Newspaper Page Text
4 ; A ti VOLÜMÉIL SAXTA FE, NEW MEXICO, FEBRUARY 5, 1853. : I -;.:;;:::;,ívup3K:3a;; l-ii i , ' , v. ,, .,,' ... ' .Til .1 ni i.l'í'Ml )' í j:i i Sonta fí V-totcklu flkjctte. rVILISHED EVERY STUKDAT, IY WILLIAM DREW. TERMS, WEEKLY- $5 t year, payable invariably in 1-2 cent!. Advertise- idrancet single copies i menta, 1 au iniertion, and per square of ten lines (or tha first 11 (or every subsequent insertion. "" ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, (hat tha undersigned has been granted letters of administration on thé estate of Hermann Gromun, deceased, by the Probate Judge of the county o( San Miguel, Ter ritory of New Mexico, bearing date the day of August, 1892, ami all persons having claims acainst aaid estate are notified to present them (or allow ance within one yar from the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from said ettatc, and if not within three years, shall be (or ever barred) and all persons indebted to the said estate are re quested to come forward and make settlement HENRY CONNELLY, ' " Almwiatiator. Las Vegas, Oct. 2, 1852.-1'. "jrw.lÍElvD, ; ATTORNEY AT Uw, CITY or SANTA F, NEW MEXICO, WILL practice to the Courts of tonta Fe, and adjoining counties and will attend to criminal business in my part of the Territory. Santa F, pt 25, ISM.-Bmo . OFFICE OF CO.WY. OF -UB., ' FoaT Union, N. M., Dec. 22. 1852. SEALED PROPOSALS will bereceived at this office, till 12 o'rlock. M., on Tuesday the 28ih clay of February, 1853. for furnishing Flour to the U. Stale's Troops, at the points and in the quantities mentioned, as follows : ' At Taos. N. M. 125.000 bounds. At Foit Union, N. M. 150,(100' " Al Sania Fe, . " M.000 " '''' At Albuquerque, 2201100 ' , i At Fort Curad, " 125.000 " . At Fort Fillmore, 23U,IKI0 The flour must be of "unpeifine" quality. anj de livered in strong cotton 'drilling" sacks, of lOOIbi, rh Proposals are invited for the whole amount, for that required at several points, or for that required at any particular point. Tin vontnet or contr.cts to be made (or one year, and the faithful fullilme..t thereof 10 be guar antied by two responsible securities whose names list be entered in the proposals. . One fourth o( the amount, required at each point, must be delivered gn irlerly, commencing on the 1st aiv r August, ISM. ' ijy The Commissaries, or principal Assistant Commissaries of the subsistence in New Mexico, will reserve the right o( mg or rimiiiiiiiiis; the amount to be delivered at each and every point, tyoM laird, by giving six mouths notice to that effect,- . , . ISAAC BOW EN, '" V - ' ' ttyr. fc C J ''" COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, 1 . ' . . t Pennsylvania, . i ,i ,. Connecticut, New Hampshire. Santa Fa, Jan. 1, ISM-tf. IKDEPENDKNCE, MISSOURI. BY . V B. W. TODD. I hare removed from ihe "Noland House," to tha "Nebraska House," in Independence, Missouri. The Nebraska House is a large new building, and kas recently been much Improved by alterations and additions. Having taken thia house for a term of years, I intend to make every effort t" promote the convenience and comfort of travellers. The patronage of my (rienda and the travelling public is respactdilly solicited. , , B. W. TODD. January 1st 1853 ly. ,' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned has been granted letters of administration on the estate of James W. Graves, deceased, by the Pro hat Judge of tha County of Dona Ana. Territory of New Mexii o, bearing date the 3rd December, 1852. All persons having claims against said es tate are notified to present them for allowance with in on year from the dale of aaid letters, or they may he precluded fr m said estai e, and if not with in two years, sh .11 be forever barred .iul all per sons indebted to said estate, Are requested to come forward and make immediate settlement. LUIS WM GECK, ' ' 1 iminiiiVa'sr," DoRi Ana, Dec. 17. 1852. , '' PUBLI SALE. WILL be sold to the highest bidder by Ihe un dersigned, on Monday the 21st day of Feb. ruarr 1853. the place well known as Barclay's Fort, at the Junta de los Rios N. M., including all the right, title and interest in the surrounding grant of Are leagues, with outhouses, corrals, &c. An Ice-house filled a highly cultivated garden, (with hot bed frames and young fruit-trees,) and S00 aerea of land under cultivation, irrigated by two large acequia,' which also run a mill capable of srrindme thirty fanecas of train per diem Al so a number of wagons, cattle, cows and calves, horses and hogs) with firming utensils of all kinds) a complete sett of blacksmith and carpen' ter's tools. ... Together with general assortment f dry goods and groceries, and a number of arti cles too numerous to mention, amongst them 250 fanegas of corn and 500 (anegas at wheat. . Those desirous of purchasing can examine for themielvas the property and titles at this place. :'; i TERMS. .,'! . : Ml For tlx buildings and surrounding lands, one-fifth ash, on the a credit of 6, 12, and 18 months will be given, on third of the remaining dues to be paid at each of the shove mentioned pwiodi. .The other property will be sold on a redit nf 4 and 8 months for all sums over fifty dollars, nnder that amount, cash. The purchasers in both ease giving bond with two approved se curities, i' i . . , . Tha piar being so well known, we deem a further description unnecessary. The proprietors wishing to clos their business in New Mexico, is th sole obje t for offering tbeir prapeity for sal in this minnsr. Possession given immediately tarsal.. -rv . i iH' y;M !' BARCLAT BOYU. Barclay1 Fort, N. H. Jan. 15, 1853. tr THE rj. . Mall frota anta1 Fe to the 8tates leaves regularly on the, first day of each month. Passage during the summer months I $125 00 " , winter months 1150 00 401bs of baggage allowed toench passenger. "' , WALDO, HALL, & CO. Proprietors. . Santa F, Sept. 18, 1852 tí , bT ATOIOBtTY. Public Aoti of the Thirty-Seoond Congress OF THE UNITED STATES. 1851-52. - ' ' Chap. I. An Act making Appropriation . to memit the Expenses incurred in consequei co of the late Fire at tiie Capitol. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of llepresentntives of the United Slates of Ameiice in Congress assembled, That the Bum of five thousand dollars bti, and (lie mine is hereby, appropriated nut of any money in the tieajnry not otherwise appropriated, to be expended, or s much thereof as may be necessary, under the direction of the Commissionerof Public Buildings, in discharge of the expanses incurred in the extinguishment of the late fire in the Library Room, the re inoval'of the rubbish, and the preserva tion of such books and oilier articles ns may have been saved, and the construc tion of a tin roof fur the preservation and protection of that portion of the building now exposed. Sec. i. Anille W further enacted, That the turn often thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated for the purchase, of books lot tlie Library ol Congress, to be expended under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library. Approved, January 13, 1852. Chap. IL An Act to provide a Room for the Congressional Library. Be itenactedby the Senate and Home of Representatives of the United StBtes of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of twelve hundred dolíais be hereby appropriated, to be expended tinder the direction of the Commissioner nf Public Buildings, for the purpose of fitting up the document room and a por tion of tlie adjoining passage to receive trmpaiarily a portion of the books ol the Congressional Librciy. r. Approved, January 23, 1852. . . Chap! V. An Act authorizing Ihe pay ment of Interest to the State of New Hampshire for Advances mude for the use and benefit of the United Slates tn repelling Invasion and suppressing Insuriection,at Indian Stream in said State. Be it enacted by the Senate1 and House of Representatives of tlie United States of America in Congress assembled, That the second Auditor of the Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized and direct ed to liquidate anil settle the claim of the State of New Hampshire, against the United States for interest upon the military expenses incurred and actually expended by her for the protection nf tlie nnrtli eastern homier of said State, and repelling invasion and suppressing insurrection at Indian Stream, in the county of Coos, in said State, in the years eighteen bundled and thirty-five, eighteen hundred and thirty six, and eighteen hundred and thirty -set en; and the sum so found tn be due to said Slate, shall be paid nut of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That said amount shall not exceed the sum' af six thousand dollars. 1 Sec 2 'And be it further enacted, That in ascertaining the amount of inter est, as aforesaid, due to the State of New Hampshire, the following rules' shall govern: ' i . Firtt: That interestshall not be com pitted on any sum which' New Hamp shire has not expended for the use and benefit of the United States, as eviden ced by the amount refunded or repaid to the State of New Hampshire. Second: That interest shall not be paid during any time, on any sum larger than the sum the Mate was paying in tereit for at inch time. Approved, January 27, 1852.' ' Chap.' VIIÍ. An Act providing for car ' rying into Execution, in further Pait, the twelfth Article of the Treaty with i Mexico, concluded at Guadalupe. Hi dalgo, , . , , Btilinactedby the Senate and House' of Representative of the United States of Anrric in Congress assembled, That th sua of three millions, one llupdftd and eighty thousand dollars be and tha same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise ap propriated, for the payment of the in stalment and interest, which will fall due on the thirtieth of May, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, under the twelfth article of the treaty between the United Stages and Mexico, made and conduced at Guadalupe Hidalgo, on the second of February, eighteen hundred and forty eight. . Approved, February 10, 1852. Chap. IX -An Act for the Relief of American Citizens lately imprisoned and uardoned by the Queen of Spain. Be itenactedby the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stales of America in Congress assembled, I lint there be, and hereby is appropriated the sum of six thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessnry, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise ap propiiated, for tile relief of Ameiicuu citizens lately imprisoned and pardoned by the Queen of Spain, and who are out of the limits of the United Stales, the same to bo expended under the di rection of the President of the United Stales: Provided, That nothing in, this Act shall be construed into an approba tion of any inlet feience in the domestic affairs of Cuba by any of the cilizeiik of the United States . Approved, February 10 1852. Ciiai'. XI An Act to provide for the Appointment of a Superintendent of ' Indian Affairs in California. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of liepresentatiees of the United Slates of America in Congress, assembled, That tlie sixth section of an act appro. cd May sixth, eighteen hundred and twenty-two, eniilled "An act to amend an act to reg ulate trade and intercourse with the In dian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers, approved the thirtieth March, eighteen hundred and two;" also, the fifth section of an act approv ed May tweniy-fith, eighteen hundred and twei.-ty-four, entitled ''An act to enable the President to hold treaties with certain Indian tribes, and lor other puiposes," be and the same hereby are revived, and extended to the Mate nf California, for the purpose of establishing a stiperinteu dency of Indian affairs for said State, and that the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, be, and he hereby is authorized to appoint a superintendent of Indian affairs to re side in said '"late, who shall possess the same powers, and be subject to the same duties within hissiiperinteudency as be long to the Superintendent ol ludían Al fairs at t. Louis, in the State of Mis souri, with the power also of exercising administrative examination over an claims, and accounts and vouchers for disbursements, connected with Indian affairs in the said State of California, which shall be transmitted to the Com missioner of Indian Affairs for final ad judication, and by him passed to the proper accounting omcer ol me tieasti iv lor settlement. Sec. 2. And le it further evaded, That the said superintendent shall have an annual salary nut exceeding four thousand dollars. . . Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said superintendent shall be allowed a clerk, whose compensation for his services shall not exceed two thousand five hundred dollars per an num. ". Approved, March 3, 1852. Chap. XV. Air Act to provide for the Repair of the Congressional Library Room, lately destroyed by Fire. Beitenacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the I nited Slates of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of seventy-two thousand five hundred dollars be, and the same is here by appropriated to, the repair of the Congressional Library room, which was lately destroyed by fire, accoiding to the plan described in the report and drawings which were submitted by the architect to the Secretary of the Interi or, and approved by the Committee on Publio Buildings of the Senate: . Pro vided, however, That the work shall be executed under the direction of the Sec retary of the Interior, and be subject to such a modification of the details as may be consistent with the general arrange ments of the plan, and rlecessary and proper iri the opinion of the President of the United Mates. . ri v.-- Anproved, March 19. 1852. Chap. XIX. An Aci to make Land ' Warrant assignable, and for1 other -purpose!.' ' ' ;' " 1 BeUinacUdby the Senate and House of Representative! of the Untad Mate! of Ameiicuin Congress assembled, That all warrants for military bounty lands which have been or may hereafter be issued under any law of the United States, and all valid locations of the same which have been or may hereafter be made, are hereby declared to be assign-' able, by deed or instrument of writing made and executed after the taking ef fect of this act according to such form, and pursuant to such regulations as may be prescribed by the Commissioner of the General Land-Ofiice, so as to invest the assignee with all the rights of the original ow ner of the warrant or loca tion: J rovtdt'd, That any person enti tled to pre-emption right to any land all he entitled to use any such land war rant in payment for the s.tine at Ihe rate of one dollar and twenty-five cenls per acre, for the niianiitv of laud therein pecified: Provided, That Ihe warrants which have been, or may hereafter be issued in pursuance of said laws' or of litis act maybe located according to the egal subdivisions of the public lands in one body upon any lands of the United Mates, subject to private entry at the time of such location, at the minimum price. Provided, further, That when said warrant shall be located on lands which are subject to entry at a greater minimum than one dollar and twenty-five cenls per acre, the locator of said war rants shall pay to the United States in cash the d i tit rence between llio value of such wairanls at one dollar and twenty- five cents per acre and the tract of land located on. i. .. , :! ;. , Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the registers and receiv ers of the land-nflices shall hereafter be severally authorized to charge a;id receive for their services in locating all military bounty land warrants issued since tho eleventh day of February, eighteen hun dred and forty-seven, the same compen sation or percentage to which they are entitled by law for sales of the publio lands for cash, at the rate of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, the said compensation to be hereafter paid by the assignees or holders of such warrants Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That registers and receivers, whether in or out of office at the passage of this act, or their legal representatives in case of death, shall be entitled to receive from the treasury of the United States, for services heretofore performed in lo cating military bounty , land warrants, the same rate of compensation provided in the preceding section forsevicrshere after to be performed, after deducting the amount already received by such officers under the act entitled "An. act' to require the holders of military land warrants to compensate the land-officers of the United States for services in re lation to the location of those warrants," approved May seventeenth, eighteen hundred and foity-eight: Provided, That no register or receiver shall receive any compensation out of the treasury foi past services, who has charged and re ceived illegal fees for the location of such warrants: rfnd provided further, That no register or receiver shall receive for his services during any year a greater compensation than the maximum now allowed by law. Sec'. 4. Jlnd be it further enacted, That in all cases where the militia or volunteers, or State troops of any State or Territory were called into military service, and whose services have been paid by the United Sutes subsequent to the eighteenth June, eighteen hundred and twelve, the officers and soldiers of such militia, volunteeis or troops shall be entitled to all the benefits of Ihe act entitled "An act granting bounty laud to certain officers and soldiers who have been engaged in the military service of the United States," approved Feptem ber. twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and fifty, and shall receive .lands for their services according to the provis ions of said act, upon proof of length of service as therein leqmred, and (hat the last proviso of the ninth section of the act of the eleventh nf February, eigh teen hundred . and , forty-seven, be, and the same is hereby repealed: Provided, I hat nothing herein contained shall au thorize bounty land to those who have heretofore received or become entitled to the same.' .i p ..i ,.;ci; ;.:,n.i(l i Sec. b.'fflnd U it, further na.óted. That where any, company, bailqlion or regiment, in an organized form, march ed more than twenty miles' to the blare i : .1. . . ' I ... ' .i .i ' i . wnere wey were inimrreu uno toe ser vice of the United Stales, nr. wefn disJ charted mote than twenty miles from the place where such company, batta - lion or regiment S, qrganizedj n till, such cases, incqinpujing tie")engtli,'c.t1 service, of the ,0010., and soldier!, jif, any company,, battalion or regiment, with a view to determine. the quantilv of land any officer or soldier is entitled., to under said act, approved twenty-eiat!) ( September, eighteen hundred and jjfty, there shall be allowed one day for Very twenty miles, from lic placet where tiie, company, battalion qr regiment vas or-0 ganized, to the place where the same . was mustered into the service of the ' United Stales; and alsq one day for ev ery twenty miles fiom the place 'where,, such company, battalion or regiment was discharged, to the, place where' it('was orgmized, and from whence it marched . IV rim 1 1111; iri .r r . Approved, March 22, , Í852! i Chap. XX, An Act amendatory of the '"'ii Act entitled "An Act to provide fur,, holding the I'uurls of, the U. States , . in Case of the sickness or other Dis-. ability of the Judges of the District ; Courts,'' approved,), uly twenty-nine, eighteen hundred aud, fifty. - ..,,,, lit i enactedby the Senate and House , of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 1 at, Ihe authority conferred by the act afore , said, hereby amended, may be exercised by a Circuit Judge or by the Chief Jus tice nf the United Stales as in the said act jlirccted, whenever gh ttiecertihcíte,'. of the clerk of the Circuit or District Court, undei the seal of the court, it . 1 11 l . i1 j.. 1 - .i' l ' in sumí oe mane 10 ap ear 10 me satisiac . lion of such judge or chief justice, that the public interests, from the accumu lation or urgency of judicial busíhess"íir any district, shall require it to bé done;', and Ihe District Judge 'so designated and appointed, shall have and, exercise the same powers within such district. 8S if the District Judge resident therein, were prevented by sickness or oilier I disability from' performing his judicial; duties; and it shall be. lawful in case of, such appointment, for each of,,lhe..?n!il;) District Judges separately to hold a District or Circuit1 Cdiirf at' the1 laini' time in stiCh district, and - discharge all a the judicial duties of a District Judge '. therein, but no such District Judge sbtd ; hear appeals from the District Court, , , Approved, April 2, 1852. ( ' Chap. XXIV. An Act to extend ' tlie: 1 Time for selecting Lands grarlted to the State of Wisconsin for saline Pur- ' poses, . i . ' "4 ,' j;''m í Be ilenaciedhy the Senate and linuse : of Representatives of the United Stale! ,, nf America in Congress esseu blod, That . the time for selecting lands "fof ' saliné" purposes, granted to the State ' of WIi;'l'J cousin by virtue of the fourth subdivis-' ion of the seventh section of, an act en-1; titled "An act to .enableythe people, of.., Wisconsin Territory tn form a consti- , tntion and State government, arid for the' ' admission of such State into the Union,"'1' approved the sixth day of August, hi the year eighteen hundred nd forty-nix, be,i and the same is hereby extended tq the,.) first day of January, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-four; and the land so selected previous to the day last' 'meri-'" tinned, shall be granted Id aaldV State foT'o the same purposes, on the same conduct lions, and with like effect, as if the same had been selected and confirmed within the time limited by the act above men-'..', tinned. ' " ; '' ','"i vr- '('"'! ' "l 1 Approved, May 4, 1852. d m.iMrr,!i m Chap. XXVj-An Act to chance tha" ! I -II' .1 , t . i une 01 noiuing uie umteu mte:t District Ctntrts in labaata, and.jforj, other l'urpó.u-s. ' , .1 , Be it enacted by (he Seriate and ifoiise " of Representatives of the United SiStei10 of America 111 Congress assembled, .That"! the District Cpi.Upf; the! .U. Slateim for the state of., Alabama shall ,he held in each aud every year aa follows: 'At Mobile, on the, fourth Monday m April J and the St'Oond Monday after the fourth,!) Monday ,,in November; at Hunsyjlle, on the second Nlondy in Miiy and tlie second" Monday in Áovemberí rid'i'atí8 Montgomery,' on the fourth MóndajHn ' May and the fourth Monday in Noten ' ' 1 i'ciliítiiinh. Sec. 2., And, It ii further, enacted, That Ihe county nf Butler shall hereaf ter form a bnrt bf, and' be embraced1 in ' the middle district óf said stalei1"" iV Approved, May i, .1852.1 ml m'l la-i Chap, J,XXJIl.r-An Act ,cnncerninn ' the; Sessions, of ihe (ourls of the Unj ted States in the District qf Helairare,', Béil éharfiidhs t'te Senate1 anil House1 of lli"(ri'nidlil't'S,iiflliil''Ulvtted.i.,IMIP. nfi,,inrrii:ii sit iMi "rh iMiM'hM tMr .tv..yti J e; n ;', V,'eiAÍ( mVC 1 for the District of Delaware,'' shall iierr