Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME II. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, JANUARY 1, 185 NUMBER 28. Santa ft iDccklij cwtlc. ii r " " - HHLUHtO IVLT I TODAY, IV . "' WILLI .M DREW. i-L-L-----rMir-i- .,. TERMS. WEEKLY- $5 a yer, payable Invariably in advance i ainele copies 12 1-2' cents. Advertise ments, $1 M per square of ten lines for the first insertion, and II for every subsequent insertion. mHE U. . Mail from ante Fe to the States I 1 1 1L. C J.. nt unh OFFICE OF COWY. OF UB., I FoT Um.m. N. M . ntr. 22. IR52, CALED PHOPl'SALS will berecetved at ths 1 offire, till 12 oVIork. M., on Tnesdav the 28lh day of Febuary, 1833. for furnishing Flour to the Ü Slate's" Troops, at Ihe points anil in the quantities mentioned, as follow-: At Titos. N. M 125.0H0 ooiinds. At Fo t Union, N. M, I.W.IHKI " At Simla Fe, ' M.l'On " At Albuquerque. 220 000 At Fort O tirad, ' 12IÍ.IKK1 , A' Fo t Fdlinore, ' , 230,1100 The flour mut be of "siine.fme" quality, and de livereil in strong cotton "drill .ng" sacks, of KHIlbs, ee'i if Ve ral nnper-l Untilitless many ol thriii hne used l lie s.iint: language, IniiiiJrds of li IIM'.l I Mr, 'tr'.ins Perplexed u can't 1 ... i : .1 n. . v i. .i i i 1 leaves regul.rly on the first day of each p,rn-i,ls are invito for the whole amount, for 7" ""." "'. " " ' e asn.iry, ne s -onth. 'that required t several points, oi for that require I again (low II 1 Newport W lib Jjsage during the summer months $125 DO .,tanv particular point. I, is wife, (mo childien and a gt'l Hli'! A 8tory for Non-Advartii8rj. I cabin Tlir postage mi these IcMcis is tinns in all emeu; after some diseussini The ftillnw ing oii ntioii f Mi Pi r-leqtml tn sixty-fiuircahin or one hundred the i-f pto t w bs agteed to,' and the bil kins iiiiiiI( be re ait by that interesting mid nine second cabin passengers! refercd to committee of tie while, cas of business men who aie ten poor j These must he prot iiM with good Also an net concfiniug fn mis, wit lo atlveisi. How tliey wimiler I the berths, beds and bedding, well fi d a d ainein'incnt-; tlie lepnit was adcp'H1 success of Mr. Tewkshury, wh"ii he is wait.d upon, while tie hags of letters 1 mid the bill oldt ted to a tliild rtadin, at the yearly ex, ensc ol adteilising in cm he stowed away in any (Ink hole ol pHi (I Mr ( indilork by leave, introduced a bill fur the relief of rtaii M ijnvt niid Ber nalillo, permitting arii (lit en t'eii ic- winter months $1NI 0" 40lbs of hargage allowed to e eh passewrer. WALDO, HALL, It CO Proprietors. Santa Ft, Sept. 18, 1852 tf Hoticc to travellers. Tl. ...... ...... Ma In ka m-,,1- tn nnm year. an'Mhe faithful f'llfilme d thereof to he guar- Wú. re under beaten he get- money to aniied by Iwo lesponsihle securities whose nainei spend III ibis way, is mine limn I can nvit be entered in fie proposals ,. Une romtn or tne amnion, reuuiren ai earn poini, must he delivered n', i-omnieiicing on Ihe 1st day o August. 153. (fyriie Cnnuiiissanes, or priiinnnl Assistant THE undersigned, Mail Contractor from 8an Antonio, Tas, to Santa F, N. Mexico, Would respectfully inform the travelling public that he has placed upon the line the best kind of stock and good comfortable spring carriages for the accommodation of passengers. The mail will leave Banta F on the first of each month, and arrive at San Eliiario bv the 1 Ith, Leave San Eliiario on the 12th of every other month, and arrive at San Antonio on the last day of t the same month. Leave San Antonio on the first of every other month, and arrive at San Eliiario on the llltS. Leave san Eliiario on the 20th of each month, and arrive at Santa Fs the last day of the same month. This will be the arrangement for the present tut will in a short time be changed to a monthly mail. Passengers will be taken tlirouirh from Santa Fe to San Antonio for $125, and from Kl Paso to San Antonio for f 100. From Santa Fe to El Paso for $30. Passenger! will be allowed 4U pounds of bag. age. Greatest distances between watering places 40 miles. Mr. Skillman is an old hand and well ac quainted with the route. He will also have on the line a small train of light wagons. 6 HENRY SKILLMAN. anta Fe, Dec. 8, 1851 tl. Cniiiuiinnirie. of the nbsislcnce in New Vemcu. will reserve the ri!ht of iu'Twina: or 'imii.t'-intr the urmmiit lo he dehvi-reil al each and evwy point, hy one f Air 7, by giving six months notice to that ef fect. ISAAC Ciirf. t C S ADniXTSTIUTOIl 8 XOTK E. VTOTICE is hereby given, lhat the undersigned it has been trrantfil letters of oilminH'r tion n the estate of It 'wnm ÍJ 'uiiip, deceased. Iiv the Prob.ite J idire of the cn intv of an Miguel, Ter. r'inrvoi lew me (. oeari ur n-iie m unv ni , . . . August. 1KS2. and all persons haringc'aiins a?ainst ellit Weeks lnileeil. 1 sent lief on a said estate are mititied In present them for allnw- clienii exonisinn bill 1 couldn't lo m . . li, A..t f :.l it,. 1 . . r. He hadn't a Ceiil when hp began foe yt at ago. Look at bun nin In es out of Iohii, keejis a hotse, diives in and mil every day. His ixjituses must be lui jet he seems to iay as be "oes. I bone there is iiolhini! uiihil' abnnl l eukihnry. 'I hen look at the in iiiey he spends loradwrli.intJ Why, thai is enn'ili to ruin any an, I don'l dre how rich he is I hate In en in business for thirty Jeais, lid I can't atfnid any of these tl.inus NNnnltlii'l I look well lakine iiyxil'e down to .Newjiort and btaymg 'hire i igbl weeks.? the ship, and without any further cate, until Ihe arrival of the sleamir at l.iv einool. " I he treiwlit cliarced upon rtnnds is : eoimls with the I reasnrer lo tie an mint thiity-seten and a half dolíais ier ton ;' r,ft ved from tlem by Hies r Wist, hence, li e iostRfr leuid on i ne hull ae United Mnjes l)itiii t Alton t) h i Inn of lelters is equul to lie freight of the Terii'oiy; Ihe recoil was mli' lid, two hnmln d and iie Ions i f dry goods j ,) . bill i.tdered lo si c nd reidh g; carried in the same Sleami r. I here is ! Hf. r diciivsioii h Messis Tnlrv and also this difference: ihe owner or con- Wheaten. it ws oti motion lefcrid to a ineiti urilhin nni) vuir fmm Illa ílatu nt biii (1r ml it . i :zr ' , Ji:.i ,,i I can t ii-ooin take in not w;lhin th'ee years, shall he for ever harreo liloiiey eiioni'li tu do ll. And then to and all persons imlebte.l Inihesaid estate are re- see a man t nil his money, jiit lo let quested to come forward en I m V sct'ii-menl , .' ' . " .. ........ ...... . .. neottil see IH4 minie III th liuiirQiiiM HENRY CONNELLY, 1 rutrauiiior. Las Vegas, Oct. 2, 1852.- f. people see his mime in tlie papers sending cards and hi Is all ahoul the conirv I e ksbury bleeds freely fur bis tniilH. I mnt cniiles! I SITED 8TATC8 OF AMERit A. Territory of New Mexico, ) United Alates D.slrict County of Sint . Fe. court, Sept, term, 1852 CERAN St VRA1IÍ "I vs Henry L. Dodge k ' Attachment, .tlexander W. Reynolds. J This day eame the plaintiff by his attorney, and It appearing to the satisfaction of Ihe court, that Alexander W. Reynolds, one of the HefHiidunls in this cause, is not a resident of this Territory, but resides beyond Ihe limits thereof, so that the or dinary process of law annot be executed upon hira, It is theiefore ordered, that the said Alex ander Vf. Reynolds enter his appearance hereto, on or before the first ú y of the next term of this court, to be begi n and held at the court room in the city of Santa Fe, on the third Monday of March next, and plead, answer or demur t plain tiff's petition, or judgment will be rendered against him. It ia further nlerrd, that publication be made of this order according to law. A true copy of the order made in the above cuse, at the September teim of said court. A. D. 1852. R H. THOMPKINS, Clerk, Santa Fe, Dec. 11, 1852.-25 4w .. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. territory of New Mexico, 1 United States D'ütrict County of Santa Fe, court, ep. term, 1852 HUGH M. BECKWITH, 1 vs Attachment. David Waldo. Jacob Hall, k ' William McCoy. f ' This day came the plaintiff by his attorney, and It anneinne to the satisfaction of the court, that neither of the said defendants are resulrnis of this Territory, but reside bevourl the limits there f, to that the ordinary process or law cannot De exrcu ted upon them. It is therefore ordered, 'hat inrv their ppearanca hereto on or before the first dav ol the next term of this court, to De nt' gun and held at the court room in the city of Santa Fe on the third Monday of March next, -ml pira l, answer or demur to niamlilt s petition, or iuig tent will Le rendered against them. It is fmther ordered, that publh atmn be raale of this order ac ordine to law. A true copy of the order made in the above cause at the September term of laid court. A.D. IW2. R H. THOMPKINS, Clerk, finta r,D 11, 1852 -24 4w. mi i . vnTirp TSherebv given lhat Ihe dm heretofore known ' OHlcIl me III ilia! trap, no how I. as the li in of Gerk & Zoiller. of Duft Ai.a. N M., ha been diSMilved hy mutual consent. All demands against sanl fiim and all accounts d ie to It will be nettled with Julin N. Z'wller. All lie m .nils are required to be f uwaided with promp titude, and ail accounts must be ettlel 1 1' nut delavi GKCK & ZoELLER DiB.1 Ana, Nov. 1. k8.2. t'KITED STATES OF AMERICA territory of New Mexico, j Third Judical District Wri'fen fat th .Inula iVv Wttkly G u tl. THE RUINS OF OLD PECOS. Monastic shade I thou monument of times That with the Aztec's fading gloiy fled I S' ill ve exist, a chronicle of crimes Bv dire invasion's haughiy vassal- spread. Benelh thy walls, reposing are the dead, Who fell of y oie when slaughter bnie a rwayi The valiant chief, who savage legions led, Lies low beneath the rums of der.y. While o,er the hoary pile the winds of sum mer play. 1 In ) unti l I don't do no good; I gol a lot of c-rds mid bills printed fi'. e years ago, and there they ate in the dr.-k now. , No body et it rals 1'ir them. And tbei 1 advertised four weeks in a newspaper money thrown away wasted! twL'hiny is a lool, mid be must fail, out r or biter I'm sorry lot him le as n.,lnrully a ctetei Itlluw. Il must cst him more to adveitise than all the mum y I t u k ! I wi'b muí body would buy me out trade is mi dull " N All he said about Tew ksbnry was true enni'gli, wild the slight excition thai Tewkhnry was in danger ol foil- i liiu. ' 1 hat ten thing which IVlLiiis tlionght would fail him, was that which kept him up He bean business with j noiliiiig bnl hi huin he let peopli understand whi te he whs, and whal be i lid lo gite them for their money, ami be got a print run of trade, which is cniistantly increasing. , Heikins lost his business just as fast s his customers no sit i" I sii'iiee has a eiiaranly for their safe de lit ery to older, while the si nder of a letter has nosnch secmity. Il he should enclose in a litter a 1 1 1 1 1 , l i-d nt a thuu sa id pound bank note, and pays lie pus- (age, he has no guaranty for its safe ar rital in (reHt Rtitain; and if il should he Inst, neither the owners ol the ste. mer nor the post nrhce are accountable Hut il is lint so with gm.ils on I'n ight ; if lliev should be Insl ol (In III ged, the owners are cnmptllid to make good the loss or damage "To i ose the enormity of this tax, let us take anolherexainple. I be freight uf flour to Liverpool is now reported at Is 9' to 2.4 stilling, l et ns suppose it at the highest rt, two shillings, or fifty cents a l-ain-l The pnslnie o thirty-two thousand or ha'f a ton of let ters would pay the freight of fifteen thousand thrte hundred and sixty bur iel of Hour." Il would seem as if iiotenimenls llioiiull it specially iiicnn St it I upon tin m in ohsiri cl the coinii.i rte ai.d inter course of the pern le. We lope Mr Bates w ill persist in lis woik of eiiliuhi inng and aiotisii g the Public on this snl ject, am! bring pliblic sentiment to heal upon Congiess, so that the policy of cl nip ocean postkge maybe Speedily (allied ilitl 1 i - Nati 'nnal Era. arrttlirir: Iepiltitive Afise ir.W;. spiri-l committee, Itnsiness ,in the Speaker's table. Messai.'e from the Council informing the House that tlie y had adopted the, memorial to Congress asking Inr ap ro p'iations for Peneletiiiary, and Alltsian well in the Jornada del Muerto. Bt leave, Mr Otero introducid a bill maling it a jienal i ffi nee to picclase cloihinu. "fin or other property In in so'diers; ordered lo second n ailing and r fered lo the committee oil the Ji.dlt'l-aiy. (In motion the rules were Hlpeiidcd in order t lake tip the agranl law Minify amendments weie inuid hy Mr Jose K Ortm ai d oti en, and d ba led at but ill by Jose I Oitir., Toby, Oltio, C t'lltz and Sena y Hun. ero, the most impurtanl nfw Inch w as ihe amend ment of Mr Ju"c K Urliz piohibiiing appeals in cases of tagiancy to the Dis till Court, which after an earnest dis cussinii by Messis Joe V. and C Ortiz, and Sena y Homero for, and Messrs 'I u lev, Otero, and Gonzales against, yt as adopli d by a yote of U lo 10. Adjourned till ten o'clock lu-morrow mnriiing Wednesday, Dec. 83-10 A. M. House net; reading of the Journal liíuM1, ivi'if Mi .! pin-. J .. titi.'n i.f (' !; t l-.k.-, uskn.g p. o t It iL'; ihe Sad now appears Ihe solitary moun I. Where ivy creeps upon the virgin's tomb, And sighing winds repeal with moaning sound, died or Went i f) le took The mournful echoes that escsoefrom gloom i get new out S, and li e colisi is, Fair In the appears Ihe lily's bloom, ,, ,e is lit leg on w hat be inadelwen To add ils fragrance to the balmy air, , ,u Iud mo.,n. the breeze the requiim of doom. , ., , ,Vi. ror those whit, alf.en.hir in tner. t. . '. . ... .r. .... , ...i....-.:;..., iiuAut la Itit.d.. j,i ' II.IW'll Oil t I . IS, lll l, air j court, Nov. term, 1N52 Petition to foreclose mort VP- Count r of fucorro William 8. Messervyl tnd James J. Webb, Merchants under the ntmee of Neiiervy 4 e. Sarah Bongette. ' This day cam the plaintiffs by their attorney, Sid it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said Sarah Bonyette, defendant, il not a resident of this Territory, but resides beyond the limits thereof, so that the ordinary' process of the laW be executed upon her, . It Ik therefore ordered by the Court that the said defendant enter her appearance hereto on or befo -e the tint day of the next term of this court, lo be begun and beta at the e urt house in the town of L m;tar, oh the first Mondar of May (ext. A D , 1853, and plead answer or demand to plaintiff's pe tition, or judgment will be entered against her. II is further oidered by the court that nonce, by pub lication, be given according to law. Atruicopy. HENRY WINSLOW, ' ' Ciirk. limjt r, Socorro County, Deelmbtr SIR, 1B52. -"'"""'" 1" ": ' s ' Je W. REKD, - ATTORNEY At LAW, ' ltV 0 lADTi f. siiw MEXICO. WILL practice in the Courts of .santa Fe, md adittinln'g counties) and Wit) atl-nd to arinriul Iniiwssi In ariV pkrt of rhb Territory. Gave up fur gltuy's crown, life's and care. Dead is the flame that long by savage hands Was kept alive for Montezuma's sake, Invasion came, and w th t- gory hands Did rudely there a work of havo" make No more does music in ihe valley wake From d ill repose the tin a y solitud. Far. far sway, 'lit gliding o'er the lake, Where Maiiilou, forbidden o 'ntrude, Hides in a toral cava with ocean monsters rude. Yet lovely is the scene when moon-be ms gild Th 'se gloomy i nine on a suniin-1 'a night, When fancy ran for former ages build What lime destroys in tn mentary fi ght : Many a pilgrim will the scene invite, Wh' n weary of his staff he leans al morn, W lh the fust glimmer of Aurora's light, When w;lh bright Venus . ngly is born, He will hli toil forgot wheie Beauty sits forlorn. ONNET. Lonely is now the lofty pyramid Amid the ruins of Cholula proud. B neaih the shadow of the .en.pesl cloud, Beitity is theie. 'mid silent ruins hid Theie oft at eve doth stray the sopilive kid, Whe e once came Cur'ei with a valiant band, 'Mid savage splendor d'd Ihe hero stand, And fmm its spoil could not his hands forbid i Ages have pass'd and that deserted place Boasts hut a pyramid anil P.une's decay i Malinche'i glory and Ihe Altec race Ex! (ted bu a transitory dav All gloomy seems, deserted and alone, This fa lmg gem ot Monteiuma'a throna Banta F, Dec. 12, 1KJ2. yon f ll.ming in the 'rack of your friend I Perkins If yon are, either Flint up ' your simp, ol pitch lulu this great pub lie il yon di) not do the latter, your credit, rs will p.lcli into you and shut tip' Cheap Gnu Pwtige. Few persons ale aw are of ihe enor minis and absnid tax unpused upon mail matter crossing the ocean. The follow ing ixiiuct of a communication from ir Bites, in (tie- New Yolk Ertnivg W', presents the puhj. ct wi'b gteal clear- ess and force. W e ask for it the attention of every reader: "The present rales atei enormously high and bu densome, not only tn the poor emigrants who have made our co'intry their home, but to merchants and men of business. Fur example, a letter to Great Britain is claigxl k4 cents) under half an ounce; for a ft ac tion over hallan oiincn it is charged double- 48 cents; and if perchance it should be a penny weight over an ounce, it is charier! quadruple postage. ninety six Cents! By what ainhoiity a treble letter, or an ounce and a half, is char ged quadruple postage, I bat e yet lo Irani, unless it is to follow the example of the lirilisb post office. l,et its particularly examine the ex tent of this enormous tax noon the busi ness interests and social affections of the people The steamer Canada carried nut one trip to Liverpool, thiity-ttvn thivisaud letters, besides newspaper We w ill suppose that these were all sin Why is man ascending Veen ins like an Irishman trying to kiss a pietty girl? Because be warns lu git at tlie crattr't moutlu HOUSE t'F KH'lr.MN' A . T I Tuesday Dec. 2-10 V. M. Journal read and approved. Mr I oley fioiu the commitlee o;i the Judiciary reported hack tt iilumi am. nd meut the hill lelatite to lost money or property, and ricoinmeiided ils pass ijje; ihe report was adopted. Also a bill anthorir.iur the bolding of raits in the town ol I . mtu Ana, comity i f Dofi i Ana. Mr F l ino off. ri d to sun lid by insertiiR eiyhl dats llislend uf lour days; agreed to, and the report adopted. Mr V Pino obtained leave of absence lilt the et cuing session. From Ihe C'ouni il, a men mini to I on- L'less, askiiii; an approiilalion lo aid Jesns de l.uta in lit com) h-th n of an Ai lisian well near the capital; lead second and tl.iid time, and aflt r Some discussion bt Messis Ult to, T nh y , Cha te, of Vch licia, mid t Ortiz, was adop ted. By leave, Mr W ln aten offered icso littiiius respectili Ihe death of the late (iovitiior ( all i,' read ncond and third time and passed. ' Mr Bica y t'mo by leave, introduced a bill in relation to 1 1 a . - civil cliiceis of the Territory j ordered In be translated. Mr L'hatcz of Valencia, asked the Mouse to tuke up the bill on education; oideiid la second rending I j ils title. An act coiic( mire mnl pun- ishmenls, oideii d lu second reading, ami referid In committee if the whole. 'I he Co. men's bil. regulating Weights and Me asmes, read and ordered to be translated. Adjourned till four o'clock in the af ternoon. ' , EVKN1K0 SESSION. 4 o'clock P. M. House pet and took up the second reading of bills. An act lo chance the county seal of D' liña Ana county to (.as I ruces, or dt red lo third reading and passi d. Bill fmm the 1 iiuncil authorizing the Auditor to audit and the ireasmer In pay the salaries of Probate Judges pre vious to the act constituting t erritorial 'I reusury 1852; also In its older, an act protidiiiL' for the holding special terms of the District :i,e ;'. !'-r lMt tl cle letters, weighing haff an ounce each; their tteiubt would be one tliotnand Cnnri, af'er tn data' public notice; te Hounds, and the iiustagest'ten thomaiid , fend lo the coit uiitleeou the Judiciary six hundred and eighty dollars. Mr Tulcy from the committee on the "The (.'alinda, charges one bundled Judiciary, reported .dtesey to the hill and twenty dollars for first cabin pas. ' n fered to litem rcgiilaiing the manner wKt and lefeiily dolían fur neconJ of taking tesliuiony by written diclura- ", i ill J ; il I f (el- J , .., ,v.r..: - in.: p.-, li-e ren.ut ' 1 . ii. .'.. il, it it ordi nd to be lr-.nslat.d. Also a hill dt fining jurisdiction of Jt s tices courts and duius ol JtiS'icts if the I'eaci; oidilid to s( ( ond nadiig, and n l'eied lo the committee on the Ju diciary. Mr Sena y Rentero, an act amei ding an at t irgulalinu the lernloiii.l Ilea snrt; oidered lo a sect nd teadii (j, and tt ft nd lo the commitlee cu the Judia- ')' m . , ., Mi Vigil, a bill reculatii g tie ehc ti'.n of Delegate to Congiess changing lime of election fro ia fust Monday in Scpiembn to first Monday in Mat; the lull was oppiis. d liy Sena y lít nieio, C Oiliz ami f Pint., and adtocittid by Vigil ami Ciaddock alter discussion it was lost by a tote of 17 lo 6. An act regulating ceilain pi of the District oouit and iVand.ala' and Sheiiff-' lees; old. rid lo tralis'alor . Mr F Pino introduced a hill tu ra i e funds for pnrpoieiof education; orders d to tiailslalol Mr Otero introduced a bill to changa the qualifications of vuler for alfaldts ami constables; ordered lo stcei.d lead ing; read a thud time and pnisid. Mr Sena y Uoini io fiou the c. inn it tee to whom was reb n d the bill relatite to rtisiim w ells, rt pftite-fjiib'if sail e wiihuiit uinendmtnts; lliefort wai adopted. ""' V Mr Otero introduced a bill prohibit ing lie sale i.f spiii'uons liqnors to the Indians; ordered ! second; ut ter amendments offend by Messrs 'F. rino except nig rilehhts, ItlleJ rt ducili) finé io li 200, Otero for summary punish ment; the bill wis r fered lo Ihe com mittee on ihe Judiciary. An act aiilhormng the holding of Fairs in the town of Doña Ana, county . of Doña Aiu; ordered to third reeding and passed. Meinoriol to Congress asking appro priations for p'tiii tiary, schools, roadi lo Missouri etc; lead a thud time and passed An act relating to Ihe right of man, permitting any toan for bin, sell or by any otln r person to appear as ailoniief in court; Air U Iu nIoii proposed to am end; was called to order by (Mr C Or tiz) the chair; Mr W apeahd fiom tU decision of the cIikÍi; Ihe House sus tained thecíroir; so Ihe amendment wall ruh d out. After se.eral in. ffectual at-' leu pis I.) adjunto, li e bill was rend I tktfwnh page.