ffjt ,1 r::,i
Santa fe tücckljj cr?ctte.
iyuvnAwvwwW' "-
WEEKLY- $5 a year, nayable invariably in
advance I single copies 12 1-2 cents. Advertise
mentí, $1 AO per square of ten lines (or the first
insertion, and $1 for every subsequent insertion.
THE U. X. Mail from anta Fe to the States
leaves regularly on the first day of each
Passage during the summer months $12o 00
u wnter m0nths $150 00
401bs of bailee allowed to ech passenjrer.
WALDO, HALL, k CO. Proprietors.
Santa Fe, Sept. 18, 1852 tf
Notice to
THE undersigned, Mail Contractor from San
Antonio, Texas, to Sania Fe, N. Mexico,
would respectfully inform the travelling public
that he has placed upon the line the best kind of
stock and good comfortable spring carriages for the
accommodation of passengers.
The mail will leave Santa ft on the first of each
month, and arrive at San Elizario by the 11th.
Leave San Eliiario on the 12th of every other
month, and arrive at San Antonio on the last day of
the same month.
Leave San Antonio on the first of every other
month, and arrive at San Eliiario on the 19th.
. Leave an Eliiario on the 20th of each month,
and arrive at Santa Fa the last day of the same
This will be the arrangement for the present
tut will in a short time be changed to a monthly
Passengers will be taken through from Santa Fa
to San Antonio For $125, and from El I'nso to San
Antonio for $100. From Santa Fo to El Paso for
Passengers will be allowed 40 pounds of bag
gage. Greatest distances between watering places 40
miles. Mr. Skillman is an old hand and well ac
quainted with the route.
He will also have on the line a small train of
light wagons.
Santa Fe, Dec 6, 1851. tf.
Territory of New Mexico, ) United States District
County of SanU Fe. ( court, Sept, term, 1852
vs 1
. Henry L. Dodge fc Attachment
" ' .ílercander W. Reynolds. J
; This day came the plaintiff by his attorney, and
it appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that
Alexander W. Reynolds, one of the defendants in
this cause, is not a resilient of this Territory, but
resides beyond the limits thereof, so that the or
dinary process of law rannot be executed upon
him, It is therefore ordered, that the said Alex
ander W. Reynolds enter his appearance hereto,
on or before the first A y of the next term of this
court, to be begrn and held at the court room in
the city of S.mta Fe, on the third Monday of
March next, and plead, answer or demur to plain
tiff's pelition, or judgment will be rendered against
him. It is further ordered, that publication be
made of this order according to law.
A true copy of the order made in the
above cause, at the September terra of
said court, A.D. 1852.
R. H. THOMI'KINS, Clerk.
Santa Fe, Dec. 11, 1852.-25 4w
Territory of New Mexico, ) United Stales District
County of Santa Fe, court, Sep. term, 1852
vs I Attachment.
David Waldo. Jacob Hall, & J
William McCoy.
This day came the plaintiff by his attorney, and
It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that
neither of the said defendants are residents of this
Territory, but reside beyond the limits thereof, so
that the ordinary process of law cannot be execu
ted upon them, It is therefore ordered, that tney
nvke their appearance hereto, on or before the
first day of the next term of this court, to be be
gun and held at the court room in the city of Santa
Fe un the third Monday of March next, and plead,
answerer demur to plaintiff's petition, or judg
ment will be rendered against them. It is further
ordered, that publication be made of this order ac
cording to law.
, A true copy of the order made in the
above cause at the September term of
aid court, A.D. 1852.
. i R. H. THOMPKINS, Clerk.
Santa Fe, Dec 11, 1852 -25 4w.
. Territory of New Mexico, ) Third Judicial District
' County of Sicorro. j court, Nov. term, 1852
William S. Messervyl
and Jame ,J. Webb,
Merchants under the
taime ot Menervy &
Sarah ioutette.
Petition to foreclose mort
gR This day came the plaintiffs by their attorney,
nd it appearing to the atisfaction of the Court
-that the said Sarah Bougette, defendant, ia not a
resident of thil Territory, but resides beyond the
limits thereof, so that the ordinary procesa of the
law cannot be executed opon her,
It is therefor entered by the Court that the said
defendant enter her appearance hereto on or before
the Itrst day of the next term of this court, to be
hegun and held at the court tioute In the town of
limitar, on the first Monday of May text, A D.,
1853, and plead answer or demand to plaintiff's pe
lition, or judgment will b entered against her. It
I further ordered by the court dial notice, by pub
lication, be given according to law.
A true copy. HENRY WlNSLOW,k
...j i i ,i r. . . . ' ewes
Limitir, Socorro County," V ,)i It.
, December 21st, 1852. '
WILL practice in the Courts of Santa Fe,
and adjoining counties and will attend, to
atriaiintl bntiMsi in any part of the Territory.
Santa Fe, Sept. 25, 1852.-in
Fort Uniok, N. M., Dec. 22. 1852.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bereceived at this
office, till 12 o'clock, M., on Tuesday the 28th day
of February, 1853, for furnishing Flour to the U.
State's! Troops, ai ine points aim in me quantum
mentioned, as follows :
At Taos, N. M. 125.000 pounds.
At Fort Union. N. M 150,000
At Sania Fe, ' 50,000 "
At Albuquerque, " 220,000 "
At Fort Conrad, 125,000 "
At Fort Fillmore, 230,000 "
The flour must be of "superfine" quality, and de
livered in strong cotton "drilling" sacks, of lOOIbs,
Proposals are invited for the whole amount, for
that required at soveral points, or for that required
at any particular point.
The contract or contracts to be mane ror one
year, ana ine laiuuui iuinuue.ii mereui w uc mmi-
antieil oy iwo responsiuie secuuues wuuac name
must be entered in the proposals.
One fourth of the amount, required at each point,
must be delivered qmrltrly, commencing on the 1st
dav of August, 1853.
'(f5"Tlie Commissaries, or principal Assistant
Coimnissarie of the subsistence in New Mexico,
will reserve the right of inorojing or iinnMug
the amount to be delivered at each and every point,
by one third, by giving six mouths notice to that ef
Cui. íí C S
NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned
has been granted letters of administration on
the estate of Ikrmum Orolmm, deceased, by the
Probate Judge of Ihe county of San Miguel, Ter
ritory of New Mexico, bearing date the day of
August, 1852, and all persons having claims against
said estate are notified to present them for allow
ance within one year from the date of said letters,
or they may he precluded from said estate, and if
not within three years, shall be for ever barred
and all persons indebted to the said estate are re
quested to come forwanl and make settlement
Las Vegas, Oct. 2, 1852.-tf.
IS hereby given that the firm heretofore known
as the firm of Geek &. Zoeller, of Dufu Ana, N.
M., has been dissolved by mutual consent. All
demands against said firm, and all accounts due to
il will be settled with John N. Zoeller. All de
mands are required to be forwarded with promp
titude, and all accounts must be settled without
delay: GECK & ZOELLER.
Dona Ana, Nov. 19, k852.
The subscriber respectfully informs the public
of New Mexic, that at his establishment at
and by his agent at
Nebraska Territory, he is prepared to outfit and
supply with every thing requisite fm the journey
to Santa Fe, companies or individuate, upon the
most reasonable terms. '
(Jjflle believes that an acquaintance of many
years with the Santa Fe trade, will enable him to
give general satisfaction in the business,
Santa Fe, Dec. 24, 1852,-28-3m.
New Hampshire.
Santa Fí, Jsn. 1, 1852-tf.
I have removed from the "Noland House," to
the "Nebraska House," in Independence, Missouri.
The Nebraska House is a large new building, and
has recently been much improved by alterations
and additions. Having taken this house for a term
of years, I intend to make every effort tu promote
the convenience and comfort of travellers. The
patronage of my friends and the travelling public
is respectfully solicited.
January 1st 1853 ly.
NOTICE Is hereby given, that the undersigned
has been granted letters of administration on the
estate of james W. Graves, deceased, by the Pro
bate Judge of the County of Dota Ana, Territory
of New Mexico, bearing date the 3rd December,
1852. AH persons having claims against said es
tate are notified to present them for allowance with
in one year from the date of laid letters, or they
may be precluded lr m laid estate, and it not with
in two years, ih.dl be forever barred) nd all per
sons indebted to said estate, are requested to come
forward and make immediate settlement.
Dofii Ana, Dec. 17, 1852.
Legislative Assembly.
The first named gentlemen urged
against the motion, Mexican laws and
customs, admitting the certificate of a
Priest as evidence; and offered toprove
that this certificate was in the hand-writing,
and had the signature of Cura Baca.
Mr Wheaton moved that the commit
tee adjourn to 10 o'clock to-morrow
morning; not agreed to.
Mr Craddock moved that the commit
tee rise and report; agreed to, Sn the
committee rose and reported, and asked
leave to fit again.
At 1 1-2 o'clock A. M., on motion of
hit Tuley, the House adjourned to 8
o'clock to-morrow afternoon. '
f Friday, Dec, 31-3 P. M.
House met. Journal was read and
approved. '
Mr Craddock from the committee on
Finance, to whom was refered the re
port of the Territorial Treasurer, repor
ted in favor of the adoption of that re
port; the report of the committee was
Mr Gonzales of Taos, presented a pe
tition of the Sheriff of the county of Taos
for relief on account of monies paid to
Elias P West, late United States Dis
trict Attorney; refered to a select com
mittee. On motion of Mr C Ortiz, the House
resolved itself into committee of the
whole on the petition of Rafael Gutier
res, contesting the seat of Mi Otero.
On motion of Mr C Ortiz, the motion
of Mr Wheaton, that tho petition of Gu
tierres was not legally beinre the com
mittee, was rejected; ayes 14 noes 8.
Mr F Pino moved that the committee
rise, and report to the House that the
committee had derided that Mr Otero
had not the qualifications required by
law to entitle him to a seat in this body;
and that the seat now occupied by Mr
Otero be declared vacant; and that
thereafter the House immediately re
solve itself again into committee of the
whole, to determine if Rafael Gutierres
be entitled to said seat.
Mr Wheaton moved to amend, adding
the words ' and that the chairman re
port to the House, that the committee
recommend the reference of the petition
to a select or a standing committee."
After a long discussion, the amendment
was rejected, and Mr Pino's resolution
was adopted.
Committee of the whole rose and re
ported. Mr Wheaton moved that the report
be rejected, on the ground that the pe
titioner had not taken the steps requi
red by law to contest the seat. Motion
was withdrawn; but renewed by Mr
Craddock, being put to vote, was re
jected. Mr Wheaton moved to amend the re
port of the committee, so that the con
test be refered to a select committee or
the committee on Elections; not agreed
to. Mr Tuley moved to adjourn to 11
o'clock to-morrow morning; not agreed
The report of the committee of the
whole was then adopted.
Mr F Pino then in the chair, declared
the seat of Mr Otero of Valencia, vacant.
Mr Craddock asked leave of absence
for the reioainderof the session; granted.
House adjourned to Monday morning
at 10 o'clock.
Monday, January 3, 1S5S.
House met at 10 o'clock. Journal
read and aproved.
Reports of Committees:
Mr Tuley from the committee on the
Judiciary, to whom was refered the bill
in regaid to qualifications and jurisdic
tion of justices of the peace, reported
adversely to the same; leport adopted.
Also, the memorial of the probate
judge of the county of Taos, recommen
ding its reference to a special commit
tee of three members to report amend
ments to the gambling act; adopted.
Also, reported back an act amending
an act regulating the Territorial Trea
sury, without amendment, and recom
mended its passage; report adopted.
Also, repotted an act amending an
act regulating Weights and Measures,
recommending its passage; adopted.
Also, the bill prohibiting the sale of
spiritous liquors, and the purchase of
clothing, arms, etc, from soldiers, with
amendments, and recommended its pas
sage. Mr Tuley introduced a law regulating
the collection of costs in the different
Mr C Ortiz from the committee on
Engrossed Bills, reported sundry bills as
engrossed; report adopted.
Second reading of Bills-
An act providing for the trial and sus
pension of certain Territorial officers;
ordered to be translated.
An act regulating the processes and
costs in the District Court; refored to a
special committee of five.
An act for the payment of Thomas
Russell and Charles Blurcner for copy
ing and translating Journal of last ses
sion; ordered to third reading as engros
sed, at.d passed; ayes 17 noes 3.
An act regulating tha collection and
payment of funds into the Territorial
Treasury; read third time and passed.
An act prohibiting purchase of cloth
ing, arms, eto from soldiers, and telling
spiritous liquors to the tame; refered to
special committee of F Pino, Wheaton,
and Sena y Romero.
Mr Wheaton asked leave to introduce
a bill in reference to. proceedings in the
Supteme Court of the United Sute fm
the Territory of New Mexico; granted.
Mr Tuley moved that the bill bu re
jected; discussed by Tuley, Wheaton,
and V Fino. Mr I uley withdrew Ins
motion, and moved that the bill be trans
lated; not agrued to.
On motion of Mr F Pino, the bill was
ordered to a second reading.
Mr Tuley moved to amend by striking
out the last section, providing tlmt the
bill have full force and effect from and
after its passage. After discussion, the
amendment wns rejected. A motion to
refer to committee of the whole, lost; to
refer to committee on claims, not agreed
to; to refer to select committee, not
agreed to.
Mr Tuley moved to amend by striking
out all after the enacting clause. With
out taking action on the nmenduient,
the Mouse adjouined to 5 o'clock in the
House met at 5 o'clock.
A bill providing for the conditional
examination of witnesses, and taking
depositions tinder certain conditions in
criminal cases was read a third time.
Mr C Ottiz moved referenco to spe
cial committee; agreed to C Ortiz,
Sena y Romero and Gonzales of Taos,
were uppoiuted committee.
A bill providing for the holding of
special terms of the District Courts for
the trial of criminal causes was read a
third time and passed.
A bill amending the act regulating
Weights and Measures, was read a third
lime and passed.
The agraut law was read a third
Pending the consideration of amend
ments to the bill,
Mr Pino by leave, introduced a reso
lution requesting the Secretary of the
Territory to send to the House the poll
books of the election held on the 6tli of
September, 1852, in the county of Va
lencia ; not agred to, ayes 10 noes 11.
Mr Tuley moved to take up the busi
ness on the Speaker's table; agreed to.
From the Council:
A memorial to Congress, asking ap
propriations for penitentiary, etc, which
originated in the House; the Council
gave notice that it had passed that body.
A bill from the Council in reference
to the erection of public buildings, was
read a second time, and refered to the
committee on Territorial Affairs.
Mr Tuley by leave, introduced a re
solution, calling upon the Secretary of
the Territory for all communications re
ceived from the Treasury Depaitment
of the United States, in regard to mo
nies appropriated bj Congress for pub
lic buildings in this Teiritory.
The Council gave notice, that a bill
originating in the House, altering the
precincts of the county of San Miguel,
had passed the Council, with amend
ments; amendments agreed to.
Message from the Governor, with cor
respondence with the commanding offi
cer of the 9th Military Department,
called for by resolution of the House;
ordered to be translated.
Communication from Charles Blum
ner Territorial Treasurer, staling the
amount of indebtedness of the treasury,
and the amount of funds on hand; refe
red to select committee of Wheaton,
Tuley, and Baca y Pino.
'A communication from the Secretary
of the Territory, with extract from corn,
munication of Comptroller of the Trea
sury of the United States, relative to
funds for public buildings.
Council gave notice, that they have
passed the House bill entitled the 'right
of man.'
Also, that they had passed the House
resolutions, relative to the death of the
late Governor Calhoun.
Also, an act authorizing public Fairs
in the town of Doña Ana.
A bill originating in the Council, re
lative to inheritance; read a first time,
and ordered to be translated. ,
A communication from the Secretary
of the Territory, staling the amount of
legislative funds remaining in hit office.
On motion of Mr F Pino, the House
resolved itself into committee of the
whole on Mr Josa E Ortiz's bill on
crimes and punishments, Mr Gallegos
of Rio Arriba, in the chair.
Shortly after 9 o'clock at night, the
committee rose, reported progress, and
asked leave to ait again.
House adjourned to 10 o'clock to
morrow morning.
Tuesday, January 410 A. M.
Mr Tuley introduced bill for the
relief of SperfcrerJt Grtndjean and" Jas
h Siibine; refered to the committee on
A petition fmm citizens of Las Tram
pus, county uf Taos, in regard to ele c
ti.in of alcalde; refered to the commit
tee on Counties.
Mr C Ortiz from the special commit
tee to whom was refered the bill rela
tive to the conditional examination of
witnesses, reported adversely to the
bill; the report was not agreed to.
Mr Tuley offered a resolution, that
the election laws be refered to a special
committee to report amendments; tha
resolution was adopted ; committee--
Messrs Tuley, Gonzales of San Miguel,
and Baca of Socorro.
Vcnnd reading of Bills:
An eel providing for the slicing of
defaulting public officers, read a third
time and passed.
An act for the trial and suspension
from office of certain territorial officers,
refered to the committee on the Ju
diciary. A bill relative to the practice in the
Supreme Court in criminal cases ; Mr
F Pino moved to lay the bill on the ta
ble. After discussion, agreed to.
Adjourned to 5 o'clock in the after
House met at 6 o'clock. ;
Third reading of bills:
An act providing for the conditional
examination of witness in criminal cases;
passed, ajes 13 noes 6.
Mr Wheaton by leave, introduced
memorial to Congress relative to loan
of $10,000 to the Territory by Jamet L
Collins, Juan Cristobal Armijo and Jose
Leandro Perea, to defray the expenses
of the first session of the Legislature;
ordered to second and third reading, and
Business on the Speaker's table; 1
Message from the Governor, recom
mending the passage of a law prohibit
ing the carrying of aims at balls, fan
dangos and other places of public am
usement; refered to a special committee.
A bill from Council regulating public
morals, ordered to be translated.
Mr Sena y Romero moved reference
to a select committee, Baca y Pino,
Jaramillo, end Martinez of Taos.
The Council informed the House, that
they had passed the following bills which
had originated in the House:
For holding special terms of the Dis
trict Courts for the trial of criminal
For the relief of Thomas Russell and
Charles Blumner;
For the election of justices of tho
peace in their respective precincts;
Prohibiting sale of spiritous liquors to
The act amending an act regulating
the Territorinl treasury, with amend
ments; amendments read, and tho bill
was laid on the table.
On motion of Mr Jose E Ortiz, the
House went into committee of the whole
on the bill respecting crimes and pun
ishments, Mr Gallegos in the chair.
The committee rose at midnight, and
reported the bill as having passed tha
committee of the whole with various
amendments; the report wet adopted.
House adjourned to 3 o'clock to-morrow
Wednesday, January 66 P, M.
House met. Mr Sena y Romero,
from the committee on Claims, reported
in favor of the claims of Preston Beck,
Spencer - Grandjean, and Jems s 8 Sa
bine; the report was adopted, and the
bill ordered to second reading,
Mr Valdec by leave, iiitindtued a bill
to amend an act in refen nce to ace--quias;
ordered to second reading.
Mr Gonzales by leH.e, introduced a.
bill amending an act lelatiw to juris
diction of alcaldes.
Mr Sena y Hornero by leave, introdia
ced a law for the payment of the salte
ries of Territorial officers, frcm Marera
22d, 1851, to September 8h, 1851;
dered to second reading, and refeitd i
committee on Engrossed Bills.
Second reading of Bills:
An act to amend an act ttstablistbg
Territorial treasury, ordered to be en
grossed. An tot for the preservation of thaTer
ritorial Library, refered to a special
committee of Messrs F Pino, Vigil and
Business on the Speaker's table:
Communication from tha Probata
Judge of the county of Santa Fe, stating
that there were no funds in the county
treasury to furnish food for tha prison
era in jail, and asking relief; with
commumcatio.i from the trovemor. ita-
1 I
i I