Newspaper Page Text
c, |?rc0s and Jakotauw r:-v, DAII-Y^ --,' J"^ by, filling barometer northerly winds, ic,d-8 backing to eutgriy at the we&tern stations, and wider, clear weather. a^K!*t. LtCOMIca. tike spire of tbe nuw Catholtc church Id about t»mplete4, A. fraud cottcert *tT "be the' wind 'up of the contemplated musical convention. Our Yankton parties are provoked at the del^r la-*rri*Um at tbei correct electio.n re tuna. intricate piece of work and we were unable te get It into type in se»«on for this morn lug'a Uaue .• home to roost and a sick looking lot tbey will be. Counting their noisy fowls be fore tbey are hatched is extra LUI7.HK!OUH this year rKMONiL. United Stales jailor, Robertshb, »lm *i sofioroely attacked by the inurderers tn the UhiukI States jail, is again attending to In duties. He will watch his boarders clo^el\ herCfeftvr. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweetser.and Mrs. Lowell will start HIFmorning tor Matnef with fiie remaios of Mra. Lowell's husband. Mr. and Mn. fiweetser will spend a couple of month* visiting in the east and then re turn to Yankton. Dr. J. J. McBride, the paiebt medicine physician who has been here for the past ten dayi, left yeaterday morning to fulfill eugafementa elaewhere. The excitement incident t« election eclipsed the doctor's efforts In a busineaa way, and he, himself, aeemed to be aa much carried away with the afifcajbtiMig topic aa were tbe rest of tbe iJdwever, be did effect some thing of advantage to himself while here. We heard one man say that be cured the tooth ache in one minute, and a number of othara^xptass confidence in his medicines. We do sot daaimJto mislead the public, or misjudge Dr. McBride, but we feel quite confident that there Is a great deal of merit in tbe special tie* he advertises. yii Hole] Arrival!. *9 w^ MRRCHANTS, 0»D Knapp, Pubuqus Miss Botswick, Bones teel, Springfield Miss FA Bonesteelj N. Y.: W 8 Lehman, Chicago Hutchlns, Cedar FsIIb Wicker, Chicago W Weatoo, Xlk Point. *'Ter- The ^M»met| Tellow.toua, Mead, Peril, nah, Vontineile and Silver Lake are yet buffeting the waves of-the upper Mis souri. Some of them may not be, back in time to winter at Yankton ttMrfei CSSre 1 A. I. James Sproul and Phi Up Steime) were arraigied'-ysjlArdsy oo the charge Of rape. ''Both plead not guilty, The trial of the former H^&mtdlatnir bf giin and elicited tbe usual amount of interest which chsrac terizea cases of"tbl» Kltagaiting nature. Steimel waa r^maqded to Jall to await bis trial, ^hlch will coole on. afiw .Sproul is dLip05^,, "Is? ftll w«e66#/' vJffy-^v-'wV •k 1 l.:: YANKTQN. DA.kOT*. Tne*iajpilori4i«g- Hov. 14, 1876. The Weather To-I)ay. PiMirnall Were a Utile shaky yesterday, ""it Iwck to the hotrl, where he |W*ked either on account of the gold weather, or! »1 hi*coualnVshot nun, looked at it'and the lack of food news from tbe aouth. asked it it was a good one Hi ceiviti^ A young couple, in official. circles, are'j^Imrae to escape with ated. i. v.^ Tl^ens are ^prospects ,that the Missouri is .getting ready to close up. All of the QguliKift. llae of boats are safely tied op at the Yanktop levee. a a y- -'b H, ii, TT- ,.ATO is' 7^0T« The mercury went down to eight above aero oc ^uKU» *ijth| and^here -W»a* g«t eral fraeae.tfpr This leveril'y*'of the weath •r was intensified \)j eutUDg nuitb wlud. •bout this'tilM^ Ncfrernber |asf year we k«IJ ihjw *i&t\ il of feather aa we are lyut after that we bvored with socne sx weeks of pleasant j. tw 1 •U of Um lalsat ktfltt of bau sad caps at boiiom priees sl 8. &>'J- "*W* inn i. iHi)i Almi/.(iCor«Qii Shoot* aim an kirk at Sioux alls. Th* Mtudrrfr Armtrd and Rroiig^t to Y*OktOf|« 7-.'. W^hiko^® Nor 10 Pro^llllics W«9. 8M,udar ,n,r„JnS. nt 1 wl,u A bad day for Turkey-—Notretnber 30th. and fitmlly made an sifhck. .nkirk eciz 18T1, The slaogbter will be gratifyinR to] pitchfork and tlin-ati'i-ed to nin Onr the'HtMVariM p(ovln0e% son through if lie dCT"^nol leave. Curt on Tbe remains of 8. T- Lowell were yea-jaBiMuative reply, he «ai'd, •Vve ore a Swcet cid^r at Ji-nkinson's. 2 terday disinterredTi'na^shTpped for Buck-j-iridtrtrBnTH-^wrtt-gt otu-and shoot a brant port Centre, Maine, where thry will-find a' for bretik fast." lliss cnioin furnished the restlag place. rartri'l^e and i'o.rson smrtetl for the -l»aru. The Baptist church srci»ble will meet nt: IIc~w a.-i to enter and a moment aft. the house of Mrs Cargk-ton. on Wedncut- *ards--the- report of thw gun wait- heard iu day evening, 150111^ Alj are^ordially .»«- A n,ui^t»,«li,ig near by w,,,t ,, ,-. i..,) I,H ti-ft th» lii.ii'l .ind tid in HII onilmim* eu^ President Wicker, of the Oikola South ern road, arrived last niflit. Bill Walpole and John E. Wtds'li have a contract of Irutghliog goods to the upiK*r country: U. W. Weston, of the Dakota S-iutlicrn road, came up last evening from E'.k Point, and is at tbe Merchants. Nels Allen and A. Gray, with th('lr) Black Uitts traius, left Yankton for the mi BBS Teamrday, via-the tho Fort Pierre route. ,11. E. Brtucetwl,* of Sprltogfleld, came dowp jrtitiiijmfj,' He say* that terry boat navffetfpe cioaed yeaterday at bprtugOcW, on account rtt floating ice. tl,0M)J" b,° Th( #l vc v. vc\h pttsion beyond control'of die Ahtr./.o O'Kon and .lului Vuuknk luld iHt-ii puiOyK iu nu»t of TriiUy nij ht i.ver tlm cards, Hud the .tter hud got the twstof'ihe transaction. They ha-i si.iut: words about itntid scpn'riiti-rl' .-yihiut. fix o/clqck S«t urt'lay iii irulfi^*, a» V.nikitk, wRo M.J8C driver between Si»ux Fulb and Sib twisted, begart to abuse and toreftUn him "n ... field, Undar a special contract air reed upon where he was found, a Tew' uiia.uW* hltej-- eii.-niy'o^. footw-.d dragoon: The Rerald is full of roosters this week, cupies a cell in the county jail. Corson has- tbe city reducd S VZumStr*x~~*} CoV. I'ud u\i»* dry the n» ini n?ivc uliI te^i aitsorMtwM of wrttinir pnj^t.s jitid titioiiery ui-neriilly, that win evesTi lntii_ihis territory, Is now at .Mi Purdy dnu andTj-ok hou-e Gire It a irTal, 0 iff, l'i .'seiiin.uiti it C-i. t-oumfi -(iT yeast vnry Tuesday HI I Kridsy eventnj at Ksdisb's pbsruiacy uux. door to pos' nfllc tucfc&frijfr Silver Weddluc. Uu.lncM, Brsmbje & Miner have shipped two mil lion, one hupdred aud sixty-six thousand, three hundred and eighty eight pounds of flour and merchandise to the Black Hills and points on the upper river this year.' Riduce.l.tirtous, it amounts to otic thous and and eighty throe tons. You,caw positively saye 25 p-r cent by| buying your clothing at S. Kin-man & Co. Jus' received a uew lot of chriidren's box tipiHHl shtK-s just the thing.-"!. I'ilea tfc Co si^n of the buffils' head. Take a "look at Eiseman's one doHar Xrrrltorlal Tea rlifn' lnalituie. ijli»«Wjmt»Klji '"J* "ffi'uyfc .- J-* *-^-vY, *5 *1 »*«, „, ^-7"^'*' l\ *5 ymrn -i \%i c' re#8««inR f'u aHien l.y,M..« nmch li4»or.jU,,° Pr,'r'"rr''J r„f Worl.l'a lll( —. tiinti lv intn liu» liitrn »nri Imihi I niiktrL -j... neck, ba!l' severing the head. Ci but by next week they will have all' com* for years borne the reputation ot being a 'JLy, »o»l the excellent "owuuer in which he de.-perale man. lie'' baa but recently rc- 'Ml4tfwd'tc'ed turned Iroin thr Black Hills and ha. during Ids life time made his home in many 'rough Hits at I. I'iles & Co.'s. You can find 'it! grades of clothing (nriiiuifitii! g-h.ds tioih the cheu|M.-st lc finest at S. E :uan it Co i:icu..ii iovited .to atttod. diah-ly into the burn and found Vadk-trk d»y. Hepuolicuu and di-mocratlc workerij weak exhausted leelmg, no energey The official c^nvaiS of YanU'nn counlv -lying on his fnee (|uiu-dead Ihe charge, IkjiIi, evinced an earnestness, and quiet ac rc-unt^t-: the result of mvtltltl •ote was completed last evening. It is an heavy goose choi, hud takrn iTrct in his ,V. v,!' Oiwn Went aboet to take a survey of the matrimonial j1". he lelt the hotel nod hid in an outhouse rijrlil inurkMulv aml-'We have cleaned the ?tst*rdav That l» what Ihey-sav. And who warils by the sheriff, arrested and brought have el(M. tij|jj(i.r-entire reputd'CMi legists- ^1.00 per kingle vial, or $5.00 per commuuiiirs. Then: is. a strong ii.elint against him in Sioux Fails, hm lust murOld derous act being wholly unprovoked. ftiul ««d'«i»arlvtvij!7 eftUt.-ti'tiffini»T5' kllcw A 1 C(,r-(j ju tio morning, and imil and ihe BuJiire limkiiiit yur purchajrs of cloth-1 trig, gems' furnishing .good, lia's, caps trucks or TCllse?, co to irry K-itz's. he' gu irnnlees ou a »uvlug-o| 20 |erceut ,, WjjiJIg shirts, pt nale' shin- c^sjiktc shirts, ilmuid «1drrR~-ib®„ibiL'-i H-^oitini'iit., ^irri'-d s^vnv hii Tx:r. me Just received at I. Piles & uCo., full tbey «Io buck' iu fl'S VirorTd line of ladies' furs: line seal, mink, lynx,! rtvor mink, etc. Call and examine them. I A («1?.VNI) R.-iltO VIN OFFI'ilIED shirt, the best in the 'world for the money. °r.address drawer E, \anklon, Dakota. Heavy Katz's. red and white merino under at The annual territorial -teachers' Institute •Wtll be held at Yeruiillion,commencing ou of ed. .' tr Faller XiaetMB A Co.'s. .-,1-) I ?. sn established fa£t. that elevuH weeks tiful Arkahisas valley, to Pueblo, Colorado taught by Utpse who share the advantages "6f'an instltuw are^ikter than twelve weeks ianiiht by tbosa who do not' pass'through iba annual drill, and. ihat teaches who at tetld should be allowed thejr full time aud -P»i—And a^icb Is the r'tyiit^mtnt »f iho taw in most of the stales. 8npt. Pub- lust, Finiay, Nov-3,1«7U. & i* Grlesera theat market baa changed hands. Mr. Qrleser same In his name hereafter. 1 1 Our «tof-k"of clothlne furidshltig goods, .hats andjCHpu is positively the iHigcs! and cheapest iu Vaiikion, and wc are coidident that we.can save 2-5 |sr cent to ovircuvtom r.-s in buying lb.'ir go.ida of us. .3. Ei»e iiviu Si to of •ppi-tl is A Ti A wf* 4 tfV •Sm-- _gfs--a 7,'^ A .' -,."s..... I.,. «,.. I lie Fir»l Hulled JHkN*«. .Jf. Here is what the Dokota Herald, said two ago wish reference to the ffi\ I'll elmn^ta tUca wade,aowwj. out t-ou"'i A' ctsla- Mr, Phil. K. Eaulk strp# dowiyu.d Mill, difelrict utto-tney, and hi* place fllied! as by Mr. H.'. tJsmtile. M(. Faulk uiw5e WAMiftOTOM, ProbrttJlllliles. of V|,o*o- ivVrU,l« ».mi the inn-i"s's"of-tle [Wopfc. /. More lh«n wsTpnty-flve per cent of the for the northwc*i Stationery, followed «*f*- S^d wc!i ^u,pulnt.' wprtis inc«i*Mnt' wbeq brutal ,nn-iW«-HU the rwsent auie efi-c wh ,v nl Mr- It. 4u and Ktii was bitching gp hia horses, (.i-fsoiiy & Iinerc! irf hnvo rc«Mvevirt car loml-i-'S^Prom tbt* smle of 50,000 Dottles of Hale's wctiL. UI ihe siMb'le un 1, btlng partially *n* 0f Ul( rt bft Imh frtez", an(\ cluncuita' uLsltri kt. w|i're acknowledge _their jiurpriw at the wonderful results fronTThe use of this •A U°, luedleine, VVe authoriie'Mills & Purdy to warrant a cure or return the money in case tn i:iu COuFlvr, Nov, $tl), n*oinjjn-ilaA\iT^d npou us br'xUlj 'b- rirttH'tlluf*, etc., iacoiuplctc and n«»\v 1i'.£rn ph LIIIP (o Moux FMIU, Dr. Fred Smith and Mary Smith, of Tur-' wire is here aud just as won as the poles g^ftgij thortclea 81,. are in position the wire will bo strung upon in.-kY-H ojx.-'' ner county, after a married life of twenty ... ., them, commencing Irom tins end, whirl) five.,years, celcbeated their silver wedding will prolaibiy take threeor faurdays. The' at the house of Hon. Yale P. Tbeilmnn, in attaching of the instrumentii is the work t»f Swiu'Late' on the 9lb. Theilniao wfliek, but a few hours, and we contidenlly expect before another Is^ue that our people will '.w_ be lecelviug and st-nding messages the same Tiiiiker itiiil Prairie Laud for Sulc in lion Homo County. Timber! l^nd—323 acres, on Bon Homme Island—will be sold oivreasonable terms. Pmlrie land—151 acres adjoining the town of Iiou Homme on the west. Sixty acres, upland prairie, thirty-acres mi^r culliva tli n. I loose on the land, reioainder-of land bottom,'mi-'idow nod yourip cr.tton wood timber. For sale very cheap for cash. Apply at tbe Press & Dukotalan office, Fun! Fural Mrs. liatrianh, rt-siding at the Yniikton cigar'factory,between Broadway and Cedar street*, on Third, is prepared to repair and mnnufa(,turu' t0-Order Tuesday, Nov. 21st, and continuing fuur Salisfaction guaranl.-ed. Octl7lu-sa"t-sun-tr. days. As ihe school statute niukes 1t the dutv French worsjed suits, black broad cloth of count) supmu'teddeuu to attend and suits, English, Scotch, and American «HS pariicipatftln th.e exeorises, we hopo to »ee|^imere hitiis, made up lg latest style, num each county .southern DukoU represent-1 ber one trimisnugs, guarantyed to fit per- Teachers who have shared the s'dvanta tailor would charge-you, at Jvai/.'s, !ges of formi:r instituted need not Ui urged! The largest, ^hesnest, and best assort to*attend fjr if school board's will consult! mcnl of clothing and jjents .farnlsblng the beat interests of ihe.r schools and al-'goods Tn Yankton, can now tie seen al 8. low them to be dismtsikd daring the week Eiscman ik Co's. of tbe institute, Ilieir teachers, prompted hy a desire for improvement and Success in teiiching, will surely be on hand, Our best educators give It, uot as an opinion, but aa Juan Miiica. J. J- McTriT-nuS ril' run the —m* !^W«S iu ,he alnlemeiH of two year* ago.- I ID the month,-coming up of food at'ter eat ,. T1— {4 NntuiihsiTtmuing the tli-enon wt L"n,,wJ' w,,'» Ault-r & Ohlmnn TrM-tvr-Tt.T t'.-!erl iy. S „,Hj g(.t To wtj.t lx»tt4e of Annual cari'wd -IVaWley'h.Diibuq'ii*«le, I flower or n-bottle for 10 cents. Try it— M'illfi A I'liidv art' Dr. McBritVrf pgftnU Two dowta will relieve ou. of Pcill If.! choice Mu-LII^aa CIDO^ which lUcy will COUMII cordial, sold ID tbe "northwest with- Point. of failure after using one-half the bottle. .' It is very pleasant to the taste, making It -very de»in»ble remedi for children. .|wll(m hiicfcTo the'hotel, told hi* cottsdn hat he! until the cl.osu. A tery large vole was 1*ATH.I0" NO. 2B It tones up and invig had done r.ud t!d h- must hi!'*'-' ui.-ney mid l"')ii in every pn ciuct hi the county, oralis isystem, dispels the gloom and rii^upuli-.. jt jKintjet1Cyi itiipitrte trtf«ijgtb -»Bd energy, r4t-}-iejer tti in-i'vrr ln^trwr. I'hiH. tK'ing refua-,,. .t- .u 1" 1 1 ho E O S O E I |||1| weahne(l or dC .,,.!.V!,?! fW«»rl€, Iwdlncrotlona or eice louji'.it l.i-ittU', in.n ihe votitig-c«!imni:iieed jor gome drain upon the system, is always continued lively I curwl Uy ulan the oflkaiil'or the past two ui-donty. i-. ~'v r-^ ITirJiiud ^jft and hard ami soft woiid, and TOo blacksmith's cml, at John W. Brtiiiib'e's, office in Burleigh's block, Brotidw ty. novlO 4i. years Many r. pubUceus-_voted 'for him, ^SEE* LARGE' ADVERTISEMENT! target Hug .their duty lollitir owirexevdleui dpfHi-A-wly candidate A. f) Ringsoml. The vote on) F..r «!«.• by Mttt* A Party «nd O. W. Vaader- I'ui-sday deuioustriited to a i-eiuuntv that hule A Co.. Aecnts si Yaiikton. Union iy republican by a liaudsomn' 11 1 ,0 n,r 1 'is the time to.''select yoUf druss suits/ bu*^ I '"*®t^dl U-for January i-ho.», 1M0V. rejected Swat. Ill,?s suit or over coat tor the winter.} U.w.t hjgt, mixed .UiiiiUi^'i' nil HiVe. JJ«l Xo. _S_ ft «i, ctoa d«Htor cai-h 43 8} clofM-U 4^^ for November and yoar el-iset4SMt&4iK all kinds of. furs jfectly, for just half the price a merchant Golns to Kan»«« or Colurailo Take the Aichlstm, Trtpeka & Santa Fe railroad, ,lbe new and popular line from Atchison and Kansas City, via. the -beau- Springs, Denver, Canon City, Cucharas, Del Norte, Trinidad, Simla Fe and all .. |V)ints iu^X-'olorado, New' Mexico and Arf- CeHiac...... zoiia. t?j*cinl round trip 90 day tickets to .jj'tj. Denver on saXa May t&th', af |!0, tairiug'irt the ^Missouri river and the rocky rp'duntabis u^i•*"" pots. Juan Guide," addrt--ss,' T. J. AfJPKR&oK'. Gen. Pi»iH». Ag» •_ v. Toi-KKJ. KAM V:H -1 uv,t •'J'. 4 rJ tt i- .«£* Stwinf ntl|lu« for Ril«. A new Singer sewing machine Is offend for sale or trade. The machine has never been used, and has ajl the modern attacl) mcnts. JEiiiiuiru it the Press and Dakota ian (fllcc. August Flower. jias The inosr miseruhle being* in the world I are Ihoscbuflcring from dyspepsia and lircr Sutei are afflicted ibww di*-wc# nod their ctlVcu a»l«. eitx ^udi aa sour stomach. Kick Uc4iuche, Uablt- bv the UV-i'rtld. Itlooksiisif the |wo|d« of' heart-burn, wuter braab, riawin and burn. Yankton p..doty .d 1«r.vcd th« ll-jruirs IPtti"a ,al,Uje P'» «wl O-sliveness, [wlpUHtl-.n ..f the htart. of l1^ «»"»'«•. Y'dlow. 8Kii)t C'iiU-t] too^ue and dipn^reHible tkhie iii«, low )»itnto, &c.. Goto Mills & Pur- v,t Xhftt Oon^li! St#p it JI in tbe ^tjear, on a guarantee to refund thu money ca^se of failure to ctm\ there W and Hrtyes. JunkiiHsou feill! kf-p* A.Ht»otb*s ib«u otus failure tn a thousand. This oval"brand ovyiera for snlej al»o Iresb eel-fact *ptwks- volumes in lavor of this won CIV ..lwavs on bund.' tl. ^ful remedyfor .cold*, coughs, nre throats, i: branching, asthma, etc. Physicians every- crv ]c^s than Ally bottlirs returned, being yeen used twenty years with pcrfect 1)y J,10®1^*!"*? It*'* '°f ^OAe„luber tl^i closed 1 lift Tor fjr yloux tiidi|«.:U(Jeul, Muv. 9th. ,,, .- 3!*«. fur jvar WS I'ld for January jeciird Just after we_ went to" press ins' week'1'we rw-ewed a ii« ti-from il'iV Lu Ytri.e of.j ,uE— (K'l 81 villi tti'it the P'llt-s--wi-r'e belng'sei as IIA IJ1.EY—No. 2 47 fur-cai-li 8t!«4l for Nuvern tiiidlvi as. (.» »^ibit-. arid 'i'Mt ev.-iy thing til-r lor Dec. xnber. b^' 11u- ti-. 1 -i! i"u ut—'li- m-u.| |ril W OUr Decemb rejeetad 42%I3H. OA is- Good dituana and highvr No J, 31 i-. f'ir taib en November S3'iQe34 for Oeeenibet I'II-'if li in TO for v«ar: 40 lanaarv. graphic s|eetl Last Monday the workmen i.AKu-oid. no ca*h 46 lo. had the poles set as fur as the Split lVck,- ,.ar, 9 ^giSKfor January ami were pushing this way rapidly. The BUUC MBA'l*-»b«iti(ers short rib Tltlwauiiof. 1 OATS—JWfesSH «Xt, Dowrr, HiVIlLtY--Unsettled, T(i No. 3, do 43». Liverpool. 1 li, Wholesale Prlee List, Wheat, turiioi Oat a, ...........rrrrrT... Corn. abrUed Potatoes hut-hoi new...... Whi^e Beana. Inii iTrrmw,,,. Fork, aalf, bbt... .. r-Uatna. augax cuxed, "$ 0 to.. Rtl.ta*, lb I'lne luiiWr, Cftit(ni6a,if'm ^2 the famous watering plate-* on I fie D. Hi! road... G. Pow emigrant rates to the 8ttn L.„.„ .v —,u„ VI,•" T»HK. aii-onal Weilne or th« .tMkll .... .JL Ihe Dakota southern ItailTOafl onpany 1 ulluuitt Palace SleofWDg cars between thla beWai the offlca^f w. w. iirm&foga-to ^V.l i^Wnii -H Jl* i^ |lw» i| lB *JU foiim irfinM'jfrwb* N •f premoi. HuMPIIEEYS' HOMEO- polla !—guips the drain and mjuvenates tbe entue ^ousands. Sold by dealers. ,, ,.vr package ,of tlve vials and $2.00 vial of pow I der. Sent by" mail 'on receipt of price. populart-' IIUXPIIREYS' IIOMEO- lATIIIJ MGDICtKR COn PA XV, WW BROADWAY, NEW YORK. MARKETS «Y TKLEtiKAPH. SfsM^ $ Jf* V5 *f A 1 New Vork. Money pAfr, at ct at Oold, 1 OuS* (io\erninrut!« etvady* &*£ 'frt Chicago. HVa. ChU:ago,' Nov. 13. PLOiru.— Qntet. and ancbRn-^avl. WHB.\r—Wheat. mcKli-raietyac Wo and biger •. if 1. spring 1 tl«: No- J. sliictly frt.h I1U",® Vtlv^Vi Vrf Lit® To )Vhom it \ftiy it Conr^m mtftit, ultfjou[ any .alati of- ihe whole laci conBiM*ted with the ca^r, moro pAriltrtlarly for benrtli of my icllow fit reeftft (^•iQ 1 ihe tbe bnrnan ,,.,t 'My son,'Master Oorjrc i. H«ncook,''ti" 1 yejre iilil h« l"*t th? entire use ol hi* limbs'and c/ilU not" wstti for 14 month ed on some of eminent uhy»tcian* Walla W»lla »nd nmler thi?irmeiil(fSl and treAimcnt, und pnl»i hnndrtd» of duDa/ft for their sorvtcen durlui! Ihl« p«rlod nnitl finally Ihcy gave him tip and ceased Thl« \p Xo ork, ?*o\. 11. 4-h 1 )r. JlllwankCT, Nov. 13. Kl.Ol'lt—liukt and n»rbanned. \V tIKAT—Opened #rm. Out closed ftronR, R«. 4, 1314 tot D'.tcmiKir I for Juimary. fOHS— (inict «t 4?^ ,« ,i,-t Mi Dr. J' I. i" fAIrBridi v. -.:- '»-fJ»int«W)Wi»i'^ Liverpool. Nov. 13. RiiKiUAT^rpa-'Qatat and dull. Fluor,23r Winter Wheal, UaBdt^lOa pprln#, HB^^Oiad wtilTftr"lOr-^4d'itl0« ?d ciub 10a -Id^d. Corn ^5a 9di^*J6s. I'RO^aroxi-^Pork 76s. Lard, 47» 3d. TA5KT0B HABKETS. 40® 45 4OC00 l.fiO UH©26 ....UK 2.00. 2.S&, 160US.7B ....t.50a«.60 ..8^60 ...aim ltu .9*^3 96 feSt U.00 Pine InmWfc'HrtH *t» fafC ".™.".... ".i .u oo Kloorint!^m ft-yt ....... ...K.OO&U.OO id in PtntahlBg .. ?,. .*..?..... .SO.SO^ao.OO tM«(le. ...^.....!2.«xa4.-W| L«b .....4Jo' *TO(KHOLDKRJI 1BBTIR6 |*^HK aihonai Smiting of thw •tockhoTdrrra of the Dakota Mtuthrrn ItailTOa^ onpany waa ,he c"y wiihoul!chang«i. Chwe ccnoe tlona tnail«': jTj "r"a*I^^xtiT*iu!r|'n..' .' 1*** .. Maid comiiaayxtiff mrir R' f'ii n".l A Iflnr in in i'p'"n dt1Tj, nI «t Y'aj.kion, UT.aod owing toi IT IU, l|j day nf _. —. -^-,»'fiemri»r, two: For maps, time t«ble« and the "San »T«a«ck.p. nv/i»y rd«i- pf tbu SioekboiiW. pr*.-. laskioo, 11. T„ October »I, lffTS. Alt! at: t:. W W. WErtTOH ,Secretary "fc-V I K,3 W. BrtvOKX-G8. A Vice President. Xavl-MHO^ 'A' Discover y! PR. CONCENTRATED TEA. sat and Greatest Discc^^ Cortalu C«re for Oatarrti In llmd or.TUtou!. rcr"ei Apfhmn. Bronrhlil* «nJ Coni»«nipMi,rM Dcainr»«, Il»chapj2vB from «m. Il**nrc- of N'rv»»« JL)t»wn 'ow«Utu!1o'n. i'nrc* t'tto'htirJio.tu-F'Vi* Mlmit Ciirt'i? lvalue liark in Pims Mtnirrnl -Cnre* Bore Turoa! iu TtirMI»m-»»! Cute- Nrina^U In -1 Mlnn'e*! Ourra It- e.irna' l»ai la l)av! Tu'v* t.iv^r-t^iup-atnt I TI 11K CurcA talX/itaO-oii of the Ilvart! K' fruid'ec iliv -Kulnejc, ^.Uer. Kic.. Kic.. J-.ic AI)_RI:srr( 1 Tbo ttteBH'n' 1 ni-iKs-' MoWrido for bf»».pr««V ou hi* feel, and by eo l«r- fn 'X- Sworn and enbscribed to before me thia tbe KUt «v of Oriobcr, A P.. L. a.] A. 8. C.«itU»SS,.Notary Tubilc, Htnto of Oregon. ccr'Uy that am prr^onally ncquatn'ed with J-bn. UmnAk and h'# CJeoftfe, and I fnlty concur Jn ht« htaN-w^ent abjv 'hriuU, aid clitMirfniiy tcrotnmind -Dr. iicUild.' 10 lavurablc consideration aud endorse him 10 the fu)u *t the -d. .NATUUM-.LTiltU.MU, Wnlla WftJU.W. T. Sworn to and tubacribefl to before ine thb the KHi day of October, A. I)., 176. [L. b.J A. 8. •1, Jamea A. Smith. Clerk of the Clrcnli C*onri of ihe »atf* of Or sf»»n fj»»* »he v'onhry of M«lt noniah, do hereby cortilv i-hit A S. litd*!*. v*tiow u- nulo') «tur^ uftixetl »o #or»'ir*»in Jurat, vva- at the time of MjnUn'i the f-mif. to-w it: the I7i day ot oewber, A. IK IhTft. and eiiiJ a Notnrv Public In and fur *a4d c«»unt and Mate, duh aMfborizud aud empowered l»y Itw to ter oaiUe and thai full faith and credit an* due frhis flic a I act*. 1B tcatitaoDY wlu»r«*ijf 1 have hereunto iny It md and aiUxed ih« »eai wld c-»an at ofllcc in I*ort /r iaod, thia 17th day of Oct. A. U. ihTO. JA.MtiS A. fit. clerk ircnU Cotirt TArillN'O HIS IlKStDF.XCE IN CHINA, HP. MT Mlll^K Dl^OUYEKKO Till: WONOKkKI'L of Ihe combination «»f dttt^r-m! Pes*, fo/ he cure of l)taea'ea-.opt»r^tiiiir t|K-c«ica: :v on Kidneya, "nd rejiwlailnc all I he Sfcr^tlotJi. Th-r Ooci'or ?»ff.ame ac^naiii- i-.d with this -vemedy through. thre» of the movt ceiebta'ed C'b'ne^v I'm-Tbey rall»Ml J) a roMib^nnl 'Kxtr*tct of dltfcrvut kiuda of Tvtn#, and had ilic most, vstraordin^ry Micce«a in rcliuvlug tu'Jeilii^ hutnaii.ty. Oal'3aM^iii5«yl8 BiaiRasiriag HeiHii aid HinwEss in A^lctad Himanity Female Weakness and Diseases of uli Kui Is Trcateil Suni-ces-folly bv l)r. McBriih- at Ins Oilico! ASK TODS JRUGiilSI FOR IMPROVED KMG OF PAIN, riuci". si.Dd lMvi BOTTI.K. iio i"s O.iiijsfl ,. I'oat ifertT ~p ~ir%3F -DR. .^. .. 11 IIIJQ..E HH» }nit arrive I .*rom H«n Fraaciaco and recent Mi rc'jutiU Hoist, rixjina No. 7 mid S. and will remain 10 days, during wliick periud l»« t*m i« trni auhod iHriwten die nouia ol 'J and 3 o'clock, p. m, .\o'-!"i I. PILES to CO. 'f" kbv IK* -""Jf 1* P- A Hats, Caps aiii ....ta.oo 3b.... Shoulder*. $1 ft. Bacon, lb a2Z», pt*r dovr ... tint ter, per lb rheete* Flour. p'T cwt.... *s Ciirnmeal, per cwt sali, per bbl. i...... Kt* ro»»cnc »gat. Hu„'iu, blown, Stmar. extra yellow "(V'-—-. !Sui *r, whtteeoBee "A,"....... Su^ar, crushed aud granulated. Hlo eoflee. per lb Java colfce #1 Young Hyson Tes, 8 Japan Pen, llUck Tea, ix-r lb Mo|a*.eM. gaj........ Byrup, per (al...,. Dried Apples, DrlnU i^taaaoa, DIstss, DEALERS IX- Hats, Caps and Gloyes, Hats, Hats, Caps CA8H PAID FOR ALLJyfffDS OF FURS. BroaAway, Pur© Kentucky Whisky a Specialty --..'rv WEIXEL fc BAER, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN l, th -V 1 -.ilfe- 1 13 'keu *, F, I 1 KAIH GROUNDS, SALEM. OHKUON r'&i Octobcr, 10, 1B7C n»vw1f ftinl cttlld, and inori* p»rttrul:iry Or. mi ^vivictft tn rv*tor.i»j? !th'Vi-d hu up fajiuk'Jj-it hi*. iir.der hin fi eat Incut. ntxt iu U'i-» iIihu uo my child wai» foMorrd 'o ill* aud ii 2lastudo:i, Fair Uiuunda. WKU£3, Notary t'ubMc, State of Oregon STATR or OKPOOM. Muhnom «b rouiity. KJ«. nv' II I^ ne liriha. i_u—ail —ti' i.Jro- !«. I'UIL VDELl'Iil \, I'iiNN :t,-.ii 'iitit^. lie tiftn iitK'U'-d nu i'fflr:f in ih'i Caps BUFFALO BOOT m^SiOZ BTOBE, .-. THIRD STREET, YANKTON «*tlu.lve wholes.]* liquor IIOUM In tkis city, aa i' OI^D,EFLS PROMPTLY FILLED PBESS & DAKOTAIAN BIXBElty anil Gloves Ca!S aBi alll,es 11 Oct 8. BEX. RAER, AND CIOABS, VALENTINE'S BLOCK, 4i if S !X I I "W f: yftnkton, Dakota -if1-