Newspaper Page Text
Une! da Y^Wj SL EGRAPHIC. 4 (TolMk, a. m. (UjBNRftAL. Dirltr Arrive* at Ft. Ltrt mlefroin Cltai -I •jr Kan* Nat Dm! a* HmI Bees Reported. Hfiiti to 8hik« Hands and Bury the Hatchet. •a S (Ace tfi. Iriie Flglit of Nlaotjr*Four aada Near Traatea, oa the Dolaware. |ai Kaoeks Calllm oat of Tiaia. far la Earope 81111 Goes Oa. I] latiaa Im raow BBD CLOUD. ha, July **—An oioiil teie- Ft. Laramie aaya a courier ived /tojo Red Qloud Red Cloud told bin that Horse wfuscotslnginto (be very ma thai bis bindju .• way tbere Tweoijr ^lod^es lready mniwed.- l*. {ruarjj inaift-dt ty RAERl 0^1 ill not allow tbemaelvea to red without opposition ,,, .a,axrau. iybxxb, Jul* 29—The report of Jii^ oft the 6|ri^gfi4ld Repub prrespondent ia oontradicted bv [Hubbard, Who met the oorrea- Chkyknnx, •. wtil HcM at ClMyviie li Regard lfjth«.C|i«iKe fraai the Civil to (.J/. Killing cf tke $trl«ffteld tepablteaaCorretfpoad eat C#*tta4lete4. York Htadi Three aadred Soldiers to ike Indlaa CNatrj.x •daa BeeoMuaada aa la rp|rr^.f tkeCaiilcj Nfw York, fStin-Ci Xitfr, Craxy Bcrae wordtoAlapt. Kjim lhat—be kin), shake ktnili and make lwdlwii fel?y wont 'tMk"&nM~rii* ight. retend to know nothing o( it. |tbe courier *u detained there, over lb* chaiig* from the civil ilitary authbritiea. Many op- 000. Red Cloud has expreaa^d Ion at (be dhange. It in ap led that any attempt tot de ar tftdiiiii ^jfceir iaa and iill. meet with resistance, aa maaXn a iarge force, well ila the nmaliwof troops at Riob»rdaop,«t HatOeek, *•.«- V. 4» tYJ)aB, July 29—Yhe nited master de lundi ..The.- troopa stert to-mcr jrning. Its for Dakota and Colorado. Iiiikgton, July 29.—One bun- arded to the- retrfments in secret a STKU. 1 a diapateb of Gen. Sheridan ing ih/a inornate ,of joom the 2nd, 3., 4th, 5th and 7ib to one hundred men, as- was tb«. two regjasflpts on tj* de, nr rabmlts ah eistlnale I men lequired in addition to [men authorised by law. The rw^joenu Iry on the Iron tier1andinTexas kximum of 100 tnca to each wiH be '*,500 and tbe*ex 1,034,700. Gen. Sherman the regular, euliatments to El*. waciLLAMoxrs I« PBtZBFIOIIT. akpt iia LE "1 LAD*tJmiA, July "29.- -In the fight yesterday on the {Delaware, Trenton, between John Keenan 'aaies Ooilttio, botb of tbW-eity, -four rounds were /ought, last hour and thirty-efgbt miqvles. Was victor, kiMcking Udjyts time. -==.-=c V4-'V M,- .s«'«• July 29.—There no Authority for. I be report of the {Vook fight. This fray report wm wade by biro first at Sidney, two weeks ago, and contradicted nwn here by later QfttfML ••. i' »/."•"'• /V'.r.'-£»-4,v .• y.x *. A}-- #.• UNANIMOUSLY CtfptKK. Amukiut, July 2^.—Oungrn!s«mkn 8ee)eye baa been unanimously choaeii president of A (liberal ooilcge. «»". I SHOT DOWN. Do yKit, N. H., July 29.—The^ (3o oheco button mills shut down days. ,r, #».. 30 tor :-M Financial. /Nitw YoKK.July 29.—Batrtgini).' ment. reserve increase ilil68.1?6, THE 1DLM AHIAD.^V 4 Idler in the race for the Bennett cup, has liecn- granted, extending fojr 20 days'time, iu wtiioh the defendaitt may file an fcrtawer' hi the sftit of POKXIOV. Madrid, paaaed quarantine station hound in at fbi (jf pfJdXor direct 6i20 tbia a. m. The Waadwar left AjtS trf ^ayit it ||ni^fddii Do.«ito'a at 6^45, the Counter of i, rcpor' good condition, with the except ion of about doaen bins, Id which the wfiest ii wmrIK 'iv at Warm. BASK BALL. St. Louts, July 549.-—St. Louis, Louisville*, nothing. 01P^r: FIUS AT BOSTON. Boston, July 29.—By the burning of a teoemeBt ctn Hav'reliill, Mrs. Long lost her life. Two othtrs es caped from windows. !51ilor '.!•'i'j ».»n ,p] Irtily %9?-Tiiedi^-irl block burned to day, insured. •'*'MS£*i. Loas i5,00U i_L LU'uh it 4 MILUUKY. AT Boston, July 2#—The Lftjrbftm woolen «iill and hpardlag houses at Milbury, burned to-day. Ixiax, •IflO,- *.a»4!T 'A Lohoqn, July' 29—rRojrahoii &• Oixon, iron ship buildera, of Miiklle borough, have suspended, in ccihsi quence of Thos. VaUghan A'Go's em b*rraaMBenta. U. MiNirrBH or riwanck. Jtily 39— Barganate Ana has been noovra^ited wi WJiter uf Bnaiioe —aof inihialer 'tb Franoa i:» -,, r, BUBNBD. i.« 1 L^Njttos,. July w—TKmetPti*0 M*rilAihe, of Sweden, wii 'ihnio^ilo i»w£iwt diatreas prevails. -Damage nfiay mil lioa.erawns. 6DTFLANEICD. Maakatoo Paob baa outflanked Frhioe Mikita's k'rniy, near Koista, making the poattion of the latter crit ical- Nero* Pacha waa driven back while atteaipiiiif to- BBiuforce the Turks, leaving 130 killvd- 5 lN8Tfi6cj'iD ISkOK. io Spain has been instruotetfr and a half bondp. tvcl1" K0*1NATION. mmm tmS Toe nchailal^n Jose Biuanallara, need. miui PAFBKS "TW ^rMTBLB. Pab'is, July 49.—The actioti of the! OireeCi of the Jesuite students against ers was decided yesterday. Six newspaperst includ ing the B«put)Uj}e, Fr^4ic^api Gam- betta's organ] wfcre fibecl iwo thou rftSfiMffeaT?T3[Q M, TUB KX QUBKN. Ex-Qiieen tsabe!ta, Dtr the evening of-ber departure for. is pa in, baa writ tea a letter to (kealdeiM MaeMabon," thaaking him for the kindness shown ber daring hfer eight yean 'residence iff-"France .: ,.y r-Al j' SKYKHB riOHTtNGi St. Pbtbr^bdo, July 29—A dis- furks itch fr im Prince Nikata says the under Mooktar Pa^lia aitacked tm e#rlj to-dayrnear Urbi*^( A m: •ere engagement 6aBaedii' awl1light ing is still proceeding. We ,bave broken through .the TuikUb Osman. Pasha waa captured and brought here alive, and ken many prisoners. (.""rffp* aJi-'V 1 t-1» {, (X)N fKKE.N'CK eoMUIITKK, ••••.» 20.-rrTlie"bo«i ace cftmp111f^upr' tje MaiMatloi. H(ipropriulion aTsie seiwoit 'lust night, mill progressed toward an agreement. Tho qortunuirtcation from the secretary of,*tW#Mirv ihfunned the committee a ^roptised1 reduction of the cleric^JI1 fJrpe, would unques tionably cripple the public service, JbitV. furpqhed a public schedule, in cnidhig'pltces when a reductiou w-iil do the leitst harm in the case contem. )j§tad. ^..compromise »hou!d pibv legislative ultiiriatuni. A not he meeting will be held mondiiy. Congressional. Mr. Htll called up the bill passed by both houses, extending the .time^cluilc the possiblfity of us beinjj con-. 9 a. m. waa oatakle the bar. No- struct) to ufTect the natioiml cemetery thing has htom: aeen of jA«Sfrica bit!. Ii was so amended and passed, or Tidal Ware. The ri'ports in the committee of a t'°"' 1 July 29.—Aii order After a protracted debate the mit- ,er f-v is us operation of the previous q.ies. till Mnnday. he evening session laaicd till 10, ura^ tjur a general debate. A large nuuber of speeches were made, but 1twoniT":"ane~Tf -publjc importance was by Mr. Rrnirftibiiyort^iB (arid bill, which he said would not be pressed »eyuof TS IV TJKLEGKAPH. *®r*. New York. July Stock*—0|Mnvdweak. izrr1' Ploub—Floorin *K?h Tort 3 uif"?V food demand. Wweat—Fair demaad and htgfcor No Mil waukee, 95$ to'. No. a do, iS36| H& Noi, rbica^o, No 8 dOjSo&tft wtnicr rc^clvtrd, ^eri eru, 35G{ 106. ^fo®t» a 1 Sjr yt»ck»««cejl. gam :|w CT* Ooem—Shade flnner hiph mixed and \clkw wealirn 5714. O/ATa—Steady, model a wealeru ^ulx ed mudjk^te, .Jflfe&j—1ll^av^i'WeafWHiylidemand, idtati J'oRK—Louier lu kV-lV w). r*an—• 1V 111 ftf'-T PT 1""' 1 Heavy wtaierii. iu*k r--»*u ad liaK.. |HtUAiMTurra t^let. WluW Sfli«ait' 8aHkl6i-9^ While Olub 'p» djiil0rf, Corn, S5e*d v. 7.",., :v'-. ctilc«*o. ftr Chicago,July ij. Klour—Doll and udctanked. WHtAT—Active, otifrciiltd and lower. N«». t. aprinu b6^HkK4 cloaed S054 caah No. 8 cto»ed for July S5^^U0)4 closed j-8(, clotK-d y-^4^W3i fur ntpfeiiibc'rf *0,3/71* «3. Cohm—Weak and tower,high, mixed 47fo4?H "Kof, closed 4t»4 for cath for July 5 cIo«n 467^ bid Tot Au ntM.«0^ gw*l clo*ed 4^i hid Xur iSf. it em Iter. injected 4IJ4. 9 OxTrf—Firht*a2h} lo^dr, ',0 tT|iVej LiBfl—Klrra «iKl S((fberj Po /ur July l" «2®)a«5Vf lor S.-p lemjb^r. ",..... liL'LK M*4T« -Fmtr domnndnh iultfrrs.BJilSo1! iiwwTi» wtwme: Hon ««ar. b? WJ Jor»io|ajt been instruotett'Ul touiiff O -Cua«— for Joly. W 1114 •prl.OK S0H lor Aogui-lj ror £c|jteinkvr No 3. 7t»c. CoHa—Firmer el»«4 higher, at Jalr^yj^^tu# ^u^V.:»X/f"r 1 lemtwr '^9^^^)^|Idc^H«c«'^ K--j.rc't d, KTB I *e% 1 1 Ml ibe p- pu'. ir rtu' lic'iiej* o' liie tiny. Precr1u rttejUHtf Ite^tivl^h«rt WVI.(Mil ''"I" "I'crl.'urH menrt ?Aiv3iilf -r i&klhnQk't&.4»t Au|ukf it iUVifcrrtJt-iiO for September. ,1 "a^-rri s.-,. LiKD lywur, 10.7SKI0.13 for July. i. lt|llwaak«^ n,--'-''"'-"'.««'•« Mll«»nkci-, Julj lo. KLor*-(Jnirt. Wmit-twr Xn l.MllwaakM, S^tNo J. Oiti—Matiy, al!W)t©»Hc- S RT«—ScaroehlghurOS. Bamlmt-Dull aad'koinloil: 5f5. G. '-•'-..•-ilj'V--1-i 5 4 GEO. W. SMITH, (Sucoeesor to Matlhi»or». Bros t' %Al«rh. .( TOBACCOS, CI(JAUSa '.. AND OUli:tt6 at A.T LVL Tic* ttfbMcoi ini Choice Cigars Speelaltj A full 95Wr[i»ntu( We »Mliai|m, Hriarw.xtf! ami Kmtcli Clay Pipes, etc. T:aljT HIRD STR EET, V^HTO.^ V- +rrOA?r ilay 1 howx.— IU 4)^U worA. fl Trmu liTiimoM Co dAwlrmarT-vr* '-A: rtlaLd Maine THB- MILD POWSE CURES mnpiiRKv^ HOMtOIVVIXili SPE MFICJI Mem in (j*i*erut U44 for jrW""*. A'r*ry wktrt provU (A* mott'HAPJC, HlMTLK. JSCUK OMICAL -and tC*/*/,(.'/KST known. Th4y are Jnst tcAtl II bupprcHB^a, ur painful perlodn, \,t Wmiea, too proioii#*period*, 13 •Cruup.Uough ditrtcnlt brrk%i:!njf, 14 ami kheurn, eryaip-lH*, arapuuu#, )5 UlieUQiAibu}, Hlieiiuiatic (Miui» 16 Fever aud ague, cL.ld lever*, atfue, iT I'lle*. th«d ur blut*Ulng, ,18 UpUthalm)', And aurv ur weak eye«», (im-/ the psopk toani, iiftt/ ttutr,*tf*iv*rU*g*ioJtn494 and rufiring. JiacA tlngU specijU (At *t»UJrifd •SfAion of ah 4 phytUian. Cur«9. Cent*- *-r,Pr,l» Ooui»Hj *tion. Inrtammaltonn, aa W.»rm», ^orn» Kovrr, Worm t»i!c,..XI. 1 L'rytu^ 0«Mc, or Teething of 4 lJUn U4f», of cli'UdrcQ or odalu r» ,Dv wuiety. Grains' bllUou« colic 0 ChoJer# jiurbua, Vom!i1n2, -1 7 u^Ui. cukU« bronchitis", A Nt^ur*lrln, tootfe*cUe,' t&cvanhc, il UcAddcbuft^ Mck he«a»cUc», iii-JLi wpg .»», Ulttkm* iomachViitiJjjo, r.'w• |9 Oiarrb, ucuu? or vbruiiic. iudaouxa, Si» WhtHj»in^coujfb, \ioU-nt cou^h?. .r: ArtUmn, o^n*»»cd breathiu^ ii Kar dli^fiartftfK, impaired bfarin^ iM scrofula, i-ulnr^cd ^lainiK, 24 uertti dvbUiiy, pity^ic.ti wo.ikui.o SU lr.t|i» a ltd «c«ity *err*Mtom«, s• cf--» 5( *ti »:ckiHT»r, Mckhi?sj» lrv»iu ridinjf Ao *A lvi!nt*y travel U) W Nervou» debility, tvuiloal wcakm^a or iu voluntary iii»cJuirx«(», I ixi i&ire tuoitTb, canker, '—. .54, JW l'Tinnry %fa*ovTf. wtrift-ng-'the brd, co .1 i'niiil j'. pcrurtlr. Willi npjutu*, 50 Si it8-:aBV beur., palpUasiunt1djtnco,--fto.! &<*. 0») jitV Kijliep^y, 8tt Vi»ua' *4 iMphthcTla, ulcerated wre throat. 50 Ubrouir.coayvatun« and Ciii *tkml, 50 FAMILY CA.sBS. Cai««t Morocco- wllh 36 large vtala au4 miuiuai o| dlr«-eu«in* tw Ujuk utoroectt, tr largu vUl* atid tH»ok,.. fl iJT*Tbei?o rumcdir arc neiit by ibu ea*eor #1»kIe bvjx to Any |mrt ol tbo country, iree of charge, on rec«ij't ni prlc«. Addru«i« JJ L* Pit KKY*41 HUM KOTATlilU ?|iS MKDU'INK CO., Oflb and rb-prtt No. JiC'i^llroftdwHy, KKW YOHK. K'»rt^lc by ail druK^iftn. utiH^cowJiwly MTl'w M* UY HILLS A PI'RDT. TRIUMPH Triumph Truss Co., 304 BOWEK. Y, IsT.-V. To whrm wrc awnrdr-d tit*f pro-1 mium medal for tho"r«icit Kuetic 1 Trii'« and .Supporter at the laet ao.saiou 01 tlie :tKAr AMKHICAN INrfTITUTK l« Ouro« rapture in frotu ."^0 to rtayc, ana otT«»i i.O'Nj lor a cmc they caunovcurc.. Toey employ hrtl (Icut LA rY SURGEON, Terms moderate. Ca»cK guaranteed. Order a RUed by mill. Sxatniuatlon true. The upual 4».ic»unt in tmlfiHy. Ben-l U'M. HU fJI I ttve Ivook to .^mmi LtveriKiol, JulyS*. Frof. W. II, BUUNH \M. M. D. Ohiaf Surtje^n. Branch office 1315 ChcatntiUSt^ Phliadel^M^ Pa. a»H*d»fcwi* DRUQS, EXCELSIOR ,T !. 'U* euoY, TE'JU CT3£IT. TAUItOlI. Klnei^t ai*n(H tment ol- BOOKS •V. tyr July And Kauey A rliclea In the W eaf, •..Vfyt •.'?' r* Hjaillgat Oil—Tho "Bast in llarkot L. M. EEE, AND- COMMISSION M2BCIIANT, THJUU 8TKKKT, -YANKTON FLOU« a FEED. Incorporated Jan. 1, 1876. I Corn Meal, -$£i Kfrvrour'.jiti'lv dau^S H.E. OOTTIHO. J.B. OLOUJJAB .fe«ESK&^J.AC)IC jvr l' I vi.orn ah peal err* in GROCERIES TOBACCO & CIGARS, iSTREET, isT OppoVlt# t*6nof!lf». YAWKTOH-, DA EE OTA. (•ood« delivered fr^e to awr part of il«t cif/. *n»A a »d ch»ipe*t al«ray» on band. Cutting 6l UKNU rin V/.-S ViH+igHKi., Huc'jr. I MANUFACTUUKK3 OF FLOUR .!pl|Sil§f" t" Bran,? Shorts, kd Dealers 111 all-kinds of Feed *H5 CASH PA III FOR yanktok. Jw nett-iltf £Z,' .Flour dWired in all p.»ri« of ih« illy free Charge, (^ull and *«i! u*. Our flour Hpexk" fol ItBfftf CAPIT tli KTUCKT, ills YANKTON. DAKOTA GROCERIES. M- "r^-TTr hi nil a well jiclfQi'-il Block of Staple and Fancy O E I E S '•"Sn n}»t -*7 ,,t,Uc!"1' .«4 A J? Suf/ar, Coffer., Tan, At**,* *T' SjTujti llacoti, llama! 7- SHOULDERS. DRIED BEEF, Jrfackere), Halibut. Itlce, Canned Goods! TT fi/T' O r: Tf rs DcUid- Kmita, Tobaco*. Otjjara, picaa, Ac. We re*peci fi)Hy call thr anenton of a.11 Me'rcbama to our «tock and prtoef we al»o have bave tu coani ctl^n w-lih liro^^rl^i* ^ood p»ll* 4, AUCXIONEEER. tn (1 P. Vltl.t, *OQ N»w York SX feu yamtJUm cnniaula HitToT 10.M0 «iw«papini, and extliOAlv* «bowln( ol adv*ril«tnj(. Uk'*ljiaaroo«t 7-wW £r 1 ti i#6«a?Av a,- of Tent*, Wa'»on —Uavuxa, Be wo a»4—- Best Wagons in the Territory, Which !Jl*tk Hlllerft woqtd d«i writ to cxAtnlne. C»~Wc *r«*«•»,'« for tUc S-M. Dnpont Powder Co.^ SrHiitller Wa|nnt, Miudctmker Wagont, Wood's Harvester, ilff^ormlck llMrveater, IA And Wood A Me I Cornlck Moweri. .j- BRAMBLES MINER' LEVEE, YANKTON 3AKOTA J. G-. True & Coip Yankton, u. t. —"~V a a oH •Untly on4«aod ajui otfarwd aalo at wbuleaale and retail. _j Th« Bealaf Bftriikksc ti lh« Lawtai CENTRAL STAGE COMFAMT, f•-—— STAGES LEAVE YANKTON A! 7 O'clock A.M^ETtrrDif *V'" FOR —ito I ODKS^A, WOOTLANO,. A I-1 «-4 A V/- omvKt. *tt,ltowv HOCKIiOftT,'- *-Urw HOHEDALB Jk «i ,• -A PIEKSfikL, s»pi. Offloo at J. O. EdgarVLivery. gl®. ttv\H rARE, a CTa. a HUB. Matt«r Orer 100 lbs. 3 eta a Mil« Per 100 lbt. -lili J. W. SEAMAN, Prop'r. jnnetMllm 11. r. dooqi Pt ident ID entiat. Office in De^rltfa BJoclc^ "1 »AJ£*TA. Tie lamoili Hartiare Store. h, Wyn i: .etc. Biickwalter & Co St,, and Oor. 3d St,, and Broadway Yankton, Dakota. a mmmmmsii iuuh at S A S W ep-'frn AOEictJLTDSii, noiunrii BLACK HELLS, Minins Tools '^1% Alwan oa tauuL We th« 'lebrited Oaaper 'W*toa,i'^S (lorbsm ntr.'i 4p KK.HEV, »IX A -JJ* "H. 11 S •ivr STOVES, a ,J_ ii I N W A 1 •t -sW STOVESf4 Aud Xiiuiifacturera•fTurwara. ai .''i'ltf.waa .*3 .1 tm "itnai" -••-i t- }iKtf )»«td*11 Mining .Goods! pr«T«rj d«cri»Uo« yAi I che & nrx/ 8»wyer*« block. Third St., TAakUw, DaUU. nvartjfu\4pg- LIQUOR Adler & Ohlmon, l«fORT«KS AND DBaLbKB IM i-'t i:' n» A r**j? ilW Kentucky Whiskies Braadiai. oin. iieohoi. IF- *4./ rckM. 17^4 T*N»T«N f» v% if 'J5T^ «jpS ,41 .. rep»lri«(f dtsartataal Is cu*6*c(,a lifiojir ii exlroftlre Afenla lor Ike *o r»r*s. c„ 4 tu „.m 4 iy C-%. "VU lS V- aJi ^i roRciuN ANL ooxBaTtCi^ i\L Wlnas, Cigars and Tdkaeeea Jv'5® ^**1—