%criptioD. [cnu l«r Uk« CM*krale4 0«a« i# BICUEY & BIX, S«wjrer'» block lird St., Tank ton, Dakota. uottoft dler & fOhlman, 'IIMPORTEUS AND DKAL£Kft IN •,-«£? ti' Kentucky Whiskies. randie* Oia. Al^oho^, VOREIUN AND DOMKSTIO rhittH, 4 Ci^arit and Tobaccos, •a#AairAi, niilwr DRUQS. Tim imtt. Yinrn 740537 & Ii Ubetnoyetar **ticia«sortli#4»ir. Plead rut 'e "afr-iaa» by -eip«rteMea. fbvmrHC m- 1 *l -V AXrtAL AUENT.or. tum DMTIO. STATES ?•$***'yjKV:*'""•-'-r ^. l»proY.*l Depositary for l)i»bur»lu£ OfMcarV' the principal clttcs -'am ib«* UiiHud Stn e« and Rur*p*. rv^r pttclal aiicniloo p«IU to cok*»cliona and :v Bitted tor Imriablf, 01 Bar of Pajneit ^111 loin uir»,andacll r«al vatate oou rorideuu, oq favormb^e term*. for reliable loforanct companies, and are property on favorable lerma. nt-if RICHEY, DIX & CO., 0 lu IARDWARE, 1 STOVES, id Mannractnrers of Tinware, thi 8TAOE COKPAK7 Stages Lwive Ixul», O*lro, tit rxten-ivo repairtac d^p*rt«neot lp connctte with oar eptabllahmenl Every lllinois Central I Ol & Baggage ro r-r ail inipuruat Mintr. it't 4-4--Ci Ptne*f aaaortiaeiit of A tJwAaAfM*? AttWM ta the Wait", i'l ... •».«» t'-j 4aaf Day VOH' Odessa Scotland, Olive t',1 ijf Milltovvn, v, /w Rockport, Rosedale & I CAMPBKLL Sc CO., HhartMl aa4 B«tl ••ate to rhlftf*. .-i V..' A 0«iiy ltnre»« Fwtnuer Tr»l# win 1«»t« SIOUX A with throoKti fmi*aeuger« 1 at Bloux City lYalna traioi falls lopon, New York, Boa ton and ail part* of the Ilao4 at «u qoincy «i9 ,.yi «i Looln OonaecttoM are alao made at Preepor 1 with Western Union trains, leaving Free port at 1JW) m. and arriving at RAOlne 6.M pm and Mil waukeeai 7.tApn. ConneatloBti are alao aiade at »ooihDobuquctoHt' 1 and all point* Checked Throukh Tralpa ran UWf. mlnnttfp fn«'«*r thrn hioox 'Mty. W. P.JOHXftOK. ocaerai i.Ujta«i«er Agent. Yankton Kor rbr.mj^i trcVm a'nd iuformatioo apply at huttines^, bv the heads'uf bnreaus hiicI th* lHfnola Contra) depot. 1 Jos. t. Tccitira. Chicago, ii i" Groeral i,* H. A. Hawh tox. Att't 81om i.'i'r, rhlc^l^0tlt|w]y BLACK HILLERS ATTENTION WAGNER BRO'S rnnmu vroa* or tii« lrillb|llM Wholeaale and Heta'.l Dealers la Slot Gust, Riles, RsTOjTtn, Qaie Bags, And al( klaaa ol Amm^mtion. Ptcktt TtM* ratlerr. piahiag: Tackle, Me. AgHAit fof the Tttnt)RSK«rmO MACH1NK fbr lhe city of Yankton alfo Asrati for lhe LA FUN A HAND POWDER Co Stpre and Repair Shop on near Third 8ire«t, Railroad I'.' Tke Only Line to the CENTENNIAL, Running Via tU ti WASHINGTON CITY. .v Through Cars From ST«IJ^TUSI€FAICI^O. BeU KATlNti HOUSES on the Contlrti-nt. Buy your Tickets by the Baltiiare .M Olio Railroad. UK.COLK. Ci:. *. H. DOtWFT. 8t»n. Tickt Agadu-- A«l. O. T.. DA^nnPOIlT 3 O'clock, tr A (lerk Who I .. any act of his department. lie ad- f.( .... ...... ,i. SIOUXCIT to CHICAGO Wllkvul Chaaieor Car*!, Cbtamtticlng Dcc. Blh, Igtl, Ciijt, sandajii excepted, on Ibe arrival of FROM YANKTON Leave Sioax City at 1.40 p. m., and arrtre at c&* ro°T,k cufvui S.4HD. m. i'of clerks in the executive department,! ,rnm 8,ouxC,,J ,0i at Hlbux City the hcxt day at 4.1U a. An accommodation train will leare Wonx, Ity in auUripji nf mII ptiwmms »r,l dAily, except Saturdax^*iS:»J p.m.. connecting Fouud Wahhifiston, Firesfceel.|NVirt Kv^rv AVedneHflay e**m'ined Jobu L,. Krepch, chief «lerk .... of the courr»ci divLsion, rcgnrtiiug the a a on a r^'Ti^^ by aid of false Proprietors. clerks, z,&l 10 w,ar,w OI ttU WH' L^ fo^ wh0'» Mti»bnr». PhfUdelphl*.'Beltlmnr*. Wlfh". |re made, hi aw W a ^it rt V* a Thi at rain connecta at Waterloo with train* oo the Cedar Kalla,and Minnesota Branch learlng Waterloo at ltllla.a. ainl ertiring atMonaat 9A) a. »coanacting with Milwaukee 6 Si. Paal eallmad •trafaa, atid arriving at St. Paal at 6.66 p. m., »nd Mlnneap»ll at B-30j. l.oiinectlona are made at rre«port with tr»ln« '. a ih« IlllnoU Central railroad inain Jfne, !,e»Ting- Sntfiorize the purchase ol Silver UUJ- to t,ie it auy ^roVi5'trtio»^M«Bpi?ia. MwhrVnef''v°ct»- B«uc silver coin, provided that not bor*. MoMtew New Orieui*. and over one million dollars of money shall All Parifr of the South be issued'at any onetime 111 purclinh ing such bullion. I The senate postal committee lo~ day agreed to report a bill to restore :t'ie privilege for or packages sent ./ Jtijj—ss WASHINGTON. a surance 1 Life In Ageflty Prof- itaftle. A jj"® The Franking Privilege to luv Partially Be»tor«l. "-xZ -C j** M«y 24.—The prefvi- s^ke»» wuhdrHWD. Tli« house postal coinrpittee to-d.iv seals and duri^ he nor Ins family ever rwei vpd presents from contractors for Ji&ilr^ «*«nt having acted as 8ohoitor.for an iniuranee ageut, and had obtained! I. (1 pvp Jfe Jif If from the mail contractors applications ,'J for policies of life insurance, but usually attended to this after offic«} I I"™ hours, and denied that be had. ever CI TTI Nt. I I favored any contractor in considera-1 I tion of his taking out a policy. i,' iiesicr* to IIUAURKK1MC WITH THK IIOi-8El'H'7 The senate committee on appropri ations to-day struck out of the legis lative executive nnd judicial appro priation bill the sectious providing for I a ten per oent reduction of all salaries prohibiting political assesbmer.ts re-1 fiwiMfBserit leariBe Chica^bonnd w.»t»t n.« quiring the secretary of the treasury YAN KTON, DA KOT A*1 B^4:i»UiollllnollOemr»Jr»i)ro»d. wlliirrlvu ,Jof to make reduction ten pec cent.j CUSIOIIIS anu ti paaaenser »ram§ at K»»rt l»dife. etnployvcs, H(I(J prohibiting the, ettlFCJ Tli«? b.»».t and cii ytt 7nwC.b m*° P-*"V# l,,t Hll.VKK. KKANKiNt riuvii.K i:. ploy input of 'any persons except those j"Cutttng- SC GlOUdaS. .'P*cifi3 HPPropriationsJ The house banking and 'currency committee to-day urmiiimously agreed to report aud recommend- the passage oi liepresemalive lCandall's bill ry\~ .all letters• w^wrt-ly ne iKinvit Luoirai qqwh. tJT"*t'Mn offers if««)d acc»)nin\«iut'ona to Tmiqsrun bjJabnaa® «W#. Which twenty executive departincn,?, or by senators or members of ot reprecen- RKLIGIOIS. The Presbyterians Deplore the: Disposition to Dance. Not titern and THK PKK.-UYTEltlANS IN (Jol'NCIt.. NEW YOKK, May SEAMLESS SHOE!! Notice -w to 5 I aol Hon preparoJ fill any onb.-r in the IUk( and Shoe line. f/rVU 'f rs «. A flrH-rU** lMotnoarantj'frlal*«oa 01 irf'lio "srrie' The Patent N ^vTCT. rONTK.V«.:TS AND T.IFK INSVKANrBt H. E. CUTTINO. J.B. CLOUD AS GROCERIES TOBACCO CIGARS, TJrlliR.ID STREET, 0||Kiille l*ontnftlr«,^ Wvd- delivered froti to nny pnTt of the rity. Het|^f»t »lw:iyj» on hand. V.'NKTON -,lpy Avn S I O A S DAIl r_^ twenty millions, mouey in the treahury, and official. tu„ jn_ penalties lo prevent misuse of th#s ol -1Jn«i is tf ficml franks. s, -. ..,...... ...,. HJ.A1NK. At the Ulaine invcslignlion com-j jmittee to-day it was decided on mo-! t.ion of Mr. llurd, that the resolution |of the committee authorizing a sub-j |conjmittie to conduct the lnvesliga- ,,(^Ls^iI,,i« '1 «ion, did not authorize any invustiga- MtO?U6Y-3t-LaW & RCil EStStB Gunsmtth Shop. Uionoflhe question whether a corrupt v»mktox, d.vkota. use of bonds was made to procute 'I U'trislat ion, unless it itieLu-l ... in -i the only cinn'r-i« aiifirorii'of lltli'III »nk lie KOCK-and At Kansas bonus, which ion county. caiueluto the possession of tlic U. P. rell taken, and must be su^tHitied. I Lnwj er.lteal l'&tat^ Ayt Prospect of Union Between the Southern IMtl 1 nt™' 24.—At the ses-f sion of the Freabyierian general as-.j sembly to-day, the committee on bills! j'and overtures presenied an overture Drotnibiiig to send two delegatt* to pre Savannah, so that both bodies would not adjourn'-until the churches on the eartb and in Kcaven have begun a ju bilee over the glorious consummation. ilies, and cautioning churches fo arrest the evil. Report adopted. !/^l AQ'ft' \1/ AM Dr.-Talmadge said he h»d tele- W OtltXSk graphed Mose« Hoag, of Savannah,!. AC. IVp|L. 1 iN Th Yank'on anl Sioux Kail* cjaga lin«* will mak»?r«cutartripa with mail between YANKTON AND SIOUX FALLS. A' "i Tarikton! -*r I Seamless Shoe M.VDK TO ORMR AHP AT KtTMlJ, 1 dent nominated Jas. S. Rutan, of l'cmisylvatiia, cousiil to ''Florence, &1VC US 3 Cflll 211(1 Satisfy Y0HPS6 }V6S» .._• Burleig-li'a Block, BROADWAY, Vnnkton, Dttkota. s- c- colludiug thc 8priI1Jf lett year. lie suid 1 ings crowe. (I »'e ul Bo*ton. tSr'Mf rpaainj tlwic ttti *horl iuar»-tr luht Pasacn^er coach*-* will U.'ave Yankton evrry «t«r »t 4 ». aM'tnic al Stonx InarrMionx and ,velf „t ,ronit K#% ralli-a 8 r»'W» .^Li:PEUNur& Sji^ux'-ki'^ Pr*»i»netv*,*« 1 R. li. Co. oaiii- -^toue'f i)l»fk. Onpllal rnrner of On motion of Mr.'Lyitdc, the coin- mittee therefore resJvee.d thai the _w^_, objection made by Mr. Liwrence to EDWARD BRACKETT. the quevtion in dispute yestunlay wasi i, rtri WsSl&MlmS 1.0 t' 0 AS .nl at A |I m.. II Vai.k- », ,lick tr ,„ ««,wecn nd (l Oen'isupt. ilHtivei. The b'il! Will COfMaiti-bevere hnU-l aiiU Dakoti rentrat aiatff olHcn I .um-r. IMn n„ tii* lhe route, onico at. the st. churl^a ATTO.TNET5. C. J. B. HARRIS, Tl'lri1- A. to "V.-a -.fiiiig t-L ci vv OFFICE Cedur Street, between 3d and 4-1 h. (Phil Ki Kaulk'n lawOflke.) mavtntf M. GRIGSBY, U„.., I I'NITKI) STATUS DKl'I'TY Sl'ltVKYOIl, WUI [liy I'hlirf Ifctiojin. and n.'j otUte foin# on tirar-elAa- H«»«aV KeUtu Srcnri-y. *. aibtll rALLO, DAKOTA. •E on if 1 Wh, «n-nirn i» coi. I E. H. VAN ANTWERP, Notary Public if on promiscuous dancitig, deploring viukton county ,tbe practice as mournful inoonsisiency aad Convcjraacer. Ker.rKKor f*rirnttfr om„ and regretted giving parlies for such I Clrii KnnUtfrlair aad Sar»»)i»«. I dancingj by wemlers of christian fam-. m"T# htk Abtjryft* j.|,vwl„-,* will you boy mnddy Waicr asking if auy ftieps Ooutd be taken by get It clear and bcaoltlnl tMm the Ity Line. ,bi. »«„bi, to prcmoi^™ Hea and t.ween the churches north and south. He received a reply that any Sponla peous resolution of our- assembly would receive a most respectful'con sideration. Dr. Talmadge then offer: eg resolutiotis setting fortJi that all expressions of an offensive nature be tween the two section*' of the Preshy t"terian church be burled, and that the hand of invitation be extended io the southern brethren to unite with them in fraternal relations, and requesting .th^ assembly at Sayanriah to send two "delegates to the meeting in Brooklyn^ T. yoa'c.n when Black Wagon. It ia pnnipod by ^tcam p^iwer •••••ry evening. II you d»» not m»- the wagon, leave order* at BnjwnV ¥V#H^u*r*. -1- aprM-tf D. nXtiLLV. Germania House Douglas Ave., near Third-St., Yankton, Dakota,' .... Wallbaum & Becker, Props, ''0*- 'v'!'• Hj^lUS r.Ol-^R 1b lhe headquarter* for tRavelerp and4«\mlii.raijtf. |Sr~Uood Btablin^ in*, Aar at home. Amenta want#d. Uulfli. and fr**e. TRCC A OOJ« Aaftaata j 7i« '•U- -'J JUhrly-mar? 3«i .1 PI If r~ &• /. 1 CIGARS. F. HLIISHSTEIN, MAJfUFACTUBEB -J. -T* Of, .iud PeA'er. in, all ktude »*f CIGARS And .K-Ilifv. ESSENCES, AND PICKLES Fresh Roasted O E E ~e I) A :u:',:^': ,A Agt. #«ocic ol Staple and Fancy Goads. Price* ai\Vm» r•,H^onable J*uiS BOOTS SHOES I. PILES & Co. HEM. HIS /X Boots & Shoes Buffalo Bsot li Sho« Store, THIRD STREET, YANKTON. Cuk fiii for all tisdi it\\i Blatrt Wholesale and ii:ai,i:un in /4 aj»fcan6viStietiemBoe E N I S I N O O S 'Kubber'Ht^'tfl. BifflirtHtnd, WtHiIfii'nift^ke- an nil unuN miUmMi' for-tHJa^k JIUK*r« $,% ^..., u! fiirn )']r prlci**. Third Street, An r- Hroafltcatf*'^1"'' April YANKTON. OAKOTA. ». SMOKING. AUD DHEWlKChflffirai A Rh»' i»ortiiwiU «f all ktuda of i» Articlej*. lanuTactunnji io. writer, a Specialty Tlrtl*«f Slrt't'l, Btitcrtn Jlrthl'ttv ly a :l (r. Iftrrft. ssii YnnUlou. ^A. W. LAVENDER. succc^^or to .Urt^ory Uro« —And PrtiTlMon*,— 1 BU0An\«:U*,:,'s ...: YANKTON Will knep'tn Miwk, f»r Hi." Irnl.- nnj fur rtmily tlfr, Sl'OARX COKFEFA SYKL' PH, .SOA PS. iilplil FLtH'K t3 CAWED \i Staple d- Kaury GROCERIES :v A /. in Prices! !4— -r AT IIK Chicago Boot & Shoe Store ^5 s* 1 -SKK I'HICU- '141 t. Wi Ladle- f-wi mo. *1 o.-i-...v... f? wortn !»i cliUdr.-ti'n mo. b«lun u«dli rcr^tTiW? |»r« th'ort..:. Hi worth ".1 ChiUlr.-i. -i'-ii nUi. nhivn...,.... I 'Mwir:l .i:, Undies n-rtff g««i »hw»:. «*w!h 9 S\ 2. ot»«util» j.«4 Unltr-Ii kia fldr lift' »hiie» 3 wurlto St' 1 Mi'il s.brou«n i-hofs 1. 1-n w.»r(h -«'»S iin. hlittun ••bot'f ..... vt worili Cncuim iimUc Ab'»U tltw*.3 «rt.rili ti mi iihv boiurn tUrr* Ki worth 3 5» MiP-» calf 1n»^ 3 9n wm.tb I ~T ,4r-A,ttin|,0or uai««-"rrnri(ii'Mf J* DHtJOSi -v John Bremner, K»" J1 5 4"-« And DcaK-r to ",W. mr mokcrf Paints, Oils, Varnihes, Window Glass. -ft# WHOLESALE ^u. -Anil Kclall lVileri" tn- Wall Paper, Blank Books,„ :School i:lj ri S«»*t itmir l'» l'o»»ti)tUrf, Hides, Furs, Leather AND FINDING j, lil: '1 Tnizr GT1ZS7. r. HT. CII.VULKS IIOTKL Coruor 3d and Capitul-SU., YANKTON, LA.1 )TA, .UMIN lfOSS, Puol'Kt KTnit. KIHJ*T VLAH8 IS KVKHY IlKHPKer f? Thi* Motive lia«'b«*4?n entirely r»-fnrtiS«*SteU «i»d "rrfll»er1 throu'^hotlt-. Wo »'l "«v»{ii[ile"r«.»otrt COtnni«reUl traveler*. Ki^e. IHie io and from llolet INVEST!INVEST A BARGAIN! I oTt my It^-hlt-nr\ wit'i for'y in'ic* of l:n pro^'-U 1-mhI in M»l« city, lor i*al'.* af VERY LOW PRICE. Only a pari »f ifai- m-»ri"y r«* ^uir «1jwu \V. H. VlMiXTINK, Black Hills Outfits BLANKETS SHIRTS A ,\ H.KATZ' Miii^ House, V^ Books, 1 rL Stationery )!:. Siti3taitaf{?fi! JU itidJADW .vy S A O O N '.Mi BZZiZiZAKD HALL. FRED LERCH, Prop'r, ornii'il ((iillif1 rfirn^r »'f ltioidwnv nml Tlinl Wlm n^l mif DKIKD 6-^. MKAIS1 Fill 7IT H« Tr *nl jTTnr nf 1v*"*t v»irtttTy «t 11w ftiir s. Vi48P Y.tnUioti, U-wk«»t« IM:IK .t -J L[)«-nUrrr ill St- Yankton. IJal^ Ctajf, n-iutk' am1!V.tli^tfj aud infhini! C»(U»d«. ^.38 Pur- AUCTIONEEER. L. M. KEE, AUCTIONEER '.+t —AM) -0* COMMISSION MERCHANT, THlltD 84'ftKliT-i—4" YANKTON -j.' ~'ry~?z r- -q x?j£\ W" 7'