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Vol. 2. 4 O'clock, a. m. Pfce Ij&W Bf&Wei N C.'Ofl11IIl!©, DiscMsv lhe I'renUlfHtial Questions a The LJurliii^iuii and 8 i.uri river ill went over. Mr. Woods refo!' inn asking the tjrefi'dent fo coj ^es mders to idlltarv olli 'er la .e tsouth was sbiected to bv Jli. Kus-son and the bouse adjourned. The democrats remained for a cau cus and uotioti on tbe report of the Mnuiutcc on ihe course to be pur&u- L'liding the present political com ilicalion. The senate electors committee held reliniinary meeting to-day in the Ite. Resoluiicrtm were adapted Dtmg an mv^aiif[»ti( the re telection in am ,M «*Mtppt, Carolina,! or li anJ Louisi fiand a sub ,an% t«s of two (hers were po! ted report full commit euno.turday. lie house appropriation com- t00 ee will report a bill appropriating for the expense of the special ution committee. ?The post ofFrec appropriation bill ill be considered sat unlay. Mr. MuCieary ofleied the following olutiou: VN'IIKICEAS, 'FL iiM OII 'Cox(jinEss. -|g to 'he Democrats Conclude not toj Impeach Grant. COHORES3. Washington Dec. 7—House—Me JrOary's resolution for the appoint-J and proof readings of the board: seat of a joint coramtttce concerning 1 iM( Supervisors sworn binte khe presidential election question was ^eferied to the judicia'-v committee. ments: -ere .nrn diffi-rences opinion as to the proper mode of liivassmg the electoral voles for esidcnt and vice president, and as the mantiet of determining ques ilons that may arise as to the legality nd validity of returns made of such rotes by several 8'ales. W'HKKKAS It in o* the utmost im jrtance that all difference ot opinion Ind all douLts and unct:rtHluty on Ihese queslioiis should be removed to |he end thai the voles may be couuted i»d then suit declared by a tribunal rhose authority none can question Mid whose decision all will accept sis Inal. JJe it resolved, That a committee five members lie appointid by the eaker to act in conjunction with any jilar committees appointed, by the e|i*te to prepare and report, without l«y, such a measure, either by legia- Ive or constitutional, as may in ir judgment be best calculated to jmpiish the desired end, and that »fd committee have leave to report ^tany lime. "ood of Sevr Yorlt, subjected that '•ubj.-ct of so much, importance ild be referred to a committee of house, and hoped that the gent le an from Iowa Would have tt referred the judiciary committee of which hixiself, McCrearyi was a mem- rfiale—If it goes to the judiciary (miltee let that committee bare report at any time. Wood—Oerlainly. McUreary—If the gentlemen desire Mat cpurse, I shall acquiesce in it,.al Ibough vre all understood bow im tant it is to have prompt action on I pubject. Wood—Certainly, we all appreci it. be resolutions were thereupon re to the judiciary committee with to report at any time. presented the.protest of the Jo legislature against there of the bouse to admit to his seat Biember elect from that state rred. speaker appointed Bube on tbe lliana committee instead.of Ljnde, jfed. $be Burlington and Missouri river Dad bill went over till'the nest ling hour. ireniy-one ihousaad doUarf were ppriated for expenses of tbe spe authern committee. Woods aaked leav'e to offer. Ition calling on the president for of all oidcrs from any execu rdep«rtmeiit» to an* tnditarj or officers, concerning the services fcthe afrny in ihe.southern states. f^l Mr. isson objected. Mr. Nills offered a resolution call on the president Tor information ut the removal of the Siuux to the t«rir tr.rv» Adopted. ^The house adjoun«cd, the democrats iiHtiEig Cur a onufiuK, ?V ^.£**AT,L Washington Deic. 7—Tbe obair1 3re#ented Carl tthars^s oommunica Lioa, prating that a «oo»tiUtlooal I -. atnci'dniLMit lo presented winch fchuli jfive tin' cotititn'jf lIn* will's to iln *lf0l0r«l ciilleui'. Laid on ilie HIII'. I Anthony from lie ing ci tn mittee Vepi'ttrd, favoring the priming of the dejjOMtiona MCCOIII Testimony taken leirally on iuterrogatoric8 atld cross interrogato ries. Eaton opposed printing any other testimony that whut was taken by the regular.congressional cominittecs in the regular way. Morton said the democratic dilem ma would not be straightened by all the ingenuity of the other, side. wnd when the tepublieans offered to publish, had the democrats asked them not to do so. Sherman defended Ins communica lion "which "ptmnied all obtainable evidence. On this testimony tnc re turning board made its decision. Thurinan reaflirined iliat this was not the report of an offi ual body, and this was nut Bp atrrhai ized—report, Where, was the statute aul blmunds said the 2.f .rlicTs ol Tederal constitution (frdered ident IO transmit, from lime lo iiu.e,l information as to the state of the! union. 11 was his boundeu duly mid he obeyed it bv tnviiing certain cm- IZPIIS lo go to New Orleans go: such information and report. He then presented the result to Qpngress. Ii was unprecedented to rclue to |iriui mforina.'ion sent ill by the presidents. Mr. Thurman did not wish to sup pre.s any facis liul disliked to lores stall public opinion. lit' Would not object lo ibis together with the lorth coining testimony concerning the I Louisiana returning board. Tins was. the third lime they had thwarted the will of llie people of that Statv, and now that the matier concerned the whole republic he wanted to scroti uiZt: tile test nil "iij U^IOII :. :, •:'•••. I' 1 TH -1' IHIHI- motion Mr K'lniumli, at* having bi'«*n rcjiorltil 1 panning Squ alor Sli'ririHii's report on i-lfrt tuns. _P) Saulhliui\ di.-.-entrd. Iiom t)ie mu ?tejJor,t}' rli-cliring ihat jmrte le&t'i lilii loony cliould not In- ili-v-riiiiii itfil. McDonald fuvnrt'il printing .nil ilto leMimmiy on Imth fcliii'H ciniLvriimg «sii South irnlinti. L-iuiiHittiti and Flur s® ida election*. _• iiiii Sheimiin answering Menimon said •sj| tbcre were: ihrrt OIUSMS of testimony presented with the rommuniOHtion. Kirst Oral, taken bi-lore the toward which this extraordinary result had been reach ed. Sherman had not mentioned the secret sessions ofthe boatd und the resolutions which convened seven thousand democratic majority into 3,000 republican majority. That done in the worst kind of secreey Tbe very determination or the board not to fill the vacancy from iliv 83, 000 democrats who voted in the state showed there was a wrong purpose A democrat on (he board would have witnefaed the secret work of ihe board. AH tbe whitewashing could not erase or hide this guilt. He pro tested against a majority of the sen ate gtving this one sided evidence to the country until all eould be given. Morton said the singular spectacle waa presented of the democrats de nouncing the returning board as a fraud, and j£t objecting to the pub licatkm of evidence which determined thi ir action. Tbe democratic visiting committee at New Orleans had refused an invitation of the tepublieans to publish jointly, the evidence laid be fore the board. They wanted more testimony to make up si case not be fore the board. They confessed they were dissatisfied with their own case, if the returning board acted unfairly in bringing forward proof. POLITICAL s» I 1 Ii UESSEXGERS APPOINTED., San Francisco Dec. 7—Later ad Vices'from Oregon state that. Odell has been choseu messenger by the re publican electors. Cronin will act tor the democrats. It is said Grov ers house is under guard..t, CHAMBEltl.AIX INAUQURATKI),. Columbus, Otic.. 7—The senate and republican hous? passed a bill aatbor izing any qualified offioer to adminis ter the oaib to the governor. A Jew minutes past oTcToclc the repiitifican members of the senate marched to tbe republican house, where Chamber lain, was inaugurated and sworn iy by PVobate Judge 'Boone.,. He deliver©! a short inaugural. #1 Ulto M^I XiT8CC*KD»^^:i'i',^ The dcmucrals,«ppOijnted ascotbmit tec tu inform ilie senate and Gen. Itu ger tb*t rt w«-4h* U-g*l bt»use under tbe decision of the supreme ctiurf-aiiil wjucafed lb*t". tjlve. latter withdraw the trbopa from tbe state housev APPUKD FOB rlrcioia in .I' lf'Tjion City vesiterdsiy t«liiwii tlutt (.'. (. Stfirl, Subsequently Geo. II. Shield'-, chairman of I lie republican stale cotri niillee, pteseiili'd a protest :o the col lege Mg.iinht. the ..ppoinsment of any person lo act in the place of General 1' rost, as being ineligible und ?r the laws of ihe stale. Vrosr'S substitute being When I lie".republicans, .invited the J. is in»*bgille democrats to lay the wlule case lie-- on the table fore »he eounirv, the latter refused,! and me vole ul electors-, lor presid -nt it .'j I ami againsi the refusal of I hi.* college to permit Mr. Stltel to act as an elect or. 1'lie protest also set lonh in de tail the grounds on which Gen. Fiost Tallahassee, I):c. 7—Two warruuts were issued and served on lhe Hayes eetiirs yenien'my ihev ca-si their vole*. Also a bill of injunction was obtained on behalf of ihe gov I eminent from Drew Mgmnst ihe mem U'Ts wf the caiiviissnTg hoard, and an ini( WMS lllU tie prr*s- 1 .,j |(im ,KVjs 0f' joritv of the hrvtrd for clecers. Attorney General A. CnWcj-rneiii tier of the canvassing humd (untested against tins action oi the hoard in ceitilying lo it majority of votes in lavor cf Hayes electors. He denoun ced the same as criminal and a gioss L-il.-iheat I.MI --J-- I IK: mil I'li'ctur lor Hit- il' oy lt.'lli.'r t" (i,iv. 1J jnnll- MI ICI, iipphcd HI ot the ictuins on tile in Tilh.'v ol ihe secretary ol suite. H' also gave eei liheaU-s of election to xlhe l'ddeli. tlccli'lii4 s.tating therein that the returns on file canvassed T«v he board showed a clear m.ij irily lor Filden and lluudricks electors. TII.DKS KLKtrrilHS. The deinocililic eltC'ois, ltoberi Bullock, Uoliert Hilton and James Vouug met at the capital in I lie fli 'e ol the- aiiorney general and east the vote of the stale according to law. They also signed a pennon io the set ale and house ol represeiitaiiyes of the United States slating elect ion and .praying that I hey mi'glii be recognized as electors of the state. VtsniMJ &TATKSMKN. The visiting staU'smen, Marble, Sallons, Ta|), Buldle, Seller-s, Hay, Reed, and Gibson of Missouri, Gen. Young and Gov. Brown of Georgia, Col. Waley and P. II. Smith of 111i ii'iis, Gov. Noves and Mr. Lisle of Onio, Gen. Wrallace, BurJow and Chandler, left to-day, Mesgrs. Coyle and Harris remain lo meet the con gressioual committee. liAYKs ELEirrnus. ytf* The republican electors met in the executive chamber and organized, electing F. C. Humphry for president and A. A. Leonard secretary. They east their vole for Hayes and Wheel er, and C. H. R-'ase, colored, one ol the electors was selected as the mes senger to carry the returns to Wash ington. OHEGtlM BKPUBUCAN8. Ban Francisco, Dec. 7.—A. Salem fire gnn, dispatch s»ys the Republican# held a meeting last night to consider the action (if Gov. Qrover. Resolutions were passed tie •ounciDg him, and calling upon the United Stales senate to prevent -li'im from takiiie his aekt, on ihe ground that he bus willfully violated his oath. Prominent republicans advised a calm expression of public opin ion, and II Is now thought there will be /1 HI Abo DO «utbreak. TOE OPINIONS OP AN EX CANDIDATE Iadianapolis, Dec. 7.—The Journal pub lishes an later view with Hendricks ou the Situation. Ha thinks tbe aclioo ofjhe re turning boards in Florida, South Carolina snd Louisiana are 'not fn accordance with the laws of those states and federal consti UUioo, but hopes congress- will do justice and asAefl the true spirit or the couslitu tion.. He does not believe tbe' vice presi dent can declare who is elected, or thai the two bouses of congress are simply witness esi as lo the count, furnishing tellers tn cer iHj to the correct reading of the ballois lie reiies upon tbe 23d Joint rule, whU:h he ountends bas been in operation since, ltjSS, and dsciare* it* legislative inlerpretatinn ol the constitution, specially intended Tor such a crisis as the present, He admits the possibility of tbe bouse deciarintf t'Jl den president, snd the senate declaring 11ayes pfest+jt-nt, and thai rpeb a ciioi would be of a most serious character, "iud utitall upon *11 all |iaiilea tbe xrivest re spousibilily. fl) ileelitietl any slaleioeota as lv hu rt,ct'ul lueerinlu wltu Gtiv. iUUm. WISC0SS1H A CEKTIP1CATE. THE PKtTAlljjtO COifPI.AINT. St. Louit. Dec- 7—^Pull reports of Milwaukee, T)ec. 7—It Has trans Ibe prooeeaioya of the presidential fired that W. i^e Doweos, one ot V&e VANKTON. DAKOTA T1CRIMTOKY. F1MHAV MOltNING. 8. 1871',. No. 194. ri'|iuhlu'an eK'tMorn ol tins blHte is nit exHininin^r ^lirKi'ui) of l.l'itf penMoii I U'CHU. ti in for a ccrnfi- iMie o) el'e ion on I he "grounds that beans ariyie on I ho ol her hand, .ihal Gen: 1). M. Frost, ifte democratic llie l)»ntloiMif |eiisH,-ii surgeon is not eleelor was ineligible and thai he tsilfel, receive I ihe highest vote cast for an eligible elector tu iliut disiriet. Tins application was relused bv iv. ilatdin, lie slating iliat the eerlihiMte had already been issued to Gen. Frost. Uuriug the session of lite .college Mr. Sufi 1 presented a commit mcaiiou setting lorth U-u Frost's in eligibility ami claiming (he right act ns an elector. Irom the If.I district. This, the college declined to nave read. l'llf drinocriits clatni Hint lie thervfiire nu'litfilile. The repuh- mii ofiii-e witlmi i-lie ctiiitenijrWttioii ot the conMituiion The Brocklyn Horror. OLIIOIN OH I UK IRK New York, I)iC 7—The ilmn'iiMuim n| Hie II Willi ealfiiniry wtitch lias l*-lnlli-n lite L'liy )l limnklMI 111 |ninei|ial iheairu Ijy Uir *ul CKi-i-qui'iil I-ma "I lilu Imvu not vet liven rv»lrz--it. UnnUk'li is kcoAn iiiregTrrm miiku il ut.rluiii tlint llic WLI .r rnj|iv is In: IIIMSI CIII IIHS ugaiust Gen. HI 1OV\ ed ,-LN yote or act as an elector, as being tti- •bgible and not legally on tu led to aet as lie tin.-iv Imsnly uu, the rapul iiniiiuii The protest was laid ly a vole ol the collegi ami vice pre.snlenl was then t-ikeu as pr»*\ ion 1^ reported. KI.OKIDA i-Qt 111)11 I are~ IOI'IOM the idniiii}- VV*.*t lhe„, the canvass on ll. the canvass oil ill, vole canvassed by a ma Uriiiiklyn, Dec. 7—Fire Marshal aily Miini'il ihe invcsli){ iiniu this in inim (.i W. \Ves-nieur, ol the 1111i• ittl,i t- M'ill lie was III The IVNRIL!", "1 ran to »ee what the lire. I waa then ftettinK weak, and I drop|cd .. .-••" v„ N 1 I HIB I was linikvi I rum Its lastvnnutt and Inuu Irom Uie tie- timmMiately over one ol bonier lift Ins near I Inreeiii r« of the stnue. file itl Ih-^uu to siii'iunlvr anil lie pa 11) on in eriekle when liti earp-n li.r-wHs ilm-civil tu hs'-VI oTir ol the L'mnves HIII! rt*mnve I tie ilangeruus ni'j lie dm (1 I) irely reach it wilt) In lein I and l'hr-tufh'tl.^ uVr OI-IVMIV- N'N.L ll.iiiv winch ranidly s|iret)il In lie,! aiij nuing material i-tj ill I ly Miisceptllilf. All vtl iris lo exUnj IIMIi the fl iiiiva wort: atwirllve N 1 the llieiitre in cu lisr lot lies, hen llie llie occurred. Fioin llV Irisi circle he saw llie fl niii's rnuikC I he leiivry- lie .ruslnd inrwaid tu ii|a:ii tlie :oi. acini's i|n 1 he audience for Iii"im-I)t. lie wall, tl at I tie doors till ihe siKciiiiors were all oui, antl lin cloned Ilie ois lo keep Ihe draught aut. Ihe JK-O- pie.were nriif down Irom llie gallery,'! nut sutldvnly siopiitd' To use Ins own WHH diiwii. gol her leg ihu in liter. As I Kot 'o the lop o|" the llr»t fl ijlil ol'j stairs, Iheie was a lady, who, in cnuiiiiK I CKUUIII. HI li E twIiRiers I A laiK« mail tell over her, and bers ill- I II (v,-r hull made a, wiiich Iho-e. in all rushed loiWaid ttwiain and blocketl Dp the passage. I tried to extricate the «otn tu whose leu was caught in llie Tallinn, but she was held last. An usher cairn- up to assist me, aud *i ide a small place ninonK theui. We «oi tneiii all oiit. Then I weut up in the dress circle I found woman itiereand Uailt her oui. Then: must havs b»-eo other iiersoqa there, for I beard cfies, but I could not see llieni oa acciiunt of Ihe suioke. I was sure there must have been several other persons in llie die circic, who were overtaken by ihe r-«r could not |«iss. There were-full !0 or III) la-rsoiis pac.Uetl in the lieap at the ml ol ihe secmid fliiiht uf slatrs. The stairs wvre o|a-n all llie wuv down fn'tm thai laiiul, sod aliovu ih-it point the stairs wt re vacant lour or ti\\ steps from the top. At iliis iluie Ihe smoke was wry dvn-e, and il w. nut lhre? liiuiu'es after llie tins broke out. The curtain was lowered and look fire, and this llatf Ihetir-Cl of send ing the tlames^tip lo the gallery. I looked at it lor nboul three seconds and then closed tbe door ol' the paiqaette. The persons were jiiivd"up in heap*, and cried io me to help tlieni, and I fliil get some lo the rear to lall hick until I got Ills, man Hailing had Nlnmerri Yearn' Expert'-nee In tbl» snd woman out, tjf.fiIIK llie»e out, they The first'aud second Kalleries, and even the suirs were at the time filled with snffiCH linif smoke. No humnu lveinj{ could live in smoke .two minutes. I heard a thumping noise as if some pfrsons were jumping out ol the window:- Il was utter ly iuiixissible to get up in the nailery, aud I waa nearly suffocated when I gut there. 1 k»ow that Ihe people were all taken from ihe divss circle stairs, lint I heard the cries inside. I culled out, Where are you T' bul I gol no answer. Even when I got down ou the fl Kir I heard the thumping noise.a* thouub they were jumping out .of Ihe upper gallery, ^f they bad jumped from Ibe gallery to- the dress circle the sni'ike waif so dense 1 could not have seen ilium ', There was no briaKing of tbe-siairs while I was there. I am pretty sure thai all in the drL'Ks circle didn't gel ont alive."• The evidence of this officer is Ihe clear I est descrip'.ion of the1 terrible straggle ly thesudience to escape, from the buraing building which has yel been gives, Tbeie was even a larger cro*d. aro io I the mor|itl Uiis mornuiic tiian yesterday. ll is feared that the seaich in the auilitor'iiui will result in finding many mote bodies. The police exclude everybody but those searchiirg. 1 tie foit-Jiring have leii identified. (m:ii»)£ nil rrsrdrjita of Brouklyn snd NeW oik I'AStUI, lJj,T OF KI1.I.KD,- chard Cxtrran, John Turn^^i^£^ Kpme. Isaac Ueser, Jamea Camay,t $• GiSftey, HughvO^trter, I it IVUCV, Kaley lilt itcslrilcMKI) "f IIS lv tntnl of lis kind rjvvr rvconUd. ArcoriluiK In llie 8 alniii"tus nil |in lli-s Miio pruTess In A HIHI lie cur|a uu liatl In return lo save his hie. I'lnr scene in the ill« ry after ttie aliiriu was ralseil is described us sumetliiiuf MSOK HOHHIULKTO CONTKMl'LATK. i'"K« I. 1114 noon to !av 315.hollies hid been n-iiii»veil, ot liivsv 'ul irti itleiililietl, aoine by ieilinx:ii» oT Clnlllinu ami tin n-iuiiu Ilk! I'llirni by wa cties ami chsini aiKt silcU ar iica-S Hinl only a (tw by tlivir leal urea A.0 ^i«itl»JJarr*Jahi «utl Harry Msmlock are accepted n« the tw ihe-lwit aciors are smtply two black cinders. Around the lulnk ol one was a some'l aivl -cofclnd Otickskin unilers.iiii and la-mile lie oi her was a piece »l briilti, ti|ipirenlly a i• riiiin ul a sl tfiC ijri-.-s. OVKIl ^IXKJ I'BK-ONS IN'TIIK TUEATRB. A. .M PalujL'i tit llic lesseea ul Hie Ibualre l'ivi ilie f• ||tiwinif slaiement ul the uuni her ol iH-rsons in.tbe thuairu Tnenl ty eVe niiui -Kij pt-rs'iiia ill lilt up|a:r liallery •IMJ eitsus in the dress circles ifio |)t-r Mills 111 I lie piii|'iCHe 21 aclois, speitkin^ itj MipiMtuuii-ric* 10 slaL'e liaiiils tllilsicialia. Tuial 1 lll'S. Iticlutlln^ ilri-.-st is aiul other subottluiali sin all abtHlt:'iil |ie"Tsuns. ». August Atinrebiioli. Mrs. Ann Martin,-j Mrs. Berry, Joseph 1-ardell, Join J. .ltussi'll, 11. K.tlph, Mrs. Joseph 'gers, Uotn. Jacksnii, Ctircner's Jury was iinpuunelled this morning and held it piivale sess ion in the station house udj'iining at ho coronet a evening. A FAUI.T IN HIK CONsTltt'tTIOJf Thr RrtiiTTnTnati toveninu"il hare or deretl bd.UdO ehii-septit rifl and iieix'ssar) iiiiiinijiiiii'in. Ihe Servians liave also or dertd lif»h »rins Irom atirosd. AUCTIONEER. L. M. KEE, AUCTIONEER -AND- COMMISSION MESCHANT, THlUn RTURKT. -y ,v sWO FjSJSs£* Clias. Nestles, Louis B'-eker, M.+ ry Mul vany, Siephen Llutin. Juhu Mag n ills. J.tiiws Looney, II. Mo^vtlly, A Stetson, William 11. Birret, U'm. iriiiiati, H. II. tiearv, Geo. Lofel. Nicholas Uouovy, Nari'l 0. Davis, Geo- (J ilt, Gen Iltiunipv, Get). T. 1'if el, I hos. Weslner, Michael J, F. l.ouis, 11. Ilechl, Pnlrick Gall mher, Alirahaiti Kiiria:, Ahraliatn I) t/, Jno. Mot)urnv James J. Cullen, M,Hilda W-rJ, Henry Id. Bunco -4-'--rflrOtt+V —Si—Dciiipsey, rray W. Know anylliuin as In ILu mUlti nf ilw: tirv, siv il ta'i sn nil tin* siajiv. The business .manager lys a |iir("- ul einv.ibs IUI ut which Irres M. A# 1). Jacob, L. UstrKiider^ Burton, llarotj Dielst. James Letmon, John Si Charles, O is John Grnee, l/liarles. IC. issett, VVtn, Ibyaui.N. W. Kramer, James Laydeii, tianeis MiG If, Claude Burroughs, Harry Murdoek. •rjwr.w.**, colioN Kit's Jl KV ihe 'htKlily luiruuig theatre. 'I h.y took no ev- WIT W TT^P]? TAPFD PPTPTD lull mi tlili' innvass cutis il il to hurst into idenee and at noon adjourned to meet MIL It ilU Hlblb Jjauuil Dlhlbll, ufhee on sutuiday ol the burned building, and one to winch there is reason to believe the dreadful loss of life HI the gallery is in large measure attributable to the use of painted cloth, fur ceiling. The ci'.nvass raiighl piuilv anil burned rap ully. Ol.uoursu the fU:ne l'ull.iwt'd ll lo the veultlalor ut the lop making the dome a luiiiiel of. fire f'glil over ,11he beads of the people. .FOREiCrjS UKAHHK.STK.D lyintl'in, Dec. 7. Brent, llie former, was re^rresieil lo day. Wilil.lKK \cTlo\S YANKTON Pi. Peterson & Co. DEALERS IX Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, \mm. Silverware. ViteXmUst tad larnrtsj MuUj nd Pnmfilr Best bjfUuiif* He ar« ouabiv4 to Guarantee Satisfaotion-" In all Itf Branchct. 1 1 O O S aru all of tb* ... PUREST and FINTEST Material, anl impnor to auythlTJif tn thla llo« tsvw lnfore olhrrd 1 lo tle floor lo gel fiesii air. Tiie Yllnliltoil smoke was a black suioke, mid had very sutl'ocaUriK smell. 1 am an old llreman and I never exoetlenced smoke so sulFiCatio^. K- IU QCTriNO. lli» piMiplc of Yankton, De Mock. Third 8t., near T\t*l National. Dobota. B.ULOl'DAS. E N E & .7 A K. Cutting &> Clou das, Dinle.'s In GROCERIES TOBACCO & CIGARS I S E E Owio,.t. Pu.tom«. YANKTON, DAKOTA. (•'Kxt. delfvcrrd free to any twin nr'ttis city. I Tbo tu»l and.cli«d{eiil alwayti ou. baud. OVKl'-E O^.YAKKTQW AS'OH'K JC.4N All UOU tae MFTAO U,JIP*AT. Yanktoa. O.iket'#, Hoy. 2S. TS71 hHit a ihe olHce »uck^t4d{|.»reHa»«ied t« .OR I Adler & Ohlman, IMI'OHTKHS AND DKALKKS IM Kentuclrv" Whiskies *l*TUu\ »a«iv ivaiti 3 Brandies. Gin, 4loohol. FOHEION V.\l) DOMttS-^O Wines, Clears and Tobaccos, '.'i BROADWAY, 171,1 ~T |~pgpaUnty 1 VToUf*' *rcbt gives that im« anioaj reeertaf of the ftN»ckho)der« »»W com|Mlit wUi d« I *old and Wi»Ue. Mcl-«Urir la beareeaat, VABIKTO* n. T. PHILIP BCST 4 CO.'S AT Froil R. Lcroli'a, Billiard Hall aai Laaok Rooms, dwfty ftort 31 St., formerly chnftnbcr'», SM Y\NKTO^ DAKOTA Frr^h MDwftnicrf* ron-t»nilT on lltnd Yankton Bank, EDMUNDS & Wy.M, B.mken, A^MTOV DiMiOTA. "50 A (.Sf EKJLL Banking, Collection and Loan Business 1 lie riiiiv m» Nftiiimul Dduki. r- -s ~Uoy fcirn"T«'l exchange «n lh« prS»cip*l cJltei hr Uuhnl Mnie« antl Burop. [wciak aitunilou paid lo collection* acd lemiuefl lor linraWj on Day ol Paymtnt USU loan money, pay tn *rp, «nd toll real citato or nou-TuaUltniU.on favorable teruia. .Sg'-r.tH for reliable Insurance eompaolea, und n-ur.' propertY on fuvurable icrin*. ni tl THE FIRST NATIONAL A XV OFVANKTOW- INANCIAI. AOKNT or TU *. UNIT»D aTATB.H Approved iVjM^ltnry for Dl^^urelnif Ofllcera TAMES C. McVAY, President. W. A Cm«1II«P, {WUraf!» txliiKlit »ntl i*ld. tnrt iimmi'tlv roinitieil for. Oollectloto mid«i i-tr. 5) '1' All I BANKING HOUSE vrit OP __ litA- if. rA Kit Kit, Tlie I'loncur Banker of Dakota Territory, Yankton, Dakota DrpotU- rcep.lrfd.aabject tocbecW at 0lKh»taiid f, -ntereat allowed oa d^poflta Icfl for a «fcdflo4 S lm»-. Qold, bllvor ana Unltad htatc« AocariUea^ ouj(ht and i»old a.t current rates. I'ajr accouata ind Pinal 8iatcmonta cached at a reasonable dU -rrroirtT- Korelgn Kxcbange aoldbn all the princl ^ttl clilen of Europe. Agent for the Inman Line fteaavrs. Coilectlona. made on all parte of" 1' Dakota. Taxen paid for non'realdnntc. I ^omciUovNfhnrft. •. •0 A IKK nr. PAB1HBK* FURNITURE J. R. SANBORN N WfeoleeaJe and Retail Dealer la .^f FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, -M MIRROBS, _J TTph.oIat®rod Coodfl, Undertaker's Goods,. Dewltt'a Block, 8rd*et., YANKTON. DAKOTA. It Stopped the Cough and S*Ted the Child. We hare racentljr had ocra^toa to trf tb« nlf- of Ualc'a Copth Cordial In Mr Umllr. JL. 1 i11lo von. lie* vtth the prcralliBf fever, waa afflicied villi the moat dUtraaatng (Oafk, wklcb (are htm DO 1- f:" Cutting' & Olondas. re*i. nlghi or day, Wa bava liula faith la -*|^ieni" mcdichiei, and aaldom mnchna try tht-m bu something ha4 to ba ittUB, aa tbe comunoi eonfb pr»v«oU»d bla r»cjv«ry. Witc* cortliDiily Srocuited a boitle'of tbe Cordial from the »t.'pui#,nww4 cotniDt.Dced IU aae aecacdliix lo dtr« no '•. Tttc ctleci waa Barked from tba vary H'rio. and the^cbild tbaknlcbi enjoyed a rafraah* tegal««p and bj-.thw aaji aljAt tber* waaKiiea a Teatlje of tbe «OBli left, tMa ta a fklr earn pie what tbe Medicine wtll do, lta_f rowth 1b ta nel to be woadarad at.- warrant^ Inr Ml Via ranbr. a. r. BOWB LL phlat 4 lo /~t£ r\ Htm Tori