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AS**SWWAJRVMUI-S •y-urk i$TOt*v _^© Tuetday Mornisg, Jiuie 27, ^870. Licuxirt. LOCAL Fresh c*ndlc« ftl Schoregge's. l'ure boarbound caudy at -Scboregge'i. Jirown delivere Ice cream loan? ibectiy. Cr'O'O: !..^ f4v .Icukluson's icc crfeaui. psrlrtrs continue to be tbe ftrorite resort. A tit-legation ctme u'p from Vermillion J*M night10 attend cirwa. Mr. Pinkney stored Saty^X reel from tbe d) xcuWMBtlr''r"'r"'g!f^!'*" *.'i!*g" Tbe centennial Model sapper was recelv ed by Duff»ck,la»t night. Peruvian beer la,tbe puMwfof all ills. On tap _»t kt)0 Bxoi}ai«xr dro^aiore. Centennial sandeH nippers at J. J. Duf Tack's boot and shoe More, Third street. Tiio centennial «llpier* are the newest and neatest thing fcut. For aale at Duf fuck's. -f-'ri T|*T| fF About fity CTTCUS: So jfctu| *0*^'«ftk£pt^BidU carnc dwo frOTfivHe 1 Tbe circus management farabondantly satisfied with tbe result (pf its vjait (o Yank ton .and will come sgtlqrae%i aeaiw. Yankton lady wbo sees the centen nial sandel slippeM jast eaelTfcd byT)uf lack will have any rest until she .owns a pair. p'SSq..^ Dr. Burleigh la building some new corn cribs on the lert^^r tbeaccotnmodstion of & rccont corn. It has been iui6g*atidr% a clcanly dis posed citizen that bath rooms would be both profitable aad dedrebleln Yank Von. This bint seems Hkea-good one. Sergeant Reiser has purchased tb»~E*gle Hotel from James Crowe. Our acquaint ance with tbe prospective landlord enable* us to predict that bl* will Tbe Eagle hotel has bees sold by James Crowe to A. Kciaar, foroaerlir(of the lot Infantry, who tateft-ffc^sdtoSTO^tfrSaf,' tbe 1st of July.. On, that datf tbe new proprietor wifl' glv* he cprdiaUr Invites the desert of Ofdipaiy c^epce. It 1* not at all surprising' tlia't Coop«r iSf succeed with mai^like Crowley to »f er their interests. to. defray (he expeoftep tbe approaching fourth, wiH call upon our citizens to-dsy TORLIUK PTIT^XXE. WA B^W they will MEETWILB -a and that the M.'Purdy."' IT'S 1 ,W Last WEEK tenltwilal cnnTentian WM Merchants hotel. Alex 1 Yiunft, Interpreter-si* •Agency i» In town. Gov. E(|GABN on Sundaj'tflel Hon. ^yesterday T^IMR%-IERL T& M»J bind 1 dice, is at tbe Merchants. Bob MT ckling cante ijekterd#V IN YANKTON. 4 The flniice rom^lU^.To" wTTecrmBas" ~Z~]Ll JFL.LBA 'CELFTHTLAFIV geaarou* oeoesMfy UP FAN jlstr?! Rev Mr LLL|^U^BPAJ '-,7-terday morninn's rm Mr. Geo. W. Fybwer»T, with hia-tfattn tiatfbf "awjppli. wood diggings, lie will gu via Rapid City. .John G. Edgar left Yankton forChoteau Gretk *l t^igb I"** af country in tbe weal, caltural sod stock ^owi^g "1 .T «TnrTT-wi i*s '.'*1 1 ne executive committee have completed *11 necessary tirai^Meit* fbrtbe&rlfebr* Hon of ibe copilpf fourth of July,*t»d sa. the following programme mail. J. 8. Preabo, John Stana^e, INE^ Wnsbln^ton Reed, A. Van Osdel, L. Congleton, A. Potter, J. R. Sanborn, C. F. ROM teoicber,.^PH«AT^^FC|. will BEROR^E^HAT of Third and BE A well kept house. Candies at fkhorsKHe'a *t 3D cents a pound, v.I) CJ5- anopenln'g, to which HU friends and public In general. John Jacob*, proprietor Cadar the 8. of J$e brewery saloon. draws an excellent {quality of lager betr. Ills kept freab and cold and is al ways ready for tbe tbtmy. Tbr-Prear-A Dakotalan force knows wbat It I* talking about in thia Stance, fyafcoUrtaj Ma# led to it a liberal sample of that MOM W. G. Crowley, press agent fiar Cooper & Bailey's, show, is. Qne of lbo*e genial 4 Reading amotint to make onr celebration a 0«PTOTE tooCM* WIS B« furtl«sfuiing. Tbe committee consists of Cspt, J. C. McYay, M. P. ObtMaaaad 9WNi| B.KII)| beid be re wbicb about two hundred people from did not in df«W ouUidesnd tbe ilif(btert In tbl eVenl DECREE S^TTATE" the fire year olds of town. Yesterday circa* occurred which draw three 'thousand peo ple from abroad and wrought up Young America to a fever heat of dellghtlnl venleocea. Yankton 1 train, eastward bound! Mrs. Msrgsret Hsnd left L'snkton yen 'P~V terdtt)- morning fur Chicago and Wiscon' |J'| TIN Myron SI%PIA4KTAR Lancaster,' two months. Cbaa. triner propl -aite, is at he NIIN^L attending, D. D. Marabal—WaUM. Po+kn. AsslsUnt Marshals—M. A. Baker, David Keeler. RSP*'*^~~' Ftvanoe Committe—JV C. L|cVay, M. P. OBLMAIFEL^J^P j*. FW, streets TL^fflcen. of tbe Day. oTClty Council and City I. Martial Band Yankton H^OK and Ladder Company, •. Public School*. 10. HM Ball CLNTE ~I II. C?i»IMBS an lis 1. 12. MULL. ^. ^. ?8.'ARTFLWILJ011, 14. Citizens in Carriages. "F beer. will corner of Tbird and Cedar streets/tbeace eastward on Third street to oa Cajrttol on FoarVb to *R6*E' MEMRT-XO^IR, OROKB OK KXKRCISBS AT TDK OROV*. 1. Music by Silver Cornet Band .... 1 Sj. 8ong JDtcltntloir ng a ex citement That seems to be the difference between Sunday schools and circuses.-.1 *T RUMUI. •.. ,.V' f-y •, 1.1 AT$RMLTED UDG^ BEOWW 'and FANILF -BIT TIIRFWANNPPLIED magnlftoen J, DUJPLAY or FIRK WORK4, 'J&K- Also, grand ball given end uniform. The grounds themselvea WLTF dinner upon tbe grou Gayville LO attend tbe ci'reas. liud TAYLOR^ I«4te ANDRMCBIHL I^TUIS and FIIIYWI\ JSFL PI TJTR ESMSL ••. day sftei Ear, II rifc-B?1 Mr.vd*.**SMI which be wber* will He will a I^K 4. 3. Fnlk, I. LT|V OMUJR of .TBE^RTAY—BON, 8. Historian—Hon," Qep, W, KJNgab Reader—J. R. Gamble. Chaplain—Re*. ry. Melaoctbon IN KUNU )NI^N/oUowlng orferV 1.' YANJ*F4 ||L|JR.PDR^A|T|'X 2. Masonic Lodge*. 3. Encampment of- Odd Fellows. 4. N •ix .. '^Moer».. and lbs «raoiag tlwir of 5. Music by tbe Band. 8. Historical Sketch. '7, raapOMe, by tbe tbe HDSK WIKTMUHRIOM&TFY Bise Ball Club* JL The proverbial, traditional, and time honored were 4*bd was D""" .tardiy K«««W&A<IK Aai aM?IcUlmei."ogb E., relaxed o!cla£^-VJft. fi^»nmr. ami returning arrived g'clock, a. m. Sunday. Col. W. P. Martin, of Rapid Clt. us t^rief caOefl^r lie our city fyWnfilyTnyffialreA""fro Black Hi return tere* bit .ad's. M. iipip that the Rapid creak dig gings are vfery'rtcb, bat that tbe gold lies mucb deeper tban on Dead wood *ind that will takf «longer tlate to dev*lorp iu I ii ES'ir Aa«th«» Ilk Wr+** #«*I«IT« *4 'f*e»Va "it Blelk flNmo* I'orroborpUV® proof of ijie rtcVMf* of tbe »ewly Aevefep^d gofd bMrlog "ftgioo, to wfctcV ttrtJ eyw of »o mtny adfwilBmus tpiriu an tarwad, w«a furktebed jmlNdur by tb« •POMIMMW d'# pf Mr., W, C. Ueanctt, JforTO#? reaJdept or Ortu, Mich., »ko i«i Ju*t returned Cibtt tbe Black BttlswitV* firge'tuKKrAt of SoBf rt^ tii sioil. Mr. Beiw«ttLiefL tar llk«*|iMi»-«M tbe first of AptW. tapt, m4 fbiMit U« »i44ie of May purdiMea a fourth ioieresl Vn fbe Al ba mine, a «e* lead diacorered a few dny« 'ore b^«aNiM 'W siuia(e4 ^Mn mtkM. *owUlw* jptmir #w»od City, a towa in tbe heart,of lba au regtoa*. Tbe yield of tBe Alptm proved hr te MM of arjliral la Indftendence. I ,„8OBB. »J IAI I* UI«R Oratiaa WM L®V Song. oujf dly TFIC ptTllioa OF .U JT, (11 QI 11. ^Benediction. During tbe afternoon there will be tari WM erected,at, poistng a prodooed. Tbe DAWLECTTO COA^TE ^PUECOOA IBE w6rl4 aver Yankton Hook and Ladder &>, at Stone's H^L). Tbe M^BFF!PWA. WM %^R will appear IN fail regalia amvealaat FOR and nacapM. to All all FT»e 1 ... Futsr good' horses,. cheap for caab. In-. quire Li otbewlae stoeisUa abruptly broken In trying not to anyxhlng. be •urpriatd But tbe cameja ware too mocb their equanimity. Tbe flr*t'-*boak a himself *•4 tbe two served set* M«sMr».,s(feoper, Bailey A Cfo.. "i** ,WL»I ml TBA Indian depot San- tbay Venerable lUging Two dromidary waits- and LI O. T. N., A.--.- Igainal heap pony." 8. I. T. enough la acquiesce lo's went off lo purchase RE to see tbe »bow which *o«M PFSDWE such N^rveloa* equina stock. •ITF HUTG.I 11 T«rrU«rtal VarniBiR V«r ftaif. TBE undersigned offer* for *AK a number territorial warrant*. T*x' payers will money by .purchasing. Sheriff Y*nkjun county. WAR ANFE. One of tbe beit Mloon stands la placed WPAWAFDAFLUB 8TDAI| •IN*,^ Yank T^ROIIGYJ^^LIBI|K|FK1^F^P||^^ for boalneMi ForTertna, etc., ad- 1 T* *'0 2^' ..MF# BE BOOMIAI, for IBO WI MGII of ui-flbaM. •M,. AFBLM' UTRTUWR WTTB bini "FREE" MIIM Hon TO' It CMURAT TKM IT T|K properly otinr LOG ATARMD OFF TM Hoyt, 10 1TT« T|«.5^AAM)IN^T)MA 'OF TOAMER HR-' TTI COOPER, J^J«R 9I'S ^RCTT» and ME nag erto artived eaiettaiMMnt PATIL^OBNANHALBMINT WE term* to *twg oaM *re TANKTON WILL "£FRAAD,(»L«T»NTTIOII OA UM FOURTH |aSYNPIOOFLKLBB, &ud*y «Q«r IMP, OB a «MCM IFBTA «R IOTTO IBIM CKK O^R TB« ^AL|O«A8O«TIMNI N«4«I4 oa attended by *bab* lb* CF. preyioua to Balli^, —*:. Recitatidn-^-The Wm Is Musi Tbe tho*: JUV* LF«rWeglan NF JULY FMEA. A,.,. 'IFFU'L C» A*4 rtraaa. Kopp girl BY IMT half tba* FRMIB*T. O MFEAIA^RITA of maMifabl* orei4o LB» UBB parade, Mrly LA tba la. «TBCT pageant, exhibiting all the att^ctlons %actacular skill EXPENDITURE PAA Ublea^ jwfcbiW. Alnoogf 4FT* Capitol street, *trc« to FN«rth attached to Hrwt feat Broadway bigb npdn A A A E reproeentations made BY H'" J, guilty the Third and PJ^,. street* and corner of It waa iai- camjy sUuotarB tbe lag circua ba- departsnaat tbe animal two nrlUea la BKnlbs *bow contained of affcUtipn A* mm1 BWUA. hicb OF*M ^BE^WDAS «F »*FRY.F XAUHUOO «W«F U* /OAGM and LA AAOTIMR WM ^JTAIR^ MA JTOM. BOI^ EF TBES* a*TOI«L waa4an a«adtAcait *aeBiadra»r til ilii|»ii m" W tU* exbibitioa 1* ample evidcace of tbe bosineM enterpriaa af Ikair pan»ii*tijra. Tba iva trained aiepbaala aaa a tMluM 4n thsa tbe hard of tntoed oMaei* B9 *a attncliva ttula extribt w«. ThaetocoailapanMaiK was entirely aa^hraMl AMIMl ^bMBagarte aad beoMtb tbatpoVUM a^ tlweWabb theee tertaisMt gtaaB »BrpMsi* tlU aapMlb tioa* of iha apaMatora, %^h'i Aat of pirc foraxn haadetf by tb* cbaai^ioa bartback rider oT tU W«»d, ISIBM Robiiiaon, It could paid eatertalnfaent proiented limuol }^9t!ix% Jarni at bv by WM fbtly deaerving jif1 ibi patronage' It racefved People tame (o see fttlkiib any'iali^* A^*y and felt-that tbelr time and 'iboni-y' were well Invested..- Yankton bM £«n ibvored with several cireuses an^NMhlgeries. but is ackaowledn.-d tstw tbe best on 1 Ttnkl K'OS ,I.,V. «.. II.I" HI— FJIIITJU »TI 1 A VASW II' :ir' A. DWAMTBRLIOUAA'.BVAAAABTF atfcat, Broadway, contain* ive room*, pantry Mil' flftl TNRR m* a-urn ,3R-II MT id. J«M Omaha Herald 'J Hdad to they and jnlmiL'l tea •QM^^f, pleated,F •00® 01 tbe WM-.piyiipMlal MI lob''-to ^OLARB^'-AKW BRI^T AVEF THE Pl*ttaablhaltro««a:' I*-:, MR 1^1% ^K. OI^AGV TBE *MB«r, wb« J»'e'y AHGIJBWIFC WTL+M*** paata-. RIAL FOR.^AOOTBTBB WMFLI I* *LTTGLVWL** true «|«C3FF :L city. H* mske ^W BF ICJJ^^^ tn reuU, PB,B«TT BRAWLAG CO. JCLAR.TRTCGTE'JIMGT for'iiwr beer for ti: SALOOV, Pr«M Dakottian ,t AS-C OISQ*: &a tiii •«aeMawMfr ^(WWi r- ^/sassssntw «fflrrMrtyTi'-r A T*.,« BHBa tca***- V5 •-rpWBft». IJW.-,«.»..,..-».«.«.-. ReDertiry"Part £. Mhody, WN#:attgoiw expectation* of tbe iH^prieVurs. aTenuini about |3 .to lb*?^."TN(fti»r Hi*** oompoMd Wr of wbiqteiont-MM tea* |a iKW(:te«igbc From toff to *1 of tb* ptwii such w6rkintM»W T1. Defamation.—BritUb rick ®"**Y—Our Rights. V. of -Browning Sarah E. dbetdon, TATO B«Utoo. AUG. i, BU «AU- JkMjilto *T7. of IH^ and MIL MA a* IWWT «MU»M* WLU occupy ATE^OC^UYBFTKIS^LAI. OF^ANTMRR, TW JWNEY FNM, D«sa4wood City DO ODEBPIED fbor days, and NO LDD»I* W«RE*OM, LB« WFUU WWT Y» INLARVTEW «KL A OKSRCM BU* Q—ITFLRTUK. V*U-W iialffMrf innMi To- Hoslo Onr O—My. Ciioni*-^»-»~ Declamation.—Tbe KMng in Music.—The Hardest Work—Semi-chiv ,c'u. -A,, v./ The II iffb School K^pertory," No. 2: Pirt I read by the editor. *bout aooa on Friday KO«(RTD that tbe in yea-, terday AA4 U*T **ENUG •ARE WMMTKB».TO 111 M, FTOLMM: AAA bis boarding' 4KA Tin fiiiaami WM CDFEI«I4 .2Idm, Virginia Mtialc-—What's tffe.Usef Chorus. Benediction. ba piavaa tbat parti, tbe 'W«MH ago a* ber E- *PEHCT«ON* THIE1 tbe lat ipork Robert PTERF" Piper. II read Aegreailon. Pat Henrys' WWFATS F# TIABMMRVL. .Moai*—MAREBLBG--6OBFT- VTRTO *AD Oborus. IO'T A^ERIIILLIORI J":' by Heieir Mai •hair, "T9. J.UM ALL \0 Recitatioo—THE Doc HEW May. Mrs. Flnld, FZ9. ¥NAK.—Tbe P^ET and Quartette. OVatloa.—School Education. Wart a Halam i. ..• .. •. JanM* Sprawl, a rooster on tbe stMMer W«*»ern, wasarresled on Sunday eveaing charged with rape upon tbe parson of A ftoMian girl nine year* old, named Mar garet Kopp. TBE clryunnHnw. OF. tbe It priaoaar RBLN*, wbere she WM gathering berries. He at leap ted I I* overtook A yoaag girl LA tbe willow* below tba Icdeceat b«r bot *he E*C«)^ |^D BF aMBult UPAS cooiiaaad bis way until be encountered apoa tbe the willow thicket. 8be wa* an Ibaals of tbe immigrant bouM near by TOD was also in queat of berries. HT *eiatd her by tbe thfo«* inveat force aanoundiag aoatt b« FCur FCIM^NI. fooompli*bed YAOYTE hooae. •FOJIR told again*! Sprawl. laid bafor* tbrf wMch can deviae and generooa TBL* 1* Tba facts JoaUoe baiag RoMteuacber be procur ADUA *erViaei ««Xlf* :|(WH^IL«B girl ba- ion Mentioned to effect of tbe particttlfr—A gorgaooa aaaailant while &^C&~ DOOLPCBY WN^ from tbecars tbe tbe man wbo haid tbe iBWered natoad^IG aitaMpiad lo nriMMh to tbe one given by. be «iu TI£M INVI %.U^ISY^N^AWL_ aad placed in Hie 'ct(Y'IKK-U^ TO I^|*FL KIR 'ther action. Hi* «XMIIMTTDII 'lipl occur at atae o'clock this morning before Justice Roaateuscber, and if it ba LA aevrraat tbb7-lawU'OF punishment JG^I"O^ &*' •BTTM be hi* fata. We oaa tbiak ItfOlct af aotb toe severe Mtlsfy Justice in a caae af tblakind. Thl*Maa I* *I^YOABD to ba tba having tbelf' AFVWIABEB. OF ,IBE BY, ITAL A*» *bow scared a auai i*f school girls by chasing tbem. If any of theee girls believe tbey can Identify persecutor they SHOULD be taken to tbe city Justice's offloe to morrow where tbe examination is being held.' at new s'gint Dakclta Southern road if lea cream delivered free h, AF- of Jlne, ^OR tbe at last alght aid Yankton, arrived will enter July. Mr. D. was formerly tbe employ in in the Dakota Southern road nidof tbe Sioux City A PAD of charge. II. -A. SCHOBKOOK. L»laaalail«ISI M$ Cs |i«ria«r»H. NOTICE is hereby given tb*t tbe Missouri River Siag*.aad Is TUMLVETBYUSIHL Consent. All tfeUa contracted by Jubtt 'Dfllon will bt raid Dillon and ALL debt*COATRACTFD by G. ETIITAR wil) be paid ED*V- R-^.RR?SRR—: by TBE said SHAW QUMOIT. t.e Mfnnlirf Rl$li W** Mai WpbiMi Jiae will contloue *s heretofore ^ Hwill ba, paidrfar UaaMMebaaaioB aad o6evfc^ion of t^e pera^a wbo fired Dr, TIRTTFA'. re*ldcMt: n.Am ,. RIA loll *T ju*t received blrgw ooasignlaeat tf «rocb*ry, Met aad gfcs* ware Hai aMily MtWglng to SwartfWijJiW*, whkh I will piai'lala-iwn n| e«fiiinttrar rin» *a •i.TII BICN ITjiHvV '-i tba edek tbat crows la tba Morning. Bii get* an top of Feltoa'a ligbtaiag rod to do it. Corner of CapilBl aad Third street*. PLI*SANT, MT( BTN ATWD, New Ortega* 3 FO^4TT "WRFE^'ABD- Minn. FILL Qaartette and How*. 8KJ|ol.-.„L_4 S!' 1 SMUTMOIUAII. Internafkonal' ageata •ami soTbROE^OTF XQRK. ^SM^LAROE^VHWTOLSLLT. deodAwl It Nto IMUAM 'fnv* v' ArrtTatp. IF»M—I^M.V rickson^SicwxfUity 1776. Read. CARD- LUU.UIUUIJV*! I I! 4WR| VWU- SoabRer, fiitbj .Pt^ootte and ly, Yankfon agcucyi (jTfberl, *'1 r* tcrt, Sit H«l«na, Nob. O Hart shorn, Hartshorn, Trail, IoWa •B.'jC. cbeiAf, S Pyle, 0 E Setcb, (!EB Morrison, G»*Q R®RIER, 1 Gould,- family, Gny*ill«r Frank 1% CAIN^LL, 9$. Helena W A Wllliama, Yetarillfon & Jos Siottt CitJ W Deroming, MWaahtiBfB Sloas HoItaabBcb VeraUlioa (Jrcus FFL bid 60 "CM Pbillp little only In lba AA^ BATERT, bore bar down upon tba groond, with 1'. tbat tbe ^(^'(IABMR RROAI B«r BK brutal purpoea, after W|T|QB HE.PI ,IKR ITK: and" M0I W«^ BAT^ ta otKtra. FI«la»el BA4 SIMaoa are our aat#4pwl aolicHing aad collecting DTF of Yanktop. A KUMMM^IR Pstroniae boMb trade and bar your nxi* of K. |el&a, lign of tbe rooster, comer of Tbird anl (bipitai alreeta. S E I couiaga warh. tba4deaUAcaUoa At tbe depot, oa Sunday, ATHI girl identified Sprawl oratM thai —sttt* lb* assault open her, and M.bii deecrlptioa AA Margwat KI Price, ti It tones np dispels tbe strength and rejuvenate* (Jjgi Med twenty year* with •hpuiaada. Sold by 1 pir tingle vial, or (9.00 per flva Hal* aad 99.00 vial of paw by ^ail oa receipt of pffee. gini PATMflC «J'r« uo a. ^Tw'^wiaBJbanMaa'«e-Mnr •r»t, an^lt* £Sl th* SMfcSriojrod laOsah. lag Imr uid%^!th« ae* ^AtTihefa was I ears* a vwtl »iHts is Mr pie S uponhhi dutica oa at «rb'at tka maaictaa will do. Ita growth la wtpiilmnty is not to br wuBderml ftt.—Hwi*bnrf rrn Pt4M, tic road. Bold aad warranted tev MJIla Tardy. Bjrlfeatar Cord wood aad slot* wo-d dsfivfn-d all parti at Ibacltr ^a« at Cenetcry Yaafctoa C«ai blual aad Iota tbe firM of Edgar, Dtlloa JB CO-, heretofore proprietors Hxpsase- ., ...4. by Mr. Nark X. P*iia»r, »*«RA eidaaa wtth aaab«H at Mis, aie., sswrh JUMXL RKNATIWRIIF. M^AAPL. KA»*^L. .. F.BSL and «lsr aad Maaalhelarsr of all klads af Breach Maaxtc Load tag Plre-Ans* and other Vdort Qoods asaally aapt taBnt-claas Uaa Boases. Alao Moatcal iaairatstaia, laeladlac s»y eala hratad pataat taiprovad Viol'a• and Ualtars. H« cat* pric*s of-aM rafpjftaMa Kastara Uaa hoasas. Opporlt* St. Oharlra Motel. TJ SalMNi^ June' l0tb,'1876 at-^M|OMh#*'tBvaad r^nilnur in will at —rl^fw "f'T la erased OAK •UMAHTOJIA^yaSl» »»f(f J. WEIX-EL. OBMKAII !pereo« *S^V%D4CT^RT'L N 1 TOFFM^./SLTFRLO arCos*«aiptioa,or SaMpie Bottle* by 1 bavadiMrib- DrauBbn the Ualtad 8t*iA Ml* get Tx*m Rw TO wMlto DIM will relieve yoo. -all Uy IMM la BottlM BBICK HOUS Save YOMT CFEO W Mecktlng, IT. T. Will Fiei- S ft Benj Nebraska, £atnf«, 'Cl*tk,_ ALABAMA^ E JSt. ^ttoen NVSKLWL C.^1 OB him *U(1 HEKNAVNEB:F Bsilejr*'OOV circus: Chicago Oardcnur EAGLE Cfco W 8ioflx! CityyT I GR^BA, MU I P*lla A To rinds, Pufrand, YaakUtn Tort Ageac|{ Jane* E WULKR*POQ:N,PIL#4ELPBIA 8«rgt Xklder, RAAD4LL{ D«»CFC Geo A ^UYEA, Black HHSJ Mills, Island H* O Carpenter, Bcblfick, Wood, Nabraa»P JH B*IM»N, ROAK £eWtt~E 4.B, J^'«APMS O 4. Woodwork, Chicago J2R_H Freor, Sterling, Dl». ,C At3|NA«n, Kelp, ^DNBUVNEJ IK^ AIOEK.F Bobner, Polo, I1M. PLEAT Soo'tt, lira ecott, servanlJind fbiU, BEN#U *nd family, Fort Raff Vamttiion Insurance MpneyJ August Kunze,f BBICKMAKER Miu and Watohta. yifjnfy- We have recently had oeeasloa t« try tke vli taeof Hale's Coogk Cordial la MTiaiiU|. A Itttlo son, sick wit* tha pravatllBf hvar, Waa afflicted with the most dUUuaslag congh, wkleh gmra htm to mt, atgfct or dijr. Wa aava Hill* faith la ",ueai" mediciB**, and seldom aaeh as try Ih»-» hat soentidegjAadyto ba doa«, ths eoniiUal pjft% pretxileCal* tfeorarfi' W* ac rordingly apofln« afjtlw .^inltal freai |ka mmmm lUr s«e ace«r*]bg to chants, Clliw ofJMe- oa-J aad Pinsairaeu, lower Taak^aa dua Far issactstiua now ofc A. W.'Ksrtwr wtU for »a!a. eanvasa |Mr*4lo chaM lot*..-data sMy atab k* had ib*dty tmwadlsiatf. With tbe ptat, frm- mm* daeda l* ai) *hu are r«a*y to par •z»& WM~. Pure Kentuoky Wliisky SpdOidlty .,. W ... 1 .. ®WEIXEL fc WH0LE8ALE DEALERS IN •wVH -Jo VAtfcNTOrtra bLocK. i^pfThks the ooly.sxelaslvs wbyltsaja^4aarb*aiwt»lbi*«Hjr.jg0 OFlIDEFtS PROMPTLY FILLl aalTdZwt BUILDEE, *11.1. TOXTB4CT ToUrick KOUMA AL a» lowi jifrce VriiSj1 can BE comtructcd. |L3 F'VRTS Mtt«(Y- yoo he will how It E*N B« dono. Hoase, Capital Street, |ll»lwe«n Mind 3d. m»rt»-ir ICraidCmMniioi Ub. W. Za&v«nd«r' ..COMPLETE ere hand Kmbr*elt£ PB«THI«N§ CB«CHBBT TWaafkly B^al»r«t, Kvra Iks IMIM M*IL ill k^ap full tMortmsot of longin( vo U(M variant* depi sad sell them i: $ I .. goods, rati, TO DEiLm ilD GOKSnim For Oaah At JPriMs' that Mut Iti#urWPatronage. 1 iMMvirtt,' '-*1 nF.AT.KpH aaooi) O. Olooki, I 11 Ll 1 JL vvit BUF« I»H) JI SbF '!it I 1 WRTRTAIWIG TA^K^ARISC MTY at BsTlag had Hlnstaaa'Taars* ItxpsrtaiuM •SSIBMS wears aaablad ta IBN OoanntM SfttiifiMtion at* sa tbs .« PUREST and FINEST, Material, aad sapsrlor ta aaytbtac ta tM1] atsr halhra dVarMt- to f*- people Tsaktoa. BshMsggs's bttltdlay, Third 8t.. aoar Past V:ISSSS vikiJKkxx^r QL mm 8t*ple A Fancy Orooerl A, .?• vrixz-A'r QULSaWXtLI^ t- TIIMWLFTFFRE&N J«L7-atr m- mm TIRKTBN, «n1l 1