Newspaper Page Text
IK.! VOLUME II. SANTA FENEW MEXICO, JANUARY 29; 1853. 1 DM jVUMBER 32. Santa ft UJcekln cuctte. ' " ÍOWHHID EVERY STOBDAY, BY ' .' ' WILLIAM DREW.' TERMS. . WEEKLY- $5 a year, payable invariably in advance ninla fopics 12 1-2 cents. Advertise ment $1 bO per square of ten lines for the first insertion, and $1 for every subsequent insertion. THE U. t. Mail from Wa Fe to the States leaves regularly on tae first day of each month. Passage during the summer months $125 00 " " winter months $150 On 1 401bi of baifgaee allowed to ench nasneneer. WALDO, HALL, & CO. Proprietors. Santa F, Sept. 18, 1852 tf IMTED STATES OF AMERICA. Territory of New Mexico, I Third Judicial District County of S'corro court, Nov. term, 1852 William 8. Mmervy 1 ndJaine J. Webb Merchant-) under the name of Messervy k Webb Petition to foreclose tnort- Sarah Boiizntte. This day came the plaintiffs by their at(omv, and it appearing to the ulisfaction of the Com l that the asid Sarah Hougelte, defendant, is not a resident of this Tenitoiy, but resides beyond the limits thereof, so that the ordinary proi-t.s of the law ran not he executed upon her, It is therefore eriternl by the Cénit thai the defpiidanl enter her appeal anee hereto on or liefu e the lint day Í the mxl' term of Ibis rn'iit. to he begun and hel.i jt n;r r uri house in 11. u.wn n Limitar, on the ti-.t Alientan ' f May m-xt. A II , lSi.1. and plead answer or !o pi liii'ilf'' pc litem, nr pidmeiil will b" enteied ai'a'iM her. I' a ruilherniili-reil by the enuit Ihal notice, by pub lication, be c-v-'ii avconlmg to hivv. A true copy. ' HENRY WINSLOW, Cfk. Limit. r. Rocnrro ('.unity, December 21st, 1852. r j, W. ivEKl). ATTO.SSí'.W AT LAW. , CITY 01' HAST.V KB. NKW MKXMl, WILL, practice 111 the ('citIs of ."'anta l'e. and ailinin iu; c unities ; and wi'l attend !e erimiiial hisiiies in -nv part of ihe. Tenitoiy. Santa Ke, pt 25. IN.ii.-rlimo OFFICE OF COlfY. OF fl'H., . Fort Prim. H. M.. Due 22. 1852. SEALED PltoPCSALS will be received at this offire, till 12 o'clock. M., on Tuesday the 28lh day of February, IH5.1, fur furnishing i'innr to 'be I). Slate's Troops, at ihe points and 111 the iiiiimliliia lentioneu. as rollows : At Taos. N. M. At Fort Union, N. M. AtSantiiFe. ' At Albiniuerque, " At Fort 0 mad, " ' 1 At Foil Fillmore," 125.0(10 pounds, . 1511.000 ' ..SlI.IHMI ' .2011(10 ' .125.000 ' .-itli.iKK) The flour must be of "supei fine'' uiialily, and ilf. livered in strong cotton" sacks, of HKIlbs. eerh Proposals are Invited for the whole amount, for that required at several points, or fur that require.! at ny particular point, The 1 ontr ct or contr cts to be made for one year, and the faithful thereof tobe guar antied by two responsible securities wliose names must b entered in the proposals. One fourth of the amount, required at each point, must be delivered m irttrly, commencing on Ihe 1st dav of August- 1853. (jyThe Commissaries, or principal Assistant Coiumissarie. of the subsistence in New Mexico, will reserve the right of iiicrraiing or fiffliiiWiiig the amount to be delivered at each and every poinl, by dm third, by giving six mouths notice to that ef fect. , ' ISAAC BOW EN, , . Cap). kC 8 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that Ihe undersigned has been granted letters of adininisir tion n Jht estate of llirmnna Gromi11, deceased, by the Probate Judge of the county of an Miguel, Ter ritory of New Mexico, bearinir date the day of Augint, 1852, and all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them for allow ance within one year from the date of said letfrs. or they may b precluded from said estate, and if not within three years, shall be for ever barred) and all persons Indebted lo the said estate are re quested to come forward and make settlement HENRY CONNELLY, , . , . 1 . JJnuMktnitr. Las Vegas, Oct. 2, 1852. 'f. OUTFITS FOR SANTA FE. ' The subscriber respectfully informs Ihe public ef New Mexic , that at his establishment at WETPORT, MISSOURI, and by his agent at ...,, , , ; COUNCIL-GROVE, ... Nebraska Territory, he is prepared to outfit and apply with every thing requisite foi the journey lo ente Fa, companies or individuals, upon Ibe moot reasonable terms. . jy He believes that an acquaintance of many years with the Santa Fa trade, will enable him to arivt general aausiaouon in me ousiness, , . ALBERT O BOONE. ,' Santa F, Dec. 24, 1852,-28-3in. ( COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, Pennsylvania, 1 . .. ',''' ' ' '' '. Connecticut, ii.'. '. : i' New Hampshire. Santa F, Jan. 1, 1852 tf. ' ' ' INDEPENDENCE, HISBOUBI. !:.; in, : 'l,' - BY"1 . ' ' ' " -ir.t , Bi' W. TOD D. . ! - I have removed from ihe ('Noland House," to the "Nebraska House,"in Independence, Missouri. The Nebraska House is a large new building, and has recently been much Improved by alterations and additions. Having taken this house for a term af jears, 1 intend to make every effort to promote the convenience and comfort of travellers.. The patronage oí my friends and tha travelling fulic ' January ftt !9-ly. 1 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby siven, that the undersigned has been granted letters of administration on the estate of James W. Graves, deceased, by the Pro bate Jiidge of the County of DnR.i Ana. Territory of New Men 0, bearing dale the 3rd December, 1852. All persons baring claims against said es tate are notified to present them for allowance with in one year from the date nf unitl letter', or they may be pieclnded fr m said elate, and if not with in iwo years, kh II be forever barred; 1 nil all per son! indebted to .aid estate, are requested to come forward and make iminedi te seMlenteiit. LUIS VM GECK, : Aliiuuutmtor. Dona Ana, Dec. 17, 1852. The Man Who ouuiit not to Emi grate. The man who cannot shave wit limit hot wutiT, nr pull off his boots without a boot-jurk; the man who ran not prt up wiilicml a jlass ol'ptilv ale 11 the inorniiin, or ro to bed williou' a 'b" shawed lobster,' nr dttvilled bo'ics; Ihe man who lias never curried nntliitit heavier than his cane, or cnt anything slrotirriT than hi betuil; ihe man uhme only aowiiii; has been liuiiti d tn Ins M ild oatj, and Ins only reaping o Kiaenberg eiiltin twice h year hit) coriis; the inan who hits nei er liniiilled any oilier bill but a IbíIoi'k. ;i"d only knowi wlmt 11 spade in by sncin.; it in 11 pick of c ud; the mnii wliusi- only ki'owleili;e id' 'led i ill ' ha lli'i 11 ih'i'it 1 ll i'liili I ! n- rnee- ciniise, and nf 'liarruw'tn' iV.i'ii 11 Vii 1 lnl'i.l tlie!llll!lll:l i t:.T" 111 11 whn iis I eirev fir ,1 Ii, rsi- as 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 bet j iinii. ami l;i k "p Ml sin'ep a iTi'iilMI' k I rom Mu' fufintrj t 1 - II-i ci o nt ectfi'lr,' the man wm iiuiijiine a boll vvlks on two h'cs like ihiKr lo hai Si'kii on the ni'('k t.''l aoi.e. ai d wl.".i Ulil in si. unlink I as In Mi ri slricted to a frw shuts at ti e 111111111; I'o mmi ul.ii nu-ri' V knows a hank and it rake iVmii uhut be lias .i-i 11 at ri I'ri'-r -,'7V'abli ; the man who?" I'oiiliii" insnciety has iiIwhxk been npnn the ven bent polished leather hoots, and w hos' IntiH' si wn!k in hh' has bri'ii liriiiii;li the Insoiuiil Debtors' Ciitrt; tlte iiinn who has 10 v. 1 knouii wdiat it is to earn ,1 dinner, or u enji y one without Flench who s; the n.anwlio would think hiuisrll (h'i;iaihd if he was seen curry iut; a parcel: Such a loan nf nil others nuidtt tint tn eiuiorate. I5"tler far for liim to lomi!;e and loll on solus, and lisp, and smoke, and yawn, in u country that can iippre. eiate him, ilniiiL' no l aidrrwnik llinii dinning occasionally in the inoi''r 11 pel's, or in the ;ii!d districts nf his mo ther's pocket, than ti c ni'v llinse sume qualities to a distant land wheie they would only he thrown avay, like early purl Mors Qnakeis Such a man, We repeat it, onolit In be Ihe v 1 y last in Knyldii lo ciniiirate. Punch. What Punctuality would do. If Jerry Dilatory would pay us the dollar lie owes us for a small Job we did lor him two years ago, we would pay Mi. Iirygoiids the dollar we owe him; he would pay Sam Vulcan for shoeiui: his horse; Sam would pay Bob Charcoal lor his coal; Bob would pay Joe Axe man for his last two days' clioppiuu; Joe would pav Jack (iiist fur his last luer of corumeul; .Mr. (i list would tiny Doctor Ksculapius for thi medicine that came so near rrettiurr ihiwu his child; 'Doc ' would pay widow Broom for her two last days' washing; s e would pay Hill (Jrncer the dollar he owes him; (j voce r would pay 'Cuke upon liitllelon' his fee for counsel in the case of, the Stale of Ohio n. Bill (rocer; 'I'oke upon Lit tleton' could then go and pay Tim Hay stack the dollar he owes him on the hay lie bought of him last week; and Tim is such ait honest soul (hat n know be would come right in and pay is the dollar he owes us; on inscription, and then e would buy a chicken, a dozen eggs, a half bushel cornmeal to make a 'dodger,' ai.d we, otirself, individually, and our Wife, and our 'todlin wee things,' would have a feast of 'fat things,' and we would hare a dime in our pocket, 'baby in the cradle, and a little wife to rock it.' ; Bui, because Jerry Dilatory is not honest enough lo pay not one of these debts can be paid, and we cannot have the fi ast ol 'fut things' at 11 Ah, Jer ry Dilatory! You are the cause of all this trouble. You prevent all this hap piness. . It rt-quired ajl our forbearance to keep from qivingjou 'particular Jess.' We would feel as though we would like to take a scythe and mow down a ten acre field of iucH mem i Thiy are ex cresences en society, that niar its beau ty, ai d clog i energies, destroy its peace and, waste its substance." Still men are so, and we suppose they will stay o i little white yt; but we do hope there is better time coming-r a time when to owe a man, and not to pay him, will be considered ukin . to stealing when all will adopt the scrip- tura! motto, 'Owe no man anything.' LITERARY NOTICES. CohunbiaH id Great tli. This excellent literary .weekly commenced its tenth volume on the 6th. of Novem ber last. We are glad to learn thai 'brilliant success continues to attend the publication of this paper." It de sprees success.. The iiresent volume will contain, besides a co-,linuation of Í Dickens' popular work "The Bleak House,' and many Other pieces, the fol lowing: "Virii n: or, tha lyslic Tie;" The Korier-;" t'Oo ta-i la; or I. ove of Ihe U.ik itali .Maiden;" ''Arthur Brent. r . 1 ford; a tale of temptation:" ''Miuriel', Wd-d! or the Visionary " Price 2 00 single copies libi ral deduction! niaih oel ihs. ddieii VV. It. Sluttiick, Cin cinnati, Ohio. Nw IluRtrated Payer. Uenry D. Beueb, I2S I'ulloii si ii)l, .N. Y., sends us a prn.Siectos for a f .rtlicoiiiing Illus trated Mewsp 1 per. to be published io New York .The pi-opi ielors have paid in a C isli capital of forty ind dnl l.i s in sliiri 1111, so llnit the work is mil 1'heysny '-No pjins 111 eXH'HS Wll he S 'I'eii ill producing thi ll S! Ih'iSii i'eil Ne-vsi p.- in i,e wo, Id ill ,11-eejil.iDle i'e-siili l-onii,ililnli, nn 111 iiiii.iiiiviit to Hie .Vineiican I'res -We hope liiey will socced We es peel soon tn rece specinien t ti 111 bt-r of paper. I''vn1rv!d Fumihj .. We liHt,e feci i . rdtHO 111 li.hi IS nf l is pa per, poblislii d 111 t'liliiuihia. S C , by 'tenart Adair (looilinan. 'J'his paper conniienci il its second vohime in De. (ember. It is a hiiiidsoinely printed weekly, and besides its iiluttitat iins, con 1 1 ins a ureal variety of choice rend ing, nt the low price n' two diillars per annum to sinyle subscribers liberal in ducements off red o rlubi. . Addres S V. (iooilman, Cohiiiihia, S ('., or Hi ply lo the Postmaster of 'his city. The Sdntt'fo Anierimi.k paper that et ery body ought to hat e, and nail. It is worth ten times ils cost to all who Mould keep 'themselves advised of the progressive det elopements of the arts and sciences in not only our own conn try, bul Ihe countries of Knrope. We received a single copy of this valuable, papi r, by Hie last in ,1 i I, continuing an enorav iny of Ihe plan adopted for the "C'ryntiif Po'nreP now in progress in New York. Those wishing lo see a specimen can do so by calling at this oflice. Miiiiii & Co, Publishers, New York. See Prospectus in another col umn of our paper. '' ' National Era. We have' received the piiKpeclus fot the new volume of this paper, which we ItBve heretofore faio ahly noticed. The volume commen ces ilh the first of January. We are glad to learn that the present volume commences Willi á story by Mn. Snuth worth. All who have read the thrilling productions of this admirable authoress Hill look with interest for her te-appear-nuce, alter so long a seclusion We regard Mrs. Snulhworih as one of the best, if not the very best, female writers of our country. REVOLUTION IN CHIHUAHUA. By advices received in this city on last Thursday, direct from I I Paso, we learn that the State of Chihuahua, Méx., is in a tafeoí revolution;1'' 7nVi,(com inandel' of the revolutionists, has suc ceeded in getting possession of every town, it is said, in the Stale, and is now advancing toward El Paso, (the inhab itants of which 'refuse to acknowledge hiuV,) to talce possession of that also, the main object being, Ho doubt, to get pos session - nf lha Government . , Custom House at tint place. We shall prob ably have more information of the move ments, and success of the revolutionists, by the arrival of tne next Southern mail, which we expect next week.. , BRILLIANT IDEA ! ABANDON MENT OF NEW MEXICO. ! i We cal! attention to the letter of our .Washington 1 correspondent, which we give below, and .especially to, tne pro position of Mr. Conrad, Secretary "of War, in relation to New Mexico. It is 4 brilliant specitnei) of that fo,i -reaching ttalewanthij) wuicn nas oeen so char acteristic of the present Administration. Mr.' Contad has" eitheil had his brain fuddltd aver'the leoent Presidential election, or he bat been gloriously ,tpfcjt jed by some incorrigible wag, who Wish, 1 ed to 111 ike a public example of liis in ,Jtrnuhj. The real property of the citi of Santa Fe alone, we believe, would cover the Secretary's "outside" estimate of nil the real property of New Mexico. The Taos Valley alone would more than co ver it, to say nothing of the I'ecos Val ley, the Mora, and the great valley of the llio Grande. - With a Kail Road out let to the Slates and to the Pacific, N. Mexico would soon show a table of l.",a,i'",s Hint wonKl not only astonis Mr. Lonrad, 111 his sionilicilv, but all otheis who, like, himself, know almost nothing of our territory. ;.Tlie policy of ;,lr, L""rn(. "owevi r, would not be a huil Aii.i Is.h no I ..... 1 7 1 ... bad one for our territory, m-ov'uhd we did not have to sell out at hit ftthriuU. When our bills came to be footed up, the government would get its eyes opened a little. But where was our "Delegate" that he .should permit such an outrageous statement lo he published official! y, di rectly under his lijse, and make no ef fort to coirect it. Of all the 'monstrous uiisrepieser.lations of New Mexico that have been made in ihe Stales, none bear any comparison lo this one of Secretary Conrad, and yet our "Delégale" has not one word of contradiction to offer to H'c public Nolhing has evef been published, privately or " officially, so cal dilated In blasl all the prospects of out territory for the future, as tins ollicial statement, and yet our Pelegate says nothing, thus by Ins silence attesting the truth of the'staleiiieiit. Why'lhis crim inal neglect ofdu'v? Whs it because he liim-'f was really as ignorant of the real value of properly in New Mexico a the Seen taiy nf Win? Or vvns it because lie was still clinging lo the foi lorn hope of fretting an appointment from thai Depiirtn ml, and was vfruid to do or Sity anything that might injure ins jii ospeeis in tnnl quarter.' vveliope the .constituents of Major ' Weight man will get llieii eyea opei.i d at length lo the true character of the man who, while he has worn the title of their rftwtnw tuli.ctns lib ndoned their intuesls in every lime ol need. We could not in just ice conclude this article without noticing another feature f Mr. Conrad's policy, as indicative of the linlliaiicy ol the 111,111. Mr. Conrad s o1 ject appears lo be that of econimizing or Ihe government,, and he imagines hat by abandoning New Mexico, ihut object would be accomplished. Let us' see When the cowrnnient came to buy out our citizens, at a price at which they would be. willing to sell, it would require a sum nearer iji 100,000,000 than i 2,700,000. But suppose Ihe govern ment willing to pay this price, or even more, and all our citizens were w-illing also to sell out and remove to Cali fornia or elsewhere,, what then?. The territory then becomes a strong-hold of the Indians, and no longer having the flocks and heids of New Mexico to prey upon, they naturally fall upon Texas, Utah, California, and Old Mexico for plunder they will from some one. ,, W'e aie bound by our treaty stipula tions lo protect Mexico from invasion by those tribes, and consequently, in stead of forts scattered different portions of the territory, wa should then be compelled lo establish a line of forts along the northern frontier of Mexico. For these foils 110 subsistí nee could he obtained from the teiriliiryj bttt 'they would have to be supplied wholly by transportation fioiu the Sítales. , From the increased. peril to the por tions of l'exas, Utah and California, the military posts and military forces would have thereto be greatly increased, to afford security so that the.' present mi litary force mid expenditures of,Niw Mexico would be absorbed in the new ones that would necessarily have to be created.' On the whole, (hen, .Mr. Con fad's system of economy would be one that would work "over Hit Itfi" with a yeltgeance..':, , ,;; 1 .. . But we give, place to the letter of our correspondent: .- V Washington, D. C, Dec. 8, 1852. , Since the result of the Presidential election everything has gone on smooth ly. 'Diereis no cloaking nor complaint anywhere about it. The Democracy are everywhere triumphant, and will probably carry everything their, own way., Senators Douglas and Weller re cently declared at a dinner here in Washington, that' they Were advocates for the acquisition of Cuba, and for the aweeptng clearance ol every ihig trout .r: ti. - -i :a.. n .... .i .. office the geneia) idea is that , the decks will be swept of the Whigs every-i where. ' Says Senator Weller, "The Whigs miist turn out of the offices that the honest Democrats want." No doubt there will be hardly a single Whig left, Congress seems disposed to go to work. They were 011 the TarrilTyesterday, but by a majority of twenty in the House, resisted every attempt to change the existing measure. . In the Keportof the Secretary of Watf the oulside value of all the property reai esvaie, 01 new Mexico, is set down at !f2,700,000 , to protect which costs this country $1,000,000 annually! In view of this, Mr. Conrad suggest buying out the present population there, transferring them tn some better ' loca tion, mid leav ing the country altogether to the Indians, Cotnanches, Apaches and Navajos, to fight over. He says it is d country not wo.'th keeping possession of. In casu such a policy should be pur sued, 1 would recommend the people to go southward lo Texas, or westwaid to California and Oregon; the means theV would get would he sufficient to estab lish them handsomely. Peihaps aftei ten or fifteen years, the Indians would have become so few as to make a re occupation of New Mexico in spots an object of desire. 1 Your delegate, Mr. Weightman, urgJ ed the House to print five thousand co pies of the President's Message in the Spanish language. He could not get it done,'' 1 j ' í The President's Message is highly spoken of, uid will become quite a plat form of Whig doctrines in the future.- On the subject of the tariff, it is especi ally clear, distinct, and conclusive. ' The fuss between the Captain-Gen eral of Cuba and the' celebrated "P11N ser Smith" has been closed by the let ter's disclaiming any illegal or improper1 action in tegardto Cuba, or the'filibus. teros." Another breere has arisen res peeling the seiznie and Sale o( an Am erican vessel, the Lady Snffolkj by the Spanish authorities of Havana, charged with being furnished as a slaver. " NothJ ing will come of it. 1 ' :., 1 , n n ,J The 'Filibusteros," and those who are anxious to acquit Ci jterfaidut fitus, will feel much checked by the settlement of these differences. 1 1 think, the will find the acquisition of Cuba quite vna otra earn from the capture of Texas from Mexico. Juding from the President's Message on the subject, France and Enclainl are disiinFrl fn eunraiitee Spain in the continued un. session of the Island. The recent asnect that Cuban affairs have taken, will in. dlicte General Pierce. 1 think, tn iU nothing towards attempting ils acqui sition. Our weather here is sinetilailv milit and beautiful; more pleasant or lovely was never seen. Washington is quite gay, and improví ing in appearance almost hourly Yoaurs etc., ' H. H. 4 ARRIVAL OF THE MAIL FROM INDEPENDENCE PRESIDENT MESSAGE, ETC.. The mail fiom Independence, Mr. J. Rupe Conductor, arrived on last Sunday, (23d hist.,) being the quickest trip made j el, save one. 1 he news from the State is geneiallyof little importance. We received by this mail the last Annual Mesfage of President Fillmore. It j8 a long, well-written document, dt cidedly Wiigyitit, and our W ashington corres pondent remarks that it will hereafter form the basis of a Whiij plafimn.- Whether there will remain a Vi iurj par ty to rally upon any platform: in the fu tuie, we think a little quien tale. l ie Message gives an elaborate cx position of our foreign relations, width are generally of a peaceful nature.- The acquisition of Cuba he thinks, at present, would be fraught with serious consequences to this country, a Very reasonable conclusion, as England end France have volunteered to stand by Spain in the suppoit of her right to that island. The President is' imposed to internieddlingin foreign difficulties, how ever we may sympathize, ami ought tó sympathize with the struggles ot the op ptessed everywhere. ' " ' The National Treasury is represented as in a healthful condition, notwithstan- , ding the numerous pilferings that have been perpetrated uponñt. The receipt! of the Treasury at the end of the last fiscal year. (June last,) were ' ; ' .'. ' . ". . 49.728,388 89 Expenditures';; ' f 46 0W,9i lO Balance in Treasury iff 3,720,90 6