Newspaper Page Text
ray gr~- TA*T & 1 p: jf r#*on «4 e&jsL,- mm Mi §*k«txua DAILY t^XKTpl•. DAKOTA. htuiif IniiK. M*rel 31, Ths ,Dailj Press atd Dakotaian ta tmbl'aliad avnv KVCNmo, kcrfting bcxbayb. .if" MMMMB tlUIOPIOXMMtrtlM f#r «••)(, *5 eetot« (hit month, $1 p«r /•* ofHea on TWkI wtreat, tatwewi roadway aad cdar^-DaOaca'a klack. BOWK.* A HXCHRCar. PobUahera. The first object of ike Louisiana cam mlasion will andoabtedly be to secure a iagisiature which both parties will ac knowlege, and on which everything else will hioge. The president expressei him self entirely confident of success, and the tone of his conversation *ith southern gentlemen is most cordtal and concilia iftory~ tie ha» requested Gen. Gibson and Col. Ley, of Louisiana,. to. repair to NewOrleans and assist the commission, ""and they hare left for New Orleans, Iu Colonel Ingirsoll's speech id New ~~~YorW s»me„time since be-made—tbe-sur. prising statement that if the flllibusters bad succeeded in preventing the commis 'Won trom concluding the electoral count, and compelled an election in (he house, Hayes would have received enough dem ocratie votes to have elected him. This was regarded as a piece' of bravado on IngersolTs part, but it seems that his statement can be verified. Fernando Wood is said to have in his possession an agreement in writing, signed by. .thirty five democrats, who pledged themselves to vote tor Hayes. Another copy of this agreement is in the hands of a republi can member of the house, from whom Ingersoli received his information. Fer nudo Wood was the originator of the wagreement, and through bis influence the •f^s, signatures were obtained. He never wanted Tilden to be president. The president on Thursday appointed Maj. James LawitJice. now agent, of the Poocaa,as agent of Spotted Tail's Indians This is the most important ot the 8ioux agencies sod the department has been tor a loog time in search of the proper mao to lake charge of it. Maj. Lawrence will be found in every way qualified. lie has had years of experience smoog the Indians and has fairly earned the ap pointment by the success which has at tended all his efforts. The Spotted Tail Indians will soon be moved to the river, and this appointment is doubtless made wiih^that change In fence assnred us some days ago thaf the transfer would be made about the first of ulj aad now that this appointment hss ea made we can see that be was at that \e in a position to know that such is intention of the department. Maj. rence^s nnmaroas Yankton friends ill agra* that Spotted Tail's people [well ctred for under his man- Ut. r^ •.» ungtoa eonaspondence, March large delegation of Quakers ^be interior department to-day iaterriew with Commissioner Seeretarj Scburt in reference ian policy. Speeches wers -t era! of tbe delegation which to by Secretary Bchuns and Smith. Mr. Schurz said bis warmest support to christianize tbe Indiana, president was la favor present peace policy "ferred to the objections from western states to ,f Indian agents rec I eciety of friends who ,'t^ the statos in which seated. Mr, Schurz 2S~v' The Meet House. BpocUI Telrjrram to thefatoriitcan. Washington, mnr J*«e» June* tUlvi Berbcrt. Jtfn Wt!|i«ihH On.M Unimt 3. 3 14 Is should still con vtlogo of selecting —it Setter'that citi Uie offices were During tlie 'aildock, of Ne and H*4e referred tfyie jftftrence con .^ike shiruld Hot ||t| -ough it was 2 1 in hi* litate jigp fie »ulject, m.. .l-cootlaue •if Indian 7 ho wcre tW:\*, ^Kx -v, 1 "A A t-'f? !, -Ttio f.a- larch, 2% the members of the Ml !»wiog is a lift of ftextnouac of representative^, af lfe®f I appear ou theolftof (he clerlt, »nd kuoh as will l*e ri^gnizad by the clerk in tho orffanixel "on of the rieit bouse. Republican* 'wita/ii# Deh crsta in Roman names marked with re-elccted: Ai-J nix A Dirt' 5 Hubert Uson •.: 'SOW Hewlttf I Wm. H'Ctjni«jr|v it* \tr ubfrim et»il 7 "VV wutrta —-r~- 'awu*»A». Ij»eJ«n Cjinw-J owionTOtrrtoi— Vut Slsmittohsi .r,4 T^mi» i-iwruuM*. Hornet /MrUi 3 or act fay ri 1'eler T) Wlg..t 'nnS Join Luartlli COI.OR4DO. Jamtt it Jt'lferdi CQX'IT.CTItCT. ok* Lnrmz RtmlaHo IVu/fi & Uvi orariJL. Juraet WilHatiMf rLOBlHA. II irUiViiisin 2. Jei(f Kinli?yl 1 YmAidrk* tlKMKnvp S Carter Aarrlcon) 12 W roM Bprln«r| 13 Tho*. A. Bowl Jo II Filar tin Tho*. Tlyton 4 H'j» LtUhro^ '. Jou/ih O lunnvni if AurcKardl 5 Thin- Iftndttfou f'Mlifi IItiff 01. Fort]| IS J"hu It Ka«o( IS WA 4 SjwrkfJ. 17 Wm MorrifOMj 18 Wm Uurucllj l!) li VV TywimUtml 1 SB! AN A. 8 JIT I t! S Fallcii rl'!fT'i.,U rru„t r', .,-i::'" iMflWMH It) It'//C'jli/.n 11 Jo*. "XTfctr A Bickni'il' 4 Jit'onltlat StxIoMt 5 Ttet. A. Brptvnt 6 MSRobtntoni 7 John Hanna CkcsUr 11 Darralli 1 Thot. 7] Suit •i W I' Frvt.% •& 8 l.indity L.Kran»i 13 A It fUml tonj 13 John JJnitrjj loWA. stone Hi rum i'rkt S Thto If 8 HampsQni 11J IS Uuiianlmji 6 )t'»» Sapp f» A'Mlson t/Uteri nuraiek 4 N Dttrinff 3 AuA L'lart KtN*A». 3 Thot. Rita* I JV A PhiUlp 1 HatktU 1 A It BioneJ •i KIXtrCBT. 6 John O C»ili»le 7 .1 tilackluimj 8 Darhtini J*» A McKinr'.e S Juha W a.dwell 4 I'rocior Kuottj OAS WUIt* 1 Olbsnnjj S KJohn 3 Tho«. Tiiruer 1U John Ulnrkfj LOt'lSIAKX. 4 to dtirato 5 Ltonard 8 In dtaputc" mne. 4 1 Leirdlyn Voatrt Kugon II tU\ 'SiAavuMD. 1 Daniel Henry-" Thn». Swinnj aiarl'i- Itoh.-rl'i S E ll-ncklej 3 Wm Klmmeli cWmWaiBti? JtABjACMC»*TT». 1 ifm H' rrjp'A lUnj. BoHtr 1! Ihn It' IlarrUi ttjiiCtqfin 3 WaWrldjt A FitH 9 If aic* 4 Leoii.ilil vJuriio to 4 Amita orcrou 5 i* na'itfi .('«»• i' kobioton 6 UeorQt J* MH-KiUAN. 1 A HWtllUmfJ M'lrk 8 Ilrttrtr%. Kdttln WUlltU (tmir pionrnu tJJI McOwm 8 HMu. i, tr AV)zW/J-=T-" 8 6 John W alone 1 II D'inntlll S II li Utratli Jt'- A. INbbfUl MISXKJOTA. I II Slew,lit SUMUKWl. 4 Otbo Htn«l»t«ni 5 Cb*9. E lluolcerj 0 J-irae* li Chslmuri lUl Muldrow 1 V«n 11 Mooning 3 11 0 Mjucjj auaunai. 8 B«nJ Kr»nkllnJ.. Pnvld Beat i-hf 1 Anthony Ittntr "'atKtn C*U innrsiicmr lt Hrpry Kobart A it*!ch»rS li Jjhn fiartj 5 11 Bl'Ddt 1* J^hn MtSio^eri S Chan. 11 Morgan) 13 A II ,ckn«M 7 Tho«i Ctitlt«nden' EaKAaxA.' 1 Frank Witch BIYADA, ..••• Tho. n"r«n snr Bi*raniHB. 1 raiik Joneat S Jut. Bright 1 Iltnry WMa it xaw/xaszY. II Slnnlcttoni S A W CntU-rt 1JII PugK 8 Thot HP«idU 3 Milea Koa*5 "jA A tlarclonbnrns 4 Alvab A Clark *bw Toaa. 1H 1 Jamea W'Covort 2 W UA'ecdrr 3 a A itdrt nHltaiiui 1# Anuulnh Joint* 50 John II btarin 51 dnlomon Buiuty JH Oto. A Bagteyf SS rt'm ChUUtidtn5 4 A Bliaa laa Mallei 08 Cox{ 7 Aatbonr Blckhoff, Charln FoMtri $ Baton S4 Wm II Baktri =36 A nton 0 Melook 8 Fnrnanao Woodf tO'A 8 Hewi tt 11 £A WlUlaj 1 Frank Uticttck 20 1» Clatkaon Vott*r? It John II Ktlehum John II Camp »7 0 LopMatnf KJW Wright •M John If /itngcrford 80 Klrke Hart Geo. Iffiesbei St Cbarlra Benedict UTbM.Ufiramper 33 S Lockwood 1ST Unlna Wo. I'jrtU Brogdtn Patterton 17 Marl*JTewnnndi aoaVa CAIWLIXA. 1 Jraae a TeaU{ 5AM Scilo»| I IWL 8te«le 3AM WnddoUj 7 W Hobbln.J 4 Davlaf SRBVancei' 0119. -. 'il 1 Milton 8*ylcrt 11I Bannintrt 3 lltnry S Xtal 'H Tb«*. ttwinj IS Milton I Boalbardj l+.K Jt Flnley 1 MiUi'Gartntr 4 John A McXahOnf ft A RkeJ S Tan i'orh*u$ is-1# Lortaso Jan/orai Si* Win McKtnlty Jacob uut 7 Renry -Dlckej 5 )\'arrvn Ktiftrv DJohnSJan t* 10 L" IS Jitnvt Jlonroti lt JatntH A Oar/tUH SO .two# Tmt nttatl oaviioa. 6 /l' V.-J/t IPf'i..? iSi&W BUhard WiUlamt. MXIBTW A «*. miMal 15 Jr 14 John I MltchtU IT St I'am/iW) •I *OJ. 0 AVii| Mam Kaodallj 4 WDRtlltft 1 Is \V 8 bienKrrf t" 1 lw Livt Mal»h» !W I. A Maekc} it JacobTnuicf ,*-5} 2! livittll Emit £j Xhju'Ji.J.'aynt St IV li bhnlltnbtrff 1 8 5 A ttarmtr ij Ifh Wtrd 1 Imat Ftan* llri-ter Ijmerj .1 It Smith lO HA Bridcra It I) 0i61liB«| IS Wrlsht IS 'I 93 Hart* Whlft 1 SO John TAomtmon, 1 J*t. Kelt tl John II AT I.ttcit fffiou. Kttli«u*r *'•. iki»l ial-aai) \Iii» Kamtt\ r, Lot tint W Bullott\ w.urSraou**.' 1 11*Rtiu.'ri •r--, White nam. 1 III) .•i )In-Jorgmmn /JabeHj. 1 tea Wllwni »B«q F|lar«a 4 John Betna Jjfchint f-'atn 8 Kotnt timallil 3.n Ayait Alkaa «,v Tb# nboye list rejw^sentits twse wbos« names .will appear oil the rfiUs nt tbe. opening of the session »!id who will ho .reeoffiiifeetl 'i»y «1io"-fbirrjc as taembers elect. Tito list ws I3S repwblicaii»t ni»d dsmt^rati-, i»hb: two Loureiaua ca^e h) j!)«ttv 'whieh Will Hie doubtvert lot denjOiratt Not iucludioK these tb^ ileiaoi.-rsiit! majority «ill b» 15. A Kl'MiiEll OK SKApi WU./llf CONTKit- KB HY UKt'CBl-JCANa, AS^ FOLLOWS Tbrf ToTriti Atiibania tested by J»rc II. Hsrajwo (culored), i^pub!ioa4i i»«tnvci ot The eigljlcenih Illinois dtbir.ct 9 N 'I.' 1 (I kandorph •.« John IIoiimJ 1J TjJr»*«rvi T-W CWUItiheraM.. S(J onir«llt ,'' John Atkta.f "4 O.RlddlM IWV raldw«l!| 5 tlti«tit» W tt»:a»cy Yoan/f 75» 1 iotSfnr"H Kil'a| 1*'-^ 3 t» W Culheri! 6 4.* Uitduica W TurJckiuott nl. 8 UnataVa fclilelcfitrl r«»ao!rr, i: 3 0 W Ilmdtt D*ni'OHi riNnni: ft.l HTtieU^i H»mHI 8 £up« li utiioi^i 0 A PrWIemore .J- ^ffWJpwyl wA\ %v- w^*T S JohnjSs^C«Bn£' _WOH?01««v A 6SAND BARGAIN OFFEUllD Timber atid Prairie Laid Fur in Bon Homme County. 5 Pmlrie land—151 acres adjoiniag tb.u Town of Bon Hotnme on tlie west, Slity acres upland prairie, tbittjf seres under cultiva- Uon. House nn tbe land, remainder of. land bottom, meadow and young cotton* wood limb"ir. For sole very cheap for cash. Apply at the Piss? & Dakotaian office, or eddrt'ss dr*wcr E, Yackton, Dakota, dw. Ciopd Ailviec. Jfow is ihe tinse of ycSrtVrr -Pneumonia' Larig fevcr,*kc. Every f«m(ljv ehou'd have a bottle of "iiastiTEEs Geismas Syrup. Don't allow for one tnom8nt'/io couzli to tske holif vof vour child, yonr family or yourself. Consumption, Ailhms, Poeu roonis, Crtitip, Ilemorrhagcs, and other fatal diseases may set in. Although it is jtrue German fevaur is curlrg thousands I of thete drindful discasus, yot. il is much bettcr-to iisve it «t bnoil when tliroe doses wiil cure .you. One bottle will last your I whole fattii-iy a wiutir nod keep you ssfe I ftom dancer. If you are coBsuaiptive do not test until you have' trifd this remedy. Sample bottiei-10 tints. Regular size 15 (Mots'.' Sold by your Drug^tit, MIHs' Purdy. Hall's Vtyotaltlc Sicilian Ilulr llciitutr, Is a scientific ion of Borne of the most powetful testoratlve necnts the WRetabie kingdom. It .rtstnres gray hair to its oriiiin'il color. It miki-s the hcalp White and clean. It cuus dunvlrnS" and humors, and ratling out of the huir. It. furnishesllie TniriTTlVs pTlncipio~trv ^Wch I the hsir is nourished and supported. It mskes the hair moist, soft, aud glossy, and is unsurpassed 8k a-hair-dre^sing. It is the most economical preparation ever offered I to the public, as Its eflecta remain a long time, making only an occaslonsl applica tion neccsf-ary. It is recommended and used by eminent mcdical men, and ofBcial ly endorsed by the State Assayer of Massa chusetts. For sale by all dcslera. Sokl by Mills & Purdv. Yankton I Mirteka froa ih« BaiUcfletd Are hot surer signs that a work of dsitrue tlon is icolng on, than the 'Coughing with which churchea, theatres, private dwellings at this'season reaonnd. Arrest the luCg destroyinK paroxysms with Hourlufuttd ami Tur. 4 tbf«fj«riv-foar,li: cotigtoss. Tbe third Oalifornii district is Ko fcested by. Komuldo Pxjolieo, rcpubiic- Both I1 lorida districts are •cfttitestcd:' Vy rp^tiblicaiw: Purrnan in iH- liftt and Bisbeo in/the sfCOud. Ilnk't Honey of The btneflciaj tffefits arc immediate sn4 certain. pike's Toothache. Drop core 'Toothache in boe minute. Kold by all drujfgisUt at 25 •ents. Harry Katz hss undoubtedly, the largest, and best assorted slock of clothing, tents furniabint goods, hats, caps, trunks and valises, ever brought to Dakota. lie buys for cash, an^ sells as only cash buyer can. Tou can ,^'uy of him as cheap as you can purchase in the larnest Chicago stores. Sakarla jRouKd cobpbc. Messrs. Bell, Conrad S Co., Chicago, .have placed upon the market roasted un ftround coffee 1'n one pound papers, tbat is uneqtvalfld in flavoT and strength by any hercUrfore ottered to coffce drinkers. It possntuea many of the characteristics ufj Java atd Slocha, and being msatt^l In air tight cylinrfari, t-ho oil is retained in the berry. Mca».ra.- Hell, Cwnrud Co., are msnufScturers of the celebrnted Peerless Bakifijj Powder, and tlie only importers ami roaster* of Arikorln C«ff«e fn the ITnitwi Htatc?.' Ail tho ftrocers have it on w»le, and will tefnml tte uioney if cuslo rpcts are nut pleased. Ererj' lover of gdod cuflea should get. a pound and try it. Large sixe hots just r^calved at I. P111KS-& Co. iiarry Katz hss received his new spring and summer stock, ill arc in iunited to call. The choicest styles of ca^sfmeres and spring suitinss' at-Chas. Klseman & Go's. Isi* dalag la Aanilia or raloras# Take the Atchison, Topeka & &»nta F« railroad, tho new and popular line Irora Atchison and Kansas Citv, via. tho beau tiful Arkausas trailer, to Pueblo^, Colorado Springs,:.Duuver, Canon. City. Cuchaito, Del Korte, -Trinidad, Santa Po ant! all points to Colorado, New Mexico and Atf anna.S0«riai round -trip 90 day tjeketa to-t 'Denver on sale Hay. ISlii, al f-M), taktoff in Vbe fiimous watering phicos on the D. A' R. tvad. Qr Low ^wigrani rates to the Ban Jhro Mtfltc Paiiman Palaw SJaeptait cars -between tSrjtiwiuri river atid the ro4}ky mountains wttf^ut cjiaSgg., Cloaercoooecliww wde jt EkQBAs Citj oad^At^hiaon in ^ition do' pott. For Wpa, /3wua3 'iUaLf^ctgm m4 vls contested ty B. L. W'ilcy, rcpublii'io*. Two of the Louisiana -'.istricW arv in dispute, th:re b'-'ing cartificiites started by toth NTcbitllB and KelU^S^ The sixth Mississippi district i» contested by John'It. Lyfic'n, rt*{Uil 1 an. V/J-' The third Missouri district' is coi tested by Robert G. Frust, dt'aio'-r tt, Rains's scat in tho first South Ck I clioa dibtrict will" be eoittcrsttrd by J. !S. Richardson, di'mof.rni, JorgenE.on's eeaV from 4.lie fon'h •i.Vu(riqia_district-scill lie.contested by VV. K. Htnion, d^rnocrat, it.'--' .' $1?. SmIw 1*3 Ornc* os la Breeca & MuleLaalin Rifles, Shot, Rorotvcrs. Arnluuftlllon, .Fishing Tackle, Mosleal Hi!rtruB{t*uU. Im Wiliiiicmy otle hnOitd iiiipnuftt (Kttent tQliiis,iind otiier A^rttn Oatfl WITH .V \qfaii* •em-. AND SXP2VESS U1TS. S! ig»« IwiJ Yuntfon prinjcltiild OaILY Iar Tih:u Hotku Sale •rntET, XGAH UXHOBAHT* SPAIUIAWK IXVTCBIX8, Proprietor, P. GAH1SLE, Sop'l. fobll-d i.. a. w.: C. E. B. TO THE PUBLIC: ~V,\ win Wo ttata tbat we are role aesnta ot Da kola Territory for the well-known Arm* of SUIawar, RrPkalL Kraairh A B*rli,aal hattj HASOS aad OKtJASH. WE CANNOT BE UNDEESOLD. Wilt t*k'* real or personal property a* part pay ment, and aleo sill ua lost^itmfDta. QFi'lCE at [jrv sent at realdcnce, on Linn 8t„ kctwern 3d ami 4!h. POET BENTON TRANSPORTATION CO'Y. T. U, I'OWER, Pr«»tdTOt. Chicago affice Id Market a'.reet. ItAKEH, Secretary 0. A St. Loui« office 210 Olive afreet, 'flie First Class Passenger Steamer E N O N Ja*. IHcGnrry, Cluster, John C. Barr, Clerk,_ Will Ic-are Yanktoator .. FORT '. PIERRE, BISMABCZ and PT. BENTON TIIUitSI)AY. April 12th. lior Freight or Paarag! apply on bond, or to lirrnuble, Miner & Co.. WKIXEL. »pnrt- iiK romU'. tor all Wit bnndx ot fowdei ill sell Ugwi Ui bottotn eivMnrn nricw. etu ,kind».of Ktie Anus. V) uslcal lutrumS«tn. Sevtr Mttchmei, «TC.. tT)Hui«4l. "Kleiw'li lettering PressM, BaRe^Be and Kejr iucks *e«si^9Wlt.. iie/tue« aiul tXtFuatch. for b)iIet,'K£Bai»' irk t'lty. S. W. WBrrs, BalaU ?«,, Capital-at., 0|ii. si. (iharicH Hotel, lion noarie »nd .• S I A S. Mrs. L. YANKTO.N, WHITHET, YANKTON U. r. MISSOURI EIVSR 'i'MspnaiiM: Co. For Fort FIERBE Buford, AND ALL UP RIVEJR POINTS The Elegant Passenger §tr. KEY" WEST, X.Bucsin, Master, A. &. Wldic, Clerk, Will Leave Yankton Saturday, A]»ril 14-th," —FOit At-L-^ tJ? RIVER POINTS. For FKKtGHT or PARSAOB apply to the ofllee of thu Mlaeoart tttver Tr»n?portattoa Camp'j' Vaok'on, or oa board tlie boat. x*at«Bra^tnahefk at Fiteraoaii'Stafa.. N._ *. .'tUaaeaa CpW^^Aa* IwHrsywet'' jpih) fer Sftlc «t Aiictteii. Broadway, Fort i-nr ('.bfrtSiuUruott, YnnkUx Ajjencr *nd I 'ands'll'or, WlnW Swan, TUI WHKKILY nod Fmm Vort-tbndali io Foris Pi«?«T" trid 3u11t ami lntcrtnc lU(e poliHf, St£Mf WEKKLY. DAKOTA, TSAOSEE OP PIANO ana THQE0UGE-BAS3. ran be acronuaodatcd. A lew more Addn-ia pupil* W 271. of QAKDNCR BROTOEBK,. -14 Wprrimtit and He tall Oeaicfs tn FARM MACHINERY flaw, wa. Data, r*«a. li. Thirfl 3tr»«', op p. the Paat Oflle*. VAMTW'S DRY WOOD Axa Cottonwood Lumber. Tic andervlcacd la prapxred to fill all ordert for dry wood, to be deflvered la tar pnrt »r GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. tRADlCA-TES Aii Local Skin Diseases PEkMASEWTt.r ReAtmnF.s THE uOMPLEXidn, Prevents and Rcmk dies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sokes and Injukies of rax Cuticle, and is a Reliable Disinfectant. This popular and inexpensive renetfy accomphshea the SAME SESt'LTS AS costly Sulphc* Baths, aince it peb MANENTLT REMOVES ERUPTIONS and IRRITATIONS of the Skin. Complexional Blemishei are a|. ways obviated bv its nse, and it renders die cuticle wonarouslv £r sad (tnooth. Sorbs, Sprains, bruises, Scalds, Burns, and Ctm are speedily healed Dy it, aad it prevents and remedies Gout and-Rheumatism. It removes DANDRurr, strengthens the roots of the Hair, and preserves its youthful color. As a Disinfectant of Clothing and Linen ased in the sick room, and as a Protection against Contagious Diseases it is uneqtiaied. Physicians emphatically endorse it *vces-25 andk'Gents per Cake vrBox(3 CikeJ, 60c. and 91.20. —Sentby M-i, Prepaid, or ttceipt afpric*, aaf ceotr -Jrtrm (or cach Cake. "BllXt HAlt AMD T7HUCKk DT^ Idip Wlilsky WEIXEL & BAER WQOLBSAtS DIALERS LIQUORS AND CIOAItj VALINTINS'S BLOCK, Si:: .t*~Tkl» ihc anljr eaelaalT* wkal*Ml« Itqaor h^nao Is tht« eh*. OJFIIDE^S PROMPTLY FILLED rn»'r,7 Skthlr.I. I PROPOSALS FOR ARMY SUPPLIES Orrioa rcaruAriao aD DBPOTO. 8. U. 8. cllott'Ae. No packages to be received nnl«« In rwx) thtpptng order. The government rettervca the rlc'tt tt rviett ary or all bld«. Rid darn are Invited to bi preaent at the nnl«« In rwx) shipping order. tectarror he opening of tbe blda. Pro'potala lor delivery at Sioox aty, or Yankton man be addnsaMra to tbe cnderalsn} ed: at bt. Panl, Minn to ('apt. Cbarln ilct.lurei, Chief C. & Uepartmaa I-of Dakota. 512— J.F. WK8T0S, SHANNON & WASHABAtJGH Attorneys at Law VANKTOV. i» Germania House! T*:. Dbttglas Afe.xnear Si*' THlrd'St..' Tankton. Dakota, Walfbaum 4 Becker Props. qpB13L!^6t?y la brr»tq«artT*ft.ri tk bcadqaarter* tbr trAValw OkioAgo 4 Horth"Waatera Bailw*y Tlf »f denatateioir Pa»sanar frataa ftoaa Specialty! ir«ia^iea« Z^akoti BANKS. Tankton EDMUNDS & WTKN, 3&Qk« ,v_ii 'BO°4-BBIQBUlIi Bantiu, Colleotio! and Loan Bonad n»» aaise Nalltnial Baska. Bay and »«ll exehange oa the prtaelpal c!i) the United Stats* iwd Kurop«. Special attention B»td to eofealoru asd' MM MTHlaHlj os Day 6f Piya| Will loaa TOoaejvPaj taxe*, and acll twl 'or Bon-re»idcnu. oiK^aToraWo terma. Agents for reliable lnMranca com lnM^anca vorable lor laaura propertT on favorable loruis THE FIRST the rttyr fkejr will alao anpplr eoatomera with Cot ton wood Lnmbar and bailalng timber. Leave Orders at the Gcrmania House. ••ots: it* *. *h. toaaiaa A OP TANKTOM. INAMCUL AQKJrr ar TRS UNITmU BIA1! apprered Depoaltary for i)tebar«lng US«t| JAMES C. HcTAY, Presld*! W. H. MeVAY, CaahUr, JjraAs bonghtaad aaU. 0«ll«fiilini pr oamtlT rralttad far. BLACK HILLKRS ATTINTIl WAGNEB BBO' nonnTom «r nui Yankton Gunsmith A Blou* CtlT. lewa, March 9,1*77.. (aLKO FROFOSAL8 In dnplleate, with a copy C7 of this adrcrtlaenont attached to sack, will be received at thia offlce, and at ths ofllta or the •-OWaf-l'i-tfc Department or Dakota, at St. Pant, Minn., antll It o'clock. M„ April Wh, IK7. tor fnnilahlng to^hc 8ob«lat«nce Ilvpanment C, Army. 1 .SOO.OOO ttn. blfhrman't, well drmard XXIX Biraljht-Sprlnp-wneat Floor. In nmtig doabte aacka, oat.Ida (ftinnjr ur buriap. In»ld« cotton, w«leblne tOOSte. ret each. No rpro.ated or daai' aria wnoat to b« uacd la malting thia Floor, Vitality maatetjuallu «»ary ri «p -ct the aampla at thia ottc*, I'•'.Ivery'to be made at tbe (5ovornm*nt Ware liotiac at Sloax-Clty. or Yankton. D. jnd St l* nl Mlttn and to rotnplet«d t) May, 187T.' dampen of Fl.'ur maal —, propoaala. Th« q. antlty above atalcd Wbi in crtu'cd or dlmliurhMl according to tbe want* of the -icrvlon ift tba data of open t'aua] c^nd llon. Ibi|wm«],«« to mi rlxtd Wkolesaie and Ketail Dealen 1 Skit Sui, Ella, itnntn, Out hi Aad all klnasot A aaltta. VI Psskst sal Tafels Catla/, Taais, fts. l|Mtt tar the TICTOB SEWtHB tfce etty of Taakimi -j-".-. I Axaata ler Ue LAVUH AEAHB fCWBt BterS aa Beyatr bVv oa lli way, VAjtuTmrn. m. *. BEST IN THE W01 jltUKYlii, PURK as by tkeii puri^ aad straMtk 1M rcauired than of other mannfotnwa only kinds made that hm the iM one of the greaUat Iivlnf eii«BM%' certificate is on every package. 1~ the genuine.—Obaerve the fWi Buy the powder only in can aac belied, as many poor and adnlteratad den are aold in bulk as Pa«rla«. Manu&ctan«d only by BM+L, CONRAD Jt Ckitmm. BL PROPOSALS v" ,»•» vvMfnpu| DEFAaranaxx or 1 CXrwcB or InMAOt A«w»_, WaahlagloA. O. ^atefctt, tHf.] Sealed preaoaala to be a4dre-s«d t« /a fiMtntt^ Indian aceiat, Sioaz City, Iowa, opened «t~t1nrMereh»nu hotel, la tkat itor fafralahlag at dayaof awarA.of ««traet», aa4 the Wp^ Iweofc tba lat and 1 TtatoartalwM.