Newspaper Page Text
Us. 11' Zut,: 1 Vol. '-us .- -. t.v-'i fit European InterTentbMI riaa War threatened, •..»»• '{#*,* ''A.- Vanderbitt oa rr-. !$«# -P.£XfoX j±5. fore the WhJsky toiWmlttee. The oal Alo|mkMt pf Con rred to the tom- Refer -nilt^ee Mhlffr«pria tlouH C.iptain Stanton, of the GnicJ aeer Corns, All 'i. '. ••. ... fit ..OJf! Uor. Uondricka.WrlUs hla l«t Uejif l««e|iU»ca.'i''v-V:^ •"=4^ ... v:.l .. -V *18-' it-- J. .3 --. J: »-i'.:-V *-iW i, THIKKVUH NO SI MASON CITT, ™—. jOM»l ST. Lptjia^ ^e "V er, a s'.ate of,J BOSTON, iruiiflo* fltifMl S. fflfiBil IM30^3 rll 'i t*o 11. -1 TTw, ana* 1.1. 2: EGFWtPHIC. 4 O'clock *.'• i/n WAM.t5»-.ill „)T N£w YORK, AW,! X—.ajeail correspondent^ »1 VHeonm hut itic foreign *mb«»uduv terfered and tX&f&r. W'11*1 the present oonduot 9^ t^e o^mpnigji »'v in Servia. several BaVe j|ivea warn mg to the Subljjnri Pp».te^hat tnilcal the present system of enlisting twm teers ai orussders, ags^nat cfcrisiiaai is stopped, European ^Jlitaor totefi ventjoo is iuv*il«bie. As: a ooa»m quence thte Forte hat WtoM that ao inoro voltMtsen b* «aUMfd«galt)al the S^rjriani.'' AiK^li^rt^riv«|KMW^ "etit says Abdal Aboed Witt wM. ^pfh' cept the ikrone ufJoasr iL iasliowa e-sahan1* awiiadr i. ityia^ and on the other haaii:|H jugfrfciTlft'h ol a regency"T ,0' la., Aug. I—The re- ssil khm NATIONAL XONUJfKXT. W ASHINOTON. Aujr. 4.—1 3S1 tiou^J §Mi to the provisions of the aet of oongresa %-ft. recently paased^toohiti^itcc dlecTOom %^'pieiion of the monument. •'mm Nrr*ToKcr*ug •0§pg Vanderbilt't phyaiuiao said last eve ning—'*1 tttink the oemmodore will live until sudden and severe. The commodore -t still lives. 7 jj£ issouat tis.o-th cion in tee Otter- being f£ ville mail robberies, wece taken to '•fi iSedalia yesterday wheveit iaaapemed JHI they will give evidenoie valuable in "ft# bringjttixlfr vMiM9i«lKrth4-()-^Hl ^§'gj and highwaymen'who have been do ing organized work in the state of ^Uftco-.aiaoic PawiWI^ Jnl^.m hist,-in Palmvra, 300 of the oonserv .-w ative catkihVN pjlr^wi \k tac|snA government troops, cryjng "Lave re- lUe conterCTM 7^ ITgion! down with-tlte *go4ternment."' if ii After two hours fighting and 10 men in the direct cable CAPTA** -7t $j •rA r~. fIIO^ilLeY 111K CABLES NKKD PaOTJtCTlON. CHICAGO, Aug. 4.-^8iepat*ies pub lished^ b«fe. .jh»j thfib 1 ji*j. i,: r^ih»«iew Cfc***, and Abo«t t« Honor the , Last Calf. .3': «*-. ... -4 HtAi4*. gtii The IodlaM a# la to Small War Fartto). Attorney (il«n«ral ^iiliantfi lie-lul TANRTO^DAKOTA^ of k|Mvdatinf ihiOh he Iwbljr tired of wrr.aii) are •eekiug &VrCi 4 r.Mfc.-i 5 ift "ftiil. i«.La *1 •, 4«jv. •,'1 A 8^/* tKV iUBtrr*^o, AMD SVICiML '^.^U 4,•»*^TAlt, Jotin^pi domfc*Wo trouble, wit t)t* ,fifeV^rojk« and then hia' own. They le»*e tfcir ieetJ^WlW«iS 6^^ io uitJiH. JL »f .' i-« .W^Mmrotoi^iU '^Cvt WAinujioTan, Aog ^tbT^jjJiiHi^ *6rreiivj committee decided 6 to4» to refxjft iaod feeomraen'l for passage^tbe bill 'p»OTiding: /or ---live- repeal of-the r^sumptipu ^a,u|e of the ^krird section of the »peo*ere*utnption set qf 14 also, tw 4*post y»t%%«nty r^Bal aweadr •npi.i. nf ftihann's juiiit resolution for ttie apoointinent of a commission of 0) the P*? to be reported ttifMgMn IKH »r be fori the 15th of January oeit. The fa»ahK«|Bo6c^ ofM? S^nnftt#j^n iilp resumption repeal bill was secured #can" 0f MScfcigj*P "^id^":*^!,' *H«t stiya hi' wiU Mmr iWrspsal ia tbe hiMse. The vote stood—For, Coi,T fsyne, Godd* S .^OUHO KlSCSLLAVlOira. 'KljMi,T TO THK CONfTITUTl of, nor any paol«»i«Tnda d'laJtfil ba guhj Aug. K*»«Owr. Cheney Mr, Logan reparted froei themili has asked the New Hampshire del- tary oommiflpp fljby&fjfH^g^ijUfbe TSaMSE'W* terfereooe with QSML:jM&t Thia on ^laflnt, reported tdweruTr lie action ta ow inarta »innQ3^3breaks bill to reimburse &a^, Mr. .tlfrHOTcLis ^iln^ pwcwring appowia^^to fort to-d^ lokt no iajmk* l#.. y~ Ifti frani Tarry. GHICAOO, 4 (ran Gw. Tfrj received at G^a. priated. ON. octum ihfcfr dMPKiira«a*OcteUol^f rn &j \t *»a a»ujV1 nti.'ti'l 'jleav.J A- r:*t WILLI AMS BUOaK'THp WUtSKV COM •j a«i nnlaiTO7 oJ 6 anf/ ,&»vt in om|4 pinta* 1 *4 jut10^a the wttsk* %a ao 1 yKtblished in-t nati, |»|^flid^iialttfci(*|ai)Wg»o iftM She was imt the aalher ef oertain anunyroMM' 1effaMtvsWltwr Hraa Ujp ^S*binet on latter*^ fie was (ho pt«aid#K^ an- the subiect this -Bfmij' hot :T^a »•..jj & 1 i»n. .•• .. li' r» .qst '.f j+*n fall Wsewassaii) Tfci sai TWlrent resolution for final ad]p(rn ht on Mondaj committee TlieTcnate'lisisl to 9*2 an killed., t^ tr(6jpps j^uronied. £,jfaKiMjuw*" ^*,71^' myr« *ua other cities of C*uc* are ia u*v,g Ihe finance treasury th en tbe t?fe|«nia ..Tp^iuZial t0' public i. ",en' ni Am ^mpbdet ia.iH li fpr removal, and diroattng Ipwi frm Tarry arr oonatMaitto Maori a X, ary a ooiaaMMaato Aug. 4.—A dispatch punishment of auoh offenses. Ordered 1- .-i •'ivm'SK^r****^W*amtim?."laHHwl'jiv•*».U-- ,STii tI •. "o- SheridMVIiMdqutMA^ibtMMmuii^ Jh**. He»4rlek'« L«U«r of Aceept. ««yw Ml W oowiDfiM p»ov«ment uD the ROM datf.'wlih vwar of j»ne ffoo wii Q«a. Gfook. Thedup^wh lairwr -state* Uwt atwi Iroin tWf.ilithiiOT. IpMitsqitfe tJn^ the.In^iM* mr* breaking ui^o tmatl part»M -tr« Lft«: U. 1^ l^ tp jfWrt aj^iat resolu jinally iatfidnpid b^ Hlatwe, utinn p» tapanting aoaatautiias or pN.hlbltht W^tt thfN^, *od no mOTjcr tfiwibT l|*»tion tt» any •late WwflAiH W^TOclfc^ jkia^fMriAlllMMISli lu tfct th« nmnwilinii «i Si l/wi| hf" for losaca during the war. Indefinitely 'parfpo„e$f£0 HGTDKIH8AW h» ha intereat. ad saport^*.!^ lor the iijS'X, iw? Tqqit "i:4 a tAiiii '%{•. «t a.i letter, INDIANAPOLIS, lod., July 4/76 Oenllemett—1 hare acknowledge the iroefpc oryoar munication in which you have for fjf^llr notified piitrfSby nomination iq toe national convention at St. Leu if* as^tiieu aaa^idate for the office of the United 8tates. -u i* a oora Ination I had neither ex y» M.'mpg*. aize and appreciate the- high honor done me by ice of *ucu bodT. aad prooounc with suoh unusual unanimity and fciooinpetfliMittfftJ *«e W* tx preaaion of esteem and confidence &wht to outweigh all merejy person al deaii a-blf fromU 1.: now aooepi the nomination, and. shall abide the judgment of my 'coun trrmen. It would ha»e been impos sitle,for me toacoep^»he nomiuation if I" coll Id' ti6ls fitejirtily endtfrte Hie platform' of the courention. I atn r-'rr^s^s unoiated in that platform. Tfie" institutions or our country fish and corrupt management of and partial legislation, ererjr in 'd^atry and tntercsrt of, t4i&p<ople bave Known to bq, up«ortby hayp bcenl promoted, whilst others have been aegraded Jot fidelity! to. ofitaiai dutjj Ihe public effice has been made the meaitthuC aVe^og^, s|ml ho ooiiii'- sworn probators oTthe state, amassing "'tunes by 'defrauding the public a*ur_v,e*aty**»*fcpu%: van)! of the peopled In such a crisis oft be history cf.uaruouaauy, I rejoicc Odr affairs, until the oubli fl ofiftoqm o^ wlrti* I tbe ouDiic eonscieuce, shocked by eoOrhtd'oi ^Vhi andf abuses which.pswraiVahaU tiave daasanded ooinpelled an unspariiig reforms tioa of our national aarfkialstration Lo "4^ head, —tf in Itr •emtewrtmreelf CW 0V«Wl(Rtl»|SV wui pHntively trifling matters be "Bade to soope with the«overn Srnaieat for ^In which JW» rHawtitutHbs l» soiflP^Cspects. yikt the pMMHISMSMIfS'lWiliMM a thar.nth^.Jrtf Autlrar,. pf ana party lwartaw haaauhaaa ah*i^5f m. V* tborpugbly eowupl^uaad wusa be *MuWWraf [W« iby t^s ,*.• teetioo of a gwnnwstit aoaipoaed of 'tdementa entirely new and pledged to fadipat saiwnMi Jkr knliitot|fcaf«» ifcrm must evid^itbr by a |eat.o(atioii of a normal operation of the const it u ^on of ihe Uniied BtateaTwCtrai fu I be uHhlMirtn uM OrVeaoiriiie tot of local self government asguar by tlir Sbst be ir^baMbj: Our anaooial a—ieai oi-iaapedients -°,w "t!iu VT are re*I standarda at .value, aad otk national, atwsency will not be a per fect jHMiiamiiiLBSeha^njinlil^ljbaJi be ooovertiblc at the pleasure of the No W 3es(re« to return to'specle payment more earnestly than I do, but I dd 1hr"MW be reached in karmony^vjlii jie interests of the peoole bv ariiacial measure* for theivmmM kltf •note than I believeutb^t Wealth, rnsanont prostwrity can be created UlM il laws of fiaaeee eaaoot be dij- deserves the Q^witfpoiWp^tAH, hiu diatMtrd oiL tbe laws, anc th? QQ«0Ji»r n,! and b.uataeas cotmdeooe, ss well aa kiudcretf^«yid]sfNctt ^fn^iita P°UrT sumfnloir nanle ot the act or tof-v whwi b^jt embarraaaed the country by the anticipation of nompwlaory re pumpttoo, for whioh no preparation !W .i.vj -u ttt'fiqrt «TfJ l$--ifwtt *, Jjl .^rrw 1 la S &**_&& *3 repe* imsM of the' odtrrWry m*y- 't«6 reK^vwd' 0oia hs diabaibit^«iMi{lrpt'esaingtn'' flueaoe,'and that a relets to specie payment* may be fnojlitatetl-by ibr substilgtjait o( a Wj^r a.'d mo^ pr^ deal IrfifilAt won. Which spiul maiDTj ftly ou Xiie'iudiulous svftfcmi'&(* blife lic econoifates I«/3 TbmSfsV^tVetid!^ ments, intf Ibove' ill cfrt rtHe rea.'kria5 (1.ere gtould^TsTO ^fn I aricci p\it iH' tfo!^aS'''if thW of speciW''^ymfe«t#. A4"rtilclk*,hii^fHZi'fM dr.uoes, a«y« tbe.^larfora..ePihe St. been -fr^belit" 'Iht^iWe^t&lii aUtform.' 'It (rirfy1 "'siy* 1 bnt 'ytiahy' rtWuPtries bate bfeen lhl^WWl8tied ttt subsidiaaa few.'. -1 ii Our ooiiHBeroe haa beeo- degraded to an M»fvrk|r„poaittoiv.,!oik.iibet tu^ii i^eas manujkctur%i b*v« b$#n Uiiiiiu islicd agriculture has been .emb*r--. rassed and the distress of the iiiduH .—cWiit^s 4lie*V' tliiiig-i sbkll be'retormed. The btirdeVis uf the people must also be lii{htietitd by a great change iti 'our gysietn of pab lie expenses, 'profligate etpeiidittii'bi which havii inCreasM 'the''taxation rom per capita in '0Q| Jo 1X8 itv 7$, tells its own fttoryu(j|£ "our need o* a fiscal reform. Our treaties wiib foregu powers should also be rpvi{t'd and ameiided in so fat* as they Jeave citizens of foreign birth in sriy pa'rtid ular, less severe: Iti arty country oh the earth ttiati they would'Se If they If ad been 1brii -*tpon our owri twlj itid Att iniquitous ooolie^ 8jrs(era, ^hicli 'rwough liaeagency of ^ruaithy torn niea itnpor»#(UUM»e«e ba»duM!|i and tablHh^JPO^ ^.i^W.i a»»«4, #Mrs *M«J,Wt.Wftris, pC, on our Pacific coast should be ufturjy abolished to tte'5 i^fofmi, of o.uf'"civil* serf f6ei'1 'I "hearttl^ jeii'dbrse 'i tint section of the platform wli'Wh d^Slartiti ibat tW cfvfl'yerWItf^ obgtii'ttf be ktrt jeot1 lb a ohange -at ttVery ^lroflon^ and that itOutghtr to^M^inade v'br^r reward of tin party eealf but it opgba to bc awar4ed f'r. a prateducuinper. UtM)y ,a«4 ,belfl, fp?Adt»Uty^o ^o.pwl} lie employ: ,^qp«. tieir^ ,^gsjt» jty, tbt| .crijjil a^d rqqiyajeles§ prflT. wripCib&forip^litjeal opijnipnf .'jynjch hy 'diSgriifed the 'allininutratiou. of the list el^ht'yWrS.I' sni^ gefitle o#n,your obedlfcrft^serVafit •J :T»ioai A. HKJ»i»McKH. To Honr. J« A. MdL^eraaad^clttiirnian, -^fluid otiiet* of the oomwittee ot, tiie national democratic co^ve^i^n,., c«uat to iHtraiM S«i» .lB ^•i»jfqr «u»cilp lo .,1'nt.yr. BOitNUAH, *.!». (lti-. I /(Ml r. rnilef_ffciri!«'ii tffi Iwokta ar«nc* bfflc« l31B iKt COMMISSION MBSCZANT. THIRD 81'RBKT, .Aj'A'd bMww i-XiH-fi nw» J* •i *W UltDAY MORNING«-AUGFSX _ii"a'"natdril tajSer'ttt (fiti of fMltootat iSilrj' ni*f"bie Restoredhe'tHls 1 "J^bmb- Aion' prbBperilf' ^^y*allilbdli#^^^e8.• 1 do t»»tui»4erst*i«f th»fepba*ibfubai rvjiupiptkmclause of the ae^of "Ti to be, m^kmrnnim^ TBi .mtf'xam nvnftinwr^ **kl ..Mi. •4^ W spoci* payjowMb! Ow a lalse .step, ,^4 4»hq^.^.j(?pMli may^fo^ a^ifn.e b^ y^V.VUf, \i Kheum»il»iu. wr noOihe. St. r'-4WV-'trtii wnrt 4» "MfCa* nil)^ 1 Loois- cbutuntum, .wei.dofiouna ttie til vv«itir»n». WenrWirif -bb Pestunpt ioii ojauSe .of ih«.«flt I? and doo»|Ml-ilSrrope.aI^.,, :, thoroughly, ueuev?.tJi^,i^l%W4i.»*a'Mcktifiai. .pu,o l( lie ecoaonpy, ^l^j. ^|re«fifimeutft,*', rt'ujihiliAlinj!, unci norr qr ^e«k .- .1$ inj, Hud Borr qr weak •6uWwr-tit«nte lli KJUnt*j tliMjA^» sible, w'irtiout11 ^rrtdu,!fyi^"",kftiJc5ali!S v^l', t- ..i s» scarcity 6f fetorretkst or dist hrbitfg trie mihKn ^nri-inatr rik»Kjri'n'fnmtJl U. public ci^fdit, iind- that 1h«6«r'njfortn* rogetker 'witfi the' restoration •of a pune gavernment j, will ii'wtore^cliflrfti: a a cest u»em ,ipf ,,papH*l/&W<».'«9|»,|ei»i(ility•. meot tp.labor and relieva.the cpuftiry from paralytis of frafpi* times .yr11 ii tlic :",»9ui«."£*taau«V'C»x'»sb. i'usir».Uvj""v JtomtenijrMb it 'Mib* vi«j #ntf ol2»n«t!o( atn^cDnii^ ,») 0V ttt ..•_ ft: VSAO, NWRT^DC«Y*F TOJI||(I'VUFFA tatol Ufc'H t,-r! Utm I! luXX .5 VMtt *lill lK'tHl!. Sll 60'J, 41 A'i'KAISER, •••^'WK^'HrtlTort bF THK' a XAGLX SOTTS22, ti tfi« tr CAPITAL STSEIT,' N^wly u/ol-hrl brmigbont, Ann arrangcU lathe «i •.•• ntn poraiUUiaiyK*. It* now-fwlf lo-r-ft lvc hlg MffndeAnd.tb* ^abllc^imtTHJl/. tl f* i«.' -L iimi —a**" •fW* GEO. "W. BMlTH, 'f jV-u't 3p»!t 11 I (9a^Na«POr BW9V? .'• ,'.M .us .,. {lit.t'iUdT -i-v ,».u ••••j* *4*l(Vtttii hfts TO HA ^OOSH^OA R»»-- -d !'Tj !M-.f. ftj IMIUU— ffripimpii .'IniM: CO^i so* jtovrtdwV.-'^.'v-jC Jl "tV w1^Tn ^Bi'WiiHlWHhn prf' 7 W O W ^op^rter it tbd laat aei»#lon oi the t' •, f, OlltAlitAMKiUOAX HitJXHJOTJfeKAilt. Unrai nip«i»^n Irtigi SO t»Hai dlwK untSAcr *1,016 For C«M itiuj canqol curu. Tboj euiulut t! uU ''J rrofta and jjpt^i ciau lamy_ n'. TU-»« ja»oer^». caaManarWw»li...*Jr#«r» Ulod 7 aull, Ki»min»llon Vic^nl Iroe. Thcu^itnl A »«J,a ^HC W1 iv r* -AND« jtf .Jtt YANKTON .-.r-vl ::i SH^rOT^WASHABAJJGI Attorneys at Law YANKTON, D. T.- K$*f -ZSkFT **. if*' 4 -S SErateMi1 Vki,:§i+X*ft jwbi fr* wrrrr wr wtiwpyr+mnm +4) A* .v twr— AOaaCfe* Tcca,.'OHi«Uf*tlpa«4atiuBa»ttans,'*^-'»i SS orn»t». Warm 2A A Ltytnii CoUi,or Tuvitjluff tf Inlant "it a N S ji^tluutths, r.old», ^fVtttt|UIS Ixj'r'iti" i»-' 4 8 N-ur»lai», i^WdhKN^M^ ti.-«dachri., McrwesasnwrrwroiK^ I f5i .. .••-• AI^D 9«3 V' ^JtOHKlUM ilTW-l .. itud »IJhiiI^ ""•!«.u i' i! W W W 1 3 A W ia?JJtiti J* i'u-: .( ui iU 11 if •mlii BL4CKJIL1IES iTTKNTHlS r.r «f 3W ^•••••. Jt !o V» & »?*. *•$. al' :i wIJJl c~t a n*a4}(ua^ t'Sv in»o i» fi) So 4"*« *. tu 4* 1 P.uroikln nil iltuj^tcU. n:i03^owAw 1 jjKi si'(p pFltltf."1 rd i'*« ,* THK in Cs.uusmith, i||fljU|!,iti\^»iftaas,*lw»1 g«ni.'t*br'»W11.AVttl* I iL* UJ *.i'tFi pinj5RHysjai,.. Watthaater Js*elEf. Rtli! is** .«•*w*]f»l• .• .: ur« x. A (i ti' t'lrtwi* wirnrVf'H(inm V^atclics, Clocks .Je^Jr^ IflMitrfd iiMOTi'no^fclj. f' '1' in i-i/.-/tlsJi'it A ml'Warrantwt frr)W(. Veaf. '. 1 •. .. U\ 'i 1 u. 1 «in f«r llA ter »*»**, I UTTT'WHI 1 'St K-V-JUlV i, I Tiff -i^.yviyyr'j ^.aa«i!K«4»Pa.Ub^ I'illlKatlll'i II •MHj -J.'.: im*. .•* a Ml:"': ',u? -'.^ifet AKl^WB' 'Ht# 1VK db ^'gMVairf'KW&tSMiWi' 1' tiki iil H»MK1 Broad w"i•' ruwf, \mm.iie O N O A W A (u#\ll r'.. "fwfxitf f«*TW rip«rirait*,- K»U»«f»dUo«.p*«raii. twil'ot fpiqisi i(^noi^ ». I M| j. |J1fOmi»M»—i a bOHu». ~iy ^vrnta" waiitrd. C7*T"St THL'K a CO., AU|MI 4**irmarl-*«t tenu (M. -t "rtr?S ^"l.---. .,,.•• "V: I Cfe *WBr*Gr-t at WiVBtiV ••f'TtH'i- a No. 88* ao»imx*tfiui ll«j /M •. flji ii i«E i" 1 ft i"M til ..Wholesale and Daatanta FARM *A®nfBRT nw, an, ita, tin. u., .*&4" VWiT&liNrJ&znk W, YANCSUMJ^ II1 OtfiOffiii Dew tit's. jfiQook^ VA^KTOS, "Ij .... \mr r,. I l.l 1 Ms CITY '.'• »H« W». Whw U.WW,./ B9 Jm fbt'nu rcuictiititf »ru aviil UT Jbc cttacui rec:'W.?f jjti. "•W KKUiCTNK CO., -fi .• "#VvV T* k. ?i 4^ iH:.'• ii/4 u- •AHOT4, .••*»,* iTidl^2&, bAREY. T« Jll/! .11 poq .«.fc «T. CHAWLfMITOTKL, 0*m«r atad VA?FKTON, fi *1 S' .. Ctlt3 "53"T" -A •x \i .sijrtm' rr iU,*S. ,«M' u-'ir-i/'v a ii !^st? I kiii^W .bo*vt «ifc* A3* a »,( a but,- seaiaeof thaFoot It ,r\ Jul WAKW^^)^t)rt CMfia *^j:l«r,l!(«.' xrA&ortjL. a. -K-'i jtoaa, r• IftWVNL 'i .- "Ol-aAi ruaMLM|i trixv Thli Hoo* Im rtltiad ikmiiitMf cotnmerclal ir.T«Ur«, ffrtfwt ... S»B -isi-w H. *. ctru^uia. aw^iSftSla1!* From aa* 1*4 i. .... li 4 J.4 OEBTB I Un n\ t. »ii U'« I-. ..,.. ..« lu l.l ml t«ll HI .l»*»«»»#l| I THIRD iSL A "fA*' cutii&aa iS, ii tfcad fit. tilaC* ot Ai«jninUUul. U' a^rfiuii. (Pwckrl nud Tiittt fBtletj'i' l'liWtoil nyMH^.Aw. ,i«,u iu.i AG^IUW uir tU'v JCPOR '«ifm« yfrt? nrtt 'f*t \.3«* Hi a )t? ii HI r..-^ r'mI v" "ui sm ,Ki -. .yN(^.:^M«Wi'tU YAir (, T®R, I,U rjia I A 7/M *90 *UI lu i-m .«( '1 Uf pnmped by pari* itHih ittmipt,. It rou do not *ac tbe vrAgoa, laa«a oriot* ^Ubawa'a rnit Sture. in- fcurtft-in pi »t »tf«. AtfCTIOMCfIH nit ry Q**T?- \uX Why r^H rofl luur mp44x vatw ptoa jpi tM HOd \K*«Ufttl \h+ Vtia (3lWa in *p Red ami Black fviUcjen awuv. f.. fc'* 1 coaKKB or tr«* 'fiiroiidwiiy and S(l Stirtoet, l^H {Merchant* HolaJ !-'Ufc I l\ A. SCHANQ£INi '#-*f --I ffuoicAM Amp navfiti/ DUIM a y'Uf 1 OJ viif ill ••«•*•». *i j*5^.--Vaai -Fixtiuraa.. ... ...... .,,i. wit stun® ..' t.iiU»»»Mriijr« (1M ,-jpw w»?^a«.*wi .. ankfr. by ®«ll IWMpMr A.3CHAKJEII .. |s wS20,r^.,'iJSnulVttMra'!i0«:.^ purllaoi MIIIM. 1 -f' f-t V.- vf MwiviaarT ««k ""TT