Newspaper Page Text
•ir .» 5 Ettdlfebt w",irrt— '--TT^vr^fr- Adler fc OMman, uHufp—jiBn »mwi» Itentuofcr Whiskies WfaM, ClfW ii Tilmii, S l' BBOABWAY. TMK PHILIP BEST C0.'S & •MAUIII LAGER BH IVed B. Leroh's, Cor, Br dway aad SC.tomarly «chaaab«»*e, TABKTOB. DAKOTA. Ml VllwikM UM Cau'MUr H—I PAUL HAMANN & CO. UAMurAoraman Daal« la. all CIGARS nomailD CHEfllB TQB1CC0 tiU lustetmu t« oner Specialtr others TABXTSS. All tha popalar aodtetaea ol the day. tloaa eoapoandad by expariaaced phi Uata I eat aaaortaitat BOOKS lad/ucT ArUcI- a 'a the Waal Oil. 11M 8«t 1ft M*r«t C. J. KADLSH, aad Batali Whole t# IICC 1ST AM Daaler la Mnts, Oils Varnis Window Glass, Wall Pipir, Blank Books. Sokool Books, OOP OOODt—aATisrACTOMT flic MS. VhMvttraai, aastdoar hal Olfaa. f.i tow AdierttaMuenta. W^VSSSB&ttSSiXS! WONMIIPUI. MJCOCMI 9 E KETSA PWB WlXBD OABOS. with SO IIM.IM4M, 1 •aa, X. T. Saallura CMar Mrttt, ilrtoa. Dakota. EXCELSIOR WSSNOrSM -X •I lk« Ma hi W.UTI. It Wii#i^tMnm tow prim war* mn,iM MM), um lag af UM Mrjliliink HM Min MMMM. ageat tliiwiltt. MN oatnti a«af *4. tor nm «Ta»ee*, afiiloM ft g«- dtli, dnn aad pr«*e. aamplepag**, tan If crlptW. Ml Rtu n»*i. BUBBAAD BBOM,, fm,lliWiM fautk Ik. Cladanatl, OU*. Maw**, of falaaly el at mad of Ictal and worthleaabooka. Mast •551 $77 iZ$$.?&ViS£!g£S *1—'» #aal&L Petitaad Ma. TBOB A Oa, Portlaad, He. L. JOHBBA OO., Haa- DRUNKARD STOP! €. O. BBRSIW, •. (forme rlyof Botten) hii a bamicaa cureTbr tSTMMPKMA XCM, Which caa ba glvaa wUboaVthikaowlodgoofthi patieat. Alao oaa for th« OPIUM HABIT, Panaaaeat carat gfcaraateed la both. Inl •tamp for avMaaca. Aak dragglMa Mr II. Ad ^fdl BKMMS* CO., mrmiarlkmt, Ctnm. OalMhraia Itadi—Oaa of the taut ranche* lafhe Siala tor ae»nl-tropical fruit*, coataialng »JOt acre*, located la Saa Bernard! aof County, adlotalng thi towa of In Bernardino, aad Uitntmi aula*, fro* UM Boa the ra Facile Railway. Tha aotl la a rich, light loam, eaally "nclag da* cropa of variety. .... aiate ua laaed. Tltlo, B.». Palaat. jnil be aold aa worked aad vary MUi, ptodaclag tae gralaa, vegetable! aad mm or every Water la abaadance for Irrtgatloa clli iinxiMd. Tltlo, B.». Palaat. Jtlll ba aold aa a vaola far |inO,al», eaah. balaaca la thraa aqaalaaaaal pajMBta, Vila ai(ht par eaat la laraai par aonaai. For farther partlcalan ad draaa WM. B. MABItN, Uaal Aft. Calltorala Uaaliraat Unloa, S Market 8t„ Saa Praaclaea, Oar, or J. A. IM (alea. Cal Pensions M. •. SBVBKAHCB, Loa Aa- B11XT 11TT E W IN O A O waa awarded tha hlgheatcrlxe at tha Oeataaalal Xvpoaliloa (opt. II, lift. If yoa waat tha bail tobactfo ever made aak Tour (rocar for thla, aad aaa that "Jackaoa'a Bear' la oa arery plaf. Bold by whaleaala daalan. Any on* caacet a aampla by applylat lo C. A. JACIBOH CO„ lAicrto Tcaaaa, Pitiaaaran, Va. abled. Iacnawa m* ^sld. Adrlea aad eirealar free. T. M. Ktouit, Att'y, Wl Baaaoa M., Phil a.. Pa. April Mw £C (QApvliralioni Buptea worth |S VvkwAU ha. IIImmACI., Iwtlaad, Ma. Mark These Fcu)ts. TB( nm—n IBT VMU MU. HOLLOWA PILL*. *1 had so appetite—IIaliowar'a Pilla gat* aa a baarty oaa. "TaurPllli ar* aarrelloaa "I tend Ibr aaothar box, and kaep tkaai la the hoaaa." Dr. Holloway haa ear*d My chronic.*' I gave oa* of yoor pill* to aiy babe forebotara dear lii Morbaa.. Tha dear litUa oarbi thug got wall la a Mr aaoaaa of a aaralag la nowemred. •Toar bo» of Bolloway'a Pmfaat eorad aa of aolaaa lit tha head. ,1 rabbad aoma of yoar Olntiaeat bahlad tha can, aad UM nolaa haa "8^d BM two bezaa, 1 waat on for tafiy-V •*1 aaeloa* a dollar. yoar price la IB eaat*: bat tha modloka* to JMla worth a dtrilar." "Saad Malta boxaa of yoar pllla." "Let me JUT*Ibrae boxaa of yoar Pllla hy ra 4arasail for chilli aad bnr, I hare over Ml laatlawaiala neh aa theae, bat Waat of apaea coaapalajoa to coaclade. For Cut*&eoHa Diaorders, Aad all araptloaa of iha akla, olaiaieat la BKMI laralaabla. doaa aHthla heal aztaraally aloaa, bat paa*trat*a wllh tha oual a*arcUa ei iMta tothi Tary root of tha 'atO, HOLLOWAFI PILLI. Iararlably eara th* followlag dlaapaa: DiaordtT of th* Kidnera. Is all dlaeaaaa aakcUsc than orcana, whether they aecrata too or too Hull watir or whether 'hey an aflletad with itoae or graTii, or wllh aehaa aad palai aetiled la the loloa orar tha rcgloai of tha hldaeya, thaaa pllla ahonld ha takaa aocordlai lortka prlated dtrecilooa, and tha olataaaat ahociid be well robbed lot the 1MMII of tha hack at bad time. Thla treatment will give alauMl Immediate illlaf when all other iaaaa hare failed. For Btom&cha oat or Order. Mo BMdtclne. will ao afbctoally Imp rare the toae of thoaloaaehaa thaaa ollla lhay reatova all aaldlty oeaailoood either by lataaiparaaca or an aaioiiy ocaai Improper diet. Uto a healtky eacloui la cam la carlsg all dlaonWra ef th* liver and atomach. BOCtOWATB PH.IB aft tha Mit kaown In the world tot the* followlag dlaeaaaa: Agna, Aathaut, BlUoaa CompUlau, Blotchii oa iha Gitlon', Ialamatloa, Jaaadlca, Urir Gomplalat, mbago. Pile*, Khaamatlam, Ratentlota of the Urtoa, Bcrofnla or Blng'a Bril, Hora Tliroata, Btune or Gravel, TIc-DoIoaniaax.Tamora, Ulcer*. Worm* of all hlada, Waakana from aav raaae itc, IMPORTANT CAUTION. Hot* ar* jteaaim oaien tha nniatar* of J, BAT'DOOK, aa ageat Ibr the United State*, or roaada iach box of Pilla and CMntmaiii. A baad aoaMjraward will ba given to any oaa readeriag aaeh liiloraallm aa will (*ad to tha detection of aay party or partleaeoaalerfMllag the mediclM* OTvudlng tha aame, kaowlag them to be apart •.•Bold at the manofactory af ProCeaaor Bot MWAT a CO., Maw York, and by all reapectable Orugel.t. aaO dialer* la Waafclne throegtoat -be clvllUed world, the boxea at as caaia,« cto aatooe dullar each. flTThara ta eoaaldarahle aavtag by taking tha laraar il^tf. IVTB.—Dlrectloa* of patlaati box. for thi galdaai wdioaac la every dlaordir ar* Oflotua Libvtf it, X«w York. d-dacTrWdecM-t J? #fr *c v"» •Si" ooMPiin Family Store iMNk«( IM. «it *«Y*, I cheaper tkaa aay II. Oil IM «B«CBBlB8, rMfUIfHB, CB§CEEI¥ HUMWillB, ahall KAap afall ainrtiawt af all gooda b« lo Um Tlrtoti MpWMlUi fo^pL^Iiircoipp For ChMk At Price* that Must Insure Patroriage. MIOADWAT, raaklM ..piiwtB Freak RUMM laal Bramble Misery e, GROCERS EnvaoaataaUT aa haad a wall lalaalad atock Btapl«iMid Fa&or Which Black Hlllars woald do wall lo naalaa a Thay reach the liver aad rvdoci aettoa that are woaderfally e caaea of apaam—la ftet thay aavar fall MM 'oaraacwtalbr P»wto Cm., MB HI Aad BBAVBLI, M!m ud CO., YANKTON B. airrmfo. M-?* COCM Inn Dir. O E I E S laekaa Sugar, Coffee, Tea, •yrapi. Bacoa, SHOULDERS. DRIED BEEF •atthaWBto*. Oo.aa.od Goods I Bftaaa, aapply of Tenia, Wagoo Uovan, Bowa aad Best Wagons in the Territory, DAKOTA .B.UU*UDA8 OK MS JACK. Cutting & Clovdas, Dealara It GROCERIES TOBACCO & CIQABS THIRD STRE^T^ 0|poiite PoatoSea, (Mad* dMlvared Iha to aay pan of the city. The beat aad.chaapeat alwaya oa haul. Cutting Jt Cloudaa. O. P. HAOE tlKALBR IB Staple fancy Groceries GumriBE, Third et.t Yankton. J* W O. MortisoxL HMfpovatjM JAA* 1, 1876. ».T. Corn Meal Bran, Short? ill Dealen ii all kills of Feet ^frd -. W'f :_tr WPSBS—mm njom AMoraco. max Vi.lnit.lit ,rrb. TuTnat,M'r. •AlfDVAOnrBSkB ov FLOUR €ASB PAID FOR Vloar dellTarad la all parte of iha clljr free of charm. Call aad aaa na. Oar loar ipeaka to llaali. .. w^cn.v. J.... CAPITAL CTBBIT, YANKTON. DAKOTA iRICHEV, DIX A CO., NIMItl. HARDWARE, sfovfcs' And MunfMtvrera of Tinware, J. R. SANBORN Wholeiali aad lUtail lealer In FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, MIRROBS, TJpliolotorod Goods, Undertaker's Goods, Dewttfs aalMti Bloiolf, Brd-St^ YANKTON. DAKOTA. Blatt liertirt Wholealse and Retail OKAI.C1M IN Slavic* Pane) •X GROCERIES. al iv QQ la caa be oMalaedby aae of WoarClothing noted ayatemof SelMleaaoreuetit. Pit Qttaraalaad la every Inatance. "l Hand tor aaaipleaof Cloihf aad Paabloa Plt»ea, with fall direction* for order lag by mail. EHRJPBBBBAB A W 0.0 RIII F, tj CLOTll I MRU, •D 41 Brndway, Near Tork AUCTtOM LKKEE HALL'S STAXDiBB Goods! Ol avory daaerlpUoa. axlaailvi repalrtng department la connect* with oar aatahtUhaaat. Agenta for Ike Celehrated OUe ••Forfca. RICHEY & DIX, Hawyera block Third St.. Taak ton, Dakota. MtrdtfUr FURNITURE Fire and Burglar-Proof safes VAULT DOOM .. BANK LOCKS •:s: Alwava ta atock. M. A. B1QF0ED. General A^ent, Minnesota Dakota, ana Britlsb 8T. PAtJL. FosseBBlona Office & Wareroomi 46 Jaokaor. St, IU ,-\' ^7 ,' ttAFtr TUKBT, ftUUkttfrnH •INN RAIUROAD8. & N-W LIl^jES. THB cmoioo a MoaTH-wa«Taaa KAILWAT Kmbracoa under ono management the Ureat Tronk Railway Uce* of the Woal and Nortb waat, and, with nnmaroo* braacbea and con nection*, lonn« the ihortcat and qnlcteet route balwran Chicago and all polata In UHnoU, WI* cootln, northern Michigan, Mlnncaota, Iowa, Nabraaka, California and the Wen tern Terrllo rlea. Ita Omaha and CidifMrnia Ida* la the ahorteat and beat ronfe between. Chicago and all poluta In Northern llllnola, Iowa, Dakota, ItabriaWa, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, China, Japan and Aualralla. IU' Ohioaco, St Paul & Ifinntapollji Liaa 1* the ahorteat lino between Chicago and all polnta In Northern WJ*con*ln aad Mlnnnota, andfor Madlaon, Bt. PanrTMInneapolla, Dnlnth, and all polnta In tbe Ureal Nurthwiat. Ita La Onus, Winona and St ?it«r Une la tha beat roal* between Chicago and LaOroaaa, Winona, Korheater, Uwatonna, Maakato, Bt. Ka ter. New Ulm. and all polnta In Boothorn and Central Mlnne*o:a. Ita 8rm Bay and Xarqu«ttc Lint la the only line between Chicago and Janeaville, Watertown, Kona du Lac, Oahkonh, Appletoit, Craan Bay. Bacanaba, Nezaanee, Marquette, Uoagbton, Ilaocock and the Cake Buperlor Coon try. Ita Fmport and Subnga* .Lint la tbe onlv route between Chicago ana Elgin, Rockford, rroeport, and all pulnu via Preeport. Ita Chieaarb and Milwaukee Line la th* old Lake Shore Rout", and la tlie bnly oae ,paa*lng between Chicago and Bvanaton, Laki Poreat, Highland Park, Waukegan, ttaclne, Ke noaha and Milwaukee. Pnllman Palace Drawing Boom Cars are run On HKhxpagti'Irani* ot tbia road. Tbla 1* the ONLY LINK running theaa cara ba twlen Chicago and Bt. Paul and Mlnnaapollf, Chicago and Milwaukee, Chicago aad Winona, or .Chlcaxo and Green Bay. Cloae conuecilon* at* made at Chicago with th* Lake Shore A Mlchlgaa Southern. Mlca^ tral, Baltimore a ilaanC Plttaborg, Pt. Waya« Ohio* .. cag Kankakee Line'and I for all polnta Kaat and South- Cblcag Kankakee Line'am g, Pt. Wayae a Pan Handle Kontei, 1, aad with the Chicago and Alt*a aad Illlaol* Central tor all polnta Booth. Cloee conneet'on* are alao made with the Ualoa .. Paclic R.H. at Omaha for all for We»t polata. CUm romntctiotu mmd* at Junction poinb wUA trmitu of all crott poinU. Tlekeu over $bla route are *ol 1 by alf Ooaaoa Ticket Akanla la the United Butea aad Caaiuue Beawaaber, you aak for yoar Ticket* virtha Chicago Xorth-Weatern fUllway, and take aoaa otfcr. *ew Tot* 0«c«, No. 41S Broadw^: Boato* 0«ca, Vo. S Bialeatreat i.OaaAha OMee, MS Para ham atroetr Sao PMa (adtOMei,) *M ,Ckloa** (MatoM. 0 =2 Dakota gaNfcn Bjllnad STATIOMS. I.Mp.m. Laava t.m ....... Mhaii «.M «.• t.M I.« t.M «.ll t.M ArrHi •nagBtaboaa, tTilagngh »totoaa. ooimaonoim.. J- At gjoax CTty with nilaala On.jal, Bau OH^ |wd PacUc aad Slow City aad St. Paal BaU laaaag«r trala golog eaat coaaocu at Davla '•acUoa with btaach tralaa arrlvlag al^rt UadTllia at tl.ltp.m_aad thaa wMk Howart itagaa Ibr Virginia. BAea. PalrTtlw. a-lotLCaaton Barnabarg.Plandreaa,Uawoad. RoekJUpUa, sloax Paili aad all potata oa the Kg Moax Bivar, aad fNai leaving PanlaadvlUo atTu a. m., ooaaacu at DaviiJaaaUoa with trala golag wail. I* J11* ,u«" an Citi Paqflc Biilnii Tke Pioneer Bo«U tO Chioago, St. Louis ADAU. Pointo in the East and Balls... Sloan Whiting Oaawa .. Bleacoe. Rlvar aioax. Moadjnla Modale Calllmla aaciioa MlaaoaH VaUay... Chiaaae OoaacUBla* Bt, Uata. baaveOhteaco Bt. Loaia... Arrive SlOaS Cltv Paal.HtlaolrOntral aad Dakota a*athera I road*. Blearner* tor appar Mlaaoarl rtv aavlgatioa, aad with atagaa for all pal Northweet. \rM 1. ir.« tiJi n.ifkiA. 11*11 aaa. iHW IB ... ...tTAN *-*««. *rt aad Slchla d, D. T. At Varmillloa wtu itagae far Lodl, Blva aide, Tamer, Blooalagdale aad Plalay. At Mukllag wltk atagaa MrBtJamee. At Uayvlll* with atagaa Ibr »t. Bal«aa. T. At Yaakiaa with atagaa tot all aetata la tathara aad waatera Dakota, mi Morth Nihraa- aoathara aad kai aad darlag th* aoaaoaof aavlgatioa with Mlaaoarl Bnrar Traaaportatloa Coapaaioa llaa of alaamara lor BaadSn, Brala, Plana, Bally, Kiel. IMamarck, Waviaiaa, Banhold. Brtwd, carrol aad Baaloa coaaactlng at Plana wllh traaaportatloa wagoai tat tha Mack BlUa. TMa It tin only Ohm Wonta to the •lack Hills. OBO. B. HXaCBANT, B. T. Daaaicaaoa, thm'l Mmm Aunt. Botth BOB Speed, Comfort and *fety, WUWAMSD. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cart Prom Mlaaoart Vallay to Chicago, aad Ooaaal Biota to Bt. LoalaT Tkrouah Tim TaiU.imftet JfovSl, 17« Leave Bt. Pawl. Vaahlia •liii (illy. Arrive Bergeaat'a Bin*... •:1»P lOdOA l:OIP.M 11:111 II: m.n. W:IC P.M. VONKKOTIONB. 1. At O. P. Traaator wUh Oaioa PaelAc Ball ioau tot omaa. t. At Coaadl Blaft. wUh Kaaaaa 0U«, St. Joa and Cornell Bla* Railroad tor Bt. Looli aad all polaiatooth. a. At Mlaaoarl VaTley wtth Ckt**|o a Bortk w**l*ra Hallway tor OUaaao aad WMs* 4. At Sioux Ctiy with {ha Maai OUt Mat* MM. aa hZnTaS^ •r, ftarlag I. At Blair with Oauha aad Korthwoatara a a for Otaaha aad Moatfeara Mahraafea. I. At Preaoat, M*hn with tha Oal*s P»cl» M. B. Ibr alljpolati waat, aad Iha PactSa naal. T» At wlaaer, with alaM torBrntolh, aad al polnta la Morthera Hahtaaka. Bf"J*Miaro yoar ttokaU raadvUg.C.A P.B. P, 6, iaU,Oaa't TtekHAg't. /k monntaa itaadaat. xOlty, la, 8. BUBTON Paaa*aaw Asm. Hoax OUy Illinois Central Bailr'd ta I* 8I0U XCITrto CHICAGO WlUwat Clwage«f Caurs! Commaaclag Dac. tth, 1ITI, A Dally Kxpr*** Pvaaag*r Trala will laava •louxCliy, BaadAya *xc*ptad, oa tha arrival trala FROM YANKTON. Leave Stoax City at l.«0 p. a., aad arrive at Chi l|oii),'40p, S. Sleeping Cara ran through from Hoax Cl)y to Paaaeag*ra leaving Chicago, boa ad Pa* *engar* leaving Chicago at WM tat Ml p.m. via th* llllnola Central railroad, will arrlv* at BlouxClty tbaaaxt day al t.lOa. m. Ao accommodation train will laav* Btoax Mty dally, except Batardaya, at S:SO p. m., coaaaetlag with throagh paaaangar traiim al Port .Ma. m.,Podge.arrive at BloazCltjr at Jl a. iaT TValn* going eaat connect at Chicago wttk all tralaa tor Detroit, Ctevelaad, Batalo, Itlagaia PaUi, Pltuharg, PklladalpkU, BalllaMM, Waafc' ingtoa, few York, Boitoa aad all part* af th* Thia train eoaawU at Waterloo with tralaa oa tha Cedar Palli aad Mlaneaota Braaah' learia^ Waterloo at II JO a. aad arrtvlag ai MO a. m., connecting with Milwaakea m., a and Mlnaaapollaat AJTa. m. at Preepoi .a A L*» JMAA§ Connactioi on the Ulli Bt. Pa railroad tralaa, and arriving at Bt. Paal at Ul loa* ar* mad* at Prtwport with aola Cealral railroad Mala llaa, I S,m., arrlvL BarUaj Free port at' *A1 ttflpm Peoria lalaad at t.A) ^utacy vlag at Oali lingtoa at T| alt JO pa Tpatl a: Bt Loala aad Cairo at 4.IS am connect!ag al phia, NaahvUie, Vlaha- at T. IS a m, aad Cairo al Cairo with tralaa tor Ma barg. Mobile, flew Orle All Parts of tfeo Soatk Oonnectlona are alio audi at Priiport with We*tern Union trala*. Uavlag Praaport at IJtp m, aad arrtvlag at Baclni at Mlp aad Mil waoknal TJ6 ph. Conacalloa* are nlao made at Da baa a la Bt Loala, Cairo, aad all polata aoath. BASSASE Checked Through To all Important nalat*. Por tkmA tick eta ud lalbnaatloa apply the llllnola Ceatral depot. Train* ran by Duha^a* time, which la tvmtj mtaalMlhaUr thru noaaCHy. Joa.P. Tocaaa. Ohlemn. W, P. lammnm, Oaallapl. Uaaeral P*i*eager Ag*at, Chicaao. B. A BiUMi, Act Bioax fill lisllinii Boarders Wanted, Mr*. Stoke*, tormirty of th* rant, haa ayeaid A raw BQABsnra inn, OH aaoAVWAt 1 f''- u'