Newspaper Page Text
j.'i, A 1 1rM*-: v.- -j r®i? iv roi. 2. 4 O'olook, a. m. liWlSBAL. }l«tloa ProhlbitlB8 tk« Sup ply Of the Metallic Car tridge to ladlanft. frldaa BfeomveMis aa 4»C»v«lrjkBdan Appropriation fraj fixpaaui •t •.' rp by »aTlUtat« Dealer Killed a Burglar. Taken the Stamp ay**, MiW htfltr «.t.: for V* President SlfRR tlic Sundry Civil Appropriation *i *C1 Indian* at Cheyeaae Arm ey 81iowiiig Hostilities. fori Witaoa, Solicitor of the Treasury Reoigas. Kliaa Geta ^3,600 AHmOay ur. I if ..-f. Coafre^sion&i.. sshimotoh, July 31.—A resolu- »rob ng be sypply of sp«|cial iM.MrtriugM to hostile Indians ebair laid before the senate a nunlcation frotn tite secreta/v of trwumitttag a dispatch from Lt. Sheridan, recommending tbe IK itt osTalry and reoommeoding ristion to defray the addi-, eiptoiM. Tbe dis|Miob-was kpanied bv a bill authorizlng tbe making tbe appropria 1,034,700. The bill passed. It for the-snHitment of not i,500 men under the act. The rlfk OOisfder fte Afadtid ^be yVf ratnient ppeachment trisls so as to have ^liberations in open session, and Cir^ disoM*ion he* una) question in the Belknap obmenr. secret sesfiioo Mr. Illed the following:' rtd, ^CbatjWlieu cail«4 tp-^ote bpjrililetof isspeaobnaent, pf them, are sustained or not rJP»° S*ei fis tbe*Mp Hall be at liberty tp state, if be (fcklAe ^es(«:V'te-' tai'i'bn^ih« of tb. of tbe guilt prosed in the fact s'i^am of jurlioiction, as the isy beti ^bf Vit« M1 •oruin journaV a'ooordingly. ordar of Mr. Conkling was led so as to permit each senator, ing TjTiTvote to state his reasons •upyins.9^ yore than lien reuoaa tbalf be en .jourtfal Mnneot^or 44* Jttniedfct^y'vfclr add ilbel ^ft was'adopted. Edmunds ^Kfed an 6rt$r so as tw any senator to give his rea |if any, in accordanoe with the iy adopted. Agreed to. senate sitting as oourt and littee adjourned until to morrow, llative business was riesumeir f^opi the_^ommfttee on ^priauons, reported back the and harbor appropriation bill amendments, ana it was placed enietxi^. -.--J bouse bill to continue public Ing in advance of the regular ap »tH tbe lOth of August to provide temporarily tbe of lto«vt»#tin^it jid boose furcllCT^nTbortzfe"'tbe commis of IndtAti. affairs to purchase lies for. the Indian, bureau in ..•/: wNbw (ouriK fiediately* aflei tbe reading of pillte miid*r|tioo waa re of tbe reporfa of oommlttee on affairs, and Mr.. Whitehoroe ad tbe majority report. Yeas 69,nays 115. ader tbe oall of states the bills in uoed wcW referred. |r. Randall, chairman of the oom wtMMs^wpOFted a I appropriating $l60,000 for the of. Indian supplies until tbe }lar Indian appropriation bill be: a taw, and tb auifSorTie tbe put^ in open market, without adver b. Passed. He also reports the .V '.'• .::'i .* HHK~i YANKTON, I) bills extending tbe appropriations for various departments of the goVern nient until' August. Passed. The pes it er Ifcid before the house a message from the president point ing out touie of tVe defects in the sundry civtl appropriation bill,' \ti making inadequate provision for some branches of tbe public service, and none at all for other branches. Among the former beiug the civilsprrice, light house, etc., rerentie cutter jsei* vioe, public buildings, and among tbe latter being proposition,of tbe gov ernment for be expense* of the Dis trict. of Columbia, judgments of courts ^-examination of rebel rec ords, e^c. He 4i& notiesl n^rwitf^ in vetoing an absolutely necessary ap propriation bill, but iii ^igninghe deemed it his duty to show wbdre tbe responsibiiity belonged for whatever embarrassment might arise in the public service. Mr. Randall said be had no objec tion lo the president putting in a* many objections as he saw fit, if he would only sign tbe bills reducing 'the exDensea of the government and assist tbe bouse in its great effort in in that -dtreetten.- Tlte president^, in some oflus state ments, fhows a lac}t of InCan^atlon.' fault without any*r*dio«i Fdr oae 1 »caa|it tlw U tb« prea»d«^t, l9Ml fc|: people of judKintr between his Ue fbjds whiiever. sue am opportunity dictum and the action of both branch llie ir% avi ivn the es of oongrestL«fte^ the exsmiftatfoiK1 .•«? Mr.-Halc defended tbe president. The oommuoication was referred to the appropriation committee.' Mr. Glover, chairman of tbe real estate pool made an effort to get in his. .report. Bills for the commission to take in consideration relative to the value of gold and1 silver, etc., were introduced by He wet t, Cox ft Gibson, and re ferred to. lhg. committee on currency. Mr. Cox expressing hope that the oommitt would be able "to"report to morfow. The readiog.of almost all the bills intr6duced'tb-(i*y was insisted upon by Mi. Kasaon and others, in order to prevent any meaaure for the repeal of the resumption act, being forced op the hous«. Adjouvnsd. MISCXLLAMOUS MORE CAVALRY FOB TUB KBONTIKU. St. I/ovis, July 31.—All the caval ry now on duty in southern Kansas, Texas and Indian territory has been ordered to join Gen. Terry or Crook, and will leave for Jtheir destination at oucc. j* ^ps". npi—• ATTACKKD BY A BUROLAK. Yohk^ July 31.—The Italian burglar, who, when discovered by tbe occupant of the house, Mr* Hondlew, I large real 'testate dealer, attacked that gentleman with an ax. He died yesterday morning from the effects of the fall from the piazza to an area in the attempt to escape. Hondlew, al though pait woU uded. :i fulit is Dstralion at the mayor's oflioe for tbe purpose of procuring work. No disturbance yet. Latbb—Tba unemployed work men's committee, who wailed upon tb« acting niayor, commissioner of public works aud qop^pi ed eacb'promibSfJB t^| alleviate tne pre^aRiqg^istaus^ VOUXtf OUILTY DbnvKB, in the Yankee• it^al ^^0*«Mder t»roogbt t#mur der in tbe 1st degree, at 8:25 this mornuig, and at 9:50 tbe prisoner •qieidM (qf a enrtain 6ord StiiiH ''-i'r ...v- «1*T white bstbing iri the histinatiotna rtw -near Bljf. Grove, lows. Tbe body w"«i re covered. r" not dangeroatdy WOBK1KOMBN OUT OK BMPLOYMBNT. Ikw York, July 31.—About 1 kusand workingmen to-day. made Mi BBISTOW. Boston, July .31.—Spsret»ry Bristow leaves to-day for Vermont, where he RMAlr ifiw isjCKseler'«Kmns then pass a Mountains, 1 obition reported by tbe ma of tbe tvaval oominjttee, refcr tbe case dftbe secretary of the to tbe iudici^ry, waa adopted. minont^ *iiit)lilN& was reject- few days in the White and furnfsli his tr lp iu I ANN^tJSA .'.f/y Salt Lake, July 31—Jmlge Soh^f fer to day reduced tbe «m»upt made payable ty-Ann ^Hlza Young, as aTT »eny from (I've hundred tb' one hun dred dollars per month, thus dimin ishing the, am^wnt from aiTt&OO U) •3,000, and gave the defendant thir ty day* tq psyche *«bunC lilJNO FOB RAPE. tlnAVKRWojyc'n, July 31—Haplv.el Wdliams (colored), for tbe rapc of.a white woaaan named Mr*.-Davis, who is now at the pointr of death,,was ta ken from jail this mbrning bj:» hum fetpeptuble cH isens of Camden Point, and hanged to a tree. TMK WU WHATHKH. The .receoi wet wcatber bM rclsnlwl bsryesii^K ssd dumsged tbe.crops to soon .sidcrabls' esieot. Onu, will te total failure, owing to tbe rait. Barley S fair average c^p, and wbeat from one balf 'to twMhlrd»^ Corn and potatoes oever promlseU better. StjlCIPK. LrrrLB Rock, July 81.—Slate senator, J. M. Loagbboroagb committed suicide to day whil«»mip«rarUy deranged sendldK charge from a sbot gun tbrougb bis. benrt. •He was highly e*termed and a proraloeoi Citizen. lltO LetMnLuaj,1 |hiy 31.—Ole Bull writes from *No?way to' a frieD?t here, denouncing tbe reports in tbe American papers that he bad deaird legality of marriage with bis present wife, and speaking la the tenderest terms of bis spouse. KKT.KASED VHOX PRISON. ilwaukek, J-jly 31 Jaenb Nunne- mscber, convicted of frauds on the revenue, of whom tbe preSideat recently pardoned, was released from prison to^lay, on paying Ilia Poe, ten tbuusand dollars and costs of trial. ... .• Hostility at Cheyenne Agency Bpcetil to freaa mad DakotaUo. Fokx JSouuy, iuly 31, 1S7C-—The a »t Oieyenne agency are grow ing hiurei indcpefkdent every day. They mado insolent speeches to the commanding officer &»turdwy sml day after to-morrow js issue day, with no beeftqj^ ^^Jdfudois jfotnes in the meaimmv*^rhiti{^ vlook a MUle till, 4ut r^fcWff-h- wMfWO. K. There are only about 200 soldiers and twen ty times that number of Indians. The thermometer was ujvto 103 to day, and the last three days it was ovenJOft. -IfiOX WA8HINQT0H Wuihksm.h, Ju\y 31 Tb« pres ident has requested the resignation of Supervising Architect Potter. The president will to-day. sign the sundry civil appropriation bill, and accompany the approval with a mes sage explanatory of his views un favorable to certain sections of the bill. ..te .*. 5 COMPLKTKD. The senate committee on appropri ations has completed a revision of tbe river and harbor appropriation bill an JBiNKlSU AND CUKKBSCY. Hj I The" committee on banking and curreucy this a. m. failed to come to a .vote, left the j«r««y- Mr. tioode was absent, wlilob hard money men in tbe ma- A O O A propoi^tl'99. tf ^ikder ooosidera tion to ^ppqi^. a sub-oommittee to sit during *iie reteas Mid refer to it tb« entire subject, hnicfudmg inflation, resumptiou of currency and the silver questkm, with 'instr act ions to make a thorough investigation of the whole subject. TUB INTERIOR DKPARTMBNT WAstnwarox, July 31—The follow ing wm iasoed today from the de: partment ot the interior:• Congress naving failed to provide Lm the expeos«s.of the interior de tment beyond this day, no obliga a will be assumed on the pfcrt of •qerftefy or other officer* con oe2 etr~witk Ue s«yvj|ce. ,* Employes who wish L|$ poiitniM in Qie service, are at liberty to do, so at a risk of further remuneration by tbe government. (Signed). Chas. J. Gabman, "Acting Secrrtary. RKDL'CTIQJl. Tbe river and harbor appropriation bill, as reportedtheL aeoatc to-dayv a ppropriajles •d,060,000. Among the most important reductious are for the improvement of th« Des Moines liap- Mississippi river from |276,tX)0 •238.000 rfOfrhe improvement of the mouth of the Mississippi river from 1150,000 to •lOO.OOO for the improvement of the Illinois from $50, 000 to #40,000 for the improvement of the ^Aiasiss^pii'Mtsismri and Ar kansa4j[lver& fen® |l ^,000 tQ.ll ooift)' O! l' -'i. WILSON RUSIOKS. The following Is the letter ot resiraalkm of Solicitor Wilson: Wabkivoto*. June 90.—Sir.:- A"' w* i». A w*« jT' JlowsflWr' Coumcm, Blckks, July 81.— Wllfisni Now«ll, seed 10 ye»r«\w»s drowned r««t«r For sons eipltiuad tayoo at our Interview this moriptug. I have tUe hranor'to tender my rvs ,r? s^lioa as aotictior 9/ tbe treasury, to tske the itlnf July next. Permit me to, r-tha -lopporto^wes for public paeftilaeas Which yon have been kldd sndqfth to (i*e cxpress for publ sad tn renew the assurance of aiiTliicI* persons! regard Wltn great respect, Bujronn WiLsoit To tbe President. will as mcmovkoj Chief Special Agent Woodward la .to be remoTed. I.osion, July 31.—The Turks were engaged Friday, near Medun. Tbey ^numbered $12,000. They were driven to Patlgoritza and lost 2 guns. The supporting batsllious were annihila ted. The attrocities of Bash liozouks cause an inteufe feeling throughout Greece., and her relations,with Turkey are becoming alarmingly serious. The opposition newspapers of Greece de mand that the country be placed in a position to command the respect of her neighbors. ,, TBRRITOR.Y, TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 1876. ,*! F0RKG*. S A 1 I OSMAN PACHA.— I^onnow, July 31.—Pacba, captured. ak^Virebifta, is not the great Turkish oommands'r. Of the litteen batallionR engaged,, four only have reached tiilek. StMOIOB. Ix)xi)ON, JuJ 31.—The Times says Arch Besbe), butcher, of Meath, Ire land, committed suicide while deliri ous from suffering from congestion of. the luugs and bronchitis, On the ta ble was a slip of paper bearing the single word, "mad. mfcCL'SSIQN ON TUB BASTBBX QUBSTIOK -I-ONDON, July 31.— In the house of lords, there was a discussion on the eastern question, it was moved that the government should be ready to support measures for upholding. Earl Granville questioned •eflain acts of the foreign office, and expreaaed himself in favor Of-ijelf-governmeut in Turkish provinces. EhH Derby, re plied, and said that the future policy of the government should be to enter into no doubtful scheme. Tbe motion was uegatived. In the house of commons, Bruce referring to outrages in Bosnia, moved as opinion of the bpuse of oommons, that the government should attempt to secure equal treatment to those of various religions uuder au thority of the Porte. FWsythe moved to amend tbe motion to effect that Sclavonic provinces guaranteed a good government, irrespective of race and of creed. TUB SERVIANS RBTRBAT. London, July 81.—A special from Wid din says Hatiz Pacba eoUsied Bank on tbe 29tU at Graiaarfa. He raeoaatered Tour thousand Servians. After four hours flgbt the Servians fled, leaving many killed. Mafiz Pacba Joined Ahmed Eyoota Pacba at erbent, on tbe 9(hb, where be again attacked tbe Servians. A great bat tle occurred, which raged all day. Result not known. !^4 ''The Weather To-D*j .Washinoton, July 8t. Probabilities for tbe northwest. Partly cloudy weather with local raias In extreme northern por tions, easterly southerly winds, slowly ris ing temperature snd stationary or slowly falliug barutneter." Central Miaaiaslppl wl coatiuue lo fall.... MAKKKTM BV TELEURAPH. New Vurk, JulJ 31 Stociu—DulLftftd Irrctfular. Km/ *t (klVBRNM RMTH—Sieftdy. Mew Y«rk, Juljr 31. H1^ica~-Firn WHiiT— Fair diamaDd aod htfher No 2 MU wankae, Bo. S do, Chicago, •544105 No S k),8U®(« winter rr«elvrd. w«t rrn, 1S®W9. 1 Bnui-Noialnalljr uncluiutad. ,^'r— Rtk—Dull, 504f.«7 Oi«k—8h»d« firmer bl|fb railed., and jreltow weatera MVf. Oat»—HUadr. tnodsra' drmand, l»c«tcrn mix rd and at ale W@4S. •sua—-Buarj weatero UdlSU. aaa Poaa—Lower tuhBO—Dull, eaatar pHne ateam. 101*6010 *H Bcrraa—Heavy weetern. IMfeM. WHiawr—Sl-adjr tlsH. t- II IfcMg- Cfclease. VLOVH-Dull Olileago, Jaly and anebaofed. WmiT-Atllte, as higher Jto. I apring floaed SO caah No.S. 893i&*»!4 doaed b«38Sl« for Jrtij doie* SSK far-A-irgair, etoeed WMQttX for S«t»uiuiwr No. SU W»)«etad t»H- Coaa—Fairly active ateady kl^b mUed «7(« No t. «5®4»S eloaod 4tt|« for caati for July 4Sttd4Afc 4SH 'bid for An goal: 53»6*C cloaed i&H bid for Hejrt'"ber ra)«eed 41H. Oat»—firm aSd higher No. t, 3SH, cloavd ISo iorJclT SSH&SOM for Aoiunt »»H fur Sep tember cloaed with Inalde piicea bid Bejoetad, i3e. -. p* Wr 4 Rri—Mo. l.-SSe. *r BiHLiT—No t. 50^50H fin cub S»e bid for Augn^ tew for September, 8»V Poaa —Active and htgber 18 T5®IS77K caeh for Juljr Is VXl* tor Ao(ntl IS87HO1SP0 for SrpteaitMr.' Lajui—Vlrrn aod higher lOfA^t" for Jal fur jLofaft ll.MH^I* for Be^rf Uuibor. •ka Mchtk—Fair deaaaad VoaMera,tKQs$ abort tU, abort clear u\, Wmukt—rtrm, 1.I0S Kusa~Pair,Ijr active ll&U Btrrram- Fnah dairjr li^lS craaajr Mj^SS. Oau. I BJAKD- Wlieat ea»y, SK 9IW' /•_ Oats-8U«Jt. caah D.T. MUwaaaa*. mtwaukc«, Jaljll. rt»U1i -tjatol. WaaAT—kaajr No, ], MllWaaka*, BaiaaLa. Prra'l. MANtJFACTUItUU !"S." t7K. OT Corn Meal, Bran, a*•* *_ 1 for Augaal. P»»» -lAiWBr, U.45S4 (Ut Aacaal I.iao -t/wr, t8.T»HI#.t8 fcrMuljr. 107 N*. I. •prims SS9«nv( tot SvptaaatMlt M»S.Sle. ..v Coaa—Flfmcr ckif®4 at 4SK4Ma. OiT»—Buadjr, at WVie. Kra—8c«w higher 6H. Biauar— Dull and aomtnal No. t. SB. FLOUR a FEED. Incorporated Jan. 1, 1876. Wh. Miaaa, Bapt. V, I.. V** Ttaatt., Ser j, Shorts, Aoi Dealers in all liuii of Feel CASH PA III FOB nteai.Cori.Oab.tlc. Flour doUvvrtHl tn *11 of th« city fr«« ofe*r£«. CaII u«. Oar tto«r «p«ftks foi luair, CAPITAL. ITRGKT, YANKTON. DAKOTA GROCCRICa. BBAIBLE & IHB WHOLESALE MM Koepcotiaumlr oa hand a well aelocted atoek of and Fancy E O E I E S Vl Roch" K- gfy tr ik •Sugar, Coffee, Tea, J* Bynp*. Baron( Hams,^ ,v. SHOULDERS. DRIED BKKF, Maclierel. Hallbat,Klce^ Drt« 4 Llferre*). .- Liverpool, Jul| SI. Bitt»Drrurra—iutet. Wtaier wheat, »M%»Wsd. Hpriag Beloa&H White 96d®»»4d. Olnt »«4d®t0e. Corn, l&tSd •d Goods! Priid, Tobice*, Ciprf, B^eM, Ac. Wm rnap^sf fttlly call tbe 4U*at«Q of «I1 Mcrchaat* to oor atock rd4 pno»« luv« Iia?« lacot£H?cUoB withUroc^Hra •food •oppljr of T«uU| Wigoo ?T Oor^ra, B*w» t*d 4 v-r- Best Wagons in the Territory, -lUaeliSHlere would do welt t« aiawlBT, A ISTWe art agenla for the r- lupaal Pswtfsr €•., Scbulller Wagais, ai«4lc^sik0r Wagais, WmmI'i Hanestur, HeCaraldi Harvester, A«4l ».• ^^C*raa«M IwmI$ BRAMBLE I MINER YANKTON J. uM tor uii lor Aagsat. COaa—Baaler tttyQttK f«f Jaly. y~ JpIy' G. True & Co., TAWTTpM, D. T. y'"* 'W*C VII III# po'fttUr itoiu eo»pe«*4«4 Ikit* S xv 7 iw .• V-V No. 84. EXCELSIOR O fliatl BOOKS Aa4 Faaejr a rt«c«sa ta Um «M. EMdlifht OU-Tha tiKvM DAKOTA CENTRAL •TAOS OO STAGES LEAVt VAMKTOH in ra*t MB*?* 0DB8SA, SCOTLAND, OLIVET, FAJUt MILLTOW*. ROCKPOKT, ROASDALfc -T ruuHmotL, Offlo* at J. O. Edgar'a Limy. Tie lanitk lartm tot /v Xzpraaa Mattar Ovtr MO Ib^latta lCUa Par I00tha.,i I. W. SEAMAN, Fropr. Wynnf Buekwalier Jb C€)*f Cor. 3d St., and Dakota. Yankton, TLJ W We ilkiMll the OetaaralaS Uorkia *M4er tM. THIRD DAKOTA srmxrr. vt «.. A eomtMo^a a«»urt-^en('o'' OrOceiiea kept cun aUatly 'oa baofl aad'aSered Sir eale at wbaleaala and retali. n« af Brarrihlas as Ska U«M frlnw. tr fiKND ic toO P. KOWK^L a £XJ.VH«* loth Kr puapalif of pag^a. coataalif ttata of 1MH aearapapera, aod eatTnaUe ahovtag coat of adverttatag., 44tw1rwar7-«4S -...I ppg.w... Oif.J« ni WMM^MssA- •vm STOVES. v:| •aSICTJLTTnULL BLACK H&mm-M I N W A E SKfe-.". »sS -4*»- .i j» 'S softest I ti I#,/ «M®feKg§| TAJtlTOM A* PBUMikios or$WB i: OiPZTAL RUK, baat suialbta etyl K=*r=- ... *h« •^nprletw a»w ready Crteada aad the pabllt gcaarally. •1 rtxte&r&i* -A id?*' XAaz.a xotraa llewly aratkhed throaghoat, aaJ anaagaS la lb* nyla. la ««aal*e Ma 'A I'MMIa .,