Newspaper Page Text
ffitss and jlalkofaian DAILY. YANKTOK. .DAKOTA. Sift Saturday MorniEg, Sept The souri valley rl*iug east" lowed llullIDg III all Hughes, and 9, 1876 W.eanh-r To-Piii WASHINGTON, Sept. N.— PMLM. Tor tb I'ppcr Mississippi and I^'wer twromcur, winds, by clearing Wild jswae were teu'ay moriiing. north and ."cooler iir (airily weulber Ulltl ll.-joHUlt. KrtjtU oytten. wrved in I'0M,fflee yeeterday ri)i»r^ifiig Billy Bwid has ihe the way the adl eleiiieuUs thin the The liet'uses. shoe shop in the rear of his.buildlDg -sahxjii. J• W. SMITU A. If neJtt door to Woolley'a. The slearner B. F. dish uext dixir to Wooliey. Free lunch to-night at the BL Charles CO., l'roprietor* you want boots manufactured or paired. cheap for cash, go to Livingstone llills passenger.*, gold and gold dust, tjhe on Tuesday. Do not will leave for for getliug your detilislry done Dr. 'Dix is ou the War Path," duced Now is the time lo waul ol hats, He Is closing out his stock make room for new- goods. Some We Campbell. 11. A. Schoregge fuends Itoiii ihe desires to foi his oyster parlors again, Third street. near lown, by the 5th of Tbe D. printed .ix known iu east MWUI vuc cam. tbauk their very or sell by the ctn. The Lu Verne Herald says inglou »k JoM^PH Ubarlraud nmvi'TL ut\ Maj. bis iiljeral ice ronage, and to announce cream pat that lie has opened al his stand on He will at all tunes keep ihe freshest and best oysters in the market which he will serve up in good style by the tlie Sioux a few more days exiiecl tive tower Worrh- Kan- H." grade, inciutl- ing side track*, etc., la now complete, in Ihe peopli lo see the smokestack of a up on bear the angry snort ol the It was expected li SepleuiU-r lniii.1 'number Democrat, published Furgo, of the Red River "almulliiueoiisly" 1) T, turned up short and has since ll .1. a snd Mooihead, Minn., by IWier, Is befure E. us 44—U a seatly column folio, aud, barring its politic^ is well tilled. Mr. Birker litis is we viciniuty. He reiHiblicao federal cutuldered bis solemn duty to Join tbe of democratic reformers. notile uttny rEIKO.V A L. Gamble has gone to the ceti'c Capt MeV.y and wile arrived last Helly,ii-»tentat cy, arrived chaitl. lien. Hurt arrived from yesterday lor Charley Mr. lilptii.n, arriv.J Agency a| 111 yt lerilaj on iljelr way cust. Kfert I"ri»»8 *trd—«-buniir: iif rhmr|tTnn ratls lauded last overtakes all easi, wbeie and New York Ik fore .noiiK iiicuxk**. Arrival (r guilleiiiaii ch'ofc In 1*ay c'oudy "l this JViif (iinn every styl at the cliildad very stidiieuly'i act alixi|i we ahotild etju noctial o^ouion. kccpcra are tines. TUey liod Fresh oysters by the dish or can always be found at II A. SchoretKe's lors, on Tblid J. II. Balinat oyster street. |*ir- has reopened his Ixiot br. Nirtiol* frotti'lhr. Hill* with Hull sptrlninn. Among the passWiVgers-wlvf tciday on the the Pluck Hills was ilie t. Unlet-1 nl* to nijitoriul lie the iking northward 1 Ali. 'lomts wrtil to jail viaiiorsr'bav'ing sluice boxes and cradles Jor The ri veil yes- steniucr Livingstone fiom l)r men were attacked by ludiaus between 'Ihe dian head of horses .ad half them got killed by Ihe Indians. may •como- the eastern horiz m, in fiery to a point on ihe olher side of uiiiniter. Ihe cars would be running ihe liver, So you sec these devils in half ly a day passes by anil lion There are about one hundred arx.1 others will follow. Could uot you iuflei'icc ihe B!ack was oncV a ofllciil, but one day Hills as a in much larger lorees than formerly. I). Parmer silk. JIL nigbi'a Biule yecterday. Alien- He Is al the Mer ilie furt-urion. Black lis He brought in a HaiuUile Harry aod TIHMIIVI le .111 illomiin, son. of Rev. night.. Crots pursues ih*j [P Hairy he bn tennial and aelecting a large»l a Win: 'Wednesday, Ag'-ncy. Kxl oals he heirs of. Kutz returned laat nig hi taking -Nettie A (Jray Ponca Agency Nie.hoU, Black Hitlr.: T!iC Broadh.-a!.8i,ux C' Mr erty, Jj Yj Every member of the fire at 7 lance. (IIMXI up hrr|* resldeiic- iu anktou. -j (Joins Kuiri Arrlv«i»,- Jatticiii.sTs. a win,) has bud extended mines' of California and fttto, (HII tin* Inu-p more tecenlly a resident Dr. NlcSiok aril Mis is wv\'| heeled it dirt from the lakotu diguing*. bus This he U'figni Aliiciu guldi, of Bear creek, eleidvy for in Ol' Deadwood. He has a j« Hch specimens, of 1 M™' ,*« «"U»e -,V itie iSriewt s|«dmet)s ti'nuU Htl'tlnioiu uyu- ters lo tuWu.nt. i'ostc By ntuuruoi. doctor exhibited his htt'l to show (|tia»t by the arrival of the ies of Black llills ui Is Wight* pay ing Ibeir it cbe.uer than buy porta froin Lie has sunk shalls twenty eight feel deep in Ihe quartz lodes and Merchants arrttred yester day from Pierre, briu^iug a load of Black and silver quartz tiecond with Iroun 20 to iuvest if you are al append a corrected list: chairman bers, L* D. F. Hand, finds miiluce incieases. He re J. II. Uciimai, uulil 1'ierre fail to improre Ihe graininHr prices re 50 |er cent. 's Otllee k, Cedar-St. in :!l iu clothing, genta lurnishi'ng goods, cR|m?, hTMTywTHJhnr^liiiis,lubber and" woolen blankets, trunks, valises, overalls, or anything iu that —h line call ut Harry cost to errors have crept Into that they im prove in tidiness as the distance below tbe gives accounts the discovery of coal, mica, lie CU| ries of gjptium will remain at Srhooli The city schools on on Tuesday high school on Wednesday mortiing: Prom ihe Iftlla. CROOK CITT, Aug. rrrigtit {va'z's. 10 the about the republican territorial G. C. C. A. miles pipets couitnillev'. Moody, Lounsberry, B. Cham Poore, John Head,. M. W. G. H. Bailey, John Ibe said two towns, one of them was killed, a a a In dian. DAKOTA NKWS. Immense amounts of goods and. lumber are lying at #re argentiferous, jj-LEU., ever gathered. The H|ieeiinvns fl/st of Monday morning. it same day a band of about forty '1 aOackbd he same day a band of about forty the Montana herd, drove off got away got away ol them. A lowed 1 HIH»I .A) tiful ArkHiiMiB lteily, Bui'e Adeni.y W Meic.l'', S7 LivingUm A »W E El?ar Ulnuiin, IJouth Ifcny, West, Harry Lodl Mrs Thos tee Agency. Hiiimaii, To Han Flrrnaeu. compyjy quested lo meet at the truck house to o'clock, sharp. Eatey organ for re.IjJuan Busimifca of cbucb, parlor or ball- A borjraia chas«r. Appiy at the office PttkoUlaa.. OF trmin fr*«n Ontiadrt^ e^Rtnga 0"d inneriinnH very cheip (Jive heM«:bc, ct^tiveucsjj, iwlpiUtion of the him a call and examine these goods.' se])H It w4l Wood-^li oppem anKd. I want forty or fifty w.vd. go ou the steamer:,,, Livingston to Chey^ne Kil(li Start next Tuesday. out Sant.-e| freight lo Pierre and way places 'f been taking, in 0ie «*k ol L. II: the Bismarck wharf, the Tribune thinks,gives it ii aH little L. Nieliol*, Scully. cxpi.ri Colur^ Htjul. iif 'The ton thousand pmmU. will take U* lhe .will.1hen? wqsli il ilack Hifls lowing good centennial and out in the presence suggestion ofi provided"l1m«?tf -an-Ttppropiintion—and wit}i wink. would be lli'at a a li-caied'loity the Black Hill* miles north- specllve 1»D^ btritche» discover-, tyld. One of his iiug- twenty-seven peiiny weights and Cupl. Brooks bought it OD:, sight for one hundred dollars, tse nugget-to Thc «od lie de livered after it has been exhibited at Phila delphia. Dr. Nichols brings glowing Miiis. 1! has over carefully and gt)ld will open next week in the usual order: First and sec'md Motid -iy or f6.80, mnrttlng, and 'i.11,'70 MKSHIU. 11 ,WKN & KINOSIIUHY, Yankton: ijc, pr11Habiy, of -some 19th insl froui ur place. On the 20th a Mr.Smith, minister of the gospel, wa* .killed on the road from wood to this place. The J.ol(cy, A. brought but humin lorm, are getting worse all the timo. Hird- thaV some depreda. is not done by them. Here is the place wbere they get their supply for horses apd scalps, anil if nothing is doue pretty Boon by the government or territory, it'will in- deed look blue for those who intend to stay he:e and improve the country. iniaera leaving to-day on account of the Indians tttoseln authority to s'iilion at least one company of soldiers of sdi'.ie kind for scouting pur|oaes here! so you would have the gratitude Of all reward. lie Imlians arc, of late, roviug around has eht l'ri'S8 ^r",n -S,cw' which, tjtic tispeclftn Chicngo. J.' ('n'l. Heid Oighl Is o» bis way mid A. '"Siuli!\, Fort-RiCe, went hunting one ly i-t week, and the next mofni|ig sent in to the osl deer.S-W durks and fifty which the Tribwit: says, is pieuy good for one huul.- wiitre water at so that 7J ceutj», E. 250 °ul 1 1 Pioneer there till, or the at the ch.-inls hotel yesterday and the Mci- he createtl an exciieuieut .pai*siMI it* either it it) »ot WM,er al freighter and now things here tw~coriipelled nr not sur- lu creek, figuring at its par value! here, amounts to $^(10.00. al The lot 00 and cinnabar und tiis own lead specimens 8|eak for themselves, ..the 20 (10l .ii3 10 |ter "primt- the o{H»Ht4iartrt%'ptliri1^"primary Uth worth Inst, at and first lost ounces in melting, and when meltfed was 877. fine, being valued al a fraction less than lit per ounce, making tbe actual value of the whole amount, including the silver, valued al $5 10, per ounce on the whole or |7C5.27 in coin for $20 40 9 i. m. glamm ir and afler smelting tine, and was worth $ 18.60 ouuee in greenbacks lx interest to you to hear what has happened here of late. The mail Mr. C. A. Marlargar was killed by tbe redskins^ on tbe -wits Republican Ue was found by freighters lying on the road with three bullet holes tliiuugh Djad samu assayed 879. $10:190 per ounce coin value. Add To-day I) ev«o ahead of him and scal|)«J life famous of Ave years ago. Our wheat is worth mine to-day here in Vermillion than Wis-j Consiu wheal at home, or Iowa fur etist an day Dubuque. lwj On f-t gold nod 1Q Wiucousin. an^ W it handful of while meu fol them on Ihuir 18 track, aud two of l,f I ready lo receive Irelghl now anil from the thereby announce myself n- dent cindidate goo 1.. Yuiiklon Owens staru -,1 '. ,u '1'ake Kan»«» or Colorado the laiiins iu Co.orado, New Mexico KJ ZMIW. 8jeciiil ibe fumoua Pullman Palace Sleeping n-^lit I iiiiftor the Missouri river and the rocky without change. Close ut for la)., -v--s. Kanws City and pots lodge room,. Juan Guide,'" address. "X to cash pur of tbe Preas & diwtf something 1 Crtw, of Clay couuCj, has ^ltl KH,nl? 10 l'^ve about bell"ves lle territory. t-xi^iienee In black and colors, at prices to delyTi" "»d will also for 10 A lieve you. Rraatn as couuty. east or, intending lo sit Ibe eeu ei.. indepen- for the o(Dcc of shcriff 'of work, Very resi)cctfully, JU'U' ^0. H. H\S|.B4. Atchison, Toia-'ka & vSauU Fe n""- Hovo us-tl twenty years wUJ^ perfect rallr,ud, new and p.ijM.lar line r.»« »pu^ Afcln.oH and Kansas CHv, via. tbe beau- p.icjiar,, „f valley, Pueblo, Colorado 1 r"' and round trip DO day tickets to dM & wly vyntenoff Deuver oo nule AUy 15th, ut $30, Ukint? in *vr Purd* "nd O. W. Vuudurft .U r\ M. huleJkCo.. AcciiU hV pUcen oo IMail. O Iyw ibe D. AH. emigrant rales to the Mines, Sant J. cars between' mmlnUins: connectioda made Atchiaon For mups, time tables "Sao T. J. AND'KKRON. Gen. PaaL Agi., TOI'bka KAN. The ikota jumps from the frying pan into the BP ." Republican: Dakota is herself agHin. The grasshoppers are hatching out in end lees quantities, and the eggs not hatched have the young'hoppers fully formed the shell. This is tbe statement of Taibolt, wlio stakes his reputation as talker on its correctnejs. The Republican county convention .... Clay will be held Oct to innonnceiuenta. We are authorized lo announce the name of T, W. We office ResiXTlfully. S HKNUY A8ir. -Ladtrv lake fUetier I just received Brlsbine, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of to Y&aklou tbf county,subject decision of the Yankton county re publican convention. are authorized lo announce the name of Pli11 K. of county attorney for Yankton coun ty subject lo the decision of the couuty re publican convention. Tke Am.rlou People. "fTo people lo by ex- with Dyspe|teia Vork ten |atlerh.s of dress na y^Hn in medicine had liK»r., livtri- cum (Jul sine* the introduction of Flower we |K'rs j0.000 to ftujinl snre mK for llllrf and US cir*Ct8, »uoh fcssour' embroidury, bt.OIUNCLI, b''urt-burn, til, fitiKl, MARKETS BY TKLEGKAPH. New S$T1'. Mi. mr Jcctwl of U^6iruVlt* ,, ,v' 8U„u)d h^k hUtuX bU(.h n«rl»* Viu-mMi'» vwtn«m.t t'liildad'ed''li'iewt f|-eCinietis ever gathered. The 11 upward feic. lor cash. h»rle« hiM-uian jowigoi tniiu.iiLo ... so that the freltjliler Hiid traveler A'ould qu ilityi .: to tntvoi I WUTER-brHtih, erunljig low up sptrils, nf" linn general debility, elc., yet .Gieen's dozen told case Mills August pep.iia"ihaft cannot be immediately relieved. 1 believe there is no c*ae of dys- last year without one uLl'iiiliire rc|iorted. Go & to your Puidy and drug-' uet a sample bottle cents and try it Two doses will re-j R.'gular size 7.'» ceut«. "TEflVOUS DEBILITY. A *111 nee meu i. Vllul tvt'itjmeiM tr tlepiHiinttttt:' a W'i:«k exbaiisled leeling',' no' eilergiry «r (Miurnge: the result of iiiculiit Imll.orclloiia over- or ciccincii, or some drain upon !hu system, tit always cured by HUMPHREYS' PATHH' Xtv. 2J(. HOMKO- It tones up \nd Invie- urates ibe sj jdem, disjiels tbe glnmii snd despondency, inijuirts stieli^th ami energy, -i-slops 1 lie drain and,.rejuvenates the eutire rtre dt*r. Svnt bpriu^ii, fX tiVtT, t'unon City. Cuclmras Addn^s IIUXI I'llRKVS' 1 Nurte Trii'idad Santa Fe and «I|-PAT,,IC MEI)ICI:%K COM PA. U.,1 viais «od $2.00 vial of ,/.w. by ninil "n riir**ipi KV. BROADWAY. NEW YORK'.' Art- j3y-,sEE LARUE ADVERTISEMENT. Yankton. 1TRAJDE MARK.! O N I E O The [iu^i.t and beil Ure.slua Ac., in union de- M«rk. Th. aad tbe York. r.r Hilar miiteRthi: fo|- (lie leglsib'ilurea. of Wyoming and Dakota should each make• the amount required insiguitieini—u have ,-w herever, wells *,KT*:r'ActlvV? over eight'c*^ teii miles without tinding good whole some water. Water can be reached at a reasonable depth any of the ravines of northern Wyoming and western An apprpprialiou lory would be ample for The Black Hills re- certificates of assays tooked tbem la full of information: _pf New York. Sept. H. —Hosed"sr tire, higher, ".f/' gify, 1 lUt«ill3 Mronn. 1 10 •. pnNMKNTjj -Hnn.^ 1 y, Liverpool. Ai*Tifrr-» \V l.iverptH*!. 8. Firm. wheit. Im yprl«K St thlCMXO. S .dug uefdtsd on Ihe royUjs of travel to- pas.ilng through their re- domains. On all Ihe routes there .e iiM. be'tcr BIlt of qu.,,itv 0»T._- ACII and. ^«ER. No 1. 75 „rm ,t5 D.ikotn. of |5,000 by each terrl-' I lire |ur|xiae. Pioneer has seen dust, otle of ounces from Deadwotxl, and one of CALL B^AHO -WBOAT LRRT»RUJ«R fur September 1^ OATS yeir. LAKH to be lesa the value lpt 43 48 ounce*. Add to thu coin value tbe present premium, cent., and we find the duBt In greenbacks. The Hun dust, at 20 In melting, the lot at 2 p. m. Gold per ounce aru White ('oru, Sept. 8. I- Jotm-Hl, adjr nnd unclnngcd. HhKiT—ActiYo, firm an1 hl^bcr and especially m-h No. 'i fJ7%i f«»r «*h *nd September (•»r Octubvr: No. H.S r^jcclcd, CottN—Kwirly :lvo. ^bid« hiuher. No. #. 44H rora^ti,48\ lo*. Ociuber 11 for November. Rp- No. d.but generally lower, CIMIBI( fur c,hi ror October. UITLK MKATS—sluiublute, »bort clear and -Klrnier, UATTL*v--Hruier. in gold, or -46' 4 to thls the ten fer cent premium, and we find the Sold Hun dust lo be worth $20 40 per This gold, before ing ass'iyed, was thoroughly cleaned, aud the West quality of dust ever lakeu from eilherDeadwood or Gold Run gulches. The assay was made at the Deuver mint HIGHER, r°r October. CUB.s—Kcaaler. 44 for St-pl«iub«i finny,.Hc- lower. POIIK—Ulglii r, 16iJ4 for October 10H "J "•'I MUwauk«M\ S*-p'.H. Klouk Wtt —Opened 10 bti firm', CAT No. l, 1 11. closed i\ct No.2. November. 101S- 'UIILS to 180. losi 31 100 of an ounce No. 3, In demand, ti. YANKTON MA£K£TS. WhoU«ale Corn» Potatoes. bushel WhlicJfcran#. bu Pork, Mlt.f bbl ikota wheat ranks llama, augar Mianeaian wbeat cured, Shojldoru, tb..., Bacon, lb.. 8^#, p^r do» wticaX ail fluiier, per ft. Monday wheat ('beure,y lb r-. Flour,per here for 74 cents, while at Dubuque 1 Corn meaJ, per cwt ,1.25 8(ljt| Sugar, ever who ^bl.. 2.30&2.M Keroavne,V wbtiecoO'ee A."...... leaves Sa^ cra.h^ and Rio codec, per Java coffee,?t Young iiy*orv'*rea, t... Japan Tea,y lb M-ol&eace.^ iu tSyrap, per gal Dried Applt a,f)t M, J. Dried Praebe# i» fii r* x' f. ub, nomiuite county officers. w.«2 ri l*ubrown,. .. ..10^ Bu(tr_ UItr,yeiiow t»* Mais-i a«! ..., i....40®M| C. DUck Tc«. per ftatalno. yt* SO^^I Pine lumber, common, in feet ..92 00 Pine lumber, cull* feet 18.00 KLWRMS FWT .. .2."».FT^35.03 at Vermillion, std,0B fcet®«.oo FlpUhing fettt.. Shingles Lath Cellini: It Stopped the Cough and Saved the Child. M'e have recently had occa«lon to try tuc of llalu'B Cou^h btilc»*ou. faith Faulk as a candidate for the ave blm no try them bu' omclhlng confUnl cough the and commcnccd a Americans veatlgu the world suffer* as much ihe cou^h popularity bv Jl, W. Liavondor's STEAMBOATS. 1876 M. OOt'LSUN "plgll 1, fur pcu,.rr. J^ted, ««!,. MAUI.IT-Acilvc'. firm tnd hi|tb«r. U%ttft\tor yr-tober. for I'nstUlrd, Clui-ed Dot'^ber. 1' t'u««ttl ti'4 »hurt Bona IIUTTKB—L-iw YRFTTOK 4:1 48 9 !K) ouncei riom tJoTd ltun.' Tbe ™T|Old~fRRirf Deadwood to IT.amy. HIYL^O. WUISKT—Bkidr 1 L«i LATER. J0I1N TOI)U... On the nav'tratlon rittlopcnlaKof 'i furOclober: Tor tli« year I'HUTISIONS -I'UClUlhged eourl iv river above Yankton. For freight or firm, No .8, '«V4 Cons—(iuiel. *3%. OATS —Hljibfr and aclWe. No. 2, 32^. Krx —I'HClianged. No. 1. W. YAWK1XJX, and l.Ofl1* for October: 101V U*r ((-W,Vv,'5' Price Wboai, bushel Oat, LWt. ..-.•....w: ss tuaia .....2»«i25 new J.....4CC60 1.00 42.00 i*H 1*H 13 ,V 10 ...\ .UH cwl .....2.00, 2.t5, 2.*O^S.T5 I to .55 gal.. ,M 78 11 4 ....30.MK&AO.U) ... ....2.5fc((.4.« .. ..4 .4.00 ...,13«»35 (be vir in our family. nlcu .withCordial A the atflic?4'd it the prevailing vac diotrrnolng coo^feverlltiU b, ro«.mnat oi^bt wblcb or d«j. lu We nave ",ment" fucdiclnes, a.nd aeldoru much at had to b« done, a« the prevented bia cordingly recovery. We ac IU nae according to dire none The effect w** marked from the very flrvt. and the child that nitfbt ingaluep enjoyed refresh- and by the next there was scarce Jefi.nigblthia If of pledfwbattbe thedlclne 19 la a not Altliouult fair to be aam do,.—food*burg- Itf ?r*»wih in wondered Frtt Prit*. H»*td at and w»rr *nt»*d MlUa Tnrdv. COMPLETE Family Store A J^lock »f Merchandlae1 KmbrMiAf jb Kaeh D.| of prifx*.! llO!TtCO- Ptcklnn, Snncefud 'SAlftil put op'1'under the -^bove Trade manafaet.rtog prMe*c renders tk^m ifvti f^ow *cyIhiufl-dcicli^rtoua, glvea^ ple^atnl flavor, and makea ihem crl«p and material apicy^ oyl/ o-e l. The beat A goodfc t«ar*Dt«r4. Try 7~h*m. RKCKHOW PIlKiHfcKVINOCOH ^aiiffl'T iU'.KlIm MmChambarn timra Terjn«. CROCEHtR^ PROVISIONS, CROCK Kill HJL ASs W A K, Tkoro.jlilj tbe (in HaillHt (ball k«ep (all «i-«)r! of all giKiilt be lon^ini i«i the.e vartoU. departmeau. ..... .... sod tell iben -fr- TO DfiAiERS AND CGMSU1ERS Tor Cash At Prices tJiai Must Insure Patronage.? BROADWAY. latfKtou LL Frtsh Kotil*! N. Y^ St 1876. l^iESouri Biver Transportation Co s. LINE OF 8TEA.MEI18 |p||i Computed pf the following #r«t-ctaot iv^»t» KEY V. BUBSKN WEST. ''V, JM JOSEPHINE. 3 V..i. FAR SliSgtStiSSc' TTD'. ARISSIt .... 'Jpl Mailer CARR.OLU T. U. CHLKKUl e»»y, tli'ij.for ctifb *id E. H. WEST GH AN lb" Ke) nle *mer Jo*cptilne.''mdiub.tofl^aroei (ur leave for Korv Went leave Tor hy the 14 W fur thu the Carroll and Hon t« f-iibiwcu Fori Uxlurd.and K. H. ©e for tort Bcuuuiiftrf i« iteamer*Durfmo Tbe above d«iiu| will aca««i^ tho from Yankton to al! polula on juitaage tbe Mi» apply lo S. B. COULSON, Oeneral Manager, DAKOTA aprll 5'.: Black Hills Packet STEAMER Gen. Meade Will leave Yankten Saturday, FORT PIERfiE, CHEYENNE, And inUrmcdUte po'ntf. Th* («enrra1Meade will make trl-monibly trip tbe balance of the tenon. R. 0. MASON', Master. c,'- us* Olfltt 9 1) 11(11^(1 Al^f Wholesale and Retail DKAIiKKM I Hlaple Jt ^ancy GROCERIES. al-W a bottle of the Cordial from ageutaprocurred CITY HORSESHOEIM S HOP. The underpinned wi»hea Ui annoonce thai he la lu charge of hr Staye Company Shop, and la prepared to do wt.rk of all dcachpilons.' Any Disease of the Foot WAltKAN I KD TO OB rUIJKI). ]nnc23 dif LIOUOR LR Axiler & Ohlman, ^.IM1'OR"nKlt9 AND UKALKItS IK Kentucicy Whiskies •wo? Brandies. Gin. A.loohol, TOKKIUN ...Mjvut WESTERN. AND 'e Al III 11 «r»nu.ated I UlUU tt UUU1 UU1 I, IN •JOIITV CAREY. S5 to $20 Ponland Maine: per day al home. Pamptea worth $1 free. 1 Uakola. Coffee Ever? •v. -'7.',.. A I*n Dir-...- ,-, -,-- rW. It Pure Kentucky Whisky a Specialty 1 S .1 Q....I- .1 DOMRSTIO Wincsi Cigars a ni Tobaccos, BROADWAY, «SR TANKTOJI D. ITM 2, DURFEE. .... Ill® DBUQS. -EXCELSIOR DRUG1B00K STORE 5rjOTiT^0 & PUftDY, THIS STIZST. TiMItjM, DRUGS Ml tba medlcioea OJ ibe day. popular Uona cotnpoaoded Kept 9ib, aa^lft-dlin F'revciip by IMU experienced pi Aait Fancy A rtlclo. In for pbhtmcard "'•'Ktnest uwtaini of BOOKS the HeadU ht 011- -Ths Bast in Market DEALERS IN Hchor^ge's GEO. J. WEIXBL.' BAER, WEIXEL & BAERy "WHOLS8ALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS AND CIGARS, VALENTINE'S BLOCK, vire SS®' Wesl.Tf^ ft- aauas P. A. Peterson & Co., W Watches. Clocks, IvC (Sucoenvor Silverware. WttckmsUaf ul hptrlac Vutlj ul freafti Dots Having had Nineteen YMTS1 Kxperionce In tKia Uaalnesa we are enabled to Guarantee SatiBfaotion in all iir Brauchea. ——r^—- O 1 1 O O S are al) of the PUREST and FINEST Material, and nnperlor to anything in this line .-.•I ever before offered SMOKKUS MATERIAL Flno Tobacoofl and Choic« Cigars |A apeolnUy. A lull assortment of Meerschaum. Brlarwoo4. and French Clay Itpes, ete. THIRD STREET. YAKKTOW. anel ti SSANNQI.4 SnirrtoK.*Co. dAwivmarTwtl 'P the 10 people of Yankton. building. Third St.. near PoiH-Ofllce. Yankton 13ukota. SMITH, W. to j-^ MAlUnaon Broa,)- Dealer In ^3*A: TOBACCOS, C10AllS 5 I git -V •k AND DAKOTA. YAN D. T. "•f Broadway, TTaaktoa, Bakotal 1 ooljr exclu.ive wbolesa,le ,1. A UGH, Attorneys at Law 7 3" S ,rT IU|Uor bouse In Ikle dtj. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED au^dAw I