Newspaper Page Text
I '-I =U~' Yankton. I). T. OctA-tf. ankton Bank, ^MUND3 & WYNN, Bankers, VISKTO.V. DAKOTA,-,. On A KNKRAL iking, Collection and Loan Bmiiess •te Natu»o 1 ht 1 11. Lorch'w, Blllltrd Htll »nd Laick IUmu. or. Br dway and 34 trt fbrmrrly fecbnsabtr't, Y.VNKTOV. I\KOTA. Mllwanfcai. L*^»t ','on*trolly on H«n4 Billiard^ Hall!! •Vfeiriwi 'w•-. Tht (J Htlljml -r 11 en r*fnr •«lted a fll fd Hud 1- ll"W a pi tc# Uin. s» •nta'Ti" He J. M. Hi »t,d Hi kc tu.'l be of ilie Utval and bmi.-wirkcrn.l»Mi.-hin»u »i |ihi L. L. MirBTi.i rr, t'efiH •. l'lOiJTf UVr. IUNSWICZ, STEPHANI & HAST Manuf icturvrs of— jBilliiri and Pool Tables! Id Imptirtcru if Bil'lurd Mutprl il«. The Cham p.on no Ivlnif tin* Q. hi iU-dul ml Phllad Iphlit. OFKICK AN^ SALESROOM: AND 48 DRARBORN STC* CHICAGO. KLY. Age til fur ifc* lerrllory, K\ and-oe'i uxebau^o ihe prioclpnl cllU* iLfUmu-d i4n) Kurnpr*. •«ciai Aiu"itoa tu| tucoiltfcihm* «fid nted Tor InTarlatJlf Day of ob J~ •vt^ssas»j9'- was*** -ssafi©- ciouor Adler & Ohlman, V'V tM!*ORT*rUJ AND DBAUKU8 IK \t 1 ,j' '.'• Kentucky Whiskies- .. tfR£DN|g RY£ soured* jrtUTi hU,T KUTKM 3raag(les. Gin. Alcohol, CORKION AND DOMESTIC Wises, Cigar* and Tobacco#* BROADWAY, 4 f». T, PHILIP BF.ST 4 CO.'S IILWIUKES LAGER BEER Pijiai ill oar mtmajMMr .nla. ll real a»iai. IOU rc^idiriiU.on (Hvuftt(w lertai*. nt- fur rcluhle iQpurance comj: jn»ixrtT »it (uv or«h)e urmi*. •(ep, au# AiHt THE FIRST NATIONAL OF ANKTOl-7. \Nt'lAL AOKST o» ma Oi«T»D ST4 T»- proved Depositary for Dleboratag CXU| 8 C. MoVAY, Presldlent. W. H. MoVAY, Caahlar. »f»n. oua^htand —ii. OoltaeUos* aid« rimit lT rcmHwd for. t-U. ST AHLI8HED lHtS». BANKING HOUSS or MARK JT. FAJtMMM. lie Pioneer Basilar of Dakwta Territory, Kailkvm. Dakota.^ iieil- rrcetTed,atibj«ei Wck«L at »l£)if.aiii Bart allowed oa d'-ponlU left lor a apec«t Oolil. bllrar and Uniied a*«t«n SacaritJei i*f di. I ghi ub iHtid at currooi ml«e. Pay accotkit Inal ^r»l« in«jnm ra»lk«U ai a rea#ona^« .. Kor*li(n exchange m44 on nil thr prtocl Juer ol bnroptt. A^eoi U#r ike Inmaa LIb* p*mcTP madn on all pArta of |ia. Tatra paid fur noB-r©#14*nt». "Orrici Uooiu frun !i%. n.to4 p. b. Ik NARK Ha PAMUVIR. jrmania House I ngli|-s ATe., near Thlrd-8t., knkton, DaJcota. [ajlbaum 4 Becker Prpps. lid notjHB la the b* loartar* (Or ORUCS. EXCELSIOR 1BOOKSTORE 3JCHiEiS ife PUBBT, rans btuet, uvrcx. Ml Ihfe |Hpalar medicine th. d.y.' Pr«crt.»- I Eaadllgat CIL tha. Beit In Harxtf. W, C. WICKER. —WboJ«*il« scd R. till DMler in FURNITURE MIRROB?. SHADES I'KTrHK FKAME9, L'N pr-DKHTAKKKS' UOODS Ropairnia Promptly O. P. HAGE, U1ULBK 1* Staple & Fancy Groceries, CROCKERY Wm Banki*, H'.nf f.iopjpijdv^ by exp»rtcnci-d ^h*^^nc«^u Inill-di Z- il t*in in Valic, for our '•$?: Oull-d( ziii didn't go.fnr euuiF. '^n l'ue wind thai bliwt th from the O O S *"_jAnd F*ncy Arilc/e^ in lhe\V«®i. ni^i AttAnded. to I Three Do«r« North of ihu M«rcbatU Qotet. BROADWAY, YANKTON. DAKOTA. Oct.11dSmn3t*lT. ,J• R. SANBORN®®., Whu)e«aU and Dealer la FURNITURE. MATTRESSES, MIRROBS,'?i* Uph.olst®r©d Cood.3, Undertaker's Goods, bowirt'ii Uloe.k, 8rd-8U YANKTON. DAKOTA. nrl6-fiu ^r-o. GLASSWARE. J- W. O. Morrison i. ti ""HV^ THIRD SI HfitT, YA^KT ill 1. YANKru^. II. T. A rmnpleie iMimtn' 5»-r» rr of )ruecr..a Kept coi Uutly on band and Tur aale at wboleaalr nrt retail. rtia «i«iat«r Kvtrrlb'M Itt li.lfwl t, cm O S E S O E IN iS® SHOP jn1»"kn4tl vl'baa anaoooce tbat ka In eh«rg« uf the IKdSlai om any', shop, and ia tw«larai to fc work u( ail dUctipilona. Auy l&ease of the Foot. WAKEA.MTV TO 13 CU«D JOHN CARET, DRY WOOD -A 1 »*»,*S»' Cottonwood Lumber. ." 1 TV a*deralfaetl la pranarad taU all aetata **r dry woo4. io be delivered to any part *f tie. cliy. Tfce» will alM anpply cnatoaera wtlk imiwoM LaaJMr and bnildlng Uaber. Leave Orders at the Oenntnit Hooae. r«»H4t( f. H. XL D. DODGE, j, Jrte sideiit ID entist omc. ia Dewitt'a Block, 1ASKTOS, t»-ili.u conra-K or DAKOTA itasktIW ::js ANn a-*,njA« VI Onarvxy. Tankioo null. Wit mim 1 \Totloe la rabe iriTaa that Ike ananal jaMMfa: a^c«knUlar« i|d eaap|Dy »Bi^b. JjfijTSP'WWtiaB. i*. tb« Ma a«y lacaai If W W W W N a '-b' *•&*$ Jl'uss and Jtabotaian Wo aro-liusfi-d, .Florid)', Liosfuna, Poulh Kvrliny! Ill Vane Wnde Ilainpmii rudo the stint-Willi In» fle clubs in vain iiifiKtrit wu8 ktlli-u, and in vein did wv kt'i'p fin H\\«y from thi? pulls. Wu didn't kvp quie timlf uv em mv«)', for juii'i of tiiu cusst-a maimgeu 10 *"»d ,l,l,r V,,,i" Mtumot-'u 'fcombw l.iiu-r wind mid cbilly, Flordy wtis our perslmtmm, and we rewt-lied Air it but our pole wum'i long enuff. 111 vane we couniid dul)ble—in Jtiuie we k^pt inn reiurnn.: the ladi- krla scooped US. And Lomsinner, wo is us, will be reiurned lor Hayes, wich bellies our hat-li. We held out three ace*, but K-U "gg held four kmgf-—)eH, and he c«d ht-v placed five ef they bed bin uc«-'led—and he rakea ihe pot. Uv what avale ia it to kill nigger*, hid ke«*p em away from the poles, ef we are not allowed to count the par iohert wht-rein we did it. ihe wickedui*, and are then swindled out uv 'he reward iharrfor. We killed a thousand niggers in »he bouih. And ez we ait nothiu by it. it iz a graie waMe ov nigger. 'l'roo we bed :be fun uv it, but we are not,in condibhn to do things, fur fun. gi§8 I v~ ^.^6 We spent a million of thekels on X,»' We got near enuf to smell uv them, and the smell thereof enrages us.. The tiger |astes blood, but he wants bis fill uv it. We hevu't got taste, but the smell that we did git sets us crazjr, and we gnash our teeih. ll'jurn Kentucky, for, the niggers will tit ill be free. Weep, ye daughters uv Kentucky, furyoo Will e-till nev to dresa y*rselv .*b and WHSh yer own clothes or pay foi doin the same, the same, as other peo ple ilo. Mourn, oh ye aons uv the south, lor ye will till yer fceld., or .ye will pay for ihe iilbn ur etu, yr^thej will grow up to ihe jtiiison. The nrgger will awei, but he will ewel fur IHSM-If, and will eat ibe ftuil uv his own laboi. t, ile won't be a slave and (s be will Hev courts, bia labor will V"\ SuKbj'ii Psttlm of Woe. '!ii From the Toledo B!ade Yesli'rdrty 1 appiiiifil Umt the foll uiiu chanted mi iliu mct-img house: A bAll uv WuK! syu WoZ •ikt-«ii«fpn a m*j irny uv 30,- UUO when 6,OOU wood hev done ao wt 11 Whv didn't ^e t-catter lhem votet ill Wi&consin and Florid), and tiinne llie enemies uv reform? The Irish votid vigorously, and the repeeiers wuz faithlul, but we put em in the wrong place. ke meesles relorm repeater® need to le kCaltered. We are tie in turtied .out to graao, wlidt.- our en*m.ics is bein slalltd. The piist cffioec, tlu^ousioinhouses, the collectur»li(pti, wich we yearned xfier, »ie iz iur lVoun ua ihey wuz t.vv' -**•!•*J-* a year ago. ^v './ "i-t- /t 'h. ,\ ,* 0urd^'»»- and its mjUikI us ia a f-igli. I Orrjfoil is a ihght hop»", hut the •'rcpniiliktii tenii will bust iliat. licin buait-d ia our normal condisli en. 1 h'cv endoored more bjstin thnn falls ti (he lot uv m»ti, mid I sigli fir a elmiige. yt uoi sinouge bun out uv. The earpei-bhgger wjll possess th- and, and he will nudd f-clrie*, aud t-h'ips, and k|tool."t aiid he will go to (Joiigria and ihd L-gialachi r. And-ttie south wttl become even as Mafcsychoosita is, ye» worse, for the aoil is (letter and the carpet-bagger ill have a better show for his labor Tte ple.\saut note uv the revolver and the miwio uv the shot gun will no more be heerd in all. he land, and ther will be hangin far murder. The sbivelerv will hev to labor for his bred, or fill his stumick with day. Ther will be more draw-poker, nor point yooker—quarter r»cin will be not, for wher the stamps comin from ef W« are deprived uv our labor. Kin^ we raise MM)ther rebelyun? Not any, For the Bouth hex bed its belly full nv fightioi. We wood fight, but the Northcren Pimocrisy darent, and the Southern Dimocriay don't want to. We kin pass resolonshens, and howl, but reaolyin and howlin won't give ua the postdfises, and what is a gqvprment without them Bascom's will be deserted, and the grasa will grow On the pailis leadiu thereto. For %jthout the offices, outuv wroh gather shekel*, how are we to pay for that wioh oomforts us? Baitcom will look at his books, and the leers of woe will streets down biR cheeks. For he will say, Nasby oweth me thin, and Ingram that, aiid Iwaker. hevu'ig stronger constitution, more 'rfiHji Boi'hi t, thrfe jeers her I furnlsht em with Huatouimoe, wild now when my i»arl« is emoiy, jhe l*«t otianoe of gtt oing etn filled is nrtr farever^ And tbef in no hope uv Jvlldln up noth«r rade, for the, aTgger post' master don't drink, and, the nigger formers waste thrir aiooey oa aooda 'ai FoUo^k's. A •&«£« ^iu*qsMm*NBir&±L '•££a^ He will foreclose on the Deekin, Issaker will he ^e!l out, and they "will parish from the face uv the earth. And he wood levy onio me, only 1 ain't got nothin lo levy onto, halle lot'jt. And all this wos heccz we djdn'i kill PUIiff llijrjjf Our wallOgjiirn (Inttn'f' and strung- lilnces ij-e liriidi' dc'Milalp. Ez Iqr me, my mind is miile up. I shi*l quit pollyiics, and go iiilo pliil Khthrnpy. ... I wood go onto tIn* liigh w« v,' but •rtiere ain't mnnev enulT in ihe coruers to btiy me a revolver. My mht*n hfnct-l'tirih will be to polled fulled Hinoii(f .liortlirin riiinn crai* to establish a hisptal Ur decay ed Kentuckians ^liieh expected p» "isliens under lilden. -I shel appeal for a millyuti and ef' ihere is any bowels intolhem 1 hey will respond liberally. »ht*l present myself as a cimole, and ef iny wn-tegon fice 1 ilon't letch e.i ifipy must hi harts' UV Stun. PKTIiOLKt V. Na-11V, Ex U-former. HAR WARE. 9$. w.n.r'. ...• -,JmM Mining W&i, mm UfKvcrj De«:n|itioB( A'gricnltnral Implements. fall tla« o( I N W A E oi.avary dcncrlytlor munafaciur^d aad ordrrror Tin Roofing —And— SAVos-Trougbing '--'•'T': Solicited, "X\ M-teJk THIRD STREET Cor. Dou*la». YANKTON, DAKOTA. marSS FLOUR AND FEEO. Incorporated Jan. 1, 1875. r. BatHBLB. Prca't. *«. Mibbb. Bcr v*» Taiikl, MAMOrACTVUM OV I FL or Bran/ Short? tt it Aii Dealers ii all Mi of Feet CASH PAID FOR I "f 1- 'f" mtCiniM.i!tc. 4 n»iu Aallvered In all put* of tba city fraa o' ebar|«. Call aad aaa aa. Oar Sour .paaka ft. CAPITAL. ITBBET, VANKTOV. DIKOT^ Clear Water V-.0 can (!«t eUw aad baanufol water from tbr Old City Line. Red and Black Wagon. 1 bare rpaa' bnadrwta »f dnllafa in pnitin awtiwri t» kaid at Sa^|at)(a»ia.tabH.ta»aat 1 V"Xs M_ y '"V*. ~7 |J oUr AUCTJON L. M. KEE, A I O N E E -AND- cojI J!IS3IO:T hsbchant^ THITtn BPHKKT. W-. VANKTOJv BUT I CR, I A. Peterson DEALERS Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, avltrx bad Ninela^n T«*m' ftx»xrt«DCt In thl» Bjflncen we *rc eu»bl«4 tu is pi sSi Guarantee- Satisfaction ll§ lo alltia Branches. O O O S aro all of the PUREST and FINEST Material, ami gn.pexiarL!a~an!rltltnif In'tbla Hat 4' «ver iK'fort? trtVr»Ml pottpU* of Vankion. D. wIu'b block. Third Si., near Fl'*' 5ft"I«nal VunUtou DoUotu. F. ULRSUSTEIN, bp A-NUFAOTUKBH Of, and'Daalir "Tn all kinds of CIGARS SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO good aeuonmeni ufall Klndr of Huokerr AriUlen. Manafactnring to omer, a Specialty Tlilrd Street, Brtumn Uro'idipif a -A Ctdir Stritt, Ynnkton. Dakota. Brig aton Market. Cor. 3d and Capital Sta. Will orwn on ie- mornltiir, Oc»«ber IT. wi 'nil -tnu of .uia of ll« uetft quainy, boih alt ail ft't'ch. ./y EO I h^ve »oriT(i Bf*nlr»a of Mr. Thorns* Flick, bo will titty,* oi\i« than?** of the market and will cheerfully cater'o ibv wwft'H-vf sll h»a •Id friauda, and tuay new ooaa wbv waul GOOD MEATS Low Down fbr Cash I! RNftslfaUfi ocil7 2m. B.K.FELTON. Froyaitli WaaitS. L«*ib Brcli SI Scc'y. "*4 Corn Meal SLED pnorOSAl S. Wli'h a rpy of tbia id t. nl-'Bi.m at'acbcd. 11 bu racehad at lila a|iauct. »rdia-i-vl tu ib* un«iir»l*D»d aatll Ttiurpcli) tbc n.i day ol 1 tauih«r. 1676, al It clock neon, tori be il«lli»rv ai iIm* Limrr Brai* *K«nj, 0. T« of ib- foilB*|pg arilclia.tlilurry hi be made aa woa .a po.alble afier tba approval ha conitncj. 1 don ii AX- r, WcublDg from* lo 1 duxan axe beiTe»t ?.*• 6 ptlut brurU.., aiaonad »lt«.: aa a Ion boll and mourning tl liufcea la dia eir: dozab iron boita, loota Jolni, tx3 I dill broom 7S-li lucli loT') e'bowA 1 If plna flooring, 11 qnall'y yi-indmvee. and kaa^iuK^, ooaipl.ta, ta weigh W 8a each". 1 caae Fr *-*r'a atla •rr»«r, In wood fti paira inch nisi'lilnna«'. 3 box- j(Wrr. il ill1,a a doxaa haaiu la- elic Mcooka ovaa. Slo. 7 coiaplata!' S braced buck f«,v cr-i-a-cir*-aiAri. r.-et lon«: in rru r»». «f lacb, I of 1 lack, aad 4 «riHin«b| S «.n (.i aplka* .,U SO untr (taaad window Mtti lSdt S galli aa larpaiiilna, ta Ua oaa I twlrwaiahwiiM trackai vi 20Qcordu wood) Ittifoai 1U itwa Iran pip* frtr drl»a wall The wuua to iibi fret 1 at, ~'aud and tra» from lir^n ka»b, «c tu laapacilan. aad to be cut i.l down llriibar, whlc'i a«B b« obtalaad1 «l'blti fivj ttllva of ibe ac- ncy. AH arilelra'mna or»i-«la«a qnaltry. Bidi lib. nc«t«t4 l« part or all if tha abora Sr 1 ta.: ill. mcni ta re rrtrd (n rai-ci any ur .it iba bldii. i'r to BcraaMordlannws by N per ai ot ihe amam.t or number ofarltli-a ^iir»J. K«dI bin muai ba aorampabtrd bv. a wrl Wit« a'mrd by i*n onsoreiaai a thia par lie. (But blild'r") binding lha Uiddar Wi aaler Ikto ac nir.ct at uuer. If isa hid Ik area »d B-iodf will be rr)Dif'd in ihe aimmnt of Ifca bid for ib- f«lt ful perforAiancv ibe contract with iw of ii'Qia mralcr.wkiaa ffl ianri ataal br e- rilfl to by a United M.ira Jui(e or olaulcl atb-rney. award* W.ll ba aaada »nbji*ct loappniTalby Ihu tsdl.n bureau, and pajmeal w.U ba Haada CerilSed vuacbt/i fiida 10 b. cador.ed "Prupo-BIa for *nralfaa 1USKY jTptBO iBT. dectdlOd 0. N, XudtMji Agant. OO TO 5J: Inr watar bnatiie**. Ibatr •^«ka^kia4 1» If roa da nat aad tba (Ud and lilac* Waraa in that ,T*ar ordara an wiltian oa iha .late at •rowVa fralt Mm, tw« doara aortk af tka Vaal /. CAVALIER'S v' p*-u:y ,/.y t,'ltck, AND POULTRY. AOBTT. P. r,, 1 Hi,TimbertUto. Ig7». aaa 1 of liiH 1 daxen knobduor lwcki*, 800 wblta l«4d, alylctly pura *addtei *atck*«t K« aatla, I Sd. I of ltd, aad 1 of 44} 40 ga 1 -aa coal ulli 10 g.lioaa Urit i.ll'n tin can 10 xalloaa boiled iloaard ml la 11a taa . S 0 aanbela naia In rl«r»i 3 Ojoliil" li.CS atot« pa: t6fc« pU'iy: -Urm Trfi»a pidioeka wMt dapltcata kaji and chain t»ai«)BaMiy 1 dotan bonp w» drupalla liulran No.S .and paper i»on uoojp. wl: ii »otkiDg ban *1 attacked far drtta *Hfa. lacbplpa pan asta for dn»» wall» .... 7S loch rotfa.t :i^ PAbSSNUBRS FpB O I O A O I ctr«lt, Toledo.Cleveland. BafTilo. 5l»rar«Falla l^ttaburgb. CtuciDOaU. 'HtKhenicr* Albauy.To ran'o, M?u»rpal. Quebec, I'onlabd, Botioc. Newt York. PUiladtfijihtrt, Llullltnort, Washtnino/i« ji Vnceliru. ,ol»fnb*ai, Dayiun, (ndlaQ«polU I'errr liaare, ChampattfQ, I«1RlooimoKton* a ualro. Co, 1 'p* vr Silverware. Wi'-iiaiilij u.1 lijurtil *»U7 ut frtafUy So* Jacicsouvllia. i^ulucy, bt. Loali /Hhould Boy tbelr Tlckaii tU O I O A O O «-/v ',- Aim TH« Kor Uaba|\iv, Cadar Rapid*, fralrla do Chieo^v,: Ht.pattl, La^^roaa#. Wioona, Maraaatta« Doloih,^ lahpvmloK. BscanaWa. ft«tfaaoe«, M«oaaha oba* borgao. vVaUirto^EL. Madlaon, Oraas bay, Point. «bko«b. Foud du Lac, A!VI MILWAUKEE Tbeae pulnta are all on the Una of i*.j Orcn Hoad, or are reached by Ikia Route wltb lot Ohanfea ur Cart man by any other. ,r" AiaunK ta ludaoeawttta udtered by tbla Koate, ./. ILL THE MODERN IMPLEMENTS Kock *nd Uraivl ballavlrd Jrack .*)(««! Rail (ock and Iron Bridgva I'ullnian 1'aiailal Lara itid Coacb««: f'arKtr and Drawing-room Day t.'oachea ^looklnif aud 1/ouuglntf Uar« Wetting--i jouho jiaftij Air Brake® Mtiler Patent Hafety Coupling and riaif«»rmfl (Jlo^a CoooectlooB at fHttcilau Poluia Umos t'ranpfere thao anj othxTt Kout« Union l«pota, no Car Kerry Traaafurt Speed, *aJoiT and Abaolaie-Oomfon. From to to Faat Biprau Train* ran iach way Daily over the various Lin««of tbla road, boo aacuring to tbe Travaler Actecilug tbit Koota ture and certain ccmnectloDi in any direction ha oarwuH l« go. tnat yoar tlckata Rbal Via Tma toUTi, and taka nono Other. MAITW B08EITT, W, I. tTimUTT, Gen'l^ou'i. Gen'l Pam'r Agt. Jbicago (Se Northwestern Railway, Train* at Mimuuht V^ ...inn •. 4 Day Kxprefta.. Night Kxpres« o%ng ArrtPt Wttl Night Uxprea« ...ra. .m. ra. S. 0. A Pacific Paaiten^er ttipreiti Freight in faing Sent* Amt* Day Kxprcai a Night Kxproaa .m *i,C. A Pacific Paa^anger id -r\ T* Levitt Krtgraltr, dt/l/ 1 krMCiMi He %a tha SoaM aMdt la tke wartd. a»d kerpa iiM-varrtan wbnii— alsiuafl*HBNaafl»i »'M »M&|a 'wti '••', •iirj-iii MitraTia'c\viM£: RAU.ROAOS. N-W A W A fiib. 1STT- 1 or it.* delivery ai litis aguuey ufjbe lOl't.U lll|^ ».ri*«l Vll: ink ax etn 4x5 In, 0fc. "T1f»tb0toe a.i uo« 2 «uU 4. ia u- o«-buiv *ai 6.0 do^rit Vtl c}* ht HO Oil llii p«i.e b«»ar l#t clf'lr, }'2 ft- 1Ub4'1«« Iiu K'lhitfa. thus .adandbofed JOfct 11 ajx rq/ in dit-r 14 in Wade & Itutch« r,) N»aid o«r ln»n ^Sorw ay f0t 5 »*vu 'ttud I a lrou t#t «lii sqiaro bar Iroft V^lH^iaiu Wudlrga mti a r» 14 kagaltd balU." ae^a Md 1 leva .tilBfla nklt*., 7Mb borwi'ioa nattr, Wa 7 aaJ I, lard on l. ti.a T5fco»tolii|da». 'atirA'' 1 ki-g iiuiaaihoe.. 1 keg No S biir.eabi a W ^o 7 mk aiwvat, with Jolutt of lift plaa antl 1 I lo IW wli beach piova. ]il I .p-ida», b»t ^aality: tdpi in iv»l», I iixM*). WmM b« atrotnp»n*aJ br prfM' bond lu ihe ol fO UOO kit Uii latiAfvil paiiur tunc* or tl oraniri lu c.*e of l'« aw»rd, hlg ai bytwatr n« puKk and lm» aartlaa, wbor^i .i_a .lfncv mu»t baianltai by a aiaiea iogc ar dl-irl 'i atioruay, Krojo-aiii aui ba oiado for a par* or all of tba article*, bm itula-l omerwtae a Ipalatad. ita bid for act) article mar bo coi am.raJ .tpai-aie y. And the light 1- laaanal tolncraa.a or uiminUk ill.. fiaB'ity oi *S par coai.aad ia« Jfct aay ar mi bidi. Awarde ill ba aiada aabjaot lo Ika approval ol tua Indian drpariak at. aad paytsavt ba made In cerilted voncbefn, "All ar lcle. io to dellten wliLln li daya of arnica of approval wf ike contract by tne Indian Llepartuum, with tl aaicvpili a of Iba loliowtng xrticla- 5,00' oi l-ofnii. *,C0# ft ploa board., 7&*OOU% Btnnala.. and la toua blo.auarr coal, which lait ui. nilont-d article, thai) )a d-tUr.i^d ou or balo.a ile '.i dav of 1(77. llld'.-r» afr luvliad lobepr. aant li tka aptn lug oi.tbrlr blda. rrouorala .hould Ve rnd»r»*d "propoaala rou Vs.," and a dure a. a 1 lo the under.Igaad. Uaaaz V. LiTiaoatiia, decUtllll) D. B. isdlaa Agt. IVatlaa. Drt^mrcT C#rr*t Yafektya Qoaaly ST i? ^oata« rayratar teMJoddlitoT S. t. •.I VRotloalotaiadap-•litana, ¥oa w.llpieaae una uoiica that 1 thai I prooaad to ia't« ikadapoaMluna of Amalla flanKenann, Adolph fiirorrf, S(»t|j i"l*'tr, Matlaflixlelar aXui Johani'S Miiblaa^efOra », S Simon, Vice a mt ,,| a llal ad ntataaol AaMrlaa. la aad Tu ai hla vtBca In tba *a1d City nf Hwiover, on tniaStlibdaji of January. IS o'clock, a. tt.. i-t mat day ti ix m*o.i apoa tha trial have a Vied Im la .aid tann, fc» euml-thaui aaion to 0a rd|%jurnad froia day la day aaill «om|lrtfd, "Tabhtua, T. DadanWr Itth. l|?l ». O IAMBR, Daclt w2l*W KUia bTa Auorney. ^'V Attaafeaaamt ttatMa, Tiaarroav ov Dakota, Cvamy «l Yauatwa. To 0. Xd%*r and J. --turn BrtfOr^ff iaa are'herebv Uu lflal tut a writ of atUab ttu aa» a aaoad ag»ma yoa, and .ar prop er a lachal, aatl^y tnedenund orJana Pr» taao aaonmliig ia inlriy-n a* fk4 SJ18S d4 ara Jt kbt Ton appear nefur-i J. A. Haai a Jua il.'aOf bafeaialu and for aald aaiy, at uli aflct tu Yatik'ou oq ke tud. da/ of Jaauaxy a. )»TB, ai 19 o'clock In tha forva wu, adamant wli. fe randared agitnal ywa. aad^ua. propartf io .o p.y I hf deOl. iiatad vlii llLk aay of Dtevtabar A. D. UTt. '"'t- r? _, *'. I !1 i' \..... ji I r- •w Gkicaio & Nnrthweslem Railiaj :io«« Conn«cil»Da taada with all Railroads rum aloe Kaat or ^outh from Chicago. rhla 1« the Direct itoute^ r. Jwction. IHjtari. 9:8U p. ir, 8:18 a. 11 :X) a, m. 10:10 a. m. Dtpart. 7:3fi a. to. 5 Up m. 8:S0 p. m. 106 p. m, Pafttfonger,.. PMacngur (Express FrMgbi. -.-..a W. II. SBKVtTT, 0*rvrat pQMMtnvtT AQ0n^\ LEQAL NOTICES. l^iPSSi Prupuaala. Orrioa SRAL^Dprop#s "4 Mi 4 V. «. Ihdiih aoiVt" CKUW I HIIK siifSCV ••'T, lvC«Jlb« t. 1876 iln «n irpiM If. wihi copy nf thi» ailvert uit-nt imcIkwI. wi|( bo r« cmm I at bla tiftlce tin li Ftldny, .1u« 5$ tir rT77T7 4 4 tut tb~ clif of mi&oror la ika «aptra ol Oermany. aa 'P clai anBslaatuoar. mdar aa ay vlrtno or a a ec'al commla.L.'n, t»a*d rrun ilka ar«utid]ii. dicl.l nw•••Hit lu aud fbr Taakt^a roantr, v§ l„ I'artaau. 8 w. PUlut 1 1 UI "I JtatWVa VTOTTCB la keraby gleaa itat a apaalal taaatlcg a of tba atuckbuluer. of ihe Yaoku4i .ad Mn Ju»oMioiia«tiJ)a*»«ny »1U t0 bald at tka ofllca oi K. T. Wbl'e ta iba t^^of Yankton, and oa Be ula aay or janaary, Jtmha Wjmi-M TdQac aa •ait Of»'ock, ra*uik|[ tba artMI«a W lu sera '•f ^•T3 "it mmim