Newspaper Page Text
DAILY EVENING LEADER. TMPBMDAY, WOYEWBKB 3, 1870. PROVISION SUPPLY OF PAMS MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. London, Xov. 2.—A delegation of two thousand persons called upon Gainbetta yesterday to petition for the organ izntion of the scattered forces now operating independently in various departments. Gainbetta answered: The salvation of the peo ple lies in their own hands, that the government could not even supply them with arms. The latest advices from Paris represent the nrdor of the people unabated, and no doubts are eutertained of their ability to hold out for weeks. The fresh meat is said to be sufficient to last until the fif teenth of December. Tho salted provisions will Inst five weeks longer. The stores are not judiciously distri buted. On the 25th ult. a riot occur red in the market of arrondisement bes Baliquallcs. The populace rushed into the market en masse clamoring that they be supplied with meat. The outbreak was suppressed without Hcrlous difflcultv. Xt is estimated that the rations of fresti and salt meats will subsist the city until the end of Januury. The journals assert that bread will not be dealt out in rations until the tlrst of January, tho supply on hand being ample. London, Xov. 2.—A dispatch ,to the Times from Versailles, Tuesday, says that negotiations between the north and south German States, look ing to a German union, is progressing favorably. It is decided that King William is to assume the title of Em peror of the German regency. Amer ican families have left Paris under the protection of a Portugese envoy. Geographical names arc being substi tuted for T’rcneh in tho province of Alsace. Gambcttu’s proclamation and circular is bitterly condemned in France. All foreigners in Paris have been offered passes to leave the city. Wooden huts have been sent to the army before Paris. The government at Tours has accepted Gencrnl liour baki’s resignation. It is said that Garibaldi’s expedition is paralizcd by the jealousy of French officers. STOVE 8, ETC V EVENING STAR, CHALLENGE . -AND- The demand for charter oak. ciial- I.KNUK Ait l l EVENING STAR Sloven ban grown no ropltllv of lain Hioi wo hutv note filled order* an promptly an ife-lrable; *»nt bavin" now •conn'd tho n--n*luiic« of another stove Foundry, we •‘hull hereafter confine nearly the entire frQcc of our own establishment to the prodnc'ion of the Stove* above indued tuid hope to fill all order* wi'hont delay. We would call tho attention of tho«<* about purchasing. to thn Sl'COFHft and POPUL.YUFI’Y of all TfIESP. STD NFS. No hotter exldenre t*f their Intrinsic merit can he offered thnu a state ment of the fact. that after 18 yonr*’ use and )** ini' suhlect to sevoro lest* in all kind* iff loculi ltc«, and t«» the moat hitter and determined np|ro eiilon that ronld he Invented, that I her are t»»-d»y, the MOST POPULARsTOVEKIn Hie marker, and have given •nrh iw*lv”f»al «**tisfiuiihm liiatthe DEM ASD I 6 GItSA TEH TUAN F VEH If mu want Ut* Jlr*t Cooking Stott for Wood, buy the CHARTER OAK. If von want thr Best Cooking Stott for Coal, buy the t'IIALUS SUE. If yon want the neatest and b*st eheet Iron jxirlor store ever mude, buy the E VENI.XO STAR. -SOLD BY- Excelsior Manufacturing Co., 6ia and Oil North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. —AND ALL— Live Stove Dealers, LIKE lIAUPER & lIOITSMAN, AND If. DOF.VTdIER At CO., •ulldAw ly tkcycnuc. U )uiniittf, MtnnoNS, TERRITORY OP WYOMINU, f COLNT.T OT LaUAMJK. f James D. WonlloY. I’lalnlitf. r*. C. L. Kin". De fendant—Summon*. To ttu told C. L. King, nourteuUrU defendant, You are hereby notified that you have been *ued in 'aid 1)1*1 ril Court, by *aid Janie* 1). Wool ley. plaintiff, a*d that a writ of attachment bn* issued against tour property, u* a mm-rc*ldent of Wyoming Tern «»ry, and that unlu** you answer , the petition of p* litrlrf. now on file in the office of the Clerk of said Court. on or before the 3d dar of December. A. 1». IK7». *ald petition, with afl the mar’er* and things therein alleged, w.U he taken aa true, and Judgment rendered aoeord- Inirly. Tho object us raid ACiipn IjlU> JttCfilUE of yqn tho aura of fTOtthi. with Interest since February Ist. A. D 187.1. ou a balance of account for good* and merchandise sold and delivered. Witness my hand and seal of auid District Court, at Cheyenne City. In the County of Lara* f*TALj mle, till* Bth day of October. A. D. 1870. J. W. HUTCHINSON. Clerk of District Court. W. R. Steelic, Plaintiff * Auoiuey. octlO-wfit MANNING'S Antidote for Intemperance. IS AN INFALLIBLE CURB FOR thl* fearful vice. It* use will at otic - remove tho taste or desire for stimulant*. and will aoon create an actual dislike for them. It can be administered In tea, coffee, or even water, without etelllnt anaplclon. a* It l* free from tnate or smell. If you hurt a h'uibamd. brother or frlrnd. addietstt to this terrible hut til, U At your duty to curt him. Scut free by mall on rocatiH of tho monoy. Price Two Do 11 at* per hoi. W. 11. MANNING ± CO., jnylfid* ts St. Lonl*. Vo. CLOTHINC, ETC. WE WKIiK NEVER AS WEfcti I’RErARED AS NOW TO SHOW TO THE PUBLIC Such an assortment of goods, stylish and dosirabie CLOTHINC AND aw FINISHING GOODS ! In fact everything tlmt la needed In illcu’* Wear AT folE • U. P. R. R. CLOTHING HOUSE, SIXTEENTH ST. B. & I. HELLMAN. DENVER PACIFIC EAILWAY. ♦ Open to Denver. Connecting with the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CHEYEIsriSrE For all point* East and West. DENVER, With J. Hughes A Co.’* Six-horse Double-daily Line, of Concord Concho*, carrying the U. S. Mall and Kxpre**, over thu beet na tural road In the world, to GOLDEN CITY. BLACK nAWK, CENTRAL CITY, IDAHO, GEORGETOWN, KIT CARSON, and the Kan*n* rue I tie Railway, utid all point* n Colorado. \nd with A. Jacob’* DENVER AND SANTA FE • STAGE LINE, via Colorado City and Pueblo, **" And Ilartmun’* Line to the SOUTH PARK. FAIP.PLAY AND BUCKSKIN, And with Smith's Line to VALMONT AND BOULDER. Trains leave Evans ut 7:90 a. m., dally, (cx opt Sundnv*.) arriving at Cheyenne nt ll;15a. m., and returning, leave Cheyenne at 1:20 p. ut., (making connection with train* arriving at Cheyenne from the Ka»t and Went daring the day,) arriving at Evans nt 5:30 p. m- Uiuuba time. For all hnslnu** connected with tho operation of the road, apply to or address C. W. FISIIICB, Superintendent mid (•cnerul l*relgli and Ticket Agent, Denver, Colorado. SI JIJIONS. NOTICE. Ebon Smith, of Omaha, in the State of will take notice that Posey S. Wilson, of the County of Laramie, In tho Territory of Wyoming, did. on the tßth day *«f Juno, A. I). 1870, file hi* petition In the District Court of the First Judicial District or tho Territory of Wyoming, within and for the County of Lurumle, against the said Ehen Mioltli. defendant, selling forth that on tho 94tji dayofJuuo. IhOtbat said *'• uniy oi LuTumte. made his promlssorv note in wriilug, and delivered the same to said Posey S. Wilson, and thereby prom l*oU to pay to •aid Posey S. Wllsou’s order, sixty dm* after tho said 2-itli day of June, ISO!), the. sum of three hundred dollar* at the banking house of J A. Ware A Co., with interest thereon from the said Wih day of June, 1 Stiff, ut the rate of twentv four imr eon Him per annum, and that thu said note K-eanio due >uul puvulih- from said Klxin Smith to said Po*o> S. Wnaon on the 2*l day of August, 184/), but that no part thereof ha* been M tid. ntul j raving Judgment against the said then smith for the autu of throe hundred dollar*, with Interest thereon at the rule of twenty-fotir j»er cent am p**r ami am slue 1 AagUlt SBd, 180 b, aud the cost* of tlie action. And the said Ebon Smith 1* hereby notified that he is reiiolrod to appear In said com rand answer said petition ou or before the 11th day of Decem ber. A. D. 187 '. Dated October 10th. 1870. octlo will 11ISKY s. WILSON. Bv WuiThiiKAO & Coulltt. hip Attorney*. MILLS «C CO., Wholesale nOOKSULLKKN, STATIONERS, BLANK BOOK MAKERS, Printcra and iiiTno g n aph’hs Register Building, DusMolucs, loon, u. u. rooucsoxo. n. w. FOGLESONG & CO., Wholesale aud Retail Dealer* In NTAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, LADIES’ SHOES, OUItBfIA liLtNKETS, NOTIONS, ETC. (.nrto<l Stork in Wyoming. mcbtl-firo SMITH’S COLUMN. PETER SMITH’S €HI€A&O Revolution Store! CORNER Eddy and 17th STnHETB. CHEYENNE, - - - WYOMING. CHEAPEST STORE * THIS SIDE OF OMAHA. This Establishment, recently opened, has con stantly on hand a Dull assortment OF— . CLOTHING! Boots and Shoes. HATS & GAPS. iJ ' ■ ■J' V 4 *» pW uaw >! NOTIONS ! POCKET AND TABLE . - i . . W CUTLERY ! ? ’ *<: -•« 4 - • ETC., ETC., ETC., AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CITY AM) COCXTItY DEALERS Art requested to call and EXAMINE STOCK & PRICES. BEFORE VISITING EASTERN MARKETS. LIQUORS, ETC. ' r -7- • • - ■ ■ 1 B. HAMBURGER A CO, WtIOI.ErtALK OKAI.KHH IV WIKTES 2 LIQUORS, CIGARS, &C. PROPRIETORS OF COSMOPOLITAN, And Solo Agent* for the FIRST LOVE, La Cultura and Minerva, And other Brands of CIGARS ! NEW BRICK BUILDING, Corner Ferguson & 16th Sts. ALL COODS GUARANTE All order* promptly attended to. blO-ly UNION PACIFIC Rail Road Company TOWN LOT DEPARTMENT Have an unlimited number of both Business and Resident Lots in nil the towns nlon" the line of rr*nd trom Omaha l«» Corrine, which are being paid cheap, and "rent Inducement* are offered to all wishing to establish business and build for themselves a home. There is a great demand for BUSINESS HOUSES in nil the frttrh*, to snppfy the immigration which will continue for years sotlling up the ric i agricultural and mineral lands. Appffcnrton* may be made to Agents on the ground, or address J. M. EDDY, Goneral Town Sito Aont, U. P. R. R aaglO-tf OMAHA, NEBRASKA I L. MUBRIN & CO., wnOLKSAIiB DEALERS IN Foreign Ac Domestic LIQUORS! wine s, Tobacco & Cigars. 17TI1 STREET, Botwecn Eddy and Fergupon, febKMf MKF.KIPP SALE. TERRITORY OF WYOMING, 1 County or LaHANie. f Job Mlino v*. J mirsTt. Whitehead. By virtue of |iu execution l**ncd out of the Dlcifid Court of the First Judicial District of said’ ountv. whcroln Job Milne i«t plaintiff, and Janie* It. Whitehead Is defendant, for the *um of twA hundred and seventy-four dollar* and *ix ceil'* tfc)74.Lfi) and costs of *ult, 1 havo levied ou the following described property a* tho property of tho saltl Janie* It. Wiilteliead, to-wit : The east forty-four (tit feet of lot No. *lx (fit. In block No. three hundred and fifty-four <JWV4), In tho city of GLrycuue, In said county, being forty-four ( IT) feet front on Seventeenth Hiittet. and runnimr back one hundred and ihtrty-two (ljfcl)feet, with hM the appurtenaneo* and Improvement* shunted thereon, which 1 will offer lor sale ou Wednes day, October 13th, 1870. between tho hour* of 10 o'clock, and 2 o’clock p. m. of said day, to the highest bidder, for cash, nt the Court-House door. In said county, to satisfy said execution aud costs. ft. M. PRESHAW, Sheriff Laramie County. W. T. MptWtOOCtlf. GROCERIES. WHIFFLE BROTHERS, Wholesale and Retail balers in _ GROCERIES! PROVISIONS & PRODUCE! Aro prepared te fill large or small orders for supplies of BUGARS, TEAB, COFFEES, FLOUR, BACGN, HAMS. GRAIN AND VEGETABLES, FISH OF ALL KINDS, FRESH AND DRIED FRUITS, Canned Goods! Figs, Spices, Maccnronl, Tapioca and Citron lavoring Extracts. BAKING POWDERS! SAUCES, PICKLES, ETC. , We give special attention to the trade in Fresh Butter & Eggs, And tlio best qualities of CHEESE! All of which wc arc prepared to offer, In any quantity, in thu Dost condition, and • A.t Reduced Prices ! Store on the sontli side of Seventeenth street, west of the Post Office, Cheyenne. fcblO-tf W. D. PEASE, COR. 17tu AND FERGUSON STS.,’ Family Groceries FRESII VEGETABLES, And a full assortment of CANNED FRUIT PRESERVES JELLIES AMD PICKLES I WORCESTERSHIRE AND JOCKEY CLCJB SAUCES! And almost anything In the eating line. Thnnkfnl ferr the liberal amount of patronage granted me in the past, I .rope by strict attention to the want* of my Mends to continue to receive it in the futuro. PURE CIDER VINEGAR —AND— COAL OIL Constantly on hand at HI. OREALY’B STORE, - *ept2Cd3m Fifteenth Streel. Royal Havana Lottery ! fpxr CUBA. SBOO,OOO Tn Gold Drawn Evthf\Sevenletn Dags. Prlaes cached and infonuation furnished; the highest rate* paid for Doubloons, Spanish Bank Note* and all kind* of Gold and Silver und Gov ernment Securities. TAYLOR A CO., Danker* No. 16 Wall «.N.Y. STEPHEN BON, EDDY STREET, Near Corner Fifteenth Street Has Ju.t rccuh-ed tho most complota stock of GENTS’ AND BOVS’ LADIES’ AND MISSES Boots and Shoes! OF TIIE lIB9T QUALITY. MEN’S BUFFALO BOOTS ! Hand mndo and Wnrranted. Leather and Findings Os every description, which he sella at very low price* for ca*h. All Worlc Wnrrnntod! If you waut a good bargain call on STEPHEN BON, Eddy Street, near Fifteenth Stott—Red Window*. PARTICULAR NOTICE.—The Proprlen.r of I thl* paper will not he reaponslhlo fur any bill or Indohledness, contraetisl by any other person, whatever,nnlo** the aame *hall have been allowed upon the written order of the nnder*lgned. Thl* will obviate complication of account* and need .«•• annoyance to any one. N. A. BAKER. FIRE-ARMS. FREUND & BROTHER, Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of FIRE-ARMS ! •; :* . • *tf. r I / ■ - • AND AMMUNITION ! Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, SPORTING APPARATUS. Os every description. East side of Eddy street, Cheyenne. Pioneer Gunsmiths OF THE WEST! - And sole agents for the Winchester Repeating RIFLES & CARBINES These arms armß arc particularly adapted foi defence aguinst Indian, attacks! AND FOR HUNTING PTRPOSEB. Agents for E. L. Dnponth* and DcNemonrs anc .Company’s Celebrated Sporting and Mining Powder! ALL KINDS OF Fixed & Loose Ammunition CONSTANTLY ON HAND HE3?AmiNG In all its branches, done with Scientific Precision! All goods sold by ns arc guaranteed to he as rep resented. Branch house* at •SOUTH LARAMIE CITY, W. TER. feblO-ly CUT _ THIS OUT FOR REFERENCE! Wc have the Largest Stock of Extra Choice Impbrted Woolen For Men's Wear, In our lino, in Ameiuca. Wc make them to inoasttro tn the most Tnonouon and artistic style, at the LOWEST PRICES possible for the Article Fuhnlsued. WBDDIKB OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. AMERICAN LIYERY CUT ARTISTICALLY FURNISHED. SHIRTS, TO MEASURE Extra, durable, and perfect in fit. ELY, Tailor, Draper* and Importer of Fine Woolen* for Men a Wear. i ra i msws«i sura, Chicago. dm fill inin idv it Clergymen will be allowed *ix per cent, discount. E*taushbd, 1854. oct4-dlm SINGER'S Sewing Machines. Tho singer Manufacturing: Co. la now producing nearly 200.000 Sewing illaelilncM per nnnniu and In not able to muut the demand, but In twder to do no, new lac lorlcs ffru being erected tliat will supply Three Hundred nn<l Fifty Tliouaainl ITlacliltien each Year. Tlie popularity of tho “Nkw Family” Hewing Machine 1* only *urpa*hed by It* u*cftilno** and simplicity ; dilrnhtlliy and beamy. Where known It 1* difficult for othet manufacturer* Ip effl*ei sale*, and tlmy employ wvory loean* to f«l*t their nroduciH upon the people. Buyer* of Sowing MflcnlnoH nlionld avoid r>utrn**«-r* and peddler* wlio loiort to comjiul-iaid to make sale*, for no mnclitnn can he do*lrai)lo that I* forcibly thrust on the purchaser. Tin-Bingor “New Family** and the "New No. Ono * Bowing Machines, [the latter for Dressmaker*. Tailor*, Shoemaker*, Ac.,] are eagorlv sought ffir, mid a largo stock can bo found in oar sale* rooms. tpgotbcT with every useful ncce**ory Hi ended for them. We fell Silk Twist, (’otiop and Linen Throad*, Needle*. Oil, Hcrew-drlver*, Ac., at retail or In quantity, at maun torturers’ priroa. Catnlpgin’H, l’rlco Ll»l*, Ae.. llu'Engllali or Oer man] furnished on appMeariou by in all or other- DEAN & LOWE, 005 North Fonrth Ntreet, *cpta3-d.lm S*r. LfflJlfi. NO. Mr W. COOK, Attorney jl.o counselor at law, office In court hottod. Cheyenne, Wyomlug tylß^n AIt>OII,PIA O FORTES. jmjJ LV- i, •' PATENT JUHON Piano Fortes! COMBINES MANNEIt'S FOUR Simplifying Patents, Tnß MOST VALUABLE PATENTS EVER USED IN PIANO FORTES. PATENT ARIOJff REVERSED WOODEN AGRAFFE. PATENT ARXOBT COMPOUND WREST PLANK. PATENT ARIOIUT FULL IRON FRAME. PATENT ARION SUSTAINING IRON BAR. A Few Reasons wny the ARION PIANO IB SUPERIOR TO ALL 01 HERS. The ARION PIANO FORTE has Greater Power than any other Piano Forte Manufactured. IT WILL STAND IN TUNE LONGER* and in (ts mechanical construction It is more per feet. and. therefore, more durable than any la etriunuut constructed in the usuul modern etylc. OUT The arrangement of the Agraffe, The manner si ringing, the peculiar form and arrangement the Iron Frame, SUPERCEDES ALL OTHERS. The nse erf a bar (which Is a part of the Iron Frame) on a line with the heavy steel stringing. gives Groat Stronifth where most needed, and in this respect aft other Piano* frill. The construction of the WREBT PLANK, Inin which the Typing Pins are inserted, is such that It i* Mtipossible urf the pins to become loosened or the Wrest Flunk h self to spilt. •• In too often the cuse in Phroo-Fortes. Tlic Extraordinary Ktsatess throutrhput the scale, the excellent Singing Quality, the Length and Purity of Vibration, all go to prove what we claim, vis., that th« Arion Piano-Forte IS THE BEST INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURED AGENTS WANTED. First class and responsible Agents wanted In every City and Town where we have not already appointed them. Writr for Hrcnlar, which we mail free, or en close two three cent stamps for the ARION PAMPHLET, which contains a roll account of the famous blindfold trial, and otaer valuable Infor mation to those contemplating purchasing a piano Porte. N. B.—We eantlon the public from purchasing a cheap Plano, which has receutly been put In the market, bearing the name ** Arion.” All genuine Arion Pianos hear the name ."Patent Arion,* and can only he purchased from our York ware rooms, or ottr authorized Agents throughout the United BtateM. All Kinds of Musical Instru ments supplied. ADDRESS THE ARION PIANO-FORTE CO. NO. 564, BROADWAY, * auglsd&wly New York City. BAR.