Newspaper Page Text
DAILY EVENING LEADER. 3, 1870. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. AIUMVE rHO* EAST. DEPART vrzsT. Passenger 1:40 p. in. | Passenger — S:10p. m. Mixed .isi :0l) p. m. | Mixed 8:45 p. m. Freight . .s:l® a. in. | Freight .6:15 a. m. Fac. Ex. Frl.. 13*10 m. | Pac. Kx. Fri. 13:30 p. in. ARRIVE rilOR WEST. DKPAUT EAST. Passenger ...’. .1:30 p. m. I Pnssenger 3:00 p. m. Mixed 7:45 p. m. I Mixed 8:16 p. m. Freight 4:60 a. m. I Freight 6:15 a. ni; At- Ex. Tuca ..1:15 p. in. | At. Ex.Tucb. .2:00 p. in. Train a between Laramie and Omaha ruti on Omaha time, which ia 35 mi inner* faster than Cheyenne tme. and Cheyenne time goverua trains west of Laramie. DENVER PACIFIC RAILROAD. ARIUYX FROM SOUTH. DEPART SOUTH. Express. 1:30 p. m. I Express 3:55 p «n. Freight 0:35 p. m. | Freight 7:00 a. u.. Trains on the D.P.Rallwny run on Omaha time. Mali Arrival* and Departure*. Until further notice the Postoflicu will bo open for delivery and reception of mall matter from 714 a. m. to 7H p. m. daily, except Sundays, and on Sundays from 12:3‘p. m. !« 3 p n». Money order office open from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. dally, except Sundays. Western mails close at 13 o'clock daily. Eastern mails close at l:*o p. m. dally. Denver Pacific R. K., Including Denver nnd sonthern mails, close at 1:15 p. in. dally, except Sundays. Mail* arrive from east dally at 1* ro., and from the west dally al 1:16 p. ni. Mails arrive from Denver, Col., and way. via Denver Pacific R. R., at 11:45 a. m. dally, except Sundays. Mails close for Fort I.aramle and Fort Fetter man on Mondays and Thursday* nf 5 p. m. Mails arrive from Fort Larantle nnd Fort Fet tcruiun Sundays sud Thursdays at 444 p. m. IV. W. CORLETT. Postmaster. —The approach of winter does not seem to diminish travel on the Union Pacific. Trains each way are as large and well filled with passengers as ever. —The People’s Literary Cum/Hinioit, for November, comes to us ns bright and ns fresh looking as the green fields are after a gentle min. It is published by E. C. Allen si Co., Au gusta, Maine. Terms seventy-five cents j>er year. A fine steel engra ving, entitled, “ From Shorn to Shore,” is presented to every new subscriber. It is really one of the most pleasing engravings ever liefiirc the public. The Companion is prin ted on fine, heavy paj>er; its columns arc* filled to the brim witii good things by talented authors, and withal is one of the largest and fine est illustrated family i>iq>ers pub lished. —A Good Templars organization is beiug perfected in this city. —Mr. T. Dyer lias his new French Restaurant in running order again. He has shown commendnble enter prise in re-establisldng so promptly after the tire which destroyed the former place of business, and we hope to see ills energy rewarded by a liberal patronnge. —Movements are making f° r the establishment of a gymnasium hero this winter. As a health giving, and recreative means of exercise, the project should receive every possible eueouragemen. —All editor iu Kansas recently pub -1 inhid a long obituary notice of an , < uncle of Jils who died out in Austra lia, and left $400,000,01X1 to his only nephew. The Intimate acquaintances of the editor regard this story ns the preliminary measure of a carefully devised scheme to get trusted for a couple of winter undershirts. Per sons who have such articles for sale ure warned not to give credit to any editor who tells such a story unless lie has with him the dead body of the uncle, with the money in the panta loons pocket of tlie corpse —Mr. Baer, the well known butcher will soon reopen his market, on Fer guson street, a few doors south of the Leader office. —lt is an error to suppose that King William of Prussia has a hand kerchief with a map of Kurope print ed on it, so tliut he cun poke his nose into Alsace and Loirnine, without risk ; he keeps it so that ho can blow up a Flench town or two when he feels like it. —The Laramie tjentiiiel of the 31st ult., says: “It is well known by many that curiously formed sand stone rocks are found on Sand Creek, some distance southeast of Laruinie. One day last week one of Thomas Alsop’s herders, while climbing among and over them, dis covered in one of the "kettles” or large basins worn out on top, an enor mous mountain lion, which had got ten into it, but could lftit find his way out. Four days afterward, Mr. Alaop witli some of his men, went there, and finding the “ varmint” too many to fool with or capture alive, they shot him. He wns hauled out witli ropes and measured eight feet and seven inches from his none to the end of'the tall. The boys then explored tho hole and found the skeletons of several lions, bears and wolves there, some of which arc evidently recent .victims to their exploring adven tures.” Horace Greeley asks, “Willthe coining woman puli tooth?” A bald headed Benedict responds: “Our lim ited prophetic knowledge prevents us fnuoi answering Horace; but if tlie p/£«mt is a truthful criterion for the future, »ve can safely assert that the coming woman will pull hair.” i<KW Atj-baption —Messrs. Ellis liras.’ desire to inform their friends sud the public, tJi@t they have fitted up their room* at the confectionery on Eddy street, to furnish parties with nice friwli oysters, served in any stvie which may be desired.. oct-18tf Ftre! Fire!!—Frank A Appel have removed their stock to the store, next door to Messrs Joseph A O’Brien’s, Eddy street, and will sell theirextensive assortment of gents’ and Boy’s Clothing, Hats,'and gents’ furnishing goods, part of which is slightly diunaged, below cost. octai-tf —Lar.KU Beer and Billiards at L. Kabls, Ferguson street. nov2-It Wall I’.wkh.—s,ooo rolls of choice patterns of wall pajicr just received and for side at low prices at Joseph & O’Brien’s, Eddy street. nov2-tf BiudCaoks in great variety just received at Josepii & O’Brien’s. nov2-tf —2,000 rolls of wall paper of the latest patterns, just received nnd for sale very low at A. It. Converse’s. novl-Ot —II. Boettcher has just received a cur load of cooking and heating stoves, Ac., which lie will sell at very low prices. oct2B-2w —Oysters! Oysters! of the celebra ted brand C. 8. Maltby, just received at the Ford House, l’riee $1.35 a can. sept2Hf To the Painters.— Just received at McGregor & Co.’s drug store, Eddy street, n large lot of vnrnishcs, lead, oil, turpentine, paint and varnish brushes, and everything in the paint ers’ line, which they will sell at very low prices. Give them a call before buying elsewhere. novl-2t —J. 11. Stein lias now in store a full and complete stock of fall and winter goods, to which he invites the attention of the public. decß-ly —Oysters in every style, at Ellis Bros.’ octlß-tf —Universal favorite. Finestcooks, best waiters and excellent table, at tlie well known Karns House. We commend tilts house to the resident and traveling public. oct7tf Eagle House, 15th street, A. Sim ons, proprietor, is the best place to board in this city—s7 per week, or 1$ per day. Good rooms at moderate prices. aug3l-tf —Oysters in every stylo, at Ellis Bros/ oqtlß-tf SPECIAL NOTICES. See -Advertisement of Dr. Butts’ Dispensary headed, Hook for Uio million— MARRIAGE GUIDE—In uuother column. It should be* read by all. Jy!sd&wly CLOTHING, ETC. WE WERE SEVER AS WEI.I. PREPARED AS NOW TO SHOW TO THE PUBLIC Such an assortment of goods, stylish and desirable CLOTHING AND GEMS’ FUMISMM GOODS! lu fact everything that Is needed In JTlcu’r Wear AT 'fliE U. P. R. R. CLOTHING HOUSE, SIXTEENTH ST. B. & I. HELLMAN. sujihoks. NOTICE. Kbcu Smith, of Omaha. lutfie State of Nebraska, will take notice that I’os«*y S. Wilson, of the County or Laramie, in the Territory of Wyomlue, did. on the »ih dnv of June. A. D. 187 b, file his petltlou in the District Court of the Mrst Judicial District of the Territory of Wyoming, within and for the County of Laramie, against the said Kben Smith, defendant, setting forth that on the 34th day of June. 18H». at said County oi Larumle, made his promissory note in writing, nnd delivered the same to said Poeey S. Wllsou. and thereby prom ised tv. pay nwsuhl Fosev S. Wilson * order, sixty days utter the said 04 th day of June. 1860, the sum or three hundred d'dlnrs »t the bunking house of J A. Ware A: Co., with Inteia at thereou from the said Oil It day of June. IHtili, At the rate of twentv four per centum per annum, and that the said noie became due and nsyahlc from said Kben Smith to said Poaev S. Wilson on the S3d day of Atitfuat, I8t», but that no part thereof has been paid, and praying Judgment u i.inst the said Elk*ii Smith for the sum of three hundred dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of twenty-four per centum per annum since August 33d, 186-», and the fists of the action. And the said Kben Smith i* hereby notified that h* Is renui red to appear in said court and answer Mid poUlk'x ■>“ »r bufore lUo 1111 l d..J oi brr. A. 11. <*W. . , Dated October 10th. u-iIUGN octld-Mtlt POSLY 8. W ILSON. Ht Wuitkukad Coiutrr, Uls Attorneys. a. D. roOLKsONO. «• »*• rOUUXSONO. FOGLESONG & CO., and Rol.II Dealer. lu STAPLE AND.FANCIf BRV UOODB, DRESS GOODS, LADIES' SHOES, fALIFOKMA BLANKETS, NOTIONS, ETC. Ijfirgettt t!*tock in Wyoming. mchtl<Bm G. E. THOMPSON, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER Seventeenth street, next door to the Metropolitan Billiard Rail. UNDERSTANDS thoroughly the art of filling any feet, deformed or otherwise, according to anatomical principles. None but the best maler lala-are used and satisfaction guaranteed. Give him a call. > ‘ , J SMITH’S COLUMN. PETER SMITH’S €HI€A€rO ' V ' .L Revolution Store! A ' CORNER Eddy and 17 th BTXIBBTB. CHEYENNE, - - - WYOMING. CHEAPEST STORE % THIS SIDE OF OMAHA. This Establishment, rccontly opened, has con stantly on hand a «■» Full assortment OF CLOTHING! Boots and Shoes. HATS « CAPS. NOTIONS ! POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY! BTC., ETC., ETC., AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CITY ASIA tOt.VIHY D EA T, K Tl S Arc requested to eall and EXAMINE STOCK A PRICES. BEKUIIB VISITING EASTERN MARKETS. ,»dAwßn] LIQUORS, ETC. B. HAMBURGER & CO, WHOLESALE DKAIJUM IN W I MEB ! LIQUORS, CIGARS, &C. PROPRIETORS OF COSMOPOLITAN, And Sole Agents for tho FIRST LOVE, La Cultura and Minerva, And other Brands of • CIGARS ! NEW BRICK BUILDING, Corner Ferguson & 16th Sts. ALL COODS GUARANTE All orders promptly attended to. blO-ly TJ3MIOKT PACIFIC Rail Road Company TOWN LOT DEPARTMENT lluvc an unlimited number of both Business and Resident Lots in all the towns along the line of road Irom Omaha to Corrine. which nre being sold cheap, and great inducements are offered to all washing to establish business and build for themselves a home. There is a great demand for BUSINESS HOUSES in all the towns, to supply the immigration which wUI continue for years settling up the ric.i agricultural and mineral lands. Applications may be made to Agents on the ground, or address J. M. EDDY, General Town Site Aent, U. P. R. R auglD-tf OMAUA, NEBRASKA L. MURRIN & CO., r WHOLESALE DKALKK3 IN Foreign JDon»eHti<J LIQUORS! W INKS, Tobacco & Cigars. 17TI1 STREET, Between Eddy and Ferguson, feblO-tf SIIKBIFP SALK. TERRITORY OF WYOMING, iXjuntt nr Lahamie. i Job Miluo vs. James R. Whitehead. By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court of the First Judicial District of said County, wherein Job Milne is pluintiif, nnd Jmnes It. While head Is defendant, for the sum of two hundred nnd soveutv-fonr dollars and six cents ($371.06) and costs of suit, I have levied ou the following described property as the nroperiy of the said James R. Whitehead, to-wlt : Tho east rorty-four (44) foot of lot No. six dlt. in block No. three hundred nnd fifty four (350, In the city of Cheyenne, in said county, being forty four (44) feet front on Seventeenth street, and running back one hundred and thirty-two 1 133) feet, with all the appurtenance* and improvements situated thereon, which I will offer for sale on Wednes day October HUh, 187 U, between the hours of 10 o’clock, a. m. and 3 o'clock p. in, «>r said day, to the highest bidder, for cosh, at the Court-House door. In said county, to satisfy said execution aud costs. 8. M. PRKSHAW, Sheriff' Laramie County, W. T. septlDtooctlO. GROCERIES. WHIPPLE BROTHERS, Wholesale aftd Retail ~K.u’.er» \u GROCERIES! PROVISIONS & PRODUCE! .J i v*..; IT. j: u Arc prepared to fill large or small orders for supplies of BUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, FLOUR, BACGN, HAMS. ORAIN AND VEGETABLES, FISH 0E ALL KINDS, FRESH AND DRIED FRUITS, Canned Groods ! Figs, Spices, go, Mnccaronl, Tapioca and Citron lavoring Extracts. BAKING POWDERS! SAUCES, PICKLES, ETC. We give special attention to the trade In Fresh Butter & Eggs, And the beet qualities of CHEESE! All of which we arc prepared to offer, In any quantity, in the Dcst condition, and At ltcduccd Prices ! Btore on the south side of Seventeenth street, west of the Post Office, Cheyonne. feblff-tf W. D. PEASE, COR. 17tu AND FERGUSON STS., Family Groceries * FBESKI VE/UKTABLKS, And a full assortment of CANNED FRUIT PRESERVES JELLIES AND PICKLES I WORCESTERSHIRE AND JOCKEY CU B SAUCES! And almost anything in the eating line. Thankful for the liberal amount of patronage grunted me in the past, I aope by strlet attention to the wnnts of my friends to comitate to rcedve It in the future. PURE CIDER VINEGAR —AND— COAL OIL Constantly on hand at M. OTIEALY’S STORE, septSGdSm Fifteenth Street. Royal Havana Lottery! or CI7HA. $300,000 in Gold Drawn Every Seventeen Days. Prizes cashed and information furnished; the highest rates puid'lbr Doubloons, Spanish Bank Notes and all kinds of Gold nnd Silver and Gov ernment Securities. TAYLOR Jt CO., Bankers No. IB Wall ». N. Y. STEPHEN BON, EDDY STREET, Near Corner Fifteenth Street Hus just received the most complotw stock of GENTS’ AND BOYS’ LADIES’ AND IfIISSES Boots and Shoes! or Tint jjkst qL'Aurr. MEN’S BUFFALO BOOTS ! Hand made and Warruntcd. Leather and Findings Os every description, which he sells at very low prices for cash. All Work Warraotud! If you want a good bargain call on STEPHEN nON. Eddy Street, near Fifteenth Sion—Rod Windows. ARTICULAR NOTICE.—The Proprlew of 1 lids paper will not bo responsible for any bill or indebtedness, contracted by any othor person, whatever.unless the same shall have been allowed upon the written order of the undersigued. Thil will obviate complication of accouut* and iiocd .earn annoyance to any one. N. A. BAKER. FIRE-ARMS. FREUND & BROTHER, Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds vt FIRE-ARMS ! AND AMMUNITiON ! Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, SPORTING APPARATUS. Os every description. East aide of Eddy street, Cheyenne. Pioneer Gunsmiths OF THE WEST! And aolo agents for the Wlnchostor Repeating RIFLES & CARBINES These arms arms are particularly adapted sot defence against Indian. AND FOR HUNTING PTRPOSKS. Agents for E. L. Dupont’s and DcNemours auc Company's Celcbruted Spoiling and Mining Powder! ALL KINDS OF Fixed & Loose Ammunition CONSTANTLY ON HAND HSF^.IZII]NrGV In all its branches, done with Scientific Precision I All goods sold by us are guaranteed to be as rep resented. Branch houses at SOUTH PASS, AND LARAMIE CITY, W. TER. feblO-ly CUT THIS OUT FOft ItEB’KilfiNCE! Wc have tho Largest Stock of Extra Choice Imported Woolen For Men’s WenS, In our line, in Amkiuca. We make them to measure in tlie most Tuonouon and artistic style, at the LOWEST PRICES possible for the Airriui« FuH>iaiu:n/ WEMING OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. AMERICAN LIVERY ARTISTICALLY FURNISHED. SHIRTS, TO MEASURE Extra, durable, aud perfect In P.t, ELY, Tailor, Draper, nnd Importer of Fine Woolens • for Men s Weur. 3 AND I WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO. m fall mmm iov n. Clergymen will be allowed six per cent, discount. Emtalished, 1854. octi-dlm SINGER'S Sewing Machines. The ftluccr Manqrnctiirliitf C’o. Is now producing nearly 200.000 Sewing i ItlachliM’M |»«*r niilitlm and in not able to I meet the demand, but in order to do so, new luc tories ure being erected that will aupply 1 Three lliin<fr<*<! nnd FKiy 'lltotwaml lUuchim’M cneh Year. The popularity of the “New Family" Sewing j Machine Is only surpassed by its useful ness aud simplicity; durability and beauty. Where known ! it is diulcttlr for othrt mumilaciurera to effect eulea, aud they employ yvery moans to foUl their product a upon the people. Buyeru or Sewing Machines should avoid canvassers and peUdlcr* who resort to compulsion to make sales, for no machine can be desirable that is ftirclhly thrust on thu purchaser. The Singer "New Family” uud tin* " New No. One” SewiDK Machines, [lhe latter lor Dressinukers. Titllora. Shoemakers. nre eagorlv Nought for. and a large stock cun be found in our sales rooms, together with every useful uoutssorv intended for them. We soil Silk ’IVIst. t’otton nnd l.lncn Thread*, Needles, Oil, Screw-driver*, &<f„ at retail or in quantity al manufacturers’ prices. Catalogues, Price Lists. Ac., |in English or Ger man] furnished on application by mail or other- DEAN A LOWE, 005 North Fourth Street. | «opl!3-d3tn ST. ItOTTIS. MO. I, W. COOK, AITORNKY A..D COUNSELOR AT LAW, office til court houee, Chayenire. Wyoming I b 14-im ARIOM PIA O FORTIR. A F»A.TBNT ARIOM Piano Fortes! COMBINES MANNER S FOUR Simplifying Patents, THE MOST VALUABLE PATENTS KVltt USED IN PIANO FORTES. PATENT ARIOIUT REVERSED WOODEN AGRAFFE. PATENT ARION COMPOUND WREST PLANK. PATENT ARION FULL IRON FRAME. PATENT ARION SUSTAINING IRON BAR. A Few Reasons WHY THE ARION PIANO IS SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS, The ARION PIANO FORTE hpn Greater than any other Piano Forte Manufactured. it' will stand In tinK lodger. and In Its mechanical construction it Is more per feet, nnd. therefore, more durable than any fn strument constructed in tbe usual modern style. The nrrangeifient of tfccf Agraffe, the manner stringing, the peculiar form and arrangement the Iron Frame, # SUPERCEDES ALL OTHERS. I Tire nse of a bar (which is a part of the Irens Frame) on a line with the heavy steel stringing, gives Great Strength ** whore most needed, and tn tfcfs respect aIT other Pianos fail. The construction of the WREST PLANK, into which tho Timing Pins are fmwrfed, lu tmeh that It Is impossible for the phis to become foooened or the Wrest Plank ltseli to split, vs to too often the ensir in other Piano-Fortes. Tho Extraordinary Krenurtw throughout the BCalry the excellent Singing Quality, tho Length and Purity of Vibration, | ull go to prove what we claim, rix., that tho flrion Piano-Forte 1 IS TnE BEST INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURED ! AOBNTB WANTED. ; : oy «v/.’(:: -i C 5 First c|KM nnd ros|M>nsiblu Agents wanted la every City and Town where wc have not already appointed them. Writ r for Circular, which wo mail free, or en close two three cent stamps for the AltlON PAMPHLET, which contains a mil account of the famous blindfold trial, and other valuable Infor mation to those couteiuplatlug purchasing a llano ; Porte. N. B. -Wo oautlou tho public from purchasing a cheap l’lano. which has recently been nut in the I market, hearing tho uamu " Arion.” All genuiae A Hon Pianos hear tho iinmo "Patent Arion,” and call only Imj purchased from our New York Ware rooms, or our authorized Agents throughout the j United Slates. I All KimlH of Muhlchl luitrn. ! I • incuts supplied, ; i ADDRESS TUB ! ARION PIANO-FORTE CO. NO. 551. BROADWAY, auglS.l&wly New York City. OUT