Newspaper Page Text
-•I. P»i| S* m, odi. I '•'1 3afJ 5 •Ml IV 1 Fat fClii Loull cago Innlhl fcrivi I l|NFlil mi an Trnrr Broa OF rxNirroir. KIMAMClVt.ljpii|S ttfcDNlTIO htATXV „*tiA-*r%»vMSr Approved D*po»(t*r/ For pproY4tt D*po»(t*r/ For DWl«riiln£ om»«r» tWDrmfu bnoftitaod Mid. OuHeclton* »adi tud pfiimutljr r««lu#4 far. t-tt ,. mm HflVJ Vi. tta i:: lea wfolS \u |ek*t| .av- I.I 0 a kol Jlut X"i j, :«ls if ai BUI Ji.itenmwpti ,.w ,i St.. Yaakton, Dakota. mrt nhnni^ "it price 4. •',•0"' ItcVAY, PrMUMit. CHAS E. SANBORN, C«»hi«f. 1NO -j A. LIHHUD SOUSE'fck, 0 'jr. I'ht Pioneer Banker of EHkot* Territory:, YatikWo, D*fcota (line. Gold, kltrar ana United .81 ate» SecartUaa, ihiiikIu I «»I4 at .current rnlo«. Pajr account* kixi.rtaal "HStaafeHw ctikM ir aTSaMaaMaWk euotl. Poaatga luk«i|* MU on mil !ht prlnct pa] cltlai of EtLrOM. AJvut fox ih« In mm 14m »cma«f».—CoT"x*td« mad« od ill p*ru af Dakpia. Taxea paid foe »on-r*»ldrnH. V~ornca Boirnft*a a.m. to 4 MA Bit M. IfflSTC EDMUNDS 4 WYNH, Banker?, DO AOENKHAL afci'Loai Business Natlftocl Bankr. BIQ)| Jntii-d fc»Tat ai»K£arot special a'teailon paid to collections and Reaittft (or ImriiifF Day tf Fineil 3 iti'i.s vfn?ute a if .'M. WlU loan money, and aell real ettale or QQti r«idtf0U.0Q favorable term*. AgviiU ftj! pro asBwraur co., And Tinware, ^€kxMdsl »i%TRfTWt^-*rtvVS- afOaanlTa l»,connect® I wlih our aftabllahmant. BAIL 'JU W Broadway knd Sd Street A SCHANOCIWf Proprietor^ RD MKT. AI MDA! x. Lamp Fixtures.' •. #J i. »JS Alt ord''" By malt praijittj itttiiHllo. vankton. Kentucky Whiskies Brandies. Oin. a Tata .it- 'ij** '•IBMIOTJ p. i. it* s., H1H S'"'"" dm »»T a A Fire .ai'obD Dakota. O "LIOUOR i3? AI90U0I. Wines, Cigars: aa4 Tobaccos, 'W. in* fARKTtn ». v. 5«' hil( W SK/I- 'boKtatmloj&c: •v*BkPfe«) Sv f^r* yir#f ••-, .-TlLii ,•.•=*"£ A'U/J JSXfiW7 Ai and O & re v"-' jsl TA1E8. 1 —,4S JackaorxSt. S 1 -V —f*—- "^1 ~y 'j-if-y ', *. 1 3«DW. ^"l: TlWert'* F#1»e iciatni 10 Credit t»i.«sgp J* Wt, iP'^a**^ *°»rn*V|v^V)'t Th! chief -Argument for Gorernor 1IMsJw* iythe" cJni»n that he has re fie 8i«ite uxes. .The state tax fotr^PtMifi*b~4orJL8T0 ijftWj ::t«« t,0n ittui j, iMti.'.t If •K4&8 67B_. Tho reduutiou i» bu* •6,018,107, #«d Oov, THdon'ii friends ekclaim ('/"Bghqld wt'at Guv. TilJeri y*mi M«k upon tkfrs wTornoer!" '!/_ this el aim be true, ft, ilra Wlfrth^ ff antrtie, it h, a bfsWkP'WO'^ f»J»c pretense which •H*llt|l» lh* iwnwl liilboimly -W vi« WT -jPkik. .fHftawn ra^.!:.a a OF yxctp. lheelecfe^^W|? Wua *25,8Q7,OQO,~all fu'1 conU^^P^i^.d admini^ and thai the claim that taken frotn elieoffieial reports,'—at th«' 0lu6e :U was #40^i«U,l6o. 1 bus the reduction pf debt for the four jeara tM as follows: nraooKiTic ULDi criDK or iixsr. B..a.iiij jdfbi, j«o, l, IBM.'.1. Throwgli the republican sucoeaa of lHlffc,' fyr jprl^ichjibe Tammanjr deQo qratic ring was overlhrown, the re publicans took control of the financial adujiiri#Urtiou pf the stale, Jan. 1, I8»i, and retained it till Jan 1, 1870, -a period of four years, the precise' lrttftiiidf I bepK-fcdiug detnOdnaic ^3 rule. At the beginning of that pe/iod the d?bt wa# as the democrats had! c3 left it,.^20,2tit^'?05 at tlu» close, th^ Now, the rft^uction of taxation this year is due entirely to tnis reduction •of-dohs, aail wot al-*ll-to »w| «oom« my or saving pnj ^tpart of Governor Tilden. Mark (be absolute and l.i/i'^iRlcksMCrmtwpaoo#: Tl*i»-tot«i taAfdrwlSSA amounted to! 6 ijliyidcJ as follows: Schools tnUiH, gene lj miffs, general purposes mills, boimty debt r*ills, oanal debt mill, cansi awards. 1-^aiill, deficiency and asvlums li-20 mifl. The toUl tax for ,, delit requirements, is the same in I fordfbt requirements in 1875, including the the pre^io^is j^r, 2Q0*f^ We hare included hp re nothing' wrfnclf beloiigs lo the class of* general expenditure-r-nothmg which was sub iject to the discretion of the governor tirleglslature—nothing F..7t al^lntA debi^girpp^t,,, ^Be,canal debt *»dCn^M.A and canal awardti are of tUat clasf just -i •:-7 •... ... •:•. ijjiiji .•'["* .mftHtr" as ithfc bounty debt. The ft gove'ri?6V an3^eglilk*ure may' control ,, tMm PWlwl uswiiitlliuie but nuteirmtg t-a- mnnnnn case. The lax for. 1875 was calcula, '{P£CTlt.'! te^ tHe'VuMitidn* 'df 1874^ and, owing'to the increase in the valua tion, the tax raised was 1,100,833 37 |LIYA?GF^HAPTHER^MLREMEXTFB aaoooTioK or outr aaofirroir 8»!I tte. IRA Total UcblUA, :.r-- msm T»IB NEW YORK 1 means had been provided to p«y the •irtWe *nwunf*M»«p |ir05,9«2. 'Plfcj Lj red11ct«oa!.ma»%ereforo W» tollowa: *»i-c-Buclk«r'Kiini«Ttos or Dtur. -Jkbi.Jao. i. wai. •,4!.i'..fn,a l«bi uu|ivn*a4wf JfakisH.,..^ .. Tus.vb Ph '.** *v'-x'' '7:1 TIn.wlijlcjit'ni'crhi ic ndininisi n. tion in foui yeiirs reduced iht d.-lii about five inillions and a half, repubi CK^f »tdfinfilhfrali'orr iii 'the fcKmeleiijfili Br~nw," trndef :tlie .me laws 'ind with ihe sanfe'rtqutftHients, n»du.,.f(l 4t- uinetwn millions hitd H- h«W, or I nearly Ibtir' times -tSi nfuchi 1 ire than that, fie republican*, »t the' .p|p4e of their administration, left Hje debt praplifti^lytiuguitibqd, and so' relieved the people of the burden of racing the ainouut annually exacted \y law to meet: its requiremeris. The law required that a tax of 'i lisrc ii 3 Iii24 mills, divided asfoi YftiLiton Gunsmith Shop. How^r-' S^bofela 1^ mills, geieral pt«r poaes 1^ mills, bounty debt mill. It I will be »een thaf the tax for general *»SV»i.»«|traT Boa C#ual debt, Vi mlU C^nal awardf-,1-6 mill Djfftcleney ............ Total .««iiti.«i«Ti safes IfiJi. «nn«x drhr.i miil« (ijHH.GtS *71.139 43XMI .... *43,03? ....SWD^CHU •ISM. w,w4 Htls Vurplu8 was ut'ea to reduce the (ax of this year just so much. But no cred- l^Sl*p:^^^,l:^ORlcOLTOBA, UQPga tp the account for IbJAi sp that 'fAfi^X^ie'aiaitds Ihu4: -".i or »r. ...v„-... .$s TMJHO... i1. Rrdncltaa Here, then, reduction of talj^ fipm 1875 tp ^76 of »C,100,5^0—a!" to the reduction of debt, making ies* I 1 N a&,7'/«SW>'V i- 1 U)t tieoessarv, "1 iK»t *W_ t«, auy reduction of cxpeuditure, timt is, to' Any coonuiniet. or savings. Bui iSie eii'iro reductiou of tax i'rom'W',0 to 18.70, a£ stated at l)ic.begin(iitig:\ol thic .article, is .•ii,Ol8,lOT^—*u ara^utu almost i|icntical with that whicli roines froui'the reduction of delit. It is thus absolutely deintxistratetl that the entire reduction of taxation thif year comes, next from any decreased exj-St'iidiiuri*, but sqlcb' iun.l exclusive ly front tlw I'dCt that '.the debt'has Wi'ii paid off and no. longer requires the large tax for that pucpoSel' rs'ow, Gov. Tildeu did not, pav^. ff the dfbt or have auything to do with it. Not eviui his partisans have the hardihood to pretend that he did. The debt was piiid and providfctl fdr~j fas shown above, iimler republican ud- 1 ralnitttmllon of tho'fiiwncej. It thus ippriir(i) l^yon thn Ikffiffl Uanig_up the dlrect.quc»- vil, that the wholi retUid t, ttion this jeai1 eomrs from the eytin* it is n^AJ^rfoToIliiw bourse uf guishmcm Of ti.e tlmt the. ex the sinter^he derp^r^ts car- ringtiishment of the debt wh* brought ned in4-M«av«^d about by rcpubtenn ndfnhiifitration ufK^cry nulls should be levied annu tllv to provide for the^^bounty debt and there were other oebt obligations- which had to belprovided, fofci Rit -when the 1 re- publicana, by their fidelity, had pro r»«ied'/or all of t^e Ijounty debt tj- cebl ^705,982, then it wa« no longer necessary to levy the large tax for ii os Agrien 1 tiirnl ImplonionIs. A full lta« of At^aya 111 IN W A E Of eVeri rljHlon uwnuTaclured and ojtlcrp Tor iWis4$i ItOOflti(J 1^5 •, -And-- ]r E&vo s-Trou hing °n rrs«Hci.ctv THIRD STREET Cor. Douglasr YANKTON, DAKOTA.* mnr23 %S BLACK HILLSBS ATTENTION Who'.efak and lUUil DcaJcr* Siol 6ms, Riles, ReTolTsn, Siffic Bags, mjj klndf ol Ammunition. hn- hi* vioron T'U' :y-: I rocket aat Tabla Ctillarj. Fuaiai Tackle, AGENTF KK A INU Atfenti for tbo LAFU.V MA^-IIINK for ihcciix uf Yaiikuui IIMI RaNO POWUKR Co Store and Repair Shop on Broadwujr. near Third Street, vtNKTON. D. T. D. A. LARSON, On Broadway, near 3d-Stw Tie hcfJ'lji^er iJk-ar aod th* br#l hr«nd* of LI qjor a^)d Cl^»r, ci»n*(iinily on band. iiAV'A..: ,rvj Free Lunch All Dayi Jnly4 dim •i.i. IHIuuj ju. Ill '.1 1MPL£M£NTS Q4ltl)\EK BROTI«£kft, i-*Wbalesate and Ketail Dealers in aS-FARM Tm, •4i'j MAGHINEEY tfi.' M*,. Tt*i. IANPVN. 1 Liiillf* h'tv'c fin^d nti« L^di^a kul »UW lacv *hoe« r^df^y-mo. Inutuu imv botoa kUoup, \JirlI'*4 pc„s i)iliiy of ca- Got. January1^68, j$ entitled to the credit-Of '?ho-rednc- t)•HiCa ir ualii the l» ©r*%nu- tion \a a f»lie pretense of the- tnoal e— At the beginning of that b^re^eed character. period of four yenM fhe bouutj- debt our figmua kre it -M Tilden HARDWARE. 2 worth M«n*a aoAR». F. 1IULSHSTKIN HAJf UrAOTU&JBB MIRN CHEWING TOBACCO 4 ftttW faurtincnt «f all kind* itf ^mok»»r Article". MaaufactiiriHt to urtier, a Specially Third Street, UrhuMiif *.id CkIir Mrtrt, Yaiihtoti, llukotH. BOOTS SHOES I 0 I. PILES & Co. A I I jU ,{ Boots & Shoes Buffalo Boot Shot Store, 13? Ubii THIRD STREET YANKTON. btk ftU br tmt Wholesale and Retail uf i'Aiji,f* i. 'S WAGNER BRO •rMinuKtoH ortvi t1l t^r, c^t~t t, **«41 h-a» i# (4^41 #l*f "-.,r DKAl.KHH IN S -V" -5 Maplf.t fajK£ f* GROCERIES, ii 7.NKTUN I. I I XM1K A I -... .c in —At THE :s-'.<p></p>Shoe .*-• Chicago Boot & Store -SKK lMflCKS.- tcwul mo. uliOrtt.^TTrr-ti W wortb S3 Ho .'hlldrco' ido. haltnn b».. L^OIv* *lilf Ikro Worth 5 t'hihlrrn'f mu. 3.tW td'orib I W M' Ji's brugm «hm 5i WDHh 60, Cuttota mad* ,.1 wfiU 3 5M cMf L. tf*A h\U ilnst of amlUrnta N IS IN S O O S KuMer Third Street, Seair liroadway, it Ji\n_r S A E I N The Yankton tud Moux Fall* )in«y will ui4kc regular trlpa wUb uall h^twoen YANKTON* AND SIOUX FALIJ5. •1 tssM.'n{fw OittrU^f w|ll lrftvc- VAuUion «v ry day at 4 a. m.« arrMntc al Sioux Knl)*ai*p. at Atd IrpiTeSiodi Kitlla a! 4 fnj at Yauk ton at ft. p. v Mr rhia .route o»T',*ra gihKl ^ccommtHlaltoua t/» trav«lr«a, and quick irai^tt tH*lwrMfn th« rtlfft'-rem p«Uota ou the rp&Ve. (Jfflco a^ Uia ^L noUil and Uakota Ucnlral ttta^r ortlce. jtaji 1A tr C. L. DtwriNa ft, 8itvRTi,R/r IHroa. FURNITURE J. R. SANBORN/ Jlrrail Dojilf in FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, MIRROBS. ?pliolatar»d Cooda, I ^Undertaker's Gyjods^ btenarltt'ii Block, Mr(l-8t., a 1 Blatt & finerdorf ...... i?ri. A BARGAIH" ....... Only a part of lb* jy :-fv 1 TAVXTON, DAKOTA DRCtN. ,UL 'John Bremher, ^a'«r mttd R4-U1I K04 V*p*«ff \m Paints, Oils, Vamihes, ,***•-• A" mortb oo .. worlb I 3i aV.. *i U* wortb 4 tk I T."» wuilTi 1 .» S tA wtirih 0# 3 W wtuU 4 »M A¥t BtKiti. Buffalo ami WcvoVn Klanlc^'t anJ nil oihcr fbr HTiVIt tlitUrt it «M U+w A if..•, s. Window Oltma. ^, '-if' »'»i --i Wall Papar, kr Booka, Sotaool frpqr j. Bomln, 'r's. v.. ,s sutiaaary .15 ii. fs!{ mi T' Good Gaodi SaWaittrj Prices. Thl^/mrbAti4 uUt f+«?jU d*Hr %4* fMionioft Yaaktou. U*WoU li.^LLJWB bhoa»WAV 7 s"A. i, O N *"AHr»-3S# 'i BILLIARD tW is FRED LEB0«, Prop'r,. oourd *»tt tbr uiir»vr ui HrO^dway.^d Tin re •W*auia jxi/fc, WUlf, lUf'r&u*! U4Mof u( \»»l4Ma.HtY litT *t»ir,.)f t* '.if ?i A» PKIU LU^UKV. V- ViTs'.y r- 9«M.f :i 1 3,4 Dc*l«rr In life 'j AifD rnrDnros. ntirmiR. VA»VTM. ». ti" INVEST! INVEST o*. fJu VERY LOW PRWE. \2 5 I ctfTcf lay l^ild«nc^« wJU t«rtf ao«# oi lm proved l^jud In (hla cltj, for iaU at a mamnj ., roqiir«4 4o«i. W. It. VALVIfTIM|l. REAL CSTATr. ti« i?45s sisrt ait l»d*ise»'?'i .B» Kear t»a «ity ot O .v :-'E4'fcn« YANKTON **iT FOR SALE 01JB RENT. H*im1 f«|r "a|mt \'*rnk *3' tW4. tutuli. ji: A Mm t-rrti T. iMtkaM, a. 1)1 '.UJ KjI a*i!« -i -7't. *»H .tsi) BUtiMttN 'JMi uiwrTft' rv WPf«y« w» M-.. 8t«ple & Fancy Groceries, CROOKEtTk 0-/# '•. (J .tesMca^ tiseTil*'jimuifJU#!, -4 „.g.|.A8?nra*B. ti 9K -s-'ii ii R- 1 at •V, T. THIRD ATatKT, 'akh« f-' ••/. 1 14^1 *ANKTapf, l' Water I Why will yuo bay mndd/ matw wken yau Ifet ti clftsr and beautiful trum t^e CIl) Line, 1 -i »V can 1 *f Vi 'til Bad and Blaok Wayoa. A i« pomixHl by t»n p.iwer «Tery eTonlDir,' It TOO d.1 not tha wagon, l«*»a'o«ft4?» at aNrtnNi Fruit Mora. I /A