Newspaper Page Text
'Lfc mm Is :W- 5* r-' and fT ft-- D^ILY.' 1 VXNKTON, DAKOTA.. V' l! «V- 4 ^Thonikj Homing, Oct. 26, 1876. *-T :—L—— The Weather To-Dajr, Waihhkitoh, Oct. 25. Probabilities {brUx upper Mississippi and lower Mi& aouri willcys: Rising, followed by falline barometer scold, northwest winds, sbcfting to warmer, aoutbweal or souibeast,and clear "weather. MCAL LACO NICS« The weather yeeteiday wu superb. The Prwa end Dakotaiau, weekly edition, wit) be fMbilahed (hit morning. -. Tkerewsreaeveral car loads of freigblat- Reserved seats for Wallace SUters are bow for «ta at Apple* by retail, or by the barrel, at pita! market, Ptoteobauer A Bray. The beat acid cheapest stock ot teas in town, at W. II. Ketchum's. f, to* Ton can positively save 25" per cent by I buying your clothing at 8. Eisemsn & Co. There is lefts whisky drinking done in Yatjhton than in a»y capital. In an* stale or territory in the Union-. It is probably very wicked to bet on ejection, bat If yoa are bound to bet, stake M)oi} on Hayes and Wheeler, Third BtrMl, between Broadway and Ce dar, Is receiving tbe attention of the a(raet commissioner aad hlr*anir oftcrspen. Jim Taylor. oLlhe Herald refused a two thousand dollar bet on bis lavortte presi dential candidate yesterday. 1 be demo .data are weakening. The F. F. V's. of Illibois buy the fancy flour manufactured by the Excelsior mills, Yankton. Tbe difficulty with the mills is to supply the growing demand. I occupy tbe store building right on the corner of Third and-Walnut streets and guarantee to corner and knock tbe bottom out of priccs of any kouae In town. W. R. Keicbum. -. Elaeman'a .stock of cloths, Fargo, kas just completed threshing bis grain.: Bis bed. 3,000 bushels. His wheal averaging nineteen, btuheis per acre.—Red ^DptMsdl the moeteiteaaive and beat selected OWtassI of writing papers and sutttener (aMilly, tbat wae eer shipped Into"' iMT'letrilo**, W now at" Mills & ffisidly's »n mi fcooi ki ^W*lakK Mill coapany have just empMad Sue brfck flour and feed store hotrn ill the iw of tbe*r elevator. Iu dipenaioos are 28t9S teet on the ground nnil It ptobably tbe beat room, all things cooaldered, In tbe territory. Ottr stock of clothing furnishing gooda, hats and caps ia positively the largest and cheapeet In Yankton, and we are confident thai we can naive 35 per cent to our custom era by buying their goods of us. 8. Eise man ft Co. Clothing, gents furnishing goods, bats, caps, trunks valises, rubber and woolen nliber ovarcoats, at Kaiz's the itaput hoCSe in Yankton. Call and see! The Volin brothers will establUh a per manent freight line from Yankton to. the Black,HUIS without delay, and intend making regular tripe throughout tbe com ing winter. Evana & Hornick will also. keep their line up If bo sin ess demands it. Politically aoeaking Yankton county seems to be the only county in Dskota con cerning which there is any queation. seems to be a tort of battle ground for the territorial campaign, and yet there. ?bould Be no doqbt that the republican ticket will carry kere by at leaat ISO majority, IUpw Cilf Journal, Oet. 25th: "There 'waaalady at tbe passenger depot in tills $"-j[ j,v city yest^Ay, Oh her way to SpriogtWUl, *''^0. T., who bad a wen on tbe right aide ot neck nearly aa large as a pint bowl. It rr~ tM tke lower p«»* of her )sw ii ^down almost t*i ber collar bono. It TAl atf tiely-looking thing." "ii rewd*nia^ Yankton wbo own or "»irjtsj«6«*H»le for the proper ketrping of any tsorse, mule, piit or borned beast will aave Inuacb vexation and ekpetwe, by restraining .' '-£v- i-Jaeid animals from running at large within -the aity Itatlte. Tbe offloers charged with the doty.of enforclag ttecily ordinances In tkis respect are aboqt io inaugurate a vigi lent ece^uliAn of their trust aud will em pound all animals found treapeaaing. .Mrs. R. 4. Jstck"m aivd Mrs. Csirell ware drjviog dqwn Fourth sUaet yesterday afterftcMMp bea Uiei/ carriage suddenly broke Sawn, leaving Ihtm in a very preca ,«ious condition aud at the mercy of a aplr itrd horse. Tbeir preaenoe of mhid in au nag ing tl^i horse ^«v««il«d disastrous maetqaeftces'ah'3 the ladies escaped un kaf«. In eMh apreolcatAent preteode of mind la Best beat to abseaoa of body. Bad Stiver Democrat Tbe board of dinedora of the Northern pacific railroad have decided to operate tbe Dakota divi- tiB,B coa,iB« A lacbed tola* evening pweD^r train. Hon. H. Mclhtyre's majority, for mem- 'be poet office newt depot, A Bomber of our local politicians went %»fer to the Marindabl political meeting yesterday. cms!meres, bearer, chincillas, ete., Is complete and now is tbe time to select your dress. suits, bus lM«nlt or over coat for tbe winter, llecollect we guarantee a fit or no sale. Tbe ruling price iu this oaarket yesterday for wheat was 76 to 77 cents. A few loads •old as high aa 86 under the prcaaure of active and zealous competition. ,— li V. Hoeajr, residing nine miles from winter- sP'^^sUandoM by "request of the par de °f •'HUry sitnatioo valpf $l*iliaa poootry adjscent to the road. ksiWat procured and a fqrw set The IU1*era^t fe10lsite snow fenoea, by^»ork will be mmsnlal^ WLwi •ilia In wlilWI Mwlttr -\s W 1 *4 •OY8TERS IN W LK. The oyster seai^iu. am commenced.— Bring Blong your pails slid Jeukinaon will ftll stliem meat. at 60 pcula per quart: solid Freeh tilery at J(wklnsqg*8. Cabbage it the l'upltal market. S Wwl jams are sold cheap at V? Ketchum'a. l»KKflO,NAX^ ^faj. Wasblmrn, of Sioiijc Superintendent Merchant, of the Dakota Southern, ia in town looking over the pre iKiiinary workifor the change of tha trtek below ioKn'."""- pastor., church be has gained hosts of friends bet.h lo snd out of the church, snd it is with re gret that the community now witnesses his departure. rnmigsm Cornelius' VauderbUt^Ga) ville. ST. CIIAHLKS VP .* O Hamil ton, Sioux City E Slalvtn, Dyersville, Iowa E Davis, St. Louis, Mo. Wade, St James, Neb W 11 Merchant.1 wife and child, Mrs Prihdle and daughter, WE IUley, Cboteau Creek. Mntton, 1ieef7 ork and" on band at Pfolenhitucr A *3-. Yankton. I' 4 II. Take a look at..'EJabman's onu dollar sblrt, the bt-» the world fur the money. KnMs, has ro turned from the gn at exhibitions.'" 4 the gubernatorial grasshopper conventiou. MrJTiios. McLmse, a former cltizon ot" Yankton, was at Pterre Jlty this other day. Rev. J. A. Potter, the new paator ot the Methodist church, reHchud .Yankton last evening. ber of the Colorado Cani^iatea is S3.-— Charley Burdick, son of Marshal Hi)c Jick, baa gone east when be will attci Gov. PenniniiUm ij in l)mah:i allending ed by qiusic Jby the band, after which (Jen: W. H. H. Beatlle was introduced. ij1 -He first upon couuty aittttvrs. The convention which bsd nominated the ticket now before the people was the best tbe f:p«Aker hsd evar w«n In Dakota. It was harmonious throughout and all its cOnclu- tbe Maryland Agricultural Cotlege. all been arranged by the commission ap Dr -Milter baa returned to bis bona and pointed by tbe governor under authority friends. He will meet a cordial reception of the legislature and it was all In come be and many congratulations because Mfs." ,rr tbe new legislature tor" adoplTT.uT TTLe Miller accompanies him.. codification was fair and plain and Geo. l\. Wltetnan, an employe of the viioux City mills, was terribly mingled and grammatical and orthograpuicel, which bad bruised by being caught in a portion of the crept iuto the law. Kvt-ry candidate upon maohln&ry Monday afternoon. He will lose the republican ticket, had labored assidu one arm at least and perhaps bis feet. His ously for the prejervatiou of the exemp ultimate recovery la hoped for. tion law and had succeeded. All matters lie v. Mr. Jamison leaves this morning relating to the betterment of the people or for bia oew-fleld of labor. Since be came ikota had bei considered by tbe com to Yankton as pastor., of our Methodiet! 1 Eve ret Monti had been alowly failing up to nine o'clock last evening at which hour bia case was looked upon as hopeless. HejCaos was fully conscious, and wltb calm resig-flce. nation await death's summons. He has shown unflinching fortitude during his en tire-illness. Arrivals, MEncn*sTs. Gao E Dexter, Nebraska E Iverson Chris Dilger, A Potter, city Wm. O DeVay, Vermillion A Hayner, 'Wrn Hosa, Chicago Lindsay, Council Bluffs W Strandhan, 8t I^oiiis Mrs' Elizabeth Riley and dnughter, Swan Like 1 poultry, always liray's Capital market. My grocery itork is ctmplcled and I make the lowest priccs of any bouse iu Yankton. W. It Keicbum. Splendid stock of boots and shoes, cheap for cash, at W. R. Keicbum'a. Tfaealrical. Tbe cTti/eiis of inklon will have an op rtmuty next week of witnessing the per-. formancua of the famous theatrical stars— the beautiful and talented Wallace sisters who now occupy the leading place in the xanka of dramatic performers. Their mag nificent acting has won tbe warmest en comiuraa from tbe dramatic critics of the eaatern press, and Ihcir professional journey -west has been a grand ovation. They will give„,vlWo entertainments in White shirts, parcalle shirts, cassimere shirts, flannel shirts, the' best assortment in the city rodutxd at S. Ei&eman & Co.'i. .. J. You can get ao Ulster overcoat at Katz's cheaper than at any other place in thecily. Splendid stock of prints, gingbamB, and muslins, etc., just reeelyed. Call and see them,-at W. R. Kelchuiu's. An Indian lurl. Mr Pax'toB-arrived at Port Rintlall Tues day evening from Slandiug Jlock. He re ports a duel between low Indians at the latter plaoe io bich one whs fought with Henry rifle*. -j 'The River. The meamer Carroll, according to Sioux City Journal, left Bismarck Yank ton last Friday., Artansements have been made to run a regular freight and passenger packet from Yankton to Pierre next season ixc-Uviri'ly in the Blsck IIilia trade, snd the steamboat will be built this winter for thia purpose. There are two reports concerning the steamer C. K. Peck —one tbat a he left Ran dall for Yankton yesterday, and the otber thai, she had nut reached .Iiatpfcill. If she left RandaJII yesterday we shall see her sometime to-day. She will reload Imipedi jately oq arrival for Oheyenufe agency S -. V- •. :"/,v AT MABINDAHL —r Meeting of the Yankton County Tic ,„vVi publicans Last Night B«-veral IiitrrotlnB kpreekra bj -Scv- era] iinerrolInK tpraknr I ^"Tbe Yankton county republicans swm hl»H.t at Marindiiiil lust evening and listened Ui a number of speeches from our home or ntora. 7'he' meeting organized by the «lcciion of P. Martin bh. chairman. 1 The exi'.rclttrs.of th« nvening were open legislature, ov«r Ixjlh of men of sense and good judgment Among Tthe vartoua questions before the people was the codification of the laws of Dakota, to ^be adopted by the ne*t legislature. It had sious were reached by the deliberate action -iiw m»cn, „wID .,r .La spoke a few minutes simple. Democrats as weli as republicans were at work npon it. The commission had undertaken no repeal of the ademption law, as had been reported by tbe democrat ic partj. It had only corrected oils.ion. Ueadle. as secretary of the com mission, was in a position to speak advised ly upon this subject, and be told his audii-ffi..!'• ence the truth' reganling this important work. Representlng as we do the vaiious inter-1 eats of the territory it behooved repnbli of- all lo C(iri.,a| whom lhey piaa-j It was an im|)()raiU in election and But it ,waa only a hollow sound. The people would and should support the parly which bad proven its character by its Ing found against lie in. The record of the democratic party bad not been a very complimentary record. Yet they cried Tor) a a killed they There t« about 8} inches of water iu the ch'iunel river »!owly falling. There are no boais at till* jvirt at ent, except.the I)r Burleigh. nrc«- the (or Tbe Sioux City Journal Kiys that some as fine fat steers as we ever beheld have been shipped eaat of late from Dakota U:r ritory." .' Tbe Yellowstone left yesterday at eleven o'clock a. m., for Lower Bruia Agency, with 110 toos of government freight aud ten passengers. She will be hack in sbout a week. full of good |xlints and elicited hearly ap platwe. At its close tbe meeting rose, and gave him three hearty cheers. Dr. Burleigh look tbe platform. The sentiments of previous speakers sccorded with his own, they sounded like the senti ments of tbe good old republican party. He had kept step with lbe'.-parly- from 1 Uo fitst to lbe close of the wkr. After period he had. (tellered receded stales If. tbey would come back' paid their own takua. Dr. the tudienoo about the lie I 7+ J. I{ G*.mblo #a, the next ap^skt-r. He avcuring the consent of the Indiana both at desired io fpenk to the audience, in a famil-'j Thompson aud Brule to the new2 treaty Har way, iihoiit the restraint which us-, The commiaaioa has been able lo gather ually oncompaased a public speaker. He much information concerning the Black v,«:itcd to talk to tliom about the, candi-j Hills, all of which encourages the belief es ol both parties for ollloe iu that way.: tb&t a largo emigretjon wjijl tenOl tiiat way He nsked his audience to look at the rel- iu the eprimr, ative virtt»e*-ayid relative C|ttnlificatiotis ~6fj -.••• the opposing dandidstea. If they were Ladies trimmed hats, latest styles and ctmaidered in a fair, aud impartial manner, cheap for caab, at Ketcbum'a. the republican nominees would stand bead Fred Lercb has just pat In a new BrUn* aud shoulders above the others. Aaiife *'ck, Stephaoi & Hart- billiard table, ir from personal qualifications waa the duty ranged for any blllianl game. each republican owed to the cauae' of hon Nice stock of dried raspberries, prunes, esty. There was a cry of corruption in tTie currants, blackberries, Alden and Micb ranks ol the democracy, and it was only a 'i!au apples at W. li Ketchum's. -•$ cry. They bad no proof, could furnish uone. They were no more honest than republicans. Being no'more honest tbeyl A neat, active boy, 14 or IS. years old, to could furnish no more honest i.fflciala. That was all their cry—reform, honealT.!''81, reform. They wauled everything reform-d„w|ng ,e0 ed bul IhemKcives. The parable of the prodigal son waa taken up by Mr. Gambia and a comparison drawn between the prod-^j party alter pnrtjr in search of personal ^potlB, bsd been the faiher of the libel. Tbe drctor made an earnest ind telling effort against oiir national opponenta, pre senting arvjimcnta Which carried conyic: lion with every word. He was heartily apfilanded. Er.ick Ivei-anq was called for. Ho did not intend to make a speech but would talk a little! His position was the position of a true republican and he talked bia sent! ments straight I'rofn tbe shoulder. Head 'yoctfted a reform of the laws of Dakota In reference to assessments so that taxaa should be equalized.and tbat every body should tw compelled lo Ephnlm Miner was called for. He thought that enriugh had already been said -and tiiat everybody was convinced. H« thought our ticket oue which no msn need errors, ajihnmed of and one wblcU would win at the pollsf should look well to their work. The 8pcaker.'s..jeference lo national Is sues was eloquent in the extremes! sense, (jov. Edmunds, writes from Cheyenne of the word. He gave his audience a brief Agencyjo friends in this city in the moat rettospect of the past and advised hem,' encouraging manner repreaentlng tba work as patriots, lo stand by the nation's fli«. as of the treaty commission. The councila at they had in years gone by. The slat*art Cheyenne were harmonious and the Indi arins aud the heioic enilmvors of the loyal ans were found well disposed. The oom pteople had once sayul the nation, and by mission were jt Fort Thompson Friday them the future was lobe mude.tts brilliant and would tarry a day or two «t BrnU as tile past hud been. Agency. They anticipated no difficulty in Rheriif Baker declined talking, though he was briistrouslv urged. Ills remarks elicited three cheers from the audience. Tbe meeting adjourned with three cheers for Kidder aud the whole ticket. Three hundred good sheep Tor sale cheap or for exchange for fat cattle. Apply to Ellison, Merchants hotel. All of the latest styles of bats and caps at bottom prices at 8. Eiscman & Co.'a. Cheap meftt at Jenkina &. Brentian. Cheaper for cvjh and better than any bouse iu lank ton. We mean business. ,:r-. 11« Indian Conailulva, alteut'°®'x- OTcr tbe house. His speech throughout was ....,, ,— If you want a goo.] cigar for 5- cauls, go lo Jeukinson's. gone and be woold stand by tbat decision as lng as be could nte bis tongue to speak. The speaker knew of men who were democrats to the tfleet that. Judge Kidder h«d been driven from Dikot* by 8plnk. _J He had fe«a»tly come from St. 'PawJ».'• A bo^f fl'ia closing'ottt' 4n|bci90biDHaf0*4 he had secii Mrs. Kidder- at tbe 4oint of Kee'a suction room, Tuesday at 10 death and the jiiflie at her bedside, oli.i're! °'oH?qk' PK CXtobfe* 21, 1870 and will he should be. Ile: did not wonder., however,! continue upti} Saturday night October 2S, that a man like Spink, who had deserted' ^8"?®. pay taxes. Phil. K. Faulk was called'for, but declin ed sayipg- much, owing to a severe cold. upon national and local issues. Clark West was called out but excused himself with a few words. A. L. Van Osd'ell, being called for, rose and explained that he bad voted for the bill which rrpealed tbe exemption, law, but that be in coBHDoa witfa moat of trta ooli: leagnei did it without kpowing the pur port of the bill their rotes carried through- Apply to H. D. Dodge, den- ^el"s''11 8 works.' All the republican i^fflcera had been" In vesligaled by a lot of democrats who bad Waaiad. not paid their taxes. Tbey had beon.ia-i To exchange two New York rallrofd veaiigated and nothing bad been discover- bond& one thousand dollars eacb, drawiag ed. It cost tbe democrau |200 to do it, ten per cent Interest in gold, for Improved but tbey bad not yet paid their l»xes. It property in Yankton. Call at room* over was tbe same way In congress. Republic-' Mills 4 Purdy'sdrug store. ans had there been investigated aud notb- J. H, Uowk, Juii w. "'ore' Buck gloves sod mUtt in endless vjuriaU at S. Ei«eman A Co. .O Boy's and youths' cloth!ngraIl styiasa nd prices at Kaiz's. ••••«. a A complete stock nf bleached and brown muslin's, Canton and all wool flannels, at W. If. Kelchum. ,, Buy, open, weigh," count aad compare A Booth's oval brand of Oysters, and ooo thati v'ncc yourselves that tbey are the beat ia in taklnx Wck the', raarket. For sale by M. H, Jenkinson sole. #8cul- acknowledging ~thelr error and promising1 ^Tatsri, at Sctioregge-a: submission. But they bad come to. the ^aifkton.: doors of con if res* demanding their' old ®unl telegraph every night at Schor righls. They had been reared in slavery and il was a part of their make up and he made up hia mind I ha only Iheir posterely could accept the situation aud that after a thorough eduaition of the tight Sort" The speaker said be had been appointed I K-itr. says he will-sell 30 perNattObeaper as candidate for the legislature against his' than any other house in the city own desires. He acfeplrd aud bad Select %H cts meillum, 05 cts fquare brand, 55 cents egge'a. Prices change whenever telegraphic intelligence of a rise or fall la received. You can find all grades of clothing and furnishing goods from the cb«apc|l lo the finest at 8. E aeman A Co. Jaak Ismb'S 0|« iiilo the ctsi.Viss with the inteution of be ing elected. He was oppoaed lo lbe re peal of the exempt ion law—it was the safe guard of the people and be should niaiu lain il. He explained his ttneltinn ajvln the railroad bond au'Ject. He ^«d be-®A warraotisd.KRir J[«at. -eiier, imported, lieved tbat we should pay more boiida, btit' three for SOc^at Jemkinsori'a. the aupreitie court had decided against him aryiog fiir Tilclen and reform, who bad not! terau^ ptw—tbe original ('. ,0. D. store la of Third and Walout Burleigb told 1 put forth by If you want a goyd ciga* futs10c, go to Jvnkinson'a. If you want ft good cigar,fir J5c, go to ukinSon's. itz baaijusi recelted another Invoico of gutoi^s underwear and furnishing giv»dij. Tare Nktick.-tIp not get Into the right on the corner streets. W. K. Keicbum N E O S E I IT iwiDiiOiiw •srJijSn at Auction. Auction sates every day it j0 ([. m. 1 o'clock p. m. Also in the eyening a" 7 0 Good suila of clothaa at |iiii and every thing else at equally low-prices, f. A nice lot of tahte and pocket 'cutlery, German »(lver ap^ods, queens ware, -glaa# ware, lamp*, chandellera ui be sold at-auc tion or private ante. AIbo a aplendljd' bedroom set, eonalstia^ of one marble top bureau wlih glass set iu nlcel? carvod walnut frame rme marble top waabstandand bedstead, cost hew $135" one wardrobe, one book (^*e with a line 1st, of books. Ladies as well a* gohttpnartf ate reqaeated to attend ihla aate. L. M, Kuc, auctlooecr. 4'* riff I hereby announce myself aa iv denl candidate for the office of kh£fc y. Yankton ceoaty. li Very reape«fyj"» Very respectfully, H. Haai.u. ®*la« KaaiM *r Csl*ia4* i: SUds tka Ft railroud, thejiew and popular-line from A/fib Woa and Kanww Olw, via/ Wfc bean tirul Arkansas valley, to Pueblo, Colorado Sptings, Denver, Canon City, Cucharaa, Del Worte, Trinidad,! ,lltt*la klfd -eH points in Colorado, New Mexico and Arii ao6a. Spet^al. rontid trip100 day tickets to Denver on sale May 15tb, at $50, taking in tbe famous watering places on the D.^k It road. /Cf. Low emigrant rates to the San gyurh Mines. •. it -. x"\t Pullman Palace Sleeping can. between the Missouri river and the rocky mountain^ without change. Close connections made at Kansas City and Atchison in Union dc pots. For maps, time tablet and tbe ''San Joan Guide," address, .QV T- J- Ahdhmom, Gen. Pasc Agt., r4-' To**** Kam. S«wla( Maekla* for Sale. A new Singer aewing machine Is offered for tale or trade. The machine has -never been used, and baa all the modern attach ments. .Enquire at the Pteae and Dak»ta an office. Tke People Waal rroar. There ia no medicine preaeribe^ by pliy stcians, or sold by droggUte, lhat earriea such evidence of lta anceeea and sdperior Tirtue as BJschee's German Syrup ffir ae nfa cpugha, 0old*jmtt!ia o« too'h^ast, consumption or anv disease of the throat and lungs.' A proof of that fact la Utat any person afflicted, can get a aample bottle fur 19 cents and try iu auperlor effect "be fore buying the regular size «t 75 oenta. It has lately been Introduced in this omrntry froffirGermany, aad lta wondarful curfes are astonlahing every one that uae Mi .Three doaes will relieve *ny case. Try It. Sold by Mills A Purdr. -r 1 -iiii ,. Tltal weakaess tr dayrewn: a weak exhausted fee 11pg no rrrrryfy "f— courage the "rnralt of •ealal over work, IndlMTMlMa mr exceaeea, or some drain upon tbe system, is always ""^w^y^JfCMPHBEYS' HOMEO PATHIC Tfd. 28. It tones up and invig orales the sjstcm. dispe^ the gloom apd For aaW te kale ^Co.J TSi. fb\ W IBM!, To elchtngc dol„f cbdL doU morlj{1M?(3 ft)r hmwe and 16t ln Yftnk. t0D eily or lttUj ln lbe TiciDit,. Cllll on HoW(J rw,m over M[,U & Pnfdy'a •f iCnd re^^iaLs'tlie entire man. ^Been used twenty years with perfect succea* by thoaaanda,' Price, $1.00 per aingle package of Ave der. fiaftt h| Addreaa HI PATH I NY. UTBI VSEEr LARC deod-db-wl/"'^" years with per sold by dealers vial, or $5.00 per kOMEO 19 PA $ri ORK. ENT CA8H PAID iPOR ALL KINDS OF FC J. WEIXJCL. SKI "IS mu A GRAND BARGAIN OFFERED -F- Ttniber an^Pr^trfe land for Sale l« Bon Honic County. .Timber JawJ—32JT atsrtiJjOU Ijjon Hommo laland—will be sold on reasonahlo terms •^Prairie land—15! ifrc4*adjdijjV»g fke town of pon Homine on the reat. Sixty acres uptaat) prairie, thirty scrciuoder cultiva ., Vl:. -Souse op the .{and, remainder of W^e®i, meodo'w 'anij Noting cotton wood timber. For Bale very cheap for caab. Ahply at the "Pres# ft paVotaian -office, or address drawer E, Yankton, Dakota. dw, j- Ikat Couslff thft.iiti'' Ki From tbe sale of fl#(*0flMWWles Of Hale's Ctouub cordial, a^ld ln Ihe'jtwnliwest whh In the past jear, on a guarantee to refund tbe monejr in case of iiiil&ns'to cure, there were less than fifty bolt|erf -fejurned, being less than one failure in a thousand. Thia jlf)ea|t» volumes Ja favurof this won sore throats. _sjcians every t^*HaBrpriee .1 the wonderfuiresulta "fpsni" The use of ibis medicine. We ambMIM SlitUi Purdy u» warrant a Cure or return tbe money In case «f a faikare after using ooa balf tbe bottle. It Is very pleasant to the taste, making It a very deaimble remedy Ihr children. ol /^«f.j|5ea|ts volumes Ja favur acgfiowledga" lljuia iwa The largest, cheapeKtr.« mint of clotbfhg aqd gents gooda in Ysnkion,can now be £laeaao, C^a. YAN KTON sr Fr^d.. Marsden'u Graqd IJujuaut 1c, -^•BNTKs'OTAL UBtblMA! JACQUETTE! I iUl,. 0— :LU On Wednp»d»j Krenlfg NAT««abar l«t. JOIIV BHOCOn VMS Qraat £«aMti«aal'. Bvmma, play ed iooijuiifnpntiYo^iiit« auW^iiack a •Kew Tork. MINNIE'S LUCK E and SH y?YA Broad-way,* ORDERS PROMPTLY -ffi StirmUJkt SffttmKf TitfrAtohiicif S«! '». Ma# -a»i'M«I1. Offlc* In P.J.D«wU4^Bril,M-St. Ttnkton.D.T. JAMti .-fiai Nioiii* ir LiV. tBOlllB Pure Kentuoky*4 Whisky a Sp^ci^lty 4 «,#»** .*jSV WEIXEL & BAER, WHpi:j»££-E DSALER8,4*1 rtsi'J •dwifnA'? am S'if h. k«in« uirnm. "aaift ALOCK^ 6 si AM Sis- E Telt 4ruplec Sioux for ot Ti. DIM Gen 1 iifSftSSS Red furnlelilng feeo at S. Loy HALL, -V-t 8po ".-•t 1 VvK^PAth 1 ^P| it- ?rnv- WBDJritSDAY. *•**. *\oa( kmkxt for tw» pgi^i fe&VjVv cisA only, mivnb,. ,flr 1CAUD. Supported by krb.c/qmhi n-ati oni GI.VKI) OBchlSTRAI MILITARY ATfD. U'JT Oa Tae«ia7 Kv« Od.-IHt, !'.-:S beir Red a bo to oorr bor cre kne the inti wit Me am ina cor bat by Oa \ht loc CA! Oct ."5. 1 Taeiktoaa, -J HTTkls la tba opljt axteiaalva whol««al« Ifciaer k^ase'liaTkls'eUjr-^JKl vrt mi inj 8p Li Or the 0p» and Downs bt City' fit. JtKSEBVKp ijJEATft job safe 7(ct» tlJtNKkAt: AOJwlwubN..aests fry."1.1 .y^ -«jqVERP{ -g ^aMle Mai't^yajrwDw. ,. aaw»ae» .i .. •n T. a ®r p« or ...ol W iff iViM "1 JIM"