Newspaper Page Text
fgp --- l i m mi. . i.i ii !L.."'l "'"! ni I a , J l!"",yi'A''U';'.lyii.l!J J ."!.''.'' ."" i "WWBWBEWWK- : VOLUME. II. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, DECEMBER 25, 1852. I 7 alette. If PUBLISHED EVF.KV3ATUnDAT, BY X'.'.' i WILLIAM DREW. ' WEEKLY- $.") n year, payaWc invariably in advance single ropies 12 1-2 cents. Advertise ments, $1 60 per square nf ten lines for tlie lira! Insertion, and $1 for every subsequent insertion. - ! Kollcc, ' 1 ALL those Wvinj claims against tlie under? i;neil are requested to , present tlicra immediately for settlement. And those indebted to liim and the late firm of IsedoTc Hoelistadter, are notified to make payment immediately, or legal proceed ings will be instituted for rollection. During the absence of tlie undersigned from the city, Levi Spiegelberg is his aullioráetl igent lo transact atl his business. : I . ! 'S.'J. Sl'IEOEPBF.KG. ! Santa Fe, Nov. 4, 1853. If , ' ' I 1 " THE Ü. t. Mail from anta Ke to the Stales leaves regulirly on the first day of earh month. i I'assage during the umnier months $125 (HI I... " " winter reonlhs ílóll Oil I 4011)3 of baggage allowed to c ell passenger, i . WALDO, HALL, fc CO. Proprietors. . Santa Fe, Sept. 18, lHói-tf Notice to trnvf Hers. THE undersigned, Mail Onlrartor from San Antonio, Texas, to Santa Fó, Pi. Mexico, would respectfully inform the travelling public (hit he has placed upon the lino the best kind of stock and good comfortable spring carriages for the iceomtnodation of passengers. The mail will leave Santa 'i on the first of each month, and arrive at San Elizario by the Uth. Leave San Klizann on the 12th of every other fcionlH, and arrive at San Antonio on the last day of the same month. . Leave San Antonio olí the; first of every other month, and arrive at San F.liv.ario on the li'tli. Leave San Elizario on the 2l)th of each month, and arrive at Santa Fe the last day of the same month. This will be the arrangement for the present tut will in a short time be changed to a monthly mail. 1 Passengers will be taken through from Sun! a Vi to San Antonio for $120, and from Kl Paw to San Antonio for $U)l). From Santa Fó to Kl Paso for 9m. Passengers will be allowed 40 pounds of bag gage. , Greatest distances between watering places HI miles. Mr. Skillmari is an old hand and well ac quainted willi tlie route. : He will also have on the line a small train of Ught wagons. 11 HKNTiY SK1I.LMAN. . ,anti F, Dee. 0, 1S51.-IÍ. ; t'XITfcD STATES OF Aili.KU A. Territory of New Mexico, ) United .States District County of Santa Fe. j court, Sejd, term, líiití t CHUAN St. VRA1N "1 if;. ' ,s' ' I " , Henry L. Dodge & I Attachment. " !1.flxander W. Reynolds. J Tina day came the plnintill'by his attorney, find It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that Alexander W. Reynolds, one of the defendants in Ihis cause, is not a resident of this Territory, but resides beyond the limits thereof, so that tne or dinary process of law cannot be executed upon him, It is therefore ordered, that the said Alex ander W. Reynolds enter his appearance hereto, on or before the first div of the next term of this court, to be begun and held at the court room in the city of Santa I'e, on Ihe third Monday u! March next, and' plead, answer or demur to plain tiff's petition, of judgment will be rendered against him. It is further ordered, that publication be made of this order according to law. 1 A true copy of the order made in the . above cuise, "at the September term of said court, A.I). 1832. It. II. TIIOMPKIKS, Clerk. Sania fe, Dec. 11, 1852. 25 dw , I'MTED STATES OF AMERICA. Territory of New Mexico, United States District County of Santa i'e, . t court, Sep. term, HUGH M. BECKWITH, ' ' ,' , . vs , i I Attachment. , David Waldo. Jacob Hall,, .,f ... , , William McCoy. ' i ' This day came the plaintiff by his nilorney, and It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, (hat neither, of the said defendants ara residents of this Terrilory, but reside beyond the limits Ihere if, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be execu ted upon them, It is therefore ortcred, that iney make their nnnearance hereto, on or before the first day oí (he next term of this court, lo be be gun ami held at the court room in the city of Santa i'e un the third Monday of March next, and plead, nswer or demur to plaintiff's petition, or judg ment will be rendered against them. It is further ordered, that publication bemade of this order ac cording to ay. 1 A true copy of the order made in the above cause at the September term of said court, A.l). mi. ' . , ,. R. I. THOMPKINS. Clerk. Santa Fe, Dec. 11, 1802 -25 4vv. . AUM1.MSTUAT08 S OTK E. . NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned has been granted ietters of administration on the estate of Hermann tírolmcia, deceased, by the Probate Judge of the county of San Miguel, Ter ritory of New Mexico; bearing date the day of August, 1852, and all persons having claims against aid estate are notified to present them for allow ance within one fear from the date of said letters, .or they may be precluded front said estate, and if not within threo years, shall be for ever barred; and all persons indebted to the laid estate are re quested to come forward nnd make settlement ., v HENRY, CONNKLI.Y, , Jmiwlrlor. . Las Vegas, Oct. 2, 1852. If. ; J. W, REED, ATTOIEVEV AT LAW, CITY 0 IAXTA 'E, NEW MEXICO, ,TXniJi practice ia the Courts of .Santa Fe, ..V Y, and adjoining countleij and will attend to criminal business in any part of Ihe Territory. , Santa Fe, , Sept. 25, l852.-6mo - : KOXICG IS hereliv given that the firm heretofore known i firm or Geek ft Zoeller, of Dofia Ana, N. I M., has been dissolved by mutual consent. All demands against said firm it will he willed will) John! 1 it.u : ill . oeller. Ail de-j mauds are required to be forwarded with promo titude, and II accounts must bo settled without delay: CIXK &. ZOlXUUt. Ma Ana, Nov. 10, kSf2. Taxation Daly cf t'ae Citizen. In our articles upon 'Civil Govern- nient,' published some timo since in thu i irWiV, we could only glance at the va-1 ...1 r.:n. .1 i ' . -i. i nuns it, 1 us cu t i Leu iv l k s 1 rr.i. 1 without entering upon a protracted dis cussion of any particulnr-nne. Wo wish this week to notice more in detail one of the subjects intimately connected with the prosperity of every well organized government we mean Titxn'ion, The sitting of tho Legislative Assem bly, at the presunt time, affords ns a convenient opportunity ol giving expres sion lo our views upon this subject, and we nope they may at least meet will consideration. We take it for ü . l.esar (me tornan govern grunted that the people of New Mexico, I lm'nt) llmt wllldl ls Cacm Sl lk' rc and especially the Representatives of' ct,mú '1P rt'jht 'J the .-vern.nei.t ii. ,w,i.i ;., ii, T,.,.;in,;i a... 1.1.. ; nnreciate tlie nrivilriro of liavi..,, nl, ,,,;i;,,,l l VI'.. . ..L' 1 take this for granted, because a people i I....I, ,j.,v,,nm 111. 'c .miy 111; ho cannot, or do jiot appreciate this! iinvilee-o are the last wlioshonld possess : 1.. ...1.. 1- .1 , 1 11. 111 oiuer worus, me people who ! cannot perceive that a well regulated government is belter than itotjoccvniii, tut, are not prepared for any izovernment. 1 . . i unless it be the arbitrary nvennnent of j the sword and bayonet, lint wo should be very unwilling toiiiakesohumilinting an admission in behalf of our citizens, and must therefore take it for granted, ( till convinced otherwise, ) that thov can and do appiociate the blessing of having 1 a well oiganized, and well administered ! government. But we cannot take it for granted that a man appreciates any certain thing which he needs and desired to possesn, nnhM he la v'l'i'iiiy tupín the vahic of !! It iusmwn. We think tins proposition is so clear ns to need no il lustration. You say, lioncst reader, that a well organized and well administered civil government is a great good, 11 de sirable good, a thing which you are anxious to possess. You wish to see your roads improved, your farms, and (locks, and dwellings protected from vi olence and degradation, your Territoiy dotted over with school-houses in which your children muy be taught the arts and sciences ot civilized lile. You wish to sco justice more faithfully administer ed, 'and secure prisons and work-houses in which the vicious and lawless may be shut up, and kept secure from plunder ing the honest part of community. You wish to see improvements carried on which shail conduce to the general urospeiity of the wholo people. All these things, so essential to the prosperity nay, to the very tzhknee of a civil government, you say you wish to see, und desire to possess. Cut do you know, honest sir, that these things cannot be possessed without jmijlnij fur ticit; and that a price must he paid, we will nat say adequate to their nfiVi'. but at least adequate to thttir cont. We have not the charmed lyre of an Amphi 011 that a city, or even jails and work houses, may spring into existence nl its touch, not even Alladin's magic lamp of the Arabian f.tblc. Officers of Justice, and ministers of law, and school-teach ers cannot live upon the wind 01 live upon faith and grow fat. Tell ns, dear sir, how do yon expect a civil govern ment to be curried on without money? If you have the model of such a govern ment, you should havuit patented imme diately, for there will be a greatdemand for it when it i known. Like the 'phi losopher's :stone,'and the 'perpetual mo tion,' such a form of government has ne ver yet been discoveted, and if you have been so fortunate, you will have the wide world us a market for your patent and no opposition, ' ' ' ' , Gut, dear sir,unless you or some other person should make such a stupendous discovery, we guess the world will have to wag on a little longer just as It lias done ever since its creation, and those who desire to have a civil governinei.t must pay the. cost ol keeping il in ope ration in some way or another. ' It is therefore the duty of thu'peo'plc to pay for the necessary support of the govprnment under which they live, and from which they receive their protec tion. And, as we said in one of our ar ticles upon Civil Government, so now we repeat, that the citizen who is not willing to contribute his just andequita- .ble proportion towards defraying the i ,',' ,,,, j) ' ,..,,', "'"7 cxpaisa f the fptUfiMi (. has 111) claim upon that yovoi lllliotlt for , protection, OWl StWltht Hot m'í'i f It. , , . . OUUIl u mull ll.i: 1111 lliuit, uicilir;.:. in n civilized coininiinity tlum a drunu lias in a hivu of bees. Ya take it for granted then, that no civil government can even cr,', for any great length of tune, inn eh less be irns- .', wnnoui some system 01 taxation ,to , !n(ct "pcess:lry expenses. e hold that t US' linnet!) e in rccoctureii most clearly by God himself, who origi nated civil government, and who insti tuted, by his own divine authority, a sys tem of taxation in the Jewish nation for the support of that government. It was recognized, too, by Jesus Christ, when he performed a miníele on one occasion to get money -to pay the Unman tax, and on another occasion, when he was asked 1 i if it was lawful nnd rilit to pay tax lo the Roman covermiirn!, lie said. Ron-! " uomami lax, aim me .f 71.1 me peo- P e " r:iy " nas rerns. iiizud it us richt, what man n dar. . .. 10 call 1 in r lint the oueslion here arise?,, upon 1 . .. 1 . .1 ... . wuai principie or pasis, snouiii ui.vuiou 1,.. r, 1 y v.; .......... : it..,...,.. , ," - "n"" " 1 . . 1 'i 1 i r . -l il 1 r mm 11 80O1IIO, ue iim'u 0 1011 uie oasis 01 every thing else, viz: that of equity and justice to every citizen.' Thai is, in le. V.V1"K ft eonliihulion npini the oitizens 10 ineei ueeesiii) expenses 01 me ijovemmcnt, each cue. should ho reipiL red to pay in projioition to the interests he has1 to bft protected by, Hiu'l llie'lien efits he derives1 from, the existence of the government. Of Course, then, the ' who has a large amount of proper- ty, has greater inteiests at stake, great er need ot protection, and derives nunc benefit from the government, than 0110 who has a less amount', and so on down to Ihe poorest and most destitute, who have comparatively no interests at stake, and derive Lilt few benefits from the go vernment. Necessary household furni ture, we think, should not be a subject of a taxation, neither should the tools of tin! mechanic, nor the implements of husbandry. , , As to tho pMHiiint of taxation, it should be as little as an ecouoiiiicaladmiui.sli'ii tion of the government will admit, espe cially amongst n poor people, Even a light taxi tion is very apt to produce murmniings amongst the people, uní' whon the burden is : increased lieyoim what is neccssaiy fur the actual wan! of the government, they have a right to complain. Another question' in connexion with this subject, worthy of some coiiiidera- tion, ami which has not a little, perplex ed political economists,, is, 'what, pwj( of taxation is the best.1" In other words, is a tlivccl tax prelei able to an one? We riiav remaik that He mode has its advantages and disndvanl.'oi s In tho first place an indirect tax, such as, for example, a tariff laid upon im- orted goods, causes less murmuring and dissatisfaction amongst the people'; sim ply because they de not see and feel how and when they are taxed, ainl tlie exact, amount, as they do in a direct, tax. jut on the otier hand the .people al ways pay more 111 reality, by this indi rect mode than would dare lo be ted from them bv a direct tax.!'" ' ' There is a great mistake in, the mimk pf many persons, especially in New.Mi s ico, upon this subject. Thcy .suppose that if all the levenue of the "ovei uineiit is collected from the 'niere'hiii'iis' in' the form of duties upon goods' Imported Into thu contry, us heretofore, the penjjl( have no, fux to pay. Cut a .'very litlle reflection ought to' teach thi:n that, the merchants, who pay this lax, in older lo make themselves gale,' ni 11st mike" it up in a higher piice put upon the goods they sell. 1 I luis, lor example, if a uier pliant on a certain lot of iroods nay fivi hundred dollars,' duty, when he ..comes to fix his selling price upon his goods, he 'sits down and calculates what each article originally cbsl In Philadelphia or New York, the expenses of his' trip' to and from tho States, the ioosX of the transportation of his good,. the .amount he ought to add on for rinks, etc., and lastly the amount of duly he la's hid In pay lor thti'iufrtidiictinn of each Wide into the market., When v bus ,111. ide , outhe-cost pfall these ite(is,,ln,' xuf ks Ins goods at a selling price that, will, co ver all these expenses and besides j b id a reasonable profit to bis business, ho that after all, it' is not the merchant who i't '... V I huh'drcd dolíais' duty, in the people who,' Tiu'y 1ÍÍK Wow, suppose there wert one hun dred merchant! in the Teirilwy, tílcli of whom annually paid on his poods n duty of five hundred dollars', which he in truth collected from the people, in the form of a higher piiee upon his goods, then the people would par hii annual tax olJifíy Uxnt.unil dolían! in an indirect way, where if paid in a direct tai it would not probably have amounted lo more than ton' or twelve thousand. And such is precisely what the people of New Mexico have been doing for years past, and yet in their sinipliüitj supposed they were paying, mi in?, simply because they did not nee how or when they paid it! The faol is if the people do not wish to be .wfiWoiit of three or four limes what, is ineepsiirv for the support o'fpo- vornmi'iit, hail usually n great cieul lu?1" Pay th,,r tfl i Jitvot form, and then they know just how much the) pay, anil what it is paid lor, ' !," There is one more fact which wc'wisli to notice before concludini' this article. It is á fact fo wliicih we cannot álitit 'our eyes, that a 1 considetablo' portion,'' least, of the people of New Mexico'are opjiosed to any system of,direetta;tition, for the support of the, government How such persons expect a' uotern'nient ,,i ,.' ,,1 ... , 1 , , , , . . . . 1 . ,, ui; tiinini uinu ;i, is n 1 uisiian wc in,e."" Y" n"'n 1.1,1a, iun i,i, iijiv,! ini;j'ijii,iiv,n7i rightly understood the, object and l(,pf a government ami iiiiieh less l)ier dutj as citizens, Cut what 'makes the ca'st' ' still 'fnbre aggravatl'd isj'tha't'iiiany fif''tb(se 'per sous squander, nt ihe. gniuing. tabl,iin the grog-shop, al the ,fiiii,daugo rooii,pr upon a worthless s,t.niiiiiet, teq 'limes ns much in a year' 11s would nay their pro portion of tuxes, and think it no hard ship at all to do so. .More than this: we know cafes not u few, whvre,indi,v.iduk als paid more, to, an rKQibjtunt pijes) for the bin ml of one deait hajiyy than would have paid their tax for tlie1 support 'AC government (Vit- svrc'rul -years. Aii'd'We believe theieis not a man in the Terri tory w ho owns,, any prcipely,lli,l ,oVes not pay to his church every year, 11 the form of titits', ten times as 'inup!i, ns would be feijuired of liim for the sup port of government. 'And yet 'civil gi veiinni'iit is. just as much tiud's institu tion as the church is, , , Let ns be understood. , We, do not find fault with any ma;i for giving what is si w.v.s'ií'i for (he siippoiiof Ins church -011 the (itlicr liiiiid, Ave'tliíiik: lié 6iigh to do so. Cut while he is willing to do his duty, und more thai) hift luty, insupr port of his church, he otighf o be will iii! : to do 'his iiu(y also ns a ptizcu" of 'the government. Iii the language of Jl( sus we would say, 'Hinder llnt'f) 'Uaesni' ,the; things that, ule Urfesnr'í,' aíid'uido (j,4 the things tliut-nro God's.' ,, ",, ,,, These views we submit to the cqndid consideration of our fellow citizens, and especially to the Honorable" Assembly, hoping tha't the inipoi'tanie of '(lib slib- jeet will comincnd it tcpthoir connicrt- tion, and that tho maguituio ol , Hiq it lercsts involv(;d in it, m 1) lesd jhein to ir ltd oi)l ion of some wise nnd judicious remedy for (lié present evil. ' Lcsi'lativa Assembly., ' , , . I t'OL'á ROI' ilKPIlEi PVN f ATI YES. 1 si jtifluy; Dec. 20ü-io-a: m."- ridilse 'li(c't.'"'J(ni'rfiill H'a-d aTid lipprfl- ved. 1 " '! 1 , i Mysstige. fi'0,10 ho Council.; ,Wr, Pino if,,iili i c, ffm yie Joint t-puimittep On Hules, repollen in lavor 01 uieadop iiou oflhe rules 'of last s'e'ssiiin- I VIUl I U'ds'adoiil Tho Joint Coinmittee on- the 'iesolu luiliS, to .tlie-,,nt'mi,y,of Gov, ,Clioiii, reported in favor of adopting tqc, pf' nal resolutions of the Hoisc (he repoit was adopted. , , , n' M,, . ' ' Ktr' Cia'ddo'ek iiihodiired" a bill for holding an iilmital I'nir 'ik' the ' Uiwii' 6f iJou Ann. Un motion, ordered to sefcoitd redding, ind rofeied lu icomniilteel on the Judiciary., ,, i i,,; !, i ti,', I " '-i i I Mr Chavez of Valencia, introduced n bill relative to education. , r0.n motion of Mr'SeiiA'y 'RiiinéiV, the1 bill wai laid pays the fiv! il. ..,.,1 l...i (. but gomlS. ' nit Hie. rabie' tilrtri-htoi'i-ttW'.1''1 ' '"'"" ic Second ireiiding'nf Ibiils ind iresalu Mcoli 9 - 'ili'd''iiii lu r. ei l .ct legulaiing vagrufs uvas rrpd,.r Sundry ninendmeuts were oflVred hy'.Mr ' Vfif; Vil'ie!l"u't't'l' (Íf4Wl'(l"ít T:ií;;lh by ,l(irs-'fillvj:'Hiil !() ttfi(hv&, .Vimli V,(iU-í M'lil'liio! (' iM'iVt'eiK Hiii a'rt'iiilm.ei e' f;- ,t Iv-'"".. Jost'j I. Ol liz, tjie ihliw ,- Ijjid (,on ( the table till to-morrow. ' ' ." ' ' I.; t.- ' i' '"' '' l '1 "' (" . Mr Jose K Di tie M'SiintaJV, by leave, ililrodiioed a bill :i vsptctiiig rririies' end punishments ;! he tiáimlated. Adjourned to t o'cluok P Ihn tf j ; .''. 'B'ltNIKO 'fESSIOK, ' '11 V I boll being railed and a quorum not ' being presenil, call of I lit House ordered. A quorum bring obtained, Ihe House proceeded with tlie KVcondJreotlilig ' of ' bills. ,' . , .1 o-, - -i. Petition hf certain citizen of Mora for a new county. Mr Tuley moved ill reference to special Ooinniitlee j not agreed 1 0. Mr I' Pino moved refcrenct to coihiuilte on Counties; agreed to. ' ' An net regulating the jurisdiction of 1 Judges of Probate. : Mr Whefcton mov ed leferencu to coin mitt fó of the whole House, and it m as thus ulcred.l I $ vi An net for tlm examination of wilnes ses in criminal casus tóliditipnally.ii Cé motion of Mr Pina4 refered totlie com mittee on .Indiciar. .1. ''i.eniia Business 011 tlio Speaker's table: ,11 1 Message fiUiintlnllrih ellidrtvith com miinicnlieni of the Suoietary of tliáiTer l itoi v, iu ri'ply to resolution of th Hons in reference to the funds of. the!Trri lory in the Tidsury of thd-iUlSUtes, ani(innteiXpini,dd,-i'to. in .-.! -oil li I'J 'Ive'iiort.of Seeretary of thei Tefrifort relativa to ihe expense of printing Jonr nal of last Si ssiou, will) account of Thoi iiinsiiiissell i'nr Survieeiti' irefered to a Special, committt oi" Mosscu-Tuleyi Mastinez cil'iTao6,!biid Senaii Romoro.t liiMiissage of'thé Goiiiunor in rejiy (4 j'iiit lVHoliUiiui'ieflpiiotlng the olaimi ,nnlil lleneruj for 'í alary as iPrefuct Of San Jliguel, vilb reportiaf tlle Audi tor relative 10 the same; laid oh ihe ta ble. . :!Sd "1,1 vnihi.Mi 1 Message from thfe Governor notifying the House) that he had 'appr(wcdi tlx joint rusubitions for revising itbe . law, and the regulation of the Asembly; laid on the table. I !n i'ei i 1O ') ' . I ltepott of Charlea lilumn'r, Coíipiis sionor Cor tttriTjúig but an abtfo it blishing a staud.ndof YYeiglltSUnd Ml siiieii) aiiübrl thb tble."i..-i () tif. rFltilll, the Ctjlineill mi li. ((! iMessulgei tliatlht Council Itid'ftjco ted report of Joint commit tee on isoi lulioAs UWti' tut lb nla(b Govcrhor Calhoun, n,, nii!i v-i,'n ,Aiiu tW-iepoiiof-ilie iominiltc sSd-?KftW Cy leave, Mr Tuley Introduced a bill relative to Specinl Terms i ''of the 'Diilricl loiirt; ordered to a second reuqipg. By leave1, KírtíAdarlelt iiilroffuced a bítl'ló' change nie"ciiuiifyáeáTor"TJdlTa Ana Éountv tq Las Lnicesf brdbrcdlfl a second, reading. , .,!: ,;,i ,!. .,,'. u r House went into committee of 1li ilpMriSena y Romeríjii be cjiarru and took up the bill will) amendments, siiecial cominiltee, resiiecting tin liights tif Myipi-Av filing that'iii iidn mity appear1 for liiniself or any oilier' per son, to bring or defend 'suits 'at law: 11 áiljf f tbé cótiitis óf Ik wm TerHto ry. -The bill' win ddbated vt lenttb bt J E, Ovtin, C Oríi,iCíi8a y Pino, F JPino; Lhavcz Qf Km, pjaypr; Messrs Tuley, Vlieatbn,,ahd' Gonzalez of Taos, against'.'' "Sundry amendments 'offered; tnilbrig' otlicrs; by Mr Tule J' TliAt ahy womhn miay appear for lierself or bj any oUrpriwotnan, luianyiot, tlie Courts of ilniy etc( bt,nonn of hep , fldopUd.rj lYmdippjiiii ainenmnpnt 'jflj'ered by hit T'úfc'v, tliii"(mii'n''(iiiesti'on was"callc'cl, 'l(nd t'lm'hill passed Wrbtrfcd 'fcy ij e1. i'ial "Connniitie,'"iii committed df "the Whole. ,,!, Committee rose and .jcpprjef he-hill to.the House., i... i., 'i, ..... , ,1 The bill being, before the IJoiisq, Mr Wliaten offeii;(l WttmenlMl 'tVo éí lb etclbdif lobhi rs, PilÍUilualfí,''lftrtl, lifl peiíriiis-idiiiit iclud; of oíime. lnum -ti pwlige (.Pi'pcavDig) nallviaivnip cquits.ol nw :,(ifler lenutheiiiid (is t eii'díneiit was' carried1, sÚ ! A fn 8 p aiiÁ S t nnrl Severn niniouliui.ii it;1 find thtt'bill'pad'KrtMiMUtogv 1 1 -Alter iiianyr in(-ffuctiililí.iilNii)ts lio pass, a ínotipíi,1tQ,(lj(nirii,.Ali Hfl)iítit tnree o ciocit io-morr,ow aiivinoou. , "" "T" 'Tuestfáy1; Dec1.' 21'3 H"M.''' ' The: Jodiniil liig ibetrt""!''! ptiilued.'tha Sii(;hkenui)iioiurdt i)ininHim ;tPjtwjnt,,blj4 lp AllR,fi!Vf I" Petitions, Mhmorials, etc: Memorial tp Congk'sí fe'íltVdfJiife'Raíl nrllalidlaiioii tlifelMble. r"' Mlulnfihl t'rnltl'cvifttlinlíltitiMliíbfíPaii V?minlf, In"re1titibirtó't1id 6cpa)MIt"éf hic'b) tiie nfílitdrt.'hft'd robbing vf stVbk f Rnidioi' "' h ii'iliU l' H Mr f nle Jt' tadf Wltic-IrlWtéic! ío "k i.', . ; ,c... '.H'.l .11 I n,l-n-'i'. jh U I .....