Newspaper Page Text
73.^1^2 3t-W 1 W:£l DAILY. YANKTON, DAKOTA, Wednesday Xoraiaf. Anf. 30, 18*6- The Daily Prew and D&kot&lan y' poblt«h»d ••. BVKBY MORXINU, EXCEPTING MONDAYS. Taaaa ov aeaaoan-rtes }.'•* Per week. t# centf per month, |1 per year, $1» omr« on TMrd betwn a Broadway and C'rdar Duff ark'* block. BoWB.N A KINCiSBVRT, Ptj-WUherf. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOB PRKSLDEXT, E O A E S 11 Of Ohio. W .. Ifc, W I I A A W E E E or **w vobk. Republiean Territorial Tieket. Fos Diuoatit*CoMtui, N 1 O Of Clay Coanlj. C££ Ton ScrKanmaCixT or Fob Ikkkikxtiox. FRED. J. CROSS, a Of •tnackatia. Poa CoanMioim or ImnoaATiox, JAMES HOLKS ~i, or Caw. Sennnmimtii^fuiuc tnTtmrieii, W. E. CATOM, Of Datoa. Koa TaaanoaiAL Auoiroa. JOHN 8. SANDS, .: Of Llaeola. VoaTcaaiTOBiAt-TaiAsuaaa,. E. A. SHERMAN, "1, Of HlnochAhm. Commodore Vanderbilt has not yet re covered h-om his late attack, but is con sidered on the mend. The Methodist Episcopal church, "north and south," is inora, It Is united, reconciled, peaceful. (Jen. Butler*. Chaooee for the nomina tion for eoogreea are improving. Lowell has risen as o«e Bur ind demands that he be the mas. Carl Scbart collapsed badly in Cleve land in his tfbrt to vbdictle himself. The whole effort wa* to prove that Ouv ernor TUdee, one of the ablestaodsound eet ef living ftaaaciers, is a soft money man.—[Otnrh* Herald. No question but that Tildes is finan cier. The New York Times expose of the way he paid hia inoome Ux proves it beyond dlapote. in *8J General Sherman is said to place no confidence In the reports of an Indian battle, ife has gfreet faith In' the effica cy of General Yiles1 petrel of the Yel lowstone,' to prevent the Sioux from crossing, and says the officers and men are doing splendidly. Every reliance must be put La their excellent judgment and greet experieooe. They will* do the best that can be done. He ia perfectly satisfied and pleased. Sitting Bull must be punished, and not merely let off by surrendering. '. Gov. T. Hendricks: "Organiaations may be broken and pas* away, but de mocracy canao^dsei It is endowed with the immortality of truth and right. Whenever, in all lands, men aapire to higher, freer, better .governments, and purer liberty, wherever there is the sen timent th«t government wee made fur man, and notaaaa for government, there is the spirit of deasooracy that will en dure, and yet achieve man's enfranchise ment and elevetie«." In proof of which we note the demo cratic rebellion for the preservation of American slavery the more recent ef forts ol the democratie InflrTn* thtf txte election in Alabsma, and the Hamburg massacreii The Daket* EertldMtf JvdreKiddtr The Dakota Herald—a first rate jour, nal of the demoesmtio persoaaion—is the only Tllden pap#r fn sovtbern Dakota. It is a good newsptper, biim fall in terest—attractive in every respect, and reliable in its political notions. Bat as the representative journal of Da kota democracy, whet it hae to say on political matters will be read with Inter est, and also with profit if the reader re fuse* to be guided by it. In the Herald of the eetfa we tlnd the democratic view of the action of tbe late republican convention, and its standard bearer, Judge Kidder. After announc ing in its own way the fact of 1 he Judge's nomination the Herald proceeds to State: ..i_ "It Might teem aimoet snperfiooes for Bs to aey 1 won ia reference te the Judge, as he has been a reeident of the A I. 'H £. 'territory for vears, and well knnvrn. Put, for the benefit.of those -wh+t—have not.fnrmed hia acquaiiitanug, tn will nay that he is a man uf j^ood literary attain ment, socially all ihwt«cuuld tie desired, and a gentlemiu." This enntnerstion of, the g™d qualities! truthful, and it may not^ be out of plsctf! for the Phks#,'in iHshalf' of the .1 adgt*'a thanks for the worda so generously ftud miles truthfully upoken.-- And yet, in the face of this ingenuous admiwiou onr contem porary gay#: "But,, withal, the Wurald will oppose him, and our j»ruiulN for so doiuir dre .thewr: Firstly, on political grounds. ry should be in perfect'political woord with tim admiiiistrutiun We are constrained to put in a here.- The Herald hat confidence in Til- trom -l—,J The Phem sought to impress this belief od ft' i{fj^ FOH VICK PRESIDENT, the minds of the Herald and Its read ers during Armstrong's campaigns, but We shall await further comments from our neighbor with^ome impatience. We, are anxious to learn something of Kid' der's inefficiency, and as the ileia,ld koatb rTerry's A 00rres Herald wit in Augustquite welcome, though but a, few hours before we had been ex- posed to sunstroke weather. ,.. A SCAita. A day or two after, Terry's com mand experienced a sensation, which is tkat rMstiid: riot necenRary in this connection to grire) a. jn- of this dav, when we were star ihe reasons fur the faith witliiii ur—wky wiui uio AuminJ»LTiinun. i: with tiie aUtniai&trution.' 1 Suddenly, whHs standing around a fire at a temporary baiting place, we were started toy a-qiltok Succession of unearthly yells, and soon alter a han,d of throws, painted1 hideously, burst into camp at full gallop. They report "heap Sioux*' coining toward^ us—r more Sioux than they bad evei* seen beJers- 'Xhjs jiur Juri^^ ejtpre«-_ sed olearlj. in language showing bs the Sioux mounted ,and ootntug to cut our throats. The interpreter soon" den'a election,, and believe, the delegate Brisbin, and Lieutenant Low's battery l-- we were then informed that the political "an'8» 9pnM|aence whatever. That a man oi good social qualities, and a gentleman, with iaduatry, was ef far more import ance than a politician. The Herald con cedes the gentlemen and sociability to the republican candidate, and everv one knows that he has energy and persever ance. Again, notwithstanding the Iler- aid has the utmost confidence in the Prtvei election of Tilden, thore are many-who do not share its sentiments. In fsctjtbe probabilities are that Judge Kidder's po litical views will be in full accord with the next administration under President Hayes. The Herald concludes its article by sounding the key note of Its opposition to Kidder, and promising-to pay its re spects to the ticket in future, as follows: "Secondly, we allege that Judge Kid der, as a,delegate, is comparativolv in-: efficient. This is not an unfounded al legation, but so patent that even the most common observer is] cognizant of the tact. We could give ample proof of this charge did we feel so disposed^ but prefer to take these matters up hereafter, when there will be ample time and space in which to discuss them at length. Whatever we may henceforth say on this subject shalt be done in sincerity, ear nestly, and we hope in that gentlemanly spirit with which a political enemy slaughtered without the power of de should always bo opposed. Of the whole fending themselves. republican territorial ticket, -I hereafter speak at luagth, or as stances may dictate." indent of the New Yprk command sends to that paper a very exhaustive and .once arose and interesting account of the eveuts [jnyestigation. transpiring iii the Jndlan country. ainoe the last of Speaking of the temperature, he says: The march from the mouth of the Rosebud creek up tbe Rosebud val ley to the point where we met Genera) Crook's column tried the mettle of tbe infantry severely. The heat was over^iwenng, ranging front 109 in the shade to 123 in the aun. The foot soldiers acting as flankci* !o the column were obliged to sit sometimes for an hour the sun perched 011 the aides of treeless hills without even a leaf to cover tbem, and it is wonderful that numbers of them weiet Pr*ncb "me,! after arrived a'nd confirmed us in our' tnterprelatiofla of the ludian stgn lan-S a fa be political and personal friends to tender night Hficr a march of some nine from our first halting place. -and we lay down half in hope, half in fear, of meeting the Sioux warriors en the morrow,,, political accord With the administration, up, and the companies of the 5th in-j** ufph*Kr" of lhe 7nr+- guage'. Two companies cavalry under Oupt. French and kieut. De ltudto were sent forward I ,0 W°rt tl*tcouis ... ,... ..J, whi U: I ho colurrfn wu closed up **i I ronilhlM«n TIAnnhAM W FvanV an.l tbft republican iionrtuee frank in c*f thl! ditBcil ,t niliure 11! Some four miles we shall fr0m tl»e point where we formed the circuui- j]jne af battle Gen. Crook was found encamped. ... cao "give ample proof Of this charge" we shall not be kept long in ignorance. In dismissing this subject for to-day, with the thought of aa uumcuHT uel- paramount in onr mind, we are remind onr reepeeted con- temporary lhat "thoee who live in elass houses should nofWrow rtonei." he preached before he came here." .. ".. The Slonx War. 'Win Of till-' .ground Would permit. This proved \oM,iu. KFfictKST alarm, and we camped fur the Reveille sounded at three a. in., and about an hour and a half later the looluinn began its march. Nothing of It is ioonseqiM'noe occurred before about li ,|eil by a isinui'ltaneotw ru«h of the We shall Oppose rcpublicani^n-, aa »p-y'r..„., rmi, „n ui uiipvn, olied to uartv for «r»- oUui.niM ]Oint8, utteriug Su^pruiMrO, or wilnml perijd», P' to party, ior uiese are 11 8i,me Biuvercij iH.iicYe in inp uociruien ii me rli.i.m )5 Kbeam(uUm, Knoumadc parn* great democratic party, and shall ron- 0,1 t,JC ajstant their unearthlv scream* whili nr il,f Wtiu», t«w profomc ierio^«, rrcra a democratic stand poiui, we nilwt i«ilts at ttie oruop,"(Jvii'j diShiaH br«»,.Ung, sineerel* believe In the doctrinea of ihe m«nient figures were discovered Kh«am, erjritpelM, emptions, dIuHh. By general sclentiously wage war agniiist everything! Consent these were pronounced Sioux. |blind or bieeiiing, opposing the same. We have aliso tliejThe troops were immediately formed I i»rawrt^iS?orSJottlOnanJum•»" utmost confidence in the eltfctbm-of- Til- in line Of battle, and the scene sudden- WaooptaK cua«h, vtoleat a»uKh», a a a a a most good, the dtlq ate from tlve ternto-1 illt|nr .i1( 7.. Jt?p° e, der VV eir, formed a mounted 11 6ktraiJbh IlllC »t full gallop, aided by i» Kidnc grmvttj, I ill.- 1* ft 1 I XT A liaahiUt •n. I the second cavalry, drawn up in col umn on their (lank, under General under Colonel Moore, and 22nd, under C'olooel Otis, were extended along tht a'^ predilections of a delegate were ol no P°rU- ?or /cw momenU all 4 exrcctation moved in the rear as sup Asr 10 was and anxiety. 3 A single horseman advanced from the timber and there was a muttered exclamation from many mouths/'there they come.'' we strained our oars for the report of the first gun the horseman advanoed toward the skir mishers making signs of friendship aud was allowed to approach. It k® the scout, better tiowh as Buffalo Bill, dressed in the magnificctioe of border fashipn. He announced that we were in front of Gen. Orook's command and might put off all bloody thoughts for that day. The column then resumed its march. 1 It is worthy of note that, though not a shot was fired, Colonel Woir's battalion of the 7th cavalry had 12 men dismounted in tlie gallop to lorm the skirmish line, and two men of one company had thoir legs broken. This result is in part due to the system of sending raw recruits", who have per haps, never ridden twenty miles in their lives, into active service to fight the best horsemen in the world, and also to the furnishing the cavalry young, unbroken horses, whicb be come unmanageable soon as a shot is fired. Sending raw recruits and uutrained horses to fight mounted lu d'tans is simply sending soldiers to be "How do you like your new minis ter, Madge?" asked one very stylishly dressed young lady of another, in- a Highland-oar the other day. "Oh, he is just splendid," she replied with animation. "You-ought" to see him, Maud. He is so handsome, and he prays so beautifully, and reads the hymns in such a lovely way and be a a a a nbout him in lbe place w()ere A public official was at dinner in Worcester, when the hostess said to him, "It isn't possible that I negled ted to give yoil a spoon." lie at $1 offered his pockets for bowbry.n.y. To whiTni' wa# awarded the pre mium tocdal Tor the beat 1318 not prostrated by heat during the march. D-uring the night the tem pera turo suddenly ohanged, tho beat of the day being followed by a heavy downpour ol rpiu. The temperature oontiuued to fall, and next day stood 51 degrees in the shade, difference !. of degrees withiu twenty-fourl hours. So bitter was the oold ^hat'u..' i. the soldiers lighted fires whenever- 1111(1 3(1 StTOCt* thi column came to halt, and officers and men stood rouud and fouiid a fire 1 KJjwUc Truaa «ad Supporter at the laat aeaalon ol the OKKAT AMERICAN INSTTTUTK FAIR, Uarrt rupture In front W to !*0 davi»r and dffer .t*«0 for-a ea«e they canaot enre. liivy^mploj Mrtt (las* LA ft 1" 8UR0K0X. Termi mooerate. Cane* guaranteed. Order# filled ky* mAil. KjcAoiioAtloo treo. The usual dl»ct.»uut to patron*.- Send 16c«nt« for dofcrlp tire lxK»k to J'rol. W. H. BURNI! AM. M. Dv Ch^ef Surgeon. ch»eum-8i.. Philadelphia, Pa. (Lamp •Sfl COKKKB OP (Merchants Hotel DuildincJ ff V »••ult-i-: A. SCHANOEIN, Proprietor. WIIOLKAALS AND UETAIL DEALICH IH Lamps Fixtures.t A11 orders by mail promptly att^nddf,to. A. SOEANDEIN mwsi-dlr ir ••bf.-.'st*:* fib c- f1*V AUKTOft.DAKOTA. THE £ILD POWIS CURES I70ME0P4TIHU (PEOFICI letn in gtiural utt /Or tttwtfy ftdrt. tCvr$~ praptd tkt tMx/t Udfe. HlMPLiC. XGOlf- M«Hcin*i tnown. Tkry anjutt what tht ptopU teatU, taring timt and mon*f, averting tiekiuu and ufiring. Back tingle tjnci/c I At wtU tritd jitrtcrtjXwn oj an ntnl jtht/tlcian.. Fever*, Ooil!«tl( alion, InflamroHltni*, 't Worms. Aurui l^.Vvr, Worm Otti a:, 3 L*rjri«jj Colic, or uf Infant# 4 Diarrhu-ii. of cM'rtren or iutnll» 5 IlyiMMttury, Ur |)lnj. Iil4,itin colic .C ClioittniMfb. -. Vomiting, j-' 7 Uonghii, oroncbltia, 8 Mcnu'-' ii, tooihuciie, (acvactie, IK'jdscti :., Mck hoalvh^x.' vcitlgo, lo Oxpj9'.«ta. ti :iouj -twutcti K„vt.r and r,„_„i.„ 4 :aa ^iuukk itguc, ckUd fevar*. Hervout debility. aeiulBitl w«akne»e or in volantary diacbargat, 'Hi Sore moulli, caokcr, I -1 uos. The trains were closed i" niacaaa oi bear*, paipuatiobi jtc.. ,Pulcerated *',nr' fantry, under Gen. MHe«r~ttnr€Tii -A6Cfe'wtteo,,,^,t,',a"maA FAUIUT OAbHB. L'uc, Morocco wllb large rlali and manual of directum* Sit 0" Office and Dopol. No. Set, Broadway, 'IIKW YORlt. For i»alc by ail drtifgluU. BRICK HOUSES Cheaper than Frame. Save Your Insurance Money. August Kunze, BOOKMAKER and BUILDEB, WILL eorrmAor To butld Rrtck Mooee* at aa 1owj prioo aa Frame S i\** cau COD#tr acted ~fc Pall oo him and he will aalUfy .you how ran be do Eagle House, Capital Street, tBetween 9d and 3d. mavls tf RICHEY, DIX 4 CO., opalera tn HARDWARE, STOVES, And Mannfacturers of Tinware, Mining: Goods 1 :j~$- Triumph Truss Co., aa-a ...— °f every d^seriptton. Agents for the Celebrated Otse go Forks. It lfillEY & DIX, Hawycr'» block Third St.. Yankton, Dakota. mar diHpff 1026,f=102C. 1026. PaiNCiPAIAA-. FINE WOOL SHEEP, "7 i' covrttrBiwa S Will be Sold In Lots to Suit Parchaaera. Apply lo /.=* W. P. ELLISON, anf4rdWAw1* Merchant* Hotel, nit),' QKtfD Jfte'io O. P. ROWBtt^kCO., Sew TerS for PMipblat of too PMr«, ewia»ln| Uata of 1U*» ne«*p»Mn, anS eaUDatea bowla( coat of IkdvertlalDg. Mtwlfmsd-wSS 4 "wJfc-.. te#' DEALER8 1N| Wfttchee. Clock*, Jew in- C«Al** 26 I I to & 36 4 'Jft *gn*. a Scrofuifc onli.rge.t gland,, rwclli„K«, cavalry, un- ,Jen,„, JebIUlT, p^d ,we*kne*,'. «uij builitiu^ -Yaiikfon I iwi •A, H-., s. so, 6u! wrtuoi, a aea »»c»cocs« frum riding 60 1 ool uo MUU A PnrUj and O. W. Vaod«rhule A Co., AueulK ot Yaokluo. uattJeowAirly SO I 1 ue, 8''»or* c"v ilphtherla, tirfiai, Oaie. morooca,, of So largv vtaia and book,.. S 00 OCTbeM remedied are aent by ibe caae or atngle box to any pan of the country, Free of charge, on receipt 01 price, Aildrem S HUMPHREY'S HOMK'JPATHIC 50: se A. KAISER, PROPRIETOR OF Tn* I A S O S E CAPITAL STBEET, IS4 Newly farnlhhcd throngbont, and arranged In the beat poraibl* »lyle. The proprietor la trienda and tho public generally attached Id now ready to receive hia (iood ttabllng aiig'tMlin the place. r«. VAUkaiUif u4 VmU/ ud Tn*pij B«i Ilarlng haiJ-Nlnel^pq T«4r*' Elperfoiico to.ltiu Bnlocn! we ans enable* 10 Guarantee Satisfaction In all.lif Br»ntUi-» t,«r- O It O O J) 'S I are'all of the' l::V PUREST and FINEST^ Maturlil^mod in us hot' pcllor'to anything In t!t« iM-fcir* offwrcil- «o liw pinplc «f Yanlctun. riurd »l„ near Pom-Office. Dakota. DHUQS. EXCELSIOR tVMS MKI11CI.NK 00., Run, TAXirSX. DR9GS ill the popular medicine* of tbe day. Pretcrlp iiom compounded by experienced phknncaru ttat^ Plnci»t afaortm^nt of BOOKS Aad fancy Article* in thb Weat. Headlight Oil- -The Bast in SCarket ttau£9 CITY -fiV s-•" ^xUiilAlve repntring dnpartmrnt la umne«te 1 1 with our elabllahment. SHOP. ••J'i ,• The nnderalfnied wlahea to mnnoance lit at ho in charge of vbe Hoge Company bhop, and prepared to do wort of U! dcaeripUofii. A&y •. •. V* 5. Disease of the Foot \W I iO sAl WARHLANTBD TO DK CURED, JOHN CAREY. jimc^A-drf BLACK HILLSES ATTENTION WAGNER BRO'S r»irtT*t*Ttp«« or Twa Yankton Oiinsniith Shop Whoieaale aiyl Heia',1 Dealen -SUt Gait, RIM, JUTQlfOV Buu And alt klnda o( Amaoanltion. Packet aa4l Tafel* Ciliary, Flaklni Tackle, ttm. Ageota for I he VICTOH BKWINO MACHINB for Ibe ctl* of Yankton al»o Avr. nta for lbe XaAFlJH BAND POWOIK Co Store and Repaij Shop on Bi-eadway, near Tlilrsl Street VINKTON. D. T. ^PBIB Jtc ., s, 4t» A-r? r& COTSWOLDS,! FRENCH MERINO, LESTEHi ntt nun, & SOUTHDOWNS Th^a^ «h«*p w»r« rmia«d la climate frtmtUr to UakotA. Wlaoon»ln la a r" fr' -V1- A LUEUKE, WJtS* -l Dealerr 'tti Hides, Furs, Leather rnrunros. awd y:, TAOTWS, #, r. It Stopped the Cough and Saved thfe Child. v" We bare NMra W ^eaaioa to try lbe rlf tne of Hale'« Qoalkk CoerdUl In oar XamUy. A Uuk ion, atck wUh tbe preralhng ferer. waa 4 1—*— aitHcl«Awttli the npat *Utree#U*-ce«fh eav« htm rlMt, algbt or day. W«ha falUi ta "p*u»tn mwlteinee, and aeidotn Vj tlwa bat taaetMiag h*4- wbicb iare iitlk on Back Uj Um« WMi^cb be 4one,_aa to be 4om. eoaataal Mcotrery.. We. ae' eorOogly protufree a bottM or the Cordial front a tmU(«of jest atatt .then waaee tte o»aaa kit, Utbl»l»aWri leer what tbe niMtdae will So, ftejrrewth la ^opaUrtly*• aot be weaiauil at jSawtofrMi-y aadwanaateSTbe WIsS Fantr. 1 a a tew at *o~«- Asaam • OntSt lil.r n\ 1 L,V% 1 Fire arid Burglar-Proof safes VAULT DOORS BANK ^fliOCKS Alwam In tVOCIL, M. A, BIQF0RD, Oeperal Agent. Minnesota -f'i j/ "i- ,-- I:'. St i* ,r* f* Dakota, amd 3,? BrttiBh rf P6B86SS16HS & 5*4"" j, it 'i is Office & Wareroonts ni 46 Jaoksor St. ST. VA€h, •INN. REAL ESTATE iUi-. A mi*. 1 tat* Khi tbeeity ai YANKTON Si* 'i# FOB SALE OR Td JKNT. Send fur map of Yankton county, wtlh lbe le Hon of farina. O. P. HAOE, ic ji'tl' FURNITURE A J. R. Whoieaale and RaUil 'y!i i^r 7-«p A ^4-- A v. A WARD, Yankton, D. T. TJf DKAt.BR IM" Staple Fancy Groceries, OROOKEiYll ^OIASSWAR i'Mm* fniHD JTItEETv VANK-Ton. *. DmMt ta FURNITUftE, MAHRESSES, Dewltjt'a Block,' Goods, Undertaker's poods, YAJ9XTON. S4&0TA. ATTOIWeYB* ^:r~.. fi. HARRIS. Attoney-at-Law I Real Estate Ait, YiRKTMk 9AM0TA.' Saa Ae only eemplete abetneta.of title ta Hank toe eonnty, OAce—Btoe**» J^ledt^^Chgrttal »tre«t, rora«r of- N ,i i- 1*,1, -.^1