Newspaper Page Text
ntt i* on* si: Air' S Slouv ilKall 1'aoUj ). 1875 LuutiT J*iltt*a. YoaTW 46 A. Ufl tto JJfl 1H IMS DO 11 •M--•"?*• :4t 00 :lfi A. M. -A& r. r. Af*t. end^nt. Store. ter id way ta. ,v3 T-^ jJH*1 K" HS2TTS .S ?r. ?i '"A a* Frame 2 •r It can be treet, mav^lf &UGH, aw '-Ssri-^TTi BANK9. 1Ik?:''J THE FTRSt NATIONAL* ,"-rriu« OF YANKTON. -. I.SA.NCJ VI, ioKIfT or rc«" tJN'lTEl) hTATKf- Apprm*:** IK'poalurMor liftbftttMti£ Otllfer* AMES C. McVAY, President. Le.tvv CHA.S K. SANBORN, C««h1er fW^lfrafla bought and *e!d. Oolltcuou* rtt.dc ltd prumytly remitted for. 1-tf. .• A:"-' •. 'v a. Mvtr K*i vr MIk t'utt«U «n 1§" id will iffcTI. road. is outli,, sty,' a ic ih«» BANKING- HOUSE *1 .VA/tJC M. J'A Ji if ft, .The Pio:»c«r Banker *»f W.ikota Territory,...^ Ynuktto, Dakota rwcMtrdj #nhjf?ct tocbecte irl *i#M, and ••rest flowed end po*tt& l-fl for a epocfficfl ba. Oold. bUvcr mid I'uiu'd miicj dccurltleft. luithi «b 1 aold at carrem ratea. Pay account** 1 Kloal Statement* caabed at reaaonable dl\ pa*. Foreign Exchange *oUI.on a!l the prlncl I cities of Karope. A«otif for tlio lom^a Line Iftteamura. Collections made on all pari* ut Uou. Taxea paid for*hltint#!__ •^Orfic* Iluuxa fium 4.TnTto 4 p. SIARKJI. FAttM ankton Banfc CarslDMUNDS & WYNN, Bankers, loanci V^XKTOl, DAKOTA, DO A (1KKERA1. lins, Collection and Loan Business Tbe falae as JfttJmAi Jlaoto../- ly MdVe'l exEfcansxe oct Vho prlncipttf cin«f Unin-d Stn«e" aad Knr.i|^. roial attention pafd lo cy lection» and pitted for ImrMy oa Dar of Payieai. fill loan money, pay ta xe*, and ecll real opiate boo roaidouM,on favorable \«r?na. _r*nt* for retublr Innifancc cotn^nlcr, and I'tfK property nft favorable iuftftiu n9 tf 1 00A. ti» P.M ific Hall- St, joo nnd alt A North- 1 iiu ea *t. and Si. mu Kail r, iturtna In the ft*Urn H. Pacin Jtt. aat. ic, an IV R. I. 4»g- -U 41-4 & HJ. j,. lildlKY, DIX C0| tn ARDWARE, STOVES, i|1 Man fact ace rs ofT in a e, Ining Good^ 4t»MfrlptioQ. |_\(cni«lvc rcpalrioc d»*pnr{m*»nt conned© with our o»UblUii»iei^t/ fnia for the Celebrated Olic Fork). ftr cue & nrxr B«w^cr*» block* rl St.. Yaakton, Dakota. roar «tf 4fa INA HALL uul way and 3d S| roct, (Merch«Dl« llut«l Bu isawofn'"' pwti O KfcTAIL nK4.Lt |Lamp Fixtures 4 J#iu Is ord^r* by mall promptly attended to. A. SOHAlJDEra '*vv A| .llr YAUKTON, DAKOTA. LIOUOR I Ler & OMman, ItMI'ORl'RUS AND DKALEKS tS mtmc^y Whiskies ..NMnilV ftvt J*UT. O.K.1 ndies. Glf* Alobhol, .. youaian ahd noiigrac ., ji. |es, Cigars and Tobaccos^ BROADWAY. nHMN ». T. •vrtajaws-tK,.«. "iii IZ •V .4 lUSV S0008 AHO isXrei. STANDARD J# 1 lui .*fW a i! BANK ).t' VAULT DOORS —LOOKS it« •••'•1 1 AiwavM ID M. A. B1GF0RD, General Agent,1 I Dakota, and Asse^iobs 46 JaokBoi St. 8T. PAtJL,1 '...V- lt'' 5«ri ^TU«'rtt ie—/ Schurz ia ^TT in il»c Ft-Onl. iik The following extruct from a private l£ttVr 'U) lUe' NuV Y«»rfc.',Tr»bum,.*ad S^ittjfisheflwinoves id that paper'(•iiTtiurbdiijf, *1.1 duu!ts mboiM the positidTi ssaunied, iu ihti .pr«#«ut cai^ 'v»wi by Osrf Heitury.: 1 a sinking uuutriUt bu^ !r**«Vff'fKcTianJsvjU luuitey nlutiqre"ii» tlm f4*tlorm »ikd cnifHli and iho (Ui orlg, fe*le«# asMrliou inoral. duty .in Jhe financial par* grapl'i of-Guvtniuc Ilttytw' letter 'Ol jtnqe. Thjs_,,Y iftaLfce. KXUUKStM 8Wut the tcrvicty(forurilffc.rausioytn I»qe wi4uri tE'jit «leaj!y *«d in- -mrery ^ratpeot tnont iniisfaOlorry (Jfvrt t»r*k-efeforrt»'progratPtnc erer S?^'t|UL^tf'in 1 Ceft .wpftk): »td 1 progfiuiirie accompanied bj the pletjjfaof un hiBeta. trait if ,bO:i* ejected,'it *h#H bft' f»Ulitally llJ ritrt in tts*compre^enc.sf!, nnd that na j.V p^pjrjai,iatb0,ip» 'iutorfere with ,v iU». iWprlc*.' ihterer h«il ui*U wrvice refa*rtM-r* a better ojpo*ttitiii to fight vl^Wh' oliiiKct" of rfnl ssiiceess—f mean iHV'.iticcess of the Ciuise^ aiid Iiot only.hj tiw ot* OHHiid»te (r.» party. l-|^^*8up^)(rtOwvert)or_H i^9 hfa: ily attiv-ly, otad ncrcr. ftlt mlire' cJrurly Conscious of doinjj the for the beat interests of be "found nopr' taking suhitiiutiaUy the 8WJ(l£,aS0fS&" ''3)153 Ilichardson,. 11,3^7 Saline, !), 227 Surpy,. 3,73o Kauudtfrs, 10,- The averHge gain in population Tpver l875'ii a' fraction' ever per :ent. tJ'Kr Fire and Burglar-Proof safMlt^.^pr^iXS LL kMiTm'h" "v «l. tff ••pnjBgjwarw#lle-lottvf tliWl :.Tf4j«f«: «ay«T Agficulturnl I inpleiiient s. "We'beheve ^Itere are rery few of' the gentlemen wlio have been morei 0^j$TciSmislj|rM' 't88Qsfiit^|r wilh Ex-1 Senator Soiwi fk'e pirtl ie %riind in movements for uolitieal refyna. from IS72 down to ihhfffme wlKc wiiraot1 •s Li.vcoj.m, Neb., July 2o.—The cen-l .1 3.'% Buffi Otf.-e, 11,76G Pnwnet', 4,783 Phelps, 151'j -VierC^ (f'sfitnated^UfiSl ^Platte, 4,089 Polk, 3,36( lied Willow, E L.EG-RAPHIC The Virginia Eepublioaa Convention. Wmkbli wc, Weit Yirguiia, July '27—The slate repnldicaji convention or^at|ized to^day. by^lectin^ A.. W.J In in pbel F- presidenta ttd fr. W.—A t bison secretary. 1'he Committee on reawlutiouB presented pUtform in subtitance as follows: The arraign ment of the democracy for no coiifirm atioti with the pledges of sut years •go To'economize aii(Tj^f(jrni—on the contrary intreaste taxe^ arid expendi tures, multiplying the number of of fioiala w-dttvin^ 8ahirfe« tahi{erine! with ibe .school., l«w» in proviarng'j nAomestead exemption laws that per-j Tnit» tTSti liiidlord to Sttip the tenant of his furniture #fid clothing- in cov ering up the fraud# by its public offi cers the exelosirtn of everything sec- •.«».. i. i'ariaa or partiaarf from the public ^sohcj'dls the^sttlucUwt of meu for pub- ..rJLui: punishiueul p( public pie«r gniltf of' fr»ud--'or mfsirmduhi Of 8us recently taken shows that the 'TTa TTQg.Ty nn tstite of Nebraska has more thHO' & doubled her' population buioh 1370. We can now boast 257,747 inhabi.t ant?, against 122,993 in'1.870, and 4,. 494 in Jb55. THa'¥iVui^fe'lyy conn-' rtiX' fclfiiWtti^':' A.datny, H.Oitf Jhma... uffalo, 4,390 13urt, 4,354 BullerT| -tWfi" in ?R7- n».Ur 94.91. 1 The minority report in fayorof sub mitting' tbeC Capital question wasj»'^ signed by a large number, and finally modified and adopted with a majority report. -lick il t* UP7V' Office &\ IVtirereyxHm r\ o'clock a. m. MINN. HARDWARE. iliu.mli BilrtS 1 A 4,730^c ^Si 1.0,787 (Jedar, 2,421.jj nt »pir nil I P"T)Q AWWIPN'Pin)! CheVehrieJ (etticnatedj, 47C Clu3', DiiAuu. lilililuiiu A 1 1 Mi 11UN |4,7H7 Colfax, 4,187 Cuminp, (es- .1.. |tiinat»d), 0,402 l3akota, 3,00G Daw. ttt A -. ,, Ageiiln n* th» t.A.FIJN 4 RAKfl pf'WbRTt Cn 4l)if-:ewafd {^stimnt-rd)-, b,b?6 and K.-,,air hi,.4. Sherman, 491 Stanton, 1,82.' Thay er, 2,410 Valley, 749 Washington, C,28G Wayne, 20$ Webster, 2, •DG2 York, 5,921 Unorpaniiwd ter ritorj-j 4,000. Tot»l, 25,7,747. Ueman'dlrfg a junt homestcalaw endort-ing the. principles of thfe naflonal feptibllciri oouveutipn pledging undivided sup port ta its"nominee*f calling, theia tl« friends of honest labor, ami not maiir. ipulators of polhicat intrigues—the real and not pretended statesmen and politicians, and finafly calling upon all men of all parties to unite with them in relieving the'.people "of this state- from rxiBtitig evil*, 'ftrtd'the Es tablishment of a good gbreniment. v2 MS wKycrj vj A f'lll I'ae of ,,'J Aiw*^ in rt*-fc I N W A E RroiidWity, insur Tlilrd Mrcel, ANKTON, II. T. D. A. LARSON, Lager Beer Saloon, On Broadway, near 3d-St. Thf* W«l-Laifcr H'-er and the bo^t hri»»«i!n of Ll» .q iurjfctid-(ylgarif1 roj^'autl^ uu luiud »«. i» ^'"W Free Lunch All Day.'" jInr4.nm ?':f-v'"1*'" Capital Street vsaJ »v. 2ST ID Central Markets, Fi) rEXI,A1JEK& KA 1 .. 'P«AnMlAmU TThvae maikcta art? roppUed. with alVlhe t'hoidct raeain in Wiauu, Nathan- GofT, was, nominated by cclamat,iln'for governor. For judge of the court of appeals, and' Berlifchlre,. each 12 years, A Cull aiMitiii«it of Me'-mchnnm. I'.riarwotxt iinl'Judge Browft fuurTtiri. j".' »a«i fn-iicii ci.-ty ii|x, etc. For presidfentJaFftlefttor# at large, Jjfk'. H. I^amon and Chcsehead Smivli. «s .' I (C |n JPO P?r nrvlau4 IfklD*. JKree Dellrarr to all Part* of UtTUi 1 a no,"U GEO. W. SMITH, ll^i Uco»««or 10 Muuhi»ot Bros.) Dcaier in .{tobaccos CKUILS y-.%' AND OKER|9 MATEIIIAL Pine Tobaccos and Cicice Cigars Apeot«lt.v. S sa ifet /tet. Thte ecmveiitum*djoi«-ned at onei tASIiTOV, I*AHOX 1. I S E E aurl tl I'.t&if- !j«J(!e "•I'i"- cd and pt«Kt* r-n fverj* defrription manitfncturcd and or«i'r»» fw p, nrj l*f: A wd cr it»..w-ikMltttcil/ /"i —1 T~ Lon, 2,133 tfixon, 3,203 DodV, 8,.1 WAGNER BRO S" 4tK'T Douglass (esliinaled), 25.7^2 !&!/>«' ...Jlroiitier, 24.3 FijrtiHS, l,o.)tl Cr.ttre, 1 .... "6,021 tireeley, 1S4 G«wper, 250] Halt, 4,615 iniiluin, 0,'i53 Lliirlan.j ^i,140 Hucljeoi-k, 90 H-oward, l,(i80 4»P7., Ji.hqsoH, 4.008 iKeai ncy, SO.) ,Kvitll* 103 Knox, 1,248 Laneas^er,, la,407 Lincoln, 1,327 MiidiaonC 3,24a Merriek, 3, 139 N pma ha,-#tAt0, Nu^JtnUa, 1,381. K'W'- 1a,: b» •¥#. J" ««'4 THIRt STREET,Cor. DOuglasj YAXKTON, DAKOTA. V! T!"T~s~\^c Yankton flun.smith Shop. \VHol*Mle and Itflall D^ajcmln Siiiif Gaas, Rises, lm\nn, £$B: And all Mnftt. fiane fcrv- ui A mnmnltlon' "••ligWr: I'ucliil uud Table Culler), Vlitiln« T«fk)f, «er. Afctttn tor •hp.ricrott ^.k A'ixt vhise fi.r tbeoliy of Yankmn sImi i.hl AliTII 4 CIQAR3, f. linisirsTEi.N, il'ANlTl'ACTlTRTBH Ul. ujki Oeaior In, «U kliiiW ur Manufacturing to urflcr, a. Specialty Culi Till fw iu tittda «f ftrt it i10 1 OKTD 2&c U) O P. R()^SlX ACO..N«w Yxm^ for puophtei of 100 pts*^. coiiUbIo^ I1*m of worm ft free.,Smrrw* a Co. K^iOQ oewnpepnm, aod extiia^lea ahowlng emu of dAtlTnar7-v4 adverrUiAg. dAwijraul-vn f,J„e if v«'-vrv*il ww tkovr.. 91 «i-qr(l|43i«M CHliawn'* mo. ba'u«« ilieti •. wontt W oo "ASa tw*»' VhiVi !Bnorrt'»'W ?niiJ4«»*»m'it|no.i»w«........j wiwonh 46 1 2 !j«Uiee ti'c-Ct JS Hunt 3 -Mrn'ulklp I mI .is Mworlb. 3 ''I Iridic*..1(7.'Tucf 3 uoriti 4^1 Mhii's 1 71 worth iiw 1 I mJie-in.». I.iuton ...,'n^m.rili .• .'1 tuwcm iumH- 'Ui'**,.... 3 vruritt 1 uu rStTSK'S is.i- mhwS,-t"Wwufili "S W~ "Hi n"« CjrTSxi! 1) wiwnrMi I ()u W5 ju ... J., 5- •. ,.. .} larA.fiill 11 ..f *ndU alr^i ?, N I S I N O O S Hujfi'er Brwji®.,Uuftnlo wirt Woolen IUA*k«ta «*n^ pll mWr (.iiMwW.nitulih' for lilack HHUra at e».ira lu.v* pnc*^.. St Th reef JXeur E is Ynnktoa. Di*UotJi.^^ BOOTS SHOES I. PILES & Co. i. & I' nx.i fins ix ilalb- Boots & Shoes 4, Buffalo Boot & Shoj Eiore, THIRD STREET. YANKTON. Ztf J| •?., .'•'I'" 1 .".*1 '. .!.'-vV **UC ^4 S?V ^-1 *r. i* Wholesale "and Retail vi Ir a -»rf hi apte .V »'m»r GROCERIES. -\N KTCiN S 1 O 'li** v4ti, I •«, Proprietors. 3 A S Ttio YaivU ton aad Sioux. KalU Mn«t: will make regular tnpa with mall YANKTON AND SIOUX FALf.R. _—piK-r-ti^iaf.Tr»^efabe win.l»ar dajr at 4 a. ill., arMvtn^ a( Sioux PilN at 8 p. afed leave Slatft Fal)« a: 4 m., arHvjit^ at Yank-. ion +1. hlv.rouie jf KMl acc4»ni(.vMlAPoua to trtvelrrn, and quick iran*K w«MMi-.thu diff«rrnl ptilnia on the route. Ufllce at thw Hi. Char|f»« hot^-1 and auoi* Oeuirai uia-^e otUce., Joan itf'tr CLX. DKMIKa & 8ilUUTLEKr BliOfl. ProprlsloPR. FURNITURE J. R. SANBORN, Whoictaie and UttuiJ I*aier in FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, Unrtcrtukcp's,Goods,«• UcwiU'a Block, Ilrd-Ht., YANKTON, DAKOTA. ,F 4 V1 .1. ..-. naltt-Uif •-V" ribifc? 1 AT IIK 'V »I_ •OtiftSsUVl-j Chicago Boot & Slioe Store firoudwai/^ j• YANKTON. OAKDTA MUBMII8 TOBMOi ,r, r* Third Sireel, -*1 liMwetn- hrcHidi&ty aid Ctdar 8lrr*t, oxtos. JTohn Bremner, W tKOrraU nDd tt\ Ull .. ndJH alt In Pamts, Oils, Vafmhes, ArMcle^* Window OiaHB, Ui IK Wall Paper, Bleat Booke, ^pim^Scliopl Booka, ^X\w '.•MX stationery Good Goais. Satisfactory Prices. Third Htrout., *r xi door in Fopt'rtilrr, Y*iokUD T)aknU •'•4 ii -ftKOAUWAT N S A O O N A ZI.1,1 AED FRED LEROH, Prop'r/ arftO'd Oft 1 lit* corwr «f llrotd^af tiwd Tk"irti at ret" tim, Hri»r an» '*ji»«rof tin* K»**t 11T al tb« ISnf „Kt lukiikf tHal^rr In Bides, Furs. Leather AND FINDINGS,' j»»WE5SJ«| ..» T2T1S2 BIXEJI, f\ ty .V C..141'6', 24 DAHT S A I N -ir»fr iv»:fj r'-jj t-K-HPj •v^ "S'j- 'i-7. if SJ 6. I. INVEST INVEST #A BARGAIN? o*Vr my LUifidrnce, with lorW acre# of ln nrowtl l.ittul In th!f city, for falu at a i,, m™. u'^'' zi VERY LOW PRICE Unty iart of ihr immerTP«|o1red dewu. intM^aw* i'occiHflmi nivcu. lit M. VAtKNTlMC. rEAUestaTE:' Wft ttli *-i A MIRRORS. Clear Water __ I t,\' ***. frv»»?»cJI wnnlfttflrflo "flnnfl I Why will yin tmy miulitr wilrr Vfcfn jou ciiLZ w*« kt (J elear BM bMlttl( Redan(1 &*- "il A «,c FARMS YANKTON FOR SALE OH & f"r 4 '.«».",v* TO BENT \n 8«*nd for inajrof Ywnkloo wilh Jfce lion of fiirjni, •. Rl A. F. ll.WH AKU, I O. P. HAGE, t£8 Yankton, II. T. sii '*t!: n*At.EJ{ IN *tf. j- "f ~i- it*- V- fc Staple & Fancy groceries. CROCKERY 6c ft 'HVt GLASSWARE, TII1KD STIIEBT, ?4 f, VlNKT«NrD. T.—i- fB| rruJH it« rity Line, C-OJ »_? Blftcl. Wagon, 'r" It pqmpcit liy *l«in jxawcr oT«riB»enHi|l. If. Ton il.j n»t MMlllut:»n8iin, Irivti «l a««rB'« Frolt 8tOM. •9*m-u WCBUTi 1 t-fi