Newspaper Page Text
r4 Vol 2. Kt c%$ *T\ •s,)1 ii-ffe ••-fc-'i-.te vl^*- E LE&RAPHIG. 4 O'clock, p. m. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS IHitin is failing heavily in San Fran cisco and there arc indications of protracted storm in the stair. A Tallahassee s|icciaL,eayaJiliS'a? sembly has passed a bill to pay th« democratic presidential electors. jTlif trustees of Dartmouth College have tltcted I lev. Samuel G. Bart-- /Vw I Ictt, of Chicago, ptvtident of the eol lege. 'Jlit tieaiury', Tuesday de*Uoyed %l,o:o,n00 in legal tender, being SO per ctnuoL iho nut innal hank circula-l 4 The.NeW|Votk.senate has adopted lesolutions, 19 to *12, declaring that Ilaycs and Wheder have been legal.'y elected president and vice president and should therefoie be inaugurated: The Connecticut-liciusc, ou motitiu of a dembcifatic member, adopted unanimously a resolution ten lei ing rhi thaiiks pf tho general assembly to the piesident for his approval of the electoral bill and cordially- indorsing Ins message The house committee on appropri ations will, in the legislative and ex- M4KIXJ A PUKS1DKNI. A* **4- Alabama, •~r»Ucut and Delaware foe, Tilden and Hen driekt. f. e-i«tne a]profiriation bill, fix certilicates of the several states and in uQO aif lljp »».l*ry, of the president, -their alphabetical order, l^egianing willi_ anJ acoochiJariy |t ivlth a provision Alabama. ropcjalir^ tl^! sMti^i^of reyiged 1 Ha»etl,asaiatant dtibrkecppr statute! which iiKrtiaed the iiilary to! ^uate, brought lu tho Jtroflg box in *jQ (j()(i which wc. the certiffcates, and pfaced '.Captain tiardner, a p. on,met inin- I.***— *•"1, CO 1 OR ESS 'iui KOi! SENATE. -tl Washington, Feb. 1—Mr. Edmunds submitted a coneurretit resolution providing that th%'publiop^oeetdings of tlie oiectorki c#mc«isibo be 'print ed in the congressiona'. Globe, and extra copies be furnished the com mission and houses o( cot\gresgA Sargent and Ingtili were apponded tellers on the part of the "senate. house. ~r~ Kasson called for the readiTig of yesterdays jotfrnal In full to consume the hour previous to the. counting of the electoral vote, add prevent a ote on the resQlution reported by the Florida investigation committee. 5^'. The chair appointed as the house teller,8 Cook and Stone. Kassoo pointed out that both,tell ers were from the majority, ,-whieh wag contrary to custom. speaker said he aoted under authorUyi aud had commurtipatcd the fact to the president of the senate w.h.e.JEPald.appQin1t.iato- Itelietet Jipm. the.majority. Kasson said that w»i done on aceountof the speaker. Cox intimated that tjhia. seriate it was ready to receive that bod^ for the purpose of opening and counting the pectoral vutP|..^ Adopt ed. sai waa..taken? duru|£ which t6e floors \vere* filled up by members of the cabinet ind counsel fqr-the na tional committers of loth parties. The galleries *ere packed, l.nrgelv with ladies. Justices .Mul^r and 1' leld first of the ion issued during the month. $ .*• WH Fuur batteries of artillery stptiotied at the"VVashington arsenal have beeri ordered, in Fortress Monroe. It is thought thaV^oiJsf-troops will leave tor the north and west thorilv. In compliance with law the president of the senate will now proceed, in the prCSon«i"of*U,e"two"uottscsTo""«^' 0D ,he ^sk ing operator in JJcadwood has gone!.. .. ,, ,, threfiom the certificate from Alabama east with samples of ,or' irom tb ,lyiunj I cnoital tliither with smelting works :nn' Thos. A. Ileudrick?, of Indiana, had received the ten clectohd votes of Alabama. |1|,The vice president said the certiticate re deWed from Alabama by messenger having beea read tbe duplicate certificate received by mail would be read. rho Joiut hftssiou for (.OUIltillgj Stone was reading the duplicate certlfi llf "Electoral Otp. catc when lie was interrupted by Senator lfConkling, who suggested it was hardly necessary to read the duplicate certificates Arkansas, Connect i-j -hut-that when the first certificate was read by one.teller the other tellers should Took ittVer the dnplleata In order that a compart- y. Oalifornia and Colorado Hayes and Wheeler fl^rita Rettb.d,Iad 3?i erous Certificates Uo to the —r-1 Eleetoral Commission I son might be made. The pretidehtpof the senate iisk^d Vi^ethei*'there wjft any objection to the I proposition, and there being none, lie lor stated that such course would be ptir .j I sued. .-Stone having then resumed and coin pi|\ednha leading of the ^lupJicSte e«r tfiliate, tbe preridiog ofllcnr said ."""Are there arc any objections to tho ccrtffl 1 catefrom the state of Alabama?" 1 w»6 in«,. hnee, and the ehajr remarked he hvl done hia duty. Tbe speaker fSreaentcd a natifioa- tion from Clifford, president of Uk^ eleotoral co,tnaiisak)u, staging (hat the member* had taken the oath a?id the cOBiinfosion wa» rea'tir-for its ±s- r\ j' -jyVUk, After a pause, "tho chair hears none. The votes of the state of Alabama will be counted. One of the tellers will an nounce the .votes so there may be no mis take."- Th£ resnlt was announced by Mr. Cook. The'same, ceremonial was ^bserved eqjnceming the next state, Arkanftte, given for Tilden and Hendricks. Tlie next state was California, six votes for Hayes and Wheeicr. Then Colorado,^hree for Hayes and Wbceieir —Cdntieclirut, bis for Tilden and Hendricks. 1 Delaware, three for "Tildt and Hendricks, etc. When Florida was reached, Stone, ihe teller, proceeded to read the certilioatcs, the first of which showed four fijr IJayes. A Wheeler, and the sacond fouFTor Til den & IIendrick«, the former b'ojng au thenticated by the lato Gov. Stearns the latter by Attorney tieneral Cocke, The'presiding officer then handed-the teller, still another Certificate from Flor ida received throftgh meisonger January 81st, corresponding with one by mail the gifetiqth at January,' it-l*|og aiifeh^tttic Of tho act «f" the Tildco^letitflirf. itnd made by Qoy. Drew. •After a partial raiding pf tha paper ac coinpahyltfg the third1 certiticate, Mr. Conk ling propoaed the reading be regard ed complcledkand the-reault be announced, as under the late act of congrcts, a'.I papers wpnld be referred to the' provisional irihn pgrotaef Ffeflda i" The senate resolution for.-vM puH- Representative Fid 'sent to the clerk lication of tin? procredings. v: desk, a written objection to the first cef• ggrced to.' lificatc lor )Iaye.s and Wheeler, siffned by .. ,r. i" ... i- Senator nncs.of-Fla Cooper & McDonald, l'ayne Oflered a resolution. UirmjugL, the clerk of the houfR to Hiforra t,T e!.ft.nliSiauj commission, and at. o'clock the sneaker announced that the senate members—mm—armed, whereupon Uie hopse arose aiS3 th^f 'un' ing of tie certifieatcs and oounting and- declaring of the results of the electoral vote for president and vicc president" of the Uhited States for ihe coming terin of four years commenc ing the 4 th day of March next. all 1 'J"' I 'i' of the before lhe ,, ithe senate, who opened it and took P^si(lunLof lmD(ied ic lo the ten,rgi different m.iws twenty of which are seated jnat Mow him. at the clerks desk, from the silver district of Hear l.»utte. not} Allison, one of the tellers, read the I he. object is simply to display them document in extenso, the result being as an in«eiit4*e to- the-dfreetten of that Samuel -J. Tildenj -of N^w. Yurt ,vho wert Innnu. and representatives KieUl, Tucker, Sl)tilij,f,r l^e rlvecl !olts 8a''l a,)C^ a side. liar!? einphatio manner, "well, have The president of the senfcte took I 1,08 aPm The jwe«id^o£ officer a^ied wxhet£erthere wSaayo^jcBbFTg wagTingnjtg etccto" «tJtnaHy_maller^.Botjjow_understood YANKTON, DAKOTA TERRITORY, THUJRMUV EVENING, FEBRUARY 1877 Thrsc objections wore referred 'to the electoral commission, aud the sen ate returned'toits' oVn cliafnber.j^r- Wells Wanted, $1,000,000 Xew York, Ifeb. 1 cn: tenor of interview witli GoVi Kellogg is giv- Judge .niIln,ber ot prominent men 6pnate members filed Sowif tliegmai^T'" '-ou,f^n!l belonging to both poli FO&EIQN aible and took seats on the democralic t:cs' parties. Wells said in his pecU' ,,aI"Ctl_ mJ the chair, the speaker being on the :£ot'at'0'!s ha\e bceu dickering long pipKius, it appears fh« Turks do not right, and Called .the house to order,^denough, and 1 eonchidcl. it woiild. be require anv materwi, but moral guar best to name my priep." and amid perfect order said in obedjenee to theeonstitution the seiiate and ht,ute of rejiresentatives have incL to he pre^eitt nt the operu The question was.then'atked what amount ho Louisiana. had fixed for the ?alr l!tU^ 'Ur' 1,1 which ells jo.ned. 1- was regard- left no other impression upon the mind of Gov. Kellogg or the other 'gentlemen present. 1 could have carried He Says It's a Lie Feb. 1—The following report of an interview Willi J. Madison ^Velis, of the l,ouisiana. dont remember ever to have heard of that name before." »lif' "Do you know J. II. Madd-os'r' •'Yes, very well. I have kr own him since the Mexican war that is since JS-iG.'' A copy, of the letter read as follows: "You. firlly under stand -tliitsituation. Can't you advise with me in reiatio'H thereto." Was then resd to tlie prisoner, and WelK said: "1 wrote such a letter, to Maddox-j but not in connection with the subjects you have mentioned. The story, as it has been repeated to me, is an infa mous lie, and baseless as it is malic iouR. I am anxious' to be heard in j3^1 I & I* |T II" my own defence or, at least, to tell my story, and when the time comes perhaps I may be able to tell more than would be agreeable to my per secutors. riidr Yq.u say I was to seil out fur a million dollars! No! not for forty million Would 1 betray mv party! This, sir is a matter of principle, and I can ority explain this^Fiea*of darn-1 S7I^T~ ilnblo lios noff i*upi« a lltf!tr irrpfllciQM ol Ih^ tliiy, l'wwrlp* OI {t Beijing conspiracy lo injure me. Witnesses were brought out business, his A.—lit ea. 1 Imv6 heard ofliers of his evidence. It is apart and'par oel of a job to bring the returning board into disgrace. It is a trick to injure:'our reputation before congress and the peopleof Oie qpwptry, but it will fail. 1 know it will! There is SOUTH CAROLINA p\t: rot: _Xe\v ,York, Feb, I--A dispatch from Columbia says that (»ov. Hamp ton, having granted a pardon to An iz:t Iu'isViqi! ugh, a lored prisoner in Itbe jail of Chester .county, and the [shenfr refusing to release Ihc pmon er oil the ground that-Wade Hiunp- The following ton is tiot _govcrnor "of the state, J. j: habeas' corpus on the petition of the Kellogg, %vhen informed of the! prisoner, send yesterday the case was Ci,„ T. Mackcy issued a writ of testimony given by Pick- argued, when Judge Mackey piompt- it resalled him a statement' ly decidcd that Wado Hampton was in his oflicc in the latter part of Nov-j'he legal governor.- The sheriff's ember by ells. There were present1 counsel promptly 'appealed the ra?e •CXr..L'.migreasmaa Sheldon^..Ur^MeMd- to tho'snprem^ ennrf. piiv,e at last, lilden ne- telegraphs that despite Servian sus- n| Wells replied -I am none of your ,eave Said Kellogg, "Lot us for a mo ment suppose that the proposition to have been, made and it will readily appear that neitler Wells nor any during these extreme changes of weather ried it out." (-"'''J*, Cwii^hs and Sore Throats woe nev- A I'KE. TfKKKV "XVX\TS A MOU.M I.ondon, l'eb. 1—A eorresptmiJent antes namely, that the powers, par ticularly IJussiu, should guarantee Servtn's prood behavior. This idea is almost as iml'ortunate a.i if a materinl ,roanded. gU!irantec sfl0ll!1 be t] two hundred thousand or three hun-. W* i, HIE BIJTDIB FJBW. drcd thousand ddh^ men. Mypnee- I. ^Jon, Feb, J--The liinder pest is a roum mi ion ^-rL. having appeared in Limehousc pariah .'\ .^.r0X, suburb, neither cattle, sheepjior goats, Lo|)flun ed thciiTis a piece of pleasantry, audi- uk! rKV Versailles, Feb. 1—The senate has .passed a grant for the relief of the famine stricken inhabitants of Pondi c-herrv.. "-V A Terrible CougU. .'.'f ilow often we heitr tho above rdmnrk er more- prevalent'among children than I now. Now wo are goinf to rgo you to try a remedy which bus excited conuaents by physicians all over the country, wljo ac knowledge their surprise at the wonderful New ork Feb. 1—The Her.iU ashiugion ccu'tespoiideiit gives the S"d happy results from.its use That rem I e,'y ..jq,sExi* ^•ld. rettfTnin? board, 3ehce "girirTTyestiertlay before the house committee. Ifc says Wells, who is confined in the capitol, was interviewed by tne Herald correspond dent, who asked "Do you know Julm T, Pickett, who has been telling thai startling story of you "I .Jout know John T. i'iekctt, an] Is the well-known preparation UALE'S COUOII CORDIAL. ,lWn^druggisi, rand f* The largest stock weal of Chicago, of clothini gents furnishing goods, hats, caps, trunk.", valises, rubber and wwjlea blnflkcts, cte., etc., at Harry Kntrs To Tin Payers. 7 All persons indebted lor iieliur[rn:nf per inal property tax, are requested to settle the same .forthwith, and thus avoid ex 1,!n"e- *r UoIiB 1 four hundred miles to malign mv "*_* character." [l" Thie-piit( Gov» Wells in a confiden1-] tial hnmor, and with a broad grin he .explained .that if .he had been iiithe friend Mad- dox was nnt the man to. whom he should have confided the plan. As for* Pickett,he was a myth so fur as he knew. ,-5 "r "lJo you know what l.ittlefield te*.' tiCed toV" fc. the question ifi a fe# days, that -will ^StttjSUTTI gh 11 trht ssWUii' a comiwOftdra OR|M)rWn««a I*hmr*cii f.n BOO «d Fan^y A rlc'*?* In il.« Yankton, -s Dakota,, $L -setjAa^niifters not now««d*.aiL»-. ,.v JL ,fcaw^t»mber MAKKK, IS Tour MilU & Purdy will tell yon '.i that it is the best cough medjclne they ever'! will__warrant a _cure or return ynnr inoncy to yoa in ca?c of n-failure after us!n» o'no-half lhe bottle. Ii Is very pleas ant to the taste, making it v..ry drsirablo rt niolv for children. —o-^ 1\ SciiNAt nun, junty Treasurer, EXCELSIOB "t VaiSC CTttZT. Ti»I70W. 'JHyU I'rcltanjrnt in tlr« llnrnff Mlultig riUtrlif. I aRocERiea. revolvers if need be: Tho'Oiiiaha nae'rf correspondent in writ ing up the afl' dr says that a fight occurred Willi AT- CliV.I ii-* utd hh hsr forCJ*Pih fur IMiru.ary "Jj'j for Mnrrh. COIIX -.Steady forca^h: 4*i for FfVudrj 47 for May. OATH—D ill anJ '.oinhial UVK ~Y0. rin'rii were lively times out In Ihe Har ney miii 'district Illicit Hills, a lew. days since. 'An RUcmpt was made to open up that district by a crowd of Montana and I Dead wood miners, which attcrant resulted in a ft-w lively rows ami soma brokiji noses, 'i Learning of the intentions of the! Montana and Dead wood minors, the citl-1 7.ens of tho Ilarney district held a meeting and dccldcd 'o resist any and all cncroacTi-| ^, inents upon their right*, at tbe mimles of! la.Q over ^o. 8, below Discovery, wliich was jumped by a Nevada initu. Tnc frrrmer! rp STREET owuer wn a lawyer from Custer, and he proceeded to put in a demurrer at once. The lie was give'Yi and down went the law. yer in a corner. Two parties wore instant -ly. formed sod "revolvers aud knives were displayed, but a few sensible men were .11 the crowd, and the district Attorney com manded tho" peace, The plan was well laid, but soniekow or other it leaked out and everybody was prepared. Some of tbe Dead wood men were furious over their fuilnre lo break up tho organization, but the moat they could do was to elect a new recorder and talk pretty loud. Claim 31 above, was owned by a poor woman, who is a widow, and took in washing for a liv ing.. Tho "jumpers'' wera 'shamed iuto k-HYinK her in iw)aae»«iuD~uf her piulcuy. A tolerably ood speech was made by T. K. Harvey, of North I'iaue, who gave Jack Iiaronett, the keeper of the Natioual Park, a scathing n:buke and quieted him efleetually. HY TKLKU RAL'H. WHi": NfW York. m'si .M.W Yu tr* Money per Odvcrnmenls—A* S1.0cks!r*Artlvo anel un 1 1 Mew Vork .Market. aNcw irf-k, 1StPt). J. WH8A 1'—Dull anil nominal, COU.V—Dull n«-w -wuslern inlsfi -.1 O'l 11 okl (W'fT.r,-.', OATd-'D.iK: mfavit- *rc.«tertr 'a«t +1*1 I'OHK-Dtil! at 17 .'.0. LAKl)—{(iii-l Rl ll 1. W I S .¥ Wi !.t Ult-aao. 4 liAHL^V--(.i M, T'OItlv nr.ivjr r\inM'»v Ar StyIi'#for ^a*h 'Id fyrMftrrli. LA UD—l,ov t"- at !0«rt ffr rR,h 5 for March, W IUSKY- 1 05, 1 .nuwMuuip ,-••••• Alilwrauky.', I eh. 1, \S ULaT--btt-'uOy aiMlhljjbfr for faMi f.»r Martli 1 it Ayr't. COIlN-'Nomiml. HVK-'.lC. JtAKKK^ 1 Bn(**r, "eitra yellow "C,*".T. Sugar, white collet "At".... Soii&r, crtiehtil and gr^pulatcd...... "Rio codec, per B... .' i. J»v« caffc", fl ...... Vonnjr By fori T«!», ... .. Japan Tea, B. )lUck-T««, pcr.B Mcrtaranr.^gil.... v. Syrpji, per g«rl. Drli'ti Apple, iV. Drifd J'cacdK-*, 11®^..,........ j'.'.. a»iiim., ft,..,, ^m... yi*. 1 Pl!,c lumtar, cummou, J'lne tom!xr, culls tu tcel Floortne tfi"1 ,i SiiJlps-fl irf fimi HaltlUp)£.fl feel.. iai J.itthdidiLt ei-.:' jhhlajlf*.,,.... .....muo^-V k-*4stmi {Hoadhght Oil. tho Boct in Marsot. YANKTON ii a •WW" Germania House' IRY WOOD Douglas A ve.^naar Thifd-St., r«/-i+tH- I The BeCk®!" PfOpS, i| U.V!r^^IU «(«o sapjjlT en UA7 22. blcn|jt) Slock* htca£0» Feb. !. quirt light 10 hetvi lo ij«»ck*r* i.10^6 4# Ueavy in 'rhi|»ptrii 1 "CATTLIl- ^ufct utal weak rcte'plu YANKTON MAEKET8. VrUt Mat. OQMiei. 0*1 9f ....... .... Corn, alieUud,. bushel now White Bcajif, bu. rork,Mi«,Fbbi llama, eogftr turad, Khouidcra, ^JTt» ]iaCunt pcr Cutter^ per tt. rbeueu, B... Flour, j*»r cwt..,.. v. Corn meal, p-r cwl....... Sail, p*r bbl.. Kcrorcne g»K (•usyw, f.M 48 ....» IOQ'iO ...1.S0 *i #r ..22.1)0 ...13i4 ....lOK .... ......15 .. ...10 irsv* 11H 2«l, L*.«S., i'.6«®3.75 •... "ta lrown,3.........,.,.yi .35® 50 ~'.TnT.v: T.v: .nv5 .....u,W .... ,?2®M .•joaw «%75 ... ..r..-.-'sa No. 237. iII li Ol'T ri\M. JTJI'I«MIAM. cK.N'K JArrc. iCutting & Clou das, TV liter* mm TOBACCO I CIGARS opjOM(c .roaoeics YANKXOKr DAKOTA. o'ooti* (leHvcrfx! fnjo lo rtny pari of ihe The »n«l chetjicM Always fa hiiud. Cutting: Oloudas. 6c AGranfl Combination A. W. IieLveador'Q COMPLETE Family Store A..Slock *f (Hcrctiandlne Kmbradog in Oeanra Terms, CiROCERlE^R PROVIMItt^f CROCKERY «I. ASS WARE, lutrli Iru*rtweait Thoroairhly ft^viprK-d, Ktt® to Lk« SflMllMt UeUU. S I ebfttl kc«p ft fall aj-iortmcut of all h« longing thtffttj various drpAnmeuu, and »eU them TO DEALERS AND CONSDMERS IWIWHI 111 Cimli .*•- A a Jr I a a .u Si.OO A. ..!«.« J5.«oa»00 l«.C»ft'il/00 ,,0- .3o fl0a50.00 ass I wOLXOH\VOOCl JLillIIlDGr. »(I»redf6f »»1# *t *lTohw»le n. Bit O AD WAV. Viwiklnn l»itkotii. 5 Fteih"ft,)r.?'.'i'.t Coffee "Every I)iy. Bramble. Miner & Co. WHOLESALE. Hk GROCEES Krrpcoaaluitlr on Iisnd \rell nclcctcd "lock ol Staploi and Fancy •VYV~ 3^^ O E I E S SQC1I*II S a a ,- Ajrups. B«vn, H»m?, SHOULDERS. DRIED BEEF ._• -.i -. Wackcrc^UaUbut, Ulce» *. C&n&sd Goods! I)rU»d F*raU«t Tobacco, Cigars, Hpice#* Ac Te reajvet fully call tUcatl^nton of all Merchants lootir ulock andpneow: wo A!cfvlaYoh*ru tn cosuection with urofurioa a good artppJv of TonU, Wa^OD UoTfira, Bowff ted Best Wagons in the Territorv, rfi ri Which illsck Ulnar# woald da tr«t! to «i»mtne tarWo*ru agent* for Uio Duponl Powder Co., MNuttler IVaiaet, Studefeaker Waion, tad reUti. Ufiiber, I-^ave Qrdera at the Germauia liousc ««T»TNMR H. T.OR.BRR •-V-' ireparcd. to'flll alt erdcrt! of Kr»rra»»n* «l U«mI .lid. cnt»tomerB with Cot* 4.....'..., Wood's narveatcr, UlcCorailck Harveater, And Wood A Sic- Corailck Mowori. BfiAMBLS, MINEE and CO.," Lsysa, 1* tz'i DAKOTA J. W. O. Morrison^ T1NKT0X, U. T. A rompiota aiiiortmont or Mroc-irte-i Iwpv oon- CR tn ton °*T at now. Maple* 1 JPf„U *pnu *1 fr~. W4C iwttanrt Main*'. it*wjjro*r}.irtfc