Newspaper Page Text
ft 2""^ J7 ~Y \y' UOUORK Adler & Ohlman, •."• •"-•"r^-:I~, l| v. tMPOSTBUa AJTDDjfcALiflS IK .'' V. .• .... 'f'V Kentucky Whiskies •nailM. Oin. Alcoiiol. SS&i voumi Aim, domsstic y. 'h Wiiii, Clear* »ad Tobaccos, BROADWAY. 17M TiKKTOn «. r. 7 -. -T.*. PHIUP BF.ST & CO.'S BWAKKII Li&ER BEER, V^Frod. R. LcroliV, .' mil«i I Hall and LmcIi Rmbu, Cor. Br dway and 3d St., formerly .Schqauber's, YANKTON, DAKOTA. Freak Milwaukee Latter Con«'.inll7 on Hand PAUL HAMANN CO, ANUJT A.CTUHEB (K. (i4 Doaler in, all kind* ol noma AND CHEVIHQ foejodo k. .caoa WMtmnt »f all klndr of smoker Arttol«§ luiMiu to Ortcr a Sjecialtr TUIrd Street, (way a.i4 Bmrniih Brotu Cidar Strut, Yankton. Dakota. EXCELSIOR BBH61BOOK STORE HOiIiH A PCtt»y, tmt stuk, Ttttncv. DRIUCIS U) the popular medietnet 01 the day. Prescrlp- tltai eosapoinded by experienced pharmcacu tIM* ett aaMrtment BOOKS AaCKancr Arieles in tile West Swillfht Oil the Beet in Xar&et, dADJC3 4^_c. J. KADIS1I, Vholeeale and Re I nil And Dealer In' L' '-X •,'/ -Paints, Oils, Varnishes Wiadow Glass, rpH: F»p#p. Books. Softool Bookf, 8tationory. OOD OOAPT—A A TIS*ACTQM PBJOKS. ',Ttiir4 Streat, nextdoor to Pott-Office. I Tankton. Dakota. Okiosgo mm Horth-Weitern Railway floo or Atpwtare of Paueuer rxalnt tea 4 'iil' fesj-.-.«v hx s?# -"'A *jp' New Advertisements. •W OMKW-MSOUK raomi^iNucc* bSw«rt*. AMtrSk A TIKI no orau. rOK HAL! BT AIL DkALXM 1 tawpriet xburt\T10 loir of ilia Tit HWIB THA— W. I—HIT». 1.1 •£0* wwit yonr own town. Termi A ?i omlflt $00 tree. Q. UILLUTT *-Co, Portland Me. WONDERFUL SUCCESS! *5,000of ibe CENJLHN'ftkmiLON Kola ill 60 njlrt. It being the o*ur cokphtk (teges, 0VLT.fS.50), -Irett- uiktobt, okaMu builuixbs, tnlii-t wosutssrwi. KXinuiriL, cLtuxmt*, a a*, elC- *«TfcAT«:p. and $! cheaper'Uian any other: nvaHYSouf vcant'* U. un ntw for agent cftartd 93.&Oln 4 mu. 3,000 atfn't tcaiUtd Mtid rkaut of a'0?? quickly Opinions ol offl- clils, clergy «ud pr.-ss, sample pages, Tall d«t rriptlon. ami kxtba tkim». Ul'BUAHD ItKOS,, POM ."14t We.l Koprth S:. Cincinnati, Ohio.. PAIITI/IM »«wa*5 of rali-We1i,tinea of OrtU I IaJIi llcla nnd worthier* books. Send for ruour. work to Attfltit tit' i? OutjU/re* 9«#0 fa, $ I I P.O,VICKKRY, AuguaUvMalne 1 fla day hi home. Agents wauled. Out-Stand $16 ti-rcia-Jree. THL'E fc Co, Portland, Mr, i) ". EXTRA FINE MIXED UaKD.1. with aan.e, «tl 10 ela^,'"post-paid, L.JONKSAOO., Nm- eaa, S. DRUNKARD STOP! €5r C. BKKU* HI. D.-(formerly of Uo?ton) hit a birmlesB euro R»r 1STKStPKliA XCK, Wlitch can be given without the lcnowlelii« of Ibe patient. Also one for tbe OPJUM HABIT, Permanent caret' guaranteed la both. Sena ttainp for evidence. A«k druggists far 1'. Ad die.-* BESRSit CO., Hlrmlrif ham, Conn.: Soathern CaUfbrnla Ijiads.—Ono of the finest rnnclies In the stale !or.«cral-troplc«l fruits, c.ntainlli)! ft.W)O ncro«, located In Sin Bernardino Count adjolnlui tho town of B*n. Uentardlno, and diptnm four miles from tbe Southern raciflc Hallway. Tbe toil la a rich, lljjbt lojjy, easily -"A fine'crops of workea and very fertile, producing fit rtT»lpe, vegetables' and frnlts or every variety. Wnter in aonndaucn for Irrigation: climate un pnrnan,ed. T'tle, U. 8. Patent. Will 'oe sold as a wbole for 91fl0.U00, c.itb, balance In three equal annnai payments, with eight per cent In teru*v»ier attnum. For (nrthc.r particular# ad drew WM. H. M\RTIS, Uen'l Agt. OollTarnia Iramlgraiit L'nion, 5 Marlc-t Kt., tian Kranclfco, Cal., or .1. b. and il, 3. 8KVJKKAM3C, Los geles. Ca! .. An. BWiiT JATy E IN O A O wan awarded the highest prir.e. at the Centennial Exptjeiilon Kept. 27. I81O. If yon want the best tobacco evcr'made auk your grocer for this, and thai ''Jackj4or.V Beit 1' on every plug. Sold by wbcilcesls dealers. Any one can get a sample by applying to C. A. JAClifeON£ CO., MAKt r.c- Tj iaHf, PjarmfBLtuj,\x. Pensions No matter howsllgbtlydU abiqd. Increaret now paid. Advice and circular free. T. M. Michakl, Atl'y, ToT Sansom St., Pbila., Pa. April 8-lw tf-C (tnrvper day at homo, ijampieswortk 15 4w/toiD^v free. «tin sou A Ce:, Pertiand, Me, Mark These Facts. TNI TtSTIMMV W TNI WMILI VNll. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. '•I (id no appeUte—Hollowav's Pills jare ma a henrtyonV). "Tourpills are marvellons "I send for auother box, and keep then In the' bonse." "l»r. lIollQway hat cured my headache that w*t chronic.'' I gave one ef yonr pills to my babo for cholera morbne. The (War little thing got Well in a day." "ily.nsuxM ot morning la now cured." .Your box of nollowar'a Ointment enred me ofnolatts lit the head, rubbed some your ql Ointment behind ibe ears, »bd the neise baa len." Send me two boxes, I want on. for a poor famliy." "1 enclose a dollar yonr.prlee is 25 centt but the medicine to me is worth a dollar." "Send me live boles of your pills." "Lot me have three boxes of your Pill! hy re turn mall (or chills and fever, I have over MtMeotimonlala t'lch as these, but went of space compels mo to conclude. For Cutaneous Disorders, And all eruption! of ihoskin, tills ointment it most lnvalnat)le. It doe* not heal externally alone, but penetrates with the most fearchlng ef fects to the very root of tho evil, HOLLOW AY'S PILLS. Invariably care tbe following dtseasct:' Disorder of the Kidneys. In all U«ea#c« iffoctlng tliesc orcans, whether they accrete too ch or too lUtlo water or whether they aro niUictcd wlib stone or gravel, or with ached and yiiins ectilcd In the IoIdh over the regions of the kidney?, ihc.-e pllH «bould be talci^D accordlug to the printed directions, and the olotme^u »hould be well ruhbed in the •umll of Lhii bv-lc ai bed ilmo. Thts treatment will giro almost luiincdlnlc ellef when all other mean# have failed. For Stomachfl out of Order. No medicine wljl so eflbctnally Improve the tone of the stomach as these pills thoy remove all a.idity occaslon®djelhor by Intemperance or liuprtH»r diet. -They reach the liver and reduce It to a Wealthy acuoif they are wonderfully effi cacious iucjucs of tpatm—in fact Ibey never fall in curing all disorders ot tbe liver and stomach. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS aro the best Vaowti in the world for the following diseases: Ague, Asthma, Billons Complaint., Ulotcbet on the .Skin, Uow.els, Coatniiiption, Debility, Dropsy, IJyieniery, KrygipelaT, Pemale-Wegiilarlties,' Fevers of all kinds, lfits. Gout, lloaitache, liidl gesllon, Infianiatlon, Jaundice, Llrer Complaint, Lambagir, Piles, Uheomatlsm, Betentlon of the Urine. Scrofula or King's Kvll, hore Tbroatt, Stone ortJravel, Tlc-Doliiornaux.Tuinora, Ulcer*. Worms of all klmle/Weikneas frvnn anv cause etc. IMPORTANT CAUTION. one are gerntne unlets tno tijroature of J, tlAYtracK, a* agent Tor tbe United State*, sur rounds each box of PtUt and Olntmeui A hsnd •omereKerd will be given to any one rendering tneb information at will lead to the detection of any lmrty or parlies counterfeiting the medicines or vending tbe tame, knowing them to be spuri ous. •.•Sold at tbe manufactory of PrOfestor Hol low at & Co., New York, and by ill respectable drugaflsu and dealers In medicine throngbout ho ctvllUed world, tlw boxe* at IS centt, S ctt and one dollar each. PVrher'e is coosidcrablisaavtng by taking the larger plrt*. N^-B.-=-Ilroetlont far the pu'danc^ of patient* In every diaarder are affixri to each b«x. 0ffie»U3 Liberty it.'Ndw York. d-decTrWde«l4-t PBIR QROCCftlES. •. W. X»*voAdor'o COMPLKTB Family "Store A Stock »f HcfchaadlM tabnetsg ta Terp*. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, tick «art—I n«W|kll Ijilwil, Ivw MtfL 1 shall keep a foil auurtment of *11 geodi b« loaging to Uie*evariant depwtm«nta, and tall tfcea DE1LE8S i»D COISOlEtl .-.•t.. TerOttk At Prices that Must Insure Patronage. BROAD WAT,, a a to a Fresh Routed Etwt Ca&atd Goodtl Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Clgara, Bplcee, At We respectfully call the attenton of all ICere^anti tO oar utock and prices: we elwhave bare In uiauection withOrocertes a good tnppljr of Tentt, Wagon Ooveri, Bows and Best Wagons in the Territory, Which Black Hlllere would do well t« examiae t9~Wear)B ageatiror the A'- Dupont Powder Co., Sckuttler Wa|*», Kta«iekaker WBIOBI, Wood's Harvester, McComlck Hmcdtr, And Wood SL 1 He (^orailek Mower*. BEA^ELl, Mil and rppwip X, ?f'V& r~A D*T. CofHern Ian a firaible liieri Ci. WHOLESALE Kc*peonstanttv on hand well selected stoek Staple, and Fanor O E I E S Sock at Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Vyrapt. Bacon, Hamt, SHOU-LDER8. DRIED BEEF Mackerel. Ballbat, Bice, 00.. YANKTON DAKOTA a K. OUTTIXO. JXOLaeDAJS OK NB A AC K. Quttang & Clovdas, 'Ocaio.-s In .r" GROCERIES TOBACCO & CIQAHS THIRD STREET, 'V Opposite Poetoflce, v"'. ANKTOH, DAKOTA. Uoodt delivered free to any part of tbe city. The best and cheapest always on kand. Gutting OIoadM. 3c O. P. HAGE, r^:' s& -p.-/ PoaALaniaii*^ Staple ft fancy Groceries GLASSWARE, THIR 1R BET, 1 mmrnmmm noun amo reso, Inoorporatod Jan. 1, 1876 Corn Meal Bran, Short* ill Dealers ii all tills ar CASR PAIR COR 'Vtoar daliverad In nil parts of tke elty (no of I^m^s. q*)l an4tM at. Oar kv t,nh to CAPITAL STBBBT, YANKTON. DAKOTA iRICHEY, DIX ft CO., HARDWARE, STOVES' And Manafaetarers ofTtaware, Mining Goods! Of awr^lnalytlat. a extensive renalring iopartaeat l« eotiNli wlthonr eetablltkaieat. Ageau for the.Celebrated Otae •o Porlu. niCHEY A DIX, Howyerablock rhlrd St., Taaktoa, Daketa. n^r tf lar FURNITURE J. R. SANBORN Wboleeale tad Retail DeAler In ., FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, MIRROBS, Vpholatwikl Goods, Undertaker's Goods, Dewlt0i Block, 8rMt, N. DAKOTA,' llin Burdorf Wholealse and Retail DUAI^aW KM Staple A Ttmcy & GROCERIES. »t n-' QQ In Clothing eaa fce obulaei fcy Wee our nbted eytteaof •elf-Mae sareaient. Fit tiuaraatee4 In every inttaace. Hend fur tmpleeof Clotkta*4 rnahion SW PI Wet, with fall dlrectlooa lor wiar L. Ing by mall. Eirriiiiii wttimrr, CLOTBIMMS, CQ ReHl Breidwiy, Flow Torn AUCTION itH. KEE, if:-' Fire and Burglar-Proof safes VAULT DOORS BANK LOCKS Alwava tn stock. M. A. B1GF0RD, General Agent. Minnesota Dakota, ana British This Possessions Office & Wareroomi 46 Jaokior St. t»T. PAUL, MINN RAILROADS. A O Ii Blt«k N-W LI 1STES ran ouuto a noaTH wanTBaa iuilwat Kabracet under one management tbe Ort-ai Trunk Hallway LUet of- the West and North w«at, and, with ita numerous branches and con nectlont, lormt the thorte,t and q-iickest route befweed Chlcagoj^UtaHpolnta In Illinois, Wis Sinsln. North era Mlchlgaa, Minnesota, iowa, ebratka, California ana the Wentero Terrilo rlee. lu Omshs.tad Califernla Line to the akorteat And best route between Chlcigo and all polnta In Northern Illlnolt, lowt, Dakota, Itebr tka, Wyomlug. Ce.orado. Ctah, Hovada, CaUforala, Oregon, China, Japan and Antlralia. Ik 0hkaco,8t Paul Ifinnsapolis Li&e tke akorteat line between Chicago and all polnta in Northern Wltcootln and Mlnneaott, and for Madltoa, 8t. Paul, Minneapolis, Oulutb, and all pointa la'tbe Oreat Northwest. Itt Ls Crosas, Winma sod St Pttsr Lint la tke boet route between Chicago and La Oroeee, Winona, Hoc heater, Owatonna, Maakato, HI. Pe ter. New Ulm, aod all polnlt in Houtbern and Central Mlnnetoia. ita Qtmb Bay and Karquattc Lin* la tke only Una between rhleaao and JaneiTllle, WaUrtowa, Kona du Lac, Otbkoek, Appletim, Oroea Bay. Btcnnaba. Negaunee, Marquette, uivss wsosusi ctcj omj\ T. Lake Superior Coun- Uoaghtoa, tlancock and the I try. Ita Trssport sad Dubtwis Lins la the on' Ho lu ^Chleuro and Milwaukee Line la tke old Lake Short Boot-, and It the-only one Meting between Chicago and Bvanaton, Lake roreet. Highland Park, Wankegan, Kacine, Ko aoeha and MU waakee, Pallaaa Palace Drawing Boom Cars are ran on all through traiua ol thu road. ily route between Chicago ana Elgin, Hockford, Free port, and all polnu via free port. Tklt It tke ONLY LIJIK ranking thete cart be twoea Ohlcaco and 8t, Paal Hid Minneapolis Chicagoa»d Milwaukee, Chicago and Winona, or Ckicace aad Oroea Ray. Ckkofl* pilgtl foitk. Cloee eoaaeet'oa* are alao'aade wtth P*elAc K. B. at O«aha for all Ikr We^yHnK. ^av?as3Sf. CktaMn:* Mew nwiiH •t: siiS rj Dakota Southern Railroad TIME TAWl.R r* taJU iftti Wtdn—dmn, Dimmttr 1, W'.* raanta bovine tin. fAnarsn h.i raanta bovine tin. fAnarsn h.i Taama tttpis UM. STATIONS. STATIONS. •.Ofp.».Leavei..tSIOBl CITT-. I —MeCOOS l.Okmeet« U.JEFFKHSttN.. »01 iDAVISJUNOTN ia |..tRU[ POINT.. ....... ...BUttBANK... «.» ....... .tVKRMILUON. ..jmcauNO... ...UA*V1LL*... ®.«0 VAMK8 H1VKH. '•.H 1!BHOP3...... ».1« Acrlrei.. .tTAN KTON.,. (uonait.1 It.ttp. •. ill's 11.36 U.ltoaMti... 11.15 ..... l«.4dpa»M ... W.ll ...... 9.47 ...... S.U ...... 8.4« *.24 •Ca.n.Leave •nagBUtiont. tTalegraph UUtioat. CONNKCTlQltg. At Sloai City with Illlnolt Ceu -al, Bloex Oil* and Pacific ant Sloax City and Ht.Paal Hall road t. I Passenger train gplngesst connectatlDavt* Juiietlon with branch trains arriving at Port-: Ittndvllle tt 12.111 p.m„aud then connecting wMk Uowtrd'a .tages Tor Virginia, Kden, Kalrvlew, Jkilolt. Canton, llarnsburg, Klatidhiau, Llnwood, Reck Haplds, nioux Palln aud all iwintt on tke Big Bioux Kiver, and from leaving I*ortt»«t?Il« at l.U p.m., connect, at bavls Junction with train going weal. &. At Kik Point with ttaget for PjLCt, Iltb. and Rich)a d. 1). T. .!• 4_l Vermillion wHh-ttages for Lodl, HlVe"jS) tide. Turner, Uloomiugdnle tnd fInlay. ». At Heckling with stages lor HLJamet. •. At Uayvlile with stages for St. Helena. J- •. At Yankton with ttaget for all polnta in southerii and weetern Dakota, and Norin Nekraa. k»i and during lb, season of navigation wllk Mlstonrl lliver Transiwrtatlon Compafeiet line of tteamert ior KnnUall, Brule, 1'lerre, Sally, luce, Bismarck, acvdinuti, UertboUI. llaford, v. arro 1 and iieuton connecting at 1'lerre wta tramportaUou w'agoas lor tbe lilsck lllllt. tha only Direct Rout* to Hills. 1 hrouah Time Table, in effect Leave HI. Paul Yankton. Sloan Whiting tha QEO. It. MEHOIIANT. B. V. UlkBioxsox, Otn SuvtrinltiM't. Aatnt, iiioDi Citi lit Pacific Railroad. The Pioneer Boats TO OhicagorSt. Louis AND ALL Pointa in the East aud South KOU Speed, Comfort and afety, is UMiUATAsnab. fulluiau, -Palace Sleeping Cars t'roni Missouri Valley to Chicago, knd Couuci UluQ'i! Hi bt. i.outo. J/W2I. 1870 6)ucl-iio I KxrnxHK. «T. Lout*/ Kxthkhs, 1: SUP. B:C0 A. M. S:M M. M. 1 8:00 A «SK P. !\4U 3:00 8 1A 3 Mleax Arylve Sergeant's filud... Salfx.. :40-^ .i Onawa Bleucoe ttiver 8loux....,.', Mondamin........ Modalo California Junction Missouri Valley... t'hlraBO......... Couuctriiiutns Ml. Leult 'M 8:M .00 4:W ,4:40 r8:l# iii 8:W B:M 7:16 I 6:l«0 1 T:86 I T^O B:W S:% 6:M 5:t0 i. 3: Ml ]HI:« I b-.aa 10:il0 A 8:00 beaveChlaago "Br Louis. Arrive Sloax (Cltv OSV A. M. VM I 0:1A P. M. M.'lft: 00A.M. -|-1U 10 P.M CONNECTIONS. 1. At U. P. Tranrtfer wltU Union Pacific Kail roan ior wmana. 1. At Council BlalTS. with Kansas City, 8t. Joe tnd Council BlufTa Ha'ilroad for 81. Loolt and all polntttouth. 8. At Mlttonrl Valley with Chicago & North western Hallway for Chicago and all points east. 4. At fMoux City With the Hloux Cfty and Ht. 1'aul, lliu» Ct'airal and Uukoia Houtliern Hall roads. Steamers for upper Mifrourl river, during navigation, and with stages for ail points la the Northwest. 5. At Blair with 0:«.aba and Northwestern 8. (or Omaha and Hoathurn Nebraska. At Kremont N.eb., with Ihe Union Pacific It. K. for till points west, and the Pacific coast. At VViauer, wltti Ktutces Tor Norfolk, and al points In Northern Nebraska. tar~Ue snre yonr tlche'ts read via 8.C. P.H. t. C. SILLC, tien'l Ticket Ag't, I. BD11IITT. SuDentrlenrtent.. !. 3. Ul'HTON Patscnser Agent. Slonx City, la, Illinois Central Railed •horteat and Beat Itoute t, Clilcag*. 8I0UXC1TY to CHICAGO W it Can! 1' 1 1'1 •:Coinmc.ntlaB,,li s.,Sxli, 1B74, A Dally Kxprest rissengtr Train will leave Sioux City, Sundays excepted, on the arrival train '"'iX FEOM YANKTON. Leave Sioux City at 1.40 p. m„ .and arrive at Chi cago at 8.40 p. m. sleeping Lars run'througt) from Sioux City to Freeport Passengors leaving Chicago, bonnd west at MS p. via tholllinolaCentral railroad, wlllarrive at Sioux City the next day at 4.10 a. m. An accommodation train will leave Slonx 'Ity dally, except Saturdays, at 5:3«.p. m., connecting with through paseonger trains at Kurt liudge. Patsengers leaving Chicago at .Jo p. m., arrive at Hloux City at 7.00 a. m. Trains going east connect at Chicago with all trains for» Detroit, Cleveland, Br.dalo, Niagara Palls, Plttab'irg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Watb Ington, New York, Boston and all parts of the Kast. Thla tral^i connects at Waterloo with trains on tbe Cedar Kalis and Minnesota Branch leaving Waterloo at t'ijg a. in., and arriving a. Monaat -6.SUa. m.. connecting with Milwaukee A St. Paul railroad trains, and arriving at St. Paul at MA p, e„ and Minneapolis at B.80t. m. Connections are made at rreeport with tralnt on tbe Ililaolt Central railroad main line, I raring Kreeporlat D.47 p. m., arriving at Oalesburg av 443 Peoria (J pin Burlington atipra Hock Island at 6.3U (^uincy atfl .30 StLoult a,t 7. Ifi a m, and Cairo at 4.1A am connecting Cairo with trains for Memphis, Nashville, Vlcka-tt burg. Mobile, Ne.w Orleans, and All Parts of the South Connection*are also made at Freeport with Western Union trains, leaving Preuport at 1JU in, and arriving at NKacine at #.58 and Mil-p waakecat pm. 7JB ConneatioDS are alto made at Dubuqne tiSt Loutt, Cairo, and ajjl pointt south Baggagd Checked Through all Important To all Important polnlt: Por through tlckeu au_ the Illlnolt Central depot. For Tlckeft via tbe 0(tk-|rHiWFai6iit«nr, ut take none feOOBct, III Moctg^me tbroagh ticlcetii aod lufonutUoD inuiy .A IHImaIM .....a Trains run by Dubuque time, which la twenty mlnutee fatter tbrn Slonx City. lot. y. Tucaan, Uhicago, W. P. JoBKtow, UenM SapL Ueneral Pastenger Agent,'Chlcago. H. A. HAbilton. Aa't Slonx City. laaMdAwly Boarders Wanted, Mr*, j'tokes, (VwOerly .#f the kr. ad war reataa f*a(. bas opened T. A Vtw BOASDnrg JSOUSI^ OS BHO.VDWAY, a rmx 4OTTSmW i5«^K :iST mlillc tkat dajr teutei tollaAnai HT lent arrooikodailmo-gfc kat atmk tH r« ,, "it