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vt Tki lA t*S wral b'A to L- MS. i%A I CM* 2L mmmrn a- ... tk» *%$ DID rrr Vol 2. AH LI A I THE HAT BEFORE THE theca not oaly by their coaatitueata, hat ho are kmkiqg fi-P Their for the Great 1 StnWFl4i5:: VI a—e- BUi Hayet, Briitow and Vm| tad Meok* Korton fulling Behia*. isBim JL «ttl be :m Tli—yUl Pwinj, a" Jt#, to he Teaptrtrj ClainMa. va&, tai. Wire *nWmg The Imlag ||wu Hayesy, CUTCIKWATI, JIMM IS. l'-4 There's quarters at tto ouractt houae this morons md TKAT it BOW frady hwM*. Blaine uodoubtadlf ri|ipiw. tVa endi^ato with Iks laryit foflowuig, and with out ao-opMaUoa oa the part of other nandidal—, hie aOaiiaatiaa oa aa early at. Thia is tha are it. haul Ohio delifatioaV ooa- sidere, aa fa wble-to Uayea, the ao lioa of the PB—yhr—ia delsntioa Tlifc —iliiig waa-a atorasy one. Alas HflOUm aaya the eotioa of tlw Peaieejrtrabia Megatiea waa thia: A reaolatioa waa paaaad over Ooa CaaMroa, by a Majority oi 41, lo ttfe alwt, tkmt the 110 delagatea aak for •altatieA, Ciwieroa ahall call it, end the dalegatioa ahall be free to vote aa they pleeea. Theae 44 votes ere by the Blaine aee. Dda Caaaeroo haa proaiieed the Indiaaa delegation forty votea for Mortoa after Hartrawft this aaMNieU to little perhepe owing to other proiiaas. New Yorkers paraded the streeU with, Cnaklipg bpnaers again thia again Little it heiag aaid for the New Brietew. t*x8 Briatow, to dropped. The vote ia the Michigan delega« tioa etaade Briatow 11 Br Hayea 3 Chaadler 1. LATma. The A. HUaoia dehjgatioo held ita at aooa. A ballot waa takea Blaiae 34^ Brietow 41 S aheenl S. fectiona rimrf tha pohtieel mmMmngj, et iahe thaawnHyjward a« Notwi l^ML. Bbriwrof PeaMflmu iQlid Kratotaecood ballot., H^nl tinihahfc" this moroief^Blait* friends begian to assemble it the Burnett House, their headquarters. There |tmnl Mmrinog of oon&denee la the MMrtaattom of Blaine oo the third or fourth ballot. In order that worfca "light aoooi»p««iy faith, tftef labored aealdeowaly dwHng jjwni iag. The de^jitiwi kwiiiNi at the hanketwaa the' Itiiaoi*.iftw the aoesplcttoH of formal bus *«M they to for Btatie. being setialaOtorr :'anai'-'«rere uoitaa to kill off the aMa woo ha*tt eared TTirkm Ha was foltowvd by CoL Iacerdol^ of Peoria, wbo nadp eloquent ead IfiMtiTe pMfia bekaifof fiiaiMa. He Wt'«S» poaitiaa tlwCBlaierar— ue aw wooade* tlM aaeeay wtiile •enrlaf the republicans party, and for P»rty it'forei^. leated his record and the party would have ao burden to bear with hi* aa their aendida|a. Of aa the two Washburoe aien proiats«d to vote for Blajne, one, however, reaer viaf tiM rifht to vole for Waahburne, il kieasaad aaf ebaaae If Blaioe phould withdraw, the vote of thia large delegation would be bro ken into fragments. Bristow would them get about 7 or 8 Morton 10 or iS Hayes 7 or 8 Wheeler 2 Cqak |teg poeaibly one or t#Oi^~inf tite If^ti too of tha Illinoie ddagalioa* aad New ELuapehire, by lwolving to vata aa a unit, gave Blaine four fcddi votea, and the receipt of t()e with eaoouraging reports health, more than counter efacts of reports of de lylv&nia and New to Pa., hadooocladed to drop go over all of which eouat oa ^O iiit of th# M. m9mM being, doae Mill ret innipbt 4i tion aiaad balor to have Ba theit iTeaieVotf''fa. for Connecticut after Jewell ia wted i»4».#iire of Wfi Philadelphia delegate eo*troUed jfcjr Mr. Ifalio, aad ihfr tft im BLAiaa'a voaniiriH now rma9t0,m. "WasuMToa, iaae 13.—Oaagfap eeaditiea, tiey explain it bf the doe •aa Wallece, of Peaa., received tora whO tr* aiteading him, the Wlowing telegram this p. ai. from hnawopathiat, aad thet thoae from BM. H. W. Ciaoiaaati 4 t~~£--r i-.., I oa all of votea. It waa decided to give' Hartraafl oae unaniaioua vote, whether he .will be withdrawn before Uo» 3d ballot. During the evening the Blaiae men have been showing signs oi a settled confidence whioh had an effect of other Candida tea. tag the loaees of the they have aaiaed win gate Ohio or Pa. thea afi that lidate between the firat ballot. to have ao ia •Maaaeeee. Thia eetiasata ittee, have viporoualy vutea1 which oould ia dered doubtful. On a. different school who could not do so unprofeaeional thing as to admit that their diagnosis ot tha caae w*^ not correct. Blaine is to be put in nomination by Coi. Ingeraoll, and the friends of the former hare great hope# from the Aoodof oratary which the Colonel •411 pour forth. It Is believed by tMB that it will be difficult for the more.Busoeptible delegates to resist hie eloquence. lf .it should happen, which set-noi unlikely, that any attack' is nade in the oonveution, on Blaine's record, Ingeraoll i« to respond to it, and to oarry the war into Africa if need be. As Blisine went (tie obitioe tlw •tfcelr *c- wM? iwi*. claims A* iim d# awuhi j^osninatipo aoon after. at being elect- Uw Briato* Ma wlH alao vote for Blaine, oa the ground that there w«t a prefateawi»foc Btaiae in his dis arm, ta w4lch-ba wuald yield. The three others are aa yet ateadfaat, but |h® ft»te will probably rote: Blaine 40, Brietow 8. They eMim to have made decided gaiaa aiqong southern delegates, and expeot great JWP II( men are qutiet and unde monstratire to-day, but the experi-( enoed politicians among aot been waating tira$. rumors that they, have beeu using mooey and vain, but sucti traus actious are not Carried on In dvy light, aad.can be verified ouly when tbe voting actually begins in the cop vention. UnuTi^i^y'TOmiotX Proved *11 said to be true. Conkling's friends' J1.18 are busy saying that what they call j'S tbe monstrous collapse oaly indicates: "l8Poa"K" that the fight in the convention will be between Blaiue and Oonkling, and that tbc latter I| pit the success of .Cameron's labors with the i^eniuiylvaiita delegation but their (eo^lral .feeling ia not one of buoyancy, 1 Bristow presents ah uubroken front, and though there hs|a been a persis tent effort from all sides to convince them that their case is hopeless, they remain unshaken, and are even acting on the aggreasive. things from tbe support which it is believed New England will give them after Blaine is ont ef the raoo. Up to the present-it ia be Iteved the Brtatow men have kept :XNp^aaii-' tW lhW any thing resembling oont arith the friends .of other •, b«r late'W night or. early liidieata aad^ t|orMa iqnders, to pea if they egrealo uaite upon Hsyes in l» haobjawa apparent that BbW» app he aeeomplished in no oth •r way. The depression felt among |tt»aappa«tfr« of. Morton, Conttling, hei*aat aa tended1 to the friends wJ*P.,h*ve been ffork for hiai. -=4 HATES. IFEFI Es-Gov. Noyea who has the" gen aMl planning of tha campaign tor ja, ia confidant that the Blaioie ma ia weakening in aiaar points, and opes that a bold dash may break it. He ia aaid to have been riaiteiF by theehainuan of twelve st^te dele gatef including South Carolina, Mis apuri, and Tennessee, who give him aasuranoea of aupport for Hayes so aoon aa the first bam waa-over. The Ohio da|wp^p^j| ita 'aMet-« ing to-dav, deeASfd tO.Alek aalid for Hayes till a aM|aHty af tha delegates decide it ia Ijptieae t«r eoatinve the A ,' It haa beef dfeWad that Hon. Theo. M. Pomerojgtrf. shall be temporary pjp|(iahiy |t ry at first inteoded to'iiafat- li|ga ^jaiiii Math ews, of Ciaeina*|i, hat iW foet that ha ia a Briatow ana afaod in the Way aad a friend of Mi. CoakJing's obtains the -hoaor. of iag hel^P^KKf^ op-rs bt. Briat6W~ if! hnuaeto-ni( Hon. J. »oa outside expo* there will be uoe iaiaMdiate ehaniras to insure a ahtfttothaliM They aae eoaiiiet that when Mr Wnrnrnm reports oome belong to Htevens^n presided, snd were iiada, .by Be v. Bellsoore, of New York, Rev. J. Clav|i, of Boston Mr. Howe of Chiasaa. aad others. All of the that Bristow: is the Hf.1 tijuraiii. mMfc-W r5fl ti TEREITOR^.tWKDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, 187(i. t.JiinViiJiMniL.'r .if .BfiuBia %*n ,.ir Tbe faoe said one tfiiitg ^th')M|^^ The'r Mostoii„ aei|,' olaitned to-day, lot firet or aecolltd ballot, only I ndiaua :lbe votes oonceded totbem from aoutb, aaserting however, that if .he should become out of the ques tlon, 'then they will jump at once fcoa 70 odd votcsf up to 170. Outside, however, t'tiey claim, over 200 votes on the third ballot, and the l-! ?!Q!*d defect ion of-Judge Ettx-U wood Boar, and the statement that tbc Ken- made yesterday wemj toelty ddegatlonywhen it went to cnll ... bot the oonSdenae with :rtn tha-tiassachusetts meo^JiiMi^badty tbey hnre beeo assorted ,hsd' ^ubbtdShy them, snd not ttewted QMMSSV, ipa another, and the bopee en- tuciiy ^eefi^l i^bow the'knec to the ioed of galna-frum Blaine ii) the ireat* and northeast, vaniahed tt became apparent that Blame hadaodefeotiooa. WASIIINGTOV, now van carry the Empire state but this. reasoning does not see» to have made any impression on single delegstes.— ^tion has greatly improved, and he is Some of them place their hopes on Mi der not a very large number for -Blaine. ..• The feeling of the Mjtebigtn dele gation was that the only person 011 whom they could.all-agree would be Hayes. In front of Morton's thewkiuarters at the Gibson House,' a iinail boy, about eightyears old, was spraking a piece, id the delight of more than men. The various state delegations met to7'!*!, «nd selected "one of their nnm ber to present them on.^V^^Burent committees. There was a flutter HmoagJthe Bris tow.. men to night, on account'of a ru snd th»t Ken- any longer, It sppj!s/s taat |[[eatucky did make a call sod were iresud^«rjtb dae Coarte«ey, but Hoar snnouaiMi his inteotldn «*f K"nR either IhrBlalMi Hsmiltoa i*h. for •hleh Ue denounced ay some iwpet^WM^^ptolKljnen, who at once Mid t#*' ill B^lM.irw^ODe. Judge Ho«r hitv itV^xnos tb b*3Cwc!lDed to hs' Ihternjpieil concerning.bis posit loo. trnm^ WASHIHOTOlij^ BI.AI.VE STI1X BKTTEB. June 13,—Ttie pres ident returned tF]s iBOrTiing {foin AH _! napolis. Soon after nis arrivaf be them have '8ent messenger to Blaine's residence .There aio to sscertain-the condition of that gen tleman. The following telegram wis ecnt by Dr. Verdi, this afternoon to Mr. Hale at Cincinnati: Blaine's condition has steadily im- d*/- ne"oui Another night's rest exPectetl. w'" restore so much of power as Uj have his iu- eot»™*y^disappear. onI^ res,or'»t"Jn the only one who r*pid'y It^U question of time foT the .of his usual strength. ^, —X .B« VKRIH, Drs Verdi and Pope, in their bulr letin this morning, say Blaine's condi convalescing. At 2 a. m., on awakening froa sleep, he calle^ for orackers arid butter, and rel&hed f^jem amazingly. 1 -A. TE1.RURAM KBOM BI.A1.VR. WASIIINOTON.-June 13.—About 8 o'clock this evening Mr. Blaine called for paper and a pencil, and without aid of any kind, wrote the following message, to be telegraphed to Con gressman Hale, al Cincinnati: WASHINGTON,, June 13. Eugene llale, Cincinnati I am entirely convalescent, suffering only from physical Weakness. Impress upon my friends the great debt of gratitude I feel lor the unparallelled steadfastness with which they have adhered to me in my hour of trial. J. G. BLAINE. The foregoing message was written by Mr. Blaine, at his own suggestion, •od ia in hia usual bold, 'and distinot hand-writing, Showing no trade of Weakness or hesitation: Surgeon Qeneral Barnes telegraphs thai BlSlne la recovering all his normal powers both *f mind and body. Thia dispatch was aent sinre tbe one written by Blaiae Tha ropes which h«V« blocked the straeti'to the exient of t500 in front of BMina's residence ia Washlag-^ ton bhve heea raooved, his phyaidansvoi deeming this precaution any longer aeces sary. At 10:80 to night Drs. Rope snd Verdi letausphed jnlo'Uy to CiocioDati that Blaine complete recovery was at haod. nlKI8CELLA9£0U8 AsrrHpxT *a *ueci*iK PjioviDKJStca,. June IS.—Senator Anthony -was arcted for the fourth term to the U. o. senate. I, of a jm 'ox ptii«Ka.' LIVKBPOOI^ Dsvia has arrived Orleans. CKOOKKD that Col. Co., ilk PHH ealy who baa proven himself capable of ]ViUl_t|lidf'Spread corruption iij panlin pMhaij'iiiid. uf plsclng tbe aervkja aa Jl purer and a aound The Tennessee delegation will be tea or eleven votes for Bristow, about a* many for Morton, and the remain- .»-c 'i/. AIRIJHIA, June rson WHISKY. CoL. Meyer revenue, retojrned fronp licit distilleif in Ca Bollinger Co*s. He about 20 stills and arraatad lf{ per sons ehartred. with |(^iing crooked is, June 13.- It is retried MrHeafb, auditpr tfci« arnewh to the Mnoaat of My t», 1 The nijoney belong to the towtawhi school funds. v_ 'X. 13—Mrs Margaret Donald• on BOjrgs died'h^ne »Mt eveoinjf, aged 100 years, 5 iA|m1 10 days. She was An %son's wife's cocisia. Months Vi B. roinov. LovNN^ttDe at Gibraltar on aooount of German sailors insulting Spsnish ladies^ The Germana ara-, «oKjBned to until it sailai vtbeir -c ,i fleet •I)AKOTA GOLD MINES. Oror Six Hundred Day. Dntlai's a Montana. Hen Pronounce Dead wood Superior to Anything In that Territory. tfenerai ftherfdan on (be Frnuiler, CIIEIHWNE June 13.—Gen, Sberidan sr rived hereto-day and started north Imme diately and 16 night is at Chug Spring*. Mr^JWcbaum, a merchant of thU city, returned to-dny• from Duadwood, having out four poundti rf dust Saw no Indian# cm h's relarn trip, Hs is mtiable suthortty for the otaicment th^t tboas mines are et ceadlngly rich, and gfres Infitances that came unoet his own ohservsthw'of as high as tbrse pounds ef ddst fur Sve men's work In one dMy. Moutana minors are purcUftfrfng claima tbere si high prices, pronouncing them su perior lo anything ID that territory. There at presem 8.000 to 4,000 now on ibis creek and its tributaries. CRIME9 ANB CABUAtTI CttUSHKp TO tlKATH. Rka1i\i, Pa., June 13,^—\Vorkinen excavatiug'tbe cut on the Perkiomer Valley branch of the Heading road were yesterday caved in upon, and Will ianrr Welish was killed, and three others seriously injured. _J "KtU.Etl Bf FOUI. AIM. Thomas Klliott, while tapping a cessool pyesle.rtlay, was overcome by foul air, fell into the well and sufToca Tt-d. John Ivlwards went lo Klliott's assistance, wtion he, too, \riis over oome^ and fell Into'the tieorge Dorsey (colored) endeitrored to rescue the other two, and also be came unconscious, but wafl dragged out io time to'iave his life. ETANBKD BT I.US ATK'. A A nnA1T7TT*j"June 13.—Doct or George Cook, president of Brigham Hall insane asylum, at (bis place, was fatally stabbed yesterday, by an in sane patient named Brown. The temporal and transverse facial arteries were severed, and be died about four o'clock- in the. afternoon. «. WII0I.E8AI.K KOIUjKHV. BALTIMORE, FIRES- OVEK XHBT.INK. KINGSTON, Ont., June IN »KTLrilT. DKTXUIT, I'IOUKI Well, June 14—A fire broke out to-night in the tea siore or J. H. Oarew. Liss on stock, •25,000 in sured for $8,000. Building damaged FOUWAl* MA1XK BreoCBACT. BANGOK, Maine, June 13.—The democratic eofi vent ion nominated J. C. Talbott forgpvernor Samuel J. Anderson, Sana. Wall, -Frank White S. D. Lavctte, delegates atiarge to St. IVOUL's. The resolutions commeht3e3 the democratic house Investigations op pose inflation, declare Sam. J. Tiloen a zealous, intrepid reformer kod the first choice of the convention for pres ident. Recommend his nomination and declare that the two thirds rule in the national convention should be abandoned. Adjourbed. "f DELAWARE DEMOCRACY. DOV^E, Del., June 13.—The demo cratic state convention to-day elected Wm. G. Whitley, 0. W. Salisbury, and E. Martin, delegates to the St. Louis convention. Resolutions favor ing hard money,'and ihsiructing dele gates- to vote for Bayard as long as tpere are any prospects of his nomina tion. 7 .• Religions. .MU^TKKAI^ June 13.—Bit ho.) Bfou get, of this city has resigned, and bis •esignation has been, accepted by the pope. y*.•' A witn»aj as. under examio^ifon in a Toronto court -in the ease of occupation?" The witness did hot seem tp end^nlani ft* jne*hing of the word oocupation," and ans wered with 5f6e Judge— "What do you do for) a .living?" Witnesa—n Oh, my wife's a dressma ker." 0»T»-DU1I were com- 13.—A w^s gotten under control "at fire 3 this morning. Many buildings.were Mown up, Total loss, from two to four hun dred thousand. No. 43. HARKKTS bl' TKLEUIMPII. York. Ni-w York. .Fnn* al ii*i Air July rrji-cto.l Sic. Kra—Hauler No BAHI.I1-—Quiet •taort clear #!#, RUTTIH—Choice mmm June 13.--Wrn. and Chas. A. Baker, wholesale fruit deal ers, the former a member of the sec ond branch citv council, ^erc ai rested on a charge of forging the names of different individuals to thirty-six promissory tTOtcs,"to the amount of *13,000, which were taken up by tbe, Traders' and Union National ^aciks, and H. J. barber, of the firm of Still man, Farber & o. They mitted in default of bail. ami di-prexioff I!). W.IXETKO»JF AL 2SJPL_H OOLD-IUJi, OovcaKMKMTt—Firm. STOCK.—Dnll. fUi.lnij »rlirr. with atir-tipj tnt. Navr FUII-B LOW I:raUp« Y«rk. J«n« 13. in fiilr dtmauil. Wilt**- Inferior jfradtw hcar, but •carco and In demand tor cxjHirl No. 3 Milwau kee lis® 122 X. 3 do. IIS: No. 5 C'hlrag. ,prliiK IISH^UfHi No. 3 1(i.lo to 107. firi£-4ui«l.—Doll and unmtnal. Com*—Uood dcniADd for export mixed no a.I« low mlxM gmdfd 88 griul«a »IH ni-w vn-murn iBi»«l injuiW-0OWW5'." Oat»— Dal] and In buy«ri»' ravm- wrptrrn ttilznl and ataie Wtf})12., M«»« 1'OBK-Dull HMjan. LA«D- Prime mcain 11 40^115. •mm—Firm weitiorn lo Steady wvaiern ni-w I3^{,22. HiaKt-..-Morc aa£tv« on r.liAnso, 11 in Olilratfo, Jnnc 13. KLOCII--i^ulei aad unch.-iugctl. WIIIAT-Kalrljr active, «ud KTr.i^c lower "No 2, •|rlng 105H^l06|4. cloapfl liiKtdu fur ca»li or Juu« lo6HK^l«0H cloMd at lii&S tor July inn 105•» closed at IWV4 for Augu«i No 3. nieoUd »lK«lSS -.lo».'d Inaido. Cons—Aotiva, Orm and a *hadc hlKher lil^h mls6d4*Jie« No. a. «S«45 forra.h: for JuDtj cloeod ai.44% lor J-«ty 11 -, bW-Xor Angiui rejircted 3»'i. OiT»—blend and a nhad« lower No 2 «to*ed OMutile for cai-h or'J urn- S8 autl (lrm No. J, til h!d CJ wan ted. Pivvtaluna atrady. .at 1'oaK- Actlve, but Bbiiot 5c lul«|-:^la far rathi 1« 'Mdib for Jul ty-fftTPTOttT"7ni|iir«t— LAKD—IJuloJjaml-akmn and died, 10c lower 10 8&®(«_foi canh fcrJut/ C.T^J MKAT*~Buady tot Aujjnat. »houid«i» abort rib 10: crcamrry 2 GRT'D chotcB dslry 17® 1«. Kooa—Dull IlXtslO1^ for loon lol»»' ""IV'"1" WUIBKI:—Sieady TO at 108. ,, •PA- n1* »,c| tATaSj gi ,fA# CiLt BoAitti Wboat tajilerr li S'^ij for JulJ. (,:j(-o lower for .lunc for JoJy. Oat« niiclinii£i'd. Pork uotnlnally lilt'ber 18S0tild,li! #0 afke.l for July lH7(i«lUsa for Auuuti. t.lrd hlu'hti- liail 10 for Jul/ flllnaak*' Mttwanki- KUH 3 Junt* 1:1. yuk-l autJaieaUy. weak a*d _f,c lower, but cloud HBlet No. 1 Milwaukee 113• hard l2P^j No Milwaakee lo«K for July 1WH Tot Annual lot,', No. say .ri 'OHN N 2 II 1 1 N# Era—Steady No. 1, 74. lUai.av—,icadjr No. li «S iVitwyi* Ip t% ™.. 4 Hit»«n«rorra Stoady. Winter wb»«t.lMKtiaa»tOd. Kprlng 8rtd(tt»nd. WblUj 9»lldi3i.lO»ill. l.'iub Iil,ldir.l0^1d. Com y£ It Stopped the Cough and Saved tbe Child. We h*v* rt*«ol]y had ocaulen fo try ihti vii {he at Hilt*'* Con^h CordUJ In our family. A -httle win, ticr wilh ihe prevmInn f«vcr, wn aillictod with the mo«l dUlrtf««lu2 cough, which g«v« him no rw«, nJjftif or ddj. w« n»v8 iiule fklth in "p^tooi" mctUcio.'*, mttl scidoin ruuch Fret Prt»» Sjid and warranted hr MPlr A Turdy- Tie Baiaotli HarSiars tar Wynn, :m jt 1*^"' Yankton, Dakota. 'DS1UU Dt 3D W W a ilnUl| d« OelabrataS Jo.ipwr Horb»iu t»««drr nattf. 41, Ml unpaid aeeoont, when1''tbe judge pffr tbe question toJiH, Wh^winh„rn^, |ct clir sod btiKQiirii ip .' t.lvrrimol, ,fuu^ 11. HK try Them but Momcihln^ hid to be m\ \hj COUBUDI c.tugh prrvi^nt^d hU recovery. We ac cordingly jmir.urrcd a brittle or ih« t'urllii froio th« ft^tit»v tttul com uoncoU \i* une noc-^rdlntc to r« no •*. Tne-effoct wan ra irfc(?d fn»iu Ihe v«ry drnt. and th« child that night enjoyed a rvf e*h by the m*xi night ibirrtt «u Kcarco a vv«il£»* of (he cou^b lefi. If this a Talr »hiq pla of what tbe medicine will do, tic gmwiii In popularity ta aot to be wondered Buck waiter «. C'Otf kxr1 f-.v- Cor. 3d and Broadway, 22 STOVES, .t 'n 'O 1KJ \lLO, vJr I N W A E jt'M-i ~\ND AGElOULTtJSAL fc-BLACK IMPLIMENTS HILLS Mining Tools •lwun on Hand. ft Clear Water \^'A% W air At aodi k, A water WHIM TO« ca« rom (Ity Line.— KaAand Bl»olc Wagron. It ia pautp«(t by kleam power every evening. If Sou do aot *«e tbc wagUa, lun orii«ri at Irava'i rait Mlor«. aprtStf A B. IA"C(I|.L.V,