Newspaper Page Text
fctr J""-, rrj!'" fj' I IMS grrss and IJahotatan JJAILV M* YANKTON. OAKOJA. Tuesday Evening, D?c 26, ,1876. Tlie Weather To-Du Wasrixotok,Dec. 25 the noitbwest psitly cloody wes«ber..snd liorAL i. Wbltk sbirrfst K-ti's. Ni-H Monday, 1S77 relieves the ceut« n' nial e«r. Fix»h Fl.ftf Third street^ the St. Charles pwlors laU evening fhirt. the besvin the world for the money., A tgwtd-of Ku-sslaos were ditched a few nights ago stealing wood from Gov. Faulk premises. They were glad to settle tle mailer by t.riglug back the wood. yV:5! John Thomson hns received a letter from the BriH'ks-Batcp. 15landing Tomes, etc., hunting oarty They were about one bun. dred miles up the .Niobrara ai.d bad killed iwtnly eight deer, A bachelor's dinner was given at the Merchants yeS'erd^y aid Jim Taylor, of the Herald, 1» the oslv unmarilvd editor in town the public are referred to him for a full account of the doin.s upon that glori ous occasion. Sebandein set up a lii.tie Christmas en tertainment for his intimate friends and se cured Jud^e Hossteuscher's services as chief taster and encourager of those .who were disposed to be tutipicioug about the ((lialiiy of the goods. Joseph Parsick, who killed his wife re cfntly, near Ziskov. sometimes makes a n'gbt of it in hie cell by singing hymns, much to the annoyance of his fellow pris oners, who are not inclined in respect hi* peculiar rellgVms„exerclses: Gov Faulk has in bis hands $2,000 in fint-s collec'ed from liquor dealers and house" of prostitution which will lie deliv ervd- over as soon as the court decides whether It Is to go into 'he general school fnnd or the Yankton fchool fund, A _wst! was arpued Saltirday, befoie Judge Shannon and held under advisement, luvolviog lbs dispoaiiion of floes in liquor cases The bowd of education of Yankton claims the money and the trespurer claims it in behalf of the general achooi fund. mu '§§& W" bIM Immense sl(K'k of holiday gpods just re eiyv,d at W in. It. Keirl.i r/.. PKIiSUMAL. John II Charles arrived last..night, from Sioux City. Miss Clara Beadle is spcnd'iit: the holi days in town. Uoo. Falkenburg Is preparing to go to the Black Hills. Yesterday was Fred Edgar's birthday also tbe birthday of II. C. Ash. Maj Lyman expects to stsrt back to tbe 3!ills on Thursday with supplies. Prof. Alnsworib's concert will occur to "-night at the Congregational church. Judge Bennett cams up last night,' and is busy with the codification commission. Joe Emmerton, of Emmeraonville, pro poses to go into tbe garden seed business. Simon Gamble srrived from up river Sat nrday night. He reports everything quiet and cold. llou, 8." L. Spink and Barllett Tripp have b»e"n retained as counsel for Corson, Abe Sioux Falls Ehoolist. It is rumored tbat W, 8. Arnold has gone eaBt for the purpose of foruatiig a -•partnership— matrimonial, not legal. M. M. Sburburm, the well known grain and flour dealer, arrived from Lueon, 111., on Saturday and is at the St. Charles. Gov. E luiuuds atrived on Saturday ulght from Washington. He left treaty matters the best possible sbs(e, and thinks that there will be no turtber difficulty in the wbv of its consummation. He thinks thai the Indians over at Spotted Tail and lied Cloud will be brought to .tbe river in the spiing. Fresh herrings uud codfish at Walter Carr'a Third street. C.UrUluia* In Ibe CUurrlica. Christmas In Yankton war a day of beany enjoyment—a day tailing from Sat urday (tight to Mondsy night, and filled with all those little diversions which con. sinute pleasure and go a great ways to wards the sum total of human ha.ppiness. Oa ti iti JCj.- tL Saturday evening the Epbc-^pal and C'lngregHtionsl churches were open lo the public, aud prutr.n'.-s youcg and old. Al tbe former a lofiy Christmas tree filled the chancel from floor to root', laden with gifts. At the Congre. penslng his favors. The Methodist snd dgyeioped BaptH's bad a laigit' Christmas tree, and distributed presents therefrom to^river. one undretTchildieu. All tb esc chutch-obsei^ vances were attended by larite crowds of people. Yot den find all good* from icest tbe «t 0 A,t, jiuiai.v i* Clinrit by Vising baronicter and occasional habituation is'tlse jwirty wlio received hisleadiro juovr. 'i t-orupluniijlSv. Just bufofc tliu encounitr, it('OVII^ lit'iuoiti.i )\'a'ti 11 Orr's, J.C(,b Uraueh aiHl A1 Wood have a mtl-. lion feet of pine io'gs cut In the lllack Hili» which they are making into lumber. Two ladies (evangelists^ will hp,ak IJIAOEDY^ *:•'t r.»nra«l I'm- I«ii liwlli ta In to Frank Mcildlioti- Wt'ltirtn ih« Foundation 1 rotl»t*« wjo'hwwt to Dortl:we«t wind*, WUH coil TOftsrWs bote!.. Clt«Wek.(U»nr«d is thtvpar tinned-li'w temperature, railing, followed ty A shooi'log Mfi»v occurred yesterday sf- flVct of liquor. Probabilities for, tefni»oo,beginning near the corner ot 1 hlrd and MoMidion c«|»Ua»-.strcet«, -sflt] t-n'tln^in the St. the-shootinp, and Frank Mc- ami whom he Take a look at Elseman nne dollar ,nJ the word of .Gnd ut I be Methodist church to morrow eveniug ut 7J-4 o'clock. All Invit -uL- Cburlev," and ran. Conrad followed him. and when upon tlie steps of tl.c St Charles 'fitid, the shot taking (ffect .ln McMabon's left sliinikkr. McMabon then succeeded in gelling ineide the hotel,- and ran nn MeUahoa' l»:ft the salooik uititer the St. I Charles luMeJ sornew hat under tbe-^iiillu-' times he hil. His having prostesslon of a litnee of liquor. Albttt Caubdollar was revolver w»s purely nccfdental. He had with bitn. 'l i-cy turowl- the coruer upon taken It in pawn front Albert Cssbdolltr. Thirtl street. vl afleir proceeding a few and -hspiMrped to bave ft In his pockeUj^f roil* tbey 'awl ConrnJ. There was bet evn .. I lives*! parties a long standing difllculty of Mr C'./tirad has been postponed until There wns^plesaant ChilMmn? ring al)oul & Wonian wound in bis. shoulder is the re sorious one, at tbe direction ol the bull, which can not, be found, seems to be lownrdi the S shuulder Vunt- The hurt in the' leg ia merely a tl-.-sb wound, which will uot loug disable, him. The following statements throw additional lig'ul upon the atViir: with whom Stt'Mahon *as 2 o'el'« Thursday afternoon as his wile.1 1#.n(iw |Vlr U.e lawful wife «r Conrad n. l)1 lNVC,n ,!jC two men. They iu:t,'8i belote atated, Hnd at .once v"1,?f'''d into a quarrel of words. Finally McMalmn struck at Conrad, who lo blioot hir.i, Ibc wi upon mUsed Arc.: aiail« In the wra.t in gold-mining since McMabon ibeu cried out, uon'T sIkkiIme,j stairs, chwely pursued by Conrad. 1 hey ^eti.le'tliclr THE WOL'NDEO MAN'S HTATEMKNT is. that he and bis wife came to Yankton some four months ago, Iroin Chicago. Con. rail foilowed iheili, appearing a short time afier their arrival. McMalion's wile is Courad'a niece, and he (McMabon) says that the trouble between them grew out of itie following circumstances: When Mc Mabon'a wife was thirteen years old Con rad scdoccd her snd the fruit of Iheir ciime was a child. She lived at that lime with her parents at Ponca, Dixon county, Ne braska Conrad was tried for incest and sentenced to a term of years in tbe Ne braska prisoo. After serving nine months be was pardoned out. lie and bis niece lived together about a yenf after her seduc tion. McMabon says he met her at Punc* and mirried her about a vear ago. Since then Conrad has been upon his irack and has made various threats.' After Conrad came here. McMabon, wbo was at work in Powers' Biahle, gave up his place to him, and In various ways tried to propitiate hiui. On Christmas afternoon he lelt the St. Charles saloon in company with Albert Cashdollar. and started down Thirtl street. Btriklivg bitiVin the his corinct.lon_wiih this affair. ftjk-Mabon, married to his wife, but has been living wilh her about a year and- is not a reputable character. The tirt«-act wanted to work for L'-wers Drs. nn elfor, I'mWock and line. 1 tie The regular comniunic-fllon of St. John's Linlge No. 1, A F. nr.d.A. will be held story of the botef, with Conrad In close pursuit. He went up Ihe stairway in the brick part.of the hotel, turned and came down the stairs in the wooden part. Aa be was descending the last flight of stairs in'the wooden .part Conrad fired again, leg. MU,e of lt)e were distributed lo ye llkree cbiu)reo by ber. 0(j(nii8 gatlonal church Ssnta Clsus appeared In jje Yankton two or three montns person and ttlified the audience by-.dis gg0 tn(j a Baptist churches had their Christmas yath-l t0 ,j0 inj iry.' The n)''Cling was at the eiitags last night. At tbe Methodist church gt Chsrlcai hotel snd McMahon bad re .exercises wete beta in the upper room, fol ,TOiTer |n t,j, pTckjsi.and.wss very insolent. f»t lowed by .-.upper in the .basement. Ihe Conrad say, be followed McMnbon and cheapest to tbe Elseouui A Co. Tbi's Is the sub stanee of tbe wounded nun's statement. THE PHlSOKEns* STATEMENT. In an interview With Chirles C'o.irad.the "man who-did the shooting we gathered the (ollowiag fact-j: He was mirried scv eral years ago to the 'woman who Is the disposition on McSfihon's psrt came hei-e fr^im Des M-'ines, where hej ai grades of clothing and] difficulty there with twtr man who offered ment of clothing and genu furnishing fnrnishlng Tiwr""- Power* sent fur tX'CHU^O «r iii« u,j ijrjct McMabon yesterdsy as be was *'ft coming clown Third street near the Bt. spring, when be left here with Safki.v hint. Charles corner. MeMihon Was uudcr the the k\*minatT'n isM ti I HrlL If HI* Goht. AN clip the following' dii»|iaich Irom the Chicago Tribune of the Slid instaol: •Bi.oominotoH, 111, Dec 22— A {oc«l sen saii-m 'has tieen cail el In the eastern part of McLe»n county by the tcturn from the B'ack Hills of man named Nelson $00o. Trunks and Valises at K^tr's. SOTICB, AU persons.indebted to'the late firm of J. G: Tnw & Co are. n-quested to call and Accounts. ran into the lliiid- slory of the building,'piven to 'parties having old and, unpaid when McMabon turned from the brick aCcr)Un's. unU's part inlo the wooden part, and ailempli show a disposition to keep to make his etenpe by detcer.ding ibe siairs gool by paying up leading lo the front door, of the bolel. When near the landing Conrad fired a sec ond shol, which took In McMahou'a left leg, and then he lell. Conrnd went in to his loom, No. 7, ai.d placed Ills revolver In S small traveling bag. The room was also occupied by a sick soldier, whom Coo rad was caring for. Deputy Mirelial Spons ler bearing the tiring, rau up stairs, fouud Courud In hit room, ariested him apd con_ ducted him to the county jiil. where be is now C'lUtilled. In ibe meantime McMabon bad been picked up and lakcu lo Dr. Pad d.ick's (iffloe/wbere a hurried examination of his woiiuda were made. From there he No more credit will Hiey coine forward and J. and was carried to Judge Wheeler's residence, to call and settle before January 1st, at where be bad been boarding, and Jrotr. which time all accounts unsettled will be there to the Merchants bo.eX'where the1 P1"™1 their credit VV. MonnisoK At 'o. •30, 1S7R. Yankton, Dt-c Ynu can ioBitively save 25 per cent by buying your clothing at S. Klseman it Co. Cbrtainly that srent ex ternal remedy, Gi.eK.n's Svi-imiek Soap, reiuovi cutaneous' eruptions by opening the pores whose obstruction wss the cause of the diillculty Test and you will en dorse it. BKAiTtrrt- Pitvuus of in tlu' Bi.ack. hBud!, ,jf tion woinuu who caused the trouble was lemjio 1 llrosMlTU, Stoct Jt Co. rarlly employed. He wuj here given^a' room, and his hurls wero attended to by ok BiV'WN are, produced by Illi.I.'s Haih Dye. /. •. 'BUIU«Mk All persons indebted to u« arc requested lawJ'er for at their hid, '.' -room in this city, this Tues day evening-, December 27lb, al half past se-ven o'clock. (5bo. 11'. HAND, W. M. Soc. Dhrw, Secy. While sbrts, percale shirts, cassimere shirts, flannel shlits, the best assortment in the city reduced prices at S. Eiseman 4 Co.'s. ________ If you ^wanl to make either a gentleman or a lac^y an elegant holiday gift, go to Harry Katz's, he has just received tbe fiueft and best s«lectcd sick of silk band kerchiefs, silk and cashmere mufflers and silk neckwear ever brought to Dakota Don't fail to read Kelchnms price llst It save you money. Rubber and Woollen blaqketsst Katzva. Ulster overcoats at L. M. Kee's at bottom prict-s. All of ibe latest styles oi hats and caps at bottom prices at S. Elseman & Co.'s. Gents riDderwear at ^aiz's. Iliue Flannel "and Casslmere shirts at Kaiz's. That Cougk! Stop it!! From tbe sale of 50,000 bottles of Hsle's Cough cordialj sold in the northwest with-. „. j. in tbe past year, on a guarantee-to refund At the back gate of Xhe St. Charles be met.- ,bJ J,aey\D of failure to cure, there Conrad. Some words pusrd between ^ere less than fifty bottles returned, being them, and Conrad drew a revolver and held less than one failure in a thousand. This it over the fence, but ibe cartridge failed ^l ai^ks volumes in favor of .this won ,, ,' .! derful remedy for colds, coughs, aore throats, to explode. McMabon said, don shoot bronchitis, asthma, etc. Physicians every me, Charley," He then turned and ran, where acknowledge their surprise at the Conrad pursuing him. He turned the St. wonderful results from the us« of this Charles corner and started up the steps to S medicine. We authorize Mills & Pardy W .. warrant a euro or return the money in case get iuto the hotel. While on the steps .faj)Ureafwr using one-half the bottle. Conrad shot him in tbe shoulder. He kept Ii is very pleasant to the taste, making it on, however, and, ran up Into the third verv desirable remedy for children. Ulster and Sack overcoat ats Katz's. Cul this Out—It Majf Save Your Life. There. Is no person living but what snf fers more or less wiih Lung Disease, Coughs. Cotds or, yet some would die raiher than (wy T5 eents for a iKitlle of medicine tbat would cure them Dr. A. B'ischee's German Syrup has lately been introduced In this conn try from Ger many, and its wondrous cures astonishes eve'ry one" tbat try it. If you doubt what v.e aav in print, cut thin out sad take it to your Druggists. Millft A Pgrdy, Yankton, and get a sample bottle for difficulty and is the father of ^y'lt'or". reguiir siie'for''T3 a-ntT She is his niece. —s ihaj be wss seutenc.'d ,to the Ne braska penitentiary for a crime committed with her, but, says lie dfd everything in •his power to help bcr out of a scrape. tils first meeting with McMahon 10 cents and Merchant* Line. I^cnve orders at Merchants Hotel for Bus aud Brt«gage Wagotl—tare 25 cents to any part of the city—100-pounds baggage free to cacti |eison. Toys for children at Mills Purdy s. HvW lo naki Kolanttas. This great medical iiiyigorator of ouyb wonderful power Is made by this means: wooatriui pciwcr is iUMUti tbe woman here for the purpose,of prevent-! Peerless Baking Pouder, put it Into a stout \ng thera from obtaining profession: of bis champagne tvvttle, spike the cork down 41«1* *1xLju3w .at. Ponca, Nebraska.., well, tbtn washing. bore an enceiteot character. He ha|d-Jij The:largest, chca iosults to4)it wife snd abot st. '-hem. The goods in Yankton, can now be seen at 8 pes olwS» paper fully cXoborateU bim in Else man A Co's. S dv TllliC om. qilsrt git if you-don't want white- To my Friendp and Customer*. Please settle your bill# at the! Trivnll beToae New Year. Oscar Pfretzschner. Selling-oal at cost at Kair.'s, Von Escben* restaurant on Third street Just below Broadway, .the popular xo^r\. for all toverS of good things, is ODcn clay They had some words, and night anil ia.reaiiv at all times fnr tbe struck at him. Jle! orders wf custodiers. Oug Luai. d'vlgfd the blow and drew, a revolver snd wo.uodrd blm. s.hmniiig him on tlio boteij uteps, snd sgain after be bad-ehaced biu ,sltntp/iyitnttn. though the halls and up and down the foffndland pup, weeks old, black, with a stairways of the hotels. He does not know ^ilc Kp"t,.«n bis breast. A reward will, bow many times be shot nor buw mauy l*1'1' ^or b,s refurp to By the (Uidersigned, Dec. liTth. a* New-i L. A. LAhKN, Third Street. StiinOanl tHKks flinl all the Uu^l works,-' al HHh iV Purdv^j CArry freight lrm Yankton to me Hills. Apply at the livery stable w^e-i of '.he Merchant,-, hotel. H. VAN Tasskl.. A splendid present for a gentleman a suit of clothes. Harry Katz has an immense assortment, of alt~grfldes cut in the latest atyles, fresh from tbe beat eastern market« and be will sell to you at cost as he is de airbus of closing out his winter slocks" Be&vcrskin and Plush caps at Katz's. The latest style of Hats at~Katz'» Yurlous Cnuiei Advancing years, care, sickness, disap pointment, and hereafter predisposUion— all operate to turn the bair gray, and either of ibem inclines It to skeo pn maturely. Avkh's Haik Viook will restore Wded or gray, light and red hair to a rich brown or deep black,,as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, givim it a besltbv action, and removes and cuie-t dandrufT and huhioni. By its use falling bair is check ed, snd new growth will be produced In all cases where Ibe follicles are not destroy ed or glands decayed. Its effects are beau tifully show-n on brashv, weak, or sickly hair, to which a few applications will pro duce tbe gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless and sura in its operation, it is in comparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for. the soft lustre and richness 6f lone If imparvs. It contains neither oil nior •dye, and will not -soil or color white cam brie jet it .lasts long on the bair, and keeps is fresh and vigorous. For Kai.e ct,11Cc' 1^X. .n, by all orates tbe system, dispels tbe gloom der. Kent by mail It Guaranteed in Zruy Case. rT,..'r-*"- I wish to engage number of teams to V„ver «oi «'gV«, riT.ta »v the Black IT blind oi bWedlD|(. .21) oiuck and despondency, imparts strength arid energy, —stops Ibe drain and rejuvenates the man. Been used twenty years entire with perfect success by thousands. Bold by dealers. Price, |t.00 per single vial, or $5.00 pei package of five vials and #2.00 vial of pow on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' HOMEO PATHIC MEDICINE COM PA NY, 502 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. |^-SEE LARGE ADVERTISEMENT. deodrit-wly For sat* by Mills A Pardy aad U. W. Y&odtr Sole Co., Accnu sl Yaiiklun. Piles! Piles! Piles! -A N D- I S A S. MILLS FOWLER, & D, Soryeon of the Northwe'tetn 8anMarloto,Dubaqne Iowa, will be 11 the VKJU IU5TS HOTKI., Taakton, 0. T. O* Till 15th of January, 1877, WXere be ?an ronulted In reta'lou to tbe above di#naaes. ilia '.re* meat MILD And doea not n«ee-?i»Uaje detention from bu*l nte* of an boar, and A Complete & Permanent .oCURD 1 ConsultationTEEZ. DerSWftllj 8at »nd Wed lo Jan 10 Brighton Market, Oor. 3d and Capital 8t» YANKTON,--.-, DAKOTA. I wish l/lnrorm my old paTron and the pflMIc in gepi ral 1 ai li»\c porcl*-ed the »hu\« bn»l a-sa of ,-v K. KtliuP aud will bt oa band tu serve jon 11 wtih BEST MEAT8, Tht market affvrds. Call BTlloway'i Pills tuis aicaa»: „f ,our mlljt, jounce TEE MILD POWIB CUBES OMIC..H. ajht KFKHTE.\'T tnt!ii,»* nntrn Tkty art jut! \ehat Iht pnplf iraj4, taring 'jm« tad mon*},a*trUng ficinr** St Dralehs. Sold by Mills & Pimly, Yankton.] N E 0 S E I I Vital weakneM or depreMion: weak exhausted feeling, no -energvy or courage: the result of menial over? work, ln«ll«cret4on» or eice»»e«, or some drain upon' the system, is always cured by HUMPH RE VS' HOMEO PATHIC Xo. 28. It tones up aud invig «r»ti Cure*. I Fercrs, Constlgatiou. hiAAmmaitonv. 5J Worui«» Worm F*?v*»r, Wunu Onlic. 3 rryluj ur Tvvtklng '»f !ufnu»» 4 LmrrU«pi», of cfttldreu or ndtihx .6 Upfnwry, tiniilntf, bUHoui* c4»c •6, Cooler* Morburt, Vumfving, 7 Ooughn, cold», hronc(ihJ-, •, 8 UK)tbm be, J&cfacbe* v: llcttd*chcf«, tick IS Opht.halmy, aad sore orweak r*, 1» faiarrh, acute or chroulr, !r 9ari /-a, 50 WboopiiiK coukIi,\lot-ni cuUKh'. 21 AMhwa.,'t)p|»i?»»v4i breAtbin^ 51 Kar ditctiar^cft, \mp«!rvi fccrofuU, tr»l«r£c*tl 24 (ieueral dcbiHty, pojic*l woaki.c- 25 «fid »^c*Dly ^creiioai*, '17 Plck.neiif, Mcaiics* Trozu riding Sb Kidney dreams snivel, yoIu::' -y (itwbargf^, roo Sor« muui^.'c*aker, -^*1 5U 3U l'nn*r¥ aKocpi*. wcitlnj lha biid, 31 pitinral pet tod*, witti •timm*. 60 Difceane ul-henf., SENDpanphjal aad be convinced. Thomas Flick. SPECIAL NOTICES. and Ointment. Bcnrvy and DUeaie» of tbe^k}n, Fever, re#i)e»a Hp. fonl aiomach, tainud breatb, langnor, tleprw* »ivn..of vpirlta, a way* alieudalot ,pn the worat* of cd ano'.iua eruptions, are apeedily aad radical^ rimovtd. by tb*»e medlcinea theolut •Sent cleaoaea the »kin' aud tlie ptilii purify the blood, atiaaulate thif liver, and promotedilffeeUon. ft cent* per b#x or pot. llaekkaMars MetllaK. A (neSllnj of the s"ick,hold*H A.I ilia FiiPt— fatlmm) Hsuk-of Yankton, arlU ha held at thairi Binklng lluaae ianuacj I, 1877, at ?o'ckck r. «., Voalacl a board of directors to serve daring the W. McVAY. T«ar 1t77. t«cembar SO, ISTS,' daod V. III'.VIPIIHKV'M I». Tf»on W edoettlay -tin- SMi 4u»u sale- to corn! IIOMIiOPA'rittt SPECIFICS menrest I.) O'dw-I, A "Ii'rmt i-jth" Hctn In ftnrrul uf for Itrrntv ytart. Knri, *t-* d'Cl» t1. uJftrintj. KacA Uh(ji* specific fh. Will tri*4 ptrtcrij-dpfi ojan tfn LniK tiemcUclivP, u-iu^, lu iiy^pc ,cui. »iIiiou* ci^jm«cb II Sup^irw«?vU, or painful pt'rltM*, ri Wdites, Uh) LimioUM* periin't-, Crtjuu.Goorfh diflltillt bruiting,, b«U lloeum, try»ljK lM, -rapiloni*, 15 HhelimnlTn, Kiieumatlc pAiur* NervoO" dfbilltjr, H'tillnAl w«*AkjivM or lu- &C. Zl large* yUIc and rnaauat ol dl/*'.C410Ut 0 Cane, morocc®, of vial* and book,.. 6 fVTUtMM remeUici'-!»•.• *«tol by th* caar or ^i-ngU b«»x t^ any pan of the country, tree of charge, ot receipt ul price. AUcrfta HUMl'UiiKV'S UOMKUFATHIC MKDK INK OO. Otfict and I^pot, No. Brcsadvray, SKW YUKK. Kor^alaby alPdruggi'ts. MUI'r. A Turdy and (i. W. Vanderhtile At Co, A'-citi* at Yau*iou. w\t RAILROADS. K'^ a A I W A PASSENGERS FOR- I A 1 O Detroit, Toledo,Cleveland. Buffalo, Niagara Fall*', P1tii»bdirgb, t"laciWhalK Kocbe^er, AlbtUij, Tt ronio/lfontreal, Quebec, Portland, ik«iou. New York, Philadelphia, BaJiimorc, Waablnton, Wbe^Unj Oolumban, Dayton, IndlattaiKiHa, Terrr Uaate, Cbanpalffn, I'L, Blootniugton, Springfield, Jacktonvilfe Oalro, ^uiucy, hi. Looii Uhould Bay t-helr Ticket* via I O A Or O |pr4 Clicap & Horlhwestera Bailfaj Cloca Connections madtf wub all HaUroada rum nin &a< or doatb rtoro CMc-ago. XIiIh In the Dlr«»t ltoute •F|or nobuque, Cedar Kapld*, Prairie df Chi^n, 4t.'l'aai, Lfti'rofte Winona, Marqueti^, Uulotb, (Bbp*rminjf, K^canaba, Netr«nn«c, scnui'ba, bhc boygan« Wiit«srto«vn., Madlmju, tiroes Ba),Ht«veiia Point. Oahkoeb« Poud da Lac, AND MILWAUKEE. These polnta ar? all on the Una or t*:U (•real Road, or are reached by tkla Boole witb leic Cbangea of Cnrt than by any other. Auuiak t'-e Indaccmeom offered by thla Root#, are ALL .THE MODERN IMPROVEMENTS Hock and Gravel Ballasted Track Hteel Rail Kock and Iron Bridge* Peilcoan Palatial Car» and Coachea Parlor and Drawlng-roora l)a Coaches Smoking and Loanrtnt Care Wealing boa»e Safety Air Brake* Miller a Patent ftalvty Conphnf and PUtfurma Clo*e Connectiona at JqnctUu PoiitU Lcaa Tranpfera than any other Uotttu ITbion Depota, no Oar Kerry Tran-»f«T# Speed,Safety and Abaolate C'omforl. From 9 to lO Fai»t Ezpreao Train* rtfii tfach hay Daily over the \arkHU Mdpv of tbie road .thaa aecaring To tbe Traveler arlectinp tbi» Koote •nre and certain connection* lu any tflrretloc he nAV wl#h te go. that yoor tickets TBAitfS ,-A AND PAINLESS, AT •toing W**t R* au Via Mng Katt. Arrirt, Indian I'otilrs For hale. Qi.ARrtRjiArrrO Orri |®Si* "-j. ta.JVc. 11. Ikiti. C||^ Slvh itutard and Bf)y Ijidiurn polity will U?* J- fvlU at public afl' tlnn in Ih& lo*u __-r Yi,iktoi Tm» flocTs, and take nope other. HAITI* t?9UTT. V.- 8. tTtmTT, liea'l ?ilp'I. OeaM Paae*r Agt. Chicago & Northwestern Railway. Mipsotthi Juhctiok, D»jr Kxprass Nl^lit Express... Dt. Arrive ra. m. A PictSe Pmrn|!«t m. t. P»e»onKor is. Expres# -Vr-rlght m. Day Kxpres" m. Night Kxpima...-. S. C. Pactic Paasangar ta. rt. 9:Ap.K, 1:18 a.m. 11:S0 ». m. '.m. !«:(*•. m. Ptpcrt. 7:35 a. m. S:l! p. m. 4:S0 p. I'0ft p. m. Passenger m. Express Protect n. It. UtHITT, 4® «S4 Otmtral Aatn S&e U) O. P. ROWKl.L CO.. 5«w Tork for of IM paf-*. oontanlas ttsta ln.OOO newspapers, anil asllmataa showing coat ulmrtlalu. d*wljrmarT-w4« 1 50 TO Casktar. Cslt vsrly snd make selections O WM. tl. lU'UIIH «J. irr.rf ij. I BEST IN THE WORLDI! -c|ITiTiT' 'UNO car' '^fcUECT SPICKS 1 00 Kullou*}, Siv VUun'd*Cto» W ti Diphtheria.ulcerated •ore throat, 6^ 35 %3t&"-eroiTthmii'AC r'AMM.l CAM®. Morocco with Manufactured only by 5 5 A GRAND OPPORTUNITY O CROCKERY & GLASSWARB AT LAVENDER'S I Ll O S I N O S A E I 1 fhall clo« ont my am Ira slock of Croekerj and OlasswVra .it from 100 PSB CENT. BELOW THE USUAL SELLING PEI! I need tba room (or other gools and ,,str- &T MUST GET RID OF THEM-JR If 1 A, W. LAVENDEE, 5roaawfty, Ya?#t flei ict Jofle [vie ti»r was uali per per ous 1 con mi' No be EC^ O N E IS S A E as bv their purity and strength lew* is reiuiretl ..than of other manufacture the only kind-t made tliat have the approval of one of the greatest living chemist*, wlioce 1 certilKau- is on every package. Ruv only the jjeiiuine.—Olwerve the Tratle Mark,— Bur the powder'only in can* securely la belled, as many ixior and aiiulu-nitrtl j»,w dem are sold, in bulk as Peerleas. BELL, COXlt.i 1) Ifi E -n wm I 1 :"g sec mo 8«y sitl W( I ,t CO., Vhiclt". 111.. leti in^ ha in ii oil wii pp C5 5 JO a W a US1 0 3, pig if wx to Slf Hftj thi Ba be .N or frt in i. mi lea in Si tc N P' t^ pa tl st •.•••a »tl