Newspaper Page Text
m'm'omwa, Published at c CUYKNNX, WTOMTNQ TERRITORY, l rtti&k je^e*p h of . w formas. nnni or svbscriptiok ■ . GENERAL DIRECTORY, i QU ir^r^j Territorial Officers. Governor— Jno. A. Campbell. Jecrttarp—Herman Olafcke. JfartAo/—Church How#. District Attobuy— Joseph MI darey. Surveyor Oeneral—B. Reed. United Statu Collector— Thomas Ilarlan. Territorial Auditor— Benjamin Gallagher. Territorial Treasurer— J. W. Donnellan. JuoUots of the Supreme Court —J. 11. Howe; J. H. »*Va Ci*rA qf M Judicial Disirict—J. W. tlutchinson. Conuly Officers. JAsr</—B. M. Preshaw. i«Ersrr.. r A Addw - - Probate Judge —D. McLaaghllu. v . AssMser—J. K. Jeffrey. . Coroner— S. Ifnrlburt. School Superintendent—J * D. Davta. CMMM>Kn-R. J. Rogers; A. R. Converse; • A 'v r b.' Gallagher. rovrw TMilw,w»a lag In each woelc, at the City Ilall. j Precedent of Board—3' *l. Martin. ' Marshal— B. Pr#*haw. City Clerk— F. JB. Addomo, Ctty Attorney—l. W. Cook. Sherman. City Assessor—F. E. Addoms.; Martin; O. If. Corey; U. B. L. Ford; E. P. Johnson. Police Justices. Jno. Slaughter,—np stairs, corner Slztenth and Eddy Streets. W. Thompson. .... . ~ M Churches. 4 91* Mark's Ohilrch, Episcopal. Services, from April Ist to September Ist, at 11 a. m.. and at 8 p. Jm. Worn September Ist to April Ist, at 11 a. m. sad7V4 P- m- ftev. F. O. Bars tow, minister. Congregational, Rav. J. D. Davis.Pastor,church Corner Nineteenth and Hill streets. Preaching service every Sabbath at a. M., and 7V4 r. a.; Sabbath School dnd Bible Class after morning service; Social Prayer Meeting Wedneseay even la#. kOTH o'clock. Scats free. Roman Catholic, Revs. P. J. Erlach, J. Foley, Pastors, church on O'Neil street, sbov^ Twentieth. Presbyterian church, corner Ferguson and Eighteenth streets. Rev. W. G. Kephart, pastor. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7:3 J p. m. IDZ. m. r Seats s)} (yce, gop ev erybody welcueted. Methodist Episcopal, Rev. G. H. Adams, pas tor. Preaching every Sabbath everiing at 7% •'clock, at the new church. Eighteenth street. Sabbath school and Bible class at 3y» p. m. Week prayer meeting Thursday evening. Klaseulc, {%kygUijp R.A.f%apSm„ U. D., neefeat Mall %a the first and third Tuesday evenings la each aseath, at 8 o'clock r. m. JF. A. Baker , Sec'y. G. D. Foglesong, H. P. Cheyoane Lodge, No. 18,.meets drat and third Saturday nights in each month, at Masonic Dali. Odd Fellows. Chsysnne Lodge, No. 1,1. O. O. F., meets every Monday evening at Odd Fellows nail. T. IL C. Association, ne reading rooms of tho Y. M. C. A. are la the Mol Has House Block, ltith Street, and are open to the public, from 9a. m. to 10 p. m dally. Files . VfffdhMolsat papers, SeHgloue Secular, Period!- eals Ac. Ac.. can there be found. Bourne free to «B. S. J. 6CRIBKK, Goo. H. Russell, Sec'y. President. MISCELLANEOUS. EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society, • ■ we TUB CNITEB STATES. Asm aseared, new business during the year 1869, . #51,021.141.00. 1 Dhlfi'ir-r TJllricea Million Dollar, greatar than Thtlftw huts fie,, of any other Life Insurance com paay la the world. AaS«tat< #18,000,000. Coak Income. #r ,500,000. ''A.'M.’ NICHOLS,’ Agent, Cheyenne. anglStf I yu • ■" 1 . >■■. MUTUAL UFLJjiSUBANCjE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. OVER $33,000,000. CASH. Furnishes Life Insurance, combining the advan tapes Offered by ALL OTHER COMPANIES, with TOOQUALKO FINANCIAL SECURITY. E. p. SNOW, State Agent, mart O-y Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory. StJjUfflniril do You Good. ROOT AND PLANT. ■ By cleansing the blood and arousing the U , ,£t- llvet ondhemtiye organs to a healthy ac- U Uotr, mese Pille cure many Complaints U 5 which It would not be supposed they could ” jjj reach, snch as Headache, Pain in the side. H M Numbness of the hands and feet,Dullness ■ B Chilliness, Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Loss H of appetite, Btlltous Dysentery, Kidney ■ other kindred complaints arising from a low state - Utf hpdj or obstructions of Us functions.Boing ss wpsr&i&ssi: without regard to diet or business. Price 98 cents a box. Prepared by the Grafton Medicine Cb.,Bt. .Logie, Mo. So Id by druggists sutl dealers in med- Zfm •VJfTJYhcre. Jy9BdAwly i a i i i, 1 •■‘Jtttobfishtd in New York City, 1859. SIM. D. KEHOE, BOLE MANUFACTURER OF tehoe's Improved Indian Clubs. mOTCTIin- H.rclnprment. Damh hrll., wo- Tsktbmfs and balls, base hall bale, tenpin balls and plus, heel padded boxing gloves, lmpnm-a striking bag, metropolitan policemen's clubs. <Theae clubs are used by tho Met. Police of N. Y. City.) Kehoe's Illustrated Book on the Dee of the Club, *jO. *lPl Yp i» AisbbV fiantor imtiau clubs. AT Afilbsehf n'rfft.S M lbs. ea<di ff.pair . 8.50 Maes for Lsder. A Ch'n. If 44 id> V •» 7.00 | 9 lbs. each per pair 9.00 18 44 “ “ 44 10.0013“ “ “ • •* S.Oit » - 44 “ 44 1 4.00 4 4 4 4 4 44 “ 4.00 fi 44 44 44 44 1 6.00 15 44 4 4 44 “ 5.50 SOB Broadway, New York City, " , !' , r ■ ■ l4 ■ ■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ Absolute Divorces legally obtained in Now York, Indiana, Illinois and other States, for per sons from any State or Country, legal everv. ■Rflu ; lM|ftflU"Ynon-«ttpparf, {etc*, suTßclent r4M; BMiii.fY; ho aharge until divorce oh talned. Advice free. Business established fif teen years. Address. M. HOLf Attorney, •p)l film No. IS Nps**n street, so • iforkCTty - -• ■— . ■- wet .. •. .. --.-.xcs .i / _ • - dUkevtnrte YDaUniJkffS® ■■■ VOL. IV. CHEYENNE, WYOMING, .WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1870. NO. 33. - • -- ■ • - --1 DAILYJVENING LEADER. rUBLISUKD DAILY, KXCIYT SUK.OAY, BY 3NT- -A.. BARER, Editor and. Proprietor. aeri —lt is a fact which has nol as yet been generally noticed that tho earth qunlfo in the eastern States pta’jljhe 20th instant, occurred oil the' same date within one day, of the- great earthquake in California, of ttie 21st of October, 1868. After this the al manae Iqijkm rpay .With projoriety put do\Vh In tfielf CaTerfdar for Oc tober, “ About thit time, look out for earthquake —At the gubernatorial election in Nevada, her .people will alf6 vote on the proposed amendment to the State constitution, str.king the words “male” and “ white” therefrom. If Nevada wants a population of women that love voting more than tlieir homes let her adopt the proposed amendipeoL unnatnpai and ri diculous spectacle of women voting, sitting on juries, etc., has been inau gurated in Wyoming by a Demo cratic legislature, more as a joke and to create notoriety than with the idea of ite actually being carried out in practice. Let one of the older, eastern States, which have persist ently ridiculed the unwomanlike fe male suffrage agitation, take the first step in this misnamed “ reform ” and test fairly its practical workings, and if then endorsed and sanctioned by wisdom and propriety, it'will be time enough for the scarcely fledged western States and Territories to Im itate them. Then will we accord the measure our hearty support and a most earnest /M3q<j^BPf*d£^^^ —To those who «re always discon tented wherever they may chance to live, a most inviting field is now open to them,in case riches is their am bition, viz., the southeast coast of Af rica, where diamonds are being found in large quantities. Quite a fever of excitement exists there «n tha sub ject, and many extraordinary (perns have been discovered. If any of our readers are desirous of going there, we would advise them to go soon, for the now precious gems may become as plentiful ns moss agates in Wyo ming, anti therefore too common to forua the baeis of —The following are the names of the D. D. G. Masters of the I. O. O. F., appointed for the ensuing year: J. E. Force, for Lodges No. 1 and 4. Denver; 8. T. Hale, Nevada, for Non. 2, 3 and 6 $ George T. Phillips, Fairplay,- fbr No. 11 •; Daniel Solan der, Boulder, for No. 9; B. F. Smith, Canyon City, for No. 7; W. L. Kuy kendall, Cheyenne Lodge No. 1 and Mountain No. 12; T. D. Abbott, Laramie, No, BV.8 V . The. next session of the Grand Lodge will be hefal at Centra! City on the third Tuesday In October, 1871. —Denver News. Marshal Sharp*'* Visitor. On Saturday afternoon, a plainly dreseed gentleman, v\vho carried a small traveling bag, called at the United States Marshal’s office on Chambers street, and made a modest inquiry for Gen. Sharpe. Joe, the errand boy, hesitated about usher ing him into the Marshal's private room, having been ordered not to ad mit any one, but he was relieved frdm his suspense by the appearance of the gallant General, at the door. The stranger said, “ General Sharpe, I believe, and then presented his card. Without stopping to look at the card, the Marshal, who was in great haste to take the steamboat Mary Powell for his home in Ulster county, brusquely replied, “ I am in n great hurry, sir, and can’t talk with you now. Come some other time.” The visitor then replied, “ I am the Attorney Geneml of the United States.” This answer turned the ta bles. Marshal Sharpe didn’t go to Ulster.”— N. Y. Sun. Facts Adout Telegraphy.— Professor Gould has found that the velocity of the electric waves through the Atlnntie cables is from 7,000 to 8,000 miles per second, and depends somewhat, wpbn whether tho cir cuit is fnriuttl by the twp cables or by opo cabluand the earth. Telegraph wires on poles conduct the waves with a velocity a little more than double this: and it is remarked, as a curious fact, that the rapidity of the transmission increases wjth the dis tance between the wire and the earth, or tho height of tho support, Wires buried in the earth likewise transmit slowly, like submarine cables. Wires upon poles, bqt slightly elevated, llgdWMe transmit' signals With a ve locity of 12,000 miles per second, while those at a considerable height give « velocity of 16,000 tp jiO.OOO miles. The children of Robert Burns are still alive. Soda-WateVis said to have been in vented in 1812. Forty studenisat Cornell University are studying “ heathen Chinee.” California has recently imported 500 chestnut trees from Japan. An extogsiye eoal bed haabeen dis covered near the Verde river Arizona. A n egress took the prize for dentis try at the Texas State Fair. Milford, ,-Pa., has seven times as women as men. 't*or'thS first time in twehty years Madison county, Indiana, has elected Republican county officers. In Mississippi sixty-one out of every one hundred of the population can neither read nor write. Three hnndred Chinamen are em ployed in reclaiming lnnd on Grizzly Island, in the Sacramento river. The forest trees are dying out in some parts of Virginia, and tho far mers have to dig out roots by tho acre, just as dentists dig out achres by the roots. Some Republicans in Santa Fe, New Mexico, demand the removal of Governor Pile, because, as a Missouri an, he sympathizes with the support ers of B. Gratz Brown. FIRE-ARMS. FREUND & BROTHER, Manufacturer* end Importers of ell kinds of FIRE-ARMS 1 m AMMUNITION! Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, SPORTING APPARATUS, or *T*tT dMcripttan- ZMt «M. Klddr *tmt, Ckapu.. Pioneer Gunsmiths OF THE WEST! And sole scents for the Winchester Repeating RIFLES & CARBINES These arms arms are particularly adapted sot defence against Indian. A.ttacks7 AND FOB HUNTING* FTHFOSSB. Agents for B. L. Dupont's sad DsNemours an 4 Company's Celebrated Sporting and Mining Fonder! ALL KINDS OF Fixed & Loose Ammunition CONSTANTLY ON HAND RBPA IRIIJCh In all ita branches, done with Scientific Precision! All goods sold by ns are guaranteed to be as rep resented. Branch houses at 80UTH PASS, AND LARAMfE CITY, W. TER. Proposals for Transportation iwpiahTcoods Omci or Covxiutoß ahd Ix Omcto ] Burr. Indian Aft a in*. V CnsTXNva, Wtojuns, Bth October, 1870. ) Proposals will be received at this office nntll Monday, the 17th day of Ootober, 1870, \ For the transportation of sixteen thousand (16.000) pounds (mors er Uss) of Indian annuity goods from Point of Hooka, on the IT. P. k. K., to Camp Brown, on tho Bhoahonos Indian Reserva tion. The goods to b« delivered et Camp Brows on or bsfor# the Ist proximo. J. A. CAMPBELL. Governor and sxJMUio Supt. nf Indian Affairs. flfbt7-tt Royal Havana Lottery! or OPBA. WOO,OOO In Gold Drawn Every Seventeen Days. Britos cashed and Information fraruiiliod; the highest rates paid for Doublooaa, Spanish Bank Notes and all kinds of Gold and BUver and Got •ffinisntßnenrttlss. TAYLOR 8 (JO . interns i$ WfU ♦-N.Y. BY TELEGRAPH ; ' .J —1 KtIQMID XXPMM.T ro. THT KTEKIN. U.UEE. 1 s ] NIGHT REPORT, j - ~ . ' * t THE WAR. ! No Peace from Peace Talk 1 i ■ ■ t Prussians Capture Ichlestadt. | i SCARCITY Os FOOD IN DEVASTATED PBOVIXCES > 1 Probable Terrors of Famine. . i Interesting from New York Indiana Official Election Returns. ST ABE ROBBERY IN UTAH. Important from Washington. Reasons tor Secretary Cox’s Removal. London, Oct. 25.—The Times has a special dispatch from Berlin stating that the last negotiations for pence have come to naught, owing to the 1 persistence of Prussia in her demands for a cession of French territory. The Times, in an article advising the British government to make no fur ther efforts to stop the war, says that If England persists in negotiating for , peace, she must be ready to stake ' something on it. Tho Standard says that negotiations are actively going on between Versailles and Empress Eugenie with a view to the return of the Empress to France to resume the regengy and negotiate peace. The departure of tho Empress, if it did not occur last night, is expected at any moment. Lon do It, Oct. 25.—The town of Schlestadt capitulated yesterday to the beseiging forces after a severe bo nbardment. The surrender in cluded 2,400 prisoners and 120 cannon. London, Oct. 25.—Thiers ac cepted a mission to negotiate an ar mlSllcd only, Imt he etill ronuuna at Tours awaiting safe conduct to Paris to consult first with the gov ernment there. Negotiations for the surrender of Metz continue but make slow pro gress. Bazaine ignores the French provisional government. In twoeom munications, the Berlin Gazette says that government is led to consider them by its desire to avoitt further loss of valuable lives. New York, Oct. 25.—The Execu tive Committee of the Association for the relief of misery on the battle fields, -appeal to the public for aid in sending a ship load of breadstuff's and meat to the starving people of the desolated districts of Ardennes and Alsace. Accompanying the appeal is a letter from H. S. Sanford, ex-Min ister to Belgium, dated at Brussels, October 7th, which states that in Ardennes alone, the region along the Belgium frontier, 200,000 people are in peril of starvation. Many are without shelter, save such as is made of bushes, and have rescued from burning homes only the clothes upon their backs. They have only such food as charity provides or can bo ob tained from scanty, ungathered root crops. Winter is approaching and thousands must perish unless helped speedily. At the U. S. Circuit Court to-day Judge Benedict called the attention of the grand jury torthe laws regulating elections. He -pointed out offences under the United States law of August, 1870, repealing all ancient statutes for the punishment of officers or voters committing frauds, and said that behind these laws was the entire power of the United States. He called on the grand jury to dis miss all partisan feeling, for the ques tion was notone of party, but civil lib erty. He also called attention to of fences against registry laws. War rants, he said, have been issued for the arrest of over thirty persons who are charged with illegal registration; many-of the parties, it is reported, have left the city. Indianapolis, Oct. 25. The official vote of all the counties in the State has been received. It gives a Democratic majority on the State ticket of 2,450. Salt Lake, Oct. 25.—The South ern stage, en route from Pioehe to thH city, was robbed lost night near Nephi. Wells, Fargo <t Co.’s treas ure box was broken open and emptied; the exact amount is not known. A registered mail sack was taken and the passengers robbed of fifteen bum dred dollars In coirf. A posse of men ■ have gone after the robbers. . Washington, Oct. 25.—Senator i Morton has declined the mission to England, giving as a reason for doing 1 so that in the event of hh resigna tion as Senator, the Democrats, being in the majority in the Legislature of i Indiana, could not fail to elect his successor from their own party, and setting forth the impropriety of I such a course on his part, in connec tion with the interests of the admin- •} istration. He thanks the President for the favor In tendering him the . mission. J There is no truth In the report that Postmaster General Cresswell has < been selected as Minister to England. TXJSTXOKr PAOIPIO { Rail Road Company i i TOWN LOT DEPARTMENT J * ( Ilsvs an a&llmltad nambnr ol bo Lb • 3 Business and Resident Lots ( 1 I in all tbe town* along the line of road from i Omaha to C’orrine, whTch are being fold cheap, 1 and great inducement* are offered 10 all wishing | to entabiiab baaineoa and build for thamaalvoa a home. ( Thert la a great demand for j BUSINESS HOUSES < 1 In all the town*, to aupply the Immigration ( which will conttuae for year* lettllng np the rich agricultural and mineral lands. ( Application* may be made to Agenta on the > ground, or oddrvea _ j. m. eddy, General Tows Bite Aent, U. P. R. R . 1 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 1 W. D. PEASE, ; COR. ITt« AND FERGUSON BT9-, t Family Groceries > FRESH VEGETABLE!, And i fall aaeortment of l CANNED FRUIT PRESERVES ; JELLIES AND PICKLES I { V ( WOBCESTEBSHIRB ▲IYD JOCKEY CLUB SAUCES! And altaoat anything in the eating line. Thankful for the liberal amount of patronage granted me in tbe4>aflt, I nope by atrict attention to the want* of my friend* to continue to recelv* It in the future. CUT THIS OUT FOR reference: We have the Largeet Stock of Yxtra Choice Imported Woolen For Sen'* Wear, In onr line, In America. We make them to meaanre in the moet Thorough and artistic etyle, at tbe LOWKST PRICKS poaeible for the Akxtclx Fuumihed. WKIBINI OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. AMERICAN LIVERY ARTISTICALLY FURNISHED. SHIRTS, TO MEASURE Extra, durable, and perfect in fit. ELY, Tailor, Draper, and Importer of Fine Woolen* for Men ■ Wear. 3 AND 4 WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO. sm Fill ifStmis ini n. Clergymen will be allowed eix per cent, discount. i Ebtausmid, 1654. oct4-dlm t POSEY S. WILSON, BANKER, New brick block. Sixteenth street, near Fergn * son. Cherenne, Wyoming, transacts a general banking business. ; O. W.CORKY,n.D. k ! T>TTYSICTAN AND SURGEON, Examining Snr ' X geon for Pensions. Office Rollins Iloueo, op l poette Ford*# Hotel. Iteatdenoe corner of Hill I and Sixteenth streets .ode toldck nertfc of U PR B. Dsfak, CWjßteoe, V. ?. The YexV NOON KEPOhT. THE SITUATION INN. YORK* AU’y General Akcrptn will tejMrn In tloe City, pending tike KlecUen. U. S. LAW TO BE ENFORCED. Tr**p* Beady f«r Eaicrf **d«*. Naval Forces also Prepared. Order and La* rt Flue lUgljlsm, Kte. New York, Oct. 26.—Attorney General Akerm&n has established his headquarters at the Astor House, and there lie will remain until after the election, to pronounce upon all ques tions of law that may arise. He is instructed to see that all the rights of the citizens are respected, and that the authority of the United Stntes Government is maintained in all its integrity. He was in consultation with U. 8. Senator Conkling yester day, and the Senator subsequently remarked that the determination was to enforce the act of Congress at all hazards. No doubtful or questiona ble power will be assumed by the officers, but they will enforce such processes and provisions as they are assured they will be sustained in ex ecuting. The preparations for the purpose are being perfected every day, and there will be no lack of authority to back up the officers. The Eighth United States Infantry will arrive in New York harbor to-night from'Charleston. This regi ment is about 600 strong and will be reinforced by 400 recruits, who await its arrivnl. It will find quarters on one of the islands in East river, and when the emergency is over, will proceed to the Canadian fron tier and go into winter quarters. Other forces of considerable strength will find it convenient to concentrate in the vicinity of New York during the next two weeks, and though few people will see them, the fact that they are on hand will be consoling to one party and will exercise a whole some constraint upon the evil-doers of the other. The United States oflL cers charged w ith the duty of exe cutingthe lawsofCongress for the pres ervation of the purity of the ballot box, mean business this time and the government mean to sustain them. Tho Attorney General telegraphed to the President last ev;ening that matters were quiet in this city and that the resistance on Monday was not of a surious character. Secretary Robeson left this city on Monday. The <mval forces at Brooklyn and upon the waters of New York har bor will be held in readiness to sus tain t#e officers in executing processes and enforcing the laws. There is no backwardness anywhere. CLOTHINC, ETC. WE WIRE RIVER At WILL PRIVxBID Aft NOW TO SHOW TO THE PUBLIC •V. A Such an assortment of goods, stylish and. desirable CLOTHING AND GHTS’ TUBBING mods ! In ffcet everyth Inc that la needed In Rente Wear AT THE U. P. R. R. CLOTHING HOUSE, SIXTEENTH ST. 3.* I. HILLMAN. WUWUIG «HL! ,-UKL I——-J ■win Tnoca: W A nan. ho<rmi I. dm at tie Large** Paper* ta tbe V«t. coBMEBciAi. na ram mu or itkmt un «te*rir *a* 'xptilttaito r**rm ta.** lot of Type and Vrrnnen, wo cam do haadoosao work at low prices. BTOVEB, ETC. EVENING STAR, CHALLENGE —AND— Tm LKNGK and EVENING STAR Stovoa ha# grown so rapidly of laio that we have not flllod order* a* promptly as desirable; bat having bow accared the att*>ii<tnncc of another Stove Foundry, Wff shall horearier cnntlne dearly the en lira force of our own establishment to thA product** of the Stores, above named nod hope t» fill ail order# without delay. We would call tho ft* tent ion of thooe about purchasing, to the SUCCESS and POPULARITY of all THESE STOVES. No better evidence of their intrinsic merit can be offered than a state ment of the fact, that after 18 years’ use and ho ing subject to severe tests In all kinds of Aooall ties, and to tbe most bitter and determined expo sition that could he invented, that they are to-dav, the MOST POPULAR STOVES in the market, and have given snch nniveraal satisfaction that tb« DEMAND IS Glt EATER THAN EVER. If von wont the Bt*t Cooking Stove for Wood, bfly she CHARTER OAK. If yon wnnt the Ilest Cooking Stove for Coal, buy the USALL BN<JE. It you want Dievetttest and beet ifutt trr>n potior stove «v«r made, buy the EVENIRQ STAR. —SOLD BY Excelsior Manufacturing do., 612 and Oil North Main 3treat, ST. LOUIS, MO. —AND ALL— JLive Stove Dealers, LIKE HARPER Sc HOtSHAYi AND U. BOETTCHER A CO., aplidJtWly Cheyenne* Wytnfihg, WANTED AGENTS—MR lit MW W«. -.‘.;nr| WOMAN: By Da. Gso. n. Nameys. Price $3.06. Thla bear#, pure book is the great success of the year, and is selling at the rate of thousands of conic* per month. Among the Intest repor's are: HI la five day*. 119 !n one week. 87 in one' dar. 3T6 la three weeks. Ac. Many agents never order lees than 150 to 500 at a time. 5,5>i0 copies hove been sold iu a single couuty. Send for pamphlet, Ac. E. HANNAFORD A CO.. Publishers, octl-d6t 158 seut h Clark Street, Chicago. •- »• FOOLXfONO. B. W. roOUSOMO. FO6LESQNQ A Cl, Wholesale and Retail Dealer* In STATUS AND FANCT DRY IOODZ, DRESS GOODS. LADIES' SHOES, FALffOBNIA BLANKETS, N6H6NS. m, Largest Stock In Wyoming. mchil-5m SIIMGEF/S Sewing Machines. The Singer afactnrlng Co. n ™. ! >rod,,cln S near’.y 200.000 Sewing *** a f**ine» per smi'.im and is not able t® meet tbe demand, but m order lo do t»e, oew foe toriet are being evuctr,* t h«t will supply Three Aluudrrxl and Fifty Theueoad "ac’aines each Year. of ,he “ Nr/T Yajmly 4 * Sewing iimniiM . * 6 by he uaefulnea# and almpilcl tv; durablliiv and beauty. Where know* it ie u ifflcult for oihei mauiifactnreri* to effect aoies, ana they employ ovi ry mean* to foist their prod note u Don the people, linyers or towlnc Mor.nine* *nould avoid and peddlers w.»o resort to compfihfon to make sales, for no machine can be desirable that is forcibly lhru«t on the pnrehnfer. The Binder 44 New Family ” and tho 44 2f«w No. Ono" Bowin* Machinoa. [the Utter for Dressmaker*. Tailors, Shoemaker*. Ac.,l are eagerlv sought for, and a large stock can be found in our (tales room*, together with every useful accessory Intended for them. We e,!! 811 k T" l *, Om’on and I.lncn Thread,. .Needles, Oil, Screw-drivers, Ac., at retail or la at manufacturers* prices. v»»lo*nee, Priee I.lMf. An . p„ Enjllih or Oor • urn ‘*hud on application by mail or other*- DEAN Ac LOWE, 003 North Fonrtti Mretl. •eptst-ddra ST. LOIIM. no C. E. THOMPSON, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER Seventeenth stv ce t. next door to the Metropolltsa Billiard Hell. thoroughly the art of fitting feet, deforihed or otherwise, according te *nati)' , UC ai pri/tciple*. None but the boat mater- J®' 8 are'n*oauud sutisfactioa guaranteed. Give. n .macall. *7-ly A Book Tor tile Million. BJ| A DDIA IfiC I A private Counselor to the VHMRIIIffiIIL i Mnrried, or thone about to OUIDE. I the ruxtinl system, with the latest diacovenes in producing and preventing offspring, preserving the complexion, Ac. This Is au interesting work of two hundred and twenty-four with bu merous engraviug*. and contain* valuable infor mation for thoHK who are runrrled or contemplate marriage ; still it 1* a book that ought to be under lock and key, and not laid carelc«*lv about the house. Sent to any one Jree of postage) for Fifty Cunt*. Address Dr. Him*' Dispensary, No* 11, N. Eighth St„ St Lout*. Mo. Motive to the Afflicted and T?Ofhrtw« Mote.—Before applylue to the notorious who advertise in public paper*, or nslng any Quack Ucinndte*, purusu Dr. liutt*’ work, noasmi ter whnt your Uiseasu I*, or how deplorable year oondltion. Dr. Butts can bo consulted, personally Os by mail, on tho dlscanos mentioned in hi# works. Office, No. 13 N. Eighth street, bet. Market sod Cbesnnt, Bt. Loui-. Mo. PURE CIDER VINEOAR AND— COAL OIL Conalsntly on hsad st ». O'HEALY’S STORK, •ept26d3m Fifteenth llftll, *. wuiTKiiRAD. w. w. rnir y ** WHITEHKA D * CORLF ff r A TTORNKTH. Rolleltnre ud * .1