Newspaper Page Text
RAIMtOASfe Simi Gitj 4_PwiIc Bailroai The Pioneer Bout# 'Ax TO St. Oliioago, points in "peed. Louis AND AIJU' and the East Comfort and Safety, IS UMSCTLTAaa*D. ullnian Palace Sleeping Cars Missouri Yallev lo Chicago, and Coumci Bluffs to St. Loul*. through Tiw T.ible, in effect Jfov 81. .1876 Cnicaoo fisave St. Paul.. I Yanltloa......... lltix CUjr •irlve i}erge»nt's Bluff... 8*111... Sloan \fi. WUItiug...... Onswa Blencoe '.. River Sloax Mondamln -r# Madale CallforniaJnnction Missouri Valley... Chicago.,. JonncirBlaffs St. (.OMla UOaVe Chicago St. Loul* torive sloax CltT for all point* weat, and tke Pacltc coast. At with stagee tor Norfolk, and all points 7. Idwiener, Northarn Nebraska. PB^Be sure your ticket* read a 8. tU B.C. A P.B. F. C. SOU, Uen'l Tlflkat Ag't, L. IU1JITT. Satmrvtcndanl BURTON. Passenger Agent. BlooxClty, I*. N-W W A PASSENUKRS FOB I A O Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Pall* Pittsburgh,Cincinnati, Rochester, AJbaay,To rento, Montreal, (Quebec, Portland, Boaton, {law York. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington. Wheeling, Culuiabu* Daj loit," Udlanapolli, Terra Haate, Chun pal gn. III., Bloomingtoa. Springfield, Jacksonville. Quiney, St. Loul* Cairo, Should Bar their Ticket* Tla O I O A Ot O Aim TU CUcaio & Kortbvesteni Railiaj Close Connections made with all Railroads ran niag Kaat or Sooth from Chicago. Thla la the Direct Route For pobnque, Cedar Rapid*, Prairie da Chien St. Paul, La Orosse, Winona, Marquette, Dalnth. Ishpemiog. Escanaba, Negaunee, Menaaha, Ska-' boygan, watertown, Madlaon, Oreea Bay, Staves* Point. Osbkoah. Fond da Lac. AND MILWAUKEE. These point* arc all on the Una of ttU Oreal Road, or are reached by tht* Honte with laa* Change* of Cars than by any other. Among ths Inducement* offored by thla Boot* are ALL THE MODERN 1MPI8VEMEKT8 Rock and Gravel ballaatod Track Steel Rail itock and Iron Bridge* Pullman Palatial Car* and Coache* Parlor and Drawing-room Day Coaches Smoklni.and Loaaclng Care We* ting bouse Safety Air Brute* Miners Patent Safety Coupling aad Platforms Class Connections at Junction Points: Lea* Transfer* thak any other Bonu^ Union Depot*, no Car Kerry Traasfars Speed, SafttT and Absoluts Comfort. From to lO Faat Ixpiaa* Trains ran •ach way Dally over the rartona Une* of tht* road, to the Traveleraalcctfanrtku Route •ore aad certala conaactlon* la any dlraetloa ke tha* securing and car wish te go. that nay f. See that your ticket* HAirn IV9UTT, Oen'l ?ap't. TaA.iv* Bxpraa* Freight. Mag Ma* Day Rxpr Sxpress Fr»lght. nM Rbal. Via Tvi Rotrra, and take noaa other. 1.1. BUIItl, Oen'l Paea'r Agt Okioago & Northwestern Railway a* Mimodbi Vallbt Joaotwa. Ooint Wut Ani** ftjgH, Day Bxpra** m. Mty. I Nl^htExprea* B.C. FaeUe Pa»eeng*r. Paaaang*r. ulSr.^ Arriwt. Day Kyrwi. Night Kxpreai 8.0. Paetic Paaaanger. Night Kxpreta ml Piaas&nr. r4iV.Z. W. •.HRRBfT, Baltimore i'i..'. ty** and Ohio The On I Lt«p to thp. CENTENNIAL, BunningVI* I WASHINGTON I Through Cars From St.Louis Chicago. B«tt KATINQ HOUSES on Um Cositlnent. *1/ fOiir Tickets by tfce Baltiiire aii Okio Bailrui, a. OOtB, S.a. BOB8FY. s. Ticket Agaat. Asst.a.T. A. icket Acoat. A TBOS R. BSAKF M*p* fTrM| xfctlea. RAILROAD8, Dakota Southern Railroad TIMLIN 1A1ILE, To Icdti tjfeci Wtdnuday, Decernbcr 1, 187' taAlHS MOTIlSd •ynun—' ST ATlONQ. ruanin ii.i ruanin ii.i South, FOB. t.OOp.m. Leave ».48 3.03 1D9 ••*.'..« S.4S ctn 4.S1 ::.i...... t.OOp.m. Leave ».48 3.03 1D9 ••*.'..« S.4S ctn 4.S1 ::.i...... 4.1 4.4 4.01 I.INL Arrive 4.1 4.4 4.01 I.INL Arrive St. Louti Kxriizs*. Bxriic.sii *:»JP. M. 8:00 A M. »ao p. M. 5:00 A- M. 1:40 S:*0 S:00 BUM 15 8:M S:40 6:10 4.00 6:15 4 8:55 4:40 7:15 4:U0 7:38 5:30 7:50 6:82 8:04 S:S0 835 3:40 6:40 A. M. 10:19 S:45 1^3 6:15 P. M. 10 AJ A M. 10: teA. M, 10:10 P.MS 8:00 M. 10: teA. M, 10:10 P.MS 11:1SM. 10: teA. M, 10:10 P.MS CONVECTIONS. I. At tJ. P. Tranefer wttb Union Pacific Rail m. ot istii jli. At ConncH Bluffs, with Kansaa Oltj, 8t. Joe ltd Council Bluffs Railroad for Lonia and all MlBti tooth. ». At MI»*ouri Valley with Chicago A North •••tern Hallway for Chicago and all point* east. 4. At Sioux City with the Sioux C'ltv and 8t, rant, UtlnoU Oantral aad Dakota Southern Kali aadi. Steamer* Ibr apper Mlaaoari river, daring aavtgatlon, and with stages for kit point* la the Northwest. 8. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern B. a. for Omaha aad Soathorn Nobraaka. •. At Kreiaont, Nab., with the Union Paclie h. vanes* aovrxe ai'st. ST ATlONQ. ?ASSIS3BIV*.1 .t«IODX CITY ....MctOOK 11,as m. An'* foao l«.» ...... io.*) u.oi .... K.28 ...... .JKFFKKStlN,. DAVW JU.IOrN ..t*LE POIW,. ...BOKBARK... .tVERMILLION. ...M£CKUNO... ...OAYVa,LB... •JAMKS RiVKK .....SHOPS ...1 :r a ait^-.-.,..'.. 7^1 7 34 7.30' Leave YANKTON... •Flag^tation*. tTelegraph Stationi. CONNECTIONS. 1. Ai Slonx City with Illinol* Cet..**l. Bloox City and Pablflcand SlonxClty and St. Paal Rait roaaa. 1. At Blk Point with atagee for Mm, Canton and Slonx Fall*. I, At Vermillion with atagM for Lodl, Rlvar tide and Turner'. 4. At Meek Ung with atagea for St. a me*. 5. At Oayvllle with atages for St. Helena. t. At Yankton with (teamen for Fort* Ran dall, Solly, Rice, and all point* on the Upper Mia aoarl river atacea for Boo Homme, Springfield aad Fort Randall, qnd ataam ferry or Oreen la land, tlebraaka, connecting at Oreen laland with atage* for all.pointaln Northern Nebraska. QBO. B. MBBCHANT. &€*'t Superintend*t. Illinois Central Railr'd •hertMl aad B*M Ba«M Clleag* SIOUXCITY to CHICAGO Wllfcwat Change «f Can! Commencing Dee. *th, 1*74, Dally Bxpres* Pt**angar Train will leave ax City, Sunday* excepted, oa VJli arrival trala FROM YANKTON. Leave Slonx City at 1.40 p. m., and arrive at Chi ifo at S.40 p. a. Sleaptag Cars raa through ftom Slonx City to reeport. Paaaeagera leavtng Chicago, bonnd waatat *45 .. m., via the llUaola Central railroad, will arrtv* at Sloax City thaaext day at 4.10a. m. An-accommodation train will leave Btonx lty dally, aacept Satardaya, at »:S0 p. m.. connecting with tkroach paaaenger trains at Fort Dodge. Pa***m*r*waring Chicago at Jo p.m., arrive at SlonxClty at 7.Ma. m. Train* going eaat connect at Chicago with all Mine tor Detroit, Cleveland, Bufialo, Niagara Valla, PltUbqrg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wa*h lagtaa, New York, Boaton and all part* of the Thla train eoaaeeta at Waterloo with train* ua the Cedar Falla aad Mlnneaota Branch leaving Waterloo at UJO a.m., and arriving atMonaat •JO a. m., oonaactlng with Mllwaakee a St. Paal railroad train*, and arriving at 8t. Pani at Mftp. m.,aad Mlnneapolt*at SJOn. m. Connection* are made at rreeport wltk trains oa Ike Ullaala Central railroad main line, leaving Freeporl at 0.47 p. arriving at Oaleabora at 448 J?eorla ilpjn JnrllDgton at 7 Ro^k Ulaad at •.» Qotncy atf JO St Loul* at 7.14 a m, aad Cairo at 4.1A am connecting Cairo with train* for Mempkia, Naahvilla, Vleaa bnrg. Mobile. N*w Orleaaa. aad. Ail Parta of ilia South Connection* are also made at Freeport with Weeiern Uolon train*, leavtng Freeport at \M m, and arriving at Baclaa *t aad Ml) wankeeat 7 J6 m. Coaneatloo* are alao mad* at Dabu^ae te fIt Lcral*, Cairo, aad all poiata aoath. Bagcage Checked Through V* all Important palnta. For through tlcke tha Illinois Central depot For through ticket* and Information apply at Train* ran by Dnbaqne time, which is twenty mlnatee faater thrn Sloax lty, Jo*.^FtTtcasb, Ohicago. W. P. Joan bom, mm Oaal Sayt. General 1'assesiger Agent, Chicago. H. A. Hajultos. Aft Sloax.CltT. InnSOdAwlv UOUQRI Adler & Ohlman, LMPOBTBIU AND DKALBBS III Whiskies a. Qin. Alcohol, FORXIQN AND DOMkSTIO Cigars and Tobaccos, BROADWAY, i-- -f-' TANKTON ». T.' BLACIHILLIBS ATTENTION WAG-NER BRO'S rionmoM ar rn Yankton Gunsmith Shop. 'mmm Wholesale and Bauil Dealers la SM Bm, Bin, ItnlTtn, Stie Bu Aad all kinoa of A anltlon. »M niU Cslls./, tlskla* Agents lor ths TICTOfl 8*WINO MACHIN* for the city of Yankton-also Agents lor the CITY. LAF3JN a KaNB PCWDBB Oo .... Store aad Re pal Shop oa Broadway, aear Third afreet, ViRBTVN. m. T. 1 QAKOKEI itapt "w. aBOTHEma, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Third Street, opp. 3- the Phi Oftee "A SUS A SrA kg* gtrss and Dahotaian Katlon&l Keimbilcau riatform. Aixirrat ju*i U. When, la the gccjomj of Fr«vlUenct thi» Unl was to be pnrveil of human »larery, and when ibe tti of the KOTernmeni of tba people, by the d* aui'.uistta of the goternj and for ine wa» to b« tod. the Repabllcan party came Into power. dceda Jamm passed Into history, and we'look back to them wltn pride. Incited by their memories to high sims for the good of eur country and man kind. and looking lo the future with asfeltenBf courage, hope and parpoee, we, be rcprvsenta tlvea of the party In national convention asSem bled, make the following declaration ot prtncl plea: l. The United 8ute» of America a nation', not a league. By the comblaed the national and state government*, under their res pective constitution* the right* of every citizen are lecared home and abroad, and the common weltkrv promoted. 1. The republican party ha* preserved these vernmeats to the 100th annlverwry oi the na ow vmbodttnents ot en at It* eradlo—"tbat al( meb'are created e^aal, that they are undo»e4 by their Oieaior witn cutaln Inalienable rights, among wulch are life, liberty aud the pursuit of happlneas .uat lor the attainment ef tbeae ends Uo on's hlrth, and thejr are- now i-mbodlmrnu the great truth# spoke Seriviagvne.t ovenuneau^ave been Instituted among men, I ust powers i-urr -ueoonsant of the governed, until tii-M t.vith* are cheerfully obeyed, or. If tie«. be, vlgoroasly en Forced, the worVoI the repabllcan parijr 1* uaftal*h*k 3. The permanent pacification oi the southern section of the Union, and thrf complete protection of all Its ctusei:* In the free enjojuacnt ol all their rights and dunes, id which ta« republhan party stands sacredly pledged. 1 he power to provide fer the enforcement of the principled era bodied in the raeent conatiutional amendments Is vested by these amendment* In the congress of the United Slate*, and we declare It to be tbe solemn obligation of tba legislative and execn live departments of tbe goverameat lo pat into immeflHnraiHl~ytgoTOU» exmclse -ali- their eon stltatlonal powers forremortng any Just canses •f dlsoontsat on the part of any class, and for aecunng to every American citizen complete lib erty and exact equality In tb* exercise Of all civil, political and paallc right*'. Te this .end we rm peraiively demand a centres* and a chief execu tlve whose conrana and fidelity to these duties shall not IhUar until these reaalta are placed be yond dispute or recall. 4. In the first mi oi Ident Grant, the national goveramedt assumed Lo remove any doubt* of its purpose lo discharge all last obligations to the public creditors, and ,'*o)amnly pledged ltrfami to make prevision at tha aaribist practical period for the redemp tion of United States notes In coin.'' Commercial Jirdsperity, public morals and national credit de mand that tat* promise be fulfilled by acontinu ou* and steady progreea to specie payment. 6 Under the constitution the president and the heads of departments are lo make nomlna tlous for ufflce tbe Senate Is to advise and con seal to appointments and the honse of repratea istives is to accuse and prosecute faithless offi cers. The best lntereat of the pnbllc service de mand that these distinctionsb* respected that senators and representatives Who Uuai! be Judges and accusers sboald not dictate appointment* to oiBca. The Invariable rule fur appointments should have reference to tbe boneaiy, fidellt snd capacity of tbe appointees, giving tuthe par ly*ln power those places where the harmony and vigor of the administration requires Its policy to be presented, but permitting ail others te be fill ed ny persons selected with sole reference to the efficiency of public service, and the right of all clilsena to snare in tbe honor of rendering faith Ml service to the country «. We rstolca In tbe sickened conscience of tbe people concerning political aflklr*, and will hold all public ofllcer* to a rigid responsibility and engsge mat the proeacutlon and punishment of all who betray official trails »b»ll swift, thorough and unsparing. 7. The pabllc school system of the several states Is the bulwark of tha Amorlsan republic, and with a view to It* *ecntliy--*»d prmaneacs we recommend an amendment to the constitution ol tba United State* forblddfng the application of any public funds or property for the benefit of any ecbools or Institutions under sectarian con trol t. The revenue nccessary for enrrent expendl turee and the obligations of the public debt must be largely derived Irotn duties upon Importations, which, so Ikr as possible, should be a4jti*ted lo promote the interests of American labor and ad vance tbe prosperity of the whale cosntry. ». We reaffirm oar opposition to farther grant* of the pabllc lands to corporations and moooui Ilea, and demand that the national domain be de voted to troe'hoines for the people. 10. -It is tb* Imperative duty of tbe government so to modify existing trestle* with kuropean gov ernments, that the same protection shall be af fbrdsd te tbe adopted American citizens that Is given to the native born, and that ail necessary laws should be passed to protect Immigrants in the absence ofpbwsr in the states for that par- 11. It I* the immediate duty of congress to ful ly investigate tbe effect of the Immigration and Importation of Mongolians apon the mofal and material interests of tbe coontry. 12, The republloan party recognizee with ap proval the substantial advances recently made towards the estaolishmeut of equal rights for wo men by tb* many Important amendment* effect ed bv republican leglalaluraa In tb* law* which concern tbe personal and property relations of wives, mothers and widows, and by the appoint ment and election of wemen to the anpennlend aace or education, charities and other public trust*. The houost demands of thl* class of cit izens for additional right*,, privilege* at lmmu manitle* should be treated with respectful con sideration. 18. The constitution conter* upon congreas tke sovereign power af the territories of the Unit ed Btatea for.taelr government, and In the exer else of thi» power It Is Lhe right aad duty ot con iblblt and extirpate In the territories, gresa to prol that rallc.-of-harh*rism- rpiilygnniy .sUslL-iW-CS-ibl". vn.O .and the supremacy of American InSUlutlona in *11 territories. tb. onr soldlers.and sailors must be fulfilled, and a graieiat people will tlway* tyold tho*e who tm periled tbeltllVes lor their country'* preserva tion, la the kindest remembrance. U. We sincerely deprecate all sectlonal feel lngs and taadeoeiea, Wetherefore note with deep sollciluae that the democratic party counts, aa Its chief hope of success npon the elecuiral vote of a unltwl south secured through the efforts of those who wera recently arrayed against tbe itlon. and we tnvlte tbe earnest attention of the conntry to the grave truth that a succee* tints achieved would reopen sacU oaal strife aud Imperil nsU«nal honor sad human rlakt*. IS. Wa ebaqfV thadeaocialle party with being the lame In character and Bplrii a* when It sym pathized with treason- wltn making its control of the hobeeof(V|ir«*riitaci*Mtk« triumph and opportunity of the ntttoa"* recent foes with re asserting and applauding In the .national capitol the *enum«nla of nnrepentent rebellion -wltb sendingXTnlon ioldlers to the rear, and -promot ing conlqderate soldlera lo tba front wltn delib erately proposing lo repudiate the plighted faith or the government with being equally false and Imbecile imi thaovershadowUg finaneial vans- lions wltn thwarting thi ends or justice by Its partlaau mismanagements and ob-tructlon of inveatlgatlon with proving Itself, through lhe period of It* ascendancy in tbe lower bouse of ngress, ulterljr Incompetent to administer the government and we warn tba country against trusting a party tba* alike unworthy, recreant and incapable. 17. The national adn.lnl*lratlov merit* com mendation fur it* honorable work In the manage meut of domestic snd foreign sfTftlrs, and Presi dent Grant deserve* tba continued hearty grati tude of the Amerlean people for his patriotism and his eminent aervlce*. In War and In peac^. SCAL ESTATE. i. Near the^ity of YANKTON FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Bead for map of Yaakton c»unly. with „he lec* Hon of fartna. A. F. HAIWAllDs onbpeRfEti BtlBLE& Ke«pcouatanly |ar-We are agents for the DmpomI Powder Co., Mchalller Waaoiit, BlBdetakcr WafODi, iXi €A'iH ffiiN Yankton, D. T. I WHOLESALE on hand a wall wlectfcd stock ot Staple? and Fancy O E I E S Sucti aa Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Syrnp*. Bacon, Ilajui* SHOULDERS. DtUED BEEF .•»:r*.is Mackerel. UalibnUHlce, a a congress signed by Pras Dried FruiU, Tobacco, Cigar*, I .yfi-f... j. -^.5,, We respectfully call tbe a'.tenton of all Merchant —-to anutock andpncct i.xt also haw b»»» In connection with Groceries agixra supply of Tents, W*con Oovers, Bows and t-v. Best Wagons in the Territory, Which Black Hitler* would do well to examine Wood's Harvester, Mc€*railck Htrmter, Aad Wood Mc •od4 Coraslck Mowera. BRAMBLE MINER YANKTON wrv DAKOTA Incorporated Jan. l, 1875. D.T. BaaasLB, Pres't. Wa. Minis F. L. Vaa Ti**at, Sec'y. MANDFACTUKKBfi OF FLOUR mm -, Shorts- lii Dealers in all kills of Feet Jt f'p PAID CAPITAL ITBEET, YANKTONf DAKOTA ,DRY WOOD AN» CJottonwood. Lumber. The andenlgned Is pretmred to fill all orders for dry wood, to be delivered to any part of tbe elty. They will also supplv customers with Cot tonwood Lumber (nd building timber. Leave Orders at the Germanis House. replO.dtf J. H. LOEBEK. FURNITURE J. R. SANBORN Wholesale sod Retail Dealer la b, FURNITURE, MAnRESSES, MIRBOBS, Vpbolatarad Coo4n Undertaker's Goods, Dewitt'a Block, ard^B^, YANKTON. DAKOTA. ne 16~dt Clear Water Yeo can Old City Lr st clear aad boautifal watar from the to. Red and Black Vafon. I have spent handrail* of. dollar* in putting ap machinery to handle (be water business. 1 Cave the largest **mbiisSi*at ol tbat Eiod la oountry. (hat jour orders are written on'^the*'•fans'**! Bmws*s Prnit Sujfe, two door* north of tha Poaa Aa#. -,-f »»r«-u rcci.wr lili HAS VaRK. Sit. rra ta •I/'-# Uf Kvcry Ott©:nftuoo Agricultural Implements. AMU llae of Always in stock.4 I N W A E Of every description msnufactured and orders far Tin Hoofing —And— Solicited, THIRD STREET Cor. Douglas. YANKTON, DAKOTA.,.,,, mart. RICHEY, D1X & CO., Dealers in HARDWARE, 1 S O E S ilSill rr^-r Aud Mannfacturers of Tinware, Mining Goods! )JOf «vcry description. extensive repafHnc department Is conncctc a with our entabllshBianUl tienti for (he Celebrated Qlte «o Forks. MICHEY & DIX, Sawyer's block Third St.. Yankton, Dakota. mar at ftps .etc. Floor delivered in all parts of tbe city free of charge. Call aud see us. Our Hoar sneaks fo 1 taelr. F. UIRSHSTEIN, 'V? 2 SSS MA-JSUrACTUaUK Of, add Dealer In, all kind* ol S10KIHG AND CEEVIIG TOBACCO A good sssorlmeat ef sll klndr of Smoker* Articles. MaonfactariB£ to order, a Specialty Third Street, Brtwetn Broadway Ctdar Strttt, Yankton, Dakota. 'aw ANKTUN J* J! fA*» VANKfON AND SIOUX FALLS. Paaaenger Coacke* will leav* Yaakton avnry day at 4 a. a., arrlrtug )at Woax Pall* at I p. a. and leave Sloax Falls ai m„ arriving at Yank ton all p. m. V* t'hls route offers good accommodation* to travelers, and quick transit between the dinbrddt point* on tbe route. Office si the St. Cbarlas hotel aad Dakota Ceiitra! stage oflloe. Joan IS tl C. L. Dxmino & 8HU»Tt.*rr Bbob. roeristor*. 8 A I 8 1 BANKINCJ HOUSE, or JtAJIK Jf. PABMMR, Tb* Bl^paer Banker of ^akaU Territory^ ~f YankUW, DaKota X*! i£ Deposit, received,subject lo checV at sigh*, and lpters*t allowed oa AeMalto^lefk Her a ajwHIaS ttme. Oold. allver and Uelted meteaSecariti. Nwghf aadsdd at carveat rata*. Pay aoeoaats -sad nasi Matements casbvd at a reaeonaUedii eonht. Foreign Bxchanga sold oa all the princl pal tltls* *r nrnai,—«geat for the lasaaa Ma if steaatere. CollaetIons mads on all Mxts ot 'lakota. Taxes p^U tof aoa-raeident*. -t .' I. -ijl mmm. itM-M ?rr Mix Fire and Burglar-Proof safes 1 4 AlwavM \n stocky M. k. B1GF0RD, General Agent. Minnesota .x ,0:P Dakota, aaa 'i -ft It 'ft •-4) cH A British rfs Poeeeselons Office & Wareroom* Isjvw* 40 Jaoksor St. \n.iiIzzz 8T. PA01. «t.t -Hi BILLIARDS! 4^ BBimSWICtStimKXA fiifiS a an a re so is ii Billiard ail Ftil Tail \nd Importers of Billiard |^|terial^. Cham pion ree«lfld( at •S 1 Philadelphia. O I E A N A 8 O O AND 4,6 BKABBORN B1\ CBICAtiO. O. N ELY. Apsl fortlieterrilory, Yankton, D. T. 3 ja 1 S O A S DAUT S A E I N E 1$ ttJ Falls stage line The Yankton and Sloax will make regular trip* with mall between orj^jf. O. P. HAGE, il ml£' SKf •'WV. Staple & tahcy' trfeiwrtM,' ^jrqgkxet ii'V b^OZsAMwiilZ/' %1 2t' an"! THIRD §1RKET, J* W. C. A complete aasomaeint t)roc«f'.ea kept •tantly on band aud offered for sajo at s'hnlmals and Mian. hst T*a Best of Knrylhig a( Iho .. Frlfsa. GEO. W. SMITH, (Succss.or to Matthiaon TOBACCOS, CIGARS A Tb* TobadiBoi and Choiot C!an iV so A SIW,, VAMHTOir, aii*l-ti 1 IrVmoa Bocaafrosa I a. m.(o4 p. a nl-U nABK a. rtaaiB. ,X •s Q^rmania Hoxz^e -SVi -x±nmrtoa. Morrison* i' A V. T. 'lJf!M •I, '*r Bto».) Dealer la it -tr,. ifa SMOHEH8 MATEHIAL ss •ifi: tI-»* "S •''ii": J". 'tr- Specialty. full aapoiuaent of Moeraohatiai. Briarwood v( uuJLPrencbday Plpee,eta. «/•'s THIRD STRUT. r'~*- »AaOTA.r Doaglas Ate., near ThtN-St., '•?*. Dakota. "I'^B BOCHB Is rh» haadqaartsrs for travelSk A asd Inml^rauts Oood (Wbllim. t- l" r. Ts