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SSStt Jt- N ttumuli ^•g of A Tin If II Pi 11 /,1 !r[( w.wwvm DAIX.Y. YA.l«*TOK. DAKOTA. Tkufaitf Mii(, Wu& W, iWT CITT TIC»«r. rox orrir TMA«viuiK ADULTS tUBAHDSUr. OTP* L. W. CMI. .'.vV rox ,*x. pi fit ^T WAMDi— J. X. Breve, Wa.Mmea BKVOSD WA»D: T. A. InwiciiT, ioBJK 0. BiTt*. TMSD WASD: i. Pit**, S.J. cuns. rovtrn WARD: Wa."Powaae, 1. MCSAMASA. (City Jmtic* not eoastoated «t tM) The Weather Ta-Daj ffssbington, Maieb 88.—ildlcatioaa for. upper lake rag loo, olaar or lair waatber with northerly to eesterly wlnde and high barometer during day followed to-night by felling barometer, rialng temperature and increasing cloadineaa. LOCAL ucamca. 1,000 wjonrnera in town. To-morrow i* Good Friday, get oat abade treea. Now la the lime. Baslneaa matt be improving in Yankton. A new photograph gallery ia being built on Broadway- Wbat ia to to done With the Tildea and reform bmcer The Yankton county comtxiaslocera will meet on Monday next. YiGktonlSSTele and boarding housea are Black Hlllera. Burleigh's line of B'ack-HIUs ateamera ore being «e'l alvertlsed YiBl Vfitii of A Bark The bouse cleaning day a have atmoat come—tbe aaddeat of the year. The Yankton aad Black Htila »Uge lice ia a aure tbing. Come tfaia way. \on Wild cetso have been winging tbeir way north during ilie past few daya. The mooDJraa fulHaU night. Iler ex nuipie km Imltalrd *y a number of other letters. Now ia the time-to plant your radUhea if you w*ni thtrn to up with tbe country. Then: »ro about two hundred ctrangcrs town awaltiivg truospor-a'ion to 1'ierre on tbe Oral boata. Some three hundred rirer men have »c utnulstetl In Yankton, awaiting the open narfgation. Tomorrow being Good Frldnj there will be aerrice at the Epiicopal church at eleven o'clock in the morning. Ttii Preaa & Dakolaian typoa greeted „Otd Zteb'a" r«-nomination for mayor with I hraa rouaing cheers. Zleb. is the patriarch of Yaakton printera. J. Betbert hae iedited aad rafttraiabed bia barber abop on Third aUeat and placed thereia all tha oonrenleacea and luxuilea of eastern establisbmenta. An offlepr will start for Saa Francisco in day or two to bring back Smith, tbe ck Hilia murderer. Tha California air »rltlea will bold blw twelve daya. dai iMmck taerll riBiaiiaLr'::' Sheriff Weaver left tkia morning for lows wivh Baker's last csptara. Fred Cross will leave for the Hills about tha middle of next weak. Mark W. Bailey, Eiq, of Caaton, la~"oa hie way to Dasdwood. Capt. J. L. Kelley of the ataamer Carroll, returned from Omaha laat evealnc. M. H. Day, reglater oi deeda for Brale county, waa at the Mercbaata over night Ilugh Fraley one of the pioneera of Bon Homme coanty waa in I ha city yesterday. W. C. Bovard, Etq., a Yankton attorney, propose* to pitch hia tent in lbs Black IDIla aoon. Major T. S. Ctarkaon, reached Yankton laat night from tbe east and ia atopping at tbe Merchants. E. G. Smith Esq., left Yankton thla morning (or bia home In Delaware, Iowa, lie axpecta to be abtent three weeka. Henry Morria, Robert Branch, Peter Boyce, i. EWaaaon and Charles Blanchard left to day for tbe HHls in chaise of A1 Wood'a. train. Misa Heieu Holilater, alstsr of Mr*. T. A. Kingsbury, reached Yanktoa laat evening from Cbeyeune,Wyoming, where abahaa realded for the peat two year*. A boat of frieada will welcome her back. Rev. S. R. J. Yankton Tueaday evening direct from Wu chang, China, (y way ef $anFi Mr., Hoyt haa been engaged 4Sr aeveral yeafa in miaalonary Wwrk among tha Cbl aeee, and tbongh meeting whh encoorag iqg success, waa finally compelled to aben don that country on account of tbe ooatla ued 111-bealtb of his wife. He will remain for tbe preaent in Yankton aa tbe gucat of hla sister, Mrs. Wm. Miner.- A complete lipe of (aahlonabla hata at Wiae Brof opposite poatoffloe. MEJUXB8. ter The steamar Kay West, N. Beuain, mas A. At IM N rox MAYO*: T. M. ZIEBACH. ^-.'' V:T OZVY ObEKXi B.t. where. Mr. L. H. Bitot GALD Hoyt and fsmiiy arrived la mii«n ii'ti» ar TnktMtl-IW At» IH)IM»«f.lH«Wl dti yctfiHr aahoaaos ajnlii CMiHiM I tha aftoe of city titmni ii the Ihr thaoflca af cHy IUOUM Sir I A competent girl to da gaoeral work for a mall family, Apply at Win Broe, oppoaita Poatoffloa. Tha huge, dnatlc, gripiat, aickenlng ptlla, are nit being, auperaeded by Dr. Piorce'a Purgatlre Pallaia. Dr. Piaroa'a Memorandum Booka giaea away by all drugg'ali. Driad raapbarriaa. pitted, eberriea. Salt Like paacbea, applaa, pruaaa, Uackberrtaa and enrranta alao all caanad frolu and baking powdera cbaap for eaab at ?A R. A. KiTcauM'a. fuH stock of youtb'e aad bojra clothing, dreaa aulta,«cbool-«uUa^ind auita goaraataad to tta cellar door proof. Call and ace tbem at Harry Kats'a. Tbe lateat atyle of apring hata |aat receiv ed by expreaa from New York el Katz'a. All tbe laleat aoaaltlaa la ladiaa tier rucblnga, allk handkerchief*, coliara and enffa joat received at U. A KBTCOCMV We offer to tbe trade tka beet line of Una hata erar abowa in Yankton.) Wiaa Baoa., oppoaita poaU fBca. Rubber coata and blanketa, wool blaak eU, beta aud cap*, booia atd aboat cbaap C. O. D. at R. A. KrrcaLH.'e Black Oiileia tbe cbeapaat place la Yankton to buy your complete outfit la at R. A. KxTCHt'M'f. .. T« fr*|«ri]r Owners. 1 havs a etah cuatomer for a nice resi dence anywhere north of Third street, northwest of Capital atrset sad sooth of the Rhine, ia the city of Yankton. Price from ^300 to ft,800. The property moat be offered at a bargain. Call and tee me aoorT- II. W. WriiT*, Gun Store, Capital street, Yank'.on. Trala V»ar Mareea. 1 am now prepared to receive boraea for iiDlng. for ioeed or driving. Will pay auoatioa to h»sakla and handling vicioua boraaa, also Yeterlaary. Aay psraon hsv Ing a horse that they wish to have handled for spaed, aad aot kaowlng ma sad my ability a tralaer aad driver, I will fnralsh sufficient re Care nee bom the beat boraemen in the Uaitad Stotaa. Stable on north Broadway, Yanktoa, D. T. W. C. Aanaranxa. Yankton, D. T., March H. Floor, bam a, kacon, driad bear, saioksd halibut and batter aad aggs, ehaap C. O. D. at B. A. ScALia,. IW Ward, lila mm. lwlll be a caa dldeleforlha oMoe ofjaupshalof the city of Tukltiip the appfaaefciag elecUoa. J. B. RDMHIM. Ksranm'a. An immense stock of Black Hlllera sap plliea, miner's Jackals, ovara) la, wool aad rubber blankets, rubber coeU, etc., etc., at Harry Kats'a._ IXEB*! IIJPPUCI MAOMTS. MAOJUFTIIO t. A- WWta clwk, wHl kmva -41. ^VIIICsM.nB JVt m-WM .1 tof. Fort Pierre and othar up oa tha 14th of April.1 Apply HwaAas df the Mlsaoari ntar tiaaspor ,FUe«WettoaSlbaa*4»lock 1 GLAaaas. Am} a full Uae of Aclde, at tha Excalalor Drag Store, Mtlla Pardy. All hinds of imported and Aaaerican bottled ale, portar, ginger ale, champagne cider and seltaer water for aale at Adler. A OhlmanV Harry Katz baa uadoubtedly tha largeet, and beet aaaorted stock of clothieg, gents furbishing goods, hats, caps, trasks and ealiasa, aver beooght to Dakota. Ha bays for caeh, and aella aa oaly a caah buyer can. itt can bay of him aa cbaap as yoa can purchase in tha largest Chfcago stores. Room No. 5, Peaalagtoa's Mock, posaes aioa givea aftei tha 18th of March. Apply to Jon L. PmnxowH. Leave ordera for Braxiliaa artlchoksa with Rlchey A Dlx, Yeahtoa. its rtaka flraaa Use JBaa Are not snrer sigaa that a work of daatpac tlon la going on, tbaa the Qo^glibig «itA which chirehaa, tkastfas, private dwallla«B at thla with JEw/e ai% tatmsdtau aad eertala Plks^aTaoU la'aaa miaata. taarau ,af la tbe Mi tf» followisg o.r. Oaarad LM,ObOhwi, WW*—L- M. Party, '.Oaai FatUagtais, OaptLyatt*, A, Ftmrtk that l» will lampla ia the SM aa aa lahpHint didate far city —what Ha vaa aot a caadideu bafora the dtlasa's coaeoatioa aad will raasala la tha laid aatll ate* alactloa. Oa motkm of Bartlatt Tripp, Bartlett Tripp aad Gaa. Dewey were appointed On SKt ija convantlon proceeded to bal lot for mayor. Gov. Edmuade nominated H. B. Wyaa. Judge Rnajteuacber nominated J. R. Sanborn. Geo. Smith aoaainatcd F. W. Case was declare nominated aud bia nomination made unanlmoua. —On motion the convention .-ptoceaLeJL to bellott for city clerk. Tha namea of E. T: White and E. II. VanJ^ntwerp wete pieeeatad. NTROUUU. BALLOT. White an Van Antwerp .19 Soc Drew... 2 Blank No choice'. *iaar r&mf V- OMainJokiliMv JM«M. •. flrakar, rMrtf fwi-rB. Sd mMda. Gaa.Waa. Tnp*. A. M. BogUab. M. Baiatar, D. B. Coolay( Wm Bdar, M. M Parmar, M. P. OMaiaa, Jofca Troadway, Piaak Vaa Taaaalaad H.Bhaaaard. Ward.—Wat P. Dewey, J. 0. McVay, T.H. Bny. M. T. WooHey.Chariaa Wak Pa wan, I. 0. Dadlay, Wm. Lcapar, Ckaa. Bataa, Joba Fogerty, Jamaa ITooaaa, Gaorga &altk Oa aotioanf Jadga BaaaHaackar, ward delegattoaa aataatraettd vara antborlwd looaat tha IWljaiKii tha dalafatioa. M. Ziebach. CtrOUUl BALLOT. Ziabaeh. 1« Sanbora .14 Wynn ...17 Scattering 1 J. R. 8anborn'a name wae withdrawn. piaaT roKMAL. Ziebach.. 24 Wynn r. .....: 23 Scattering 4 N choice. aacoxD roKMAL. Ztebalh Wynn Nocboice, THWD WUliU Zlcbacb Wan...^.. JM. 25 Ziebach waa declared nominated oa motion the nomination waa made unanimous. Oa mo ioa tbe convention proceeded to ballot for city marahal. L. W. Case, J. B. Robertaon and 4. G. Baoman were nominated. rxroRMAL B\t.LOT. Robertaon..... .3 Case .8® Bioman. .81 Qemmill. No chiice Cot. Lawrence wltbdrew the name of Mr. Robertaon. riKST rjHUIAL. Case.. '.. v.. .86 Bauman :'.S3 AL. White....... Van Antwerp. Tha conveatioa thea proceeded to aAa loata city treaaarer and A. Scbandein and Joha Bremner were nominated. 1XFOBMAL BALLOT. Schandein. Bremner .18 FIRST FORMAL. Schandein 28. Bremner .^0 Mr. Scbandeia area declared aocainated and the nomiaatl^a was made naaalmoas. Oa moiioa the convention proceeded to aomiaateaelty jaatko. Maaara. Coaglatoo, Boastaaschsr, Eldridga sad Roberta were aamed. 1HFOBXAL BALLOT. Coaglaiaa. QcicxaiLvaa. a r, i.« I® Roberts .... .10 Eldridge ........18 FIRST FOBXAL. Congleton... Roesteuscber Roberta Eidridge........ ^lsak....... No choice. SBCOXP FOaMAL. Congleton. Roaatanacher Roberta. Etdrldga.... No choice. Col. Lawreeoe withdraw the name rf Jndga Congleton. THIBD FOaMAL. Roaateuachar. Roberta .............. .... 18 Eldridge.... .18 Coegtotoa No choice. G. W. Roberta withdrew rocar* VOBMAL. Roeateascbar Eldridga BNMMrtmrrr Nocholca. pnrra .18 OBIIAL. a a*.*i^ a.a e* a,-*|k •^•-..iic' ?i..-ttrill-jc,. ••.. V-»¥ %-u «.L-.i--..!•&*( $# BW1maul *_a,^ "v*1 ^••-^, ,..V...f« 11 ^rST 0. II Ed H. Imltk, Jw. OmiM Vallahav.Mia OmtC»,OkariMJt •artaw.W •art,iyit«o Mra. 1.1. Wade, 'm '£im nlM*^ *m KRMB. "r *v:' Maktaat1bee.,taeta. KARMBT8 BT TKUMRAPB. haw Vara. Mm Terfc, Ma Moaay «STH par eeat. 8®*erasaeaie—Dell aad ateady OoMiet*. Utoeka—Active aa4 1oVar. IVaaa Hew Terk. Maxk aa. W«AT-Dallj So. *, CUeago, I Uftl Ke. i, lltlwMkee a«#l CX)IU»—Bell aaw nlaed WvMcra, old de MMtBDt. 94 24 «a OATS—D»I1 alied sad sta'e as»». POKK-rim at LARD—E«tter at at). VHJSKX-tOTJi. CfeteU*. Uktcaso. Merek ». WliKAT-Veak aiil aa*!er 1 tor cash 1 for April- oii bid fer lUy. CORN—Weak and lewer 30 for ApfRj M4 for Hajr. OATS— W(«k 3 fcir Aprll S3Ji for Maj. BAHtET—Itljhrr: POIUC-Ulthcr tSS3 fur esak 14 (or May. LARU— Firm for cask esQ** for Var. WBKKT-1 M. eiteaakti. UUasafeM, Match IS. WIKAT—Caaetiled aad lower IB^larl I 3Pj for Aprtl 1S5* tor Mai Ko. S, I M*. CORN—Lower at see. OATS^Slaady S»Me. STB—Lower CSHe. BASLKT-TTe. TBS 1OLD POTO HOI KOPATUH*K\PCAN« Ben In rtntmrntr J*r ttHMg fttrt. jratrt wktr* jireasrf tk* mmt Jiff, tIMfLK,MCOV okiaAt. twi Mmctpsr m*+ctim t«« Th*$ tnjtut w*el lUp—ftt waat, taHttg Umu mn*momtt,utrttnglUtiusi and •fcVt*4PM(|lU« matrlt* prntrigUmn/atttm Haa. 1 Favera, Worm*. Oaagka, colda, Waaeklita, Maanlcla, toothache, Iheaacha, ATEAKOEAGIL««AABBRNA.FELAG, Ban is IS Paver aad 81 Bleak... E T. White was declared aoaalaated and his nomination made uaanlmoua. •.. Oahikalmy, sad aeea ar waek «yis, IS Oatarrh, acau er dueale, liianua, SS Wk* slag caatfu vWeat eoegba Barbae! S Ceata. iaatKssr-. nisawft&M6|i|Bjiai' waka 8 taw aad aeaatr aeeieUoaa, ar BaaaiefeaMe, aleaaam ftaasridla t. Pdaey dlaaaea antral, as Herraaa SaWUty, naTleal waakaaaa er te vetaataty dlaafeemee, SaMBoaU, eaaker, "'PAJULTCITI,*!""1 Caaa, Meaeeca wttkM larga vtaia aad awaaal el dlreetioaa s* sae.a*eeBeee.ef«»araeilslaaadkeeh... am ITThaae remadlaa era aeat ky Ike eeeeerstaala ixieaay panof tke eeaatry, Brae ef reeeipt el price. Addieee •wain HoxaoPATno •BDlCniB 00. OSUa aad Dcpoi. Ma, SSI. BroaSwjT aCWTORB. Par sale kr aU dresatais. MUla Paady aad 0. W. Teaderhale Co Aaaate atTeak tee. asmaewaelv TOUEPKBUit We wlah te etete tkat are ere rale Steele of Be ketaTarrttniy for the weO-kaewa pnea ef a wa oAnm ii nmmot& EKSsa.wsajBss OFFIOB at peaeeet at tealdeaee, ea Ltaa'M. ketwerasd eed 4ik. Hn, L, *. WHITHEY, YANKTON, DAKOTA. Ifei 18 .J *dmmm «Wlw ni^a fvin .vfeSfa-A wwf It TMIIV. tSlfiaftfiryi** *,M"«*M, WW. ir!Sr MM Mtk^ Ou £»«$ Beaad to sell at vim tkat wlUeall The Great WKIXKL. 6 m.% nfiaf Third Street, DAKOTA. ment of Yankton. Cor Deealas Ave. aad Tklrd EL, Yeakteer at and dealara la mm DXTDLEY & HAWLSY, BLACK HILLS MINERS SUPPUEfe Dsailsilag ia part ar GOLD PANS, CAMP STQy£8, Complete Stock! Low Prices! Pujre JCentuoky Whisky a Speo^Jty 4fF imniT. WHOL89ALK DIALERS IK LIQUORS AND CI0AB8, -X VALximinrs 9£ACKSMITHS' HAMMERS, MINERS'PICKS SHOVELS SLEDGES COOKING UTENSILS, STBEL, FOR UBILLS. BLOCK. MTV, 1. TT. ^IF UIAM HMM IW.IT OBDBRB PROMPTLY KIZiXJBBZ) I. PILES & CO., %U —DEALERS IN— mmm TIm •Ssgjj -9'A- Am Am GM Chi BSOI rati bia an fav Cb ••1 f* thi P* oa V* wi P1 e! b, in p« rl at BL ti ai a a "i BEN. BAKU, a sit CAPS