Newspaper Page Text
."* Vol. 2. ELEGRAPHIC, 4 O'clock, a. mv FOREIGN. Sifts fMm England Bringing Pressure Bear Upon Turkey. $ lie Turk^ are' announced Having Become Offensive a Auain. 15,000 Troops are Reported as Haring Left the Turkish Army. •-1S§ POLITICAL. Notwithstanding the Special Dispatches for Political Ef feet to the Contrary. FOREIGN. ei-iuiiT rujcssr^K Now York, Oct. G.—A despatch from Isondon says that Sir Henry Kl Constantinople,. has been in structed to notify the pOrte that un fcHS the Eugiisb proposals are- unre servedly accepted the British govern ment will withdraw all support to Turkey, merely guaranteeing ('onstan tfnopie against Russian occupation. OFFENSIVE TURKS. Pesth, Oct. 0.—The Turks have agitiu t^ken the offensive. Omar Pasha has left.i&iitschar and moved up the Valley Timoh, in the direction of Kuzozevatz. The Turks have also -collected sisteeu battalions at Bab inglava. This seen.s to indicate the turning movement in the direction of Barija or Lukova. Oat 3d the Turks forced pv«ssages •of the Morava at three points. Their ihe»dqtiarters are now advanced to :Srejfoor«. KKTKEAT. Rigusa, OotrC"—The rear guard ot iloukhtar Fasha's force whilst re turning toward? Her?'g1 viaia, Was at tacked by the insuigents and Monte negrins, and fell back on Garcia. SERVINO THE TUBKS. London, Oct. 6.—A despatch from Pesth states that a letter from Pris rend, Albania, says 15,000 ishi Bazoike have returned to that neigh borbood from the Turkish army, be cause of disagreements with the Turkish commanders. They state that after the battle of Sept. 4»t they were on the point of crossing the Morava and entering Alexiuatz, when they were stopped by the Turkish regular troopa, who vert ordered to shoot all who attempted to cross. It is stated that General Izrstieff, issian ambassador to Turkey! has been summoned by the Cutr to Iavi (lioe, w«re General Sumorakoff, tbe Czar'a aidde-camp, whose mission has been signally successful, is also expected. FAMli^g. Dundee, Scotland, Oct. 6.—George Schleselman and Kinnear A Titbae, skinners, have tailed. Liabilities ot former, tl50,000 latter, $45,0i90. KIRK. I^ondon, Oct. 6.—A destructive fire Occurred to-day in the cotton mills ot Dickering A Abbot at Blackburn, re sulting in a damage of $100,000. STOPPED PAYMENT. London, Oct. 0.—The Industrial bank of New Castls-on'Tyne has atopp«d payment. Liabilities, esti matied, $500,000., London, Oct.' C.—Lord Derby's de spatch to Sir Henry Elliot regarding the Bulgarian atrocities, was issued last night. The British amba^sadot is directed to demand a personal au dienoe with the Sultan, communicate Bearings report, and demand repar* tion and justice, and urge the imme diate building of houses, und churches, 'provide for the' restoration of indus tries *od give assistance to person who have been reduioed to-pvrerty Tuesday's Belgrade special says: SKRV1A IS BENKW1NG her application for a formal armistice of one month. This applieation if probably made with a view to a fur ther prosecution of war under cir- N':-. mmstantjes more promising for Rus sia. A month's aromtiee means The hirmg by the Servian|rovmi rrfent of 20Q workino from the imperial gum factory (q of Gf-rmnny, nltd the fact that Rus sian- Hgfiits arc buying nil the gvim in WalJachia show that Servia does not contemplate peace. »sgp THIIKKY ON r. Hi mS Colorado Gone Republican 1,200 to 2,0"t)O Majority. by 1 I SUS- lifiiswin cif fighting ir the wmtfr, as nostilitit's rould not be renewed ,at he end of Novembi!r.| 1 so rEA IIKR MKnTl.K.Sjlfe The Berlin correspondent of he S Times represents that there is little hope that Turkey will accord an ar mistice. Turkey is pat on her inet- thus to enforce terms of peace. If, she should, Kngland and Austria gum to the Times reports that in the gramme as long as Russia threatens Treasurer .p. Barrell, Springfield,' battle of Sept. 28, a battalion, named "'•'V Among the sales ,, i.i- ... slance-^afr-irtniialt! TthloG. II. after the Princess Latalie, went into POLITICAL COLORADO Kl.Kl no jr. Chicago, pet,-6.—The Journal has a special from Colorado, which con firms the Associated Press reports a« to the republican victory,' estimating Timw however, assert that the democrats have probably carried the state, and that at lea&t a full vote must be counted before it is certain there is a republican victory. Denver, Oct. (.—.Returns are just received from Elbert county, which gives 1 a republican majority uf 70, a republican gain over 187-4 of 223, and Grand county gives a republican majority of 45, a lepublican gain of 07. Deducting from tbe total of the republicans majorities which the of ficial figures assume to be correct all that has been claimed by the demo cratic state .cominiitec, it leaves the net republican majority' in the stats 2,000. The legisLaLure will certainly be two-thirds republican, and probab ly nearly three-forths. All special re ports, ileaigned to confute or throw discredit upon the dispatches, are sent out Tor mischievous purposes. v* FolrCONtjRESS. —, Pittsbu-gh, Pa., Oct. 6.—The dem ocrats of the twenty-first congression al district, renominated Hon. Jacob Turney, of Greensburg, to day. MISCELLANEOUS. RAILWAY, COLLI^IO-V. Cincinnati, Oct. 6.—A special pass enger train coining east, containing soldiers homeward bound from the re union at Indianapolis, collided with a freight train, six miles east of Greens tu!g, iiKl.5 at an ear4y ing, injuring bour tbis morn a number of passengers. Conductor Allen, of the passenger train, is not expected to recover. WHO CAUSED WOODWARD'S ARREST. Chicago,,Oct. 6—It is known that C. W. Watson, a representative of the New York firm of W. H. Akin Son, is the gentleman who caused the arrest of WoOdward. He was not a schoolmate, or even a personal friend, of VVocwlward but knew him simply by having met him on the ears be tween New York and Norwalk. An offioer is expected to arrive from New York this afternoon to take the pris oner in custody. TUK LATK RAILROAD SAI.E Tbe Tribune says nothing uew has yet transpired in regard to the sale ^-'thfl Rockford Rrtfik Island and St. Louis railroad to the Chicago, Bur lington and Quincy railroad. Osten berg, general manager of the former road. and Robert Harris, president of the Chicago, Burlington and Quiucy, went to ISew York a few days ago to get the assent of the directors of the Burlington road to the sale. If the iiirecters are satisfied with the ar rangements made" between Messrs. Osterberg and Harris, the Rock ford, Rock Island and St. Louis rail road will become, it is paid-, a branch of the Chisago, Burlington and Quin cy. Tfie price agreed to be paid for the property is $1,760,000, but the directors may think this too l-igh, and may for this reason object to the pu|- chase. It is understood that the main reason for the Burlington and Quinoy railroad der.iring to purchase, this road is to get rid of a competitor I'herp are some who claim that the Chicago, Burlington, railroad is mere ly the agent of the three pool HIICH tnd that the road is to be sliced and IIvTded am ong the h"ree roads", wiio will use it for local traffic arid trans fer purposes. Two 6f these lines, the Chicago and Northwestern, add the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, fjowever, claim that tbey have noth ing to do with tbe negotiations now carried cm ly lhe Burlington and have nut been consulted in rbgard to JIASO.NtO. Tlie grand lodge of Illinois masons eonclildcd its session yesterday and in the evening most of its members left for ttner bonus. At the meeting yesterday the.elective offic Grand Lodife for enduing year are Dr. Joaepb Rohlnns, of Quincv,Grand ralJll M|no ~,^ tl l)0 the majoiity at 1,^00 to 2,000. The^f the Bound Brook railroad and of FIRES. 5^^- Atchison, Kaa Oat. 8 —The jobbing and retail, hardware house of W. W.' Marbourrf. wan bur bed at half past three Urn morning. Block valued at $00,000 insured, $45,000. KIVK-TW BNTIED. YANKTON DAKOTA TERRITORY. SAIV ltn.\Y MORNING, OOOIiF.R 7, IX7K. tlwi final disposal to be mude of tire' rangrment between the roads domg Itockfcml, Rick Itlutid ami St. Louis railroad. "r TS were installed uiid the appointive offices Hffpnts, who say they are as tree to were all filled. The officers of ,he'*«»• any other Master W. .1. A.T)elaiicev,Centralia, I ''"J* "'K1". tie by the Russffn occupaJion8cheiBfe|1^i4eHfer^THVni-w1trTjtTir.n)tr„HrmTi, lh-.i. fir—Pn.feOTrrr mtsnn. nf She will not accent England's pro- A Secretly. These are the eletjM ofli officcra must stand. -. mk TIIK StlOHT tlOKN SALS A IIATTAI.ION AMOBT' ANMIII.L.ATHI). :M. cainc o(T yesterday at Deiter 1'iirk of sclcc- London, Oct. G.—Belgrade tele- itwls 7oja%"arj"ms beMVtuciuJlngliioT'w. o. Miss Wile ma i, -polls.*1.000: Mtss Wil«y 20th to:aud-Ucal tinie of-observation, and to the battle 900 strong, and only 40 jj. K, Ward, Kansas C11f l.DSS Con- transmit the records to me. Hecent ob answere went to roll'call next day. it-uuce K« *1 Jackson Queen 4ih to satne,. $1,300. l-»h RKU&ONAi.. Ncw York, Oct. 0—K Iwaru C. ry spots upon the Sun's surface. Knight, elected president of the New the Guarantee Trust an Safe Depostt ton this morning. The president wasi This morning H. A. Patterson not^ Washington," Oot. 6.—The secre- another call for- the redemption of ten million dollars of five-twenty 1805, May and November bonds. A. B. F. M. Hartford, Oct. 5.—The largest con course of the week assembled in the opera house this morning at the fare well meeting of the American board of foreign missions' President Hop kins in the chair. After which the USUBI resolutions of thanks for hospi talities was adopted and the smsion adjourned. The meeting next year will be held in Providence. AI'POIXTJIEXT. Des Moitms, Oct. 5.—The gover nor of the state to day appoinrte'd ma jor Juo. H. Looliy as adjutant gener al, in place of Gjn. N. Ii. Baker, d^v ceased. ijor Loby Was of the sec ond Iowa infantry, and has the re cord of a en If at soldier. v/f! IS S I O O a a Gen. ^V. T. Sherman *.nd Don -j-CAflMMuuv--acorctarjr- of war, paasi'rf through here to-night at midnight en route east. RAtLWAT VTTKM- New York, Oat. 6—j-Tbe agent*!)/ the di.ilerent trunk lineA in this city, have been summoned to a meeting:! next Wednesday, when an attempt Will be made to i-flVct an ami?ab)e ar business between New York an! the' wes S it in the movement think now -that an ar rjingemeiit inw bo matjc with the New York eentruK The report thai the New York central hap. heavy, con tracts winch will continue in fores-for the next si* months is denied by their r0H'1 111,11 ii ,t. ii He addressed the ercat conKrcualion at lhe seller of coal and oijicr stocks. 11.a OFF TUB TttU'k. fX|)CCled here this week. IlompllsCille, Nr! Y., Oct. 0.—The engine, bagKi^e, sujuking, and one passenger car New Orleans. Oct. G.—Two freight Tf-the tntsseuKer-liaio bound wiwt v.-»n tra thrown from the track on the Erie rail-', .... „,i.„ r.. ,i... Three passengers' trainp badly injured. were slightly Injured. W1FK BRATINO. Boston. Oct. 6 —Harry J. Sawyer, ne ffm, has been arrtwled, cbargi-d with beat irn io Ueulh a white womau, aald to be his Wife. Chicago. Oct., 6.—Last nifcht ooe of ihai.06"4- fruitful a«Hirce« of tbe unple-ntiant wtiich aomeiiraes pervadidi th«" ctty, t"ho fpriiliiiiug htablUnujent of Reed & 3h«r-| win. burni tn e'round. Losaalxiu |1Q,00Q' Waverly, N. Y.,' Oct.,- 6 —A. Ara bvre last niKbt caused the loss of $30,000. Ceiilar Rapids, la., Oct., 8.—At 3 o'clock this mnrnlnif tlie large-North Star, owned by Suiarl DouKkw. «raa totally dea troyed by tiro. Loaa, eatimated, fnxn $75, 000 to $lpp,000 insurance, $30,000. Cause unknown. the matter. At a meeting, of freight agents, Ht. the 1 .. .. J_ I 1 Aft .. A I /t Al il ^1 I I I A il Deputy Grand Mast.-r "Henry "rcnuoue elfu.n at Wednesdays Hamilton, Chicago, Senior Grand meeting io end the railway war .j Warden Rev. W. H. Scott, Metropo- A. Glejin, Mount Sterling, Gr*nd! Aan Arbor, sends the following.': ,e w,n» FfettCli «»trohomer, Lcverner, rr-j quests me to iu»e .olttervaOiana Klog's, but the prices were not remnik- the suu on the two days, and in case_any Hnt».nt.lHc-. were: Con- dark spot is seen, in addition to llmie Morrisoo, now upon it* disc, to note the position Jersev central railroad, is president \'ork Oct 0—Iltnrh Mc Sale company of l'htladelphia. I Brooklyn of yellow fever. ahhiii^ton, Oct. Tqe ]rc Qfy\ NovV Orleans, (K:t. (—A meeting and Mrs. Grant returned to VN asniiig-j 0(-(j)e tm .jj ca (on in his cilice alter 10:.i0, and received jor qum-mitin,. ngaiust-New Orleans a large number of centennial visitors. I no No meeting of the cabinet was held, ij,j .should be abolished. nearly all the members being absent. Savannah, Oct. t» —Yellow Secrel.jiry Mjriell and I 'jotmasicr General Tvner had a conference with the president in regard to va rious routine mutters in their respects ve depaiimciiu. fri si'Ksuki) lied the stocky exchange that ho had KUliU(le1 uieVuncml. l)ew.scd w„, one of suspended, for a lung time,Tie has i|l(. converts of tlia revival in Northfluld been one of the'most actiye'specula-, last summer, aud has been an active, cliria tors oil 'change, and a, conspicuous worker since that tim»s. Major Whit taberniic|l,- lUiB outstanding contracts are variously have been very impressive. (Jeo. O. .estimated at -40,000 to fiO,OQ0 Ntedham, the Iristi EvanKclist, and Harry shares MorkUouse, tin Evangelist bible reader, are *To^Sy'8 meet- .HAII.WAY COLLISION. on the .laeksou road collided or •. to-oav, eiirt)t miles lrom toe city, rond near Oonesee at 1:25 last night, by ,,, striking a horse. Engineer Clark was Lieven cars loaded with cotton and killed, and the fireman, brakeman, and a miscellaneous merchandise, including coal oil, matches, and powder, were burned To pieces. The Cxplosioti is descri-lied as tcrrific. One brakemati was slightly ittjured. STttlK K. Scranton, Pa. Oct. G.—One thous and workmen" in the' shops of the Muscatinp, la., Ooi. 6.—E. -W. Cnlem»ii' Delaware Lockawantui and—Western ..-_»j^ & -O'M, luuitjcr drj inti bouse at Chippewa, 1 rfti|WH» L,,SS mm company struck to-day in ,consequence of a reduction of ten per P. i: Peterson & Co., DEALERS IN. Watchea. Clocks, Silverware. WitilBiUig ml Sa(tiTli( Xntly sat fnajruj MM Having had Nineteen Year*' Kxperlttncr In thi* Uaaineaa we are enabled lo "Guarantee Satisfaction to 11 tt» Branehc*. 'if JR GOOD S I arc all of tbe PUREST and FINEST Material, and •nbertor to arijrllitnf In thin line ever orfore- offered 10 tbe people of Yankton. Hchorefjtc'* building, Third near Post-Offlcc Yankton Pvkota. PKIB At LUEBHE, Dealer In 1 Hides, Furs, Leather IG A AJTD FITOIWOS. r. rwtsD mat, 1 EDWARD BRAGKETT, A a OFFICE^ 'L& il 49&W1 Cedar Street, totween 9d and 4th. ^Ptll. K. Paolk't Lav OtBte.) aMTlO-U SiSi GROCERIES. BRAMBLE & HER WHOLESALE GROCERS H*'tel ednes- Kprpconntiintir on n.n.i well was. decided to make ASTRONQMJCAJ.. (J JJ (J H« KI JCL BO be iintde upon the disc of the sua on Oct. Uth and 10th, nnd if possible us far westtr as San Francisco. I desire, therefore,! through the associated press, to ask pur- Suob a* S a a ^^rupi1. liatnii, IUIUM- having telescopes to keep watch of SHOULDERS. DRIED BEEF, a a a be noted relatively to any o! the onlitia- YKI.I.OW' KKVKK. S 1#tc ein'{ll()yi.e on lhe r.hlri,.K„ learner frl„n Charleston, died, in profession of Galves [)MVe ret-olved that the..necessity longer exists, and that the quaraii ineni-8, 1!'. TUB UKVIVAI. is CMCAC.O. ]/ite this afternoon Mr. Moody received a dispHtch unnouiicinn the oudilou death of his yuugesl hrniber, Snuuel Mi»otly. who- lived st Northfleld, Mass, With his mother, at a meeting of the luinla was dtcidt'd Uiul Major Whittle should supply his place while he BestWagofrs in the Territory, VVblcb -U^flk Hitler* would do l*r Wc arc n^euia/Of this4 Dtiponl IVm drr «»., M-huitlerWuyon*, ,'. .We 1 ktudvbaker Uatoim, oo«T» liar voter, ^i«'.'orniU'l4 llarvrnlrr, 1 \n«l Wood A He t'l.rinlck Jliini'r*. BRAMBLE &MINER TiCv ff M. YANKTON DAKOTA Blatt & Bierflorf, jdi|.' Wholesale and Retail 5 is 'I 4 1» n't A f- it n:i„ DEAI.KHS I N FT FI staple A fxllfiV GROCERIES. nt-ll H. I. CUTTIMO J. Ii. CI.OUtJAB Cl'TTIS t-. GROCERIES TOBACCO "& CIGAES I S E E Oppvmfte l'it«la(Uc«, YAH ETON, DA EOTA. Gocd* drllrrn-d OfO to any part of tbe city, Tbe best and clieapcitt UIWIJJBOU h*ud. Cutting* Cloud aa. Sl CIQA S. F. HIHS1ISTEIN, .«.• M,A-WUFA.OTaREH Of, Hiul D»ii«r In, all tinds 01 isiooNQ rursfsjt. TJ tal 41 tit-* AHD A good •MOrtment »f *11 Kind' of HmokCM "Alt.tilea. Ha&nfactnri&ir to urfler, a Speeiaitf TWrU. Street, 1 rf- Broadway a.ut C'4dir Af«W, YaaUto*. Dakota. W& •'/sr. "'X V- C7TT No. 142. WfeF-t-« Priipvaali Wi«t4, V: *\S CIIATEUX* Rrvma AOOCT,D. mit» onffc, trd «n»ck nt. sinltli 4 pftullua, large boary duck" 2^^ fl»- pUMt 5 rl rIS, a^ortrtlcqll* rop*! !1 qa "C« N 1 fr'vruiH!, uiinllJa locli StCVpl6j and rfincy horse rtdpa. tir lnchr 4 MVMlaji aaddW*. 2 2 atid -I I'i in fi fpnlr« ahovela rr^na cut fcawa, I cumphMa a«l aU*kW&| rtour jfcr» lb« fii-t'l pi'trwa, a»*ortod 45 »lora aafaav^r^ fto lbi« to« calkv io Ih# heavy wrapplug^.^ iwiii«' alxwta titt a\y So tftla iftrpvnllBe to||^ ttttiu'.beii, S of rii.. halanr# »oii n4 burr waplx,rf anmricd I ware hutiM* iruckf Ui tt» «'ahiitn barrel of pitch cari»»-iili!r c«i'pu|rt¥rrntr», brai»a btiund T. nHBurifd Vi tar«. 16 fett it 11 ID mi».,'M W naln.bput Urd oll» ijal* UoSeti oil, linjevd, H) |:al« rawL:? oil, littttwj Paddoeka'tery brat 2 Fi_rciia^ S irafpi|w, -And 111 inch 16 baud v^l nerval*. 4 of In,. 4 ot 10 In..4 of it in.,4 of IK Vn.'J&^ boxes h»»fi»c ab«tff'naUa. 1 of No. 5, of No, tt, of No.?{ I kejf iuuJ«*biKk*,No 1 1 kctf h®ra« ahoea,^0v| No. t, *lt-dkp/» I of A Ibi1, 1 of (i lba -l rl*eiilnic'^^r hammer afnM'l»g hammer 1 tlniu ra anlpa, Inch namiiitrra. I lanro and 1 mall |0) iw^olix, a«i*oMAd i.Tnnlh* Iron a»»ort«d fotltt.vfp 00 Ibn ruuuU a«nrit«d. 160 nail Iron. I lb.r liar i, i-'i 1*2 luo .Clal I 1 2\l4. r*i lb" yA luch M|iinr«». 5o Iba I inch Kpian 7,T» lb» *4 inch i*rr, 7ft lb« liicbitp^ niu^n-, ltw |b* li^, 100 tba' 1*4) Iba 1 luo P'-.'ix't anforted n«jei round, »uuam'^ij?| and Atk\, r»oi ,.lMr »ir than iiicb 1 ion l!o»*i)urg||^|j fual. .'J.'JUJ ft fi roiijrli 1 lofh boarda for be» •10.•»•( bui^k'n, 70 ratter* l\fl, 16 fv«»t loi«tf Ah ralUr* ivt. I'2 II long 1« tit bt-amn 2iH, 1ft l»»n/ ft tii' bi'»m» UxH. *it) fe«*t long iu)0 Iba tai^i&l paper lt»«i In. calling W) aaab. Kiar.-ni^^ liKW »t-\ Mich ptanra, 1 J»»Tntrr, 2 fore plan«a^^^ jt,,l rmooth I'll)) naw, l.pauuol, bund. 1 ii pa 1 at a an 1 1 null rabbit planr, I I Im h. 1 inrb, 11 N ncu. 1 UM:b, diu!o «. rlnrh, J. DoiitfluM A vc., ucar Thlrd-St., ._L': Yankton, Dakota, Wallbaum Becker Props. •-pills liOrH* t« the ho*.1qn*rf«m roHftVcl '»r 1 «ml —Uflioixl •tabtlnc. BLACK HILLERS ATTENTION WAGNER BRO'S rimi'iutTrmt or tin Yankton Gunsmith Shop. Wholoik and lie tail D«*li-r« la Sbol JACK I Gobs', 1 I.O I' DAM 4*'*' K'* Rises, Reroiren, Game 832:, 1^:1 And *li Hindi ol Ammunition..— Corkn and Table Cutlery, ruklnf Tackle, Sec. AKenta for the VICTTOH 8KWlN(j MMJlttHK for thi-clu of Yankton* a1io Aufnte Tor the I.AFUX A RAND I'CWDKR ''Stor* I I •.J October |, lrtTB. Cl'Al-H) PliOlMlfUUi will bi- r«cetiml *l tli|* 0 BL-. i.r7 iiilri«M,-i.t to Ibe ondpr»lgued onlil »piinHjr th« flirt lu»t.,*t It o'clock nooo. furiiUh thti 6 {ilck ax«» toil felHflr 4% tt«T BloodV 30 heiMutf., rubbi 3 in. 3 pfy: Oilom bucklft"*, tt enrry corabt' fl offlrr ihMiVIMitffAt-v 4 do* nMoried n%J* 4 of of Hxio, ot U. JO Atv»l jtlM**. OnbllHillna hatrbrly 1 ft. H. hiimiiM f, 1 inrrlrf 1 dot. }•. «.,Uw ItRniiwor*: 3 *eUL male namtn«r« it pick lis-ttctlrf, ptiiUnliiK lron» 1 Mdr luce lct'h«r |5 tiarnt"** le»tnt*r whltf Wad 10 t* HmpbU'-k: '2 tapn line*, loo fiM bahbn nnnftl »MI 1 :i Ifi Inrb l'®| itiovv and buiit bract'and »ot of au»!tr bltlr b«ad planr*, I 5 If,.-1 I I 3^ I 1 Inch 2 thumbU(il^ and oti*' inttrliRif 4 mortl»« chiaela. I Va. ll^^l ?, V- I S 1 firmer chisel* *2 framfn£)J£N%- chUeli*. I Inch' 1 framing aq iartj iry it and 4 lnch*.*: 1 bevi'l 1 *ld« fllfcater^ I aptrlt""*-.-^ It vA'l. nrljdHtHtik- I Iiioultltnu P1 ^ur». 2 1-: •». 1 pair match plane*, nn.vable I ht*el^. aiM- *rrt «im«ri», 1 Urj^e and 1*inaM lMI® spnke abuVi* I draw knife I Waehliawoll 1 ititi.d .ixo. T2 ienu viuury aud 1 -'1 ream aaisd^S| LUL. Lumber to»b« of go»d meichanlablc qnall\r,^ 3f0 ami »it lh»* «»i her ar» i« !r* 11» be of flr*t -clu** qua I l?V. l*v br dfMterrd at ihl* agencr aa aoon a* |M**lbl* Ml'--'' 5 afu-r bolnz null (led that a blu la ac6eple(t^^i Karh bid moai-bv acfn(npanlH with a gufcran^?,^ ^!. Icj* liindin^ lit? bidder to rntt-r Into a contract at_ O»M M'tih the itiutur»igm-.d If the bid la actv p'ed ?f^ ..--.-j.-., .litiU may be toado for lhe entire or for any partv^v' 'U* c*r Ibeabovo. IV riiiht if r.'Hfr\cd to reject an/ or all blilai:^.^/ !o 1 endorf.i'0 *-|Vopoa !a for atipplle«° and «d«iivi»pcu to the iiudnrpitrncd. I::,::- .. J. (M{AVKNM, -T-T— Germania House! m' h-*'~r£ »S CO anrl Ilc|alr Shop on BroAdwajr. ncar Tlilrd aireel, V. T. Black Hills Packet HTEAMEH Th- (lenrra Mradn will make iri-montbljr trlpa the hjiUucu of the acaeon. an^ltt-4131 R. U. MASON, Maeter. PHILIP BEST fc CO.'S CHEwma TOB&GCD! VILVA'UKES' LAQEB B1I8, --AT- Fred II. Lurch's, a mt Gen. Meade Will leave Ytanklon Friday, Orl. fith, for FORT PIERRE, CHEYENNE, A N Iv A iM tP* ix NT*TH BTTTTT (Mr wai.and St., formerly ttefcnaatc^ YANKTON*. DAKOTA. fmk Milwaukee U|tt CowlMtlj oar ,\ IH