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1 :p ffi J£*? •fe TBS DAItT YANSFON. DAKOTA. Apill SO, 1S77 Hi Dailj Prtm and D&koUi&n unMhM IVUT rTSSISa, MCBPTINQ SC*DAY8 R« BOSUI, |T mtk, IS eeate par per rw,|It OtHW Tklrd street, hetweea (headway aad Ce4ar—Detaek** block. SOWS* UI*OSB0tT.rtfbllrtere Tbe other democratic paper of Da- Iwts, the B6« Hamate Democrat, comes •at in oppoeitioa to state orgulntlao -A 8t. Paul dispatch of the 20th intt., MY* Ikit GOT. Pillsbury's proclsosstioe letting iptrt that day a* one. of (sating, satiation, and prayer for relief from the grasshopper "acourge, wa« generally observed, Marly all the wholesale bouses clwstsg their door», and also jn*ny re tail house*, the basks closing at 13 M. while religiousexercise* wereheld la the Ckorehes, which were largely attended We suggest that the people of Dakota give like observance to Friday next, the dsj selected by Qer. Pennington for the iavvcation bf divine interposition in be half of the people of the territory. Reports bom the grasshopper seotion of lliafteeou, says a late St. Panl tele gntm, still continue contradictory, gentleman from Canrsr coontyr Jfianesu* to valley, says that and the adjoining conaties are literally alive with hatching grasshoppers, while the parasite doei not seem to be doing them any damage Per contra, a letter from a.responsible party in Redwood county, further up the river, says the parasite there is very ac tire in destroying the eggs, while the 'hoppers hatchieg iiA**but little vitality and soon die. All accounts agree how ever, that as great, not a greater, area than heretofore will be seeded this sea SOD. The coroner's jury called to enquire into the particulars of the death of the victims of the Southern hotel fire, in their verdict ensure the lessees of tbe hotel, in the following particulars: 1. While providing the necessary ma terials for extinguishing fires they had provided no means for their use. 2. In keeping in the storeroom and wine cellar a large amount of inflamma ble material without adequate watching. 3. In removing lrota their office a gong necessary-to aUrn^ the inmates of the hotel in cue of fire. 4. In employing only one watchman, and be a very inefficient mab, and sup plementing bis duties as such with other matters. 5. In lack of rules and instructions to their employes as to their conduct and duties in esse of fire. $. In their making no efficisnt efforts OP tbe night of the fire to awaken their guasts and employes. The Expenses or State Government. The Sioux City Journal, in in editorial article upon the subject of state organi zation for Dakota, raises the question of increased expenses and rather puts it in the form ot an argument against tbe pro ject. This question has already received the consideration its importance demands snd it is generally conceded that the in creaae of population and the increase in property valuation, together with the profits which will come out of tbe man agement of xrar own affairs will more than compensate for the slight iqpfciaae taxation. We are so heartily disgust #d with our dependent condition, with being snubbed at every tu'n in life, with having all our Interests suljeeted tu the whims and corrupt sets of parsons in power that we feel very much as the thirteen colonies felt whep they fluo^ away their dependent condition and as serted their position atnofig nations Not that we would go to the extremity adopted by them, though we are slightly rebellious to day and feel willing to pay for the blessed privilige or managing por own affairs. Still the cost of tbe condition is ifoiaUai* coaaide-.d. We must paj our own offiotfsf But we can regulate their salaries and there ate among us men who would be willing to serve in high positions without any great money return. 'Ttirse members of onr territorial official force—the treasurer, additor and superintendent of instruction are. now paid by the terri»ory, leaviug tbe governor, secretary of state, attorney tsneral and supreme cuurt judges to be provided for, and the legislature to be paid every two years. By applying the rule of strict economy and l) an appeal to the patriotic impulses of individuals qualified to serve the people, all this ex pense can be very greatly reduced from present figures. Under the territorial loim of govern ment our crimlnsls, our blind, our deaf and dumb and our insane are boarded at the institutions of adjoining states, at a,large exponas to the territory. To cart for them Within our ojrn boundaries would require public buildings, which lttjjte»niOMy to iintixL..JBnt thtT bo raised on ptaU bonds^which will find r^dy marked at theeaet atid wrll not mature until the state ot Dakota becosaee rick enough to paytbem. The interest atone would be all we would be called Upon to {provide and, the expenditure .of the snaount of' ear era 'capital required, lor these improvements would greatly stimulate the various industries of the prospective state. To its state* the general govern meet conveys large grants of land and the proportion of Dakota would probably be not less than a half a million acres.'. In addition to this two sections in each township are reeerved as school lands and a liberal donation is made tor the production of university fund. All this lend could be immediately placed upon Ute market, the prestige we would gain by state organization would bring to Jus thousands of pitrchfeMrs, and a fnnd for current expenses would be reel fced frosa their sale. We have given a few subjects tor con sideration in connection with the cost of state government, on the suggestion* contained in the Journal's editorial. We believe these facts reduced to figures would show-that the question of increas ed expenses, need be no barrier to tbe consummation of immediate state or ganization. PROFESSIONAL. E. H. VAN ANTWERP, Hetary PsUis aai Osavafaasar. aaanadr D'Qett**' DeitntSfc Sydtmf TitU AbdrmcU or i^riHKTM COUWTT, V. T. OOlce in P. J. Dewitt's Bl'k, Sd-Ht. Taaktea, D. T. CI Til Sasiaeertac aad Sarvertas* •a*dtr SHANNON ft WASHABAU&H, Attorneys at Law YANKTON, li. A O A O N E and Coun»eUor-at-Luu. Offl:r oppatite pott office, Tankloo Bakeu^ H. D. DODGE, Besid.en\ ID enticrt. Office in D« Witt's Block, rANUTON, t^Nlt L. 8. W. DAKOT.' C. K. B. TO THE PUBLIC: W# wlah to «Ute that we are tola agelits of Da kota Territory for the well-known firm* tf SUtawajr, ItPkall, Kraalrh Bach, ail rUlM WS CANNOT BS ttr u4 OMARS. UNTZSSOLD. Will take real orpenonal property as pert pay tnent. and also sell on iuiullmenU. OFFICE at present at residence, oa Linn 8(. hetween 34 aad'4tk. MUSICAL Mrs. L. 8. WHITNEY" YANKTON, DAKOTA. TSACEXfi 07 PIANO and of THOBOUaS-BA^S. A more pupll« can be accooiaoda!ed. AdJretVx 277. Iileni & of Dtt'.e In ill kln'l* GRAIN. 0hoio WHSAT, 00SN, 0AT3 aad BABLZT for SESD._... Ekvator w# 1 "5 UA" Foot of Sewid Strejt. Yankton, Dakoti H. W. White, Jiuft&Atutr ui Dm1«7 is Shot Gnn#, A®*^inliion, FJihlnt Tftcklo. Jittilcil InMMnciiiii, laclodiaf nv c«lo" .bnU-t 4 improv«d-{kirfii Hollns. a»4 other I^ BDMUND8 ft rnra, Biok«ra VASKTON. DAKOTA, Hi C1M11 ui Ltii UtMiai ley aelieaeSaace oa th* priaeisal eftlee •r theBaitedstaieaaedSnrfae. Special atueUaa »eld to coAectioaa sad mm it HTuitur ou tf PIM WUl leaa saoaey.tey taxes, aad eel! real estate or tavdeaMe terns. Agents MR SMNSM reltaMe I xeepeelaa, aai nun property oa ISveraMe terms. at-U AL THE FIRBTN ATION VANKTOW. or INANC1AL AOEVT Til UN1TBD STATS: Approved Depositary fOT'OUbaratac Oarers' JAMES C. KcVAYV PrMl'dMit W. HeVAY, Cashier. VDrafta boeghtaad Ml 4. preaotlv remitted tor. eas made BUCK ULL1BS ATTOTIM WAG-NEB, BRO'S Yankton Gunsmith Shop Wkeleeele aad Besali 8ht sui, nift lemvm, ini hn Aad all Unas A aaJUea. Peeket sal Takl* Catlsi /, rkklai TaekU, *e. Afente lor tke VICTOR SI WING MACHIKK tke elUr of Taaktea alee Axenu |«r the LATUM A SAND FCWMKOe Stere aad Repair Hkop oe Brsstway, near TkM tcrect VMKTCII. m. r. Germania House) Doagias Ave., nearThird-8t.. Tankton, ... Dakota. Wallbaum & Becker Props. Taad HIS aocas is tke kead^aarten Ik Immlerants (V^Oaad elaklii tar traveler ~lae. GAKDNEB BBOJTHBBI, Wholesale tad Becan FARM HACHINERT Third Street, opp. the Paat OfHoe, TiMTUM. WOOI Cottonwood Lumber Tk« enderslgaed Is prepared to til all orders for drywood. to be delivered to any, part of tke etty. They will aleo •apply eaateeseie wttk Cot ton wood Lamber and kullatag tfanker. Xave Orders At ths Gcnnsnis House. *e-ts tf 1* «C C. OUII BEST IN THE- WORLDI •ui«o"L ^ttccr spicc' O N E bj 'as tport bMl brtatiB »f r« Powder. Maflatl ln«trun«BU, Me*lag kisttaof Fir« Arm*. Mar'-" JUchlft^erc ,np»lrod. »UucU Utt«r1nc.tte«} Py,"t*,i Ety imiiu( nkstneM auTdlepaiek. Aient /or 8ples, Riatam A Co.. New York Uty. »f. yfUtTg. ranUtoi, P. TV, wual »t, Opp. St. ckarlee Betel their parity sad stmwUi lea ired than of other manuaicture the _• kinds made that have the epfyval el one of'the frsatest Irving cheaiysla, whose eertificate is on every package, require oaly ki N Bav onlr the genuine.—Ofceerve the Traie Mbrk.— Buv the powder ooly in. n»ss ssniirsij belled, as many poor and adoiterated pew 1 lrnHr as Fsarlsss Manofsctored only by I BKLL, conmad CO* MR8. M. 8TOKM, PEOPRI1TO*, Leeetei Herth ef lke Metcksan •sS«l, IsaklsS. UW IKII Ample able a^eeese4etleoi ter VHwete., HtUif Fldnica Oil StoTB. THE GREATEST IVEKTIOK OF THE 4«E PETROLEUM FOR FUEL IT COOKS. BAKJM, UiTI FLAT IRONS AXD SERVES AS AM ILLCMIHATOR OSCAR PFRETZSCHNER kas received like aceaey ol tkt* feel aevlae, lahof •aving taventiea aad aae apsesd aa esaiMUea aad aale iteta N Tklid street bet«e*M Bread way aad Cedar street, la tke ream formerly eeenpied ty 01l¥erstaaaoa ara tawoMee. He txriTts ran labim* to aall aad esamlae tke eteve ead wiiaeee tie Opermtioae. tt will perlbm all tke work ef a rood kealer at.<p></p>QMKATIT BSD PC MB COST I* eneveaieat to maaaee eelck la tie eperatioea aad partleelariy sasawrtakle fcr aasamer aae. SLA CX MILLS KB will Sad it Jast the tklng tor eee oa ike pralriee. A sauli can will ceatata tad aaSetetat fcr A TKIP TO TJTX HILLS. OSCAR rnarzsoBMKR, Apr -it dtf Third St..Taaktea. ICE ltd 1CJE ICX FROZEN WATER Tke oldeft eatabltsked lee taralaklat Beaie la Tankiea, 1 S A S 8 1 1 8 6 9 Will deliver lee te aay part ef the elty dally dariag tke seaaoa of 1STT. PRICES REASONABLE: Leave orders at e. J. Kadlsk's drag atere aezl door to poeioBce aad St Sailer Oerr'a frait atore. FKKD SCIWAUBBR. Aprtl-tf Proprietor. ICE! ICE!! BAUHANN JACOBS r- Are prepared to foralsk tCE te Ikmllles and dasineaa aoasea tar the eeaatng eeaaen. Leaveerdera at Sckaadeii.'s Store. E N O N A O E.RIDLEY& SONS SSS, SI I sil l-i 8SAIS STBOT Sew Terk. Ls»K** st its list is MILLINERY, FANCY GOODS Dmaae in OtaAB Tuasnrai, rataoae. LACKS, Beeiaat, Staaoaa. KID GUjOVKS, aa' Hone, OMtlsTPessMaTPiBasais aad Laniaa SOTS' OUJTHINO. Hisstratsd Baa* bt sin aai Pries List Off APTUOAVIOtt. «8.LlA5 York. The cost of aeadiag eeods te eav die taace threagk tke malle i* Vst ONE CENT perooaee. Fall iafonaattoagivealaeaUMigae. E. RIDLEY & SONS, 900.311,3111*3 SBAHR)8T„ 4w 5ft, 58 60. 6ft. «8. A 70 AHE8 ST. April l»d«W Hew iirk. j. P. DENNIS & Co. mix cm, IOVA. Sole Maaeheterera ef.'' WARPNECK A CO:S 6 W* 1 -tv Tbey will do the werk of a 'tea ataaip aslll, and weigh, with Sagiae, Seller aad peas 10,llos peaada lees Ihaa the old iljli sslU.". I O O 1 Ooe thlrd leas, aad eaa be eet npsaywkere in leas Um aad w«h late aateaae 'haa aay Mill kaews,.1^.^ .... i^TsraainnfmgaTWifMasar J. P. DENNIS & CO., Situ* OUy, lotea. r._ Black Hills MS .' 5Vf» WEIXEL & BAER, WBOLE8ALK DKALRR8 IK VALKNTtNTB BLOCK. Sroa&way, Taakton, Sakotii" ffr^ms Is tke ealy exelaslTe wkaleeale Uqaor keeee la tkls eli». mm ORDERS PROMPTLVr FILLED DUDLEY tc HAWLEY. Cor Dbnetas Ave. aad-Tkird 9L, Yankton. Kaoetaetareee ol and dealera in OEWERAL SLEDGES 'Beuad to sell at prices that will sail ALL Spring foods ant re celved. Call and see them. Complete Stock! Low Prices! DOWIR Town BOOT SHOE STORE I The Great Black Hills Outfitting Establish ment of Yankton. CHARLES EISEMAN & CO MERCHANT TAH0RS AMD DEALEBI in Ossh ^sld tot SB kinds of FURS. ui TiUIH, Gents' Furnishing .Goods, Hats, Caps, Ace., Acc-^Acc., Broadway, near Third Street, YANKTON, DAKOTA J. PILES & CO., —DEADERS IN— a S S to re THIRD STAEET, El4£gg BIN. BAXR UABDWABE, Consisting ta part of GOLD PANS, CAMP STOVK8, BLACKSMITHS' HAMMERS, MINERS' PICKS SHOVELS COOKING UTEN8ILS, STEEL, FOR DRILLS. CAPS