Newspaper Page Text
Mlii EVEN INC LEADER. WMUMMT. M)Vlt|m:H 23. 1870. HOTELS. II ' \ KARMS HOUSE. Seventeenth Street, CHEYENNE WYOMING. -1 * HAS DEEM ! GREATLY ENLARGED and tbooroughly refitted In SUPERIOR STYLE. IT IS THE Oldest, Largest A.\ U U.N L 1 First Class Hotel IN THIS CITY. SUPERIOR accotnmodn;ion- for transient <>r peniutfXMit Lonrdertl at llth most reasonable pri<*r*. An Omnibus will convoy trii'eW* to aad train ibe H*llK>r.d depot without e.xtr i ••tinrge. ' Mltb. .MAItTIIA KAII.NS, iTUYTir HOT EL * FlftttnUi Sfrtti near Ferguson, chfiY'ENNE, • - WYOMING. A. YFALDSCIIMIDT, Proprietor. Good Day or Week Board and Lodging at Moderate Prices. octl-ly French Restaurant. DYI.K, Proprietor. E I>D Y S T 1C 10 E T , ~ CHEYENNE, WYOMING. establishment ha* been thoroughly refitted and i- jM.w ready to accommodate its old patron* alia the public in first rate **t> Ic. dEfc Fresh Oysters xl/ And all the luxuries of the season always un hand. Single Monls, Board by the Day or Week, at moderate terms. "Tire Bar I* ntways provided with the best of t* oud Cigar*. ./ Fore Good Meal go to tho ' ItESTA I KANT. T CLOTHINC, ETC. — q Wfc J jL • WERE NEVER AS WELL PREPARED AS NOW T SHOW Cl TO THE PUBLIC loth an assortment of goods, stylish and hr dcairabio CLOTHING AND GEMS’ FLUXISIIIXG Q&JBS! 1 ►’Tact SYcrytblus Hint Is needed In JTien'M Wear ATTUE t-U. P. R. R. CLOTHING HOUSE, SIXTEENTH ST. '! B. & I. HELLFVtAN. THE EUROPEAN MAIL: a Weekly hnmmnry oftfow* for North Atuerlcn. — Usual Cuuiouh; Art mid Science; Dirt In*. Marriages, =and Death*: Com meric ial Summitry; t'orrespun drtlfr; Court; (‘itmiuoJ; Emirr.ii ion ; Foreign and Colonial*. Irelaml; [..i »i Shipping; Legal t i er ary; Market Report*; Medical: M rc.inille; Mill tary: Mlscellnnfrv.i*; Mu-ieaud the Dr.unn; Nam ■ml History; Nnv«!- ObUoarv; Puli lr d: Price Carrsnt; Hcotland; Khlpptn,: nod Freights; S;.e rial American Note*: i-puriiug,. stuck und Shares; Wills and Bequest*, Ac. Ac. Suttcri/Mon, jxiiji'jte in ajtwi, T7*. Ul. r»r an ,Mim, incluslu 0/ /**&</«. may ftl&wly R. WHITBIIEAO. W. ar. COULETT. WHITEHEAD dr «ORLI£TT, , A TTIiRNEYJx Solicitors and Advocates. Of ficc. west side Eddy street, adjoinin'.* city building. Churcnn*. onstttf ,'>l El)l CAL.. THE BRIDAL CHAMBER HI r! t upuri ron rotma ns* OStmi social enl* and abuses, which interfere With MARRIAGE. with sorMfeean* of relief ( r the Erring and. Unfortunate. uir-e nud dehill-, fated- Beat In sealed letter envelopes, free of Ilswm Hawitaiit Ain Association, No. f Soulh Ninth St.. Philadelphia. Pa. novlO-dlm • O. C. THOMPSON, BBBf 7 jp SHOE MAKER lafliiti mroef. next 4<mt to the Metropolitan a* 1 »*•••. Billiard Weir. irrWMRBTANDS thoroughly the art of fltfltig #/' aaf |Wet, deformed or otherwise. according to AfiMftiaoil principle*. None hut the Ik»1 inater- UB and satisfaction guaranteed. Give MARKETS. EMPIRE MEAT MARKET! A. BAER, Dealer In Fresh k Salt Meats VENISON, FISH, VEGETABLES & WILD GAME. EERGISON STREET, A few doors south of tho Leadftr Offloo nov7-lra THE CHEYENNE MARKET! Fred Landau, Dealer In FItESIX AND HALT MEATS, VENISON, Vegetables & Wild Ggnie. Frceli Fifth Received Dally. Seventeenth Street, bet.'Eddy and Fer guson. novfl-ly UNIONT PACIFIC Bail Road Company TOWN LOT DEPARTMENT Have an unlimited number oi both Business and Resident Lots in nil the towns aTonrr the line of road from Omaha to Oofrln**, which are being void cheap, anil treat inducement* ore offered to all wishing to establish business nud build for themselves a home. There is u great demand for BUSINESS HOUSES In nil the town*, to supply the Immigration which will continue for year* nettling up the ric . agricultural nud mineral land*. Application" may bo made to Agents on the ground, or address J. M. EDDY, Gonoral Town Sito Aont, U. P. R. R nnglO ts OMAHA, NEBRASKA L. MimSUN & CO., WUOLKSALB n*ALEXIS IK Forolgn Domcstio LIQUORS ! W INK S, Tobacco & Cigars. 17-Tlf STREET, Between Eddy and Fcrgflson, feblO ts A Eioolt for (lie Million. APr 1 A U | A private Counselor to the it ll /' ••• 1 '•*. J M d, or those about |«> t".*'. ’' ' | marry. on tlurphysloloirlcnl MUFI/Aa | tn>atorlen and revchMWw\«of the remul H\>,em. wiih the latont dlHCovcric* tn producin ' and p-evuiiing oflrprlne, preserving 1 lie cun: ■;< ’.ion. \c. Till* is an interesting work of two hundred and twenty-four pmre*. with nu- M1 en o ti,.-and contain* valuable Infur f,»r ili»»«e v ho are married or contemplate m.irrin.e ; si 111 It Is a book that ought to he under lock and key, mid not laid carelessly about tlie b 1 m to any one (free of postage) for Fifty • Addrv-s Dr. Dull*’ Dispensary, No. 12, N. Li_'b: n st Mo. NotDo to tin* Aftllotod and Vnrortn iiuli*.—Before applying to the notorious ijust-'ks "bo ad'eriiai; 111 public papers, or u*ing any t t * 1.1 c!; l.eiuedies, pcru«o Dr. Units* work, no mai ler w li.u your tli.-e use Is, or how deplorable your condition. Dr. Units r>*n bo con-nlted, personally or by mail, on the dl- n*e* mentioned in hi* woiks. or'ice. No. UN. t.i rlith street, b«t. Market and Chcsnnt, St. Louis, Mo. THE TINKLE & LYON SEWING MACHINE WITH DB3P-FECD, SET TAKE UP, SEITIIEMMER, ic. In now oT. - d to Agents on more liberal term*. Also. Second hand Machines taken in exchange, or the new Improvements applied. Every Ma chine la . WARRANTED FIRST CLASS, And if the purchaser doe* not *0 regard It after a fair trial, he can return it, and money refunded.■ N. D. —W in -I Traveling Agents to visit each town - is rib,nlng circulars, explaining the Itn provs rmii!-. e'c.. etc., who can make S2UU per month. A'idrv**, l¥on»» mrrtiL s. n. co., Union Square, 33 East Seventeenth Bt.. New York. novlb-dOm AI.V.N.NUNCi'a* Antidole for Intemperance, rs AN INFALLIBLE (TICK POltthl* fearful y Ice. 1 Jin use win at once remove the taste or desire for stiimtlnui*. nud will i«jon create on. aotuoL (Tl*nku for them. It rail lie admini-tered in tea, codec, or even water, without exciting suspicion, as ill* five from taste or smell. // you JhlN a hu*l+i (. bro'tur or frit ml, (ul.Uctul to tkisttrrlUe hubet, it it yv*rduty to curt him. Scut free by mail on receipt of ths money. Prico Two Dollars per box. W. H. MANNING h CO.. rnylidA if to. bon!*. M», HGLMBOLD’S BUCHU. ADDRESS TO TIIE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. WHOSE SUTFEBINSS DAVE BEEN Protracted from Hidden Causes, AND WIIQHK CASKS REQUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO RENDER ExiHteuoo Dcsimblo. If you arc suffering or have suffered, from In voluntary discharges, what effect does it produce upon ygur general health? Do you feel weak, de bilitated, easily tired? Docs a little extra exer tion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver. «r nrlnnry organa, or your kidneys fro quently get out of order? Is your urine some times thick, milky, or llocky, or is it ropy on set tling? Or does n thick scum rise to the top? Or is s sediment at the bottom after it has. stood awhile? Do you have spell*of shoxt breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fuiuting, or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Do you (uci dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life? Do you wish to bo left alone, to gel away from everybody? Does any little thi.;g make you start 01 Jump? Is your sleep broken or rc*tless? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on yourjtheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself In society a* well? Do you pursue your business with the same energy? Do yon fuel a* much con fidence in yourself.* Are your splrila dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you at tribute this to dyspepsia, or liver complaint? NOW, READER, self-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are nil capable of producing s weakness of the g'-nerntlvo organs. Tho organs of generation, when in perfect health, MAKE TIIE MAN. BID YOU EYEIt THINK that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering successful business men, are always those whoso generative organs are In perfect health? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, or palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed In business; they don’t become sad and discour aged ; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you ami them right in the face—none of your downcast looks or other meanness about them. Ido not mean those who keep the organs Inflated by running to excess. These will not only Ruin Their Constitutions, nut aisu cuosc they do business with or for. Ylow many men, from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self abuse and excesnes, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that - has redneed the general system so much as to in duce almost every other dißcaae IDIOCY, LUHACY, PARALYSIS, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other form of disease whVh humanity ia heir to, and the real cause of the trouble sr-rccly ever sus pected, and have doctured fw all but the right one. Diseases of thoßO organa rcqnire the nseofa Diuretic. HELhIBQLDS Fluid Extract ©Hoy la the great Diuretic, and is a certain enre for dis eases of the Blnddrr. Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness. Female Complaints, General Debility, aud all disease* of the Urinary Organa, j whether existing In Male or Female, from what ever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treAtihcnt ia submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt uso*of a reliable remedy. KELMDGLD’S EXTRACT BUCIfIJ, Established npward of Nineteen Years, 18 PREPARED BY 11. T. llKI.JIUOI.I), Druggist, 594 Broadway, New York, AND 104 South Tenth St., Phila. Price 91.25 per Bottle, or 0 Bottles for 96.50. delivered 14. anr address. Sold by all Brusitlata, every where. None are gen n Inc uulcmi done up in steel engr»Trd wrapper, with nip-aluitlc or my Chemical Warehouse, and Higued 1 lI.T.HELMBOLD. aatdavtn FIRE-ARMS. FREUND & BROTHER, llanuflactnrara and Importers of all kinds of FIRE-ARMS ! AND AMMUNITION! Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, SPORTING APPARATUS. Os every description. Enst side of Eddy street, Cheyenne. Pioneer Gunsmiths* OF THE WEST! And solo agents for tho Winchester Repeating RIFLES & CARBINES These arms arm* are p.trlicularly adapted sot ilcfcnco against Indian attacks* AND FOR HUNTING PTKPO3E3. Agents for E. L. Dupont’* and DoNeuiour* un< Company’s Celebrated Sporting and Mining Powder! ALL KINDS OF Fixed & Loose Ammunition CONSTANTLY ON HAND n333?jaLiniiNra In nil its branches, done with Scientific Precision ! All goods sold by us are guaranteed to bs as rep roseuuidv Branch houses at DENVER, AND LARAMIE CITY, W. TER. fcblO-ly ST. Marks' academy! CHEYENNE, WYOMING TERRITORY. Rot. F. O. HARSTOV - - Principal. The SccomVTerm r.; tMe School will commence oti Mo.i'Uy. Nov. v* b, IdiO. Thy t’onrse of Studio* ;I’l cons!.*? of a Primary, Grammar and High School .Dcp-irtmeut. Prir.wnt Count.- Rca '. ug, Writing, Spelling, and the Element* of Arithmetic,.Geography -ud Grammar. Gramfnar Courts.— Arithmetic Cr.-nuninr, Oco graphv, (with map drawing) English and Ameri can ill story, itemtlug. etc. High School Cotirae. —Higher Arithmetic, Alge bra, Geomtcry, Physical Geography. Natural Philosophy, Ancient and Modern History, Ele ments of Latin and Greek. Composition anil Declamation will be required of all In the Grammar aud High School Depart ments. Vocxtl Music will bo taught lu nil Departments free of extra charge. TERMS. The School Year will consist of Four Terms or Quarters, ofeleven week* each, wlth*a short recess at Cbrtht.uas and Easter. TUITTOW—ALWATS I* ADTAWCB, A* FOLLOWS : One-ha!f at the beginning, and the other half at tho middle of each quarter, for all day Schol ars. Primary course CO per quartor. Gruminiir i j imj * l High School 15 OJ • EXTJtA STUDIES. languages, Latin,Greek. French or Spanish. each $3 00 Instrumental Music, with u*c of piuno, per quarter 25 03 The rudiments of Drawing will be taught riuci to the whole ttchool. Special Instruction of one hour each day in Drawing, including Monochromatic Pic tures ami Piiiutiug in Gil ami Water Col ors, per quarter sls 00 BOAItDINO SCIIOLAIIS. A limited nutuboi of Pupils cun he accommo dated with board in the family with the Principal, in which ruse? *ll such pupila WiH ho regarded and treated a- members of the family. Careful at cntlon will be paid to the health, cultivation of manners, personal habit*, religious und moral training of all such a* shall be entrusted to the care of the Principal. Terms of boarding Scholars a* follows;. Primary, per quarter SIOO 00 Grammar, *• Ill) no High School,** —-... 11JPUU Extra Studies on the same term* as for day •Scholars. No Boarding Scholar* taken for less time than one quarter, and tlie tuition and board for su_h must always be paid in advance. Each Hoarding Scholar 1* required to fltrnlsh three napkin*, three towols, ana a napkin ring; which, together with clothing, should be distinct ly marked with the owner’s name. The tntciHlonof the Principal In to spare no pain* In making this albrst-ClOf* SchOoMn every department, and worthy the snp;n»ri and encour agement of every lover of Education lu (lie City and Territory. Rev. F. O. IMUSTOIV. Principal, St. Marks’ Parish School, Cheyenne, W. T. novl7-dSw BON TOW Barber Shop. GOINGS, KIDD & CIO., PROPRIETORS. Near the Corner of Sixteenth and Eddy hlreeift, Cheyenne, W, T. Elegant, Afry Room*, with, all tho Luxurious Appliances of THE TO.YBOIUAL ART. Old Frleud* and Patrons will And u* as ever, Ready to Aticud to their want* and give SATISFACTION. COME AND SEE ME. “ S JHL M.” WTT-1J BUILDINC, CTC. T. W. Rutledge, CARPENTER AND BUILDER! SIXTEENTH STREET, CBETEXXE, - WYOMING. or DOORS, ELIL’DS AND SASH. IICPAIBIN. 1)9 ALL BIND NEATLY AND (tDICKLV BONK. BOISE MOVING AT HODEKATI PPdCES. All Orders Promptly Attended to. nov7-ly MOVING. • MOVING. James Ferris, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. MANUFACTUBMI OF SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. HOUSE MOVING A SPECIALTY. Painting, Graining AND PAPER HANGING. Ifoving snd Repairing Ilottses, Building and Refitting Hon?"*. Painting aud Glazing, and Let tering and Graining. Making all kinds of Doors, Snsh. Blind* and Shutter*. Making and Repair ing Furniture. A full mpply of patent weather stripe for d<>or* and window* always on hand, aud a practical hand olway* ready to apply them. noorei p.oorot roofs i! Tar and all material for Stopping Leaks of flat rould, and always ready to apply the same. All work attended to on Short Notice. nov4-1y Toys! Toys!Toys! FOR TIIE MILLION. F. SCIIWBICKEUT □as >ust received the largest assortment of TOTS . ever imported this aide of the Missouri River. BOCKIPfO HORSES, TOYS AND WAX DOLLS, Os all kinds In GREAT VARIETY at Lower Prioos than ever. COMB A.ND BEE. Hardware, Cutlery, BUILDER.? nVEDWAH AND MAILS, WINDOW GLASS or ALL SIZES, Carpenters' and Miners' Tools, Skates, Beaver Traps, <kc., &c. Always on hand a large stock of the celebrated PATENT BUILDING PAPER, AND * Prepared Plastering Board And Cement. Warranted not to Shrink, Break, or be affeeted by dampness. “Quick Sales & Small Profits” IS MY MOTTO. E I> I> Y STREET Between Sixteenth aad Seventeenth Bts., CHEYENNE, WYOMING. miH 9m GROCERIES. WHIPPLE BROTHERS, Wholesale and Retail in GROCERIES! PROVISIONS Sl PRODUCE! Are prepared to All large or small orders for supplio* of SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, FLOUR, BACGN, HAMS. GRAIN AND VEGETABLES, * FISH OF ALL KINDS. FltESll AND DRIED FRUITS, Canned. Groods! Fig*, Spices, go, Maccnroni, Tapioca aud Citron luvoring Extract*. BAKING POWDERS ! SAUCES, TICKLES, ETC. We give special attention to tho trado in Fresh Rutter & Eggs, And the besj qualities of All of which wo are prepared to offer, in any quantity, in the l)e&i condition, and At Reduced Price* ! Store on the *outh side of Seventeenth street, west of the Post Office, Cheyenne. feblO-tf W. D. PEASE, COR. 17th AND FERGUSON STS., Family Groceries FRESH VEGETABLES, And a full assortment of CANNED FRUIT PRESERVES JELLIES AND PICKLES I WORCESTERSHIRE AND JOCKEY CLUB SL^TTOEISZ And almost anything ia the eating line. Thankful for the liberal amount of patronage granted me in tlie j)ii*t, I uopq by strict attention to the wan|« of my friend* to continue to rccciv* (C in the future. SINGERS Sewing Machines. Th© I* now producing nearly 200.000 Sowing yiadilncM [M>r nunuin and I* not able to meet (he demand, but in order to do so, new fac tories arc being erected that will supply. Three II und rod aud Fifty Thousand Machines each Year. Tho popularity of the “Nkw Family” Sewing Machine is only surpassed by Its usefulness aud simplicity; durability and hcnuly. Where kuown it is difficult for otnet manufacturer* to cfl’cct sales, und they employ every menu* to foist their product* upon tho people. Buyer* of Sewing Machine* should avoid canvasser* aud putidlcr* who resort to compulsion to make sales, for no machine cun be desirable that i* forcibly thrust on tho purchaser. The Singer “New Family” and the “ New No. One’’ Sewing Machines, [tho latter for Drcssniuker*. Tailor*, Shoemakers, Ac..] arc engcrlv sought for, and u large stock can be found In our sales rot,ms. together with every useful accessory intended for them. Wo sell Silk Twist, I’ottou and Linen Thread*, Needles, Oil, Screw-drivers. Ac., at retnil or in quantity at. matiufnctnrer*’ prices. t utnlogiies. Price Lists, Ac., [lu English or Oer man] furnished on nppllcailou by mail or other wise. DEAN Ac LOWE, 005 North Fourth Street, scpi23-d3in ST. LOUIS, MO. L. MORRIS*. Merchant Tailor! O X. O T U S, CASS IMERES, VUITIXfiS, AC. FINE SUITS MADE TO ORDER- F.»»v STUCK T, CHEYENNE, - W. T. *4JTI-ly ',BONP»<;' DeJ&vek&B® ; ;> j*Rß:rt BANKERS \k I . .('.ton • 110 ; , No. 40 South Third street, t» l PHILADKLFIKIA. •- V'-rtf* • ./_ -xowx».« '•> • .{1 \ntAW>\& UNION PACiriCIR. It. x ■, . A,)..'-• Wm*Y Land Grant Bonds! - .1 y- >'M jo) WE ARE OFFERING FOR BALK, at beat ari* ket price, THF LAND GRANT BONOS or Tint ► i»t \ •• I A ,'i 1 U. P. R. R. COMPANY. THKT AMOUNT, IN ALL, TO m 10,000,000, Run Twenty Yearn / AND TAT Seven Per Cent. Interest! 51 pnfcY'.jP r. • ; •?.!• a* They are Conpon Fond* of one thousand Oft !««■• (ft.OW) each, and are seciired by - - -1 <*. * u A FIRST MORTGAGE .3V ..JLiatM ON ABOUT «93 14,000,000 ~Vj [ Acres of ILatid - - / ♦ fttODdltlstß- > Being all the land* which tho Colon Pacific R, It. Co. now have or shall hereafter acquire from l, '« UnßaiJ Buies, except the laujla whir.h aro or shall be included in the Railroad and Teteffrapli Line of said compnqy, or used for ike cons trac tion or operation fhereof, for tho track, yard*, de pot grounds, building*, or erection* thereof. It will reudliy be seen that nn average of seventy-five cent* joir aure for llw iaivl*-«Mbn Company, will rulir* the wliol* iss*c? j Grant Bonds, thus reducing the fhfcfobt likbnfty of tho Company to that extent. The Com pithy receive their Lofid Groftit Bon da for their face and accrued Interest, in payment of ’ all lauds «*oW )iv them. , • The Union Pacific Railroad CoftipaOy com meticed the sale of their laud July b. Mttt, The land uow o tie red for sale range* from ... Bf , / . /I ,i utf : va. .TfO/y M l $2.50 to S2O Per Acres ; ! iij: cM vnd .t.(’/ i AND KMBRACKB BONN OP VMM T * 3 i. , Ni Very Best Farming Lands s • • . -. ■•••. •*ibni A ndto THE COMPANY HAB. _ . . A . V .- . I ALaXADY TUB BALXB AMOUNT Ttf 3HT 30,000 Acres Monthly .! •: ' l*.l I*** * AND MOSTLY £ TO ACTML HTTLttBI. A* tho •ntir* revenue from Hit nlui of lb* and* of the Cominiuv I* pledged to the ntMft lion and cancellation Os IM Md<M|t Bonds of the Union PaiuiQ' Itnllroad QuUfMfl the Load Grant. Bonds will necessarily become scarce and holders fc* r tbe tuft# Gfftat Grant BomU of the Uanntbal A Bt. Joaoph M.A~ are 108 bid and inVOe offered; thfere lknj> rbftbaa whir these bonda may not rale that-high. at mb* funire time. Fur further part toiler* addroek XXOJCK D£)B»EN4BWI DmIM t» Mrmmt