Newspaper Page Text
E ,'A.h JL wW -,Mm *_ a S#SiSsS4- Vol. 2 E'L EO-RAPHIC. 4 o'clock, a. m. THE UED JU. &-(*&*. *•»*, '-«,»***. The Hitf Horn Campaign -rfP For- malij'WiWAJl Tp. The Winter Campning Opened Tna Ititler tW^T*»m*»4*at«« I)i-, rection of General' W'J- Success of the Mew Treaty Com- _z__missi»H1.i!y^it tJr^oM N ^owrsiuux i^ Favorable Result of the Hew Com missioner's Labor. EVKIlYrHINO 18 T.fiVEI.Y AMO.VO THE UPI'HR" MlfcsOUHI PK1J8. Sioux Oily, "Oct. "27—A telegram from Yankton agency says iht^ steam er 0. K. Peak .imsar'd down jatJioon yesterday "with tne~"Sioux peace com missionet6. They report...that their ifltsMOQ has bean sa(isfaCtcry cessful. Tliey held councils at all the Hgencii^ on tho upper-jM.i»souri, and th'e treaty was signed by. all the head chiefs of the different baijtls. The commission at the-Truest-of—the In- tfians, struck out the section propos ing lo remove them to the Indian Territory'. .ThcyjLiditiBj jnccepall the other propositions' without objec tion.rjifTjH HIOAIS CI.OSK OP Til bl'MUKU AM I' A1 IN lOBBIjMXiOO r\ rJ lUtnrn of tl»« British Arrtlr Expedition^ o.Vi«« R. rr r-R-'iiR JB?'' Berlin Papers Opposed to Rus ftfaa Control in T^rkei .)[J -1'lxe Six not weeks Arntlsflee Agreed to. FOREIGN KETCTKN t)P THlt iU€TI' RXV*lri'l»£. J^ondon, Oct. 27—A telegrarn has been received announcing the return tritish Arctic ex- pedition under Capt Naree, oftmpris ing the steamers Alert and Discovery. Progress to the north pole was found impracticable. Captain Nares reports that no land could be dfiodveiled to the north ward gf the highest'latrt«^» reavlied, namely 8 degrees 20 min utes, iiul. in other respects the expe dition was successful. The Alert has proceeded to Queenstown, Captain Nures t« London.if' AH \4ell.-.® The AU'rt" H.rrived al .Vu'crtia at 2:30 this aft^efi^i^|)Aiii tWb flrid land tnade iii|«i* gions.' RRPORT tfBOJt The Alert anl Discovery left Port Foulk on July 29,' 1876, and entered the ice off Cape Sable. After arvere and continuous struggle, thev reached the norjh of. rem the shore t»f Ahe Pbikt «efci with the ice varied in thickncss, btii.g in some' places 150 feet deep. The so Called Pl-est^ent land does i\ot ex ist. The Alert !W^nfere^l 8'^, 27. At .this point thVstia. was in visible for 142 days.' 7 All members of the expedition-de clare •it rmpossihie io Ret 'nearer the pole than their northern exploring party, which\ penotra'tcd to vithin 400 miles of it'. Ota the, return from their sledge journeys thejnen, were in a very helpless condition, and it wais necewi^Wy to draw aome of them on sledge*.. ...' .4 en r« The Arctic expedition experienced tlte towest temperature ever record ed—104 lielow freezing point. Sledge parties were sent out'iu variousdiree J.ioas»but fouod-no g»«ie, and suffered fronj scurvy, and some died from tlhif«v fopfi ii!yLtCip^vi1yfe^Q on? ©real difficulties were encountered. As the expedition re- The tJ THE TREATY' t'-di OAt wilV^hter' in Italian sary. TUKKBV HAS NOT aujec v?ia DISPOSITION OF TBiK)PS 7 Cheyenne, Oct. 2?—The arrival ef Gen. Merrill's couiru&ud at Red Cloud, bigualized the clusiftg up of 'he Big -li-trn and Yellowstone c»mpaigj which will l»e succeeded bylhe'PoW der~Hiver expedition, consisting of 15 companies of infantry and 11 COBS panics cavalry.. They are (resh troops and will b? oomwutided' Grn. CrO'^tTH'p^sioiK''1'Ytftfflftjj k£v nlry will h»v« its winter headquarters at Fort Russell, Gun. Mui ritt in pom maud. The third goes to Purt Lara mie. Ten companies will remain at' Red Cloud. The capture -made hy O^n. Merritt consisted of 500Tndiaiis, 700 ponies anJ 4—largo numbei1 of arms, the last two to be disposed of ai auction. 2nd of November, at Fort Laramie OFP KOK THE WAltS. r. '"oovefy-S* hourly expected at Refectory"" Cadets Dismissed Queeiibtown, Many valuable collee tions w^re made for natural history f"7 and' science. M" BKI.IOIOUS AGITATION** ^Cr-A 'feligwiu* ai *t or (Sfcfli ^1'" object of procuring help for Turkey. Christians apprehend a Mosttm out break. Foreign oonsuls have com tnui\icated with thefir governments on the subject. THE KUSSIAN KL.KKT I^ondon, Oct. 27—The troop ship LimaMy is preparing to take six com- •Mediterrean t»e jwder. was, in|oirie djjfj'dgo ^h^o'^ie lUpect of uffaii Hs'- it»ri:-4 \irt-ate now- Ze.tung urgw. the propriety of plHC.:ttri, London, Oct. 27.— 'The oase of Tit.!i Slade, American, medium, jHid &itn- mons/assistant, waa_up .again to-dayT when the charge agatntt dQiaiMed and Sim moris Haa djgi^yo^» Xnw prose- Sla^BjOnder tbey va^jj»^t, agt.t Magis traJe Flower» expre«ed the. opinion that there was a atrong prima facie case againetHiade under this act,"" j»ooa *H»mv*: Turkey 1 irpil eUd etii^lrok." h^JP^tWfei»l«rwS.p»il- fwaters IIW the reform voider English instead)cliristian temperance association in of-Kusstati'cbntrol. 03 Propiosals to ieitle' thfe terms of j" peace tyr^-a-pcnference at which the Porte shall not be represented are opposed by England aud Ital Cairo, f)cf 21.—EnglaudT-TVauoe, (yereaaoy, «nd Anatrim hare notlScd TneJrTip|)Y6T«I or judgments against the t)«ica aw fehedlre'i private estater &XD Xicrvju* FOR SBRVtA. London, Oct. 27.—The St atidard's Belgrade dispatch says intelligent witnesses just returned from Deligrad report that tfic Servians are enduring] feaiful privations. On Sunday last.! Six hundred wounded were lying at inns and cafes, whiq.h weremsed as hospitals. Half of these people had wounded themselves, in order to procure theirUischarge. BKRVIX WAKTS rEAdft. A Vienna torrespondent of the Stan dard telegraphs It is stated tnat the Servian government*' -In conse gqpeqcQ of recent.defeats, have again asked ifor the ifireffe-ence of the pow ers in favor ofjieaoe. It is reported in Berlin thai is endeavoring to treat.dirootly with Servla. 1 «. 1,801 Til AMERfCA. tirrible Hurricane in South I America. xftm .'Hi- ux ,, UJUrtUCCTlVK HUKBIOAM*. Panama, Oct. 19.—A severe cyclone Ssed over Atha where tta»ni|K!7ftC wliJe4!i|yj«J^ii44e8 the 3d anrt 4th inst. Jhc ter quarters. The Alert pushed on town of MangrHjNioeragua was inun and reached the limit of 'ifavi^ation Central American 1 dated the 4th" about -100 houses were bkwndoyni and the inbahitante had to climb'On toy of their ho.ui5CS _td prevent being washetTaway by the Jlood. Many were drowned. The tdtkl da^n| 4drtt' a^rfnt^tetf «& Wo million dollars. The lowti 'of Blan fit!lfj* on the Mosqruito coast, Xicara- Oyfcr tnree nuoaredj houses were blown down. The same storm passed over the lake of Nicaraguai, causing ap immense emount of damage. Commodore Adattis lake slearner was Ipat. The loss on coffee Props ij estimal at three wiiUtoft dollars. About •:-5:% «W*e? 3INCKLLAXEOUs. Excitement In New York Over -3.WW/ the Arrival of Big Six to be ltrtitiqa itortfuoting their ooagressmen ready to proceed to the east if neees- to Mse their influence for the repeal AACfilvTKD.W' 1 According to private dispatches from Corihtatrt inople, of date jester day, tht' Porte had not then accepted who refused to^testify in the investi-. IjjnatiefTs proposal for a six weeks' gation of-the case of hazers, has been armistice. •M*'. dismissed from the naval academy. [This is the ninth cndei dismissed for the same offense within the last I two weeks. panies of royal engineers and two of -v f. _r -.1.- born as ever, deelining to testify, 1 he the transpos* wfpCTT^oln he Hritiah 3 Berlin dispalclies say "sn apparent-' WHaliingtourj Oct. 27 Jus 'J. ly trust worthy announcemetir ii iriadc Brooks, of PhilarteliTtriw for a long that Russia has intiinfcK^Hier willing-., time in the government secret service, ness to acoepi latest armis-, ha* been appointed to' siicced Col. certain- roodifica- NVasJiburn as cfiief of tliejsecrei ser tions. This, is jiot calculated to im- vice division, bf the treasury. peril the desired .• .R.-V-I WOMAN AND TKMTERAN NKW-PAPKR OPPOSITION TO RUPStA.| London, Oct, ^,7 The federal news-, papers of Berlin •art illmost^ uimnP-f mous in vigorous declarations against establishment of thuii^an pnw., er in urkish provinces. The Volks N(.wark) N. WOmun'finatjoual }j .1 Vf Cod tC 1 it ,»5l 1 '""v Slujjular Expressiou in Yer f' «A Expression in •%*%-!i rvel Vh 5 f- K« »'i ji rf. v^r- Freui the Naval Acatynny. rtW|rftl8 ot the bankrupt law. Op! 5TATAL CADKTS. Annapolis, Oct._27-Cadet Midship man Hochelle, of Ills., a 3d class man, MMJ-cadets uriraniz:uiona of the W()!n,in's states. st iUKSlUXKl). tlllilflllg Washington, Oct. 27—M D. Stan ton, son of the lute Secretary Stanton, and attorney for the diptrict of Coluin A 1W TROt'Hl.K. |. The oaee of Or l"*' 'ct'dert-d Ins resignation on the inst" of conspiracy WHOI.E8AI.K ARRKST. 27—The arrested a liquor Kew York, Oct. board of excise was on the complaint of entire to-day dealer who charges a' violation of the ex cise law iu granting the licenses for •pirituous liquors to restaurants. M'CI.KLLAN. Philadelphia, Oct. 27—Gen. Geo. B, McClellun arrived in the city this morning and will address a demo cratic meeting to-morrow evening. POVLTHV. TT~ The international poultry exhi bit:on vhi«h was to have bw^n open ed on the centennial grounds has been postponed for a day oir two. SKC0M) EDITION. Very Latest by Telegraph. FOREIGN- 7KOW4 mi CUBA London, Opt. 27—IJnspatchcs state that detndhmSnis o'f artillery and cav alry will sail for Cuba on Monday, iu addition to the 21,000 reinforcements already sent. CABI.I.ST PIUilUMa WAIIKKD FKOM Sl'XtX. In' conn^ction^with the reccnt in Bait to the .-'jSpanish ambassa dor to Italy by a poajmittesp ap pointed to" siifjerinte'nd the reception to Spaatb pilgnxni at ,thei. Vatioan the Spanish government has issued and order prohibiting the return to Spain of.prelates who, while in Rotne failed to call upon the ambassador EDSfIA AUTOST CONSKNTS. Russia has all but consented to make the first prolongation one o:' sjx weeks.- The German govern ment has already expressed its a«' ~he6ion and recommended lhe other powers to do the ^tpe IgnatiqiT has Ultima ted the willing, ness pf Rusei» to assent to a six weeks' armistice with the successive prolongations proposed by the Porte. "All special correspondents, although differing a* to details, confirms the reporta of a pnoifift change in Bus Kin's attitude towards "Turkey. The Daily^eyV .Vieuna dispatch says the conclusion of an armistice is consider ed ow tain. iW' (KRV1AU MltVliTKE RKR10NS A dispatch from Belgrade to the Times teports that the resigiiAtiou of 1 YANKTON, DAKOTA TEURITORY. SATTRDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, WE. 8 Belgrade, Oct. 2 N dSM ISCELt iTTEOH 8 —There is'con to-(fay.\in the ('excittaaeHt cMy tl'9 jRxpooted arrivai. of W York, TWIr 37.—There is con- were held to-day. The national lib sid«.vrH]^o -witb Oeti. Tohcftiaycu. M. Nicolich, j-cW however, resigned and matters now .hernayefTs arrog*n^. The mi, is- tn-day in the crala have been 6uco«^sful iu 159 ba- Befe Tweil-,, rgrss'sists in 5G the poles in 15 the I RHTKAL. OK TIIK UANKKCVTXAWS. I parti'cularist8 in 5 various sections Mpptpelifec Vrt Opt. 27 Both conservatives in G2, aud the ueu- in luside who Witnessed the htuing are lust *s stub- 3 wfipcnrti, will have to be dismissed. The court of in tlihiA ',l(ll'ry '"to hw/ing is still in session. ~"j Al'lil'I.MMK.NT. 1. J., Qet. 27 The christian temperance Ul|i()|1 is in coiiv(.ruion. About (Jl.|,.gllte8 frr)ttl th(, wcstern and Muu.s Hr,. Mlgg jp" 200 other w.iU.d's re- for lhe vcap se(!J r,)rlh ,hM there r«u,t-iD 25 ct communicated. All tfi» successful candidates in Berlin are progressists. "/L HIUUTS^OF JtAN BU1TOK IN PKISON. The mah^ger of le Droits de l'Hohiine iiev«p«|er has been sen tenced "to two years' imprisonment for- insulting genesis of tho army. M. Gambeita addressed his constitu ents in Bellevilla to-day,xirging- mod eration. Hi# speech w«V, well re ceived. MISCELLANEOUS New York, Oct. 27.—A conference was held to-day at the Grand Central deput between Wm. H. Tanderbili, the New York Central railroad, Mr, Bliss, of he' Boston and Albany rt(ili(^ad, Mr. He'eksbn, of tho Grand Irunk^ aiid Mt,. Ne.wt he_Lmke^ Shore railroad. The meeting was se cret, and at iu conclusion Vun deibilt said that no men ion was made regarding increasing east or west bound, freight rates or passenger rates. The" Erie, Baltimore and Ohio, and Pennsyl vania' Companies were not repre sented. KENTUCKY WON PAT IlKBKt. CT.A1MS. Loiiicville, Ky.,Oct. 27.—The state of Kentucky represented by the gov rnor, attorney general, and seereiary of state, the deinocratic electors for he fctate at large, the democratic ex cu'ive ciminittee, the two Uni' ed States, senarors, aud he en ire iemocratic delagation iu cougies, has issued a lettei endorsing the views of Gov. Tilden -with resjiect to rebel claims, and pledging the south to abide by those views as re cently promulgated. BUl'l.DINO BLOWN LP. St., Johnsburg, Vt., Out. 27—This morning, six miles from here, three men were excavating for a paper mill and placed some rend, rocks to dry under a slov$ in the.basement while they were at work on the first floor. An explosion occurred which bjew the building twenty feet square into kindling wood, and h"rled the men" skyward. ,One of,the men cauuot re cover. ''M?: CONVTCTKn fKOoKS. T.ittle Rock, Oct. 27—In the feder al court to-day^ Judge II U. Cald well, JIresiding three of the proprie tors of illicit distiFeries were convict ed—Newton stortns, one year and $1,000 fine David F. Iuman, one month and I?1,000 fine Frazier Carr, one year and *5,000 fine Ames T. Curtis, one year and #5,000 fine. JUDGMENT AGAINST A CROOK. Des Moines, Iowa. Oct. 27.—The jury in case of the United Slate vs. J. A. Rhomber'g, oi Dubuque,(return ed a verdiot lor ptaint iff for $10iiv0l4 .55 as.the amount doe oti distillers' bond. This is the lirtft' of a scries of suits against RhoVnberg for 1'51,000 fur whisky frauds. .. A TOWM IX £, reIi I tv'h ^'j?OM'Ji-tL the Servian minister «f war is con- Momlny nightfrvr converts sod caqUlrors dered inevitable. «hc church, bl.»ck. »d Mr Sunkey will ctininct Suljsequently I at Hib the minister of the interior went to Kc*,-Dr. Arraltaiw, of New \ork City, Delgrade to endeavor to compromise wb" xr. %i x?- i- u- 1 D»c1e. ,. ... /i AND NOW THK NOUTIIKRS MRN BTKAK. looilchs resignation and General ,. T. ulHirnx-U-, by eiiy pastors, *a8 In the reTlta! oieeUDRS in that cjiy, la here fort ljay8^ 1 remain in suspense, pending the re-! evening trains to aot:innmfxlal« thoae who turn of th« minister of the interior, attend -ibemwita*# at ibe uber Prinoe Milan is much irritated at M. rp i, TI,„ Ctmrlcsloii,. O-.-t. 27.—8ixiy northern niercllalll(ii Irtldv(u ntid lll)iDg try have the support of public opin- fccj-e, held a uiot:iiug to night, aod aduptvd I ion in upholding th« dignity of the'AH adiircns to the people of tha United Ko«peoD»uniiT on tfoverament. dkn. Tehefiiayeff's con- Slates, decUrlng Governor Chamberlain's V% rttUssiA^ KLKCTiONe, .i Idimiug the recent statement Issued by tbe Berlin, Oct 27.—The electious for clergy sod bankers of Charleston. "the Prussian chamber of d»puties' the ultramoutaflea in 70 tfie'pro- Hvrrpooi. j. 1^,1 I.Ivcrpoof.Orl.vT. nnr.Aif»T«'J'F,i* 15' IgSPI- A.It* a. praise meet in# 'doing »clmirable »«rTict. All the railroads are changing the lime of the bu.ineas a 5 a MARKETS BY TELEUKAl'H. BWKS, New York. Nrvr York. Oct. 47. MouCjr, (»JveromoQt». fit in •toady* -Dull And lowor. Klour, 23s St25«. Winter wbvat, IB BKtt0« 2d *prln« whl('\ 10B 7d club tl)s OdutOtB. Corn •Jrta 3d. PKOVIHIONJ*—Pork, "ifl*. L*riJ, 47»* 3H. 1 1 Chicago. niilcuKo. Oct. *7. FLOU'i- Unlet evtuinon lo faury woaieru «x- lr4* OKAtN—Wheats mudorrtiely active, on^ctUed, weak Bnd )cvwer No. t. 1.13 No. 2, clct'd otif fanli, 4 1 4 0 N 2 3 4 3 2 S c»i?h oK.Oclolwr »r^d Nivrmt«* 'or D»cciiibtirVsn'i *CUM1, '£L Ryr, No It, mi«»*uker Milwaukee, Oct. 37. FLOt'R—(inlet and unchanged. GRAIN—Wht-at, opened unai-ttled and V4c low er, closed Arm No. Corn, per ASIIRS. •-J'i Cincintiatl, Oct. 27—A Times special says a reported fire at Ucyn pldsburg, Ohlp, last night, destroyed jJava the business part of town including thepostoffioe. L«sa uuknowo. a irtKttJWV eloped l09\ lor October clutftit H'W^ forNuvvurt«r clottsl 1UH D^-ttab^r. New, No, 3, N*«w, rcjeci^d, 9a5^.\ Ooro, motUr iiU ly active wiiitoul dbcldcd chtin^e, High mln-U 01, iS'ovember. N. WlIiSK V—Qnlet B*rlry7 No.'iv cArh or October 86 for November nnd Decrinlx r.^X^I'nrk, f*lrly Active and lower. 13'^15 05 c*ah li 2T^1"16 for October 15 16 the year. Lrrd, mt*4 r*tcly active «ad lower 9 V.Va- 70 c*»b to.44* f#t October *35^9(0 for and atendyKl 10. CLOfltNO PRICK*. WiteATr-rhli.'hi*r at 12',. OoKjiV^tnrer 49^."' OATH, firm, Oct. Pork hl^hor loffi. Lard Qrmer/WiHU tht* year. N. New York lark^i. Nrw York, Oct. *7. FLOtiji, Dull and nnrbanfed. (I.UA N -WHI-at, moderate doma&d for ungrad ed fpriai:, 1 ,ft.V(tl.^0 No 3. Milwaukee, 1J3 No. 1 Duluth, n-w. 1M2 No. *X Cblca^n, Vjf ^{127 N» 3 {.'hit a •». 117: winter red western. U&&127. H)f. quiet, wi^tern, 72 Barley, quiet tutl uiithnnsi d. Uoru, qnte' at op'-nln^ and cloat with f«tr.^:Bi^Md and .firm western ui graded niixu'1. no gradrt btVi:.high mixed, 69 oain qtnrt and unchanged. P«irlt. firmer, mew, Bolter un cb^a^ed. WbUhy, unavt led. 1 Milwaukee U9*%: No. do, \\2\ 11^ for November, 11414 fttr I«Cimber. demoralised and weak lowar and Cblcage Llmtack* do'(i Hatter, per ft).. •...* Tlour, p«r cwt 8Att, per bbl •Kwo»ciie gal. Sugar, browit,-.. tiogar, extra yellow "(V* Hagar, whitecofT«e "A,"....... Bugar, cruahed and granQlated. Rio coflee, per ®i. i...'. coffrc. lb Youn* Te». BUck Tu., ASfOTHKR miAJt IHVASIOJf. Mu!u*e*..V |t*l Boston, Oct. 27.r~Thc Herald's S'. Dried Applet, tp Albans special says secret prepara-: ijjpns are going on in-Northern Ver nlont for another Fenian invasion into t^opovlu tor Sidewalks. Canada thin fall or early tu th« spring 0 A month's orrgHIHO TO THE LOKD the revival meetings dosed to-night witb great congregation aod ftill ioqalry rooms. Ifr. Moody esid tbst In DO place bad tbe first month been so prosperous, and never had he heid so Interesting and profitable a meet I OR as tbe teioperanoe meeting at oooq in Farwell to-day. More applications than can be p^sibly fllled are co'mMijf" In for s\ %m nn. .. lawicff aldewalka. where ha »iim^ kre not At ready dJlC**r, Oct. «7.— Lite nrst month Of completed. Hnid bida to b« handed in on or b« .—* a 1 fure the 0th day of Novemlier neXI: wnrkpra In revfvn) m«Atincra •n^lrir«r th« timtwr^, at l«aat three inchea 'in thk:k- No. 160. QROCCRIC*. BRAMBLE US GROCERS baad a wall galaded stack *f 8taple» sad Fsntrf GROCERIES Sugar, Coffee, Tea,, I'Hyrtpi. Baeoa, luu,- BHOULDER8. JDRIED BEEF. 'Mackarvl, Ballbal. Rle*. '_p Dried Frutta, Tebacoo, Clga'ra,^ ft^icea, Ac We respectfully call the aUentoo of all Merckanta to our atock aod pncea we aleohave have in coanectlon with Uroctrle* a good aupplv ?f^TcnU, Wagoa Gov era, Bowa and ^2^ Best Wagons in the Territory,. Which Black Hlllor* w»nld do well to aitmlu (•'"We %n kg*nU for Ike '5 Dnponl Powder Vm., Kchulller W«|*n, Wudekaker Wa«Mi, Wood's Harveeicr, McCorMlck Harvester, And WssiA Mc Comtek Hewert. f£| SS®^'sS BRAMBLE MINER YANKTON\ B. S.CUTTIHU Va No. 2, 4*c. Oai», e#rler No 9, ^ya, higbcr. No 1. M'tc. Hailcy, weak tud Fuwer» No. 2 uprlng, Mr bid for NoTember. CblcAgo, Oct. Tt CATTLP-Kcealptii, S4O0 ahlpmenta lulat an* alcady, nalea fair to good O^lorado and.common »t©er», 310^113S receipta, 22.WJ0 ablytaeula. al fcta&.Vtt aalea, 3:V^400. 1420 cavi 8800. Under bi-«vy receiplaand light demands pricesdecllued ^^90 with few aalee aud heavy feeling at rl#«e. Light packing aoid heavy go^ to cholco chipping, &G(V^(i05 iraUa moatly at bbeep, receipts, 1100 quiet, %aik and unsettled, YANKTOH MARKETS. WkoiemU Price Llat. Wheat, buphet Oat a, Corn, ahelicd Potatoes, bushel DCW. White Beann. 1 bit Pork, aalt, bbl II»m§, aug&r cured, tb Shoulder*, |?lb BACOU. S Ktfsr*, rmn t& 4oas« 40C80 i.n ....M.Od --15H Mo* 13 18 11H .2.00, 2.i4, Z.lpftJlTS A .u 40©W Jap«n Tea, lb 40Q7S .1 tA Drled PeMhe,, ...... 7® OBOPO8AL8 will be received at the ofllce of 1 ti»e Oi Oity Clerk for the construction of the-fol 2 »by revival 'meetings sTl* T»^r lhe nd nortl) west. Mr. IiigllM bi'glnd tbls week fwo ip.rt. AH w.ltcii to be Uld ten fo.t to at BelTlMere. Illinois Tldllifaof CODlitw curhtnj froqi line of lot., tnd to he eon»irocied success at O»bko»h, K*tnns»T0, RTjd Ke- opuhs. Messrs Psrkharst snii 8penccr,r Mmcteoi bond," li^Tnlr two metbodist city pastors, fere beginning' to work toiretber in speaking sod singing, Wder 14 Oo the west aide of llroadway, between 4th and 9th aimeta. On the north aide of 4th alroct, between Broad way and Pougla* aveuoe. On the we«t aide of Walnot, between 3d a^od 6th atreet*. Said walks to be alx feet wide and constructed of pine plank, not leai than fwo Inchee In thick* Qeaa. aud laid croeaw^ee And tpikkd'to and *tp- f»ar Iuclies dr«p. pined not mora thu a•1^f,llh•1"^orri.•1^'0 win Ae Co»mi«von- dutjr .— ana »u di Mr. Moody Holds a special meethii ott, vcttrd^ 'to Mis o^MTihat tbe work a»iw1 la tbi. perrorul it* DAKOTA J. a. oz.ouLaa E N E & lit'1 JACK. YvVi) i%i£ Cutting & Cloudas, 'V GROCERIES TOBACCO CIGARS, THIRD 'STREET, PMIOBIC.,. YAKKTON, DAKOTA. (ioodn deltrered (Vt'« to any p^rt of the city. Tfce teat and chMpeat aiwaya on kuid. Cnttlna: Jk Clondao. Blatt Bierlorf, Wholesale and Retail DEAI,KR« I3M Staple A Fancy GROCERIES. AMI ....a.fl^ ..j....Sb&A0 •J. ioji im MRS. M. E. CHASE, —-Hm opened I DINING HALL! Third St. nwr Capital ^iah Oyatera, Mloce IMea, Boflod Haio, riga' Feet, and Qol Coflee aiwaya on haa-d. Meals at OctlMm. hi* lit all Houra. Triumph Trass r*., SS4 BOWaaY, ».Y. To Wbon wu warirf tk. pt» alam medal for tb. beat Butlc Tru* and 8up«rter lb. Ia*t mmmIobol lb. GRKAT AMKtUCAW IMrriTUTB FA1K, Uans raptor, la rr*oi SB to -fi-H"1'.iSS *8 e»*. sad o4br SI,0C0 for eaM th.y eanaot cai«. They emploj rtnt Clou LADT BUMQK0N, T»n» BwmU. C«M« gaaraatMS., Ordws IIM by mall. UlsiuilM Irw. Tb. aaaal StMOaat to ralraaa. SMS Ueaali tor Swerlp- ttr« book to Tni W. il SUaXHAM. M. D. nklaf lun«i Jraaek oIStt rbstast-at-, ratla«»kiv Pa. la w»l^ =.