Newspaper Page Text
1 " 1 'J-? """ A REMARKABLE DISCOVERY. Jk Skip Found in n California Desert. By many it Ims been held as a tlie the Vuuia desert was nnee lUHoeehrt lied. At intervals pools of salt water have stood for a while in the midst of the surrounding waste of sand, disappearing only to rise again., iu the same or some other localities. A short time since one of tliesasaline lakes disappeared, and a part* of Indians reported the discov ery ora S big'ship,’’ left by the re ceding waves. A party of Americans at once preceded to the spot, and found imbedded in the .sand the wreck of a laou vessel, ..Nearly; one-third of the lonviirrt part of the ship or bark is plainly visible. The stump of the bowsprit remains, and portions of the timbers of teak are perfect. The wreck is located forty (tines north of the San Bernardino and Fort Yuma road, and thirty west of Los Palmes; a,well Jiuown watering place .ou the desert. The road across the desert has been traveled for more than one hundred years. The history of the ill-fated vessel can, of course, never be “known, but the discovery of its decaying timbers in the midst of What Ims long been a desert will fur savans with food for discussion, and Bitty perhaps furnish important aid rft iITC elucidation of questions of science. —Los .-I iigslos JVeivq, tS'ep/. 9. Every woman should be a worker. Her. sphere like man’s is bounded only by (iod-piven talents. Shelias We/(gbt to do anything she can do Wcr noblest work will ever be at the fireside. I lome is the holiest temple in which she is over called to minister. “ Blessed art thou among women,” was stdd of a mother. In the ministries of home; in the en dearing and tender relations of friend, .wile, mother, i- where (iod crowns woman with tlio brightest, richest diamond. The proprietor of the New York Sun offers a bonds'df J 20,000 to the par ty who will invent a press that can print -10,‘oOft an hour. It takes the Bullock press twentv hours to work off their weekly edition of ;100,00(I CofnW, itt the rate of 10,000 on both sides per hour. They run four other presses on the daily editiSn of 40,000 copies, which print each 10,900 per hour, on one side only—taking the four.onu luuir to work cadi side, and requlringtwenty persons to tend them. Two persons can tend the Bullock. AMERICAN CYCLOP/EDIA. b ; A UliltlltV - or- UNIVRSAL INFORMATION. THE KEtV AMERICA CYCLOP/EDIA COMPLETE IN 16 VOLUMES. T1»1 m important work presents n panoramic view of all hiiniMn knnwli i1.;.-. n- it evicts at the prey ent moment. It embraces and popnhirlz**- every subject that can he 1 bought of, and contains an incxliaustahle fund of accurate and pr i-: i< al in formation. No topic, in brief, i* omiti- il. upon which informntiou can be desired. The work in n library in itself; it is n complete universal in Htructor. and open a to the student and general reader the whole Held of knowledge. It should be owned by every Intelligent family in the country. «uc* AMD BTTUC OF RINDING. In extra Cloth, per vol In Library Leather, per vol., 6.00 In Half Turkey Morocco, per vol b. 50 In Half Russia, extra gilt, pur vol., 7.50 In Fttll Morocco, antique '-lit edges, per vol,. .9.00 In Full Russia, 0.00 THE ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA. OGMMKNCED IN 1861, Eight VolumesXow Out. The samejirice per volume, and uniform with the New Ame rican Cyciopudin. rrm.isiiED ONE VOLUME ANNUALLY. Registering all the important eVcntu of each year—valunhle as n work of reference. “ Philadelphia, Nov. 1, iB6O. “T consider the Ni'\v American Cyclgpa'dia, publijtlxul, by I). Appleton A: Co.. vastly -uperlor Tor the American reader uvauy other Cyclopedia HOW before the public. The recent date of its ar ticles,their careful preparation, and the introduc tion of topic-* relating to America, which <-aiuuit be found in other works of thlrf class, great lv on bnney iL»,valHi‘ v The Ann tin i volmhcl, ‘mowing the progress In Bclcurji. Ulcrnturc, an. uml iu the rv.'UUi iif ..idul nud civil nfe. nro ftlmost Indispcm,ubla lo the general render. / cordially cumn / work n* “BROOKLYN, Nov. 1. “ 'Tbc New American C\Th>ptedta with the An nuals I have hnd from Its first i-sue. and from continual use 1 have learned to value it hi 'hlv In all matters relating to America it In not only excellent, but Is the only place where one can Hnd In any considerable fulness the 'history, national sud political, of this nation. HENRY WARD BEECH HU,” ‘ * BbaroN. Oct.SS. TWI9. “ I own Apnleton's Cyclopiedin nnd use It con stantly. It it/iinil<l hr in sreiy library, public and prica/t- I would say in every house within reach of every family. The young should nap Jt. “ I’HARLES SUMNER.” “New Venn, 0ct..25, 18QB. “I use the American Cyclopedia trfruday,gen ♦ rally many times a da\ ‘ I think it is th, -it work of U*4 kind'ln r.u*Unct. It is singularly well suited 10 fatufile*. The children who grow up in a house where there is a copy of It within reach can hardly escape becoming well Informed per sons. I Value H very highly, nnd am glad or this opportunity of testifying my gratitude. “.JAMES PARTON." “North Shore, Staten Island. N. Y. I October 19, IBti9. f i 1. A PP ,W *® ,I *s Cyclopiedin Is uiiquestlnnablv the American' " r n,nu . utt ' oT general reforouce for an “ GKOROJ2 WILLIAM CURTIS.” Washington, Nov. I*2, IWIO. the J f l«lße n-ree with Mr. Curtis, that ml 'L l yoiopascliii ■ is the best man ual or general reference for an American." The nunual continuation# are also of great value. • “ S. I*. UIIASE. “Tjhbun* Office, N. Y. City, i • October 30. 18«>. f V KAR ,? ! rn , : 1 h " vr the New Aincrl can c vclopiedla since the flrst volume came into i existence, and deem it (he I**l work of the kind in joint. -lours, Ac. “ HORACE ORBELY.” I _ _ . “Boston, Nov. 3, 1809. 1 D,A^iL l,l i 1 PS* tun|cr such groat, long 1 standing and <mirtfnns<l obligation* to th.- • New • American (yclopmdln.* that I have no hesitation i in saying that Ujtould reel uncomfortable in my library oPiNrthr without a copv of It within mv reuch. Respectfullv vonrs, “ OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES.” 1 “It is tiik vkhy bebt Uycloimtiu a for prac tical USE EVER PUBLISHED. By skillful selection and Compression, nnd sedulous avoidance of mere show and verbiage, room Is found fur an immense amount of the latest Information, put j and uccuruU-lv.. Tile book mi« available nt ibis ria\ f<*r n work of ! I' o ’. o . n,> "- ’I’MKOIMIII.fB Pa It sonh, LL. I)., Ijrof.qf Law in llurcard Vnicentity. ANY VOLUME SOLD SEPARATELY. Sold by Subscription Only t . fA , D. APPLETON A CO. Publishers, n blO-dawlf 110, It? and 91 Grand Street. N. Y. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. ADDRESS TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. WHOSESUFFEBINGS TTAVK BEEN Protracted from Hidden Causes, ANI) WHOSE CASES REQUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO RENDER , .Ti , a.* .1 i.l. t V Existence Desirable, If von are suffering or have sntTcrcd, from in voluntary discharges, what eflept doqa it produce ftpQxt your general health? Do you feel weak, de bilitated. easily tired? Does a little extra exer tion produce palpitation of the henrf? Does yonr liver, or urinary organs, or yonr kidneys fre quently get out of order? Is your urine some times thick, milky, or flocky, or is it ropy on set tling? Or does a thick scum rise to the top? Or is a sediment nt the bottom after it has stood awhile? I)o you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head? Is yonr memory impaired? Is yonr fnind constantly dwelling on this snbjccl? bo you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of lire? Do yon wish to be left alone, to get aw ay from everybody? Does any little thing make you start or jump? la your sleep broken yr restless? Is the lustre of your eye ns brilliant? -The bloom on yonr check ns bright ? Do yon enjoy vo'nrself iu society as well? Do you pursue your business with the same energy? Do you feel as much con fidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fit* of melancholy? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your hack weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and yon at tributc.tUis.lo dyspepsia, or liver complaint? NOW, READER, self-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and scxunl excesses, arc all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, MAKE THE MAN. DID YOU EVER THINK that those hold, defiant, energetic. persevering successful business men, are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, or palpitation of the heart. They arc never afraid they cannot succeed in business; they don't become sad and discour aged; they are always polite and pleasant iu the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the face—none of your downcast looks or other meanness about them. Ido not mean those who keep the organs Inflated by running to excess. These will not only Ruin Their Constitutions, hut also those they <lo business with or for. How man)' men, from badly cured dit-eascs, from the ••fleets of self-abuse ami excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in’thoso organs that has reduced the general system so much as to In duce almost every other disease— IDIOCY, LUNACY, PARALYSIS, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other form of disease which immunity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever sus pected. and havo doctored for all hut the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of n Diuretic. HELMBOLDS Fluid Extract eUCiHU! | Ih the great Diuretic, and is a certain enre for dis eases of the Bladder, Kidneys, (travel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness. Female Complaint*. General j Debility, ami all disensea of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from wliat- I ever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment \* submitted to, Conanmption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood nre supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HELMBGLDS EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upward of Nineteen Years. 18 PREPARED BY 11. T. UEI.MIIOI.I), IlriigKiNt, 594 Broadway, New York, AND 104 South Tenth St., Phila. I’l iii- 81.2 J ih'i- Iloulfi, or « I,oftlok for dellTCrvd It. any nddrcaa. Sold l»y ail lini!r-lH(x, ev ('r, vvlirrr .Tone are kciiiiliic hiilchnilouc „p 111 kI(‘"I enifra v<*,l wrupper, willi rac-Hlniil« of itiy Chemical WairclioHMc, and si)-ncd 11. TT. ItELMIIOLD. Mtli dwvly CHEYENNEMARKETS. OlfAfX. States Torn, per ih 2tf<&3 Colorado do . ** Oats nertt. 3®3* •nKADsTCPFS. Flour. States, per sack<fo‘ I Flour. Colorado, “ 5.00® 7.00 i Buckwheat Flour, “ 7.00® 10.00 provisions. Potatoes, per lb au® 3 Onions, *' - 4® 6 cheese, New York factory, per 1b 21®30 i Cheese, Western, per lb ... 20® 25 Beans. Nitty, t><?r 5® 8 Beans, Mexican “ 3® ft Butter, common.. 3j®4o Butter, good grades, ranch/ 40®ft0 Honey •lii®.Vi Lard 29® 25 Bacon 21® 26 Hams, smoked 2ft®26 Oreeu salted meat 18® 25 Pork, firm nt 14® 20 Apples, bbl , 12.00® 15.00 CAs* coons. Field s Oysters » 7.00 Two pound Peaches. 7.00 Three pound *• 10.00® 10.50 I Corn H.fiO® 9.00 j Strawberries 8.0 ® H.ftO ' Raspberries 9.00 i Blackberries 6.00® 0M I Chicken and Turkey 9.00®10.<0 l Green tinges ».75®10.50 | Pencil Marmalade .. v 12.75 ; Tomato**, two uound-car's 5.9(5® 6.00 I Tomatoes, throe' “ * •• 8.0 ® IbOo Pine Apple 9.09.5» ; Jellies, one and two pounds...., 6.ft0®12.n0 j Retail, per can 3ft® so CASK Ltqt ous. I Red Jacket 19 50 ' Drake's JUftO Hostetler's 13.00 Kellers.; n.oo Whisky.f f1.75® 7.50 1 Gin Cocktail 10.U0 . Whisky Cocktail 10.00 Champagne, pints 34,00 I Cluimpagne, quarts 33.00 Old Tom Gin 0 00 ' Shornr Wine 9.<X>ffilU.oo I Port V\ ine H» 50 URIRy.i ... 7.512./ lilill) Cognac Brandy ..wT. 12.00®3u.00 imutD rni'iT. Apples, western, per lb _ 44® 43 Apples, New York, per I?. * 45® 20 Peaches, per lb VitiC 20 | Currants, “ 20® 26 Prunes “ Blackberries, per !b on® «S lUWn.. |.er box 7.00 Ohorrlo.-per ID - 25 Ra/pDerrier per ID 45® 55 coftee. i Roasted, per 33® 40 Rio. common to fair as® 24 Rin, good. 3 S Rio, nrtmo tu <■ 28 Old Oov. Java 28® 40 Laguira. 30 teas. Igs» ui 150 9 *-* 5 “J"' 1 ” 1.25® 2 dll l uuna flvaon 1.411® 2 10 ' 1.25® 1.75 oololl K 1.50® 2.00 VUG Ans. Cuba, common to fair, per lb 14® 45 C'.tba. good to prime 14®. 451/ i Porto Rico, good to choice n® 15 New York < rushed. Pondered. *tc 16U® 21 Ncvv \«»rk. white coffee. A if® 20 New j ork. white coffee, circle A 16® ig New York, extra B 154® JK New ft ork, extra C igi; Cuba box 154® is BTBCPB. New York, common, per gal 75® 1 New ft ork. good, per gal 90® 1 00 ij, Vork.sgul.kegs 7.00® 8.00 Ooidens. per gal 1.40® 1.80 Ncvv ft ork drips. Seal kegs 7.50® 9.00 ! 11. X t. drips, per gal 1.75® 2.25 SALT. Fine dairy, per bbl 10.00®n.00 Coarse dairy. • 8.50 “ “ per lb. 4® 8 mu. \v?u m v P ,°r n 2!!f W-OOQ 15,00 I W lille. half bbl IftOO Mackerel. No. 1 ...... .'.15.00 a 17.00 Mackerel, No. 1, per kit 3.75(&4J0 SOAP AND CANDLES- W . >r « K P#r hox 8 50® 900 Shaffer s. per box H.n0®8.50 1 aim Soap, per ponnd, wholesale... 7.s(KfrH.nO Chemiral “ '* 19® 14 (aat lie. per 1b 2.V/5 40 < heyenne, per lb 10® 43 NAILS. Noils, limited demand 7.59®10.25 OILS AND PAINTS. Carbon Oil. per gal., per bbl 58 a r,2 Carbon 08. per gal 7., a ho I.ard Oil. •• g. 75 Liusued Oil, ** -j White L« ad , 90® 39 cnEYF.y\E UMBER MARKET. I’i-14 «nd 2 inch clear dressed 85.00 1 inch, clear dressed 75.00 No. 1 dressed flooring ' 65 «)0 ( tear siding 4500 H.mijl. I limber '.is.oOQsinnn 5... 1 rClaslo.. ";Ji To NTacliinists. We hare on hand a Largo Quantity of Old Type Metal! WmOH IS USED AS BABBITT METAL! trill be sold lu QUANTITIES TO SUIT! AND AT A MUCH XjXISS cost Apply at the Leader Office. M'GREGOR & CO., Successors to E. A. ALLEN & CO., Whole said and Retail Druggists! HAST SIDE EDDY, CORNER OP ALLEY BE TWEEN SIXTEENTH AND SEV ENTEENTH STREETS. Dealura In DRUGS, CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINES VARNISH BRUSHES, FANCY GOODS, hair oil, TOILET ARTICLES, Trusses, Ila 11 (luges, Etc. Wo offer superior Inducements to retail dealerat ! We keen constantly on hnnd the largest nnd hen. selected stork on the line of the Union Pacific Railroad. Wo buy for cash only, thus enabling to sell lower than any drug house in the city. • Ust( : PRINTING. REFITTED AND FURNISHED! Readyfor business! TIX 33 Cheyenne Leader! ! noNEEn JOB PRINTING HOUSE. H, A, Baker, Proprietor, IS AGAIN IN COMPLETE RUNNING ORDER FOR THE EXECUTION OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Plain and Fancy PRIISTT TISTG COMPRISING CARDS ’ x Os Every Shape & Kind, BILL HEADS, Letter and- Note Headings, Blanks of Every Blind, POSTEns. Hand Bills, Etc., HAVING AN ENTIRELY NEW LOT OF TYFE AND SUPERIOR PRESSES T SHALL Execute Handsome Work, I AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER ! Wc hare a Complete Supply of Latest Styles of Type! AND Fine Colored and Black Inks, I AS WELL AS A FIRST-CLASS CARD AND PAPER STOCK! AND ARE CONFIDENT WE CAN GIVE Complete Sntlsfiictlon IN OUR STYLE OF WORK. LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. The Great soothing Ileniedy. t Guroa colic anil griping in ) Price M liltcomb 8-1 the bowels and facilitates }- 25 Svrii|». (the procesn of teething. ) Cents. ™ r *‘- 1 Subdnof convulsions and i Price ftft hitcomli's- overcomes all diseases in- > 2ft P* (cl dent to infants A chil'n. ) Cents. Mri*-' t t’ure■ diarrhea, dysentery 1 Price *' hllcorab bk and summer romplaint in > 25 Syrups. ( children of all ages. \ Cents. It is the great Infants' and Children's Soothing Remedy in all disorders brought 011 by Teething or nny Other cause. Prepared liy the Grafton Meif- Icine C0.,8t. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists and dealers in medicine everywhere. jywd&wly Royal Havana Lottery! Ol* CUBA. *IOO,OOO in Gold Drawn Every Seventeen Day*. Prlres cashed nnd information furnished; tho highest rates paid for lbuibloons, Spuuislt Bank Notes and all kinds of Gold and Silver and Gov ernment Securities. TAYLOR & CO., Bankers No. 16 Wall •. N. Y. LIQUOR 6, ETC. B. HAMBURGER & CO, WIXOMCttALK DC A I.KIIS IN 13NT ES & l LIQUORS, CIGARS, &C. PROPRIETORS OF TIIE GOLDEN CROWN AND cos .nor o lit a n BRANDS OP I CIGARS ! ■ NEW BRICK BUILDING, * rx i Corner Ferguson & 16th Sts. ALL GOODS I \ GUAKAIVTE v » t All orders promptly attended to. blO-ly i i S. STERNBERGER & BRO., Wholesale Dealers and Importers of WINES, LIQUORS! i CIGARS, ; TOBACCO ! SNU Jfc' 1 rir 33s • And .verjthins perl.ining to thu trnde. Thl. I, Ih. older! erlnhllrliod hour. In IU Wert, and helng connected with the mint exten rive manufactory in the Earl, offer. SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS ! I I TO TUB WHOLESALE TRADE. Orders from abroad solicited, and wholesale 1 and retail dealers are invited to examine ottr stock. terms cash. Stooreroms on Eddy street, between 16th and j 17th streets, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Post office Box. 49 fcblO-ly ! Oet tlie Hcsit. Celebrated. CJenulite Concord Harness. Ail kinds and deacri|>tions consiautlv ou hand and made to order, from the lightest Buggy to the heaviest Team llnrness and in every variety and stvlo of mounting. Nono genuine unions stumped w-ith our name anil trade mark. Price Hate and 1 circulars on application. Address JAMES It. HILL Ac C’O., Coneord. N. 11., Sole Prourle tors aud only Makers. have arrangements by which goods arc Clive red by It. R. Fast Freight.' angldiwUm WE PRINT ALL KINDS OF Business Cards AT THE LOWEST RATES. MISCELLANEOUS. ST. LOUIS SAW WORKS. BRANCH, CROOKES & CO., tfAXCTACTCBKBfI OP EXTRA PINE CAST STEEL SAWS, Os all the Descriptions now used in the United S’ates, A*D or b "*P mlnvcl anß In u»e ainr.e 1851. Th-v v.e Tv.rranleff the heat Inaerte.l-Tooth Su »\s made; u*o uavd exclusively on the Pacific coast, and npprovetl by mid uku wntrfviT Known. Thece inscrte.l.Tecth Paiv, nro patented on the ffrrnnd or the reccM and corresnoodinz parlor the tooth beta ; lorni-. d on CIRCULAR LINES, And rII other inserted t**cth mndo on tbtg pr<nci|ilo are invasions of Spaulding’s right. The American baw Company’spat cut huS b- en declnrul by the U. 8. District Coart of California lr “*K en “‘ nl l , and ineieveu cases tried before Court, injunctions have been granted ajeut of tl.e said Conijittuy ami parties Using the Hm raoii Patent Saw. , purchasing, or using said Saw, or any of.,rr Saw embodifing the principle °crf-ltLt' LL “ i l ar * l‘ crf b'J wtifieJ and warned again*l infringement! and u* contequeni TOR SALE AT " EIR WAREHOUSES : Lasso freet, 1 HQ end 11 fine Street, I RO rnrondelet Street, CH CAGO, I T _L . I ST LOTUS, HO. I NEW OBLEAKB, LA- DENVER PACIFIC RAILWAY. Open, to Denver. Connecting with the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD AT CHEYENNE For all points East and West. DENVER, With J. Hughes A Co.’s Six-horse Double-daily Line of Concord Coaches, carrying the U. S. Mail and Express, over the best na tural roud iu the world, to UOI.DEN CITY. BLACK HAWK. CENTRA!. ! CITY, IDAHO, GEORGETOWN, KIT CARSON, I and the Kansas Pacific Hallway, and all points u Colorado. \nil with A. Jacob's DENVER AND SANTA FE STAGE LINK, via Colorado City and Pueblo, And nartman's Line to the SOUTH PARK. FAIRPLAY AND V BUCKSKIN. And with Smith's Line to VALMONT AND BOULDER. Trnln* leavp Kv»n» ai 7:20 a. m.. dailr. (ex ent Sundays.) arriving at Cheyenne ai 11:15 a. nt., and returning, leave Cheyenne ai 1:20 p. in., (making connection with trains arriving at Cheyeunr from the East and West during the day.) arriving at Evan.- at o:20 41. m., Omaha time. For all business connected with the operation *>l the road, apply to or address . c. W. FISTIFxII, Superintendent and General Frei«;h and Ticket Agent, Denver, Colorado. CARRIAGE GITIDK. REING a private instructor for tnnrned persons IJ or those about to be married, both mate and 1 niah'. in everything concerning the physiology relations of our sexual system, and tfie’produc * ou and prevention of offspring, inrlncfing all the new discoveries never before given iu the Kn lish language, by WM. YOUNG. M. I). This Is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written in y'aln language for the geueral reaoer, ana is illnsiratud with numeron o engravings All young married people or those contemnlat ing marriage, and having the least Impediment to married ire. should read lIIE book. It discloses secrets that every one should lie acquainted with: still it i> a book that must be locked up and not he about the will be sent to any address on receipt of 50 cents. Address Dr. Win. ft 0:111' .No 410 Spruce Street.ahoveFourth. Philadelphia. Atflictbh and l nkoktmate. No matter what uiav bo yonr disease, before you place vourself under t Ivy care of ntiy of the notorious quacks— I mve and foreign who advertise in this or an\ ,!h ‘ r paper, gef a copy of l)r. Young's Book anil vad it carefully. It will be the means of savin ’ /ournuuy a dollar, *your health and posuihh /our life. 1 I)r Yonngcan I*. consulted on anv of the dls- ! •ises described in his pttblications,'at hla otii- e. | o. 416 Spruce street above Fourth, Philadelphia. ' oetdwly ~ J. H. MARTIN, BTCCTEBSOR TO COUNTOHTH BltOS., Wholesale Grocer ABD DKALRR I!f Canned Goods ! | I DRIED FRUITS ! 'VINE AND LIQUOIIS PROVISIONS AND GRAIN. Eddy street, Corner 17th, CHEYENNE, WYOMING. febio-tf K. ViIITKIIHAD. W. W. eont.BTT. WHITEHKAO Ac COHLETT, 4 ITURNKft S. Solicitors and Advocates. Of flee, west side Eddy street, adjoining city , II building, Cheyenne. oct24ti u. p. R. R. UmON PACIFIC I. now completed and running daily paopcngcr tnnns. forming, in connection With the Central Pacific Railroad, an j\Al Rail Roiate I To California and the Pacific coast, making th« unexampled line of 18UU miles in FOUR DAYS FROM OMAHA TO SACRAMENTO. DIRECT COITNECTIONS M.V Dl AT OMAHA H'e Chicago & Northwestern, Chicago. I * , *V d * Pacific and St. Joseph A Council bluff- Railroads and Missouri river line of Pack ets to and from all the principal Eastern and j southern cities. at cnEiEm ' With Donvrr Paclftr Rnilroad for Denver, Cen v-a ' t Sun,tt I ' e and all points in Colorado and New Mexico. AT BIIYAN district Bt ° Ses for the srcat Sweetwater miniuf AT UINTAH Stiiee, leave on arrival of ITiion Bacille Train, for bait Luke City and southern Utah. AT CORINNE For Helena, Virginia City and all point* In Montana at promontory With C. ntr.i l Pacific Railroad for White Pino l'ei Mines. Sacramento, Sun Francisco and tbo cities in California, Nevada and Idaho. t irst class hotels and eating houses at convenient points along the line. ; Pullman s l’alace and Sleeping Cars ae company all traiu-. I ,r tbrongh rates on freight to Montana, Sweet water Mines, and other points, applv to 11. BRONSON, _ , General Freight Agent. Omaha. .. »,v Pnrchase tickets via Omaha and Platte V alloy Route. f-VOLTGN. r. G. HAMMOND. Gen 1 I teket Agent. Gcn'l Superintendent. POST OFFICE NEWS DEPOT! DEALERS IN 13 O O KL S ASD STXTIONEnT. LATESTPAPERS TtUiX THE EAST AND WEST PICTORIALS, MAGAZINES AND REVIEWS AND ALI. TUB CHOICEST LITERATURE OF THE DAY. Fine Cigars and Tobacco, TOILET ARTICLES* AND Pocket Cutlery. Everything In fact pertaining to a news, varie tv and cigar store, may he found for sals iu th« Post Office Building. Antidote for Intemperance, T S AN INFALLIBLE CURKJFORthis fenrf'- I It* use will at once remove the taste . for stimulants, and will auon create an 1 dislike for them It can lie fldinlnlftemd In 1«■ •, r0f1.,, or even water, without exciting suspicion, a-It Is free from taste or sniell. If you hurt a h'tAband, brother or friend. wUUctedto Ud* UrrtbU fuihil, U in yonr duty to cure him. ll ? m, L fre ‘: ,nall «n receipt of the money. Price Two Dollars per hot. W.H MANNING A CO. inylftdAwtf Ht |^ U | S<