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IIDAILI EVENING LEADER, Published at CHKYENnS, WYOMING TERRITORY, Ip the Paper of Wyominjc* TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: * (IN ADVANCE.) One y 4.. 1120.00 Six mftaths 10.00 Three months 5-00 One month .'. S.SO Per w&tr, supplied by carrier 00 Single copy 15 * DIRECTORY. Territorial OUlcer*. Governor —Juo. A. Campbell, decretory—Herman Glofcko. Jfdr*Aol- i -Clitit'dh Howe. District Attorney— Joseph M. Carey. Surveyor General— S. Reed. United Stales Collector— Thomas Harlan. <&xltat States Assessor— E. P. Snow. United States Commissioner— W. A. Campbell. Territorial Auditor— Benjamin Gallagher. Territorial Treasurer— J. W. Donncllan. Justices of the Supreme Court —J. 11. Ilowe; J. 11. Kingman; W. T. Jones. Clerk of Ist Judicial District —J. W. Hutchinson. Comity Offlcem. M. Freeh aw. and Mcorder— F. K. Addoms. Treasurer— D. McLaughlin. Probate Judge— D. McLaughlin. Assessor —J. K. Jeffrey. Coroner —S. Hurlburt. School SvjKrintendent—J. D. Davie. Contmfsston'trs-H. J. Rogers; A. R. Converse; B. Gallagher. City Government. Mcetinge of the Town Trustees, Thursday even ing In each week, at the City Hall. PresUlent of Hoard—J. H. Martin. Marshal— S. M. Preshaw. City Clerk —F. K. Addoms. City Attorney— l. W. Cook. Treasurer—C. D. Sherman. aty Assessor—F. K. Addome. froanl of Trustees— J. 11. Martin ;O. W. Corey; n. 11. Ellis; B. L. Ford; K. P. Johnson. Police JIIMtICCM. Jno. Slaughter,—up stairs, corner Sixtcnth and Eddy Streets. W. Thompson. Churches*. St. Mark's church, Episcopal. Services, from April Ist to September Ist, at 11 a. m.. and at 8 p. m. From September Ist to April Ist, at 11 a. in. and 7*4 p. m. Rev. F. O. Bnrstow, minister. Congregational, Rev. J. D. Davis. Pastor, church corner Nineteenth and Hill streets. Preaching service every Sabbath at 10*4 *•, and 7*4 P. Sabbath Sgjiool and Bible Class after morning send**; Social Prayer Meeting Weducscay even ing, at 7*4 o'clock. Seats free. Roman. Catholic, Revs. I*. J. Erlach, J. Foley, Pastors, church ou O'Neil street, above Twentieth. Presbyterian church, corner Ferguson and Eighteenth streetv’Rev. W. G. Kcphart, pastor. J*roochiug every Babbath atll a. ni. and 7:3 > p. m. Sabbath school at 10 a. in. Seats all free, am! ev erybody welcomed. Methodist Episcopal, Rev. G. 11. Adams, pas tor. ITeaching every Sabbath evening at 7*4 o'clock, at tin* now church. Eighteenth street. Sabbath school and Bible class at 3'i p. in. Week ly prayer meeting Thursdny evening. jUnsonlc. Wyoming R. A. Chapter, U. D.. meets at Hall on the first and third Tuesday evenings in each month, at 8 o'clock r. u. G. D. Fogicsong. 11. P. V. It. Addoms. S«r\ Cheyenne Lodge, No. Ifi, meets first and'third Saturday nights in each month, at Masonic Hail. Odd Fellows. Cheyenne Lodge. No. 1. T. O. O. F.. meets every hlouday ovuuiug at Odd liall. Y. Iff. C. AftKorlntlon. The reading rooms of the Y. M. C. A. are in the Uollius House Block, ltith Street, and are upon to the public, from 9a. in. to 10 p. m daily. Files of the latest papers. Religious Secular, Period! cals Ac. Ac., can there be fouud. Rooms free to till- S. J. SCRIBE It, Geo. If. Russell, Sec'y. President. MISCELLANEOUS. EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society, OP THE UNITED STATES. Sum as mu ml, new business during the year IHtfi, #51,021,141.00. Being over Thirteen Million Dollars creator than the new business of any other Life Insurance com pany in the world. AsMetn, #13,000,000. Cjihli Income. #7,500,000. J. 11. NICHOLS, Ageut, Cheyenne. auglStf MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. AHHB'FS, OVI K Kir.,000,000. CASH. Kuril I. ties I.lfn Inrurnnc,;. comblnlnir the ailvan «»goa uffunicl by ALLOTIIKU ( DMPANIKS. wllli UNKqUALKL) FINANCIAL BBCUBITY. E. I*. SNOW, State Agent, mnrlD- 1 y Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory. MILLS & CO., Wholesale hooks elm: its, station i<: its, BLANK BOOK MAKERS, .« f . . Pi’into™ null liithog riArii'ns Register Building, Do* Moines, low’n. «. w. coit ic v, m. d. PHYSICIAN AXQSURGEON. Examining Hur For Pensions. Office Rollins House, op * or< * *» Hotel. Uesideuce corner of Hill f il, slruets, oue block north of U. P.U. K. Oi.pMt, Cheyenne, W. T. C. E. THOMPSON, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER Seventeenth street, next door to Lho Metropolitan 111 I Hurd UulL thoroughly the art of fitting *■ . 8 » , deformed or otherwise, according to nuntnimcul orlnc.lples. None but the best muter lalb are used und satisfuctioH guaranteed, (live him a call. 87 . 1 y Jyy Me anl I’ll do You Good. HOOT AND PLANT. 5? Hy rlfutißbiK lln. blond nnd nri>in*lnc tlie u liver irort Horretlve oriinll- lo n lionltliy nc- TJ m ll«n, Ibr.c Pi||„ curt, ninny n.ii.plnhitn U wblcb ll woulil not be num.i.iti‘il limy rmllll , £ rcncli, nuch n« llcnilnclm, l'nln In the aide. H Z it uinbniniH of tliu bniuU nml ri-ct.niillm , n, • B ChlMlnau, Hhenmntlam, Npurnluln. I.«nn H K* of amiinhc, Itllllnini Dyminlcrv, Kidney - I nllrillmia, rnn.llpnllnn. Ib bllln Kc\cr'a Ml tAfnl 1 Jtujdii, lVvopepaln, Jailliillcn, null , (lifter kindred ctiropinluln nrlitimr from n low .Into WOW bniH Al'nhmmi'linnn of til. riinrllnna.llciiiu fre*’ from mercury noil nlhcr pAlnoim. limy rnn I™ Inkci) at all llnicn nnd under nil clrcuutMlaiiccm ivlthnnl record to diet or hn,ln.-.H. Price '-’.I ccnln « box. Prepared by lho (irnflon Medloluo Co., St. Emil, Vo. Hold by druggist, nod dcalcrn In mud- IrtUe firt-rjru hero JylddAivJy Chnunmc CUulb KJeafter. VOL. IV. DAILY EVENING LEADER. Official Paper of the United State*. rUIILISHKn DAILT, EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY UNT. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. GENERAL NEWS. An oyster lias been ’ cnpturetl at i Norfolk, Va., measuring 22 inches. It takes SI,OOO per day and 180 em ployes to run the ,Sherman House in Chicago. The explosion of steam boilers in Yeddo is cited ns proof of the rapid increase o£ civilization in Japan. John Leighton, a Boston broker, has been fined s.">oo for reporting his income at SIO,OOO, when it was sl*o,- 1 000. Somelxxly lias discovered that in forty years n snuff-taker devotes twenty-four months to blowing his nose. The now asteroid discovered Aug. 18th was named “Ate,” the Goddess of Discord, on account of the troubled condition of Europe. Among tlie many innocent sports of childhood in St. Louis, one of the most popular and pleasing is the drop ping of fire into the letter boxes on the street corners. A German paper reports that the soldiers of the 43d Prussian infantry strapped their knapsacks to their breasts, during the battle of Metz. On the night of the battle many of them found out that they owed their lives to this foresight, as some of the knapsacks were literally riddled witli bullets. Among the Frenchmen who came to helpusdnring the revolution ary war were Nicholas Fouquette and his son, Mark Antino, who taught our people to make gunpow der, and thus did great service, in recognition of which the Continental Congress appropriated 8,000 livers as a testimonial to them. The father died soon after the war, but the son married a Massachusetts girl, and their desendnnts lately, in rummag ing someold papers, found proof -of the money due them, and have placed their claims in flic hands of Ben. Butler for prosecution. —“Suppose," cries the J‘a/1 Mall Gazelle, “the French republic, eager to wipe out the disgrace of the pres ent war, should some day help the Ameri an republic to avenge the Alabama wrongs; and then suppose the Ken inns should take a hand in the fight (as they surely would want to); and suppose another republic should rise up in Spain, and insist on having Gibraltar; and suppose, on the top of all tlijs, Russia should crowd us to the wall in Asia; what a pretty pickle England would lie in!” And that pickle is now being mixed. Sm&ER’S Sewing Machines. The Singer llnnufactiiring Co. I* liow producing nearly 200.000 Sewing .Tlnrlilnc* per jiiiiimu and in not able to meet tiie demand, but in order to do no, new fac tories are being erected that will supply Three Hundred nml lTfty Thousand ouch Year. The popularity of the “New Family" Sewing Machine lb only surpassed by its usefulness and simplicity: durability and boanty. Where known .*• *** difficult fi, r otliei manufacturerb to effect ! j bale-, and they employ every mean* to foibt their • products upon tlie people. Buyer- or Sewing Machine- -lionld avoid canvassers and peddler* j i to compulsion to make -ale*, for no machine can be desirable that is forcibly throat I on the purchaser. i « * n Kor “Now Family” nnd tlie “New j No. One ’ Sewing Machines, |the latter for Dressmaker-. Tailor-, Shoemaker*. Ac..l are . oojrcrlv -ought for. and n largo stock can lie 1 I found in our -ale- rooms, together with everv useful accessory intended for them. " V ‘ " I*!* Cotton and Linen Threads, Needles. Oil, Screw-drivers. Ac., at retail or in quantity at manufacturers* prices. Catalogues, Price Lists. £c.. |in English or Oer ‘ man] furnished on application bv mail or other wise. DEAN & LOWE, 003 North Fourth Street, iopUa-iUlm ST. EOI7IB, ITIO. H. 31. PIiESIIAW, Seventeenth street Cheyenne, W. T. Furnfehcs to order COFFINS OF EVERY KIND, Embracing matallc burial cases, walnut ami rosewood coffins, as well a- tho same of plninci materials, of every slue desired. THE DAILY EVENING LEADER Issued each day. except Sunday, and containing a large amount of interesting news, general and local, and circulating widely throughout Wyo ming nnd the adjacent sections of the Rocky Mountain region*, renders It tho. Best Advertising Medium in tiik Country. Ofiloo woat sldo of Ferguson »t-cot, Cheyenne, Wyoming. J. 8. CIIOIID, A TTOIINEY AT LAW. Office on Sixteenth J\ -tree 1 , next door io Judge Ktivkendnll's of. flee, Chayenna ’jt-tf CHEYENNE, WYOMING, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1870. BY TELEGRAPH lift PORTED EXPRESSLY Poll TIIK EVENING LEADER. Nigh t uepoht. THE VIRGINIA FLOODS. CONTAGION IN NEW YORK THE WAR. Recent Fighting Around Paris Koynl Cnri'BngTH I'i■*<*«( V'pon. Duke of Naissua Killed. Yarrow • Karaiia or Klii. William. \v asliington News Items Richmond, Bept. 2.—At midnight last night the river was still rising and invading still further the lower i part of the city. Hundreds of ]>er sons were busy carrying off furni ture from houses about to be swept away. In front of a hotel about the center of the city, is anchored a schooner. Her crew pull off regularly ns if at sea. Last night the Western Union telegraph office was crowded j with anxious people trying to ascer tain the whereabouts of friends who left in the late trains and for whose* : fate the announcement that the river at Lynchburg was rising again, created much concern. In.the lower part of tlie city the only object of attention was a single gas lamp that still burned though within a few inches of being submerged. The Richmond and (St. Petersburg mil rond have on their road four times the usual number of ears to ac commodate southern travel. Tlie flood on the Ilivanna river is the highest since 1807. The families of Mr. Jennings and Mr. Miller, whose houses were near tlie river, were washed away; m nll. tbye persons. Jennings is supposed to lie drowned, and Ids wife and two children are known to have jierished. A young lady of tlfe family clung to a tree forty-eight hours, but was washed awuyand drowned. On the Manassas railroad, the bridges across the North and South Shenandoah rivers are gone. No information is yet re ceived from beyond Strasburg. Many lives arc known to have been lost. The Baltimore and Ohio road, above Harper's Ferry is swept away. Scottsville, in Albemarle county, is inundated and the destruction of property is very great. Eighteen lives were lost. Trains are running regularly between Alexandria and Richmond. New York, Oct. 2.—Sixty-five yellow fever patients, mostly enlisted men, were yesterday sent to tlie quarantine hospital at West Bank. Other precautions linve been taken which it is expected will effectually prevent the spread of the disease. Two more deaths occurred yesterday, making twenty since Aug. 14, when tlie infection was first communicated to the garrison. Additional cases of yellow fever were also received at quarantine yesterday from New Or leans steamers, and ail vessels from that point are placed under strict sur veillance. Tlie small pox is rapidly spreading in the Eastern District of Brooklyn, nnd yesterday a case of yellow fever was reported in that city. Tours, Oct. 2—Morning.—An en gagement is now going on near St. Germain on the road to Beauvais. It was reported at Erieux yesterday that four thousand Prussians liad occupied Nantes. The besiegers have hitherto kept themselves carefully beyond the ■ range of tlie guns on the walls of the capital, and the defenders are impa tient at their inactivity. The com mander of Fort Issry declares he will not surrender on any terms. The national guard, now in active service at Paris, numbers 875,000 men. This Immense force rapidly consumes supplies. A dispatch frohi Toul says that for three days cannonading has been heard in file direction of Pont a Mousson. A lead coffin covered with rich trap pings and escorted by large numbers j of Mecklenburg troops, passed \ through Toul on the 29th, and on the next day two similar coffins were escorted through town. Washington, Oct. 2.—Tlie Presi dent and family returned to this city early this morning. A heavy rain fell to-day nnd to-night, which creates apprehension of additional damages from the floods. The Secretary of the Treasury lias authorized tlie Assistant Treasurer at New Y'ork, to sell a mil lion dollars in gold each Wednesday, and purchase two millions of bonds each Thursdny of the present month ; also, to anticipate the payment of five per cent, on tha bonds due January Ist, 187), upon an adjustment of the I interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum. These bonds were issued under the act of June 22, 1800, and amount to $7,022,000. Richmond, Oct. 2. A dispatch 1 from Lynchburg estimates the lass by the flood at SIOO,OOO. Tlie loss to the I Orange & Alexandria Railroad is $500,000; Ibss to the canal, $250,000, ] anil to the South Side Road, $500,000. : On Thurday, while the water was rising, James Ramson, daughter nnd servant girl; Robert Whitley, wife 1 and children, and a colored woman with her three children, while stand ing on tlie abutment of the canal bridge at Lynchburg, waiting for the boat to take them off, when tlie dredging machine broke loose above, and drifting against the abutment, carried it away with all on it. AH were drowned. Baltimore, Oct. 2.—A private dispatch from Harper’s Ferry states that the number of lives lost in that place by the flood, is forty-seven. Immense damage in tlie valley of the I Shenandoah. The Winchester Rail ' road, between -Harper’s Ferry and Ilalltown, is badly damaged. Above . Harper’s Ferry tiie rise and flood is confined to the Shenandoah. The Ohio Railroad track is uninjured. The rain recommenced this afternoon, and continues steadily at present, 11 a. m. A World’s special from London, October 2d, telegraphs from Ostend that tlie Duke of Nassau was killed on the 2<itli ult. while riding with tlie King of Prussia and staff from j Rheims to Chalons for the purpose of conferring with Prince Frederick Charles. In tlie thickest part of the woods there suddenly rang out a double volley of musketry from nin huncoiled Francs tirears. The third carriage, containing the Duke and staff, was riddled with bullets; one aid-de-camp was instantly killed, another mortally wounded—also tlie Duke. The fifth carriage, containing the King, Mas struck several times ! but no one hurt. The woods were scoured by cavalry without result. The Duke died on Sunday. The cholera is raging among tlie German troops at Chalons and malig nant typhoid at Rheims. The infect ed districts are surrounded by a sani tary cordon. St. Trouis, Oct. 2.—At u mass meet ing of Germans last night theyadopt ed an address to. Bismarck, which was telegraphed him to-day, suggest ing to him conditions upon which they desire him to conclude peace with France. The census of this city, just com pleted, ranks St. Louis as the fourth city in the Union, counting Brooklyn separate from New York, in 1800 our population was 100,773, but in ! 1804 it had declassed to 157,050. The j present census therefore shows that in six years this city has doubled its population. PURE CIDER VINEGAR —AND— COAL OIL Constantly on hand at JI. OIIKALVVS STORK, acptSfidSm Fifteenth Street. TERRITORY OK WYOMING, i County ok Lakaxik. {**' In fir#t Judicial District Court. Giles K. Filler, Plaintiff, ) vt*. ' John A Nvo, D. Tom I Smith, and John Kinney, ( • n,nm °n*- Into partner* as “Jonh A. Nvo A C 0.." Defend an la. j I\j the above named defendant# and non-re#- ident#. You aud eaeli of you are hereby notified, tbut you have been sued in said District Court, hv Giles F Filley, the above nuuied plaintill'. and that a writ of attachment lias issued against vottr property as non-resident defendan’s; and that un less you answer the petition or Plaintill. now on file In the office of the Clerk of said Court, on or before the Hih day of August, A. 1). 187.». said pe tition, with all the matters aud allegations llnre n contained, will be taken ns true aud judgment rendered accordingly.* Pile object of said |*uii. Is to recover from you the sum of sixteen hundred and sixty-nine iflfifin.niM dollars with interest thereon since July Hitli 18118 at 10 per cent, per an num, alleged to be due on a promissory note, and ,costs of tills suit. Witness my hand and the seal of said District Court at Cheyenne city In said couutv this 28d, day of June. ISM. W. llitchi-on. Clerk of District Court. JL.B. | U J LL Lyon, Deputy Clerk —y— Daniel McLaughlin, Atty. for Plaintiff. Jo $7 (iw LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN; The Groat soothing Keiaietly. Mrs. I Cures colic and griping in 1 Price Whitcomb's- the bowels and facilitates,- Hvrup. ( the process of teething. \ Cents. Mrs. ( Subdues dhtiMiMons and ) Price Whitcomb's-! overcome* all dlseuses in-V 2o Syrup. I cldcnt to Infants ehil'n. \ Cents. Mrs. i Cures diarrhea, dysentery i Price Whitcomb and summer complaint lit - 2T» Syrups. ( children of all ages. I Ceuta. It is tlte great Infants' aud Children's Soothing Remedy in nil disorders brought on hv Teething °r otjy Qllirr cause. Prepared by the Grafton Med icine Co.. Ht. Louis. Mo. Sold by druggists and dealer* In medicine everywhere. Jy&dAwly NOON REPORT. LATEST PARIS!AM NEWS. ! lint liu«1n» tic IHcctliig In Chicago! Aid for France Demanded, YELLOW FEVER TERROR IN NEW YORK. New York, Oct. 3.—The Times’ London correspondent telegraphs as • follows: Tho proclamation of the gov ernment delegation at Tours, ordering an election to take place on the six teenth of October, glues great satis faction here, arid promises to give a 1 new direction to tiie apparently hope less current of French affairs. It will have the effect of depriving Bismarck of the pretext that then- is no govern ment to treat with, capable of giving guarantees. This failing to listen to reason, will ensure a vigorous support to the measures of the administration from all parts of the country, and revive the grief of the democrats, hut not the gallant French people. Tho reports of the gutting and pil laging of houses in Paris hy the mob, j conies again to us to-day, but do not seem based upon any other foundation than tlie nomination by Trocliu of military courts to try such offences, a 1 new precaution. The Prussians are anxious to believe there is disunion in the capital. The balloon post from . Paris is pronounced to be a regular ! success, and we hope to see periodi cally again correspondence from that city. The postoffice administration | of Paris publishes regulations sor 1 sending letters through it, Chicago, Oct. 3. — There was a meeting of the Positivists to-day, and resolutions were passed to tlie effect | that the time had come for a new dp partnre from our international policy. The resolutions demand that the gov ernment shall-interfere in behalf of| the new Freneli republic. France sav ed us in our trial, antHt is only justice that we should come to her aid in her J present extremity. YVe should not he bound by tlie policy laid down when ours was an infant nation, but should I adopt an attitude towards Europe in J accordance with our greatness and j commercial relations witli tho world, j Copies of the resolutions have been I sent to the President, Minister Wash burno, Jules Favre and our represen tatives in England. New Y’ork, Oct. 3.— lt is known that yellow fever is raging on Gover nor’s Island. The population is but one hundred and fifty, and yes terday fifty-two cases of genuine yellow fever were taken from the island hy tho health authorities to the hospital on the west hank of one of the quarantine islands. There wore a number of deaths from the pesti lence last week, among them that of I Rev. Abel Davidson, who died last I Thursday night. An attemfft has j been made to keep the fearful news ! secret, so as to prevent a panic in the city, hut it cannot lie suppressed l>e ' yond to-morrow. The island has j been isolated by the authorities. BALLARD'S patsxt mrnovxD lUiEEoi-Lo.tmxa SPORTING RIFLES. Calibre—s4-100, .IS-100. SS-1,00 10-100 anil 00,100. every Rifle Warranted, And money refunded if not satisfactory. IT.SIC CABTRIDGES Oil LOOSE AMMUNITION. make youit own cartridges. “Southerner ” Pistols, (Breech-LoadingDerringer.) hnlf ounce Ball larger titan Navy. REMINGTON’S PISTOLS ! COLT S PISTOLS, SMITH &WFSSON PISTOLS! CARTRIDGES ALL KINDS, Guns, Flasks and Pouches, WADS, CAPS, ETC., ETC. AI.KORD. FARR, & CLAPP, No IG. UTtrre/i Street, fehlfi ts near Broaifwav. < up-tdair# ‘ Now York, NO. 13. STOVES, ETC. | EVENING STAR, CHALLENGE —AND— rpiIE DEMAND FOR CHARTER OAK. CHAL- [ L LKKUE uml EVENING STAR Stove. lin. crown so rapidly of late that we nave not filled orders a* promptly as desirable: but having now secured tlie assistance of another Stave Foundry, we shall hereafter confine nearly the entire force of our own establishment to the production of the Stoves above named and hope to fill all orders without delay. We would'call the attention of those about purchasin'.', to tin- SUCCESS and POPULARITY or all THESE STOVES No bettor evidence of their Intrinsic merit can he offered than a state ment of the fact, that after IS years’ use nnd b**- ing subject tests iu all kinds of local!- 1 ties, and to the most hitter nnd determined oppo- ! sition that could be invented, that thev are to-dav. , J the MOST POPULAR STOVES in the market, arid have given ?uch universal satisfaction that the ; DEMAND IS GREATER THA .V EVER. If von want tl>e first Cooking Stove for Wood, j buy the CHARTER OAK. If von want the first Cooking Store for Coal, buy the CHAI.I. KXUH. \ If you want the neatest and lust sheet iron parlor stove ever made, buy the E VEXING STAR. - SOLD BY Excelsior Manufacturing Go., 012 and Oil North Main Street. ST. LOUIS, MO. —AND ALL— Lice Store Deo tecs, LIKE HARPER & IIOUSTIAV, AND If. BOETTCHER A CO , nplldJbwly Cheyenne, Wyoming:. DRY COGDS, ETC. S. F. NUCKOLLS dry|6ou^lpt^i^ • i j Wholesale nud Retail Dealer iu DRY GOODS CAIJ PETING, CLOTHING BLANKETS, SETH THOMAS CLOCKS! GROC33IIIES, PROVISIONS! IAQUOBS, Tobacco end Ci stars ! HARDW.IRi: A: CITLERY, TToots & Slioes, ha7s:and caps, Outfitting Goods jcncrally Ain in weekly receipt of from tlte Int orter* nnd Manufacturer#. Bought for n«li au wiilbe #old ut the lowed rate* f»»rca*h only. »» * 'I "ii story done building. Seventeenth street. Cheyenne. Absolute Divorce# legally obtained in New York. Indiana, liliuoi* ami other State*, for per son# from any State i>r Country, legal every where : desertio". non support, . re., sufficient cause; no publli iy ; no charge until divorce oh tnined. AdVice free. Bu*ine*# established fif teen years. Address, M. HOC Attorney, npM-d3m No. TS Nassau street. N° Y**rkCity. MANNING'S ftntidote for Intemperance. IS AX INFALLIBLE CfKEJPOUihI* fearful vice. 1 It# n*e will Ht once remove the taste or desire for stimnlnnt#, aud will *oon create an actual dislike for them. It can be administered in ten, eoff. e, or even water, without exrliing suspicion, a# It is free from taste or smell, tt i/oii hors <i hoshmd, brother or frit ml, (ul.licfttl to this terriblt habit, it in your duty to run hi to. Sent free by mail on receipt of the money. Price Two Dollar* per box. W. 11. MANNING ,t CO.. mrlWAwff St. Louis. Mo. CETTEKG MARRIED. Essays fur young men, on the delight# of linMK. urn! the propriety or Impropriety of getting Married, with sanitary help for to thoie who fee! unfitted formal happiness. Sent fret. In sealed envelope* Address HOWARD ASSO CIATION, Box P. Phildelphia, P feblt dftwJm WYOMIHfr WEEKLY LEABER. leaned every Saturday. TERMS : f 3 Jk YEAR, *4.00 HALF YffAJt. is one of th* l4irg<**t PnpfrK ft it the WtX, (OntllßdAL JTOR PBIMI3U or EVERT KrtD Neatly, cheaply and expeditions!/ execito Laid* of every shape and Kind, Bill Heads, Lsttn nnd Note Headings, Blanks of every kind. Post ers, etc., printed on short order, (laving a new lot of Type and Presses, we con do handsome work at low prices. FIRE-ARMS. FREUND & BROTHER, # 9 Manufacturer* and Importer* of all kind* at FIRE-ARMS ! AND AMMUNITION! Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, SPOUTING APPARATUS, Os eveyy description. East side of Eddy street. Cheyenne. Pioneer Gunsmiths OF THE WEST! I And sole agents for the Winchester Repotting UIFLES & CARBINES Those arms arms are particularly adapted for defence against | j Indian A_ttq,cksf AND FOR HUNTING PTRPOSKS. Agents for K. L. Dupont's and DeNomour* ant Company's Celebrated Sporting and Mining Powder! ALT. KINDS OP Fixed & Loose Ammunition CONSTANTLY OX HAND I hepaihino In nil Its brnnehes, done with Scientific Precision 1 I j AH goods sold by us are guaranteed to be a* rep resented. Branch house* at j SOUTH PASS, AND LARAMIE CITY, W. TER. feblO-ly CLOTHING, ETC. IT. P. 11. JEL CLOTHING HOUSE. B. & I. HELLMAN, Sixteenth street. Cheyenne. Wyoming, WholotaU ami Retail Dealer* iu CLOTHING! AMI) GKNTV FI UMMIIIX; GOODS. stock comprises the followin' good* ni«d« ami trimmed iu tlie best ».yle : CASStMERE G’JITS, ENGLISH MELTOH SUITS ! FIVE BCAVEII NUTS, HEAVE Ii AND CTIINCIIILI.A OVERCOATS, DO VS CLOTHING, IIATS A.3NTD CAP* BOOTH AND SIIOEB, SOLE LEATHER THI NKS ANI) VAI.ISEM. AU our gOAMIc are guaranteed ns represented to sold at Eastern price*. fehlO-ly F] nnn REWARD. JI mill for an ease of Blind Bleediag. Ml UUU Pelting, or Kheraled Pile*, that l»e Pile Itemedy fails to cure. It Is prepared e\pre**D toeuretite Pile* and nothing else, and lias cured ea-e* of over 2U veai »* •land ing. Sold h\ all Drugitiils I.ahou, ikt. I4t Fkankun Sr.. Balvinokb. Price, fl in. WANTED AGENTS— KIR 111 R Mill IVORK. p "r:nwOMAN: By Dtt. Gro. H Ntrn»r«. Prise ft.oo, This brave, ptiro book t» the great suens-s of the year, ami 1# selling at the rat l - of thousand* of c<»p|i-a per mouth Among the latest rep'*r , « are: wi in live days, 118 in mm wrk. li In «>n> dar. 978 In l Ihreo weeks, »tc. .Mult) ngetils n< \er oruer loss Ilian t.'»l lo -lMi at a time, i.h 0 coplea havn been , "Old iu a single coinpy. Send for pamphlet, hr Address. K. HA WAFOUI) Jt CO., Pabllsiter*. oci 1 dtit IAK south Clark bfreuf. l hiengo. I W. COOK. AITOUNEY A D COCNMEI/m As LAW. AV. office ill court hot)*.-, ( heyeripe Wff>iS'nj, Htt Ini