Newspaper Page Text
W tis^ CV i" DAILY. J: YANKTON. -. DAKOTA. Tuesday!! orniag, The Daily Press LvpnblUhcd KVEUY 0l*r MORSIh-li* EXCEPTING MONDAYS Titr.»» or »L*»«Btrrion: Pcrwuck, 94 Qfiul* pernM&th, ft per year. *1' Office on Thirst atrsat, bnutoeo Broadway att -Duffack't block. BOWgS A KTtraSBFSt. PtiMI*hcr«. ^'AT10'AL REPUBLICAN W I I A TICKET. m, rRKSiDE&rT RUTIIISRFORD B. ,\V3k or «HTOV Ml /VotV VlClJ FBX8JB&NT. (F **W TOBK. llev. Henry Wird Beecher's salary hat l»een fixed at 723 The wheal harvealh»i ern Illinois,and tTiejJe being Terj light. Blaine doe# not teem to recover rap idly since the?K*|^tttk?Med a**? d» while the result wu pending.- A Washington telegram sayf"Judge Dayi* has declined to have hit name in trod need before tb»8tX*ola *e4tTS«ltlon lq connection with the presidency: The Indian appropriation bill, iis passed bj the boute luia Bilk, shows a reduction of newly $1,400,Oft Cram laat year's allowance. Lo! the poor Indian agent. 1 The Hessian fly it ravaging (he wheat fields of southern Minnesota, western Wisconsin and eastern Iowa, An entire destruction of the crop in these localities is threatened* •, -a iii- ii' I' iiaja. At the ratification in Washington Mon day night, the Pennsylvania republican association ^l^^. 'wJUik'- the de vice: Our state, we ill Wheeler into line." layes-ten to The 4a)t0wtie V*P«n ^makbg a racket about Mr. Wheeler's action in the "salary grab" qlyjilaQ this is unique. lis voted against the measure at every-stage, pud 4M» passage. After it passeif ns ^drew 'lifs back pay, converted it into IL 8, boads, and turned the'lionds into.:_tl^ treastt^f with the requeet.tlut.tiw7' b# canesUed, saying that he would "stop the interest on that much of the national debt, At least." The Lincoln county Advocate says of the republican national nominees CI ^"*.V.'WbMe:«ie peo ple tliroughotn" the ifedtire. UniaW w»w diMirpointed at tl.e defeat of Tamfii (». Tllaiuc, they will jQnd il) 7 0o*. ilHycs a statesman i*} qaJty aa well fitted fof arouse all the enthusiasm and call out all the loyalty of the republican maasea." ^Both capdjdaitsaare ia fall accord with the doctrine laid down in the platform, and, if elected, they will faithfully per form the duties imposed upon them. The Attttkia (0a.} uoesuntio^ (.|iear bon democrat) says: "There is no ques tion of the fact that the strsegtb of the Cincinnati ncmineea- renders it all the more, necessary that our strongest men should be placed in the front, 'ft was certain before the Cincinnati convention that witbotS| t#1°.'(ttCfhroe#dV|hei^i%|^a Nthe ae^5c#ico,%# /lsP' It ts nowiionbly oeruin that with great state of New York success bte.nttlun i. now gium «0aKir4 danger ofHhe loss of that state than ever It urges tb&k<Mninaiion of Tilden at St. Louis, with Hendricks for vice president. The following Washington poIUicsT appears dence of n^uridijr 4*at: Gossips are'beginning to woH at vi an and e*-Secr tlie retirement of the latter, has not published, as is usual in such caaes. The nnnuun(^e«^it of tfteBec^etfery'* reH^gna tion-was given by fiim to'the associated pri-HS a week ago in tt peculiar form, with instructions to have it telagrapbed oi actTv as written. Such iniormation is usually furnished irpm the White House, relating to tc There are those who suggest that the .-signation wait not wholly upon the ex secretary's own notion, ,far th«-y claim that tlii^ correspondence it not_onlj of a very formal character, but is not framed in language so ccmrteousa* is caatnmary. Holicitor Wilson ii«s not leave the treas ury in as comfortable a mood as might be deairsd, hat there are very fe|r who regard the peace of the country endan gered by his retirement. A stroag pros sure it le}ng brought to bear upon the president to hate iMSistaat BeUsitorllub ioaon promoted, but it is oaderatood that the preaident is only waiting for Ssaalor MornlTs acceptance ttr announce tM'ap pointmeat of an IlUevte 4ajrye. to tbs aolioitorabip, Rutpor ii^s &at "bofb »he asaiatant secretaries of the troasary, Co nant and Vpr»bam, l» Mr. Conant was with the president some ti^ne to-day, a»d is whiapersd abont tiui treeeae^m4ft|ipsataasai'^'Mea pleadiag ft^r »Uy of prootediags. Jfc Sk7 $"t Qmaba Her ild^one The foliowiog dispatches.. were re ceif*d yesterday moraine it ifcradi in otlNftll IHMHR., ot ry G&i,' We had a sharp fight on Rosebud creek, M^tit*na, on the looming of the 40tb inst., lasting aeYeril bodral Our lots is nine men killed and one wounded. Cajlt. Henry,-of the cavalrr. iis tlpe- ontr offio8r b«irt. '-iiw is severely waunded in the face. We woo the fight arkT camppd .(m the field. The Indiaus madethe,attack hnd had a force tbcj .r|o do^bt^)« Krited euOlol^ut to whip the whole ooanmand. yick KB»aii1fJLD. C. C**r Soc ra FOKK, TOXOVIBJVBB, •T Wyoming T, June 19, m&, j, A A. (h Dtparim*t»i Piattt^ Qmaiut. Send five companies ot nfjsntry to this point, three from eutftDoegtaaa, and two from Ft. Laramie. one of the Laramie ooayaaiin oompeoy from JRobinepe ifjact—ry Sfcnd a owmpaay Qf thw tbifd eatery, atioifjjj^e^ MpKHe AUotnelM FetterxoM N to- »ar«yb wUk Furey oo bif return* starting oa the l»t proximo. Qap(. Nieknteoa^ will be at FeUerman with Furey about the 28ili inat and will oqroa»uqiaiit« #ftb you at once. Ungadier Cieoeral, The following dupttoii tfom bk Col. Carr, who baa gone to the Black Wills with eight oompanie* ot tke 6tb cavalry, girea an id^f of the there, aod that the miner a are to be protected: FOBT LARA MI K, June W1MTT.B 22. Adjutant General, Omaha. Just marching. Leave. Captain Montgomery behind till to-aMWtijrWi Leave two men in boapitel »nd 6vs horses. Paskers struck for higher wages, but we take the twelve pack mules and pack them ourselves hav* ake»ixty pack saddles to peek team mules if neeeMirj. Everything will be 'up except arms (or teamatetm. Have taken what could b« «p»rsd from here. Ail teamsters are aiwed with guns or pistola. Scout§ isard to Obtain. Have no one a« xei*bo kaa been oo. the Powder river. ttfiL. crtrxtEft mumrmmnr** htMpky*icia». Noe. Uur««r(^i: CaaU 1 |Teveri, Oooetlgallon. lniUuaaiailona,. ,•? .. W a Worn*. Worm IV^er, Worm Colic, 2ft 1 Crying OoWe,«rTaetnlng or Inranl* SS 4 Dtarrhoa, of children or adnlte 5 Dr»etU*r», Unplug, blllloaa colic cbotera^ilorhat. Vo 1 Ckugli«jColda, broDCbllle, S Neurmlgla, toothache, faceacbe, •a liaadactiee, nick headacben, Yertlgo,. t& Oyepe./eia, blllloun etomaen -18 jpteeeed, palnltal ported Ih'Wtlfe. too profouee pcrto^u t6. 13'CrOap.Ooaga dtOcalt brok-btng. S5 14 thai) kbnn, eryelpelae, eraptlun*, tft 15 Itheamailem, Mbeumaiic patsa 8S lb JTovur and agae cbild fe%er», agna, sa lt PUee. bllad or bleeding, 24 •ra-Opbihalnry, and aora or weak eye*, ~K 1» Catarrh, acate or chronic, InAacaaa, to W buopiius coaicli, violent coagha^,. 29 tl AathnU,'M|rvae«d braafhlng go a Kar 41eehar«e, la^alfvd b«ivi»* .* SO 1H JMfofala, enlarged gland*, •wrlllugt, &« WinaraJ debility, pajreiical weaknese SO frjpippay and acanty eocretlone. Hm alckiMH, •icaoeaa frum riding at S» Kidney dlaeaaa gr»»el, n.Marvvae debility, aeinlnal weak Mas or lo volantaty dlachargae, f' -"." OS Ss Sore aMalh, canker, 80 30 Urinary weaaaaea. watting the bed, SO St Painful pariod»,wlth apaeitar'. »»sJ?.- BS 1 Dtaeaea al hear-., ^alpluiWm Ac, 1 M1BLT CAS Morocco with S& large viata and maaaal mi R" WRBTOO"* «1S S" Uuevinoroeeo, or SO Urge tUra and nook,.. OfltoeanJ Depot, No. M4, Broadw^^ Fo» ittit by aU droggUta. aM^aowAwty iyr.r hi. ht MOB Krnpture In a V-i't ®8 't. laoorponUd Jan PIBBT. Trm*jiiTrtii»Co., To wh .1^5^ the a«e aU 8appon*r at the la«t sfc*lon "o1(We UKKAT AMBK1CAN 1N8T1TUT* PAIRb/ 1 L.. 'a rt AJMB LAST amtVM**, Terma nnxlerate. Oaao* naataatisa. GEO. W. S /fr^ tftv lit Dealers all Quajf Fsd W» if SpAlr k' CA8B mi r*i» 4MB) 5" kllT«r®4 UIAU^VU pi UM CUJ free Oar Hoar IImIT. f*t iI wmrin. in fftiuml mm J*r twtnlf |Mn. Xpmr OMWAL mAXtriUiKXT mudkiiuu kn»wn. t%t ftopu ant, »ating A»u and Wayttdtntm m4 H/I(r4fee. JTaeA row m*«, a* S 00 eissSMWisaSss (I'oqu ONIW flllrd by •a41»JtiastinailoB Mf,.: Xka aaasl dlrcoant to patrolM. Send 10 centa for oe*Crlp llrr lKMk to rrc»vW. A. BUB^HA^ll^P. Branch oBce 131ft Choi^uj-St., Phlladilehis', Paj a?l»dAwly 'X a (Suo^e«VW (o Nhfttthltbo Brbi^ TOB^tlO^lcWI A N asaoruseet ot Heeneli .and ^r^onaar TBTBt) ./ 'i.ts »«r tu -•!--i- ^^b^yy^lar Pr«icrlB= r, •:. Waetaaaortmaivi of. .j 'ir*.Z Ha JT s"" •& and Fancy A rtlalea ia the Waat, -,5" .At- h®SB!@8BSB a LFC7O. •..OOP*. A« TAXKL, pelkv Wf "toA K-i'V CAPITAL. RMET, -i -'-mi' -gey YAttltOK. i—rDlKOTi /. W.' BATTEBSil ALL, fjtckialer Jtieler. gVXBK WITH WAONKm liBO*,, O N O A A Watches, Clocks A Jewelry Rcptlred on abort notic*. Aid WarrantyJpr One Twentj y«»M erperie»c«. t#o4 or tooney refunded *sesS* l*atttaction jnaran jaiMlft-dif pAiitts. SZCELSIOS ffctAir-- X,-'- .- Siftdlight OU—Th* ia Mat** :3t'r«*V STAGJE STAGES ttAVt YANKTQK H7 QXHcTliJiffri **./ ,\S ,T^J! FOH -ij to W (yr a caad tney cannot dart, and offer, COTS ctan They eaaploy^ ODE8gA,'""'S 'S'LT" SCOTLAND, OL1VFT llILfIf©"WX. VS, 'Vr J- ...- «OOKPOKT, S R08EDALE YT A KIRK8TBEL, OfDce at ®dgar'i LiVery •••WQ*- r. j'r 'T i%-i jet%$ -rfsj- I. ljK. BtABAJC l'royr. JttcWIa 1 Af«., 1 ailbaum & Becker, Props. J. r*-- as a It* BOl!»s ts^be ImdqeAwHWtii ™f Immlgmnta. I /•V"» BBA1BLE (HIMEH JtMltcoM'""'!)- on a stock ot.ualv 1 1 ^--r 1'»« Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Wyrnpj.' B«con, flam*. Uuver*, Bowi and Best Wagons in the Territoryj Which Black Hlller* woold do well to examine. JVTf.liaa^ati (or the Paasal Pew4«r Ce., lebeWtsr WsMyir Mwlekstker Wstj'i Warywter, ,.k O E I E S »'V, SHOULDERS. DRIED BEEF, i. Hndkorel, lUHbnl, Rice "v- OaakjPL*d C6od•I {Pried. FntlU, Tobacco, Clg*r«, 8pic«, Ac. W» r«»(»etft)UT call iha aSteallaa at all M«reha«t» to oar »toc(iaiid pncen: we alto bar* hay* l»(»tp»«rtoo wOttfarooarloi »good •apply of Tcnu, Wagon Aa4 Wee4*Mc illicit Mewtry BRAMBLE IMINEB Ik^S- YANK.TONl-fc DAKOTA NARDWARC. 01 rm \r* n. full llac of ., Tie lanotl Sarti^re Wynn, BucJcwalter W Cor. 41 Yankton, Dakota.' tuain tt fi /. RAILROADS. Illinois Central Railed tMl taCU WUkoilt Cocameiicigg Dec.6th, 11 AJHllj Eiprsm rw»og« Tralu will. lc»*« I Blonx Clif, Hoaaiiy* oxem&tM, my* •xcmpliMt on ibv MnrfVtl «l PHOM YANKTON. I Lriv. tUonxClrjrai 1.40 p. m., and *rriv« at Okl- ^^!o«ptng L^r« r»n through frum filoni Cttjr to raoMBgor* lMTl»K I tildaio, teanad KM p. m., *ia tlx llllonll L'«Dtr»! railroad, *niarrive »t «loax. UHy tbaaextdar Ju *eco»"n«iUiioii it»Ib w1A11!»vc Slnox t*jr Itfff, sfinrtiy», atS-Ai) p. tt..'edane«t1ag WUbtbM«gl| p«M«nnr lr«tn« rMt Ha44«. r»aga peeeenrer tr»lu rurt Hodgo PanMngarTlMvlpg Chlaigii *i- ".to p. arrfti at Woux Ctty at'.uo ». Tnlna spine coaiicct at Chicago wtk *11 train* Inr DelroH, CleVilind, BoSTo, NtuarS -TaU*. nu»b«»*. PUlaed^Ma. lalttaion, «m*k Mmm Oitaai*. and Oouathonian alao Made at Wee Hi a U«lu« trafcaa. ha«| mtlJS a,«Ml arrirng el Kaclaa attJSaBMAAIt waakaaat T.SBpm. cvwaeaMoB* aw alao •w4a et B«kaeaattBt. Loalt, Cairo, aad all poiat* aoaik Baggage Checked Thn^gh Uall laapottaat potate. Kor through tlcaeu and lufonaalla hetlltnota Ceatral Sapu». Va-atl Uenerel Paeaaawar CMcSco.' H. A. IUICU«AI. AM$ IWSSMWIR I ck and Oi inipUmients. A ip 'w'Jt I& "jjS-"i iipri^itora rte«*rripf!ofi muiQf»ciur«Ml *nd tf^orffor Wk Hoofing '.i.l {J.'... -AaSifl.y»%• k.iij TvoxLtl&a€ Hpllcltcd, RD QTREET-Cor. DOuglaa, YANKTON, DAKOTA. a*4 '.jti iff St, tmmi' ^rWway, XL W JLXt.X .STQ"VTES,, "^::i. W W 'M-' i.f' AaucuLTtmAit imMsm AiOVlfiliBA. i^ssiaaasn that l».te »i. .^W"1 :..-*a«ll .^a- t1 tfBi'.y a* 'li mmem MM 4aCkla»,J natta, Dalath, rorDitafae, Cedar—r„ Ht.Panl, {a Croaae. Winona, Uhperalor,- B«»aaaha, Naakt ^ngr6^i^r?K^•ow-•w'8UT••• AJi» Mil^WArKjBB. Thene polntaxn all on the Una to-tinst Boid, or are reached by tkla Kbate wlik lew Change* of Can than by aay other. t— a ""ILL THE K8saii*?iflYEicirri Rock and Orarcl Bellaated Track StaeJ Bidl I Bridgea Pallaaan PalSHai' Can 1 Bock and Iron and Ooaohea^ Perior ud Uoacba* Smoking and Uuai Auaae Bafcty Opoptlng and uaae HaMy Alt I pooling and tw and oanala coaaatttaaa in aay may wleh.ui go. ...... that yonr tleketi Baal. Via Tna Boera^aad taka ooaeotbor. BAITIV mum, ., 4 TBAWS AT WJL 4Jen'l ?apH. Oea Miseocmi VAMJIY 4Nar Wat Day g»n»n.. «a-.... K«hi Kxpnas......... ». 8. 0. 4 Paetl* Vaoaeniref.....•- M.amtiii ««:j» iwsmsfa StA 1 1 R, Thv«aljrUwtoth» Wis^iiwpmGiTr, Ml TKROAGK CAPS Trmm totntnW HOCMUt iareilW t. ij- tfh t'. r- Vf •. ar SmHwwSL Dakota Southerfi UHilroad i.o# p.m. Le«T«|..t8ioTnr cmr ......{....McJOOK.... 3 '•3 I. .JKKFKR.HON 'DAVUJUMjrH 4.07 .^..... 4.31 'V S Ot *.• (WfflWft-VVW. iv:. •riag Hi»tioi». NtaiaM IngtoiL, Maw V'ork, Beaton anl all part* »f lb* Kaat. S'1 Thl« tc^la eoBMCt* at Water)MfcWtta tralas h« &WXWM bars, aMt*. 1 w'rat thetlltnotaT^eattal Sapu». Tralna ran by Uobaqae time, which mlnate* (uter thrj^Bluaxi^tl^^ W. P. ioBKsow. f". .. QeafiisK ,i A i: -Vj -Si. Gr. Betratt, Toledo, CI erelend.tfaSMo', Plttahurgb, Cincinnati. Rochester, roato, Montreal, OitehMk Poefla^A,BoeW Tork. PhltadelpMa, IKltlafore, Waai Wheeling, Columbne, Uayt* Torre Haute. Champaign, r.l SprlagSaM, Jaek*«Mila. Qa Cairo. Shoald Bay tkelr TtckaU OHIOAGhO Aim TUB xmrKAnti. iltrttn Cloae Conaacttone made wltknsfl ••Uroada atag Baat or Soatk lira Chicago. This 1« the »li*i* Baete :,iT ,.i- Amuai the Indncemcpta offered bj this Baati, Uflljlflfiyrittrs ,Dr«ri«| l»oa( Bai 1 Coacbei Smokinjatia UMtaSlaa Car* Weating-1 Iraitaai tBKmr* Pawat BaMlV I Claaa.OaaoMtona at 1 thai B»y otkar| P" liaaftUoaPntaU Koute Union O SlMWdtgiajfetT and »)«U BiprMiTtailriirlt IxjwaomJt ^.1 |,,,t. ?%ltBs.'ai. —.. Pa*««ngir.....i. ja.«-_-E!^ 7 ^. Bataaaa rxetght. ....m lMt-al?!!?!! ***. de^.l W psST^T' a A a a a a a a an a Wr,*S&«ifc::S-» ar i*.*. knaared MVATB«ir Worth Oasnllaa I osM afii isast seo.siaa Bnbeerlnad WW?-. '-r'i -.-4^1 s'i f"'V"9 it Jje'atSS^'B*!^^^ 1,1875. TBAUia Jl^nKB AST riHUOBlt/. U.2S m. Arf'j 10 SO ...... l»M ... JOJO |10« H2S 5.n.. 10.1M, -J .V}Q .ttti* nam. ...BtJXBANK .. .•VKKMILI.IO1U. ...ISlMltXrNQ... siiktvuAjm. S 8S ...... 'wy i-j vr?11 EH KrVKK •JAUKSBTX" __ 2. re TJSI ".A." tf.M :. Uw Cedar Fall! aad HlanoouBranch loavlat Ufe tor Ma Bmum. SprtagteM Waterloo at is JS a. a ad stttviac at ltattiSia»4 Pfavt Kan dan, and tfmmftnj J.V(aig.- ^iW«jae»i|ii atitid**, UONNBOTKN». road*. f. AtBlkPolatwIthatacaa tar B4ra, Canton mestoax Fall*. .4 4. At Meckllnf with atagaa btUrJuM. 5. At UarvlU* with atagoa Ibr St. Halirna. Al Xankuw wltfc «Ua»f»/^r Furt» il pafntooi .. eDwawlll. far«ri«»T«- WUh The Pioaeer koiti JUnm^sll isfrilii-T-sjrw whicaeo, Bte Lcmis AMD AU. Point* i® tin Biusa to at. tMtST Ifirpyk TXme Taye. i* tgttjjtay M. fi.Vs4^ f??? UiTi H.i^aal ". «fa»kt*si l.«A M., MesiOHr t:lSP. M. Ittftvagnp^.g^ wa&r^ril Oaawa i».. CaH»W1a»«ifcMa* riiisaoaftj ir* t. hr A petau la SSS&ta&X f- iSety, Speed, Comfort and uaecaj'AeaM». FhIImaa -Mmteie haii P«#»irt Valley CMasgMaad Coaacl mtii {::M & tvm* Wa... .^r-w- MA?# UONJmCTIOSB. TAFW WM GATES TAKHI. BALK lam, SMhrasesa csii.aa^oe JWkaa^ Inr it leala all Je WPS fr71*15n'f .1^, Spri'orfoUu a# "Ba Mrs yaar tlelletaread vleg.C. P.B.:" «. B. BVliNil. ^^LuSlW^Ta. esKUT k» Of TU Slat Bay pt •ay. lVlf. f- .tsf- OH 9t the rompaay Is Iks Baatkiorn »"Agency Miatailat. SftWSfe^atocB- paid ap 'la TIM' Aaaata ot Use- Company ara Mt la iisto..U.y *.. fr.lltiSS Oaak W kaadeofHsata seal (Mass 1 aaiacamkered.. t,»7».l» Biais waoa hf MUf iA^aej eark^t. *HP ___ Nm^v*-'W»a 1 aus^n.1* .it... -Jfi :,. V. IH" »r"v ABATBDSF)ALMS I TafkflilaBMIHen.......L.'..,/ jm. !The#BateM aaaouit laaarsd. ia any •.. _o^6h...... »!7... .......... ^*'* Tif gssiast-tmiyat eUewaa -kr ta». the company ia -ha Ineared 4i«scl4y. tawe aVjIUhga ... •Hf?. atiw "at s* a 'KiiitrvHW)/ *.:t»eaoka«ef a B»aanNW'«ei 1 jraaltay 1 aaM beaatlfU ,.Aaat»^. lOM^' it 4ia :S 51 HT e.! l'W*